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Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Müller, Monika; Wüthrich, Florian; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Egloff, Niklaus; Reichenbach, Stephan; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Jüni, Peter; Curatolo, Michele; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Altered central pain processing in fibromyalgia-A multimodal neuroimaging case-control study using arterial spin labelling. PLoS ONE, 16(2), e0235879. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0235879

Ring, Mariann; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja C. (2019). The Association between Therapeutic Alliance and Individuals’ Wish to Die or Live. Psychology, 10(12), pp. 1711-1725. Scientific Research 10.4236/psych.2019.1012112

Latakienė, Jolanta; Mastauskaitė, Greta; Geležėlytė, Odeta; Mažulytė-Rašytinė, Eglė; Rimkevičienė, Jurgita; Skruibis, Paulius; Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (2019). “I Didn’t Feel Treated as Mental Weirdo”: Primary Findings on Helpful Relationship Characteristics in Suicide Attempt Health Care in Lithuania. Illness, crisis & loss, 30(1), pp. 19-35. Sage 10.1177/1054137319854656

Schumacher, Rahel; Cazzoli, Dario; Eggenberger, Noëmi; Preisig, Basil; Nef, Tobias; Nyffeler, Thomas; Gutbrod, Klemens; Annoni, Jean-Marie; Müri, René M. (2015). Cue Recognition and Integration - Eye Tracking Evidence of Processing Differences in Sentence Comprehension in Aphasia. PLoS ONE, 10(11), e0142853. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0142853

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S80-S80. Springer

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (24 September 2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 24.09.2015.

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). Psychomotor retardation is linked to frontal alpha asymmetry in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 188, pp. 167-172. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2015.08.018

Brüdern, Juliane; Berger, Thomas; Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Held, Isabelle Schmutz; Caspar, Franz (2015). Are suicide attempters wired differently? Journal of nervous and mental disease, 203(7), pp. 514-521. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000321

Michel, Konrad (19 June 2015). Workshop: ASSIP - Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program. Theory, Practice, and 24 Months Follow-up RCT. (Unpublished). In: 28th IASP Meeting Montréal. Montréal. 16.-20.6.2015.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Michel, Konrad (12 June 2015). ASSIP is an effective brief therapy - but what makes it effecktive. In: Aeschi Conference: Bearing the Struggle: Exploring the Challenges Facing Clinicians Working with Suicidal Patients. Sonnenalp Resort , Vail, Colorado.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Michel, Konrad (2015). Kurztherapie für Patienten nach Suizidversuch. ASSIP – Attempted Suicide Short Intervention ProgramTherapiemanual. Bern: Huber

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Rampa, Luca; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2015). The longitudinal course of gross motor activity in schizophrenia - within and between episodes. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6(10), p. 10. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00010

Cazzoli, Dario; Jung, Simon; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias; Wurtz, Pascal; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Müri, René Martin (2015). The role of the right frontal eye field in overt visual attention deployment as assessed by free visual exploration. Neuropsychologia, 74, pp. 37-41. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.01.027

Bracht, Tobias; Jones, Derek K.; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2015). Limbic white matter microstructure plasticity reflects recovery from depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 170, pp. 143-149. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2014.08.031

Shan, Huaihai; Wu, Yi; Chen, Shengqi; Leng, Yanan; Qu, Zhengwan; Ballinari, Pietro; Michel, Konrad (2015). Attempted suicide in shanghai districts: A pilot study. Asia-Pacific journal of public health, 27(2), NP1858-NP1866. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage 10.1177/1010539511428487

Kindler, Jochen; Jann, Kay; Homan, Philipp; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela (2015). Static and dynamic characteristics of cerebral blood flow during the resting state in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(1), pp. 163-170. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbt180

Wapp, Manuela; Burren, Yuliya; Znoj, Hansjörg; Moggi, Franz (2015). Association of alcohol craving and proximal outcomes of a residential treatment program for patients with alcohol use disorders. Journal of Substance Use, 20(1), pp. 11-15. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/14659891.2013.858782

Flückiger, Rahel; Ruhrmann, S; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke (2015). Welche Dimensionen sind schizotypen und klinischen Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung einer Psychose gemeinsam? Eine Faktorenanalyse (Unpublished). In: SGPP Jahreskongress. Bern. 02.-04.09.2015.

Roder, Volker; Müller, Daniel (2015). INT - Terapia neurocognitiva integrata nel trattamento della schizofrenia [Textbook] . Milano, Italy: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-88-470-5735-7

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (2015). ASSIP Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program. A Manual for Clinicans [Textbook] . USA, UK, EUROPE: Hogrefe 10.1027/00476-000

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Hämmig, Robert; Köhler, Wilfried; Bonorden-Kleij, Karin; Weber, Bernd; Lebentrau, Karin; Berthel, Toni; Babic-Hohnjec, Lucija; Vollmert, Christian; Höpner, Doris; Gholami, Najibulah; Verthein, Uwe; Haasen, Christian; Reimer, Jens; Ruckes, Christian (2014). Safety and tolerability of slow-release oral morphine versus methadone in the treatment of opioid dependence. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 47(4), pp. 275-281. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jsat.2014.05.012

Hoffmann, Holger; Jäckel, Dorothea; Glauser, Sibylle; Mueser, Kim T; Kupper, Zeno (2014). Long-term effectiveness of supported employment: 5-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. American journal of psychiatry, 171(11), pp. 1183-1190. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.13070857

Hämmig, Robert; Uhl, Alfred; Kuhlmann, Thomas (2014). Pro & Contra: Die aktuelle Leitliniendebatte kritisch hinterfragt. Suchttherapie, 15(3), pp. 101-103. Thieme 10.1055/s-0034-1386529

Schiebler, Sarah; Müller, Thomas (2014). Ein aggressiver Patient in meinem Dienst – Teil 2: Behandlung von und Umgang mit Aggression im klinischen Setting. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS, 14(31–32), pp. 566-569. EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Homan, Philipp; Vermathen, Peter; van Swam, Claudia; Federspiel, Andrea; Boesch, Chris; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela; Kreis, Roland (2014). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy investigations of functionally defined language areas in schizophrenia patients with and without auditory hallucinations. NeuroImage, 94, pp. 23-32. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.009

Schiebler, Sarah; Müller, Thomas Jörg (2014). Ein aggressiver Patient in meinem Dienst - Teil 1: Theorie, Epidemiologie und Pathophysiologie zur Aggression. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS, 14(29-30), pp. 540-544. EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Hämmig, Robert (2014). Les hallucinogènes dans la thérapie des addictions. Dépendances(52), pp. 25-27. Addiction Suisse

Akkus, Funda; Terbeck, Sylvia; Ametamey, Simon M; Rufer, Michael; Treyer, Valerie; Burger, Cyrill; Johayem, Anass; Mancilla, Baltazar Gomez; Sovago, Judit; Buck, Alfred; Hasler, Gregor (2014). Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 binding in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. International journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 17(12), pp. 1915-1922. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1461145714000716

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Soravia, Leila M.; Heinrichs, Markus; Winzeler, Livia; Fisler, Melanie; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Hofmann, Stefan G.; de Quervain, Dominique J.-F. (2014). Glucocorticoids enhance in vivo exposure-based therapy outcome in spider phobia. Depression and anxiety, 31(5), pp. 429-435. Wiley 10.1002/da.22219

Walther, Sebastian; Ramseyer, Fabian; Horn, Helge; Strik, Werner; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2014). Less structured movement patterns predict severity of positive syndrome, excitement, and disorganization. Schizophrenia bulletin, 40(3), pp. 585-591. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbt038

Besson, Jacques; Beck, Thilo; Wiesbeck, Gerhard; Hämmig, Robert; Kuntz, André; Abid, Sami; Stohler, Rudolf (2014). Opioid maintenance therapy in Switzerland: an overview of the Swiss IMPROVE study. Swiss medical weekly, 144, w13933. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13933

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Moggi, Franz; Horn, Helge Joachim; Moskvitin, Konstantin; Abderhalden, Christoph; Maier, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Müller, Thomas Jörg (2014). Rapid tranquilization of severely agitated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a naturalistic, rater-blinded, randomized, controlled study with oral haloperidol, risperidone, and olanzapine. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 34(1), pp. 124-128. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/JCP.0000000000000050

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; van de Glind, Geurt; Koeter, Maarten W. J.; Allsop, Steve; Auriacombe, Marc; Barta, Csaba; Bu, Eli Torild H.; Burren, Yuliya; Carpentier, Pieter-Jan; Carruthers, Susan; Casas, Miguel; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Dom, Geert; Faraone, Stephen V.; Fatseas, Melina; Franck, Johan; Johnson, Brian; Kapitány-Fövény, Máté; Kaye, Sharlene; Konstenius, Maija; ... (2014). Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study. Addiction, 109(2), pp. 262-272. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.12370

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Hubl, Daniela; Schneider, Rahel C; Kottlow, Mara; Kindler, Jochen; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Koenig, Thomas (2014). Agency and ownership are independent components of 'sensing the self' in the auditory-verbal domain. Brain topography, 27(5), pp. 672-682. Springer 10.1007/s10548-014-0351-0

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Michel, Konrad (2014). Will new insights into neural networks help us improve our models of suicidal behavior? Crisis - the journal of crisis intervention and suicide prevention, 35(4), pp. 215-218. Hogrefe 10.1027/0227-5910/a000272

Everts, Regula; Wapp, Manuela; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Jann, Kay; Delameilluer Lenoir, Jessica; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2014). Cognitive and emotional effects of carotid stenosis. Swiss medical weekly, 144, w13970. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13970

Homan, Philipp; Kindler, Jochen; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela (2014). From the neurobiology of origin and treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations. Schizophrenia Research, 153, S71. Elsevier 10.1016/S0920-9964(14)70230-0

Woodward, T. S.; Jung, K.; Hwang, H.; Yin, J.; Taylor, L.; Menon, M.; Peters, E.; Kuipers, E.; Waters, F.; Lecomte, T.; Sommer, I. E.; Daalman, K.; van Lutterveld, R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kindler, Jochen; Homan, Philipp; Badcock, J. C.; Chhabra, S.; Cella, M.; Keedy, S.; ... (2014). Symptom Dimensions of the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales in Psychosis: A Multisite Study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 40(Suppl 4), S265-S274. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu014

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Hämmig, Robert (2014). Schadenminderung und substitutionsgestützte Behandlung. SuchtMagazin, 40(2), pp. 30-34. Infodrog

Hämmig, Robert (2014). Doppeldiagnosen: 20 Jahre Suchtdiskurs. SuchtMagazin, 40(1), pp. 8-10. Infodrog

Hämmig, Robert (2014). «Das Beste ist, Sie hören auf!» «Und das Zweitbeste?» Tabak-Schadenminderung. SuchtMagazin, 40(2), pp. 52-55. Infodrog

Hämmig, Robert (2014). OR07-4E-CIGS (VAPORIZERS): A public health opportunity that will be missed? Alcohol and alcoholism, 49(Supl 1), i45. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agu053.34

Hämmig, Robert (2014). P-52 Slow-release oral morphine (srom) as further medication in opioid subtitution treatment (ost): Results from a registration study. Alcohol and alcoholism, 49(Suppl 1), i63. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agu054.52

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2014). Physical activity in schizophrenia is higher in the first episode than in subsequent ones. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, p. 191. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00191

Kupferschmid, Stephan; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Bühler, Salome; Steffen, Timur; Michel, Konrad; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Reisch, Thomas (2013). Gender differences in methods of suicide attempts and prevalence of previous suicide attempts. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 41(6), pp. 401-405. Bern: Huber 10.1024/1422-4917/a000256

Brüdern, Juliane; Berger, Thomas; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Michel, Konrad; Schmutz Held, Isabelle; Caspar, Franz (24 September 2013). Beyond symptoms: typical plans and motives of suicide attempters compared to mon-suicidal depressive individuals. Suicidologi, 18(Suppl. 1), p. 316.

Reisch, Thomas; Steffen, Timur; Habenstein, Astrid; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2013). Change in suicide rates in Switzerland before and after firearm restriction resulting from the 2003 “Army XXI” reform. American journal of psychiatry, 170(9), pp. 977-984. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.12091256

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Kindler, Jochen; Homan, Philipp; Flury, Richard; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela (2013). Theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations: results of a randomized controlled study. Psychiatry research, 209(1), pp. 114-117. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2013.03.029

Homan, Philipp; Kindler, Jochen; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Hubl, Daniela; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Repeated measurements of cerebral blood flow in the left superior temporal gyrus reveal tonic hyperactivity in patients with auditory verbal hallucinations: a possible trait marker. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, p. 304. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00304

Laimboeck, K. F.; Jann, K.; Walther, S.; Federspiel, A.; Wiest, R.; Strik, W.; Horn, H. (2013). Functional connectivity of Broca's region - symptom-specific changes in formal thought disorder (FTD) in schizophrenia. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl 6), S15-S16. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, We.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17-S18. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Walther, S.; Moggi, Franz; Horn, H.; Moskvitin, K.; Maier, N.; Abderhalden, C.; Strik, W.; Müller, T. J. (2013). Rapid tranquilization of severely agitated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a naturalistic, rater-blinded, randomized controlled study with oral haloperidol, risperidone, and olanzapine. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Walther, S.; Ramseyer, F.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Tschacher, W. (2013). Disorganized and movement patterns in schizophrenia. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S45-S46. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Hubl, Daniela; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Curtailing the voices and the need for predictors. Biological psychiatry, 73(10), pp. 933-934. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.02.014

Horn, Helge; Laimboeck, K.; Jann, K.; Federspiel, A.; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, R.; Strik, Werner (2013). Dysregulation of the left hemispheric language network during formal thought disorders. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S159-S160. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbt011

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, W.; Wiest, R.; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195. Oxford University Press

Walther, Sebastian; Ramseyer, F.; Horn, H.; Strik, Werner; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2013). Disorganized movement patterns predict positive symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S54. Oxford University Press

Hauf, Martinus; Wiest, Roland; Schindler, Kaspar; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Schroth, Gerhard; Hubl, Daniela (2013). Common mechanisms of auditory hallucinations-perfusion studies in epilepsy. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 211(3), pp. 268-270. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2012.06.007

Kindler, Jochen; Homan, Philipp; Jann, Kay; Federspiel, Andrea; Flury, Richard; Hauf, Martinus; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela (2013). Reduced neuronal activity in language-related regions after transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for auditory verbal hallucinations. Biological psychiatry, 73(6), pp. 518-24. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.06.019

Pfortmueller, C; Aulmann, G; Lindner, Gregor; Perrig, Martin; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Zimmermann, Heinz; Exadaktylos, A K (2013). Emergency department admissions to a prison hospital: a retrospective cohort study from Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly, 143, w13753. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2013.13753

Seitz, Andrea; Wapp, Manuela; Burren, Yuliya; Stutz, Sonja; Schläfli, Katrin; Moggi, Franz (2013). Association between craving and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms among patients with alcohol use disorders. American journal on addictions, 22(3), pp. 292-6. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2012.12000.x

Fisler, Melanie S; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2013). Spider phobia is associated with decreased left amygdala volume: a cross-sectional study. BMC psychiatry, 13, p. 70. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-244X-13-70

Bracht, Tobias; Schnell, Susanne; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Horn, Helge; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas J; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Altered cortico-basal ganglia motor pathways reflect reduced volitional motor activity in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 143(2-3), pp. 269-76. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2012.12.004

Akkus, Funda; Ametamey, Simon M; Treyer, Valerie; Burger, Cyrill; Johayem, Anass; Umbricht, Daniel; Gomez Mancilla, Baltazar; Sovago, Judit; Buck, Alfred; Hasler, Gregor (2013). Marked global reduction in mGluR5 receptor binding in smokers and ex-smokers determined by [11C]ABP688 positron emission tomography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 110(2), pp. 737-42. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1210984110

Habenstein, Astrid; Steffen, Timur; Bartsch, Christine; Michaud, Katarzyna; Reisch, Thomas (2013). Chances and limits of method restriction: a detailed analysis of suicide methods in Switzerland. Archives of suicide research, 17(1), pp. 75-87. London: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13811118.2013.748418

Bursztein Lipsicas, Cendrine; Mäkinen, Ilkka Henrik; Wasserman, Danuta; Apter, Alan; Kerkhof, Ad; Michel, Konrad; Salander Renberg, Ellinor; van Heeringen, Kees; Värnik, Airi; Schmidtke, Armin (2013). Gender distribution of suicide attempts among immigrant groups in European countries--an international perspective. European journal of public health, 23(2), pp. 279-84. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/eurpub/cks029

Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian; Razavi, Nadja; van Swam, Claudia; Fisler, Melanie Sarah; Soravia, Leila M.; Andreotti, Jennifer; Schwab, Simon; Jann, Kay; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea (2013). Alterations of white matter integrity related to the season of birth in schizophrenia: a DTI study. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e75508. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0075508

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Walther, Sebastian; Moggi, Franz; Horn, Helge Joachim; Moskvitin, Konstantin; Maier, Nadja; Abderhalden, Christoph; Strik, Werner; Müller, Thomas Jörg (2013). Rapid tranquilization of severely agitated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a naturalistic, rater-blinded, randomized controlled study with oral haloperidol, risperidone, and olanzapine. Pharmacopsychiatry, 46(6), A77. Thieme 10.1055/s-0033-1353338

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Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Laimböck, Karin; Jann, Kay; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim (2013). Functional connectivity of broca's region: symptom-specific changes in formal thought disorder (FTD) in schizophrenia. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E121. Sage

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Chaves, Silvia; Vannini, Patrizia; Jann, Kay; Wurtz, Pascal; Federspiel, Andrea; Nyffeler, Thomas; Luethi, Mathias; Hubl, Daniela; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müri, René (2012). The link between visual exploration and neuronal activity: A multi-modal study combining eye tracking, functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation. NeuroImage, 59(4), pp. 3652-61. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.10.094

Walther, S; Höfle, O; Federspiel, A; Horn, H; Hügli, S; Wiest, R; Strik, W; Müller, T J (2012). Neural correlates of disbalanced motor control in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 136(1-2), pp. 124-33. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2011.08.020

Walther, Sebastian; Hügli, Simone; Höfle, Oliver; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Müller, Thomas J (2012). Frontal white matter integrity is related to psychomotor retardation in major depression. Neurobiology of disease, 47(1), pp. 13-9. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.nbd.2012.03.019

van Swam, Claudia; Federspiel, Andrea; Hubl, Daniela; Wiest, Roland; Boesch, Chris; Vermathen, Peter; Kreis, Roland; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas (2012). Possible dysregulation of cortical plasticity in auditory verbal hallucinations-A cortical thickness study in schizophrenia. Journal of psychiatric research, 46(8), pp. 1015-1023. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2012.03.016

Allen, Paul; Modinos, Gemma; Hubl, Daniela; Shields, Gregory; Cachia, Arnaud; Jardri, Renaud; Thomas, Pierre; Woodward, Todd; Shotbolt, Paul; Plaze, Marion; Hoffman, Ralph (2012). Neuroimaging Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: From Neuroanatomy to Neurochemistry and Beyond. Schizophrenia bulletin, 38(4), pp. 695-703. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbs066

Horn, Helge; Jann, Kay; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas; Strik, Werner (2012). Semantic network disconnection in formal thought disorder. Neuropsychobiology, 66(1), pp. 14-23. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000337133

Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Horn, Helge; Höfle, Oliver; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Müller, Thomas J; Walther, Sebastian (2012). Cortico-cortical white matter motor pathway microstructure is related to psychomotor retardation in major depressive disorder. PLoS ONE, 7(12), e52238. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0052238

Homan, Philipp; Kindler, Jochen; Hubl, Daniela; Dierks, Thomas (2012). Auditory verbal hallucinations: imaging, analysis, and intervention. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 262 Suppl 2, S91-S95. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00406-012-0355-2

Koenig, Thomas; van Swam, Claudia; Dierks, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela (2012). Is gamma band EEG synchronization reduced during auditory driving in schizophrenia patients with auditory verbal hallucinations? Schizophrenia Research, 141(2-3), pp. 266-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2012.07.016

Bracht, Tobias; Heidemeyer, Kristine; Koschorke, Philipp; Horn, Helge; Razavi, Nadja; Wopfner, Alexander; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2012). Comparison of objectively measured motor behavior with ratings of the motor behavior domain of the Bern Psychopathology Scale (BPS) in schizophrenia. Psychiatry research, 198(2), pp. 224-9. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2011.12.038

Bursztein Lipsicas, Cendrine; Mäkinen, Ilkka Henrik; Apter, Alan; De Leo, Diego; Kerkhof, Ad; Lönnqvist, Jouko; Michel, Konrad; Salander Renberg, Ellinor; Sayil, Isik; Schmidtke, Armin; van Heeringen, Cornelis; Värnik, Airi; Wasserman, Danuta (2012). Attempted suicide among immigrants in European countries: an international perspective. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 47(2), pp. 241-51. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00127-010-0336-6

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Ford, Judith M.; Dierks, Thomas; Fisher, Derek J.; Herrmann, Christoph S.; Hubl, Daniela; Kindler, Jochen; König, Thomas; Mathalon, Daniel H.; Spencer, Kevin M.; Strik, Werner; van Lutterveld, Remko (2012). Neurophysiological Studies of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations. Schizophrenia bulletin, 38(4), pp. 715-723. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbs009

Siegenthaler, Eva; Bochud, Yves; Bergamin, Per; Wurtz, Pascal (2012). Reading on LCD vs e-Ink displays: effects on fatigue and visual strain. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 32(5), pp. 367-374. Wiley 10.1111/j.1475-1313.2012.00928.x

Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge; Razavi, Nadja; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Müller, Thomas Jörg (2011). Resting state cerebral blood flow and objective motor activity reveal basal ganglia dysfunction in schizophrenia. Psychiatry research, 192(2), pp. 117-24. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2010.12.002

Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge; Razavi, Nadja; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Müller, Thomas J (2011). Alterations of white matter integrity related to motor activity in schizophrenia. Neurobiology of disease, 42(3), pp. 276-83. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.nbd.2011.01.017

Nyffeler, Thomas; Hubl, Daniela; Wurtz, Pascal; Wiest, Roland; Hess, Christian W; Müri, René M (2011). Spontaneous recovery of visually-triggered saccades after focal lesions of the frontal and parietal eye fields: A combined longitudinal oculomotor and fMRI study. Clinical neurophysiology, 122(6), pp. 1203-10. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2010.08.026

Wirth, Miranka; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge (2011). Semantic memory involvement in the default mode network: a functional neuroimaging study using independent component analysis. NeuroImage, 54(4), pp. 3057-66. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.10.039

Razavi, Nadja; Horn, Helge Joachim; Koschorke, Philipp; Hügli, Simone; Höfle, Oliver; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2011). Measuring motor activity in major depression: the association between the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and actigraphy. Psychiatry research, 190(2-3), pp. 212-216. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2011.05.028

Kindler, J; Hubl, D; Strik, W K; Dierks, T; Koenig, T (2011). Resting-state EEG in schizophrenia: auditory verbal hallucinations are related to shortening of specific microstates. Clinical neurophysiology, 122(6), pp. 1179-82. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2010.10.042

Wirth, Miranka; Rahman, Rasha Abdel; Kuenecke, Janina; König, Thomas; Horn, Helge; Sommer, Werner; Dierks, Thomas (2011). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on behaviour and electrophysiology of language production. Neuropsychologia, 49(14), pp. 3989-3998. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.10.015

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Jegerlehner, Sabrina; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja; Frey, Peter; Grossenbacher, Marcus; Wagner, Lukas; Ort, Daniel; Seifritz, Erich; Umbricht, Daniel; Simon, Andor (2011). Beginnende Schizophrenien in der hausärztlichen Praxis werden besser erkannt. PrimaryCare, 2, pp. 27-29. Muttenz: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum - Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Homan, Philipp; Kindler, Jochen; Federspiel, Andrea; Flury, Richard; Hubl, Daniela; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas (2011). Muting the voice: a case of arterial spin labeling-monitored transcranial direct current stimulation treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations. American journal of psychiatry, 168(8), pp. 853-4. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.11030496

Oneda, B; Crettol, S; Bochud, M; Besson, J; Croquette-Krokar, M; Hämmig, R; Monnat, M; Preisig, M; Eap, C B (2011). β-Arrestin2 influences the response to methadone in opioid-dependent patients. Pharmacogenomics journal, 11(4), pp. 258-66. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/tpj.2010.37

Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner K.; Müller, Thomas Jörg (2010). White matter integrity associated with volitional motor activity. NeuroReport, 21(5), pp. 381-385. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/WNR.0b013e328337ca29

Hubl, Daniela; Dougoud-Chauvin, Vérène; Zeller, Markus; Federspiel, Andrea; Boesch, Chris; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Koenig, Thomas (2010). Structural analysis of Heschl's gyrus in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations. Neuropsychobiology, 61(1), pp. 1-9. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000258637

Reisch, Thomas; Seifritz, Erich; Esposito, Fabrizio; Wiest, Roland; Valach, Ladislav; Michel, Konrad (2010). An fMRI study on mental pain and suicidal behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders, 126(1-2), pp. 321-5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2010.03.005

Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Wirth, Miranka; Müller, Thomas J; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Strik, Werner (2010). Gray matter volume differences specific to formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Psychiatry research, 182(2), pp. 183-6. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2010.01.016

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Walther, S; Federspiel, A; Horn, H; Wirth, M; Bianchi, P; Strik, W; Müller, T J (2010). Performance during face processing differentiates schizophrenia patients with delusional misidentifications. Psychopathology, 43(2), pp. 127-136. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000277002

Walther, S; Horn, H; Razavi, N; Koschorke, P; Wopfner, A; Müller, T J; Strik, W (2010). Higher motor activity in schizophrenia patients treated with olanzapine versus risperidone. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(2), pp. 181-184. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/JCP.0b013e3181d2ef6f

Strik, Werner; Wopfner, Alexander; Horn, Helge; Koschorke, Philipp; Razavi, Nadja; Walther, Sebastian; Wirtz, Gustav (2010). The Bern psychopathology scale for the assessment of system-specific psychotic symptoms. Neuropsychobiology, 61(4), pp. 197-209. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000297737

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Hämmig, R (2010). Stigma, Ethik und das Recht auf Opioidsubstitution. Suchttherapie, 11(3), pp. 116-120. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0030-1261915

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Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Wirth, Miranka; Müller, Thomas J; Wiest, Roland; Wang, Jiong-Jiong; Strik, Werner (2009). Structural and metabolic changes in language areas linked to formal thought disorder. British journal of psychiatry, 194(2), pp. 130-8. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists 10.1192/bjp.bp.107.045633

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Crettol, S; Besson, J; Croquette-Krokar, M; Hämmig, R; Gothuey, I; Monnat, M; Déglon, J.J.; Preisig, M; Eap, C.B. (2008). Association of dopamine and opioid receptor genetic polymorphisms with response to methadone maintenance treatment. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 32(7), pp. 1722-1727. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2008.07.009

Crettol, S; Déglon, J.J.; Besson, J; Croquette-Krokar, M; Hämmig, R; Gothuey, I; Monnat, M; Eap, C.B. (2008). No influence of ABCB1 haplotypes on methadone dosage requirement. Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics, 83(5), pp. 668-669. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/sj.clpt.6100305

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Strik, W; Dierks, T; Hubl, D; Horn, H (2008). Hallucinations, thought disorders, and the language domain in schizophrenia. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 39(2), pp. 91-94. London: Sage

Wirth, M; Horn, H; Koenig, T; Razafimandimby, A; Stein, Maria; Mueller, T; Federspiel, A; Meier, B; Dierks, T; Strik, W (2008). The early context effect reflects activity in the temporo-prefrontal semantic system: evidence from electrical neuroimaging of abstract and concrete word reading. NeuroImage, 42(1), pp. 423-436. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.03.045

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Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Strik, Werner K; Garcia, Lester Melie; Dierks, Thomas (2007). Competition for neuronal resources: how hallucinations make themselves heard. British journal of psychiatry, 190, pp. 57-62. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists 10.1192/bjp.bp.106.022954

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Pflugshaupt, T; Nyffeler, T; von Wartburg, R; Wurtz, P; Lüthi, M; Hubl, D; Gutbrod, K; Jüngling, FD; Hess, CW; Müri, RM (2007). When left becomes right and vice versa: mirrored vision after cerebral hypoxia. Neuropsychologia, 45(9), pp. 2078-91. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.01.018

Müller, T (2007). Medikamentöse Strategien bei Patienten mit Doppeldiagnosen. In: , (ed.) Doppeldiagnosen Komorbidität psychischer Störungen und Sucht (pp. 247-275). Bern: Huber

Michel, K; Reisch, T (2007). Evidenz bei suizidalem Verhalten. Psy & Psy - Bulletin, 7(2), pp. 58-59. Bern: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie SGPP

Federspiel, A; Müller, T J; Horn, H; Kiefer, C; Strik, W K (2006). Comparison of spatial and temporal pattern for fMRI obtained with BOLD and arterial spin labeling. Journal of neural transmission, 113(10), pp. 1403-15. Wien: Springer 10.1007/s00702-006-0434-5

Lehmann, Christoph; Herdener, Marcus; Esposito, Fabrizio; Hubl, Daniela; di Salle, Francesco; Scheffler, Klaus; Bach, Dominik R; Federspiel, Andrea; Kretz, Robert; Dierks, Thomas; Seifritz, Erich (2006). Differential patterns of multisensory interactions in core and belt areas of human auditory cortex. NeuroImage, 31(1), pp. 294-300. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.12.038

Wirth, Miranka; Horn, Helge; König, Thomas; Stein, Maria; Federspiel, Andrea; Meier, Beat; Michel, Christoph; Strik, Werner (2006). Sex Differences in Semantic Processing: Event-Related Brain Potentials Distinguish between Lower and Higher Order Semantic Analysis during Word Reading. Cerebral cortex, 17(9), pp. 1987-1997. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhl121

Federspiel, Andrea; Volpe, Umberto; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas; Franck, Anders; Vannini, Patrizia; Wahlund, Lars-Olof; Galderisi, Silvana; Maj, Mario (2006). Motion standstill leads to activation of inferior parietal lobe. Human brain mapping, 27(4), pp. 340-9. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.20189

Bölte, Sven; Hubl, Daniela; Feineis-Matthews, Sabine; Prvulovic, David; Dierks, Thomas; Poustka, Fritz (2006). Facial affect recognition training in autism: can we animate the fusiform gyrus? Behavioral neuroscience, 120(1), pp. 211-6. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/0735-7044.120.1.211

Haemmig, R (2006). Die "Transmodulationsblockade" oder "Zobin-Methode". Schweizerische Ärztezeitung(87), pp. 788-790. Basel: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Hoffmann, H; Leisinger, S (2006). Soteria Bern: Ein Schrittmacher in der Schizophreniebehandlung. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung(87), pp. 1859-1863. Basel: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

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Crettol, Séverine; Déglon, Jean-Jacques; Besson, Jacques; Croquette-Krokar, Marina; Hämmig, Robert; Gothuey, Isabelle; Monnat, Martine; Eap, Chin B (2006). ABCB1 and cytochrome P450 genotypes and phenotypes: influence on methadone plasma levels and response to treatment. Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics, 80(6), pp. 668-81. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1016/j.clpt.2006.09.012

Fink, Annabel; Haemmig, Robert (2006). Drogenabhängigkeit. Geläufige psychiatrische Probleme. Basel: Karger

Reisch, T; Schuster, U; Jenni, C; Michel, K (2006). Suizidprävention bei Brücken: Grundlagen. Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute Zürich

Michel, K (2006). Relation thérapeutique et ancrage. In: , (ed.) Suicide: Liens Sociaux et Recherche de Sens (pp. 57-63). Genève: Labor et Fides

van de Ven, VG; Formisano, E; Röder, CH; Prvulovic, D; Bittner, RA; Dietz, MG; Hubl, D; Dierks, T; Federspiel, A; Esposito, F; Di Salle, F; Jansma, B; Goebel, R; Linden, D.E. (2005). The spatiotemporal pattern of auditory cortical responses during verbal hallucinations. NeuroImage, 27(3), pp. 644-55. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.04.041

Müller, TJ; Federspiel, A; Horn, H; Lövblad, K; Lehmann, C; Dierks, T; Strik, WK (2005). The neurophysiological time pattern of illusionary visual perceptual transitions: a simultaneous EEG and fMRI study. International journal of psychophysiology, 55(3), pp. 299-312. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2004.09.004

Koenig, T; Studer, D; Hubl, D; Melie, L; Strik, WK (2005). Brain connectivity at different time-scales measured with EEG. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 360(1457), pp. 1015-23. London: Royal Society of London 10.1098/rstb.2005.1649

Koenig, T.; Prichep, L.; Dierks, T.; Hubl, D.; Wahlund, L. O.; John, E. R.; Jelic, V. (2005). Decreased EEG synchronization in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of aging, 26(2), pp. 165-171. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2004.03.008

Müller, Th J; Koenig, Th; Wackermann, J; Kalus, P; Fallgatter, A; Strik, W; Lehmann, D (2005). Subsecond changes of global brain state in illusory multistable motion perception. Journal of neural transmission, 112(4), pp. 565-76. Wien: Springer 10.1007/s00702-004-0194-z

Lehmann, C; Mueller, T; Federspiel, A; Hubl, D; Schroth, G; Huber, O; Strik, W; Dierks, T (2004). Dissociation between overt and unconscious face processing in fusiform face area. NeuroImage, 21(1), pp. 75-83. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2003.08.038

Reber, Rolf; Zimmermann, Thomas D.; Wurtz, Pascal (2004). Judgments of duration, figure-ground contrast, and size for words and nonwords. Perception and psychophysics, 66(7), pp. 1105-1114. Austin, Tex.: Psychonomic Journals 10.3758/BF03196839

Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Kreis, Roland; Bösch, Christoph Hans; Maier, Stephan E; Schroth, Gerhard; Lövblad, Karl-Olof; Dierks, Thomas (2004). Pathways that make voices - White matter changes in auditory hallucinations. Archives of general psychiatry, 61(7), pp. 658-668. American Medical Association 10.1001/archpsyc.61.7.658

Tschacher, W; Haemmig, R; Jacobshagen, N (2003). Time series modeling of heroin and morphine drug action. Psychopharmacology, 165(2), pp. 188-93. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00213-002-1271-3

Hubl, D; Bölte, S; Feineis-Matthews, S; Lanfermann, H; Federspiel, A; Strik, W; Poustka, F; Dierks, T (2003). Functional imbalance of visual pathways indicates alternative face processing strategies in autism. Neurology, 61(9), pp. 1232-7. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Linden, D.E.; Sack, AT; Prvulovic, D; Hubl, D; Dierks, T (2002). Combining electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation in the study of human cognition. Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology, 24 Suppl D(24), p. 23. Barcelona: Prous

Prvulovic, D; Hubl, D; Sack, AT; Melillo, L; Maurer, K; Frölich, L; Lanfermann, H; Zanella, FE; Goebel, R; Linden, D.E.; Dierks, T (2002). Functional imaging of visuospatial processing in Alzheimer's disease. NeuroImage, 17(3), pp. 1403-14. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1006/nimg.2002.1271

Sack, AT; Hubl, D; Prvulovic, D; Formisano, E; Jandl, M; Zanella, FE; Maurer, K; Goebel, R; Dierks, T; Linden, D.E. (2002). The experimental combination of rTMS and fMRI reveals the functional relevance of parietal cortex for visuospatial functions. Cognitive brain research, 13(1), pp. 85-93. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/S0926-6410(01)00087-8

Bölte, S; Feineis-Matthews, S; Leber, S; Dierks, T; Hubl, D; Poustka, F (2002). The development and evaluation of a computer-based program to test and to teach the recognition of facial affect. International journal of circumpolar health, 2(61), pp. 61-8. Oulu, Finland: International Association of Circumpolar Health Publishers

Berg, D.; Herrmann, M. J.; Müller, T. J.; Strik, W. K.; Aranda, D.; Koenig, T.; Naumann, M.; Fallgatter, A. J. (2001). Cognitive response control in writer's cramp. European journal of neurology, 8(6), pp. 587-594. Blackwell Science 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2001.00298.x

Haemmig, RB; Tschacher, W (2001). Effects of high-dose heroin versus morphine in intravenous drug users: a randomised double-blind crossover study. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 33(2), pp. 105-10. Philadelphia, Pa.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/02791072.2001.10400475

Hubl, D; Kleinlogel, H; Frölich, L; Weinandi, T; Maurer, K; Holstein, W; Czekalla, J; Dierks, T (2001). Multilead quantitative electroencephalogram profile and cognitive evoked potentials (P300) in healthy subjects after a single dose of olanzapine. Psychopharmacology, 158(3), pp. 281-8. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s002130100861

Meyer, V; Bagayev, SN; Baird, PE; Bakule, P; Boshier, MG; Breitruck, A; Cornish, SL; Dychkov, S; Eaton, GH; Grossmann, A; Hubl, D; Hughes, VW; Jungmann, K; Lane, IC; Liu, YW; Lucas, D; Matyugin, Y; Merkel, J; zu Putlitz, G; Reinhard, I; ... (2000). Measurement of the 1s-2s energy interval in muonium. Physical review letters, 84(6), pp. 1136-9. Ridge, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.1136

Haemmig, RB (1995). Harm reduction in Bern: from outreach to heroin maintenance. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 72(2), pp. 371-9. New York, N.Y.: New York Academy of Medicine

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