Sczesny, Sabine

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Journal Article

Krivoshchekov, Vladislav; Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (2024). Passion is key: High emotionality in diversity statements promotes organizational attractiveness. The British journal of social psychology, 63(2), pp. 544-571. Wiley 10.1111/bjso.12693

Haines, Serena; Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (2024). Creating a system that cares: A PRISMA review and road map to increase men’s representation in early childhood education and care. Psychology of men & masculinities APA 10.1037/men0000486

Schemmerling, Moritz; Friehs, Maria-Therese; Kotzur, Patrick F.; Bastias, Franco; De Keersmaecker, Jonas; Macedo, Francisco G.; Neto, Felix; Neto, Joana; Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Schmid, Katharina; Sczesny, Sabine; Torres, Claudio; Boehnke, Klaus (2023). Comparing Social Perceptions of Culturally Emic Protagonists Using the Stereotype Content Model. Psychological test adaptation and development, 4(1), pp. 350-362. Hogrefe 10.1027/2698-1866/a000067

Fatfouta, Ramzi; Sczesny, Sabine (2023). Unconscious Bias in Job Titles: Implicit Associations Between Four Different Linguistic Forms with Women and Men. Sex roles, 89(11-12), pp. 774-785. Springer 10.1007/s11199-023-01411-8

Scharbert, Julian; Reiter, Thomas; Sakel, Sophia; ter Horst, Julian; Geukes, Katharina; Gosling, Samuel D.; Harari, Gabriella; Kroencke, Lara; Matz, Sandra; Schoedel, Ramona; Shani, Maor; Stachl, Clemens; Talaifar, Sanaz; Aguilar, Natalia M. A.; Amante, Dayana; Aquino, Sibele D.; Bastias, Franco; Biesanz, Jeremy C.; Bornamanesh, Alireza; Bracegirdle, Chloe; ... (2023). A global experience‐sampling method study of well‐being during times of crisis: The CoCo project. Social and personality psychology compass, 17(10) Wiley 10.1111/spc3.12813

Friehs, Maria-Therese; Kotzur, Patrick F; Kraus, Christine; Schemmerling, Moritz; Herzig, Jessica A; Stanciu, Adrian; Dilly, Sebastian; Hellert, Lisa; Hübner, Doreen; Rückwardt, Anja; Ulizcay, Veruschka; Christ, Oliver; Brambilla, Marco; De Keersmaecker, Jonas; Durante, Federica; Gale, Jessica; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Igou, Eric R; Javakhishvili, Nino; Kienmoser, Doris; ... (2023). Author Correction: Warmth and competence perceptions of key protagonists are associated with containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 35 countries. Scientific reports, 13(1), p. 648. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-023-27832-9

Nater, Christa; Heilman, Madeline E.; Sczesny, Sabine (2023). Footsteps I would like to follow? How gender quotas affect the acceptance of women leaders as role models and inspirations for leadership. European journal of social psychology, 53(1), pp. 129-146. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.2892

Plückelmann, Clara; Gustafsson Sendén, Marie; Bernhard-Oettel, Claudia; Leineweber, Constanze; Sczesny, Sabine (2023). Women's and men's experiences with participative decision-making at workplace and organizational levels. Frontiers in psychology, 14(1240117) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1240117

Friehs, Maria-Therese; Kotzur, Patrick F; Kraus, Christine; Schemmerling, Moritz; Herzig, Jessica A; Stanciu, Adrian; Dilly, Sebastian; Hellert, Lisa; Hübner, Doreen; Rückwardt, Anja; Ulizcay, Veruschka; Christ, Oliver; Brambilla, Marco; De Keersmaecker, Jonas; Durante, Federica; Gale, Jessica; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Igou, Eric R; Javakhishvili, Nino; Kienmoser, Doris; ... (2022). Warmth and competence perceptions of key protagonists are associated with containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 35 countries. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 21277. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-022-25228-9

Malayeri, Shera; Nater, Christa; Krahé, Barbara; Sczesny, Sabine (2022). Sexual Aggression among Women and Men in an Iranian Sample: Prevalence and Correlates. Sex roles, 87(3-4), pp. 139-153. Springer 10.1007/s11199-022-01312-2

Sczesny, Sabine; Nater, Christa; Haines, Serena (2021). Perceived to be incompetent, but not a risk: Why men are evaluated as less suitable for childcare work than women. Journal of applied social psychology, 52(8), pp. 693-703. Wiley 10.1111/jasp.12845

Krings, Franciska; Gioaba, Irina; Kaufmann, Michèle; Sczesny, Sabine; Zebrowitz, Leslie (2021). Older and Younger Job Seekers' Impression Management on LinkedIn. Journal of personnel psychology, 20(2), pp. 61-74. Hogrefe 10.1027/1866-5888/a000269

Eagly, A. H.; Nater, Christa; Miller, D.; Kaufmann, Michèle; Sczesny, Sabine (2020). Gender stereotypes have changed: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of U.S. public opinion polls from 1946-2018. American psychologist, 75(3), pp. 301-315. American Psychological Association 10.1037/amp0000494

Graf, Sylvie; Linhartova, Pavla; Sczesny, Sabine (2020). The effects of news report valence and linguistic labels on prejudice against social minorities. Media psychology, 23(2), pp. 215-243. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/15213269.2019.1584571

Gustafsson Sendén, Marie; Eagly, Alice; Sczesny, Sabine (2019). Of Caring Nurses and Assertive Police Officers: Social Role Information Overrides Gender Stereotypes in Linguistic Behavior. Social psychological and personality science, 11(6), pp. 743-751. Sage 10.1177/1948550619876636

Eagly, Alice H; Sczesny, Sabine (2019). Editorial: Gender Roles in the Future? Theoretical Foundations and Future Research Directions. Frontiers in psychology, 10, p. 1965. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01965

Gygax, Pascal Mark; Elmiger, Daniel; Zufferey, Sandrine; Garnham, Alan; Sczesny, Sabine; von Stockhausen, Lisa; Braun, Friederike; Oakhill, Jane (2019). A Language Index of Grammatical Gender Dimensions to Study the Impact of Grammatical Gender on the Way We Perceive Women and Men. Frontiers in psychology, 10, p. 1604. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01604

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Formanowicz, Magdalena; Gustafsson Sendén, Marie; Boyd, Ryan L.; Sikström, Sverker; Sczesny, Sabine (2019). The Big Two Dictionaries: Capturing Agency and Communion in Natural Language. European journal of social psychology, 49(5), pp. 871-887. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.2561

Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (2019). Intergroup contact with migrants is linked to support for migrants through attitudes, especially in people who are politically right wing. International journal of intercultural relations, 73, pp. 102-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.09.001

Sczesny, Sabine; Kaufmann, Michèle C. (2018). Self-presentation in Online Professional Networks: Men's Higher and Women's Lower Facial Prominence in Self-created Profile Images. Frontiers in psychology, 8, p. 2295. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02295

Bosak, Janine; Eagly, Alice; Diekman, Amanda; Sczesny, Sabine (2018). Women and Men of the Past, Present, and Future: Evidence of Dynamic Gender Stereotypes in Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(1), pp. 115-129. Sage 10.1177/0022022117738750

Hentschel, Tanja; Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Peus, Claudia; Sczesny, Sabine (2018). Kick-Starting Female Careers: Attracting Women to Entrepreneurship Programs. Journal of personnel psychology, 17(4), pp. 193-203. Hogrefe 10.1027/1866-5888/a000209

van Grootel, Sanne; van Laar, Colette; Meeussen, Loes; Schmader, Toni; Sczesny, Sabine (2018). Uncovering pluralistic ignorance to change men’s communal self-descriptions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. Frontiers in psychology, 9(1344), p. 1344. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01344

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (2018). Managing Gender Balance: How Policy Interventions May Increase Womens Striving for Leadership. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 16334. Academy of Management

Kaufmann, Michèle C.; Krings, Franciska; Zebrowitz, Leslie A.; Sczesny, Sabine (2017). Age bias in selection decisions: The role of facial appearance and fitness impressions. Frontiers in psychology, 8(2065), pp. 1-14. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02065

Rovira-Asenjo, Nuria; Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Sczesny, Sabine; Gumi, Tània; Guimerà, Robert; Sales-Pardo, Marta (2017). Leader evaluation and team cohesiveness in the process of team development: A matter of gender? PLoS ONE, 12(10), e0186045. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0186045

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Valdrova, J.; von Stockhausen, L. (2017). Gender-fair language in job advertisements - A Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(3), pp. 384-401. Sage 10.1177/0022022116688085

Hansen, Karolina; Littwitz, Cindy; Sczesny, Sabine (2016). The social perception of heroes and murders: Effects of gender-inclusive language in media reports. Frontiers in psychology, 7(369), pp. 1-7. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00369

Weiss, David; Sczesny, Sabine; Freund, Alexandra M. (2016). Wanting to Get More or Protecting One's Assets: Age-Differential Effects of Gain Versus Loss Perceptions on the Willingness to Engage in Collective Action. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 71(2), pp. 254-264. Oxford Journals 10.1093/geronb/gbu098

Sczesny, Sabine; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Moser, Franziska (2016). Can gender-fair language reduce gender stereotyping and discrimination? Frontiers in psychology, 7(25), pp. 1-11. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00025

Horvath, Lisa K.; Merkel, Elisa F.; Maass, Anne; Sczesny, Sabine (2016). Does gender-fair language pay off? The social perception of professions from a cross-linguistic perspective. Frontiers in psychology, 6(2018), pp. 1-12. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02018

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (2016). Affirmative action policies in job advertisements for leadership positions: How they affect women’s and men’s inclination to apply. European journal of social psychology, 46(7), pp. 891-902. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.2200

Köser, Sara; Kuhn, Elisabeth A.; Sczesny, Sabine (2015). Just Reading? How Gender-Fair Language Triggers Readers' Use of Gender-Fair Forms. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34(3), pp. 343-357. Sage Publications 10.1177/0261927X14561119

Formanowicz, Magdalena M.; Cislak, Aleksandra; Horvath, Lisa K.; Sczesny, Sabine (2015). Capturing socially motivated linguistic change: How the use of gender-fair language affects support for social initiatives in Austria and Poland. Frontiers in psychology, 6(1617), pp. 1-9. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01617

Kaufmann, Michèle Céline; Krings, Franciska; Sczesny, Sabine (2015). Looking too old? How an older age appearance reduces chances of getting hired. British journal of management, 27(4), pp. 727-739. Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/1467-8551.12125

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (2015). Reducing women’s lack of fit with leadership? Effects of the wording of job advertisements. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(2), pp. 316-328. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/1359432X.2015.1067611

Sczesny, Sabine; Moser, Franziska; Wood, Wendy (2015). Beyond sexist beliefs: How do people decide to use gender-inclusive language? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(7), pp. 943-954. Sage 10.1177/0146167215585727

Infanger, Martina; Sczesny, Sabine (2015). Communion-over-Agency effects on advertising effectiveness. International Journal of Advertising, 34(2), pp. 285-306. Routledge Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02650487.2014.993794

Infanger, Martina; Rudman, Laurie A.; Sczesny, Sabine (2014). Sex as a source of power? Backlash against self-sexualizing women. Group processes and intergroup relations, 19(1), pp. 110-124. Sage 10.1177/1368430214558312

Koeser, Sarah; Sczesny, Sabine (2014). Promoting gender-fair language: The impact of arguments on language use, attitudes, and cognitions. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33(5), pp. 548-560. Sage Publications 10.1177/0261927X14541280

Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine (2014). Gender-Fair language and professional self-reference: The case of female psychologists in Polish. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 10(1), pp. 64-81. SAGE 10.1177/1558689814550877

Infanger, Martina; Sczesny, Sabine (2014). Sexualization in advertising re-framed: How empowered and submissive sexualization in ads affects women's well-being (Submitted). Sex Roles

Binggeli, Steve; Krings, Franciska; Sczesny, Sabine (2014). Stereotype Content Associated with Immigrant Groups in Switzerland. Swiss journal of psychology, 73(3), pp. 123-133. Huber 10.1024/1421-0185/a000133

Steinmetz, Janina; Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine; Eagly, Alice (2014). Social role effects on gender stereotyping in Germany and Japan. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17(1), pp. 52-60. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia 10.1111/ajsp.12044

Binggeli, Steve; Krings, Franciska; Sczesny, Sabine (2014). Perceived Competition Explains Regional Differences in the Stereotype Content of Immigrant Groups. Social Psychology, 45(1), pp. 62-70. Hogrefe & Huber 10.1027/1864-9335/a000160

Misersky, Julia; Gygax, Pascal M.; Canal, Paolo; Gabriel, Ute; Garnham, Alan; Braun, Friederike; Chiarini, Tania; Englund, Kjellrun; Hanulikova, Adriana; Oettl, Anton; Valdrova, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa; Sczesny, Sabine (2013). Norms on the gender perception of role nouns in Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Slovak. Behavior research methods, 46(3), pp. 841-871. Psychonomic Society 10.3758/s13428-013-0409-z

Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Bedynska, Sylwia; Cislak, Alexsandra; Braun, Friederike; Sczesny, Sabine (2013). Side effects of gender-fair language: How feminine job titels influence the evaluation of female applicants. European journal of social psychology, 43(1), pp. 62-71. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.1924

Von Stockhausen, Lisa; Köser, Sara; Sczesny, Sabine (2013). The gender typicality of faces and its impact on visual processing and on hiring decisions. Experimental psychology, 60(6), pp. 444-452. Hogrefe 10.1027/1618-3169/a000217

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine; Eagly, Alice H. (2012). The impact of social roles on trait judgments: a critical reexamination. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 38(4), pp. 429-440. Sage Publications 10.1177/0146167211427308

Infanger, Martina; Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine (2012). Communality sells: The impact of perceivers' sexism on the evaluation of women's portrayals in advertisements. European journal of social psychology, 42(2), pp. 219-226. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.868

Walker, Mirella; Jiang, Fang; Sczesny, Sabine; Vetter, Thomas (2011). Universals and Cultural Differences in Forming Personality Trait Judgments From Faces. Social psychological and personality science, 2(6), pp. 609-617. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage 10.1177/1948550611402519

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Gender bias in leader selection? Evidence from a hiring simulation study. Sex roles, 65(3-4), pp. 234-242. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press 10.1007/s11199-011-0012-7

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Exploring the dynamics of incongruent beliefs about women and leaders. British journal of management, 22(2), pp. 254-269. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00731.x

Krings, Franciska; Sczesny, Sabine; Kluge, Annette (2010). Stereotypical inferences as mediators of age discrimination: the role of competence and warmth. British journal of management, 22(2), pp. 187-201. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00721.x

Schyns, Birgit; Sczesny, Sabine (2010). Leadership attributes valence in self-concept and occupational self-efficacy. Career development international, 15(1), pp. 78-92. Bradford: Emerald 10.1108/13620431011020907

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine (2008). Am I the Right Candidate? Self-Ascribed Fit of Women and Men to a Leadership Position. Sex roles, 58(9-10), pp. 682-688. New York, N.Y.: Springer US; 10.1007/s11199-007-9380-4

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine; Eagly, Alice H. (2008). Communion and agency judgments of women and men as a function of role information and response format. European journal of social psychology, 38(7), pp. 1148-1155. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.538

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine; Eagly, Alice H. (2007). Die Bedeutung von Informationen zur sozialen Rolle für die Reduktion geschlechtsstereotypen Urteilens: Ein methodisches Artefakt? Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 38(4), pp. 277-284. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0044-3514.38.4.277

Braun, Friederike; Oelkers, Susanne; Rogalski, Karin; Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine (2007). "Aus Gründen der Verständlichkeit...": Der Einfluss generisch maskuliner und alternativer Personenbezeichnungen auf die kognitive Verarbeitung von Texten. Psychologische Rundschau, 58(3), pp. 183-189. Göttingen: Hogrefe 10.1026/0033-3042.58.3.183

Sczesny, Sabine; Bosak, Janine (2007). Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung von Führungseigenschaften. Wirtschaftspsychologie(3), pp. 41-49. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers

Thau, Stefan; Crossley, Craig; Bemett, Rebecca; Sczesny, Sabine (2007). The relationship between trust, attachment, and antisocial work behaviors. Human relations, 60(8), pp. 1155-1179. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications 10.1177/0018726707081658

Sczesny, Sabine; Spreemann, Sandra; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2006). Masculine = competent? The different impact of biological sex and physical appearance on the attribution of leadership competence. Swiss journal of psychology, 65(1), pp. 15-23. Bern: Huber 10.1024/1421-0185.65.1.15

Hugenberg, Kurt; Sczesny, Sabine (2006). On Wonderful Women and Seeing Smiles: Social Categorization Moderates the Happy Face Response Latency Advantage. Social cognition, 24(5), pp. 516-539. New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press 10.1521/soco.2006.24.5.516

Braun, Friederike; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2005). Cognitive effects of masculine generics in German. An overview of empirical findings. Communications, 30(1), pp. 1-21. DeGruyter 10.1515/comm.2005.30.1.1

Sczesny, Sabine; Bosak, Janine; Neff, Daniel; Schyns, Birgit (2004). Gender stereotypes and the attribution of leadership traits. A cross-cultural comparison. Sex roles, 51(11), pp. 631-645. Plenum Press 10.1007/s11199-004-0715-0

Sczesny, Sabine; Kühnen, Ulrich (2004). Meta-cognition about biological sex and gender-stereotypic physical appearance: Consequences for the assessment of leadership competence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30(1), pp. 13-21. Sage 10.1177/0146167203258831

Sczesny, Sabine; Thau, Stefan (2004). General health assessment vs. job satisfaction: The relationship of indicators of subjective well-being with self-reported absenteeism. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 48(1), pp. 17-24. Hogrefe 10.1026/0932-4089.48.1.17

Sczesny, Sabine (2003). A closer look beneath the surface: Various facets of the think-manager-think-male stereotype. Sex roles, 49(7), pp. 353-363. Plenum Press 10.1023/A:1025112204526

Pohl, Rüdiger F.; Schwarz, Stefan; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2003). Hindsight bias in gustatory judgments. Experimental psychology, 50(2), pp. 107-115. Hogrefe 10.1026//1618-3169.50.2.107

Sczesny, Sabine (2003). The Perception of Leadership Competence by Female and Male Leaders. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 34(3), pp. 133-145. Huber 10.1024//0044-3514.34.3.133

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2002). The influence of gender-stereotyped perfumes on leadership attribution. European journal of social psychology, 32(6), pp. 815-828. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejsp.123

Braun, Friederike; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2002). Das generische Maskulinum und die Alternativen: Empirische Studien zur Wirkung generischer Personenbezeichnungen im Deutschen. Germanistische Linguistik, 167-168, pp. 77-87. Olms

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2002). Geschlechtsstereotype Wahrnehmung von Führungskräften. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 4(1), pp. 36-41. Pabst Science Publishers

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine; Braun, Friederike (2001). Name your favorite musician: Effects of masculine generics and of their alternatives in German. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 20(4), pp. 464-469. Sage Publications

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine (2001). Effects of the generic use of the masculine pronoun and alternative forms of speech on the cognitive visibility of women. Psychologische Rundschau, 52(3), pp. 131-140. Hogrefe 10.1026//0033-3042.52.3.131

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine (2001). Gender stereotypes and the social perception of leadership. European Bulletin of Social Psychology, 13, pp. 15-29. European Association of Experimental Social Psychology

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (2000). Sexual harassment over the telephone: Occupational risk at call centers. Work & Stress, 14(2), pp. 121-136. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/026783700750051649

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (1999). Sexual Harassment over the Telephone: Definition, Prevalence, Types and Coping. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 30(2/3), pp. 151-164. Huber 10.1024//0044-3514.30.23.151

Braun, Friederike; Gottburgsen, Anja; Sczesny, Sabine (1998). Können Geophysiker Frauen sein? Generische Personenbezeichnungen im Deutschen. Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik, 26(3), pp. 265-283. De Gruyter 10.1515/zfgl.1998.26.3.265

Sczesny, Sabine; Krauel, Kerstin (1996). Ergebnisse psychologischer Forschung zu Vergewaltigung und ihre Implikationen für Gerichtsverfahren. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 79(5), pp. 338-355. Heymanns

Kruse, Katja; Sczesny, Sabine (1993). Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung - Bagatellisierende Auslegung und Scheitern einer Reform. Kritische Justiz, 26(3), pp. 336-351. Nomos 10.5771/0023-4834-1993-3-336

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Sczesny, Sabine (March 2021). «Lockerungsübung für unsere Gedanken» (Interview mit Sabine Sczesny, von Alissa Hänggeli). BEinfo, 2021(03) Kommunikation Kanton Bern

Sczesny, Sabine (22 October 2020). Geschlechtervielfalt: Vorteile statt Vorurteile (Interview mit Sabine Sczesny von Nina Jacobshagen. uniaktuell - das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern Corporate Publishing, Universität Bern

Sczesny, Sabine (19 September 2020). Die Macht des Genderns: „Sprache wirkt sich auf die Gesellschaft aus“ (Interview mit Sabine Sczesny, von Karin Dalka und Viktor Funk). Frankfurter Rundschau Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main

Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (23 May 2019). Information and language in news impact prejudice against minorities. Medienmitteilung der Universität Bern

Book Section

Sczesny, Sabine; Nater, Christa; Eagly, Alice H. (2019). Agency and communion: Their implications for gender stereotypes and gender identities. In: Abele, Andrea E.; Wojciszke, Bogdan (eds.) Agency and Communion in Social Psychology. Current Issues in Social Psychology (pp. 103-116). Routledge

Garnham, Alan; Oakhill, Jane; Von Stockhausen, Lisa; Sczesny, Sabine (2016). Editorial: Language, Cognition, and Gender. In: Garnham, Alan; Oakhill, Jane; Sczesny, Sabine; von Stockhausen, Lisa (eds.) Language, Cognition, and Gender. Frontiers in psychology: Vol. 7 (pp. 6-8). Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00772

Schmid Mast, Marianne; Sczesny, Sabine (2010). Gender, power, and nonverbal behavior. In: Chrisler, Joan C.; Mc Creary, Donald R. (eds.) Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. Vol. 1: Gender Research in General and Experimental Psychology (pp. 411-425). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Eagly, Alice H.; Sczesny, Sabine (2009). Stereotypes About Women, Men, and Leaders. Have Times Changed? In: Barreto, Manuela; Ryan, Michelle K.; Schmitt, Michael T. (eds.) The glass ceiling in the 21st century. Understanding barriers to gender equality. Psychology of women book series (pp. 21-47). Washington: American Psychological Association

Sczesny, Sabine; Ko, Sei Jin (2008). Feature-Based Gender Stereotyping: Beyond Categorization and Control? In: Morrison, Melanie A.; Morrison, Todd G. (eds.) The psychology of modern prejudice (pp. 147-164). New York: Nova Science Publishers

Sczesny, Sabine; Bosak, Janine; Diekman, Amanda; Twenge, Jean (2007). Dynamics of Sex-Role Stereotypes. In: Kashima, Yoshihisa; Fiedler, K.; Freytag, P. (eds.) Stereotype Dynamics: Language-Based Approaches to the Formation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Stereotypes (pp. 137-163). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Braun, Friederike; Irmen, Lisa; Sczesny, Sabine (2007). Representation of the sexes in language. In: Fiedler, Klaus (ed.) Social communication. Frontiers of Social Psychology (pp. 163-187). Hove, UK: Psychology Press

Sczesny, Sabine (2005). Gender stereotypes and implicit leadership theories. In: Schyns, Birgit; Meindl, James R. (eds.) Implicit leadership theories: Essays and explorations. Leadership horizons, the series (pp. 159-172). Greenwich: Information Age Publishing

Kühnen, U.; Sczesny, Sabine; Rennenkampff von, A.; Stahlberg, D. (2005). Assets and drawbacks of a feminine or masculine appearance - how gender-stereotypes guide the perception of leadership. In: Odağ, Özen; Perschai, Alexander (eds.) Negotiating space for gender studies: frameworks and applications (pp. 119-134). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang

Sczesny, Sabine (2004). Sexuelle Belästigung. In: Steffgen, Georges (ed.) Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung. Problembezogene psychologische Interventionen. Psychologie für das Personalmanagement: Vol. 23 (pp. 131-148). Göttingen: Hogrefe

von Rennenkampff, Anke; Kühnen, Ulrich; Sczesny, Sabine (2003). Die Attribution von Führungskompetenz in Abhängigkeit von geschlechtsstereotyper Kleidung. In: Pasero, Ursula (ed.) Gender – from costs to benefits (pp. 170-182). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag 10.1007/978-3-322-80475-4_12

Schuster, Beate; Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (1999). Sexuelle Belästigung und Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz. In: Frey, Dieter; Graf Hoyos, Carl (eds.) Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Ein Lehrbuch. Angewandte Psychologie: Vol. 1 (pp. 188-199). Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union

Sczesny, Sabine; Stahlberg, Dagmar (1999). Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon: Ein gesellschaftliches Phänomen im Überblick. In: Hacker, W.; Rinck, M. (eds.) Zukunft gestalten. Bericht über den 41. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Dresden 1998 (pp. 508-518). Lengerich: Pabst


Garnham, A.; Oakhill, J.; Von Stockhausen, L.; Sczesny, Sabine (eds.) (2016). Language, Cognition, and Gender. Frontiers Research Topics. Lausanne: Frontiers Media

Sczesny, Sabine (ed.) (2003). Gender and Careers: On the State of Research. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie: Vol. 34(3). Huber

Sczesny, Sabine (1997). Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon. Eine sozialpsychologische Analyse. Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 6, Psychologie: Vol. 592. Frankfurt: Peter Lang

Conference or Workshop Item

Chirco, Patrizia; Sczesny, Sabine (27 April 2023). Do you want me to support diversity? Remind me of what I care about: Self-affirmed white Americans less threatened by DEI initiatives. (Unpublished). In: 2023 Western Psychological Association. Riverside, CA, USA. 27.-30. Apr. 2023.

Sczesny, Sabine (17 November 2022). Gender in Organizations: Insights from Economics and Psychology (Unpublished). In: Gender in Organizations: Insights from Economics and Psychology. CBID, NYU Abu Dhabi. 17.-18. Nov. 2022.

Chirco, Patrizia; Sczesny, Sabine (27 April 2022). Group differences in the perception of the term diversity may influence the effects of pro-diversity messages (Unpublished). In: Western Psychological Association 2022. Portland, OR. 27. Apr. - 01 Mai 2022.

Sczesny, Sabine (23 February 2022). The impact of gendered language on social cognition (Unpublished). In: The Social Emotions and Equality in Relations (SEER) research group, School of Psychology (20AC05). University of Surrey, Online. 23. Februar 2022.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (19 February 2022). Agentic vs. Communal Self-Presentation: Women’s and Men’s Spoken and Written Language Use Depends on the Framing of the Leadership Position (Unpublished). In: SPSP 2022 Annual Convention (Society for Personality and Social Psychology). San Francisco, CA. 16.02.-19.02.2022.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine; Rudman, Laurie (19 February 2022). How women and men should (not) be: Gender rules and their alignment with social status beliefs in seven nations (Unpublished). In: SPSP 2022 Annual Convention (Society for Personality and Social Psychology). San Francisco, CA. 16.02.-19.02.2022.

Malayeri, Shera; Nater, Christa; Krahé, Barbara; Sczesny, Sabine (18 February 2022). How prevalent is sexual aggression in Iran? A detailed understanding of victimization and perpetration between women and men (Unpublished). In: SPSP 2022 Annual Convention (Society for Personality and Social Psychology). San Francisco, CA. 16.02.-19.02.2022.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (17 February 2022). “I’m an Agentic Leader”: How Women Adjust Their Natural Language When Interviewing for a Masculine Construed Leadership Position (Unpublished). In: SPSP 2022 Annual Convention, Gender Preconference (Society for Personality and Social Psychology). virtual. 17.02.2022.

Sczesny, Sabine (1 December 2021). G-VERSITY, MARIE CURIE ITN: Gender diversity (Unpublished). In: Festive Seminar for Prof. Katariina Salmela-Aro. Online (Dept. of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland). 01.12.2021.

Sczesny, Sabine (10 November 2021). The impact of gendered language on cognition (Unpublished). In: CSLS Ringvorlesung Language and Social Justice. Bern. 10.11.2021.

Sczesny, Sabine (19 August 2021). Herausforderung Geschlechtervielfalt (Unpublished). In: Departementsklausur Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK. Magglingen. 19. August 2021.

Malayeri, Shera; Nater, Christa; Krahé, Barbara; Sczesny, Sabine (26 May 2021). High prevalence of sexual aggression in Iran: Examining Correlates of Sexual Aggression Victimization and Perpetration between Women and Men (Unpublished). In: 2021 APS Virtual Convention (Association for Psychological Science). virtual. 26.05.-27.05.2021.

Nater, Christa; Eagly, Alice H.; Heilman, Madeline E.; Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine; Sczesny, Sabine (11 February 2021). Women's Difficulties in Attaining Leadership Begin with the Stresses of the Job Interview (Unpublished). In: SPSP2021 - Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. virtual. 09.02.-13.02.2021.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (11 February 2021). Women’s and Men’s Self-Presentation in Job Interviews for Leadership Positions: Expressions of Agency and Communion in Natural Language Use (Unpublished). In: SPSP2021 - Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. virtual. 09.02.-13.02.2021.

Sczesny, Sabine (15 January 2020). Anti-Diskriminierung durch gendergerechte Sprache? (Unpublished). In: Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie, Universität Würzburg, Deutschland. Würzburg, Deutschland. 15.01.2020.

Sczesny, Sabine (15 January 2020). Anti‐Diskriminierung durch geschlechtergerechte Sprache? (Unpublished). In: "Gender & Sprache", Arbeitskreis Gender, Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie, Universität Würzburg. Würzburg, Deutschland. Wintersemester 2019/20.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Formanowicz, Magdalena; Müller, Petra; Sczesny, Sabine (14 January 2020). Agency and communion wording in female- and male-dominated job advertisements (Unpublished). In: Small Meeting on The dark side of being a woman: gender based violence and discrimination. Padova, Italy. 14.01.2020.

Sczesny, Sabine (14 January 2020). Language, Cognition, & Gender; Gender-Inclusive Language (Unpublished). In: Social Cognition Center Cologne; University of Cologne. Cologne. 14. Januar 2020.

Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (10 September 2019). Personal experiences with asylum seekers can disrupt the normative influence of mass-media on solidarity with asylum seekers (Unpublished). In: 16th SPS SGP SSP Congress. Bern. 10.09.2019.

Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (12 July 2019). Direct but not mass-mediated intergroup contact with migrants is linked to behaviour supporting migrants through attitudes: The role of political orientation. (Unpublished). In: 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology. Lisbon, Portugal. 12. - 15.07.2019.

Sczesny, Sabine; Nater, Christa; Rudman, Laurie (3 July 2019). Contemporary gender rules: A cross-cultural comparison (Unpublished). In: XVI European Congress of Psychology (ECP). Moscow, Russia. 02.07.-05.07.2019.

Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (26 June 2019). Intergroup communication about migration shapes attitudes toward migrants and immigration policies: The role of emotions and cognitions. (Unpublished). In: The EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication. Bologna, Italy. 26.06.-28.06.2019.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Formanowicz, Magdalena M.; Müller, Petra; Sczesny, Sabine (1 June 2019). Agency and communion in job advertisements: A replication study (Unpublished). In: 19th EAWOP Congress (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology) - "Working for the greater good: Inspiring people, designing jobs and leading organizations for a more inclusive society". Turin, Italy. 29.05.-01.06.2019.

Nater, Christa; Heilman, Madeline E.; Sczesny, Sabine (30 May 2019). Inspired to Become a Leader: Are Gender Quotas Helpful in Establishing Effective Role Models for Other Women? (Unpublished). In: 19th EAWOP COngress (Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology) - "Working for the greater good". Turin, Italy. 29.05.-01.06.2019.

Sczesny, Sabine; Nater, Christa; Messerli, Nadine; Heilman, Madeline E.; Eagly, Alice H. (30 May 2019). Women’s perceived lack of fit for leadership predicts their physiological stress response and performance evaluations in simulated job interviews for leadership positions (Unpublished). In: Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) - "Working for the greater good". Turin, Italy. 29.05.-01.06.2019.

Graf, Sylvie; Sczesny, Sabine (7 May 2019). What shapes our attitudes and behaviours toward migrants? The role of past intergroup contact and media exposure (Unpublished). In: Berner Gespräche zur Migration. Bern. 07.05.2019.

Nater, Christa; Heilman, Madeline E.; Sczesny, Sabine (9 March 2019). Gender quotas for corporate boards across Europe: Can they help establish effective female role models for the next generation of women leaders? (Unpublished). In: International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). Paris, France. 07.03.-09.03.2019.

Sczesny, Sabine (1 March 2019). Self- and other-perception of female leaders: A matter of visibility and fit (invited talk) (Unpublished). In: 2nd Annual Women at Work Conference. Insead Business School, Singapore. 01.03.2019.

Nater, Christa; Heilman, Madeline; Sczesny, Sabine (7 February 2019). How preferentially selected female leaders impact other women’s and men’s interest in aspiring to leadership positions (Unpublished). In: Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Portland, Oregon. 07.02.-09.02.2019.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (13 August 2018). Managing gender balance: How policy interventions may increase women’s striving for leadership positions (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management. Chicago, IL. 13.08.2018.

Gustafsson Senden, Marie; Eagly, Alice; Sczesny, Sabine (2 March 2018). Gender stereotyping in linguistic behavior (Unpublished). In: Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP 2018). Atlanta, USA. 01.03.-03.03.2018.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine; Heilman, Madeline E. (1 March 2018). Can preferentially selected female leaders impact other women’s leadership inclinations? In: Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Atlanta, GA. 01.03. 2018.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (5 July 2017). Managing diversity at the workplace: Can affirmative action policies increase interest in leadership positions? (Unpublished). In: General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP). Granada, Spain. 05.07.-08.07.2017.

Moser, Franziska; Sczesny, Sabine; Wood, Wendy (July 2017). The use of gender-inclusive language: Deliberate or habitual? (Unpublished). In: 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Granada. 5.-8.7.2017.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Rovira-Asenjo, Nuria; Sczesny, Sabine; Gumí, Tània; Guimerà, Roger; Sales-Pardo, Marta (25 June 2017). Leader Evaluation and Team Cohesiveness in the Process of Team Development – A Matter of Gender? (Unpublished). In: EASP Meeting: Gender Roles in the Future? Theoretical Foundations and Future Research Directions. Berlin, Germany. 24.06.-26.06.2017.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine; Rudman, L.; Gustafsson Sendén, M; Sakallı-Uğurlu, N; Lohmore, A. (June 2017). How women and men should (not) be in Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, India, and the U.S. (Unpublished). In: EASP Meeting: Gender Roles in the Future? Theoretical Foundations and Future Research Directions. Berlin, Germany. 24.06.-27.06.2017.

Kocher, D.; Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (June 2017). Why are men perceived to be unsuitable for work in childcare? (Unpublished). In: EASP Meeting: Gender Roles in the Future? Theoretical Foundations and Future Research Directions. Berlin, Germany. 24.06.-27.06.2017.

Nater, Christa; Kocher, Deborah; Sczesny, Sabine (May 2017). Men’s lack of fit for childcare - A matter of denying childcare competences or of suspecting child abuse? (Unpublished). In: Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Dublin, Ireland. 17.05.-20.05.2017.

Moser, Franziska; Sczesny, Sabine; Wood, Wendy (22 September 2016). Predicting gender-inclusive language use (Unpublished). In: 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Leipzig, Germany. 18.-22.09.2016.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (September 2016). The impact of affirmative action policies on the self-ascribed fit and motivation to apply for leadership positions (Unpublished). In: 50th conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGP). Leipzig, Germany. 18.09.-22.09.2016.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (June 2016). Affirmative action policies for leadership positions? Certain policies may pave the way for female applicants. In: EAWOP Small Group Meeting - "Applicant Behavior". Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 30.06-01.07.2016.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (14 April 2016). How policy interventions may enhance women’s striving for leadership positions. In: 31st annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Anaheim, CA. 14.04-16.04.2016.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Rovira-Asenjo, Nuria; Sczesny, Sabine (30 January 2016). Evaluation of Leaders – Does Gender Really Matter? (Unpublished). In: 17th Annual Convention, Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Diego. 28.-30.01.2016.

Kaufmann, Michèle; Sczesny, Sabine; Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine; Rudman, Laurie (6 January 2016). Striving for Leadership Positions: Explaining Women’s and Men’s Diverging Self-Appraisal (Unpublished). In: 3rd Israel Organizational Behavior Conference. Tel Aviv, Israel. 06.-08.01.2016.

Nater, Christa; Sczesny, Sabine (9 September 2015). How quota-based procedures affect the self-ascribed fit and motivation of European women and men striving for leadership positions. In: 14th congress of the Swiss Society for Psychology (SGP). Geneva, Switzerland. 08.-09.09.2015.

Kaufmann, Michèle; Sczesny, Sabine; Messerli-Bürrgy, Nadine; Rudman, Laurie (8 September 2015). Striving for Powerful Positions: Gender Norms as Stress Triggers (Unpublished). In: 14th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society. Geneva, Switzerland. 08.-09.09.2015.

Kaufmann, Michèle; Krings, Franciska; Sczesny, Sabine (22 May 2015). Mechanisms that Underlie Detrimental Effects of Age Appearance on Hiring (Unpublished). In: 17th Conference of European Association of Work & Organisational Psychology. Oslo, Norway. 20.-23.05.2015.

Pietraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Rovira Asenjo, Núria; Sczesny, Sabine (21 May 2015). Evaluation of leaders – does gender still matter? (Unpublished). In: 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) - Respectful and Effective Leadership. Oslo, Norway. 20.05.-23.05.2015.

Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine (2015). The benefits and pitfalls of language change – The case of gender-fair language use. In: SSP/SGP Conference 2015,14th congress of the Swiss Psychological Society. Geneva. 08.-09.09.2015.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (17 October 2014). Contributing or counteracting gender equality? Geschlechtergerechte Sprache im Führungskontext (Unpublished). In: 7. Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium "Respekt und Gerechtigkeit" der RespectResearchGroup. Hamburg Deutschland. 16.10.-19.10.2014.

Krings, Franciska; Sczesny, Sabine (September 2014). Mechanisms that Underlie Detrimental Effects of Age Appearance on Hiring Decisions (Unpublished). In: Transfer of Knowledge Conference (ESCON). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 03.-07.09.2014.

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Vladrová, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa (10 July 2014). Gender references in job advertisements – relations to job status and gender equality (Unpublished). In: European Association of Social Psychology, 17th General Meeting 2014. Amsterdam. 9.-12.07.2014.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (10 July 2014). Gender-Fair Language in Organizations: Attracting Potential Leaders and Promoting the Organizational Image of Gender Equality (Unpublished). In: 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Amsterdam NL. 09.-12.07.2014.

Sczesny, Sabine; Ledermann, K. (July 2014). Face-ism in Self-Presentation on Personal Websites: Does Gender Really Matter? (Unpublished). In: 17th General Meeting of European Association of Social Psychology. Amsterdam. 09.-12.06.2014.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (25 April 2014). Machen die "Innen" einen Sinn? Geschlechtergerechte Sprache im Führungskontext. In: 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Wien. 24.-26.04.2014.

Infanger, Martina; Sczesny, Sabine (27 February 2014). Too Sexy to be Liked - Consequences of a Redistribution of Mind (Unpublished). In: 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin Texas. 27.02.2014.

Sczesny, Sabine (5 November 2013). You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression. How Social Judgments Depend on Appearance (Unpublished). In: School of Psychology Talk. University of Surrey England. 05.11.2013.

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Valdrova, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa (9 October 2013). How women and men are addressed in job advertisements (Unpublished). In: Small group meeting on Gender Equality in Organizations (EAWOP). Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland. 09.-11.10.2013.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (9 October 2013). Attracting women (and men) to leadership positions through gender-fair language (Unpublished). In: EAWOP Small group meeting on Gender Equality in Organizations. Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland. 09.10.-11.10.2013.

Sczesny, Sabine (19 September 2013). Zum Zusammenspiel von geschlechtergerechter Sprache und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen (Unpublished). In: Linguistisches Forschungskolloquium Hot To-pics in Linguistics: Thema 4, Gender and Language. Zürich. 19.09.2013.

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Valdrova, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa (11 September 2013). Gender References in Job Advertisements. Book of abstracts sgp 2013, pp. 8-9.

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Valdrova, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa (3 September 2013). Sprache und Geschlecht in online Stellenausschreibungen im interkulturellen Vergleich (Unpublished). In: 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Hagen Deutschland. 01.-04.09.2013.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (3 September 2013). Geschlechtergerechte Sprache in Organisationen (Unpublished). In: 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Hagen Deutschland. 01.09.-04.09.2013.

Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Cisłak, Aleksandra; Sczesny, Sabine (8 July 2013). An overview of positive and negative effects of gender-fair language use (Unpublished). In: 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP). Herzliya, Israel. 08.07.-11.07.2013.

Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine (28 June 2013). Double-edged sword of gender-fair language (Unpublished). In: European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) Medium Size Meeting on Intergroup conflict: The cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of communication. Soesterberg near Utrecht NL. 27.-30.06.2013.

Cisłak, Aleksandra; Formanowicz, Magdalena; Bedynska, Sylwia; Braun, Friederike; Sczesny, Sabine (15 June 2013). Side effects of gender-fair language: How feminine job titles influence the evaluation of female applicants (Unpublished). In: Final Conference of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG). Bern, Schweiz. 13.06.-17.06.2013.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (15 June 2013). Gender-fair language in the context of leadership: Preventing the lack of fit for women (Unpublished). In: Final Conference of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG). Bern CH. 14.06.-15.06.2013.

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Valdrova, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa (14 June 2013). Gender and language in online job advertisements - a cross-cultural study. In: Final Conference of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG). Bern CH. 14.06.2013.

Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Wojciszke, Bogdan (14 June 2013). The macro level effects of gender - (un)fair language in Polish (Unpublished). In: Final Conference of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG). Bern, Schweiz. 13.06.-17.06.2013.

Köser, Sara; Sczesny, Sabine (14 June 2013). Strategies to increase the use and approval of gender-fair language (Unpublished). In: Final Conference of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG). Bern, Schweiz. 13.06.-17.06.2013.

Merkel, Elisa; Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine; Maass, Anne (14 June 2013). Gender-fair Language Changes the Social Perception of Professional Groups: The Case of German and Italian. (Unpublished). In: Final Conference of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG). Bern, Schweiz. 13.06.-17.06.2013.

Bosak, Janine; Diekman, Amanda; Eagly, Alice H.; Sczesny, Sabine (24 May 2013). The Think Manager-Think Male Stereotype - Malleable or Stable? (Unpublished). In: 16th Conference of European Association of Work & Organisational Psychology (EAWOP). Münster Deutschland. 22.05.-25.05.2013.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (24 May 2013). Language as a barrier and facilitator for women's career progress (Unpublished). In: 16th Conference of European Association of Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Münster, Deutschland. 22.05.-25.05.2013.

Hodel, Lea; Formanowicz, Magdalena Maria; Sczesny, Sabine; Valdrová, Jana; von Stockhausen, Lisa (23 May 2013). Gender-fair language use in online job advertisements - relations to job status and gender equality (Unpublished). In: 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Münster. 22.-25.05.2013.

Sczesny, Sabine; Bosak, Janine (13 April 2013). Effects of gender-stereotyped perfumes and evaluator gender on hiring decisions (Unpublished). In: SIOP 2013: 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Houston, USA. 11.-13.04.2013.

Horvath, Lisa Kristina; Sczesny, Sabine (25 March 2013). Gender-fair language as a facilitator for women's career progress (Unpublished). In: 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Wien, Österreich. 24.03.-27.03.2013.

Sczesny, Sabine (2013). Der erste Eindruck zählt. Wie subtile Merkmale soziale Urteile beeinflussen können (Unpublished). In: Vorlesung. Universität Potsdam. 2013.

Horvath, Lisa; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Gender-fair language in job advertisements and hiring decisions. In: 16th EASP General Meeting, European Association of Social Psychology.

Horvath, Lisa K.; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Recruiting leaders - the impact of gender-inclusive language. In: 12th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society.

Hodel, Lea; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Agency in the active self-concept: A key to leadership? In: 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Hodel, Lea; Kaufmann, Michèle; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Self-stereotyping among women? The influence of agency on preferring a leadership role. In: Medium Size Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology on "Challenging stereotypes: When and how targets of negative stereotypes resist", Lisbon, Portugal.

Infanger, Martina; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). The impact of gender role norms on the effectiveness of male advertising characters. In: 12th Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology (SGP), Fribourg, Switzerland.

Infanger, Martina; Sczesny, Sabine; Bosak, Janine (2011). Communality sells: The impact of perceivers sexism on the evaluation of women's portravals in advertisements. In: Transfer of Knowledge Conference of the European Social Cognition Network 2 (ESCON). Sligo, Ireland.

Infanger, Martina; Sczesny, Sabine; Bosak, Janine (2011). The impact of mortality salience on the advertising effectiveness of elderly advertising characters. In: ohne Verlag.

Kaufmann, Michèle; Krings, Francisca; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). The impact of age-related facial and extra-facial features on hiring decisions. In: 12th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society (SGP), Fribourg, Switzerland.

Kaufmann, Michèle; Krings, Francisca; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Feature-based age stereotyping: Consequences for hiring decisions (Unpublished). In: 16th General Meeting of European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Stockholm,Sweden.

Kaufmann, Michèle; Krings, Francisca; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Age bias in hiring decisions: The impact of age-related facial and extra-facial features. In: 15th Conference of European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Walker, Mirella; Wänke, Michaela; Sczesny, Sabine; Vetter, Thomas (2011). The impact of subtle cues to masculinity or femininity in faces on impression formation, Transfer of Knowledge Conference of the European Social Cognition Network 2 (ESCON), Sligo, Ireland.

Walker, Mirella; Vetter, Thomas; Sczesny, Sabine; Wänke, Michaela (2011). Androgyny qualifies as project leader. Interaction of facial appearance and personality information. In: 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Feature-based stereotyping and its consequences. In: Faculté de Hautes Etudes (HEC), Université de Lausanne, Suisse.

Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Ändern sich die Zeiten? Geschlecht und Führung im sozialen Wandel. In: Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Schweiz.

Koeser, Sara; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Changing attitudes towards gender-inclusive language by persuasive arguments. In: 12th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society (SGP) Fribourg, Switzerland.

Koeser, Sara; Sczesny, Sabine (2011). Arguments for and against gender-fair language and their influence on attitudes and language use. In: 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Moser, Franziska; Hubacher, Mirjam; Sczesny, Sabine; Irmen, Lisa (September 2010). Als Stimmberechtigte werden jene B ... bezeichnet. Zur Vorhersage eines geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauchs. In: Petermann, Franz; Koglin, Ute (eds.) Erklären Entscheiden Planen. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 26.-30. September 2010 in Bremen. Lengerich: Pabst

Vervecken, Dries; Moser, Franziska; Sczesny, Sabine; Hannover, Bettina (September 2010). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung der Einstellung gegenüber geschlechtergerechter Sprache. In: Petermann, Franz; Koglin, Ute (eds.) Erklären Entscheiden Planen. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Lengerich: Pabst

Bosak, J.; Kirchner, A.; Sczesny, Sabine; Meier, Laurenz L. (2010). Chronic work conditions as antecedents of employees anticipated stress to a hypothetical scenario of organizational change (Unpublished). In: 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Rome, Italy.

Cullinane, S. J.; Kirchner, A.; Sczesny, Sabine; Meier, Laurenz L.; Bosak, J. (2010). The quality of prior experiences, currrent job conditions and anticipated stress in a reorganisation scenario: The central role of cognitive appraisal (Unpublished). In: 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Rome, Italy.

Infanger, Martina; Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine (2010). Communality sells: The impact of benevolent sexism on advertising characters. In: Petermann, Franz; Koglin, Ute (eds.) Erklären Entscheiden Planen. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 26.-30. September 2010 in Bremen. Lengerich: Pabst

Walker, Mirella; Jiang, F.; Vetter, Thomas; Sczesny, Sabine (2010). Beurteilung von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften anhand von Gesichtszügen - ein universelles Phänomen? In: Petermann, Franz; Koglin, Ute (eds.) Erklären Entscheiden Planen. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 26.-30. September 2010 in Bremen. Lengerich: Pabst

Walker, Mirella; Jiang, Fan; Vetter, Thomas; Sczesny, Sabine (2010). Universals and cultural differences in forming social judgments from faces (Unpublished). In: 12th European Social Cognition Network Transfer of Knowledge Conference ESCON2, 25.-29.8.2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Binggeli, Steve; Krings, Franziska; Sczesny, Sabine (2010). Not all immigrants are equal: Stereotype content as a function of regional and interindividual difference. In: International Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance in Intergroup Relations, 3 July, 2010, Jena, Germany.

Steinmetz, J.F.; Bosak, B.; Sczesny, Sabine; Eagly, A.H. (2010). The impact of social roles on gender stereotyping: A cross-cultural comparison of Germany and Japan (Unpublished). In: American Psychological Association. Washington.

Krings, Franziska; Sczesny, Sabine; Kluge, Annette (2010). Age stereotypical inferences and causal attributions as mediators of age discrimination. The role of warmth and competence. In: Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, 6.-10.8.2010, Montreal, Canada.

Bosak, Janine; Kirchner, A.; Sczesny, Sabine; Meier, L. (2010). Chronic work conditions as antecedents of employees? Anticipated stress to a hypothetical scenario of organizational change. In: 9th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 29-31 March, 2010, Rom, Italy.

Culliane, S.; Kirchner, A.; Sczesny, Sabine; Meier, L.; Bosak, J. (2010). The quality of prior experiences, current job conditions, and anticipated stress in a reorganization scenario: the central role of cognitive appraisal. In: 9th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 29-31 March, 2010, Rom, Italy.

Bosak, Janine; Sczesny, Sabine; Diekman, Amanda (July 2008). Think-manager-think-male? Perceptions of managers, men and women in the past, present and future (Unpublished). In: XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin/Germany. 20.-25.07.2008.

Working Paper

Schwarz, Stefan; Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine (2002). Denying the foreseeability of an event as a means of self-protection. The Impact of Self-Threatening Outcome Information on the Strength of the Hindsight Bias (Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 02-37). Mannheim: Universität Mannheim

Stahlberg, Dagmar; Sczesny, Sabine; Schwarz, Stefan (23 June 1999). Exculpating victims and the reversal of hindsight bias (Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications 99-70). Mannheim: Universität Mannheim


Sczesny, Sabine (25 August 2021). Zukunft der Sprache - was bringt Gendern wirklich? (enthält Interview mit Frau Sczesny). In: beta stories, S03/E05.

Sczesny, Sabine (2 July 2021). Deutschland sucht das Genderzeichen. Digitales Kamingespräch. In: Die Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt.

Sczesny, Sabine (11 February 2021). Kulturzeit extra: Streit ums Gendern (Enthält Interview mit Sabine Sczesny). In: Kulturzeit extra.

Sczesny, Sabine (15 October 2019). Sprache // Wieso muss das sein?! Zum Nutzen geschlechtergerechter Sprache. Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW 10.17185/gender/20191015

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