04 Faculty of Medicine > University Psychiatric Services > University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

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Number of items at this level: 2073.

Abdulkadir, Ahmed

Habich, Annegret; Klöppel, Stefan; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Scheller, Elisa; Nissen, Christoph; Peter, Jessica (2017). Anodal tDCS Enhances Verbal Episodic Memory in Initially Low Performers. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11(542), p. 542. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00542

Abela, Eugenio

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Adamantidis, Antoine Roger

Bozic, Ivan; Rusterholz, Thomas; Mikutta, Christian; Del Rio Bermudez, Carlos; Nissen, Christoph; Adamantidis, Antoine (2023). Coupling between the prelimbic cortex, nucleus reuniens, and hippocampus during NREM sleep remains stable under cognitive and homeostatic demands. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 106-128. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15853

Müller Herde, Adrienne; Mihov, Yoan; Krämer, Stefanie D; Mu, Linjing; Adamantidis, Antoine; Ametamey, Simon M; Hasler, Gregor (2019). Chronic Nicotine Exposure Alters Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5: Longitudinal PET Study and Behavioural Assessment in Rats. Neurotoxicity research, 36(4), pp. 806-816. Springer 10.1007/s12640-019-00055-5

Adamus, Christine

Adamus, Christine; Mötteli, Sonja; Jäger, Matthias; Richter, Dirk (2024). Independent Supported Housing vs institutional housing rehabilitation settings for non-homeless individuals with severe mental illness - longitudinal results from an observational study. BMC psychiatry, 24(554) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-024-05995-7

Adamus, Christine; Richter, Dirk; Sutor, Kim; Zürcher, Simeon; Mötteli, Sonja (2024). Preference for Competitive Employment in People with Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Proportions. (In Press). Journal of occupational rehabilitation Springer 10.1007/s10926-024-10192-0

Adamus, Christine (2023). Independent Supported Housing for non-homeless individuals with severe mental illness (Submitted). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Graduate School of Health Sciences)

Adamus, Christine; Mötteli, Sonja; Jäger, Matthias; Richter, Dirk (2022). Independent Supported Housing for non-homeless individuals with severe mental illness: Comparison of two effectiveness studies using a randomised controlled and an observational study design. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1033328

Adamus, Christine; Alpiger, Jovin; Jäger, Matthias; Richter, Dirk; Mötteli, Sonja (2022). Independent Supported Housing Versus Institutionalised Residential Rehabilitation for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness: A Survey of Attitudes and Working Conditions Among Mental Healthcare Professionals. Community mental health journal, 59(3), pp. 531-539. Springer 10.1007/s10597-022-01037-2

Adamus, Christine; Zürcher, Simeon Joel; Richter, Dirk (2022). A mirror-image analysis of psychiatric hospitalisations among people with severe mental illness using Independent Supported Housing. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 492. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04133-5

Zürcher, Simeon Joel; Banzer, Céline; Adamus, Christine; Lehmann, Anja I; Richter, Dirk; Kerksieck, Philipp (2022). Post-viral mental health sequelae in infected persons associated with COVID-19 and previous epidemics and pandemics: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence estimates. Journal of infection and public health, 15(5), pp. 599-608. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jiph.2022.04.005

Richter, Dirk; Adamus, Christine; Mötteli, Sonja; Myszor, Franziska; Wienberg, Günther; Steinhart, Ingmar (2022). [Supported Housing – Development and Validation of the “Supported Housing Fidelity Scale” for People With Mental Health Problems]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 49(2), pp. 103-106. Thieme 10.1055/a-1509-4666

Mötteli, Sonja; Adamus, Christine; Deb, Tim; Fröbel, Rahel; Siemerkus, Jakob; Richter, Dirk; Jäger, Matthias (2022). Independent Supported Housing for Non-homeless People With Serious Mental Illness: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.798275

Adamus, Christine; Mötteli, Sonja; Jäger, Matthias; Richter, Dirk (2020). Independent Housing and Support for non-homeless individuals with severe mental illness: randomised controlled trial vs. observational study – study protocol. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), p. 319. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-020-02712-y

Adorjan, Kristina

Wratil, Paul R; Le Thi, Thu Giang; Osterman, Andreas; Badell, Irina; Huber, Melanie; Zhelyazkova, Ana; Wichert, Sven P; Litwin, Anna; Hörmansdorfer, Stefan; Strobl, Frances; Grote, Veit; Jebrini, Tarek; Török, Helga P; Hornung, Veit; Choukér, Alexander; Koletzko, Berthold; Adorjan, Kristina; Koletzko, Sibylle; Keppler, Oliver T (2024). Dietary habits, traveling and the living situation potentially influence the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from healthcare workers participating in the RisCoin Study. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1425-1437. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02201-4

Rueb, Mike; Ruzicka, Michael; Fonseca, Gerardo Jesus Ibarra; Valdinoci, Elisabeth; Benesch, Christopher; Pernpruner, Anna; von Baum, Max; Remi, Jan; Jebrini, Tarek; Schöberl, Florian; Straube, Andreas; Stubbe, Hans Christian; Adorjan, Kristina (2024). Headache severity in patients with post COVID-19 condition: a case-control study. (In Press). European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience Springer 10.1007/s00406-024-01850-8

Brandt, Lasse; Adorjan, Kristina; Catthoor, Kirsten; Chkonia, Eka; Falkai, Peter; Fiorillo, Andrea; Gondek, Tomasz M; Le Vay, Jessica Newberry; Rojnic, Martina; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Heinz, Andreas; Dom, Geert; Luykx, Jurjen J (2024). Climate Change and Mental Health: Position Paper of the European Psychiatric Association. European psychiatry, 67(1), e41. Cambridge University Press 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2024.1754

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Aeschimann, Andrea

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Akkus, Funda

Akkus, Funda; Treyer, Valerie; Ametamey, Simon M; Johayem, Anass; Buck, Alfred; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 neuroimaging in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 183, pp. 95-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.11.008

Akkus, Funda; Treyer, Valerie; Johayem, Anass; Ametamey, Simon M; Mancilla, Baltazar Gomez; Sovago, Judit; Buck, Alfred; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Association of long-term nicotine abstinence with normal metabotropic glutamate receptor-5 binding. Biological psychiatry, 79(6), pp. 474-480. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.02.027

Terbeck, Sylvia; Akkus, Funda; Chesterman, Laurence P; Hasler, Gregor (2015). The role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in the pathogenesis of mood disorders and addiction: combining preclinical evidence with human Positron Emission Tomography (PET) studies. Frontiers in neuroscience, 9, p. 86. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2015.00086

Alexaki, Despoina Danai

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Altorfer, Andreas

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Schwab, Simon (2013). Measurement and analysis of eye-head coordination in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). (Dissertation)

Andreotti, Jennifer

Andreotti, Jennifer (2014). The structural substrate of brain function: analysis of brain structural networks based on diffusion-weighted imaging (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Faculty of Medicine)

Antonova, Ingrida

Antonova, Ingrida; Bänninger, Anja; Dierks, Thomas; Griskova-Bulanova, I; König, Thomas; Kohler, Axel (2015). Differential recruitment of brain networks during visuospatial and color processing: Evidence from ERP microstates. Neuroscience, 305, pp. 128-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.07.078

Arnold, Marcel

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Arun, Joseph

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (14 June 2024). Die implizite emotionale Bewertung des Todes bei Personen mit aktuellem suizidalem Erleben: Ergebnisse neu entwickelter Versionen des Impliziten Assoziationstests für Suizid (Unpublished). In: 3. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress. Berlin, Germany. 14.06.2024.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (8 May 2024). Exploring the Implicit Emotional Valence of Death in Recent Suicide Attempters with a Novel Personalized Death Implicit Association Test (Unpublished). In: 4. Gemeinsamer Kongress der AGNP und DGBP 2024. Berlin, Germany. 08.05. - 10.05.2024.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Brüdern, Juliane; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (20 September 2023). The Implicit Emotional Evaluation of Death versus Life in Persons with Acute Suicidal Thoughts (Unpublished). In: 32nd IASP World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. 19 - 23 September 2023.

Auer, Reto

Pfeifer, Philippe; Auer, Reto; Baggio, Stéphanie; Moggi, Franz (2022). A Nationwide Study of Inpatient Case Rate Incidence of Cannabis-Related Diagnoses in Switzerland. International journal of public health, 67, p. 1605554. Frontiers 10.3389/ijph.2022.1605554

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Aybek Rusca, Selma

Bühler, Janine; Weber, Samantha; Serafeim, Loukas; Walther, Sebastian; Aybek, Selma (2024). Non-invasive neuromodulation of the right temporoparietal junction using theta-burst stimulation in functional neurological disorder. BMJ neurology open, 6(e000525) British Medical Association 10.1136/bmjno-2023-000525

Bachofner, Hanta

Bachofner, Hanta; Scherer, Konstantin A; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Validation of the Apraxia Screen TULIA (AST) in Schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 81(4), pp. 311-321. Karger 10.1159/000523778

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Viher, Petra V.; Bachofner, Hanta; Weiss, Florian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Shankman, Stewart A.; Mittal, Vijay A.; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance? Journal of affective disorders, 292, pp. 81-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055

Baggio, Stéphanie

Pfeifer, Philippe; Auer, Reto; Baggio, Stéphanie; Moggi, Franz (2022). A Nationwide Study of Inpatient Case Rate Incidence of Cannabis-Related Diagnoses in Switzerland. International journal of public health, 67, p. 1605554. Frontiers 10.3389/ijph.2022.1605554

Bargiotas, Panagiotis

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.

Riemann, Dieter; Espie, Colin A; Altena, Ellemarije; Arnardottir, Erna Sif; Baglioni, Chiara; Bassetti, Claudio L A; Bastien, Celyne; Berzina, Natalija; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Dikeos, Dimitris; Dolenc Groselj, Leja; Ellis, Jason G; Garcia-Borreguero, Diego; Geoffroy, Pierre A; Gjerstad, Michaela; Gonçalves, Marta; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Hoedlmoser, Kerstin; Hion, Tuuliki; Holzinger, Brigitte; ... (2023). The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e14035. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.14035

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Bassetti, Claudio L.A.

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Batschelet, Hallie Margareta

Stein, Maria; Soravia, Leila M; Tschuemperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Jaeger, Joshua; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin; Wiers, Reinout W; Moggi, Franz (2023). Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Drinking Outcome and Working Mechanisms. Addiction, 118(4), pp. 646-657. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.16104

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Koenig, Thomas; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Pfeifer, Philippe; Soravia, Leila Maria; Stein, Maria (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), pp. 2031-2044. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acer.14444

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Stein, Maria; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila (2019). Learning to resist the urge: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating alcohol-specific inhibition training in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder. Trials, 20(1), p. 402. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13063-019-3505-2

Baumann Gama, Daniel Eduardo

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

von Känel, Sofie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Despoina; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Measuring catatonia motor behavior with objective instrumentation. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 880747. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.880747

Beilstein, Christian

Beilstein, Christian; Meyer, Agnes; Lehmann, Lutz; Wüthrich, Patrick Y. (2023). Comments on "Postanesthesia Recovery Unit Optimization for Patients With Postictal Agitation Secondary to Electroconvulsive Therapy" by Arora et. The journal of ECT, 39(4), pp. 274-275. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000963

Benzing, Valentin Johannes

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Berger, Maximus

Amminger, G Paul; Rice, Simon; Davey, Christopher G; Quinn, Amelia L; Hermens, Daniel F; Zmicerevska, Natalia; Nichles, Alissa; Hickie, Ian; Incerti, Lisa; Weller, Amber; Joseph, Sarah; Hilton, Zarah; Pugh, Charlotte; Rayner, Madeline; Reid, Nate; Ratheesh, Aswin; Yung, Alison R; Yuen, Hok Pan; Mackinnon, Andrew; Hetrick, Sarah; ... (2024). The Addition of Fish Oil to Cognitive Behavioural Case Management for Youth Depression (YoDA-F): A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicentre Clinical Trial. Biological psychiatry, 95(5), pp. 426-433. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.06.015

Youn, Sarah; Mamsa, Somayra; Allott, Kelly; Berger, Maximus; Polari, Andrea; Rice, Simon; Schmaal, Lianne; Wood, Stephen; Lavoie, Suzie (2023). Acceptability and feasibility of a multidomain harmonized data collection protocol in youth mental health. Early intervention in psychiatry, 17(5), pp. 512-518. Wiley 10.1111/eip.13346

Susai, Subash Raj; Healy, Colm; Mongan, David; Heurich, Meike; Byrne, Jonah F; Cannon, Mary; Cagney, Gerard; Wynne, Kieran; Markulev, Connie; Schäfer, Miriam R; Berger, Maximus; Mossaheb, Nilufar; Schlögelhofer, Monika; Smesny, Stefan; Hickie, Ian B; Berger, Gregor E; Chen, Eric Y H; de Haan, Lieuwe; Nieman, Dorien H; Nordentoft, Merete; ... (2022). Evidence that complement and coagulation proteins are mediating the clinical response to omega-3 fatty acids: A mass spectrometry-based investigation in subjects at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Translational psychiatry, 12(1), p. 454. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41398-022-02217-0

Cheng, Nicholas; McLaverty, Alison; Nelson, Barnaby; Markulev, Connie; Schäfer, Miriam R; Berger, Maximus; Mossaheb, Nilufar; Schlögelhofer, Monika; Smesny, Stefan; Hickie, Ian B; Berger, Gregor E; Chen, Eric Y H; de Haan, Lieuwe; Nieman, Dorien H; Nordentoft, Merete; Riecher-Rössler, Anita; Verma, Swapna; Street, Rebekah; Thompson, Andrew; Yuen, Hok Pan; ... (2022). Effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive functioning in youth at ultra-high risk for psychosis: secondary analysis of the NEURAPRO randomised controlled trial. BJPsych open, 8(5), e165. The Royal College of Psychiatrists 10.1192/bjo.2022.572

Michel, Chantal; Berger, Maximus; Mossaheb, Nilufar; Kindler, Jochen (2021). Editorial: Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: From Epidemiological Findings to Neurobiological Underpinnings of Treatment Response and Outcome. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.790810

Berger, Thomas

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Krieger, Tobias; Kley, Marijke Amanda; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas (2023). Blending an internet-based emotion regulation intervention with face-to-face psychotherapy: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 33(100650), p. 100650. Elsevier 10.1016/j.invent.2023.100650

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Wälchli, Gwendolyn; Nissen, Christoph; Berger, Thomas; Moggi, Franz (2023). Does an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention Provide Added Value for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care? Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR research protocols, 12, e47656. JMIR Publications 10.2196/47656

Schneider, C. L.; Hertenstein, E.; Fehér, K.; Moggi, F.; Berger, T.; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, development and evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep medicine, 100(S1), p. 214. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.576

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel; Cantisani, Andrea; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep Advances, 1(1) Oxford Academic 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpaa005

Bergomi, Claudia

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (26 November 2014). Die umfassende Erfassung von Achtsamkeit zur Erforschung achtsamkeitsbasierter Interventionen bei psychischen Störungen – Das Comprehensive Inventory of Mindfulness Experiences (CHIME). In: DGPPN Kongress 2014. Berlin. 26.-29.11.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (10 September 2014). Construction and first validation of the comprehensive inventory of mindfulness (CHIME). In: 2014 Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT). Den Haag. 10.-13.09.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (10 September 2014). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapie for depression (MBCT) in clinical practice - baseline patient characteristics, process and outcome. In: 2014 Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT). Den Haag. 10.-13.09.2014.

Bertschi, Manuel

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Bielinski, Laura Luisa

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Krieger, Tobias; Kley, Marijke Amanda; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas (2023). Blending an internet-based emotion regulation intervention with face-to-face psychotherapy: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 33(100650), p. 100650. Elsevier 10.1016/j.invent.2023.100650

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Wälchli, Gwendolyn; Nissen, Christoph; Berger, Thomas; Moggi, Franz (2023). Does an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention Provide Added Value for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care? Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR research protocols, 12, e47656. JMIR Publications 10.2196/47656

Bieri, Rahel

Bieri, Rahel; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2015). Development of a novel driving behavior adaptations questionnaire. International psychogeriatrics, 27(6), pp. 1017-1027. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1041610214002750

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Gruber, Nicole; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). A novel computer test to assess driving-relevant cognitive functions - a pilot study. International psychogeriatrics, 26(2), pp. 229-238. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S104161021300183X

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Bethencourt, Nora; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Müri, René Martin; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effect of Cognitive Impairment on Driving-Relevant Cognition in Older Persons. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2(1), pp. 11-18. David Publishing

Bohlhalter, Stephan

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Schüpfer, Anne-Catherine; Kiefer, Claus; Zizlsperger, Leopold; Lutz, Kai; Luft, Andreas R.; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2020). Interhemispheric facilitation of gesturing: A combined theta burst stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain stimulation, 13(2), pp. 457-463. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brs.2019.12.013

Dutschke, Lars Levi; Stegmayer, Katharina; Ramseyer, Fabian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Gesture impairments in schizophrenia are linked to increased movement and prolonged motor planning and execution. Schizophrenia Research, 200, pp. 42-49. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.012

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2018). Deficient supplementary motor area at rest: Neural basis of limb kinetic deficits in Parkinson's disease. Human brain mapping, 39(9), pp. 3691-3700. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.24204

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Specific cerebral perfusion patterns in three schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 190, pp. 96-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.03.018

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S31-S31. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (25 September 2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (September 2014). Neural correlates of gesture impairments in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18.09.2014.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 March 2014). Understanding of nonverbal social information is associated with gesture performance and postural knowledge in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Bonanno, Gabriele

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Bozic, Ivan

Bozic, Ivan; Rusterholz, Thomas; Mikutta, Christian; Del Rio Bermudez, Carlos; Nissen, Christoph; Adamantidis, Antoine (2023). Coupling between the prelimbic cortex, nucleus reuniens, and hippocampus during NREM sleep remains stable under cognitive and homeostatic demands. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 106-128. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15853

Bracht, Tobias

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Jäger, Joshua; Osterburg, Lara; Stein, Maria; Germann, Miranda; Lustenberger, Sara A; Wopfner, Alexander; Denier, Niklaus; Bracht, Tobias; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M. (2024). Antidepressants and alcohol use disorder: A multicenter study on the mediating role of depression symptom changes. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research, 48(8), pp. 1577-1585. Wiley 10.1111/acer.15386

Breit, Sigrid; Meyer, Agnes; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Specific Catatonia Symptoms and Predictors of Late Response. Pharmacopsychiatry, 57(1), pp. 13-20. Thieme 10.1055/a-2195-1499

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Bracht, Tobias; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Lüdi, Karin; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2022). Link between structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle, functional connectivity of the ventral tegmental area, and anhedonia in unipolar depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, p. 102961. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102961

Denier, Niklaus; Steinberg, Gerrit; van Elst, Ludger Tebartz; Bracht, Tobias (2022). The role of head circumference and cerebral volumes to phenotype male adults with autism spectrum disorder. Brain and Behavior, 12(3), e2460. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.2460

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Schneider, Christoph; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2020). Reduced tract length of the medial forebrain bundle and the anterior thalamic radiation in bipolar disorder with melancholic depression. Journal of affective disorders, 274, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.008

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (25 September 2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

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Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

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Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

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Breit, Sigrid

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

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Vai, Benedetta; Calesella, Federico; Lenti, Claudia; Fortaner-Uyà, Lidia; Caselani, Elisa; Fiore, Paola; Breit, Sigrid; Poletti, Sara; Colombo, Cristina; Zanardi, Raffaella; Benedetti, Francesco (2023). Reduced corticolimbic habituation to negative stimuli characterizes bipolar depressed suicide attempters. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 331, p. 111627. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2023.111627

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Brem, Anna- Katharine

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Antal, Andrea; Luber, Bruce; Brem, Anna- Katharine; Bikson, Marom; Brunoni, Andre R.; Cohen Kadosh, Roi; Dubljević, Veljko; Fecteau, Shirley; Ferreri, Florinda; Flöel, Agnes; Hallett, Mark; Hamilton, Roy H.; Herrmann, Christoph S.; Lavidor, Michal; Loo, Collen; Lustenberger, Caroline; Machado, Sergio; Miniussi, Carlo; Moliadze, Vera; Nitsche, Michael A; ... (2022). Non-invasive brain stimulation and neuroenhancement. Clinical neurophysiology practice, 7, pp. 146-165. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cnp.2022.05.002

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Brenner, Hans Dieter

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Brogna, Stella Lorena Laura

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Brändle, Laura Silvia

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Bundo, Marvin

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Burgunder, Jean-Marc

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Caccia, Julien Noël

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Cantisani, Andrea

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Castelnovo, Anna; Lividini, Althea; Riedner, Brady A; Avvenuti, Giulia; Jones, Stephanie G; Miano, Silvia; Tononi, Giulio; Manconi, Mauro; Bernardi, Giulio (2023). Origin, synchronization, and propagation of sleep slow waves in children. NeuroImage, 274, p. 120133. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120133

Moro, Matteo; Pastore, Vito Paolo; Marchesi, Giorgia; Proserpio, Paola; Tassi, Laura; Castelnovo, Anna; Manconi, Mauro; Nobile, Giulia; Cordani, Ramona; Gibbs, Steve A; Odone, Francesca; Casadio, Maura; Nobili, Lino (2023). Automatic Video Analysis and Classification of Sleep-related Hypermotor seizures and Disorders of Arousal. Epilepsia, 64(6), pp. 1653-1662. Wiley 10.1111/epi.17605

Mainieri, Greta; Loddo, Giuseppe; Provini, Federica; Nobili, Lino; Manconi, Mauro; Castelnovo, Anna (2023). Diagnosis and Management of NREM Sleep Parasomnias in Children and Adults. Diagnostics, 13(7) MDPI 10.3390/diagnostics13071261

Castelnovo, Anna; Miano, Silvia; Ferri, Raffaele; Raggi, Alberto; Maestri, Michelangelo; Bottasini, Valentina; Anelli, Matteo; Zucconi, Marco; Castronovo, Vincenza; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi; Manconi, Mauro (2023). Electrophysiological and Neuropsychological Indices of Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Insomnia and Severe Benzodiazepine Use Disorder. Brain Sciences, 13(3) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci13030375

Castelnovo, Anna; Amacker, Julian; Maiolo, Massimo; Amato, Ninfa; Pereno, Matteo; Riccardi, Silvia; Danani, Andrea; Ulzega, Simone; Manconi, Mauro (2022). High-density EEG power topography and connectivity during confusional arousal. Cortex, 155, pp. 62-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2022.05.021

Demartini, Benedetta; Marotta, Angela; Castelnovo, Anna; Del Piccolo, Lidia; Nisticò, Veronica; Gambini, Orsola; Tinazzi, Michele (2022). Towards a tailored psychotherapy for patients with functional neurological disorders. Journal of affective disorders, 313, pp. 260-262. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.06.022

Sparasci, Davide; Gobbi, Claudio; Castelnovo, Anna; Riccitelli, Gianna Carla; Disanto, Giulio; Zecca, Chiara; Manconi, Mauro (2022). Fatigue, sleepiness and depression in multiple sclerosis: defining the overlaps for a better phenotyping. Journal of neurology, 269(9), pp. 4961-4971. Springer 10.1007/s00415-022-11143-6

Castelnovo, Anna; Lividini, Althea; Bernardi, Giulio; Pezzoli, Valdo; Foderaro, Giuseppe; Ramelli, Gian Paolo; Manconi, Mauro; Miano, Silvia (2022). Sleep Power Topography in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children, 9(2) MDPI 10.3390/children9020197

Mainieri, Greta; Loddo, Giuseppe; Castelnovo, Anna; Balella, Giulia; Cilea, Rosalia; Mondini, Susanna; Manconi, Mauro; Provini, Federica (2022). EEG Activation Does Not Differ in Simple and Complex Episodes of Disorders of Arousal: A Spectral Analysis Study. Nature and science of sleep, 14, pp. 1097-1111. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/NSS.S360120

Castiglione, Christian David

Castiglione, Christian David; Schaufler, S; Wild, Salome Johanna Elisabeth; Hamann, Christoph; Tarokh, Leila (June 2023). Sleep Regularity in Healthy Adolescents and its Association with Sleep Quality and Mental Health (Unpublished). In: eSleep ESRS - Virtual Congress. online. 04.-06.10.2023.

Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja

Stassen, H H; Bachmann, S; Bridler, R; Cattapan, K; Seifritz, E (2024). Polypharmacy in psychiatry and weight gain: longitudinal study of 832 patients hospitalized for depression or schizophrenia, along with data of 3180 students from Europe, the U.S., South America, and China. (In Press). European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience Springer 10.1007/s00406-024-01767-2

Stassen, H H; Bachmann, S; Bridler, R; Cattapan, K; Hartmann, A M; Rujescu, D; Seifritz, E; Weisbrod, M; Scharfetter, Chr (2024). Analysis of genetic diversity in patients with major psychiatric disorders versus healthy controls: A molecular-genetic study of 1698 subjects genotyped for 100 candidate genes (549 SNPs). Psychiatry research, 333, p. 115720. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115720

Greil, Waldemar; de Bardeci, Mateo; Müller-Oerlinghausen, Bruno; Nievergelt, Nadja; Stassen, Hans; Hasler, Gregor; Erfurth, Andreas; Cattapan, Katja; Rüther, Eckart; Seifert, Johanna; Toto, Sermin; Bleich, Stefan; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2023). Controversies regarding lithium-associated weight gain: case-control study of real-world drug safety data. International journal of bipolar disorders, 11(1), p. 34. Springer 10.1186/s40345-023-00313-8

Stassen, Hans; Bachmann, Silke; Bridler, René; Cattapan, Katja; Hartmann, Annette; Rujescu, Dan; Seifritz, Erich; Weisbrod, Matthias; Scharfetter, Christian (October 2022). Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Patients with Major Psychiatric Disorders versus Healthy Controls: A molecular-genetic study of 1,698 subjects genotyped for 100 candidate genes (549 SNPs) Research Square 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2222846/v1

Camenisch, Denise Angélique; Schäfer, Olaf; Minder, Isabelle Andrea; Cattapan, Katja (2022). The influence of work on well-being taking into account different occupational profiles. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 17(3), pp. 336-342. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s11553-021-00875-4

Stassen, H.H.; Bachmann, S; Bridler, R; Cattapan, K; Herzig, D; Schneeberger, A; Seifritz, E (2022). Detailing the effects of polypharmacy in psychiatry: longitudinal study of 320 patients hospitalized for depression or schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(4), pp. 603-619. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01358-5

Egle, Ulrich T; Bättig, Isabelle; Neufeld, Joel; Ballweg, Tobias; Cattapan, Katja (2022). Biopsychosocial therapy of generalized anxiety disorder. Integrative treatment concept. Psychotherapeut, 67(3), pp. 240-247. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00278-021-00567-6

Greil, Waldemar; de Bardeci, Mateo; Seifert, Johanna; Bernegger, Xueqiong; Cattapan, Katja; Stassen, Hans; Wagner, Anita L; Sieberer, Marcel; Grohmann, Renate; Toto, Sermin (2022). Treatment of depression: Are psychotropic drugs appropriately dosed in women and in the elderly? Dosages of psychotropic drugs by sex and age in routine clinical practice. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 37(1), e2809. Wiley 10.1002/hup.2809

Simon, Andor; Keller, Petra; Cattapan, Katja (2021). Commentary about social avoidance and its significance in adolescents and young adults. Psychiatry research, 297, p. 113718. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.113718

Haisch, Sarie; Ballweg, Tobias; Seeher, Christian; Orosz, Ariane; Schibli, Yamina; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja (2018). Burnout und Neurasthenie – Zeitdiagnosen der Jahrhunderte? Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 169(2), pp. 54-57. EMH Media 10.4414/sanp.2018.00561

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Cavelti, Marialuisa

Käser, Janko Mario; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael; Cavelti, Marialuisa (12 July 2023). Psychotic symptoms as a severity marker in a transdiagnostic clinical sample of adolescents: What is the significance of hallucinations? (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Käser, Janko Mario; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Psychotische Symptome als ein transdiagnostischer Schweregradmarker bei Jugendlichen (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Cavelti, Marialuisa; Corbisiero, Salvatore; Bitto, Hannes; Moerstedt, Beatrice; Newark, Patricia; Faschina, Sylvia; Chanen, Andrew; Moggi, Franz; Stieglitz, Rolf-Dieter (2019). A Comparison of Self-Reported Emotional Regulation Skills in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of attention disorders, 23(12), pp. 1396-1406. Sage 10.1177/1087054717698814

Thompson, Katherine N; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Chanen, Andrew M (2019). Psychotic symptoms in adolescents with borderline personality disorder features. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 28(7), pp. 985-992. Springer 10.1007/s00787-018-1257-2

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Cavelti, Marialuisa; Kircher, Tilo; Nagels, Arne; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Is formal thought disorder in schizophrenia related to structural and functional aberrations in the language network? A systematic review of neuroimaging findings. Schizophrenia Research, 199, pp. 2-16. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.02.051

Westermann, Stefan; Gantenbein, Vivien; Caspar, Franz; Cavelti, Marialuisa (2018). Maintaining delusional beliefs to satisfy and protect psychological needs. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of psychology, 226(3), pp. 197-203. Hogrefe 10.1027/2151-2604/a000337

Cavelti, Marialuisa; Wirtz, M; Corrigan, P; Vauth, R (2017). Recovery assessment scale: Examining the factor structure of the German version (RAS-G) in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. European psychiatry, 41, pp. 60-67. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.10.006

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Chan, Andrew Hao-Kuang

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

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Chapellier, Victoria Joséphine Bérengère Marie

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Mueller, Daniel R; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Brain Stimulation and Group Therapy to Improve Gesture and Social Skills in Schizophrenia-The Study Protocol of a Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Three-Arm, Double-Blind Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 909703. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909703

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Chapellier, Victoria; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Using dynamic point light display stimuli to assess gesture deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. Cognition, 28, p. 100240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100240

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). The Impact of Poor Nonverbal Social Perception on Functional Capacity in Schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychology, 13 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.804093

Ciompi, Luc

Ciompi, Luc; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). Affect-Logic, Embodiment, Synergetics, and the Free Energy Principle: New Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Schizophrenia. Entropy, 23(12) MDPI https://doi.org/10.3390/e23121619

Conring, Frauke

Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Derome, Melodie; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Associations of resting-state perfusion and auditory verbal hallucinations with and without emotional content in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103527

Gangl, Nicole; Conring, Frauke; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Resting-state perfusion in motor and fronto-limbic areas is linked to diminished expression of emotion and speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, 9(1), p. 51. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-023-00384-7

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Curatolo, Michele

Müller, M; Curatolo, M; Limacher, A; Neziri, A; Treichel, F; Battaglia, M; Arendt-Nielsen, L; Jüni, P (2019). Predicting transition from acute to chronic low back pain with quantitative sensory tests - a prospective cohort study in the primary care setting. European journal of pain, 23(5), pp. 894-907. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejp.1356

Debove, Ines

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Del Rio Bermudez, Carlos

Bozic, Ivan; Rusterholz, Thomas; Mikutta, Christian; Del Rio Bermudez, Carlos; Nissen, Christoph; Adamantidis, Antoine (2023). Coupling between the prelimbic cortex, nucleus reuniens, and hippocampus during NREM sleep remains stable under cognitive and homeostatic demands. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 106-128. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15853

Denier, Niklaus

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Jäger, Joshua; Osterburg, Lara; Stein, Maria; Germann, Miranda; Lustenberger, Sara A; Wopfner, Alexander; Denier, Niklaus; Bracht, Tobias; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M. (2024). Antidepressants and alcohol use disorder: A multicenter study on the mediating role of depression symptom changes. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research, 48(8), pp. 1577-1585. Wiley 10.1111/acer.15386

Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Denier, Niklaus; Strik, Werner; Soravia, Leila M.; Jehli, Elisabeth (4 May 2024). Human Resting-State Complexity of BOLD fMRI in Ultra-High-Field MRI at 7T: a primer (Unpublished). In: 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Singapur. 04.05.2024 - 09.05.2024.

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Bracht, Tobias; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Lüdi, Karin; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2022). Link between structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle, functional connectivity of the ventral tegmental area, and anhedonia in unipolar depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, p. 102961. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102961

Denier, Niklaus; Steinberg, Gerrit; van Elst, Ludger Tebartz; Bracht, Tobias (2022). The role of head circumference and cerebral volumes to phenotype male adults with autism spectrum disorder. Brain and Behavior, 12(3), e2460. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.2460

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Schneider, Christoph; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2020). Reduced tract length of the medial forebrain bundle and the anterior thalamic radiation in bipolar disorder with melancholic depression. Journal of affective disorders, 274, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.008

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Denzer, Simone

Diezig, Sarah; Denzer, Simone; Achermann, Peter; Mast, Fred W; Koenig, Thomas (2024). EEG Microstate Dynamics Associated with Dream-Like Experiences During the Transition to Sleep. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 343-355. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00923-y

Denzer, Simone; Diezig, Sarah; König, Thomas; Mast, Fred W. (22 July 2020). A new EEG paradigm to investigate reality experience using virtual reality. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging (BaCI) meeting, a joint meeting of ECNS, ISBET, ISFSI and ISNIP. Chengdu, China. 10 - 14 September 2019.

Dierks, Thomas

Habich, Annegret; Oltra, Javier; Schwarz, Christopher G; Przybelski, Scott A; Oppedal, Ketil; Inguanzo, Anna; Blanc, Frédéric; Lemstra, Afina W; Hort, Jakub; Westman, Eric; Segura, Barbara; Junque, Carme; Lowe, Val J; Boeve, Bradley F; Aarsland, Dag; Dierks, Thomas; Kantarci, Kejal; Ferreira, Daniel (2024). Grey matter networks in women and men with dementia with Lewy bodies. NPJ Parkinson's disease, 10(84) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41531-024-00702-5

Oltra, Javier; Habich, Annegret; Schwarz, Christopher G; Nedelska, Zuzana; Przybelski, Scott A; Inguanzo, Anna; Diaz-Galvan, Patricia; Lowe, Val J; Oppedal, Ketil; Gonzalez, Maria C; Philippi, Nathalie; Blanc, Frederic; Barkhof, Frederik; Lemstra, Afina W; Hort, Jakub; Padovani, Alessandro; Rektorova, Irena; Bonanni, Laura; Massa, Federico; Kramberger, Milica G; ... (2024). Sex differences in brain atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 20(3), pp. 1815-1826. 10.1002/alz.13571

Habich, Annegret; Wahlund, Lars-Olof; Westman, Eric; Dierks, Thomas; Ferreira, Daniel (2023). (Dis-)Connected Dots in Dementia with Lewy Bodies—A Systematic Review of Connectivity Studies. Movement disorders, 38(1), pp. 4-15. Wiley 10.1002/mds.29248

Homan, Stephanie; Muscat, Whitney; Joanlanne, Andrea; Marousis, Nikolaos; Cecere, Giacomo; Hofmann, Lena; Ji, Ellen; Neumeier, Maria; Vetter, Stefan; Vetter, Stefan; Seifritz, Erich; Dierks, Thomas; Homan, Philipp (2021). Treatment effect variability in brain stimulation across psychiatric disorders: A meta-analysis of variance. Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews, 124, pp. 54-62. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.11.033

Ishida, Takuya; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Morishima, Yosuke (2020). Converging Resting State Networks Unravels Potential Remote Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Major Depression. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11(836), p. 836. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00836

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Grieder, Matthias; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials. Frontiers in neuroscience, 12(880) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2018.00880

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (31 August 2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation over the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials (Unpublished). In: 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2018. San Diego. 3.11.2018-7.11.2018.

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Hauf, M; Dierks, T; Schimmelmann, BG; Hubl, D (2017). Zerebrale Blutflussmessungen zur Bestimmung des Psychoserisikos bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22. - 25.03.2017.

Orosz, Ariane; Federspiel, Andrea; Seeher, Christian; Dierks, Thomas; Tschitsaz, Armita; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja (24 November 2016). Burnout - das Zusammenspiel von Stress-Symptomen und Stress-Biomarkern (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin. 23.-26.11.2016.

Grieder, Matthias; König, Thomas; Kinoshita, Toshihiko; Utsunomiya, Keita; Wahlund, Lars-Olof; Dierks, Thomas; Nishida, Keiichiro (2016). Discovering EEG resting state alterations of semantic dementia. Clinical neurophysiology, 127(5), pp. 2175-2181. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2016.01.025

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Meier, Lea (2015). Exploring the emotional brain: Neural correlates of homeostatic and sensory-evoked emotions and their interaction in emotional rivalry. (Dissertation, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychiatrische Neurophysiologie, Medizinische Fakultät)

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Antonova, Ingrida; Bänninger, Anja; Dierks, Thomas; Griskova-Bulanova, I; König, Thomas; Kohler, Axel (2015). Differential recruitment of brain networks during visuospatial and color processing: Evidence from ERP microstates. Neuroscience, 305, pp. 128-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.07.078

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Razavi, Nadja (2014). When the systems fail to communicate. Cerebral resting state networks in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. (Dissertation, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatric Neurophysiology)

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Grieder, Matthias (2012). Event-relating to potential dementia. Semantic processing in the course of healthy and pathological aging. (Dissertation, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatric Neurophysiology)

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Diezig, Sarah

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Koenig, Thomas; Diezig, Sarah; Kalburgi, Sahana Nagabhushan; Antonova, Elena; Artoni, Fiorenzo; Brechet, Lucie; Britz, Juliane; Croce, Pierpaolo; Custo, Anna; Damborská, Alena; Deolindo, Camila; Heinrichs, Markus; Kleinert, Tobias; Liang, Zhen; Murphy, Michael M; Nash, Kyle; Nehaniv, Chrystopher; Schiller, Bastian; Smailovic, Una; Tarailis, Povilas; ... (2024). EEG-Meta-Microstates: Towards a More Objective Use of Resting-State EEG Microstate Findings Across Studies. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 218-231. Springer 10.1007/s10548-023-00993-6

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

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Dommann, Eliane Florence

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Duss, Simone

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Dutschke, Lars Levi

Dutschke, Lars Levi; Stegmayer, Katharina; Ramseyer, Fabian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Gesture impairments in schizophrenia are linked to increased movement and prolonged motor planning and execution. Schizophrenia Research, 200, pp. 42-49. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.012

Díaz Hernàndez, Laura

Zulliger, Johannes; Diaz Hernandez, Laura; Koenig, Thomas (2022). Within and Between Subject Spectral Fingerprints of EEG-Microstate Parameters. Brain topography, 35(3), pp. 277-281. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00896-y

Diaz Hernandez, Laura (2016). Feasibility of resting-state microstates neurofeedback (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Graduate School for Health Sciences, Medicine)

Eisenhardt, Sarah

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Bhugra, Dinesh; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Upon Rejection: Psychiatric Emergencies of Failed Asylum Seekers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071498

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Walther, Sebastian; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis (2018). Psychiatric Emergencies of Asylum Seekers; Descriptive Analysis and Comparison with Immigrants of Warranted Residence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071300

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

El-Koussy, Marwan

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Ellenberger, Benjamin Till

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Everts, Regula

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Exadaktylos, Aristomenis

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Bettschen, David; Annaheim, Pascale; Brogna, Stella; Walther, Sebastian; Waern, Margda; Müller, Martin; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults With Suicide-Related Emergency Department Presentations. (In Press). Journal of aging and health, p. 8982643241261094. Sage 10.1177/08982643241261094

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Bhugra, Dinesh; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Upon Rejection: Psychiatric Emergencies of Failed Asylum Seekers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071498

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Walther, Sebastian; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis (2018). Psychiatric Emergencies of Asylum Seekers; Descriptive Analysis and Comparison with Immigrants of Warranted Residence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071300

Park, A-La; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Müller, Thomas; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Michel, Konrad (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a brief structured intervention program aimed at preventing repeat suicide attempts among those who previously attempted suicide. A secondary analysis of the ASSIP randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 1(6), e183680. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.3680

Falkner, Michael Graeme

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Federspiel, Andrea

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Derome, Melodie; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Associations of resting-state perfusion and auditory verbal hallucinations with and without emotional content in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103527

Gangl, Nicole; Conring, Frauke; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Resting-state perfusion in motor and fronto-limbic areas is linked to diminished expression of emotion and speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, 9(1), p. 51. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-023-00384-7

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Bracht, Tobias; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Lüdi, Karin; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2022). Link between structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle, functional connectivity of the ventral tegmental area, and anhedonia in unipolar depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, p. 102961. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102961

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Schneider, Christoph; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2020). Reduced tract length of the medial forebrain bundle and the anterior thalamic radiation in bipolar disorder with melancholic depression. Journal of affective disorders, 274, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.008

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Gaillard, Claudie; Guillod, Matthias; Ernst, Monique; Torrisi, Salvatore; Federspiel, Andrea; Schoebi, Dominik; Recabarren, Romina E; Ouyang, Xinyi; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph; Horsch, Antje; Homan, Philipp; Wiest, Roland; Hasler, Gregor; Martin-Soelch, Chantal (2019). Striatal responsiveness to reward under threat-of-shock and working memory load: A preliminary study. Brain and Behavior, 9(10), e01397. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.1397

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Viher, Petra Verena; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stegmayer, Katharina; Savadijev, Peter; Kubicki, Marek; Makris, Nikos; Karmacharya, Sarina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (1 April 2018). T177. Structural organization of the praxis network predicts gesture production: evidence from healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(suppl_1), S184-S185. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby016.453

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Specific cerebral perfusion patterns in three schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 190, pp. 96-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.03.018

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Orosz, Ariane; Federspiel, Andrea; Seeher, Christian; Dierks, Thomas; Tschitsaz, Armita; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja (24 November 2016). Burnout - das Zusammenspiel von Stress-Symptomen und Stress-Biomarkern (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin. 23.-26.11.2016.

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (September 2014). Neural correlates of gesture impairments in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18.09.2014.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 March 2014). Understanding of nonverbal social information is associated with gesture performance and postural knowledge in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, We.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17-S18. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, W.; Wiest, R.; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195. Oxford University Press

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Laimböck, K.; Bracht, T.; Strik, W.; Müller, T.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system: a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S66-S67. Springer

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Krone, Lukas B.; Fehér, D. Kristoffer; Rivero, Tania; Omlin, Ximena (2023). Brain stimulation techniques as novel treatment options for insomnia: A systematic review. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e13927. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13927

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Traut, Janine; Mengual, Jose Prius; Meijer, Elise J; McKillop, Laura E; Alfonsa, Hannah; Hoerder-Suabedissen, Anna; Song, Seo Ho; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Riemann, Dieter; Molnar, Zoltan; Akerman, Colin J; Vyazovskiy, Vladyslav V; Krone, Lukas (2023). Effects of clozapine-N-oxide and compound 21 on sleep in laboratory mice. eLife, 12 eLife Sciences Publications 10.7554/eLife.84740

Schneider, C. L.; Hertenstein, E.; Fehér, K.; Moggi, F.; Berger, T.; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, development and evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep medicine, 100(S1), p. 214. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.576

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Fehér Orrenskog, Daniel Kristoffer

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Nakataki, Masahito; Morishima, Yosuke (2022). Phase-Synchronized Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation-Induced Neural Oscillations Modulate Cortico-Cortical Signaling Efficacy. Brain connectivity, 12(5), pp. 443-453. Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/brain.2021.0006

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Habich, Annegret; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Harty, Siobhán; Vanderhasselt, Marie-Anne; Brem, Anna-Katharine (2021). Modulating Cognition in Healthy Young Adults with tDCS. In: Brunoni, André R.; Nitsche, Michael A.; Loo, Colleen K. (eds.) Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (pp. 329-411). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-76136-3_17

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc A.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Modulating overnight memory consolidation by acoustic stimulation during slow wave sleep – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa296

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Wunderlin, Marina; Fehér, Kristoffer; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Augmentation of psychotherapy with neurobiological methods: current state and future directions. Neuropsychobiology, 80(6), pp. 437-453. Karger 10.1159/000514564

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc Alain; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). The role of slow wave sleep in the development of dementia and its potential for preventative interventions. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111178. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111178

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Habich, Annegret; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Antonenko, Daria; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Flöel, Agnes; Nissen, Christoph; Siebner, Hartwig Roman; Thielscher, Axel; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). Stimulating aged brains with transcranial direct current stimulation: Opportunities and challenges. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111179. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111179

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel; Cantisani, Andrea; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep Advances, 1(1) Oxford Academic 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpaa005

Stålesen Ramfjord, Lisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Mikutta, Christian; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel (2020). Local sleep and wakefulness — the concept and its potential for the understanding and treatment of insomnia disorder. Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 24(2), pp. 116-120. Springer 10.1007/s11818-020-00245-w

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer (2018). The role of brain oscillations in flexible attentional control (Submitted). (Dissertation, Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern, Universität Bern, Medizinische Fakultät)

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Morishima, Yosuke (24 January 2015). Entrained oscillatory activity modulates long-range neuronal transmission efficacy (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of Swiss Society for Neuroscience.

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Morishima, Yosuke (17 November 2014). Phase dependency of long-range neuronal transmission in entrained neuronal networks: a combined tACS-TMS-EEG study (Unpublished). In: Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2014.

Morishima, Yosuke; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer (17 November 2014). A method for removing transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) artifacts from EEG data (Unpublished). In: Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2014.

Fey, Werner Martin

Fey, Werner (2021). Neurophysiologische Korrelate der Alkoholabhängigkeit. Kontextabhängige neuronale Reizreaktivität (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Insitut für Psychologie Unversität Bern; Abteilung: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Philosophisch-humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Gabriel, Ute; Beyeler, Gerhard; Däniker, Nora; Fey, Werner; Gutweniger, Karin; Lienhart, Margrit; Gerber, Beatrice Luder (2001). Perceived Sexual Orientation and Helping Behaviour. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32(6), pp. 743-749. Sage 10.1177/0022022101032006008

Fischer, Urs Martin

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Fisler, Melanie

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Flückiger, Rahel

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Fontanellaz-Castiglione, Chiara Emilia Gaia

Castiglione-Fontanellaz, Chiara E G; Timmers, Tammy T; Lerch, Stefan; Hamann, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (2022). Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents. BMC public health, 22(1), p. 1328. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-022-13657-0

Fontanellaz-Castiglione, Chiara Emilia Gaia; Timmers, Tammy Tricia; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (4 September 2019). Schritte zu einer guten Nachtruhe: Auswirkungen von Schlaf und körperlicher Aktivität auf die psychische Gesundheit von Jugendlichen. Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 170(Supplement 8), 53S-53S. EMH Media

Frahsa, Annika

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Franco Duran, Oscar Horacio

Bundo, Marvin; Preisig, Martin; Merikangas, Kathleen; Glaus, Jennifer; Vaucher, Julien; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Müller, Thomas; Franco, Oscar; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria (2023). How ambient temperature affects mood: an ecological momentary assessment study in Switzerland. Environmental health, 22(1), p. 52. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12940-023-01003-9

Frei, Adriana Olivia

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (14 June 2024). Die implizite emotionale Bewertung des Todes bei Personen mit aktuellem suizidalem Erleben: Ergebnisse neu entwickelter Versionen des Impliziten Assoziationstests für Suizid (Unpublished). In: 3. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress. Berlin, Germany. 14.06.2024.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (8 May 2024). Exploring the Implicit Emotional Valence of Death in Recent Suicide Attempters with a Novel Personalized Death Implicit Association Test (Unpublished). In: 4. Gemeinsamer Kongress der AGNP und DGBP 2024. Berlin, Germany. 08.05. - 10.05.2024.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Brüdern, Juliane; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (20 September 2023). The Implicit Emotional Evaluation of Death versus Life in Persons with Acute Suicidal Thoughts (Unpublished). In: 32nd IASP World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. 19 - 23 September 2023.

Frei, Adriana Olivia; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (20 September 2023). Treating Suicidal Behavior – From a Trauma Perspective (Unpublished). In: International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), 32nd World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. September 2023.

Frei, Adriana Olivia; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (7 September 2023). ASSIP Home Treatment (Unpublished). In: PSY-Kongress. Bern, Switzerland. 7 - 8 September 2023.

Brogna, Stella; Frei, Adriana; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Walther, Sebastian (March 2022). Hintergründe suizidaler Krisen im Narrativen Interview verstehen. Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, 52(3), pp. 17-20. Psychiatrie Verlag

Frommer, Angela

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Frommer, Angela; Moggi, Franz; Pfammatter, Mario (2023). Growth curves of common factors in psychotherapy: Multilevel growth modelling and outcome analysis. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(5), pp. 1095-1110. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/cpp.2864

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Moggi, Franz; Frommer, Angela; Küttel, Lili; Pfammatter, Mario (2022). [Empirical Conceptualization of Common Factors in Psychotherapy: Factor Structure of the WEB]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 49(5), pp. 262-270. Thieme 10.1055/a-1673-3867

Furger, Stephan Niklaus

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Gangl, Nicole

Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Derome, Melodie; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Associations of resting-state perfusion and auditory verbal hallucinations with and without emotional content in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103527

Gangl, Nicole; Conring, Frauke; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Resting-state perfusion in motor and fronto-limbic areas is linked to diminished expression of emotion and speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, 9(1), p. 51. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-023-00384-7

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Gehrig, Gwendolyn

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Gianotti, Lorena

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R. R.; Koch, Katharina; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (29 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. 29.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (28 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Athen. 28.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (31 March 2022). Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: SSSSC Annaul Meeting, Luzern. Luzern. 31.03.2022.

Giezendanner, Stéphanie

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Ging, Ankica

Berger, Anke; Schenk, Karin; Ging, Ankica; Walther, Sebastian; Cignacco, Eva (2020). Perinatal mental health care from the user and provider perspective: protocol for a qualitative study in Switzerland. Reproductive health, 17(1), p. 26. 10.1186/s12978-020-0882-7

Graf, Daniel

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (11 July 2023). AT_HOME: Long-Term Outcomes of a Psychiatric Home Treatment for Children and Adolescents as an Alternative to Inpatient Treatment (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Langzeiteffekte einer aufsuchenden, psychiatrischen Akutbehandlung für Kinder und Jugendliche als Alternative zur stationären Therapie (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (18 May 2022). Evaluation eines stationsersetzenden, aufsuchenden Therapieangebotes für Kinder und Jugendliche mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Gralla, Jan

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Grieder, Matthias

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Denier, Niklaus; Strik, Werner; Soravia, Leila M.; Jehli, Elisabeth (4 May 2024). Human Resting-State Complexity of BOLD fMRI in Ultra-High-Field MRI at 7T: a primer (Unpublished). In: 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Singapur. 04.05.2024 - 09.05.2024.

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Grieder, Matthias; König, Thomas (2022). Effect of Acoustic fMRI-Scanner Noise on the Human Resting State. Brain topography, 36(1), pp. 32-41. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00933-w

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Grieder, Matthias; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials. Frontiers in neuroscience, 12(880) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2018.00880

Grieder, Matthias; König, Thomas; Kinoshita, Toshihiko; Utsunomiya, Keita; Wahlund, Lars-Olof; Dierks, Thomas; Nishida, Keiichiro (2016). Discovering EEG resting state alterations of semantic dementia. Clinical neurophysiology, 127(5), pp. 2175-2181. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2016.01.025

Grieder, Matthias (2012). Event-relating to potential dementia. Semantic processing in the course of healthy and pathological aging. (Dissertation, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatric Neurophysiology)

Grieder, M.; Kneubühler, B.; Wirth, M.; Horn, H.; Strik, W. K.; Dierks, T. (1 October 2008). The examination of semantic access to abstract and concrete words by means of a priming paradigm. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 258(Suppl4), p. 27. D. Steinkopff-Verlag

Grosse Holtforth, Martin

Schneider, Sandra; Grosse Holtforth, Martin; Wettstein, Alexander; Jenni, Gabriel; Kühne, Fabienne; Tschacher, Wolfgang; La Marca, Roberto (2023). The diurnal course of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase on workdays and leisure days in teachers and the role of social isolation and neuroticism. PLoS ONE, 18(5), e0286475. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0286475

Grosskurth, Elmar David

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Gruber, Nicole

Nef, Tobias; Gruber, Nicole; Zito, Giuseppe; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Development and evaluation of a new instrument to measure visual exploration behavior. Medical engineering & physics, 36(4), pp. 490-495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.09.011

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Gruber, Nicole; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). A novel computer test to assess driving-relevant cognitive functions - a pilot study. International psychogeriatrics, 26(2), pp. 229-238. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S104161021300183X

Grunder, Lorenz Nicolas

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Bettschen, David; Annaheim, Pascale; Brogna, Stella; Walther, Sebastian; Waern, Margda; Müller, Martin; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults With Suicide-Related Emergency Department Presentations. (In Press). Journal of aging and health, p. 8982643241261094. Sage 10.1177/08982643241261094

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (14 June 2024). Die implizite emotionale Bewertung des Todes bei Personen mit aktuellem suizidalem Erleben: Ergebnisse neu entwickelter Versionen des Impliziten Assoziationstests für Suizid (Unpublished). In: 3. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress. Berlin, Germany. 14.06.2024.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (8 May 2024). Exploring the Implicit Emotional Valence of Death in Recent Suicide Attempters with a Novel Personalized Death Implicit Association Test (Unpublished). In: 4. Gemeinsamer Kongress der AGNP und DGBP 2024. Berlin, Germany. 08.05. - 10.05.2024.

Arvilommi, Petri; Valkonen, Jukka; Lindholm, Lars; Gaily-Luoma, Selma; Suominen, Kirsi; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Ruishalme, Outi; Isometsä, Erkki (2024). ASSIP vs. Crisis Counseling for Preventing Suicide Re-attempts: Outcome Predictor Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial Data. Archives of suicide research, 28(1), pp. 184-199. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13811118.2022.2151957

Probert-Lindström, S.; Bötschi, S.; Gysin-Maillart, A. (2024). The Influence of Treatment Latency on Suicide-Specific Treatment Outcomes. Archives of suicide research, 28(3), pp. 1009-1021. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13811118.2023.2265437

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (15 October 2023). Symposium: New Approaches to Psychotherapy Interventions for Suicide Risk. Treatment of Suicidal Behavior with ASSIP (Unpublished). In: IASR/AFSP International Summit On Suicide Research. Barcelona, Spain. 15- 18 October 2023.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Brüdern, Juliane; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (20 September 2023). The Implicit Emotional Evaluation of Death versus Life in Persons with Acute Suicidal Thoughts (Unpublished). In: 32nd IASP World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. 19 - 23 September 2023.

Frei, Adriana Olivia; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (20 September 2023). Treating Suicidal Behavior – From a Trauma Perspective (Unpublished). In: International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), 32nd World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. September 2023.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (20 September 2023). Symposium: Introducing ASSIP to Real-World Clinical Practice: Treating Patients with Suicidal Behavior. Treatment of Suicidal Patients with ASSIP. (Unpublished). In: IASP 32nd World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. 19 - 23 September 2023.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (20 September 2023). Psychological Pain in Suicide Risk Assessment. A German Translation and Validation of the Mee-Bunney Psychological Pain Assessment Scale (Unpublished). In: IASP 32nd World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. 19 - 23 September 2023.

Frei, Adriana Olivia; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (7 September 2023). ASSIP Home Treatment (Unpublished). In: PSY-Kongress. Bern, Switzerland. 7 - 8 September 2023.

Lüke, Ronja; Gerlach, Alexander L.; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Lewitzka, Ute; Teismann, Tobias (2023). Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung infolge eines Suizidversuchs. Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 52(3), pp. 163-166. Hogrefe 10.1026/1616-3443/a000718

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (10 May 2023). Symposium: Suizidales Erleben und Verhalten. Personalisieren therapeutischer Interventionen mit klinischen, physiologischen und digitalen Methoden. Behandlung suizidalen Verhaltens mit der Kurztherapie ASSIP (Unpublished). In: 2. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress. Berlin, Germany. 10 - 13 May 2023.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (24 September 2022). Development of Reasons for Living and Dying with Suicide Attempters: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study (Unpublished). In: ESSSB19th. Copenhagen.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (24 September 2022). Workshop: Half-day preconference Symposium. Brief therapy for patients with suicidal behavior (Unpublished). In: ESSSB19th. Copenhagen.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (22 September 2022). Symposium: Psychotherapie nach dem Suizidversuch: neue Möglichkeiten der Intervention. Die Kurztherapie ASSIP zur Behandlung von Menschen mit suizidalem Verhalten (Unpublished). In: 50. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Suizidprävention.

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Walther, Sebastian; Brogna, Stella (28 June 2022). Wirksame Kurztherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch zu Hause. Leading opinions - Neurologie & Psychiatrie Universimed

Brogna, Stella; Frei, Adriana; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Walther, Sebastian (March 2022). Hintergründe suizidaler Krisen im Narrativen Interview verstehen. Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, 52(3), pp. 17-20. Psychiatrie Verlag

Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Brogna, Stella (January 2022). Wirksame Kurzzeittherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch zu Hause. UPDate Newsletter(127), pp. 1-2. Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn (January 2022). Risikoabschätzung und klinische Behandlung von suizidalem Verhalten Theorie und Praxis (Unpublished). In: Ostdeutsche Psychotherapeutenkammer. Digital.

Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Breit, Sigrid; Walther, Sebastian; Pavlidou, Anastasia (2021). Psychopharmacological treatment is not associated with reduced suicide ideation and reattempts in an observational follow-up study of suicide attempters. Journal of psychiatric research, 140, pp. 180-186. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.068

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Soravia, Leila; Schwab, Simon (2020). Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program Influences Coping Among Patients with a History of Attempted Suicide. Journal of Affective Disorders, 264, pp. 393-399. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.059

Ring, Mariann; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja C. (2019). The Association between Therapeutic Alliance and Individuals’ Wish to Die or Live. Psychology, 10(12), pp. 1711-1725. Scientific Research 10.4236/psych.2019.1012112

Latakienė, Jolanta; Mastauskaitė, Greta; Geležėlytė, Odeta; Mažulytė-Rašytinė, Eglė; Rimkevičienė, Jurgita; Skruibis, Paulius; Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (2019). “I Didn’t Feel Treated as Mental Weirdo”: Primary Findings on Helpful Relationship Characteristics in Suicide Attempt Health Care in Lithuania. Illness, crisis & loss, 30(1), pp. 19-35. Sage 10.1177/1054137319854656

Teismann, Tobias; Forkmann, Thomas; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Glaesmer, Heide (2018). Nach einem Suizidversuch: Verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlungsmassnahmen. Psychotherapeutenjournal, 17(1), pp. 4-10. medhochzwei Verlag GmbH

Park, A-La; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Müller, Thomas; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Michel, Konrad (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a brief structured intervention program aimed at preventing repeat suicide attempts among those who previously attempted suicide. A secondary analysis of the ASSIP randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 1(6), e183680. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.3680

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Michel, Konrad (12 June 2015). ASSIP is an effective brief therapy - but what makes it effecktive. In: Aeschi Conference: Bearing the Struggle: Exploring the Challenges Facing Clinicians Working with Suicidal Patients. Sonnenalp Resort , Vail, Colorado.

Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (2015). ASSIP Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program. A Manual for Clinicans [Textbook] . USA, UK, EUROPE: Hogrefe 10.1027/00476-000

Göldlin, Martina Béatrice

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Habich, Annegret

Xu, Hong; Habich, Annegret; Ferreira, Daniel; Elisabet, Londos; Westman, Eric; Eriksdotter, Maria (2024). Long-term effects of cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine on cognitive decline, cardiovascular events, and mortality in dementia with Lewy bodies: An up to 10-year follow-up study. (In Press). Alzheimer's & dementia Elsevier 10.1002/alz.14118

Wyman-Chick, Kathryn A; Chaudhury, Parichita; Bayram, Ece; Abdelnour, Carla; Matar, Elie; Chiu, Shannon Y; Ferreira, Daniel; Hamilton, Calum A; Donaghy, Paul C; Rodriguez-Porcel, Federico; Toledo, Jon B; Habich, Annegret; Barrett, Matthew J; Patel, Bhavana; Jaramillo-Jimenez, Alberto; Scott, Gregory D; Kane, Joseph P M (2024). Differentiating Prodromal Dementia with Lewy Bodies from Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease: A Pragmatic Review for Clinicians. Neurology and therapy, 13(3), pp. 885-906. Springer 10.1007/s40120-024-00620-x

Habich, Annegret; Oltra, Javier; Schwarz, Christopher G; Przybelski, Scott A; Oppedal, Ketil; Inguanzo, Anna; Blanc, Frédéric; Lemstra, Afina W; Hort, Jakub; Westman, Eric; Segura, Barbara; Junque, Carme; Lowe, Val J; Boeve, Bradley F; Aarsland, Dag; Dierks, Thomas; Kantarci, Kejal; Ferreira, Daniel (2024). Grey matter networks in women and men with dementia with Lewy bodies. NPJ Parkinson's disease, 10(84) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41531-024-00702-5

Donepudi, Roopali V; Javinani, Ali; Mostafaei, Shayan; Habich, Annegret; Miller, Jena; Chmait, Ramen H; Shamshirsaz, Alireza A (2024). Perinatal Survival Following Intrauterine Transfusion for Red Cell Alloimmunized Pregnancies: Systematic Review and Meta-regression. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 230(3), e1-e2. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.10.016

Oltra, Javier; Habich, Annegret; Schwarz, Christopher G; Nedelska, Zuzana; Przybelski, Scott A; Inguanzo, Anna; Diaz-Galvan, Patricia; Lowe, Val J; Oppedal, Ketil; Gonzalez, Maria C; Philippi, Nathalie; Blanc, Frederic; Barkhof, Frederik; Lemstra, Afina W; Hort, Jakub; Padovani, Alessandro; Rektorova, Irena; Bonanni, Laura; Massa, Federico; Kramberger, Milica G; ... (2024). Sex differences in brain atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 20(3), pp. 1815-1826. 10.1002/alz.13571

Donaghy, Paul C; Carrarini, Claudia; Ferreira, Daniel; Habich, Annegret; Aarsland, Dag; Babiloni, Claudio; Bayram, Ece; Kane, Joseph Pm; Lewis, Simon Jg; Pilotto, Andrea; Thomas, Alan J; Bonanni, Laura (2023). Research diagnostic criteria for mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Alzheimer's & dementia, 19(7), pp. 3186-3202. Elsevier 10.1002/alz.13105

Habich, Annegret; Wahlund, Lars-Olof; Westman, Eric; Dierks, Thomas; Ferreira, Daniel (2023). (Dis-)Connected Dots in Dementia with Lewy Bodies—A Systematic Review of Connectivity Studies. Movement disorders, 38(1), pp. 4-15. Wiley 10.1002/mds.29248

Habich, Annegret; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Harty, Siobhán; Vanderhasselt, Marie-Anne; Brem, Anna-Katharine (2021). Modulating Cognition in Healthy Young Adults with tDCS. In: Brunoni, André R.; Nitsche, Michael A.; Loo, Colleen K. (eds.) Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (pp. 329-411). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-76136-3_17

Habich, Annegret; Slotboom, Johannes; Peter, Jessica; Wiest, Roland; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). No Effect of Anodal tDCS on Verbal Episodic Memory Performance and Neurotransmitter Levels in Young and Elderly Participants. Neural plasticity, 2020, pp. 1-15. Hindawi 10.1155/2020/8896791

Habich, Annegret; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Antonenko, Daria; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Flöel, Agnes; Nissen, Christoph; Siebner, Hartwig Roman; Thielscher, Axel; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). Stimulating aged brains with transcranial direct current stimulation: Opportunities and challenges. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111179. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111179

Habich, Annegret; Klöppel, Stefan; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Scheller, Elisa; Nissen, Christoph; Peter, Jessica (2017). Anodal tDCS Enhances Verbal Episodic Memory in Initially Low Performers. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11(542), p. 542. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00542

Hamann, Christoph

Castiglione, Christian David; Schaufler, S; Wild, Salome Johanna Elisabeth; Hamann, Christoph; Tarokh, Leila (June 2023). Sleep Regularity in Healthy Adolescents and its Association with Sleep Quality and Mental Health (Unpublished). In: eSleep ESRS - Virtual Congress. online. 04.-06.10.2023.

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, M; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, A; von den Driesch, L; Köck, P; Caccia, I; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, R; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, S; Hiyama, TY; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ (Unpublished). In: 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Copenhagen, Denmark. 29.06.-01.07.2023.

Castiglione-Fontanellaz, Chiara E G; Timmers, Tammy T; Lerch, Stefan; Hamann, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (2022). Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents. BMC public health, 22(1), p. 1328. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-022-13657-0

Hasler, Gregor

Hasler, Gregor; Suker, Samir; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Mihov, Yoan (2020). Sustained Improvement of Negative Self-Schema After a Single Ketamine Infusion: An Open-Label Study. Frontiers in neuroscience, 14(687), p. 687. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2020.00687

Müller Herde, Adrienne; Mihov, Yoan; Krämer, Stefanie D; Mu, Linjing; Adamantidis, Antoine; Ametamey, Simon M; Hasler, Gregor (2019). Chronic Nicotine Exposure Alters Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5: Longitudinal PET Study and Behavioural Assessment in Rats. Neurotoxicity research, 36(4), pp. 806-816. Springer 10.1007/s12640-019-00055-5

Gaillard, Claudie; Guillod, Matthias; Ernst, Monique; Torrisi, Salvatore; Federspiel, Andrea; Schoebi, Dominik; Recabarren, Romina E; Ouyang, Xinyi; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph; Horsch, Antje; Homan, Philipp; Wiest, Roland; Hasler, Gregor; Martin-Soelch, Chantal (2019). Striatal responsiveness to reward under threat-of-shock and working memory load: A preliminary study. Brain and Behavior, 9(10), e01397. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.1397

Greil, Waldemar; Zhang, Xueqiong; Stassen, Hans; Grohmann, Renate; Bridler, René; Hasler, Gregor; Toto, Sermin; Bleich, Stefan; Kasper, Siegfried (2019). Cutaneous adverse drug reactions to psychotropic drugs and their risk factors - a case-control study. European neuropsychopharmacology, 29(1), pp. 111-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2018.10.010

Hasler, Gregor; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Suker, Samir; Mihov, Yoan (2019). Ketamine Improves Negative Attitudes Toward Self in Treatment-Resistant Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44, p. 429. Springer Nature

Ledermann, Katharina; Jenewein, Josef; Sprott, Haiko; Hasler, Gregor; Schnyder, Ulrich; Warnock, Geoffrey; Johayem, Anass; Kollias, Spyridon; Buck, Alfred; Martin-Soelch, Chantal (6 September 2017). Gesteigerte Dopamin-Ausschüttung infolge monetärer Belohnung bei Patienten mit Fibromyalgie und co-morbider Depression – gemessen im [11C]-Racloprid-PET. In: 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Rheumatologie, 27. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendrheumatologie. 10.3205/17dgrh086

Akkus, Funda; Treyer, Valerie; Ametamey, Simon M; Johayem, Anass; Buck, Alfred; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 neuroimaging in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 183, pp. 95-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.11.008

Rutrick, Daniel; Stein, Dan J; Subramanian, Ganesan; Smith, Brian; Fava, Maurizio; Hasler, Gregor; Cha, Jang-Ho; Gasparini, Fabrizio; Donchev, Toni; Ocwieja, Magdalena; Johns, Donald; Gomez-Mancilla, Baltazar (2017). Mavoglurant Augmentation in OCD Patients Resistant to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: A Proof-of-Concept, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 2 Study. Advances in therapy, 34(2), pp. 524-541. Springer 10.1007/s12325-016-0468-5

Suker, Samir; Rohde, Kristina Barbara; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Botulinumtoxin als neue Option in der Behandlung der Depression. Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 168(1), pp. 20-24. EMH Media 10.4414/sanp.2017.00448

Kupferberg, Aleksandra; Preuss, Nora; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Verwendung ökonomischer Spiele für die Diagnostik psychischer Erkrankungen. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 65(1), pp. 45-54. Huber 10.1024/1661-4747/a000300

Seifritz, Erich; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Computational Psychiatry. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 65(1), pp. 5-7. Huber 10.1024/1661-4747/a000295

Saleh, Christian; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders: Is there an impact on social functioning? Surgical neurology international, 8, p. 134. Wolters Kluwer Medknow 10.4103/sni.sni_15_17

Jenewein, Josef; Erni, Jeannine; Moergeli, Hanspeter; Grillon, Christian; Schumacher, Sonja; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph; Hassanpour, Katayun; Seiler, Annina; Wittmann, Lutz; Schnyder, Ulrich; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Altered pain perception and fear-learning deficits in subjects with posttraumatic stress disorder. The journal of pain, 17(12), pp. 1325-1333. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpain.2016.09.002

Preuss, Nora; Brändle, Laura S; Hager, Oliver M; Haynes, Melanie; Fischbacher, Urs; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Inconsistency and social decision making in patients with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry research, 243, pp. 115-122. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.06.017

Kupferberg, Aleksandra; Hager, Oliver M; Fischbacher, Urs; Brändle, Laura S; Haynes, Melanie; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Testing the social competition hypothesis of depression using a simple economic game. BJPsych open, 2(2), pp. 163-169. The Royal College of Psychiatrists 10.1192/bjpo.bp.115.001362

Ledermann, K; Jenewein, J; Sprott, H; Hasler, Gregor; Schnyder, U; Warnock, G; Johayem, A; Kollias, S; Buck, A; Martin-Soelch, C (2016). Relation of dopamine receptor 2 binding to pain perception in female fibromyalgia patients with and without depression--A [¹¹C] raclopride PET-study. European neuropsychopharmacology, 26(2), pp. 320-330. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2015.12.007

Deutschenbaur, Lorenz; Beck, Johannes; Kiyhankhadiv, Anna; Mühlhauser, Markus; Borgwardt, Stefan; Walter, Marc; Hasler, Gregor; Sollberger, Daniel; Lang, Undine E (2016). Role of calcium, glutamate and NMDA in major depression and therapeutic application. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 64, pp. 325-333. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.02.015

Breit, Sigrid; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Advantages and controversies of depot antipsychotics in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia. Nervenarzt, 87(7), pp. 719-723. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00115-015-0021-9

Akkus, Funda; Treyer, Valerie; Johayem, Anass; Ametamey, Simon M; Mancilla, Baltazar Gomez; Sovago, Judit; Buck, Alfred; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Association of long-term nicotine abstinence with normal metabotropic glutamate receptor-5 binding. Biological psychiatry, 79(6), pp. 474-480. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.02.027

Hasler, Gregor (2016). Reply to 'is binge drinking in adolescents related to specific impairments in well-being?' by Rafanelli et al. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 85(6), p. 368. Karger 10.1159/000448760

Mihov, Yoan; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Negative allosteric modulators of metabotropic glutamate receptors subtype 5 in addiction: a therapeutic window. International journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 19(7), pp. 1-11. Cambridge University Press 10.1093/ijnp/pyw002

Hasler, Gregor (2016). Well-being: An important concept for psychotherapy and psychiatric neuroscience. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 85(5), pp. 255-261. Karger 10.1159/000447268

Slokar, Gorjan; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Human Endogenous Retroviruses as Pathogenic Factors in the Development of Schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6(183), p. 183. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00183

Hasler, Gregor (2016). Neurobiologie der Schizophrenie. CliniCum neuropsy, 4, pp. 2-5. Medizin Medien Austria GmbH

Homan, Philipp; Neumeister, A; Nugent, A C; Charney, D S; Drevets, W C; Hasler, Gregor (2015). Serotonin versus catecholamine deficiency: behavioral and neural effects of experimental depletion in remitted depression. Translational psychiatry, 5(3), e532. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/tp.2015.25

Hasler, Gregor; Wolf, Andreas (2015). Toward stratified treatments for bipolar disorders. European neuropsychopharmacology, 25(3), pp. 283-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2014.12.006

Terbeck, Sylvia; Akkus, Funda; Chesterman, Laurence P; Hasler, Gregor (2015). The role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in the pathogenesis of mood disorders and addiction: combining preclinical evidence with human Positron Emission Tomography (PET) studies. Frontiers in neuroscience, 9, p. 86. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2015.00086

Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N; Gonda, Xenia; Baghai, Thomas C; Baldwin, David S; Bauer, Michael; Blier, Pierre; Gattaz, Wagner; Hasler, Gregor; Möller, Hans-Jürgen; Tandon, Rajiv; Vieta, Eduard; Kasper, Siegfried (2015). Report of the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry on the relationship of antiepileptic drugs with suicidality in epilepsy. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice, 19(3), pp. 158-167. Taylor & Francis 10.3109/13651501.2014.1000930

Michels, Lars; Schulte-Vels, Thomas; Schick, Matthis; O'Gorman, Ruth L; Zeffiro, Thomas; Hasler, Gregor; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph (2014). Prefrontal GABA and glutathione imbalance in posttraumatic stress disorder: Preliminary findings. Psychiatry research, 224(3), pp. 288-295. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.09.007

Hasler, Gregor (21 September 2014). Der gefühlte Stress nimmt zu. NZZ am Sonntag

Hasler, Gregor; Hopwood, Christopher J; Jacob, Gitta A; Brändle, Laura Silvia; Schulte-Vels, Thomas (2014). Patient-reported outcomes in borderline personality disorder. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 16(2), pp. 255-266. Les Laboratoires Servier

Fava, Giovanni A.; Guidi, Jenny; Grandi, Silvana; Hasler, Gregor (2014). The missing link between clinical states and biomarkers in mental disorders. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 83(3), pp. 136-141. Karger 10.1159/000360348

Hauf, Martinus

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Hausfeld, Jan

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R. R.; Koch, Katharina; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (29 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. 29.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (28 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Athen. 28.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (31 March 2022). Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: SSSSC Annaul Meeting, Luzern. Luzern. 31.03.2022.

Haynes, Melanie

Preuss, Nora; Brändle, Laura S; Hager, Oliver M; Haynes, Melanie; Fischbacher, Urs; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Inconsistency and social decision making in patients with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry research, 243, pp. 115-122. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.06.017

Kupferberg, Aleksandra; Hager, Oliver M; Fischbacher, Urs; Brändle, Laura S; Haynes, Melanie; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Testing the social competition hypothesis of depression using a simple economic game. BJPsych open, 2(2), pp. 163-169. The Royal College of Psychiatrists 10.1192/bjpo.bp.115.001362

Heldner, Mirjam Rachel

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Henke, Katharina

Orth, Michael; Wagnon, Carole; Neumann-Dunayevska, Elisabeth; Kaller, Christoph Phillipp; Klöppel, Stefan; Meier, Beat; Henke, Katharina; Peter, Jessica (2023). The left prefrontal cortex determines relevance at encoding and governs episodic memory formation. Cerebral cortex, 33(3), pp. 612-621. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhac088

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Hertenstein, Elisabeth

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Schneider, Carlotta L; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2024). Letter to the editor: Comment on Wang et al., "Effects of different interventions on insomnia in adults: Systematic review and network meta-analysis". Journal of psychiatric research, 175, pp. 435-436. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.05.036

Riemann, Dieter; Dressle, Raphael J; Benz, Fee; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Baglioni, Chiara; Palagini, Laura; Krone, Lukas; Perlis, Michael L; Domschke, Katharina; Berger, Mathias; Feige, Bernd (2024). Chronic insomnia, REM sleep instability and emotional dysregulation: A pathway to anxiety and depression? (In Press). Journal of sleep research(e14252), e14252. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.14252

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph (2024). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Combined with Bedtime Restriction, versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 93(2), pp. 114-128. Karger 10.1159/000535834

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Benz, Fee; Schneider, Carlotta; Baglioni, Chiara (2023). Insomnia-A risk factor for mental disorders. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e13930. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13930

Schneider, Carlotta L; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care: a systematic review. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e14041. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.14041

Riemann, Dieter; Espie, Colin A; Altena, Ellemarije; Arnardottir, Erna Sif; Baglioni, Chiara; Bassetti, Claudio L A; Bastien, Celyne; Berzina, Natalija; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Dikeos, Dimitris; Dolenc Groselj, Leja; Ellis, Jason G; Garcia-Borreguero, Diego; Geoffroy, Pierre A; Gjerstad, Michaela; Gonçalves, Marta; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Hoedlmoser, Kerstin; Hion, Tuuliki; Holzinger, Brigitte; ... (2023). The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e14035. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.14035

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Therapieschwierige Insomnien erfolgreich behandeln: Mit kürzeren Bettliegezeiten den homöostatischen Schlafdruck erhöhen. DNP - Die Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 24(5), pp. 60-67. Springer 10.1007/s15202-023-5755-9

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Comment on Yue et al., 2023: "Efficacy and tolerability of pharmacological treatments for insomnia in adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis". Sleep medicine reviews, 69, p. 101772. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2023.101772

Johann, Anna F.; Feige, Bernd; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Benz, Fee; Steinmetz, Lisa; Baglioni, Chiara; Riemann, Dieter; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Akram, Umair (2023). The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Multidimensional Perfectionism. Behavior therapy, 54(2), pp. 386-399. Elsevier 10.1016/j.beth.2022.10.001

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Kuhn, Marion; Landmann, Nina; Maier, Jonathan-Gabriel; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Fehér, Kristoffer Daniel; Frase, Lukas; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor genetic polymorphism rs6265 and creativity. PLoS ONE, 18(9), e0291397. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0291397

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta; Nissen, Christoph (2023). SOP Insomnie. Psych up2date, 17(04), pp. 269-275. Thieme 10.1055/a-1879-8841

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta; Nissen, Christoph; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Insomnie. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 148(21), pp. 1384-1390. Thieme 10.1055/a-2182-0463

Schneider, C. L.; Hertenstein, E.; Fehér, K.; Moggi, F.; Berger, T.; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, development and evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep medicine, 100(S1), p. 214. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.576

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Palagini, Laura; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Sleep, insomnia and mental health. Journal of sleep research, 31(4), e13628. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13628

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (1 February 2022). Werde dein eigener Schlafexperte. VSAO Journal, 1

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Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

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Hoepner, Robert

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Hoffmann, Holger

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Homan, Philipp

Gaillard, Claudie; Guillod, Matthias; Ernst, Monique; Torrisi, Salvatore; Federspiel, Andrea; Schoebi, Dominik; Recabarren, Romina E; Ouyang, Xinyi; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph; Horsch, Antje; Homan, Philipp; Wiest, Roland; Hasler, Gregor; Martin-Soelch, Chantal (2019). Striatal responsiveness to reward under threat-of-shock and working memory load: A preliminary study. Brain and Behavior, 9(10), e01397. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.1397

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

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Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

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Homan, Stephanie Andrea

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Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Horn, Helge Joachim

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S80-S80. Springer

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Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2014). Physical activity in schizophrenia is higher in the first episode than in subsequent ones. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, p. 191. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00191

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, We.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17-S18. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

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Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Grieder, M.; Kneubühler, B.; Wirth, M.; Horn, H.; Strik, W. K.; Dierks, T. (1 October 2008). The examination of semantic access to abstract and concrete words by means of a priming paradigm. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 258(Suppl4), p. 27. D. Steinkopff-Verlag

Hubl, Daniela

Kennedy, Eamonn; Liebel, Spencer W; Lindsey, Hannah M; Vadlamani, Shashank; Lei, Pui-Wa; Adamson, Maheen M; Alda, Martin; Alonso-Lana, Silvia; Anderson, Tim J; Arango, Celso; Asarnow, Robert F; Avram, Mihai; Ayesa-Arriola, Rosa; Babikian, Talin; Banaj, Nerisa; Bird, Laura J; Borgwardt, Stefan; Brodtmann, Amy; Brosch, Katharina; Caeyenberghs, Karen; ... (2024). Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis. Brain Sciences, 14(7) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci14070669

Luzi, Nena; Piani, Maria Chiara; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas (2024). More than fulfilled expectations: An electrophysiological investigation of varying cause-effect relationships and schizotypal personality traits as related to the sense of agency. Consciousness and cognition, 119(103667), p. 103667. Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2024.103667

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Novotny, Michal; Bulla, Jan; Hubl, Daniela; Fischer, Sebastian; Grosshans, Martin; Gutzeit, Andreas; Bilke-Hentsch, Oliver; Seifritz, Erich; Mutschler, Jochen (2023). Pregabalin use in forensic hospitals and prisons in German speaking countries -a survey study of physicians. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, p. 1309654. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1309654

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

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Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Ćurčić-Blake, Branislava; Ford, Judith; Hubl, Daniela; Orlov, Natasza D.; Sommer, Iris E.; Waters, Flavie; Allen, Paul; Jardri, Renaud; Woodruff, Peter W.; Olivier, David; Mulertl, Christoph; Woodward, Todd S.; Aleman, André (2017). Interaction of language, auditory and memory brain networks in auditory verbal hallucinations. Progress in neurobiology, 148, pp. 1-20. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2016.11.002

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Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

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Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Huwendiek, Sören

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Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

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Josi, Johannes

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Jung, Simon

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Jäger, Joshua Erich Efraim

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Jäger, Michael

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Kaess, Michael

Kennedy, Eamonn; Liebel, Spencer W; Lindsey, Hannah M; Vadlamani, Shashank; Lei, Pui-Wa; Adamson, Maheen M; Alda, Martin; Alonso-Lana, Silvia; Anderson, Tim J; Arango, Celso; Asarnow, Robert F; Avram, Mihai; Ayesa-Arriola, Rosa; Babikian, Talin; Banaj, Nerisa; Bird, Laura J; Borgwardt, Stefan; Brodtmann, Amy; Brosch, Katharina; Caeyenberghs, Karen; ... (2024). Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis. Brain Sciences, 14(7) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci14070669

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2024). Reduced anterior callosal white matter in risk for psychosis associated with processing speed as a fundamental cognitive impairment. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 211-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.026

Kindler, Jochen; Kaess, Michael; Eliez, Stephan; Cosentino, Maya; Liebrand, Matthias; Klauser, Paul (2023). Research training in child and adolescent psychiatry: lack of motivation or a structural problem? European child & adolescent psychiatry, 32(10), pp. 1817-1820. Springer 10.1007/s00787-023-02293-7

Käser, Janko Mario; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael; Cavelti, Marialuisa (12 July 2023). Psychotic symptoms as a severity marker in a transdiagnostic clinical sample of adolescents: What is the significance of hallucinations? (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (11 July 2023). AT_HOME: Long-Term Outcomes of a Psychiatric Home Treatment for Children and Adolescents as an Alternative to Inpatient Treatment (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, M; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, A; von den Driesch, L; Köck, P; Caccia, I; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, R; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, S; Hiyama, TY; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ (Unpublished). In: 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Copenhagen, Denmark. 29.06.-01.07.2023.

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Langzeiteffekte einer aufsuchenden, psychiatrischen Akutbehandlung für Kinder und Jugendliche als Alternative zur stationären Therapie (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Käser, Janko Mario; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Psychotische Symptome als ein transdiagnostischer Schweregradmarker bei Jugendlichen (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). Relating reduced white matter microstructure in patients at clinical risk for psychosis to cognitive performance on a probabilistic reward task (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Castiglione-Fontanellaz, Chiara E G; Timmers, Tammy T; Lerch, Stefan; Hamann, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (2022). Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents. BMC public health, 22(1), p. 1328. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-022-13657-0

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (18 May 2022). Evaluation eines stationsersetzenden, aufsuchenden Therapieangebotes für Kinder und Jugendliche mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Fontanellaz-Castiglione, Chiara Emilia Gaia; Timmers, Tammy Tricia; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (4 September 2019). Schritte zu einer guten Nachtruhe: Auswirkungen von Schlaf und körperlicher Aktivität auf die psychische Gesundheit von Jugendlichen. Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 170(Supplement 8), 53S-53S. EMH Media

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Kalla, Roger

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Kamm, Christian Philipp

Chiavi, Deborah; Haag, Christina; Chan, Andrew; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Sieber, Chloé; Stanikić, Mina; Rodgers, Stephanie; Pot, Caroline; Kesselring, Jürg; Salmen, Anke; Rapold, Irene; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Gobbi, Claudio; Zecca, Chiara; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hoepner, Robert; Puhan, Milo and von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Studying Real-World Experiences of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during the first Covid-19 Lockdown: An Application of Natural Language Processing. JMIR medical informatics, 10(11), e37945. JMIR Publications 10.2196/37945

Katsarakis, Angelos

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Kellner-Weldon, Frauke

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Kerkeni, Hassen

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Khadimallah, Ines

Camporesi, Sara; Xin, Lijing; Golay, Philippe; Eap, Chin Bin; Cleusix, Martine; Cuenod, Michel; Fournier, Margot; Hashimoto, Kenji; Jenni, Raoul; Ramain, Julie; Restellini, Romeo; Solida, Alessandra; Conus, Philippe; Do, Kim Q; Khadimallah, Ines (2024). Neurocognition and NMDAR co-agonists pathways in individuals with treatment resistant first-episode psychosis: a 3-year follow-up longitudinal study. (In Press). Molecular psychiatry Springer Nature 10.1038/s41380-024-02631-4

Kiefer, Claus

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Schüpfer, Anne-Catherine; Kiefer, Claus; Zizlsperger, Leopold; Lutz, Kai; Luft, Andreas R.; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2020). Interhemispheric facilitation of gesturing: A combined theta burst stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain stimulation, 13(2), pp. 457-463. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brs.2019.12.013

Killer, Alina

Killer, Alina (2023). Internet Gaming Disorder und Stress. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie, 2023(3) Rosenfluh

Kindler, Jochen

Kennedy, Eamonn; Liebel, Spencer W; Lindsey, Hannah M; Vadlamani, Shashank; Lei, Pui-Wa; Adamson, Maheen M; Alda, Martin; Alonso-Lana, Silvia; Anderson, Tim J; Arango, Celso; Asarnow, Robert F; Avram, Mihai; Ayesa-Arriola, Rosa; Babikian, Talin; Banaj, Nerisa; Bird, Laura J; Borgwardt, Stefan; Brodtmann, Amy; Brosch, Katharina; Caeyenberghs, Karen; ... (2024). Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis. Brain Sciences, 14(7) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci14070669

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2024). Reduced anterior callosal white matter in risk for psychosis associated with processing speed as a fundamental cognitive impairment. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 211-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.026

Kindler, Jochen; Kaess, Michael; Eliez, Stephan; Cosentino, Maya; Liebrand, Matthias; Klauser, Paul (2023). Research training in child and adolescent psychiatry: lack of motivation or a structural problem? European child & adolescent psychiatry, 32(10), pp. 1817-1820. Springer 10.1007/s00787-023-02293-7

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (11 July 2023). AT_HOME: Long-Term Outcomes of a Psychiatric Home Treatment for Children and Adolescents as an Alternative to Inpatient Treatment (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, M; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, A; von den Driesch, L; Köck, P; Caccia, I; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, R; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, S; Hiyama, TY; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ (Unpublished). In: 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Copenhagen, Denmark. 29.06.-01.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Langzeiteffekte einer aufsuchenden, psychiatrischen Akutbehandlung für Kinder und Jugendliche als Alternative zur stationären Therapie (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). Relating reduced white matter microstructure in patients at clinical risk for psychosis to cognitive performance on a probabilistic reward task (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (18 May 2022). Evaluation eines stationsersetzenden, aufsuchenden Therapieangebotes für Kinder und Jugendliche mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Michel, Chantal; Berger, Maximus; Mossaheb, Nilufar; Kindler, Jochen (2021). Editorial: Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: From Epidemiological Findings to Neurobiological Underpinnings of Treatment Response and Outcome. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.790810

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Hauf, M; Dierks, T; Schimmelmann, BG; Hubl, D (2017). Zerebrale Blutflussmessungen zur Bestimmung des Psychoserisikos bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22. - 25.03.2017.

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2024). Reduced anterior callosal white matter in risk for psychosis associated with processing speed as a fundamental cognitive impairment. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 211-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.026

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas (5 September 2022). AdoASSIP (Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program) - Ein Projekt zur Suizidprävention für Jugendliche nach einem Suizidversuch (Unpublished). In: Workshop Institutionstag 2022, Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie Bern (UPD). Bern, Schweiz. 05.09.2022.

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). Relating reduced white matter microstructure in patients at clinical risk for psychosis to cognitive performance on a probabilistic reward task (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Klein, Andrea Katharina

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Kley, Marijke Amanda

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Krieger, Tobias; Kley, Marijke Amanda; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas (2023). Blending an internet-based emotion regulation intervention with face-to-face psychotherapy: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 33(100650), p. 100650. Elsevier 10.1016/j.invent.2023.100650

Klink, Katharina

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Bettschen, David; Annaheim, Pascale; Brogna, Stella; Walther, Sebastian; Waern, Margda; Müller, Martin; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults With Suicide-Related Emergency Department Presentations. (In Press). Journal of aging and health, p. 8982643241261094. Sage 10.1177/08982643241261094

Klöppel, Stefan

Klöppel, Stefan; Brill, Esther; Frisoni, Giovanni B; Aarsland, Dag; Klusmann-Weißkopf, Verena (2024). Value-based motivational strategies combined with technology to encourage a lifestyle that helps to prevent dementia. The Lancet. Healthy longevity, 5(6), e443-e446. Elsevier 10.1016/S2666-7568(24)00069-2

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Zeller, Céline J; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). The promise of portable remote auditory stimulation tools to enhance slow-wave sleep and prevent cognitive decline. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13818. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13818

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Pinilla, Severin; Lerch, Seraina Petra; Nendaz, Mathieu; Huwendiek, Sören; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). [Graduate medical education in old age psychiatry: a scoping literature review]. (In Press). Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie Thieme 10.1055/a-2053-8274

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Orth, Michael; Wagnon, Carole; Neumann-Dunayevska, Elisabeth; Kaller, Christoph Phillipp; Klöppel, Stefan; Meier, Beat; Henke, Katharina; Peter, Jessica (2023). The left prefrontal cortex determines relevance at encoding and governs episodic memory formation. Cerebral cortex, 33(3), pp. 612-621. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhac088

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Brill, Esther; Klusmann-Weisskopf, Verena; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Wenn Werte motivieren. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 104(40), pp. 34-35. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG 10.4414/saez.2023.21897

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Tröger, Johannes; Lindsay, Hali; Mina, Mario; Linz, Nicklas; Klöppel, Stefan; Kray, Jutta; Peter, Jessica (2022). Patients with amnestic MCI Fail to Adapt Executive Control When Repeatedly Tested with Semantic Verbal Fluency Tasks. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28(6), pp. 620-627. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617721000849

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (15 September 2021). Anvertrauen von klinischen Tätigkeiten in der medizinischen Ausbildung aus der Perspektive von Studierenden – eine qualitative Studie. In: GMA-Jahrestagung DocV21-02. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21gma079

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc A.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Modulating overnight memory consolidation by acoustic stimulation during slow wave sleep – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa296

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Introducing a Psychiatry Clerkship Curriculum Based on Entrustable Professional Activities: an Explorative Pilot Study. Academic psychiatry, 45(3), pp. 354-359. Springer 10.1007/s40596-021-01417-y

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Workplace-based assessments of entrustable professional activities in a psychiatry core clerkship: an observational study. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 223. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02637-4

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Huwendiek, Sören; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Working with entrustable professional activities in clinical education in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 172. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02608-9

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Entrustment Decisions and the Clinical Team: A Case Study of Early Clinical Students. Medical education, 55(3), pp. 365-375. Wiley 10.1111/medu.14432

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Curriculum development with the implementation of an Open-source Learning Management System for training early clinical students: An Educational Design Research Study. Advances in medical education and practice, 12, pp. 53-61. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/AMEP.S284974

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Suggestions for Improving the Assessment of a Learning Management System Used for Clinical Curriculum Development [Response to Letter]. Advances in medical education and practice, 12, pp. 285-286. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/AMEP.S311170

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Perceptions of ad hoc entrustment decisions: A qualitative study of early clinical students. In: AMEE 2021. virtual conference, Dundee. 27. - 30. August 2021.

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc Alain; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). The role of slow wave sleep in the development of dementia and its potential for preventative interventions. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111178. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111178

Kuhn, M; Maier, Jonathan G.; Wolf, E; Mainberger, F; Feige, B; Maywald, S; Bredl, A; Michel, M; Sendelbach, N; Normann, C; Klöppel, Stefan; Eckert, A; Riemann, D; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Indices of cortical plasticity after therapeutic sleep deprivation in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277(277), pp. 425-435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.08.052

Habich, Annegret; Slotboom, Johannes; Peter, Jessica; Wiest, Roland; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). No Effect of Anodal tDCS on Verbal Episodic Memory Performance and Neurotransmitter Levels in Young and Elderly Participants. Neural plasticity, 2020, pp. 1-15. Hindawi 10.1155/2020/8896791

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Strik, Werner; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Entrustable professional activities in psychiatry: a systematic review. Academic psychiatry, 44(1), pp. 37-45. Springer 10.1007/s40596-019-01142-7

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Habich, Annegret; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Antonenko, Daria; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Flöel, Agnes; Nissen, Christoph; Siebner, Hartwig Roman; Thielscher, Axel; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). Stimulating aged brains with transcranial direct current stimulation: Opportunities and challenges. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111179. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111179

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner (27 September 2019). Auswertung von Evaluationsdaten um anvertraubare professionelle Tätigkeiten (APTs) für das Blockpraktikum in der medizinischen Ausbildung zu identifizieren (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA), des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ) und der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre (CAL). Frankfurt, Deutschland.

Maier, Jonathan G.; Kuhn, Marion; Mainberger, Florian; Nachtsheim, Katharina; Guo, Stephanie; Bucsenez, Ulrike; Feige, Bernd; Mikutta, Christian; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Klöppel, Stefan; Normann, Claus; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2019). Sleep orchestrates indices of local plasticity and global network stability in the human cortex. Sleep, 42(4) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsy263

Habich, Annegret; Klöppel, Stefan; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Scheller, Elisa; Nissen, Christoph; Peter, Jessica (2017). Anodal tDCS Enhances Verbal Episodic Memory in Initially Low Performers. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11(542), p. 542. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00542

Kneubühler, Bernhard

Grieder, M.; Kneubühler, B.; Wirth, M.; Horn, H.; Strik, W. K.; Dierks, T. (1 October 2008). The examination of semantic access to abstract and concrete words by means of a priming paradigm. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 258(Suppl4), p. 27. D. Steinkopff-Verlag

Knoch, Daria

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R. R.; Koch, Katharina; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (29 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. 29.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (28 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Athen. 28.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (31 March 2022). Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: SSSSC Annaul Meeting, Luzern. Luzern. 31.03.2022.

Koch, Katharina Sophia

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R. R.; Koch, Katharina; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (29 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. 29.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (28 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Athen. 28.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (31 March 2022). Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: SSSSC Annaul Meeting, Luzern. Luzern. 31.03.2022.

Koenig, Julian

Käser, Janko Mario; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael; Cavelti, Marialuisa (12 July 2023). Psychotic symptoms as a severity marker in a transdiagnostic clinical sample of adolescents: What is the significance of hallucinations? (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (11 July 2023). AT_HOME: Long-Term Outcomes of a Psychiatric Home Treatment for Children and Adolescents as an Alternative to Inpatient Treatment (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Langzeiteffekte einer aufsuchenden, psychiatrischen Akutbehandlung für Kinder und Jugendliche als Alternative zur stationären Therapie (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Käser, Janko Mario; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Psychotische Symptome als ein transdiagnostischer Schweregradmarker bei Jugendlichen (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (18 May 2022). Evaluation eines stationsersetzenden, aufsuchenden Therapieangebotes für Kinder und Jugendliche mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Kohler, Axel

Antonova, Ingrida; Bänninger, Anja; Dierks, Thomas; Griskova-Bulanova, I; König, Thomas; Kohler, Axel (2015). Differential recruitment of brain networks during visuospatial and color processing: Evidence from ERP microstates. Neuroscience, 305, pp. 128-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.07.078

Krebs, Christine Renate

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Krieger, Tobias

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Krieger, Tobias; Kley, Marijke Amanda; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas (2023). Blending an internet-based emotion regulation intervention with face-to-face psychotherapy: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 33(100650), p. 100650. Elsevier 10.1016/j.invent.2023.100650

Krone, Lukas

Riemann, Dieter; Dressle, Raphael J; Benz, Fee; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Baglioni, Chiara; Palagini, Laura; Krone, Lukas; Perlis, Michael L; Domschke, Katharina; Berger, Mathias; Feige, Bernd (2024). Chronic insomnia, REM sleep instability and emotional dysregulation: A pathway to anxiety and depression? (In Press). Journal of sleep research(e14252), e14252. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.14252

Krone, Lukas B.; Fehér, D. Kristoffer; Rivero, Tania; Omlin, Ximena (2023). Brain stimulation techniques as novel treatment options for insomnia: A systematic review. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e13927. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13927

Riemann, Dieter; Espie, Colin A; Altena, Ellemarije; Arnardottir, Erna Sif; Baglioni, Chiara; Bassetti, Claudio L A; Bastien, Celyne; Berzina, Natalija; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Dikeos, Dimitris; Dolenc Groselj, Leja; Ellis, Jason G; Garcia-Borreguero, Diego; Geoffroy, Pierre A; Gjerstad, Michaela; Gonçalves, Marta; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Hoedlmoser, Kerstin; Hion, Tuuliki; Holzinger, Brigitte; ... (2023). The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e14035. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.14035

Wagenhäuser, Isabell; Mees, Juliane; Reusch, Julia; Lâm, Thiên-Trí; Schubert-Unkmeir, Alexandra; Krone, Lukas B; Frey, Anna; Kurzai, Oliver; Frantz, Stefan; Dölken, Lars; Liese, Johannes; Gabel, Alexander; Petri, Nils; Krone, Manuel (2023). Determinants of Influenza A Infection Rate in Post-COVID-19 Era. Journal of infection, 87(4), pp. 361-364. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jinf.2023.08.003

Reusch, J; Wagenhäuser, I; Gabel, A; Höhn, A; Lâm, T-T; Krone, L B; Frey, A; Schubert-Unkmeir, A; Dölken, L; Frantz, S; Kurzai, O; Vogel, U; Krone, M; Petri, N (2023). Inability to work following COVID-19 vaccination-a relevant aspect for future booster vaccinations. Public health, 222, pp. 186-195. Elsevier 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.07.008

Wagenhäuser, Isabell; Reusch, Julia; Gabel, Alexander; Krone, Lukas B; Kurzai, Oliver; Petri, Nils; Krone, Manuel (2023). Bivalent BNT162b2mRNA original/Omicron BA.4-5 booster vaccination: adverse reactions and inability to work compared to the monovalent COVID-19 booster. Clinical microbiology and infection, 29(4), pp. 554-556. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cmi.2023.01.008

Traut, Janine; Mengual, Jose Prius; Meijer, Elise J; McKillop, Laura E; Alfonsa, Hannah; Hoerder-Suabedissen, Anna; Song, Seo Ho; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Riemann, Dieter; Molnar, Zoltan; Akerman, Colin J; Vyazovskiy, Vladyslav V; Krone, Lukas (2023). Effects of clozapine-N-oxide and compound 21 on sleep in laboratory mice. eLife, 12 eLife Sciences Publications 10.7554/eLife.84740

Wagenhäuser, Isabell; Reusch, Julia; Gabel, Alexander; Höhn, Anna; Lâm, Thiên-Trí; Almanzar, Giovanni; Prelog, Martina; Krone, Lukas B; Frey, Anna; Schubert-Unkmeir, Alexandra; Dölken, Lars; Frantz, Stefan; Kurzai, Oliver; Vogel, Ulrich; Petri, Nils; Krone, Manuel (2023). Immunogenicity and safety of coadministration of COVID-19 and influenza vaccination. The European respiratory journal, 61(1) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.01390-2022

Kahn, Martin; Krone, Lukas B; Blanco-Duque, Cristina; Guillaumin, Mathilde C C; Mann, Edward O; Vyazovskiy, Vladyslav V (2022). Neuronal-spiking-based closed-loop stimulation during cortical ON- and OFF-states in freely moving mice. Journal of sleep research, 31(6), e13603. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13603

Krone, Lukas Bernhard

Wagenhäuser, Isabell; Reusch, Julia; Gabel, Alexander; Mees, Juliane; Nyawale, Helmut; Frey, Anna; Lâm, Thiên-Trí; Schubert-Unkmeir, Alexandra; Dölken, Lars; Kurzai, Oliver; Frantz, Stefan; Petri, Nils; Krone, Manuel; Krone, Lukas B (2024). The relationship between mental health, sleep quality and the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccinations. Journal of sleep research, 33(3), e13929. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13929

Kunzelmann, Katharina

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Grieder, Matthias; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials. Frontiers in neuroscience, 12(880) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2018.00880

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Kunzelmann, Katharina (2018). Understanding the Language of Schizophrenia: Neuronal Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder (FTD) and Auditory Verbal Hallucinations (AVH) (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern)

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (31 August 2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation over the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials (Unpublished). In: 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2018. San Diego. 3.11.2018-7.11.2018.

Kupferberg, Aleksandra

Kupferberg, Aleksandra; Preuss, Nora; Hasler, Gregor (2017). Verwendung ökonomischer Spiele für die Diagnostik psychischer Erkrankungen. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 65(1), pp. 45-54. Huber 10.1024/1661-4747/a000300

Kupferberg, Aleksandra; Hager, Oliver M; Fischbacher, Urs; Brändle, Laura S; Haynes, Melanie; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Testing the social competition hypothesis of depression using a simple economic game. BJPsych open, 2(2), pp. 163-169. The Royal College of Psychiatrists 10.1192/bjpo.bp.115.001362

Kupper, Zeno

Kupper, Zeno; Ramseyer, Fabian; Hoffmann, Holger; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2015). Nonverbal synchrony in social interactions of patients with schizophrenia indicates socio-communicative deficits. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0145882. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0145882

Kupper, Zeno; Ramseyer, Fabian; Drozynski, Martyna; Hoffmann, Holger; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2015). Video-based quantification of body movement indicates negative symptoms: a replication. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(Suppl 1), S14. Springer

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (26 November 2014). Die umfassende Erfassung von Achtsamkeit zur Erforschung achtsamkeitsbasierter Interventionen bei psychischen Störungen – Das Comprehensive Inventory of Mindfulness Experiences (CHIME). In: DGPPN Kongress 2014. Berlin. 26.-29.11.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Ramseyer, Fabian; Drozynski, Martyna; Hoffmann, Holger; Tschacher, Wolfgang (26 November 2014). Kopf- und Körperbewegungen in sozialen Interaktionen als Indikatoren des Schweregrades schizophrener Störungen – Eine Replikation. In: DGPPN Kongress 2014. Berlin. 26.-29.11.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (10 September 2014). Construction and first validation of the comprehensive inventory of mindfulness (CHIME). In: 2014 Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT). Den Haag. 10.-13.09.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (10 September 2014). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapie for depression (MBCT) in clinical practice - baseline patient characteristics, process and outcome. In: 2014 Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT). Den Haag. 10.-13.09.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Ramseyer, Fabian; Hoffmann, Holger; Tschacher, Wolfgang (5 September 2014). Head movement synchrony in social interactions of patients with schizophrenia indicates symptoms, cognition and social functioning. In: 4th Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference. Florenz. 05.-09.04.2014.

Kutynia, Alexandra

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Kutynia, Alexandra; Stegmayer, K.; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Keep at bay! - Abnormal personal space regulation as marker of paranoia in schizophrenia. European psychiatry, 31, pp. 1-7. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.10.001

Kyrou, Alexandra

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Walther, Sebastian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie (2024). Structural alterations of the motor cortex and higher order cortical areas suggest early neurodevelopmental origin of catatonia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 263, pp. 131-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.004

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

von Känel, Sofie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Despoina; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Measuring catatonia motor behavior with objective instrumentation. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 880747. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.880747

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (15 September 2021). Anvertrauen von klinischen Tätigkeiten in der medizinischen Ausbildung aus der Perspektive von Studierenden – eine qualitative Studie. In: GMA-Jahrestagung DocV21-02. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21gma079

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Perceptions of ad hoc entrustment decisions: A qualitative study of early clinical students. In: AMEE 2021. virtual conference, Dundee. 27. - 30. August 2021.

Käser, Janko Mario

Käser, Janko Mario; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael; Cavelti, Marialuisa (12 July 2023). Psychotic symptoms as a severity marker in a transdiagnostic clinical sample of adolescents: What is the significance of hallucinations? (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Käser, Janko Mario; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Psychotische Symptome als ein transdiagnostischer Schweregradmarker bei Jugendlichen (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Köck, Patrick

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

König, Thomas

Penalver-Andres, Joaquin A.; Buetler, Karin A.; Koenig, Thomas; Müri, René M.; Marchal-Crespo, Laura (2024). Resting-state functional networks correlate with motor performance in a complex visuomotor task: An EEG microstate pilot study on healthy individuals. Brain topography, 37(4), pp. 590-607. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00934-9

Diezig, Sarah; Denzer, Simone; Achermann, Peter; Mast, Fred W; Koenig, Thomas (2024). EEG Microstate Dynamics Associated with Dream-Like Experiences During the Transition to Sleep. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 343-355. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00923-y

Tarailis, Povilas; Koenig, Thomas; Michel, Christoph M; Griškova-Bulanova, Inga (2024). The functional aspects of resting EEG microstates: A Systematic Review. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 181-217. Springer 10.1007/s10548-023-00958-9

Koenig, Thomas; Diezig, Sarah; Kalburgi, Sahana Nagabhushan; Antonova, Elena; Artoni, Fiorenzo; Brechet, Lucie; Britz, Juliane; Croce, Pierpaolo; Custo, Anna; Damborská, Alena; Deolindo, Camila; Heinrichs, Markus; Kleinert, Tobias; Liang, Zhen; Murphy, Michael M; Nash, Kyle; Nehaniv, Chrystopher; Schiller, Bastian; Smailovic, Una; Tarailis, Povilas; ... (2024). EEG-Meta-Microstates: Towards a More Objective Use of Resting-State EEG Microstate Findings Across Studies. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 218-231. Springer 10.1007/s10548-023-00993-6

Kleinert, Tobias; Nash, Kyle; Koenig, Thomas; Wascher, Edmund (2024). Correction: Normative Intercorrelations between EEG Microstate Characteristics. Brain topography, 37(2), p. 270. Springer 10.1007/s10548-023-01012-4

Michel, Christoph M; Brechet, Lucie; Schiller, Bastian; Koenig, Thomas (2024). Current State of EEG/ERP Microstate Research. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 169-180. Springer 10.1007/s10548-024-01037-3

Piani, Maria Chiara; Bettina Salome, Gerber; König, Thomas; Morishima, Yosuke; Julie, Nordgaard; Jandl, Martin (2024). Mapping the pre-reflective experience of "self" to the brain - An ERP study. Consciousness and cognition, 119, p. 103654. Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2024.103654

Luzi, Nena; Piani, Maria Chiara; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas (2024). More than fulfilled expectations: An electrophysiological investigation of varying cause-effect relationships and schizotypal personality traits as related to the sense of agency. Consciousness and cognition, 119(103667), p. 103667. Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2024.103667

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Giuliani, Luigi; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Giordano, Giulia Maria; Koenig, Thomas; Mucci, Armida; Perrottelli, Andrea; Reuf, Anne; Altamura, Mario; Bellomo, Antonello; Brugnoli, Roberto; Corrivetti, Giulio; Di Lorenzo, Giorgio; Girardi, Paolo; Monteleone, Palmiero; Niolu, Cinzia; Galderisi, Silvana; Maj, Mario (2023). A multivariate approach to investigate the associations of electrophysiological indices with schizophrenia clinical and functional outcome. European psychiatry, 66(1), e46. Cambridge University Press 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.2410

König, Thomas; Michel, Christoph (23 March 2023). Towards a more objective use of resting-state EEG microstate findings across studies (Unpublished). In: 2023 Annual Assembly of the Global Brain Consortium. online. 22.-23.3.2023.

Grieder, Matthias; König, Thomas (2022). Effect of Acoustic fMRI-Scanner Noise on the Human Resting State. Brain topography, 36(1), pp. 32-41. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00933-w

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

König, Thomas (2 September 2022). Open opportunities in microstate research (Unpublished). In: 50 Years of Microstates. Bern. 31.8.-3.9.2022.

Li, Min; Wang, Ying; Lopez-Naranjo, Carlos; Reyes, Ronaldo Cesar Garcia; Hamid, Aini Ismafairus Abd; Evans, Alan C; Savostyanov, Alexander N; Calzada-Reyes, Ana; Areces-Gonzalez, Ariosky; Villringer, Arno; Tobon-Quintero, Carlos A; Garcia-Agustin, Daysi; Paz-Linares, Deirel; Yao, Dezhong; Dong, Li; Aubert-Vazquez, Eduardo; Reza, Faruque; Omar, Hazim; Abdullah, Jafri Malin; Galler, Janina R; ... (2022). Harmonized-Multinational qEEG Norms (HarMNqEEG). NeuroImage, 256, p. 119190. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119190

König, Thomas; Diezig, Sarah (16 June 2022). Ruhezustände des Gehirns im Zusammenhang mit traumähnlichen Erlebnissen beim Übergang zum Schlaf (Unpublished). In: PUG Freiburg. Freiburg i.B.. 16.-18.6.2022.

Zulliger, Johannes; Diaz Hernandez, Laura; Koenig, Thomas (2022). Within and Between Subject Spectral Fingerprints of EEG-Microstate Parameters. Brain topography, 35(3), pp. 277-281. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00896-y

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Mikutta, Christian; König, Thomas (13 January 2022). Electrocorticographic activation patterns during Electroencephalographic microstates (Unpublished). In: Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting. Campery. 9.1.-13.1.2022.

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Koenig, Thomas; Smailovic, Una; Jelic, Vesna (2020). Past, present and future EEG in the clinical workup of dementias. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306(111182), p. 111182. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111182

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Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

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Antonova, Ingrida; Bänninger, Anja; Dierks, Thomas; Griskova-Bulanova, I; König, Thomas; Kohler, Axel (2015). Differential recruitment of brain networks during visuospatial and color processing: Evidence from ERP microstates. Neuroscience, 305, pp. 128-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.07.078

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Küttel, Lili

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Lachenmayer, Lenard

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Laimböck, Karin

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

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Lefebvre, Stéphanie

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Walther, Sebastian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie (2024). Structural alterations of the motor cortex and higher order cortical areas suggest early neurodevelopmental origin of catatonia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 263, pp. 131-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.004

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

von Känel, Sofie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Despoina; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Measuring catatonia motor behavior with objective instrumentation. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 880747. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.880747

Lehmann, Lutz Eric

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Lenouvel, Eric William

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Huwendiek, Sören; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Working with entrustable professional activities in clinical education in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 172. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02608-9

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Strik, Werner; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Entrustable professional activities in psychiatry: a systematic review. Academic psychiatry, 44(1), pp. 37-45. Springer 10.1007/s40596-019-01142-7

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Lerch, Seraina Petra

Pinilla, Severin; Lerch, Seraina Petra; Nendaz, Mathieu; Huwendiek, Sören; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). [Graduate medical education in old age psychiatry: a scoping literature review]. (In Press). Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie Thieme 10.1055/a-2053-8274

Lerch, Stefan

Käser, Janko Mario; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael; Cavelti, Marialuisa (12 July 2023). Psychotic symptoms as a severity marker in a transdiagnostic clinical sample of adolescents: What is the significance of hallucinations? (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (11 July 2023). AT_HOME: Long-Term Outcomes of a Psychiatric Home Treatment for Children and Adolescents as an Alternative to Inpatient Treatment (Unpublished). In: IEPA's 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Lausanne, Switzerland. 10.07.-12.07.2023.

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Langzeiteffekte einer aufsuchenden, psychiatrischen Akutbehandlung für Kinder und Jugendliche als Alternative zur stationären Therapie (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Käser, Janko Mario; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Reichl, Corinna; Koenig, Julian; Lerch, Stefan; Kaess, Michael (2 September 2022). Psychotische Symptome als ein transdiagnostischer Schweregradmarker bei Jugendlichen (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Castiglione-Fontanellaz, Chiara E G; Timmers, Tammy T; Lerch, Stefan; Hamann, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (2022). Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents. BMC public health, 22(1), p. 1328. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-022-13657-0

Graf, Daniel; Lerch, Stefan; Böhnke, Ulrich; Reichl, Corinna; Kindler, Jochen; Koenig, Julian; Kaess, Michael (18 May 2022). Evaluation eines stationsersetzenden, aufsuchenden Therapieangebotes für Kinder und Jugendliche mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Kindler, Jochen; Kaess, Michael; Eliez, Stephan; Cosentino, Maya; Liebrand, Matthias; Klauser, Paul (2023). Research training in child and adolescent psychiatry: lack of motivation or a structural problem? European child & adolescent psychiatry, 32(10), pp. 1817-1820. Springer 10.1007/s00787-023-02293-7

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

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Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, M; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, A; von den Driesch, L; Köck, P; Caccia, I; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, R; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, S; Hiyama, TY; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ (Unpublished). In: 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Copenhagen, Denmark. 29.06.-01.07.2023.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Limacher, Andreas

Müller, M; Curatolo, M; Limacher, A; Neziri, A; Treichel, F; Battaglia, M; Arendt-Nielsen, L; Jüni, P (2019). Predicting transition from acute to chronic low back pain with quantitative sensory tests - a prospective cohort study in the primary care setting. European journal of pain, 23(5), pp. 894-907. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejp.1356

Linder, Caroline

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Linder, Stefanie

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Luzi, Nena

Luzi, Nena; Piani, Maria Chiara; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas (2024). More than fulfilled expectations: An electrophysiological investigation of varying cause-effect relationships and schizotypal personality traits as related to the sense of agency. Consciousness and cognition, 119(103667), p. 103667. Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2024.103667

Maderthaner, Lydia Verena

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Chapellier, Victoria; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Using dynamic point light display stimuli to assess gesture deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. Cognition, 28, p. 100240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100240

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). The Impact of Poor Nonverbal Social Perception on Functional Capacity in Schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychology, 13 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.804093

Maier, Jonathan Gabriel

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Kuhn, Marion; Landmann, Nina; Maier, Jonathan-Gabriel; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Fehér, Kristoffer Daniel; Frase, Lukas; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor genetic polymorphism rs6265 and creativity. PLoS ONE, 18(9), e0291397. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0291397

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Frase, Lukas; Jahn, Friederike; Tsodor, Sulamith; Krone, Lukas; Selhausen, Peter; Feige, Bernd; Maier, Jonathan G.; Piosczyk, Hannah; Riemann, Dieter; Nitsche, Michael A.; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Offline Bi‐Frontal Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Decreases Total Sleep Time Without Disturbing Overnight Memory Consolidation. Neuromodulation, 24(5), pp. 910-915. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13163

Nissen, Christoph; Piosczyk, Hannah; Holz, Johannes; Maier, Jonathan G.; Frase, Lukas; Sterr, Annette; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd (2021). Sleep is more than rest for plasticity in the human cortex. Sleep, 44(3) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa216

Kuhn, M; Maier, Jonathan G.; Wolf, E; Mainberger, F; Feige, B; Maywald, S; Bredl, A; Michel, M; Sendelbach, N; Normann, C; Klöppel, Stefan; Eckert, A; Riemann, D; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Indices of cortical plasticity after therapeutic sleep deprivation in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277(277), pp. 425-435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.08.052

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel; Cantisani, Andrea; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep Advances, 1(1) Oxford Academic 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpaa005

Stålesen Ramfjord, Lisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Mikutta, Christian; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel (2020). Local sleep and wakefulness — the concept and its potential for the understanding and treatment of insomnia disorder. Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 24(2), pp. 116-120. Springer 10.1007/s11818-020-00245-w

Maier, Jonathan G.; Kuhn, Marion; Mainberger, Florian; Nachtsheim, Katharina; Guo, Stephanie; Bucsenez, Ulrike; Feige, Bernd; Mikutta, Christian; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Klöppel, Stefan; Normann, Claus; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2019). Sleep orchestrates indices of local plasticity and global network stability in the human cortex. Sleep, 42(4) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsy263

Maiolo, Massimo Vincenzo

Castelnovo, Anna; Amacker, Julian; Maiolo, Massimo; Amato, Ninfa; Pereno, Matteo; Riccardi, Silvia; Danani, Andrea; Ulzega, Simone; Manconi, Mauro (2022). High-density EEG power topography and connectivity during confusional arousal. Cortex, 155, pp. 62-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2022.05.021

Maire, Micheline Célia Dina

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Maissen, Norina

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (15 September 2021). Anvertrauen von klinischen Tätigkeiten in der medizinischen Ausbildung aus der Perspektive von Studierenden – eine qualitative Studie. In: GMA-Jahrestagung DocV21-02. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21gma079

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Entrustment Decisions and the Clinical Team: A Case Study of Early Clinical Students. Medical education, 55(3), pp. 365-375. Wiley 10.1111/medu.14432

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Perceptions of ad hoc entrustment decisions: A qualitative study of early clinical students. In: AMEE 2021. virtual conference, Dundee. 27. - 30. August 2021.

Manconi, Mauro

Castelnovo, Anna; Schraemli, Matthias; Schenck, Carlos H; Manconi, Mauro (2024). The parasomnia defense in sleep-related homicide: A systematic review and a critical analysis of the medical literature. Sleep medicine reviews, 74, p. 101898. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2024.101898

Castelnovo, Anna; Lividini, Althea; Riedner, Brady A; Avvenuti, Giulia; Jones, Stephanie G; Miano, Silvia; Tononi, Giulio; Manconi, Mauro; Bernardi, Giulio (2023). Origin, synchronization, and propagation of sleep slow waves in children. NeuroImage, 274, p. 120133. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120133

Mainieri, Greta; Loddo, Giuseppe; Provini, Federica; Nobili, Lino; Manconi, Mauro; Castelnovo, Anna (2023). Diagnosis and Management of NREM Sleep Parasomnias in Children and Adults. Diagnostics, 13(7) MDPI 10.3390/diagnostics13071261

Castelnovo, Anna; Miano, Silvia; Ferri, Raffaele; Raggi, Alberto; Maestri, Michelangelo; Bottasini, Valentina; Anelli, Matteo; Zucconi, Marco; Castronovo, Vincenza; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi; Manconi, Mauro (2023). Electrophysiological and Neuropsychological Indices of Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Insomnia and Severe Benzodiazepine Use Disorder. Brain Sciences, 13(3) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci13030375

Castelnovo, Anna; Amacker, Julian; Maiolo, Massimo; Amato, Ninfa; Pereno, Matteo; Riccardi, Silvia; Danani, Andrea; Ulzega, Simone; Manconi, Mauro (2022). High-density EEG power topography and connectivity during confusional arousal. Cortex, 155, pp. 62-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2022.05.021

Castelnovo, Anna; Lividini, Althea; Bernardi, Giulio; Pezzoli, Valdo; Foderaro, Giuseppe; Ramelli, Gian Paolo; Manconi, Mauro; Miano, Silvia (2022). Sleep Power Topography in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children, 9(2) MDPI 10.3390/children9020197

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Marchal Crespo, Laura

Penalver-Andres, Joaquin A.; Buetler, Karin A.; Koenig, Thomas; Müri, René M.; Marchal-Crespo, Laura (2024). Resting-state functional networks correlate with motor performance in a complex visuomotor task: An EEG microstate pilot study on healthy individuals. Brain topography, 37(4), pp. 590-607. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00934-9

Martz-Irngartinger, Alexandra

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Mast, Fred

Diezig, Sarah; Denzer, Simone; Achermann, Peter; Mast, Fred W; Koenig, Thomas (2024). EEG Microstate Dynamics Associated with Dream-Like Experiences During the Transition to Sleep. Brain topography, 37(2), pp. 343-355. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00923-y

Denzer, Simone; Diezig, Sarah; König, Thomas; Mast, Fred W. (22 July 2020). A new EEG paradigm to investigate reality experience using virtual reality. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging (BaCI) meeting, a joint meeting of ECNS, ISBET, ISFSI and ISNIP. Chengdu, China. 10 - 14 September 2019.

Matter, Monika

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Matter, Monika; Roos, Markus; Moggi, Franz (2004). Drug consuming women's appraisals of viral hepatitis and HIV. Sucht, 50(6), pp. 354-360. Hogrefe 10.1024/2004.06.02

Meier, Beat

Orth, Michael; Wagnon, Carole; Neumann-Dunayevska, Elisabeth; Kaller, Christoph Phillipp; Klöppel, Stefan; Meier, Beat; Henke, Katharina; Peter, Jessica (2023). The left prefrontal cortex determines relevance at encoding and governs episodic memory formation. Cerebral cortex, 33(3), pp. 612-621. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhac088

Meier, Deborah

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Greenwood, Steven; Ramakrishnan, Sekhar; Tröndle, Martin; Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie; Seibert, Christoph; Weining, Christian; Meier, Deborah (2023). Audience synchronies in live concerts illustrate the embodiment of music experience. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p. 14843. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-023-41960-2

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Frommer, Angela; Moggi, Franz; Pfammatter, Mario (2023). Growth curves of common factors in psychotherapy: Multilevel growth modelling and outcome analysis. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(5), pp. 1095-1110. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/cpp.2864

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Greenwood, Steven; Egermann, Hauke; Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie; Czepiel, Anna; Tröndle, Martin; Meier, Deborah (2023). Physiological synchrony in audiences of live concerts. Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts, 17(2), pp. 152-162. American Psychological Association 10.1037/aca0000431

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Moggi, Franz; Frommer, Angela; Küttel, Lili; Pfammatter, Mario (2022). [Empirical Conceptualization of Common Factors in Psychotherapy: Factor Structure of the WEB]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 49(5), pp. 262-270. Thieme 10.1055/a-1673-3867

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Meier, Deborah (2022). Embodiment in der therapeutischen Kommunikation. Die Psychotherapie, 68(1), pp. 5-12. Springer 10.1007/s00278-022-00616-8

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Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie; Egermann, Hauke; Czepiel, Anna; O’Neill, Katherine; Weining, Christian; Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Uhde, Folkert; Toelle, Jutta; Tröndle, Martin (2021). Music listening in classical concerts: Theory, literature review, and research program. Frontiers in psychology, 12 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.638783

Coutinho, Joana; Pereira, Alfredo; Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia; Meier, Deborah; Lourenço, Vladimiro; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). When our hearts beat together: Cardiac synchrony as an entry point to understand dyadic co-regulation in couples. Psychophysiology, 58(3), e13739. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/psyp.13739

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Meier, Deborah (2020). Physiological synchrony in psychotherapy sessions. Psychotherapy research, 30(5), pp. 558-573. Routledge 10.1080/10503307.2019.1612114

Meier, Lea

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Meier, Lea (2015). Exploring the emotional brain: Neural correlates of homeostatic and sensory-evoked emotions and their interaction in emotional rivalry. (Dissertation, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychiatrische Neurophysiologie, Medizinische Fakultät)

Meinel, Thomas Raphael

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Meyer, Agnes

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Breit, Sigrid; Meyer, Agnes; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Specific Catatonia Symptoms and Predictors of Late Response. Pharmacopsychiatry, 57(1), pp. 13-20. Thieme 10.1055/a-2195-1499

Beilstein, Christian; Meyer, Agnes; Lehmann, Lutz; Wüthrich, Patrick Y. (2023). Comments on "Postanesthesia Recovery Unit Optimization for Patients With Postictal Agitation Secondary to Electroconvulsive Therapy" by Arora et. The journal of ECT, 39(4), pp. 274-275. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000963

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Meyer, Agnes; Wapp, Manuela; Strik, Werner; Moggi, Franz (2014). Association Between Drinking Goal and Alcohol Use One Year After Residential Treatment: A Multicenter Study. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 33(3), pp. 234-242. Routledge 10.1080/10550887.2014.950025

Michel, Chantal

Kennedy, Eamonn; Liebel, Spencer W; Lindsey, Hannah M; Vadlamani, Shashank; Lei, Pui-Wa; Adamson, Maheen M; Alda, Martin; Alonso-Lana, Silvia; Anderson, Tim J; Arango, Celso; Asarnow, Robert F; Avram, Mihai; Ayesa-Arriola, Rosa; Babikian, Talin; Banaj, Nerisa; Bird, Laura J; Borgwardt, Stefan; Brodtmann, Amy; Brosch, Katharina; Caeyenberghs, Karen; ... (2024). Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis. Brain Sciences, 14(7) MDPI 10.3390/brainsci14070669

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2024). Reduced anterior callosal white matter in risk for psychosis associated with processing speed as a fundamental cognitive impairment. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 211-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.026

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). Relating reduced white matter microstructure in patients at clinical risk for psychosis to cognitive performance on a probabilistic reward task (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Michel, Chantal; Berger, Maximus; Mossaheb, Nilufar; Kindler, Jochen (2021). Editorial: Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: From Epidemiological Findings to Neurobiological Underpinnings of Treatment Response and Outcome. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.790810

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Michel, Konrad

Chun, Hong-Shik; Michel, Konrad; Lee, Kyoung-Uk (2024). A Case of Suicide Attempt Treated With Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program. Psychiatry investigation, 21(2), pp. 216-217. Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 10.30773/pi.2023.0279

Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Breit, Sigrid; Walther, Sebastian; Pavlidou, Anastasia (2021). Psychopharmacological treatment is not associated with reduced suicide ideation and reattempts in an observational follow-up study of suicide attempters. Journal of psychiatric research, 140, pp. 180-186. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.068

Michel, Konrad (2021). Suicide models and treatment models are separate entities. What does it mean for clinical suicide prevention? International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(10) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph18105301

Park, A-La; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Müller, Thomas; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Michel, Konrad (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a brief structured intervention program aimed at preventing repeat suicide attempts among those who previously attempted suicide. A secondary analysis of the ASSIP randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 1(6), e183680. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.3680

Michel, Konrad (19 June 2015). Workshop: ASSIP - Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program. Theory, Practice, and 24 Months Follow-up RCT. (Unpublished). In: 28th IASP Meeting Montréal. Montréal. 16.-20.6.2015.

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Michelis, Joan Philipp

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Mihov, Yoan Venceslavov

Hasler, Gregor; Suker, Samir; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Mihov, Yoan (2020). Sustained Improvement of Negative Self-Schema After a Single Ketamine Infusion: An Open-Label Study. Frontiers in neuroscience, 14(687), p. 687. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2020.00687

Müller Herde, Adrienne; Mihov, Yoan; Krämer, Stefanie D; Mu, Linjing; Adamantidis, Antoine; Ametamey, Simon M; Hasler, Gregor (2019). Chronic Nicotine Exposure Alters Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5: Longitudinal PET Study and Behavioural Assessment in Rats. Neurotoxicity research, 36(4), pp. 806-816. Springer 10.1007/s12640-019-00055-5

Hasler, Gregor; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Suker, Samir; Mihov, Yoan (2019). Ketamine Improves Negative Attitudes Toward Self in Treatment-Resistant Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44, p. 429. Springer Nature

Mihov, Yoan (2016). Positron emission tomography studies on cannabinoid receptor type 1 in schizophrenia. Biological psychiatry, 79(12), e97-e99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.04.015

Mihov, Yoan; Hasler, Gregor (2016). Negative allosteric modulators of metabotropic glutamate receptors subtype 5 in addiction: a therapeutic window. International journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 19(7), pp. 1-11. Cambridge University Press 10.1093/ijnp/pyw002

Mikutta, Christian

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Bozic, Ivan; Rusterholz, Thomas; Mikutta, Christian; Del Rio Bermudez, Carlos; Nissen, Christoph; Adamantidis, Antoine (2023). Coupling between the prelimbic cortex, nucleus reuniens, and hippocampus during NREM sleep remains stable under cognitive and homeostatic demands. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 106-128. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15853

Mikutta, Christian A; Sommer, Isabella; Ehlert, Ulrike (2023). Individual and Work-Related Psychological Characteristics Contributing to Subjective Well-Being in Air Rescue Employees. Air medical journal, 42(2), pp. 99-104. Elsevier 10.1016/j.amj.2022.12.010

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Mikutta, Christian; König, Thomas (13 January 2022). Electrocorticographic activation patterns during Electroencephalographic microstates (Unpublished). In: Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting. Campery. 9.1.-13.1.2022.

Mikutta, Christian; Schmid, Julia J; Ehlert, Ulrike (2022). Resilience and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the Swiss Alpine Rescue Association. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 780498. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.780498

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Stålesen Ramfjord, Lisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Mikutta, Christian; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel (2020). Local sleep and wakefulness — the concept and its potential for the understanding and treatment of insomnia disorder. Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 24(2), pp. 116-120. Springer 10.1007/s11818-020-00245-w

Maier, Jonathan G.; Kuhn, Marion; Mainberger, Florian; Nachtsheim, Katharina; Guo, Stephanie; Bucsenez, Ulrike; Feige, Bernd; Mikutta, Christian; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Klöppel, Stefan; Normann, Claus; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2019). Sleep orchestrates indices of local plasticity and global network stability in the human cortex. Sleep, 42(4) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsy263

Minkova, Lora Guintcheva

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Moggi, Franz

Jäger, Joshua; Osterburg, Lara; Stein, Maria; Germann, Miranda; Lustenberger, Sara A; Wopfner, Alexander; Denier, Niklaus; Bracht, Tobias; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M. (2024). Antidepressants and alcohol use disorder: A multicenter study on the mediating role of depression symptom changes. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research, 48(8), pp. 1577-1585. Wiley 10.1111/acer.15386

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Krieger, Tobias; Kley, Marijke Amanda; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas (2023). Blending an internet-based emotion regulation intervention with face-to-face psychotherapy: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 33(100650), p. 100650. Elsevier 10.1016/j.invent.2023.100650

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Wälchli, Gwendolyn; Nissen, Christoph; Berger, Thomas; Moggi, Franz (2023). Does an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention Provide Added Value for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care? Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR research protocols, 12, e47656. JMIR Publications 10.2196/47656

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Frommer, Angela; Moggi, Franz; Pfammatter, Mario (2023). Growth curves of common factors in psychotherapy: Multilevel growth modelling and outcome analysis. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(5), pp. 1095-1110. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/cpp.2864

Stein, Maria; Soravia, Leila M; Tschuemperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Jaeger, Joshua; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin; Wiers, Reinout W; Moggi, Franz (2023). Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Drinking Outcome and Working Mechanisms. Addiction, 118(4), pp. 646-657. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.16104

Therribout, Norman; van Kernebeek, Michiel W.; Vorspan, Florence; Crunelle, Cleo L.; van den Brink, Wim; Özgen, Heval; Spijkerman, Renske; Noack, Moritz; Holtmann, Martin; Schellekens, Arnt S.A.; van de Glind, Geurt; Hendriks, Vincent; Dom, Geert; Moggi, Franz; Konstenius, Maija; Franck, Johan; Levin, Frances R.; Ramos-Quiroga, J. Antoni; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Coetzee, Corné; ... (2023). International consensus statement for the screening, diagnosis, and treatment ofadolescents with concurrent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorder. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, 71(1), pp. 25-34. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neurenf.2022.11.004

Palma-Álvarez, Raul Felipe; Barta, Csaba; Carpentier, Pieter Jan; Carruthers, Susan; Crunelle, Cleo L.; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Dom, Geert; Faraone, Stephen V.; Franck, Johan; Johnson, Brian; Kapitány-Fövény, Máté; Kaye, Sharlene; Konstenius, Maija; Matthys, Frieda; Moggi, Franz; Møller, Merete; Schellekens, Arnt; Skutle, Arvid; van de Glind, Geurt; van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; ... (2023). Validity of the ADHD module of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview PLUS for screening of adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients: ADHD screening with MINI-Plus. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 16(1), pp. 11-15. Elsevier España 10.1016/j.rpsm.2020.04.013

Pfeifer, Philippe; Auer, Reto; Baggio, Stéphanie; Moggi, Franz (2022). A Nationwide Study of Inpatient Case Rate Incidence of Cannabis-Related Diagnoses in Switzerland. International journal of public health, 67, p. 1605554. Frontiers 10.3389/ijph.2022.1605554

Schneider, C. L.; Hertenstein, E.; Fehér, K.; Moggi, F.; Berger, T.; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, development and evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep medicine, 100(S1), p. 214. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.576

Graser, Yolanda; Stutz, Sonja; Rösner, Susanne; Wopfner, Alexander; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M (2022). Different Goals, Different Needs: The Effects of Telephone- and Text Message-Based Continuing Care for Patients with Different Drinking Goals After Residential Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder. Alcohol and alcoholism, 57(6), pp. 734-741. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agac031

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Brynte, Christoffer; Aeschlimann, Myriam; Barta, Csaba; Begeman, Alex Hendikus Abraham; Bäcker, Amanda; Crunelle, Cleo Lina; Daigre, Constanza; De Fuentes-Merillas, Laura; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Dom, Geert; López, Lara Grau; Icick, Romain; Johnson, Brian; Joostens, Peter; Kapitány-Fövény, Máté; Karsinti, Emily; Kiefer, Falk; Konstenius, Maija; Levin, Frances R; Luderer, Mathias; ... (2022). The clinical course of comorbid substance use disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: protocol and clinical characteristics of the INCAS study. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 625. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04259-6

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Moggi, Franz; Frommer, Angela; Küttel, Lili; Pfammatter, Mario (2022). [Empirical Conceptualization of Common Factors in Psychotherapy: Factor Structure of the WEB]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 49(5), pp. 262-270. Thieme 10.1055/a-1673-3867

Fey, Werner (2021). Neurophysiologische Korrelate der Alkoholabhängigkeit. Kontextabhängige neuronale Reizreaktivität (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Insitut für Psychologie Unversität Bern; Abteilung: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Philosophisch-humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Koenig, Thomas; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Pfeifer, Philippe; Soravia, Leila Maria; Stein, Maria (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), pp. 2031-2044. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acer.14444

Moggi, Franz; Ossola, Natalie; Graser, Yolanda; Soravia, Leila M. (2020). Trail Making Test: Normative Data for Patients with Severe Alcohol Use Disorder. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(11), pp. 1790-1799. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/10826084.2020.1765806

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel; Cantisani, Andrea; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep Advances, 1(1) Oxford Academic 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpaa005

Kaye, Sharlene; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; van de Glind, Geurt; Levin, Frances R.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Allsop, Steve; Degenhardt, Louisa; Moggi, Franz; Barta, Csaba; Konstenius, Maija; Franck, Johan; Skutle, Arvid; Bu, Eli-Torild; Koeter, Maarten W. J.; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Kapitány-Fövény, Máté; Schoevers, Robert A.; van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; Carpentier, Pieter-Jan; Dom, Geert; ... (2019). Persistence and Subtype Stability of ADHD Among Substance Use Disorder Treatment Seekers. Journal of attention disorders, 23(12), pp. 1438-1453. Sage 10.1177/1087054716629217

Cavelti, Marialuisa; Corbisiero, Salvatore; Bitto, Hannes; Moerstedt, Beatrice; Newark, Patricia; Faschina, Sylvia; Chanen, Andrew; Moggi, Franz; Stieglitz, Rolf-Dieter (2019). A Comparison of Self-Reported Emotional Regulation Skills in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of attention disorders, 23(12), pp. 1396-1406. Sage 10.1177/1087054717698814

Estévez-Lamorte, Natalia; Foster, Simon; Eich-Höchli, Dominique; Moggi, Franz; Gmel, Gerhard; Mohler-Kuo, Meichun (2019). Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, risky substance use and substance use disorders: a follow-up study among young men. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 269(6), pp. 667-679. Springer 10.1007/s00406-018-0958-3

Luderer, Mathias; Kiefer, Falk; Reif, Andreas; Moggi, Franz (2019). [ADHD in adult patients with substance use disorders]. Der Nervenarzt, 90(9), pp. 926-931. Springer 10.1007/s00115-019-0779-2

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Stein, Maria; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila (2019). Learning to resist the urge: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating alcohol-specific inhibition training in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder. Trials, 20(1), p. 402. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13063-019-3505-2

Moggi, Franz (2019). Theoretische Modelle zur Komorbidität psychischer Störungen und Sucht. In: Walter, Marc; Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, Euphrosyne (eds.) Psychische Störungen und Suchterkrankungen. Diagnostik und Behandlung von Doppeldiagnosen (pp. 37-48). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

Müller, Anja; Znoj, Hansjörg; Moggi, Franz (2019). How Are Self-Efficacy and Motivation Related to Drinking Five Years after Residential Treatment? A Longitudinal Multicenter Study. European addiction research, 25(5), pp. 213-223. Karger 10.1159/000500520

Soyka, Michael; Batra, Anil; Heinz, Andreas; Moggi, Franz; Walter, Marc (eds.) (2018). Suchtmedizin [Edited Textbook] . München: Elsevier

Moggi, Franz; Preuss, Ulrich (2018). Suchterkrankungen und komorbide psychische Störungen. In: Soyka, Michael; Batra, Anil; Heinz, Andreas; Moggi, Franz; Walter, Marc (eds.) Suchtmedizin (pp. 333-347). München: Elsevier

Soravia, Leila M.; Wopfner, Alexander; Pfiffner, Luzius; Bétrisey, Sophie; Moggi, Franz (2017). Symptom-triggered detoxification using the Alcohol-Withdrawal-Scale reduces risks and health care costs. Alcohol and alcoholism, 53(1), pp. 71-77. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agx080

Moggi, Franz (1 October 2017). Auswirkungen von ADHS auf den Beginn und die Aufrechterhaltung von Substanzkonsum (Unpublished). In: XXVII World Congress of Psychiatry. Berlin. 8.-12.10.2017.

Konstenius, Maija; Leifman, Anders; van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; van de Glind, Geurt; Franck, Johan; Moggi, Franz; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Levin, Frances R; Carpentier, Pieter Jan; Skutle, Arvid; Bu, Eli-Torild; Kaye, Sharlene; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Barta, Csaba; Auriecomb, Marc; Fatséas, Melina; Johnson, Brian; Faraone, Stephen V; Allsop, Steve; Carruthers, Susan; ... (2017). Childhood trauma exposure in substance use disorder patients with and without ADHD. Addictive behaviors, 65(1), pp. 118-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.10.016

Moggi, Franz (2016). Wirkfaktoren psychosozialer Behandlungen bei Sucht und komorbiden psychischen Störungen. Nervenheilkunde, 35(11), pp. 770-776. Schattauer

Vogel, Tanja; Dom, Geert; van de Glind, Geurt; Studer, Joseph; Gmel, Gerhard; Strik, Werner; Moggi, Franz (2016). Is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among men associated with initiation or escalation of substance use at 15-month follow-up? A longitudinal study involving young Swiss men. Addiction, 111(10), pp. 1867-1878. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.13422

Moggi, Franz (2016). Wirksame psychosoziale Interventionen bei Suchterkrankungen und komorbiden psychischen Störungen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie, 16(3), pp. 27-29. Rosenfluh

Wiers, Reinout W.; Becker, Daniela; Holland, Rob W.; Moggi, Franz; Lejuez, Carl W. (2016). Cognitive motivational processes underlying addiction treatment. In: Kopetz, Catalina E.; Lejuez, Carl W. (eds.) Addictions. A social Psychological Perspective. Frontiers of Social Psychology (pp. 201-236). Routledge

Skutle, Arvid; Bu, Eli Torild Hellandsjø; Jellestad, Finn Konow; van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; Dom, Geert; Verspreet, Sofie; Carpentier, Pieter Jan; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Franck, Johan; Konstenius, Maija; Kaye, Sharlene; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Barta, Csaba; Fatséas, Melina; Auriacombe, Marc; Johnson, Brian; Faraone, Stephen V.; Levin, Frances R.; Allsop, Steve; Carruthers, Susan; ... (2015). Early developmental, temperamental and educational problems in ‘substance use disorder’ patients with and without ADHD. Does ADHD make a difference? Addictive behaviors reports, 2, pp. 13-18. Elsevier 10.1016/j.abrep.2015.03.001

Wapp, Manuela; van de Glind, Geurt; van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; Dom, Geert; Verspreet, Sofie; Carpentier, Pieter Jan; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Skutle, Arvid; Bu, Eli-Torlid; Franck, Johan; Konstenius, Maija; Kaye, Sharlene; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Barta, Csaba; Fatséas, Melina; Auriacombe, Marc; Johnson, Brian; Faraone, Stephen V; Levin, Frances R; Allsop, Steve; ... (2015). Risk factors for borderline personality disorder in treatment seeking patients with a substance use disorder: an international multicenter study. European addiction research, 21(4), pp. 188-194. Karger 10.1159/000371724

Dom, Geert; Moggi, Franz (eds.) (2015). Co-occurring addictive and psychiatric disorders. A practice-based handbook from a european perspective [Edited Textbook] . Berlin: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-45375-5

Moggi, Franz; Öjehagen, Agneta (2015). Evidence-supported psychosocial treatment for dual disorder patients. In: Dom, Geert; Moggi, Franz (eds.) Co-Occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders. A Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective (pp. 261-277). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-45375-5_18

Geert, Dom; Moggi, Franz (2015). Towards a new model of care: integrating mental health, substance use, and somatic care. In: Geert, Dom; Moggi, Franz (eds.) Co-Occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders. A Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective (pp. 375-389). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-45375-5_25

Geert, Dom; Moggi, Franz (2015). Towards a new model of care: integrating mental health, substance use, and somatic care. In: Geert, Dom; Moggi, Franz (eds.) Co-Occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders. A Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective (pp. 375-389). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-45375-5_25

Rumpf, Hans-Jürgen; Bischof, Anja; Wölfling, Klaus; Leménager, Tagrid; Thon, Natasha; Moggi, Franz; Dom, Geert; Wurst, Friedrich Martin (2015). Non-Substance-Related Disorders: Gambling disorder and internet addiction. In: Dom, Geert; Moggi, Franz (eds.) Co-Occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders. A Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective (pp. 221-236). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-45375-5_16

Meyer, Agnes; Wapp, Manuela; Strik, Werner; Moggi, Franz (2014). Association Between Drinking Goal and Alcohol Use One Year After Residential Treatment: A Multicenter Study. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 33(3), pp. 234-242. Routledge 10.1080/10550887.2014.950025

Moggi, Franz (2013). Ätiologiemodelle über den Zusammenhang von psychischen Störungen und Sucht. Suchtmedizin in Forschung und Praxis, 15(6), pp. 327-333. ecomed Medizin

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Matter, Monika; Roos, Markus; Moggi, Franz (2004). Drug consuming women's appraisals of viral hepatitis and HIV. Sucht, 50(6), pp. 354-360. Hogrefe 10.1024/2004.06.02

Moggi, Franz; Brodbeck, Jeannette; Költzsch, Kerstin; Hirsbrunner, Hans-Peter; Bachmann, Kurt Marc (2002). One-year follow-up of dual diagnosis patients attending a 4-month integrated inpatient treatment. European addiction research, 8(1), pp. 30-37. Karger 10.1159/000049485

Bachmann, Kurt Marc; Moggi, Franz; Hirsbrunner, Hans-Peter; Donati, Ruth; Brodbeck, Jeannette (1997). An integrated treatment program for dually diagnosed patients. Psychiatric services, 48(3), pp. 314-316. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/ps.48.3.314

Moggi, F; Hirsbrunner, H-P; Wittig, R; Donati, R; Brodbeck, J; Bachmann, Kurt Marc (1996). lnpatient treatment of patients with dual diagnoses. Verhaltenstherapie, 6(4), pp. 201-209. Karger 10.1159/000258990

Bachmann, Kurt Marc; Moggi, Franz (1993). Dual diagnoses: addiction and other psychiatric disease. Theory, empirical findings and basic therapeutic considerations of a new concept. Psychiatrische Praxis, 20(4), pp. 125-129. Thieme

Moggi, Franz (1991). Sexual child abuse: definition, prevalence and sequelae. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 39(4), pp. 323-335. Hogrefe

Moor, Jeanne Yvonne

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S31-S31. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (25 September 2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Morishima, Yosuke

Piani, Maria Chiara; Bettina Salome, Gerber; König, Thomas; Morishima, Yosuke; Julie, Nordgaard; Jandl, Martin (2024). Mapping the pre-reflective experience of "self" to the brain - An ERP study. Consciousness and cognition, 119, p. 103654. Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2024.103654

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2024). Reduced anterior callosal white matter in risk for psychosis associated with processing speed as a fundamental cognitive impairment. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 211-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.026

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). Relating reduced white matter microstructure in patients at clinical risk for psychosis to cognitive performance on a probabilistic reward task (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Koshikawa, Yosuke; Nishida, Keiichiro; Yamane, Tomonari; Yoshimura, Masafumi; Onohara, Ai; Ueda, Satsuki; Ishii, Ryouhei; Kinoshita, Toshihiko; Morishima, Yosuke (2022). Disentangling Cognitive Inflexibility in Major Depressive Disorder: A Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Study. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 76(7), pp. 329-337. Wiley 10.1111/pcn.13364

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Nakataki, Masahito; Morishima, Yosuke (2022). Phase-Synchronized Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation-Induced Neural Oscillations Modulate Cortico-Cortical Signaling Efficacy. Brain connectivity, 12(5), pp. 443-453. Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/brain.2021.0006

Nishida, Keiichiro; Morishima, Yosuke; Pascual-Marqui, Roberto D.; Minami, Shota; Yamane, Tomonari; Michikura, Masahito; Ishikawa, Hideki; Kinoshita, Toshihiko (2021). Mindfulness augmentation for anxiety through concurrent use of transcranial direct current stimulation: a randomized double-blind study. Scientific reports, 11(1), p. 22734. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-021-02177-3

Ishida, Takuya; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Morishima, Yosuke (2020). Converging Resting State Networks Unravels Potential Remote Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Major Depression. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11(836), p. 836. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00836

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Grieder, Matthias; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials. Frontiers in neuroscience, 12(880) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnins.2018.00880

Kunzelmann, Katharina; Meier, Lea; Morishima, Yosuke; Dierks, Thomas (31 August 2018). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation over the auditory cortex on auditory-evoked potentials (Unpublished). In: 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2018. San Diego. 3.11.2018-7.11.2018.

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer (2018). The role of brain oscillations in flexible attentional control (Submitted). (Dissertation, Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern, Universität Bern, Medizinische Fakultät)

Krajbich, Ian; Hare, Todd; Bartling, Björn; Morishima, Yosuke; Fehr, Ernst (2015). A common mechanism underlying food choice and social decisions. PLoS computational biology, 11(10), e1004371. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004371

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Morishima, Yosuke (24 January 2015). Entrained oscillatory activity modulates long-range neuronal transmission efficacy (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of Swiss Society for Neuroscience.

Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Morishima, Yosuke (17 November 2014). Phase dependency of long-range neuronal transmission in entrained neuronal networks: a combined tACS-TMS-EEG study (Unpublished). In: Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2014.

Morishima, Yosuke; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer (17 November 2014). A method for removing transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) artifacts from EEG data (Unpublished). In: Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2014.

Mosimann, Urs Peter

Bieri, Rahel; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2015). Development of a novel driving behavior adaptations questionnaire. International psychogeriatrics, 27(6), pp. 1017-1027. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1041610214002750

Nef, Tobias; Gruber, Nicole; Zito, Giuseppe; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Development and evaluation of a new instrument to measure visual exploration behavior. Medical engineering & physics, 36(4), pp. 490-495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.09.011

Lee, David R; McKeith, Ian; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Ghosh-Nodial, Arunima; Grayson, Louise; Wilson, Barbara; Thomas, Alan J (2014). The dementia cognitive fluctuation scale, a new psychometric test for clinicians to identify cognitive fluctuations in people with dementia. American journal of geriatric psychiatry, 22(9), pp. 926-935. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jagp.2013.01.072

Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Müri, René; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). A new method to measure higher visual functions in an immersive environment. Biomedical engineering online, 13, p. 104. BioMed Central 10.1186/1475-925X-13-104

Carter, Kirsty; Monaghan, Sophie; O'Brien, John; Teodorczuk, Andrew; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Taylor, John-Paul (2014). Driving and dementia: a clinical decision pathway. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 30(2), pp. 210-216. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/gps.4132

Serra, Anne-Laure; von Gunten, Armin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Favrat, Bernard (2014). Driving ability, mental illness and psychotropic medication in the elderly. Revue médicale suisse, 10(428), pp. 981-985. Médecine & Hygiène

von Gunten, Armin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Antonietti, Jean-Philippe (2014). Response to Regal's letter to the editor. American journal of geriatric psychiatry, 22(4), pp. 420-421. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jagp.2014.01.003

Tarnanas, Ioannis; Tsolaki, Magda; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Can a novel computerized cognitive screening test provide additional information for early detection of Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's & dementia, 10(6), pp. 790-798. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.01.002

Urwyler, Prabitha; Nef, Tobias; Killen, Alison; Collerton, Daniel; Thomas, Alan; Burn, David; McKeith, Ian; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Visual complaints and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders, 20(3), pp. 318-322. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2013.12.009

Savaskan, Egemen; Bopp-Kistler, Irene; Buerge, Markus; Fischlin, Regina; Georgescu, Dan; Giardini, Umberto; Hatzinger, Martin; Hemmeter, Ulrich; Justiniano, Isabella; Kressig, Reto W.; Monsch, Andreas; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Mueri, René; Munk, Anna; Popp, Julius; Schmid, Ruth; Wollmer, Marc A. (2014). Therapy Guidelines for the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 103(3), pp. 135-148. Huber 10.1024/1661-8157/a001547

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Gruber, Nicole; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). A novel computer test to assess driving-relevant cognitive functions - a pilot study. International psychogeriatrics, 26(2), pp. 229-238. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S104161021300183X

Waters, Flavie; Collerton, Daniel; ffytche, Dominique H.; Jardri, Renaud; Pins, Delphine; Dudley, Robert; Blom, Jan Dirk; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Eperjesi, Frank; Ford, Stephen; Laroi, Frank (2014). Visual hallucinations in the psychosis spectrum and comparative information from neurodegenerative disorders and eye disease. Schizophrenia bulletin, 40(Suppl. 4), pp. 233-245. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu036

Stucki, Reto A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Rampa, Luca; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nef, Tobias (2014). A web-based non-intrusive ambient system to measure and classify activities of daily living. Journal of medical internet research, 16(7), e175. Centre of Global eHealth Innovation 10.2196/jmir.3465

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Bethencourt, Nora; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Müri, René Martin; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effect of Cognitive Impairment on Driving-Relevant Cognition in Older Persons. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2(1), pp. 11-18. David Publishing

Archibald, Neil K; Clarke, Mike P; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Burn, David J (2011). Visual symptoms in Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's disease dementia. Movement disorders, 26(13), pp. 2387-95. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/mds.23891

Mötteli-Grob, Sonja

Adamus, Christine; Mötteli, Sonja; Jäger, Matthias; Richter, Dirk (2024). Independent Supported Housing vs institutional housing rehabilitation settings for non-homeless individuals with severe mental illness - longitudinal results from an observational study. BMC psychiatry, 24(554) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-024-05995-7

Adamus, Christine; Richter, Dirk; Sutor, Kim; Zürcher, Simeon; Mötteli, Sonja (2024). Preference for Competitive Employment in People with Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Proportions. (In Press). Journal of occupational rehabilitation Springer 10.1007/s10926-024-10192-0

Mötteli, Sonja; Provaznikova, Barbora; Vetter, Stefan; Jäger, Matthias; Seifritz, Erich; Hotzy, Florian (2023). Examining Nutrition Knowledge, Skills, and Eating Behaviours in People with Severe Mental Illness: A Cross-Sectional Comparison among Psychiatric Inpatients, Outpatients, and Healthy Adults. Nutrients, 15(9) MDPI 10.3390/nu15092136

Müller, Daniel

Redlich Bossy, Mona; Müller, Daniel R; Niedermoser, Daryl W; Burrer, Achim; Spiller, Tobias R; Vetter, Stefan; Seifritz, Erich; Egger, Stephan T (2024). Impact of psychopathology on day-to-day living in patients with schizophrenia: A network analysis. Comprehensive psychiatry, 133(152501), p. 152501. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2024.152501

Müller-Szer, Rosa; Wechsler, Fabienne I.; Mueller, Daniel R. (2 June 2024). Changes in experience and behavior of schizophrenic patients in therapy groups improve functioning and symptoms. RCT with 154 outpatients in CR-group compared to TAU (Unpublished). In: Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry 25th Annual Meeting. Clumbia University NYC. June 2 2023.

Mueller, Daniel R.; Mueller-Szer, Rosa; Grossenbacher, Linda (4 April 2024). Prevention and prediction of relapse in schizophrenic patients: RCT results on integrative cognitive remediation during 8-year follow-up (Unpublished). In: 2024 annual congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society SIRS. Florenz. 4.-7.4.2024.

Mueller, Daniel R.; Mueller-Szer, Rosa; Affentranger, Oliver B.; Wechsler, Fabienne I.; Tschirren, Noah (28 November 2023). Veränderungen des Erlebens und Verhaltens schizophren Erkrankter in Therapiegruppen verbessern Funktionsfertigkeiten und Symptome: RCT mit 154 ambulanten Patienten unter kognitiver Remediation verglichen mit Standardbehandlung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN; Symposium: Neue Weiterentwicklungen und Evaluation zur Psychotherapie bei Menschen mit Psychosen. Berlin. 28.11.-2.12.2023.

Mueller, Daniel R. (7 June 2023). Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy for Schizophrenia (INT) (Unpublished). In: Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry 25th Annual Meeting. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NYC. June 2 2023.

Mehl, Stephanie; Hesse, Klaus; Moritz, Steffen; Müller, Daniel R; Kircher, Tilo; Bechdolf, Andreas (2023). Evidenzbasierte stationäre Psychotherapie bei Psychosen: Aktuelle Evidenz verschiedener stationärer Psychotherapieprogramme in der Behandlung von Psychosen– ein narrativer Übersichtsartikel. Der Nervenarzt Springer

Müller, Daniel R. (24 November 2022). Prophylaxe und Prädiktion von Rückfällen bei schizophren Erkrankten: RCT-Ergebnisse zu integrativer kognitiver Remediation während einer 8-Jahres Katamnese (Referat) (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress Berlin.

Müller, Daniel R (24 November 2022). Einfluss des Alters auf den psychotherapeutischen Nutzen: RCT mit 100 ambulanten schizophren Erkrankten (Referat) (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress Berlin.

Müller, Daniel R (1 October 2022). Das Potential integrierter kognitiver Remediation zur Reduktion von Negativsymptomen (Referat) (Unpublished). In: Dachverband Deutschsprachiger Psychosen Psychotherapie DDPP, Berliner überregionales Symposium.

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Mueller, Daniel R; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Brain Stimulation and Group Therapy to Improve Gesture and Social Skills in Schizophrenia-The Study Protocol of a Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Three-Arm, Double-Blind Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 909703. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909703

Moritz, Steffen; Turner, David; Bechdolf, Andreas; Mueller, Daniel R; Woodward, Todd S; Penney, Danielle; Mehl, Stephanie (2022). Group therapy for schizophrenia: Why Burlingame et al. (2020) should redo their meta-analysis. Psychotherapy, 59(2), pp. 133-135. American Psychological Association 10.1037/pst0000401

Müller, Daniel R.; Roder, Volker (29 November 2019). Der Einfluss des Gruppenfaktors innerhalb von Therapiegruppen zur Behandlung schizophren Erkrankter: RCT mit 127 ambulanten Patienten (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Congress. Berlin. November 27-30 2019.

Müller, Daniel R.; Roder, Volker (28 November 2019). Rückfallprophylaxe kognitiver Remediation bei schizophren Erkrankten: RCT-Ergebnisse mit einer 8-jahres Katamnese (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Congress. Berlin. November 27-30 2019.

Roder, Volker; Brenner, Hans D.; Müller, Daniel (2019). Integriertes Psychologisches Therapieprogramm bei schizophren Erkrankten IPT. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz

Müller, Daniel; Steichen, Conny; Reymond, Annina R.; Roder, Volker (6 April 2018). Integrated cognitive remediation therapy prevents relapses in schizophrenia outpatients 8-year follow-up: final RCT results (Unpublished). In: 6th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference (SIRS), Integrated prevention and treatment: shifting the way we think. Florence, Italy. April 4-8 2018.

Müller, Martin

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Bettschen, David; Annaheim, Pascale; Brogna, Stella; Walther, Sebastian; Waern, Margda; Müller, Martin; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults With Suicide-Related Emergency Department Presentations. (In Press). Journal of aging and health, p. 8982643241261094. Sage 10.1177/08982643241261094

Müller, Monika

Müller, M; Curatolo, M; Limacher, A; Neziri, A; Treichel, F; Battaglia, M; Arendt-Nielsen, L; Jüni, P (2019). Predicting transition from acute to chronic low back pain with quantitative sensory tests - a prospective cohort study in the primary care setting. European journal of pain, 23(5), pp. 894-907. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejp.1356

Müller, Thomas

Wicki, Benedikt; Vienneau, Danielle; Schäffer, Beat; Müller, Thomas J; Raub, Ulrich; Widrig, Jonin; Pervilhac, Charlotte; Röösli, Martin (2024). Acute effects of military aircraft noise on sedative and analgesic drug administrations in psychiatric patients: A case-time series analysis. Environment international, 185, p. 108501. Elsevier 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108501

Bundo, Marvin; Preisig, Martin; Merikangas, Kathleen; Glaus, Jennifer; Vaucher, Julien; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Müller, Thomas; Franco, Oscar; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria (2023). How ambient temperature affects mood: an ecological momentary assessment study in Switzerland. Environmental health, 22(1), p. 52. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12940-023-01003-9

Wicki, Benedikt; Schäffer, Beat; Wunderli, Jean Marc; Müller, Thomas J; Pervilhac, Charlotte; Röösli, Martin; Vienneau, Danielle (2023). Suicide and Transportation Noise: A Prospective Cohort Study from Switzerland. Environmental health perspectives, 131(3), p. 37013. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 10.1289/EHP11587

Tschudi, Letizia; Fischer, Sebastian Karl Maximilian; Perlov, Evgeniy; Baumgartner, Markus R; Soyka, Michael; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Seifritz, Erich; Mutschler, Jochen (2023). Concomitant Drug Use among Opioid-Dependent Patients with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Does Methylphenidate Merit a Trial? European addiction research, 29(5), pp. 305-312. Karger 10.1159/000531008

Deckert, Andreas; Runge-Ranzinger, Silvia; Banaschewski, Tobias; Horstick, Olaf; Elwishahy, Abdelrahman; Olarte-Peña, Margarita; Faber, Claudia; Müller, Thomas; Brugnara, Lucia; Thom, Julia; Mauz, Elvira; Peitz, Diana (2023). Mental health indicators for children and adolescents in OECD countries: a scoping review. Frontiers in Public Health, 11 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1303133

Windhab, Laura G; Gastberger, Salome; Hulka, Lea M; Baumgartner, Markus R; Soyka, Michael; Müller, Thomas J; Seifritz, Erich; Mutschler, Jochen (2020). Dextromethorphan Abuse Among Opioid-Dependent Patients. Clinical neuropharmacology, 43(5), pp. 127-133. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/WNF.0000000000000403

Park, A-La; Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Müller, Thomas; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Michel, Konrad (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a brief structured intervention program aimed at preventing repeat suicide attempts among those who previously attempted suicide. A secondary analysis of the ASSIP randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 1(6), e183680. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.3680

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Rampa, Luca; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2015). The longitudinal course of gross motor activity in schizophrenia - within and between episodes. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6(10), p. 10. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00010

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2014). Physical activity in schizophrenia is higher in the first episode than in subsequent ones. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, p. 191. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00191

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Laimböck, K.; Bracht, T.; Strik, W.; Müller, T.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system: a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S66-S67. Springer

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Müller-Köhn, Stefanie Verena

Suker, Samir; Mihov, Yoan; Wolf, Andreas; Mueller, Stefanie V; Hasler, Gregor (2023). Behavioral Response to Catecholamine Depletion in Individuals With Schizophrenia and Healthy Volunteers. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 4(1), sgad023. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgad023

Müllner, Julia Nicole Maria

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Müri, René Martin

Penalver-Andres, Joaquin A.; Buetler, Karin A.; Koenig, Thomas; Müri, René M.; Marchal-Crespo, Laura (2024). Resting-state functional networks correlate with motor performance in a complex visuomotor task: An EEG microstate pilot study on healthy individuals. Brain topography, 37(4), pp. 590-607. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00934-9

Nagysomkuti Mertse, Nicolas; Müri, René (2022). Case Report: SMART ANTON: Anton-Babinski Syndrome in Stroke-Like Migraine Attacks (SMART) After Radiation Therapy: Two Rare Syndromes, One Case. Frontiers in neurology, 13, p. 887287. Frontiers Media S.A. 10.3389/fneur.2022.887287

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Bieri, Rahel; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2015). Development of a novel driving behavior adaptations questionnaire. International psychogeriatrics, 27(6), pp. 1017-1027. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1041610214002750

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Nef, Tobias; Gruber, Nicole; Zito, Giuseppe; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Development and evaluation of a new instrument to measure visual exploration behavior. Medical engineering & physics, 36(4), pp. 490-495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.09.011

Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Müri, René; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). A new method to measure higher visual functions in an immersive environment. Biomedical engineering online, 13, p. 104. BioMed Central 10.1186/1475-925X-13-104

Tarnanas, Ioannis; Tsolaki, Magda; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Can a novel computerized cognitive screening test provide additional information for early detection of Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's & dementia, 10(6), pp. 790-798. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.01.002

Savaskan, Egemen; Bopp-Kistler, Irene; Buerge, Markus; Fischlin, Regina; Georgescu, Dan; Giardini, Umberto; Hatzinger, Martin; Hemmeter, Ulrich; Justiniano, Isabella; Kressig, Reto W.; Monsch, Andreas; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Mueri, René; Munk, Anna; Popp, Julius; Schmid, Ruth; Wollmer, Marc A. (2014). Therapy Guidelines for the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 103(3), pp. 135-148. Huber 10.1024/1661-8157/a001547

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Gruber, Nicole; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). A novel computer test to assess driving-relevant cognitive functions - a pilot study. International psychogeriatrics, 26(2), pp. 229-238. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S104161021300183X

Stucki, Reto A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Rampa, Luca; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nef, Tobias (2014). A web-based non-intrusive ambient system to measure and classify activities of daily living. Journal of medical internet research, 16(7), e175. Centre of Global eHealth Innovation 10.2196/jmir.3465

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Bethencourt, Nora; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Müri, René Martin; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effect of Cognitive Impairment on Driving-Relevant Cognition in Older Persons. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2(1), pp. 11-18. David Publishing

Nadesalingam, Niluja

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Walther, Sebastian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie (2024). Structural alterations of the motor cortex and higher order cortical areas suggest early neurodevelopmental origin of catatonia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 263, pp. 131-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.004

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Bernard, Jessica A; Mittal, Vijay A; Shankman, Stewart A; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Test-retest reliability of a finger-tapping fMRI task in a healthy population. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 78-90. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15865

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

von Känel, Sofie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Despoina; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Measuring catatonia motor behavior with objective instrumentation. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 880747. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.880747

Nagysomkuti Mertse, Nicolas Maximilien

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Bracht, Tobias; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Lüdi, Karin; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2022). Link between structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle, functional connectivity of the ventral tegmental area, and anhedonia in unipolar depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, p. 102961. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102961

Nagysomkuti Mertse, Nicolas; Müri, René (2022). Case Report: SMART ANTON: Anton-Babinski Syndrome in Stroke-Like Migraine Attacks (SMART) After Radiation Therapy: Two Rare Syndromes, One Case. Frontiers in neurology, 13, p. 887287. Frontiers Media S.A. 10.3389/fneur.2022.887287

Nakataki, Masahito

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Nef, Tobias

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Bieri, Rahel; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2015). Development of a novel driving behavior adaptations questionnaire. International psychogeriatrics, 27(6), pp. 1017-1027. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1041610214002750

Nef, Tobias; Gruber, Nicole; Zito, Giuseppe; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Development and evaluation of a new instrument to measure visual exploration behavior. Medical engineering & physics, 36(4), pp. 490-495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.09.011

Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Müri, René; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). A new method to measure higher visual functions in an immersive environment. Biomedical engineering online, 13, p. 104. BioMed Central 10.1186/1475-925X-13-104

Tarnanas, Ioannis; Tsolaki, Magda; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Can a novel computerized cognitive screening test provide additional information for early detection of Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's & dementia, 10(6), pp. 790-798. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.01.002

Urwyler, Prabitha; Nef, Tobias; Killen, Alison; Collerton, Daniel; Thomas, Alan; Burn, David; McKeith, Ian; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Visual complaints and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders, 20(3), pp. 318-322. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2013.12.009

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Gruber, Nicole; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). A novel computer test to assess driving-relevant cognitive functions - a pilot study. International psychogeriatrics, 26(2), pp. 229-238. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S104161021300183X

Stucki, Reto A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Rampa, Luca; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nef, Tobias (2014). A web-based non-intrusive ambient system to measure and classify activities of daily living. Journal of medical internet research, 16(7), e175. Centre of Global eHealth Innovation 10.2196/jmir.3465

Bieri, Rahel; Jäger, Michael; Bethencourt, Nora; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Müri, René Martin; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effect of Cognitive Impairment on Driving-Relevant Cognition in Older Persons. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2(1), pp. 11-18. David Publishing

Neziri, Alban Y.

Müller, M; Curatolo, M; Limacher, A; Neziri, A; Treichel, F; Battaglia, M; Arendt-Nielsen, L; Jüni, P (2019). Predicting transition from acute to chronic low back pain with quantitative sensory tests - a prospective cohort study in the primary care setting. European journal of pain, 23(5), pp. 894-907. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejp.1356

Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Nissen, Christoph

Riemann, Dieter; Dressle, Raphael J; Benz, Fee; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Baglioni, Chiara; Palagini, Laura; Krone, Lukas; Perlis, Michael L; Domschke, Katharina; Berger, Mathias; Feige, Bernd (2024). Chronic insomnia, REM sleep instability and emotional dysregulation: A pathway to anxiety and depression? (In Press). Journal of sleep research(e14252), e14252. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.14252

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph (2024). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Combined with Bedtime Restriction, versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 93(2), pp. 114-128. Karger 10.1159/000535834

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Zeller, Céline J; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). The promise of portable remote auditory stimulation tools to enhance slow-wave sleep and prevent cognitive decline. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13818. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13818

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Wälchli, Gwendolyn; Nissen, Christoph; Berger, Thomas; Moggi, Franz (2023). Does an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention Provide Added Value for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care? Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR research protocols, 12, e47656. JMIR Publications 10.2196/47656

Bozic, Ivan; Rusterholz, Thomas; Mikutta, Christian; Del Rio Bermudez, Carlos; Nissen, Christoph; Adamantidis, Antoine (2023). Coupling between the prelimbic cortex, nucleus reuniens, and hippocampus during NREM sleep remains stable under cognitive and homeostatic demands. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 106-128. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15853

Johann, Anna F.; Feige, Bernd; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Benz, Fee; Steinmetz, Lisa; Baglioni, Chiara; Riemann, Dieter; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Akram, Umair (2023). The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Multidimensional Perfectionism. Behavior therapy, 54(2), pp. 386-399. Elsevier 10.1016/j.beth.2022.10.001

Omlin, Ximena; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Chronobiologische Verfahren. In: Adli, Mazda; Hautzinger, Martin (eds.) Praxishandbuch Depression (pp. 283-290). Elsevier 10.1016/B978-3-437-23031-8.00028-5

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta; Nissen, Christoph; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Insomnie. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 148(21), pp. 1384-1390. Thieme 10.1055/a-2182-0463

Schneider, C. L.; Hertenstein, E.; Fehér, K.; Moggi, F.; Berger, T.; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, development and evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep medicine, 100(S1), p. 214. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.576

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (1 February 2022). Werde dein eigener Schlafexperte. VSAO Journal, 1

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Freeman, Daniel (2022). CBT‐I Protocols for Insomnia Co‐morbid with Other Mental Disorders. In: Baglioni, Chiara; Espie, Colin A.; Riemann, Dieter (eds.) Cognitive‐Behavioural Therapy For Insomnia (CBT‐I) Across The Life Span: Guidelines and Clinical Protocols for Health Professionals (pp. 151-160). Wiley 10.1002/9781119891192.ch13

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (15 September 2021). Anvertrauen von klinischen Tätigkeiten in der medizinischen Ausbildung aus der Perspektive von Studierenden – eine qualitative Studie. In: GMA-Jahrestagung DocV21-02. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21gma079

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc A.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Modulating overnight memory consolidation by acoustic stimulation during slow wave sleep – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa296

Frase, Lukas; Jahn, Friederike; Tsodor, Sulamith; Krone, Lukas; Selhausen, Peter; Feige, Bernd; Maier, Jonathan G.; Piosczyk, Hannah; Riemann, Dieter; Nitsche, Michael A.; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Offline Bi‐Frontal Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Decreases Total Sleep Time Without Disturbing Overnight Memory Consolidation. Neuromodulation, 24(5), pp. 910-915. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13163

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Introducing a Psychiatry Clerkship Curriculum Based on Entrustable Professional Activities: an Explorative Pilot Study. Academic psychiatry, 45(3), pp. 354-359. Springer 10.1007/s40596-021-01417-y

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Wunderlin, Marina; Fehér, Kristoffer; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Augmentation of psychotherapy with neurobiological methods: current state and future directions. Neuropsychobiology, 80(6), pp. 437-453. Karger 10.1159/000514564

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Workplace-based assessments of entrustable professional activities in a psychiatry core clerkship: an observational study. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 223. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02637-4

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Huwendiek, Sören; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Working with entrustable professional activities in clinical education in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 172. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02608-9

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Entrustment Decisions and the Clinical Team: A Case Study of Early Clinical Students. Medical education, 55(3), pp. 365-375. Wiley 10.1111/medu.14432

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Curriculum development with the implementation of an Open-source Learning Management System for training early clinical students: An Educational Design Research Study. Advances in medical education and practice, 12, pp. 53-61. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/AMEP.S284974

Frase, L; Mertens, L; Krahla, A; Bhatiaa, K; Feige, B; Heinrich, S.P.; Vestring, S; Nissen, Christoph; Domschke, K; Bach, M; Normann, K (2021). Transcranial direct current stimulation induces long-term potentiation-like plasticity in the human visual cortex. Translational psychiatry, 11(1), p. 17. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41398-020-01134-4

Nissen, Christoph; Piosczyk, Hannah; Holz, Johannes; Maier, Jonathan G.; Frase, Lukas; Sterr, Annette; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd (2021). Sleep is more than rest for plasticity in the human cortex. Sleep, 44(3) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa216

Schmid, S.R; Nissen, C.; Riemann, D; Spiegelhalder, K; Frase, L (2021). Auditorische Stimulation während des Schlafs. Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 25(1), pp. 45-53. Springer 10.1007/s11818-020-00255-8

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Ein verhaltenstherapeutisches Behandlungsprogramm für Insomnie bei Patienten mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen (In Press). Leading opinions - Neurologie & Psychiatrie Universimed

Schneider, Carlotta; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Wie Patienten lernen, ihren Schlaf selbst zu verbessern. Psychiatrie + Neurologie, 5/2021, pp. 10-12. Rosenfluh

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Schlaf und psychische Gesundheit. Wie Patienten lernen, ihren Schlaf selber zu verbessern. (In Press). Psychiatrie + Neurologie Rosenfluh

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Suggestions for Improving the Assessment of a Learning Management System Used for Clinical Curriculum Development [Response to Letter]. Advances in medical education and practice, 12, pp. 285-286. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/AMEP.S311170

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Perceptions of ad hoc entrustment decisions: A qualitative study of early clinical students. In: AMEE 2021. virtual conference, Dundee. 27. - 30. August 2021.

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc Alain; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). The role of slow wave sleep in the development of dementia and its potential for preventative interventions. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111178. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111178

Kuhn, M; Maier, Jonathan G.; Wolf, E; Mainberger, F; Feige, B; Maywald, S; Bredl, A; Michel, M; Sendelbach, N; Normann, C; Klöppel, Stefan; Eckert, A; Riemann, D; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Indices of cortical plasticity after therapeutic sleep deprivation in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277(277), pp. 425-435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.08.052

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Wetter, Thomas C.; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Affektive Störungen. In: Handbuch Schlafmedizin (pp. 495-505). Elsevier 10.1016/B978-3-437-21321-2.00059-4

Riemann, Dieter; Krone, Lukas; Wulff, Katharina; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Sleep, insomnia, and depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45(1), pp. 74-89. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41386-019-0411-y

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Strik, Werner; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Entrustable professional activities in psychiatry: a systematic review. Academic psychiatry, 44(1), pp. 37-45. Springer 10.1007/s40596-019-01142-7

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Habich, Annegret; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Antonenko, Daria; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Flöel, Agnes; Nissen, Christoph; Siebner, Hartwig Roman; Thielscher, Axel; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). Stimulating aged brains with transcranial direct current stimulation: Opportunities and challenges. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111179. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111179

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel; Cantisani, Andrea; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep Advances, 1(1) Oxford Academic 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpaa005

Denecke, Kerstin; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2020). SLEEPexpert App - A Mobile Application to Support Insomnia Treatment for Patients with Severe Psychiatric Disorders. Studies in health technology and informatics, 275, pp. 42-46. IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI200691

Frase, Lukas; Regen, Wolfram; Kass, Stéphanie; Rambach, Albena; Baglioni, Chiara; Feige, Bernd; Hennig, Jürgen; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Spiegelhalder, Kai (2020). Hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortical volume is associated with overnight declarative memory consolidation independent of specific sleep oscillations. Journal of sleep research, 29(5), e13062. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13062

Stålesen Ramfjord, Lisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Mikutta, Christian; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel (2020). Local sleep and wakefulness — the concept and its potential for the understanding and treatment of insomnia disorder. Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 24(2), pp. 116-120. Springer 10.1007/s11818-020-00245-w

Nissen, Christoph; Schulze-Bonhage, A; Rocamora, R (2020). Schlafstörungen. In: Neurologie Compact (pp. 352-362). Thieme Verlag

Wetter, Thomas C.; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Einführung: Schlaf und psychische Erkrankungen. In: Handbuch Schlafmedizin (pp. 491-493). München: Elsevier 10.1016/B978-3-437-21321-2.00058-2

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner (27 September 2019). Auswertung von Evaluationsdaten um anvertraubare professionelle Tätigkeiten (APTs) für das Blockpraktikum in der medizinischen Ausbildung zu identifizieren (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA), des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ) und der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre (CAL). Frankfurt, Deutschland.

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Cantisani, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (27 August 2019). A systematic review on entrustable professional activities in clerkships during undergraduate medical education - preliminary results. In: AMEE Conference (p. 1288). Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)

Maier, Jonathan G.; Kuhn, Marion; Mainberger, Florian; Nachtsheim, Katharina; Guo, Stephanie; Bucsenez, Ulrike; Feige, Bernd; Mikutta, Christian; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Klöppel, Stefan; Normann, Claus; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2019). Sleep orchestrates indices of local plasticity and global network stability in the human cortex. Sleep, 42(4) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsy263

Sterr, A; Kuhn, M; Nissen, Christoph; Ettine, D; Funk, S; Feige, B; Umarova, Roza; Urbach, H; Weiller, C; Riemann, D (2018). Post-stroke insomnia in community-dwelling patients with chronic motor stroke: Physiological evidence and implications for stroke care. Scientific Reports, 8(1), p. 8409. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-018-26630-y

Habich, Annegret; Klöppel, Stefan; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Scheller, Elisa; Nissen, Christoph; Peter, Jessica (2017). Anodal tDCS Enhances Verbal Episodic Memory in Initially Low Performers. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11(542), p. 542. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00542

Nissen, Christoph (2016). Schlaf und Plastizität. In: Lieb, Klaus; Hohagen, Fritz; Riemann, Dieter (eds.) Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2.0. Wissenschaftliche Festschrift für Mathias Berger (pp. 125-132). Urban & Fischer/Elsevier

Nowacki, Andreas

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Nuoffer, Melanie Gabriela

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Walther, Sebastian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie (2024). Structural alterations of the motor cortex and higher order cortical areas suggest early neurodevelopmental origin of catatonia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 263, pp. 131-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.004

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Nyffeler, Thomas

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Schüpfer, Anne-Catherine; Kiefer, Claus; Zizlsperger, Leopold; Lutz, Kai; Luft, Andreas R.; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2020). Interhemispheric facilitation of gesturing: A combined theta burst stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain stimulation, 13(2), pp. 457-463. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brs.2019.12.013

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Nef, Tobias; Gruber, Nicole; Zito, Giuseppe; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Development and evaluation of a new instrument to measure visual exploration behavior. Medical engineering & physics, 36(4), pp. 490-495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.09.011

Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Müri, René; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). A new method to measure higher visual functions in an immersive environment. Biomedical engineering online, 13, p. 104. BioMed Central 10.1186/1475-925X-13-104

Gruber, Nicole; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Bieri, Rahel; Aeschimann, Andrea; Zito, Giuseppe A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). Effects of age and eccentricity on visual target detection. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 5(101), p. 101. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00101

Omlin, Ximena Tamara

Krone, Lukas B.; Fehér, D. Kristoffer; Rivero, Tania; Omlin, Ximena (2023). Brain stimulation techniques as novel treatment options for insomnia: A systematic review. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e13927. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13927

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Reid, Matthew J; Omlin, Ximena; Espie, Colin A; Sharman, Rachel; Tamm, Sandra; Kyle, Simon D (2023). The effect of sleep continuity disruption on multimodal emotion processing and regulation: a laboratory-based, randomised, controlled experiment in good sleepers. Journal of sleep research, 32(1), e13634. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13634

Omlin, Ximena; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Chronobiologische Verfahren. In: Adli, Mazda; Hautzinger, Martin (eds.) Praxishandbuch Depression (pp. 283-290). Elsevier 10.1016/B978-3-437-23031-8.00028-5

Wang, Wending Athena; Mutschelknaus, Mike; Emami, Leila; Najafi, Arezu; Zhu, Bingqian; Kim, Hyeon Jin; Omlin, Ximena; Zhang, Xi; Zhang, Yuan; Xu, Liyue; Kushida, Clete (2022). International sleep medicine and research training - NEW. In: Reference module in neuroscience and biobehavioral psychology (pp. 625-637). Elsevier 10.1016/B978-0-12-822963-7.00322-4

Orosz, Ariane

Haisch, Sarie; Ballweg, Tobias; Seeher, Christian; Orosz, Ariane; Schibli, Yamina; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja (2018). Burnout und Neurasthenie – Zeitdiagnosen der Jahrhunderte? Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 169(2), pp. 54-57. EMH Media 10.4414/sanp.2018.00561

Orosz, Ariane; Federspiel, Andrea; Seeher, Christian; Dierks, Thomas; Tschitsaz, Armita; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja (24 November 2016). Burnout - das Zusammenspiel von Stress-Symptomen und Stress-Biomarkern (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin. 23.-26.11.2016.

Orth, Michael

Orth, Michael; Wagnon, Carole; Neumann-Dunayevska, Elisabeth; Kaller, Christoph Phillipp; Klöppel, Stefan; Meier, Beat; Henke, Katharina; Peter, Jessica (2023). The left prefrontal cortex determines relevance at encoding and governs episodic memory formation. Cerebral cortex, 33(3), pp. 612-621. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhac088

Papmeyer, Martina

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Pastore-Wapp, Manuela

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Schüpfer, Anne-Catherine; Kiefer, Claus; Zizlsperger, Leopold; Lutz, Kai; Luft, Andreas R.; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2020). Interhemispheric facilitation of gesturing: A combined theta burst stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain stimulation, 13(2), pp. 457-463. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brs.2019.12.013

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Wapp, Manuela; van de Glind, Geurt; van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; Dom, Geert; Verspreet, Sofie; Carpentier, Pieter Jan; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Skutle, Arvid; Bu, Eli-Torlid; Franck, Johan; Konstenius, Maija; Kaye, Sharlene; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Barta, Csaba; Fatséas, Melina; Auriacombe, Marc; Johnson, Brian; Faraone, Stephen V; Levin, Frances R; Allsop, Steve; ... (2015). Risk factors for borderline personality disorder in treatment seeking patients with a substance use disorder: an international multicenter study. European addiction research, 21(4), pp. 188-194. Karger 10.1159/000371724

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Meyer, Agnes; Wapp, Manuela; Strik, Werner; Moggi, Franz (2014). Association Between Drinking Goal and Alcohol Use One Year After Residential Treatment: A Multicenter Study. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 33(3), pp. 234-242. Routledge 10.1080/10550887.2014.950025

Pavlidou, Anastasia

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Gorisse, Geoffrey; Banakou, Domna; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Using virtual reality to assess gesture performance deficits in schizophrenia patients. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14(1191601), p. 1191601. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1191601

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Mueller, Daniel R; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Brain Stimulation and Group Therapy to Improve Gesture and Social Skills in Schizophrenia-The Study Protocol of a Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Three-Arm, Double-Blind Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 909703. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909703

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Chapellier, Victoria; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Using dynamic point light display stimuli to assess gesture deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. Cognition, 28, p. 100240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100240

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). The Impact of Poor Nonverbal Social Perception on Functional Capacity in Schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychology, 13 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.804093

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Viher, Petra V.; Bachofner, Hanta; Weiss, Florian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Shankman, Stewart A.; Mittal, Vijay A.; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance? Journal of affective disorders, 292, pp. 81-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055

Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Breit, Sigrid; Walther, Sebastian; Pavlidou, Anastasia (2021). Psychopharmacological treatment is not associated with reduced suicide ideation and reattempts in an observational follow-up study of suicide attempters. Journal of psychiatric research, 140, pp. 180-186. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.068

Penner, Iris-Katharina

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Peter, Jessica

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Orth, Michael; Wagnon, Carole; Neumann-Dunayevska, Elisabeth; Kaller, Christoph Phillipp; Klöppel, Stefan; Meier, Beat; Henke, Katharina; Peter, Jessica (2023). The left prefrontal cortex determines relevance at encoding and governs episodic memory formation. Cerebral cortex, 33(3), pp. 612-621. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhac088

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Tröger, Johannes; Lindsay, Hali; Mina, Mario; Linz, Nicklas; Klöppel, Stefan; Kray, Jutta; Peter, Jessica (2022). Patients with amnestic MCI Fail to Adapt Executive Control When Repeatedly Tested with Semantic Verbal Fluency Tasks. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28(6), pp. 620-627. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617721000849

Habich, Annegret; Slotboom, Johannes; Peter, Jessica; Wiest, Roland; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). No Effect of Anodal tDCS on Verbal Episodic Memory Performance and Neurotransmitter Levels in Young and Elderly Participants. Neural plasticity, 2020, pp. 1-15. Hindawi 10.1155/2020/8896791

Habich, Annegret; Klöppel, Stefan; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Scheller, Elisa; Nissen, Christoph; Peter, Jessica (2017). Anodal tDCS Enhances Verbal Episodic Memory in Initially Low Performers. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11(542), p. 542. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00542

Peñalver de Andrés, Joaquin Alvaro

Penalver-Andres, Joaquin A.; Buetler, Karin A.; Koenig, Thomas; Müri, René M.; Marchal-Crespo, Laura (2024). Resting-state functional networks correlate with motor performance in a complex visuomotor task: An EEG microstate pilot study on healthy individuals. Brain topography, 37(4), pp. 590-607. Springer 10.1007/s10548-022-00934-9

Pfammatter, Mario

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Frommer, Angela; Moggi, Franz; Pfammatter, Mario (2023). Growth curves of common factors in psychotherapy: Multilevel growth modelling and outcome analysis. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(5), pp. 1095-1110. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/cpp.2864

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Moggi, Franz; Frommer, Angela; Küttel, Lili; Pfammatter, Mario (2022). [Empirical Conceptualization of Common Factors in Psychotherapy: Factor Structure of the WEB]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 49(5), pp. 262-270. Thieme 10.1055/a-1673-3867

Pfammatter, Mario; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). Klinische Psychologie. Klinische Forschung und Psychotherapieforschung [Textbook] . Studienbrief 4 KLP. Hamburg: Hamburger Fern-Hochschule

Brintzinger, Miriam; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Endtner, Katrin; Bachmann, Kurt; Reicherts, Michael; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Pfammatter, Mario (2021). Patients’ style of emotional processing moderates the impact of common factors in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 58(4), pp. 472-484. American Psychological Association 10.1037/pst0000370

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Pfammatter, Mario (2016). Embodiment in psychotherapy – A necessary complement to the canon of common factors? European Psychotherapy, 2016/2017, pp. 5-21. CIP-Medien

Pfeifer, Philippe

Novak, Lan; Soravia, Leila M; Bünter, Adina; Stöth, Frederike; Wopfner, Alexander; Weinmann, Wolfgang; Pfeifer, Philippe (2023). Alcohol Biomarker Phosphatidylethanol as a Predictor of the Severity of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Alcohol and alcoholism, 58(2), pp. 198-202. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agac071

Pfeifer, Philippe; Auer, Reto; Baggio, Stéphanie; Moggi, Franz (2022). A Nationwide Study of Inpatient Case Rate Incidence of Cannabis-Related Diagnoses in Switzerland. International journal of public health, 67, p. 1605554. Frontiers 10.3389/ijph.2022.1605554

Pfeifer, Philippe; Sebastian, Alexandra; Buchholz, Hans Georg; Kaller, Christoph P.; Gründer, Gerhard; Fehr, Christoph; Schreckenberger, Mathias; Tüscher, Oliver (2021). Prefrontal and striatal dopamine D2/D3 receptors correlate with fMRI BOLD activation during stopping. Brain imaging and behavior, 16(1), pp. 186-198. Springer 10.1007/s11682-021-00491-y

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Pfeifer, Philippe; Natalie, Nigg-Trawally; Christine, Bartsch; Reisch, Thomas (2021). Characteristics of suicides and toxicology in a cohort of individuals with opioid use disorder. Archives of suicide research, 25(2), pp. 287-296. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13811118.2020.1746941

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Koenig, Thomas; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Pfeifer, Philippe; Soravia, Leila Maria; Stein, Maria (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), pp. 2031-2044. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acer.14444

Pfeifer, Philippe; Greusing, S.; Kupferschmidt, H.; Bartsch, C.; Reisch, T. (2019). A comprehensive analysis of attempted and fatal suicide cases involving frequently used psychotropic medications. General hospital psychiatry, 63, pp. 16-20. Elsevier 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2019.07.011

Augustin, Marc; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Pfeifer, Philippe; Gründer, Gerhard; Liebe, Claus; Paulzen, Michael (2019). Effect of fluvoxamine augmentation and smoking on clozapine serum concentrations. Schizophrenia Research, 210, pp. 143-148. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.05.033

Pfeifer, Philippe; Fehr, Christoph (2019). Efficacy of Varenicline in Patients With Severe Alcohol Dependence: A Pilot Double-Blind Randomized and Controlled Study. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 39(4), pp. 398-402. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/JCP.0000000000001056

Piani, Maria Chiara

Piani, Maria Chiara; Bettina Salome, Gerber; König, Thomas; Morishima, Yosuke; Julie, Nordgaard; Jandl, Martin (2024). Mapping the pre-reflective experience of "self" to the brain - An ERP study. Consciousness and cognition, 119, p. 103654. Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2024.103654

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Salmen, Anke

Chiavi, Deborah; Haag, Christina; Chan, Andrew; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Sieber, Chloé; Stanikić, Mina; Rodgers, Stephanie; Pot, Caroline; Kesselring, Jürg; Salmen, Anke; Rapold, Irene; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Gobbi, Claudio; Zecca, Chiara; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hoepner, Robert; Puhan, Milo and von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Studying Real-World Experiences of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during the first Covid-19 Lockdown: An Application of Natural Language Processing. JMIR medical informatics, 10(11), e37945. JMIR Publications 10.2196/37945

Hoepner, Robert; Rodgers, Stephanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Steinemann, Nina; Haag, Christina; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Salmen, Anke; Kesselring, Jürg; Zecca, Chiara; Gobbi, Claudio; Puhan, Milo A; Walther, Sebastian; von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Feelings of loneliness, COVID-19-specific-health anxiety and depressive symptoms during the first COVID-19 wave in Swiss persons with multiple sclerosis. Scientific reports, 12(1), p. 17829. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-022-22445-0

Sarikaya, Hakan

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Scharf, Tamara

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Schiebler, Sarah

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Hauf, M; Dierks, T; Schimmelmann, BG; Hubl, D (2017). Zerebrale Blutflussmessungen zur Bestimmung des Psychoserisikos bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22. - 25.03.2017.

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Schindera, Christina

Deng, Wei H; Zürcher, Simeon J; Schindera, Christina; Jung, Ruedi; Hebestreit, Helge; Bänteli, Iris; Bologna, Katja; von der Weid, Nicolas X; Kriemler, Susi; Rueegg, Corina S (2024). Effect of a 1-year physical activity intervention on quality of life, fatigue, and distress in adult childhood cancer survivors-A randomized controlled trial (SURfit). Cancer, 130(10), pp. 1869-1883. Wiley 10.1002/cncr.35207

Rueegg, Corina S; Zürcher, Simeon J; Schindera, Christina; Jung, Ruedi; Deng, Wei H; Bänteli, Iris; Schaeff, Jonathan; Hebestreit, Helge; von der Weid, Nicolas X; Kriemler, Susi (2023). Effect of a 1-year physical activity intervention on cardiovascular health in long-term childhood cancer survivors-a randomised controlled trial (SURfit). British journal of cancer, 129(8), pp. 1284-1297. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41416-023-02410-y

Schmid, Daniel

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Schmidig, Flavio Jean

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Schmidt, Stefanie Julia

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Schmitt, Wolfgang

Breit, Sigrid; Meyer, Agnes; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Specific Catatonia Symptoms and Predictors of Late Response. Pharmacopsychiatry, 57(1), pp. 13-20. Thieme 10.1055/a-2195-1499

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph (2024). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Combined with Bedtime Restriction, versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 93(2), pp. 114-128. Karger 10.1159/000535834

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Benz, Fee; Schneider, Carlotta; Baglioni, Chiara (2023). Insomnia-A risk factor for mental disorders. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e13930. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13930

Schneider, Carlotta L; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care: a systematic review. Journal of sleep research, 32(6), e14041. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.14041

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Therapieschwierige Insomnien erfolgreich behandeln: Mit kürzeren Bettliegezeiten den homöostatischen Schlafdruck erhöhen. DNP - Die Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 24(5), pp. 60-67. Springer 10.1007/s15202-023-5755-9

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Kuhn, Marion; Landmann, Nina; Maier, Jonathan-Gabriel; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Fehér, Kristoffer Daniel; Frase, Lukas; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor genetic polymorphism rs6265 and creativity. PLoS ONE, 18(9), e0291397. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0291397

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta; Nissen, Christoph (2023). SOP Insomnie. Psych up2date, 17(04), pp. 269-275. Thieme 10.1055/a-1879-8841

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta; Nissen, Christoph; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Insomnie. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 148(21), pp. 1384-1390. Thieme 10.1055/a-2182-0463

Schneider, C. L.; Hertenstein, E.; Fehér, K.; Moggi, F.; Berger, T.; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, development and evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep medicine, 100(S1), p. 214. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.576

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Flückiger, Rahel; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (October 2022). Become your own sleepexpert: development and evaluation of a web application to support a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Journal of sleep research, 31(S1), pp. 211-212. Wiley

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (1 February 2022). Werde dein eigener Schlafexperte. VSAO Journal, 1

Maire, Micheline; Scharf, Tamara; Duss, Simone B.; Merlo, Christoph; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Berger, Thomas; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Linder, Stefanie; Heinzer, Raphaël; Nissen, Christoph; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Auer, Reto (2022). Standortbestimmung zum Insomnie-Management in der Hausarztpraxis. Primary and hospital care: allgemeine innere Medizin, 22(3), pp. 81-84. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/phc-d.2022.10460

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc A.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Modulating overnight memory consolidation by acoustic stimulation during slow wave sleep – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa296

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Wunderlin, Marina; Fehér, Kristoffer; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Augmentation of psychotherapy with neurobiological methods: current state and future directions. Neuropsychobiology, 80(6), pp. 437-453. Karger 10.1159/000514564

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Ein verhaltenstherapeutisches Behandlungsprogramm für Insomnie bei Patienten mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen (In Press). Leading opinions - Neurologie & Psychiatrie Universimed

Schneider, Carlotta; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Wie Patienten lernen, ihren Schlaf selbst zu verbessern. Psychiatrie + Neurologie, 5/2021, pp. 10-12. Rosenfluh

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Schlaf und psychische Gesundheit. Wie Patienten lernen, ihren Schlaf selber zu verbessern. (In Press). Psychiatrie + Neurologie Rosenfluh

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel; Cantisani, Andrea; Moggi, Franz; Berger, Thomas; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Become your own SLEEPexpert: design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a pragmatic behavioral treatment program for insomnia in inpatient psychiatric care. Sleep Advances, 1(1) Oxford Academic 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpaa005

Denecke, Kerstin; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph (2020). SLEEPexpert App - A Mobile Application to Support Insomnia Treatment for Patients with Severe Psychiatric Disorders. Studies in health technology and informatics, 275, pp. 42-46. IOS Press 10.3233/SHTI200691

Stålesen Ramfjord, Lisa; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Mikutta, Christian; Schneider, Carlotta Louisa; Nissen, Christoph; Maier, Jonathan Gabriel (2020). Local sleep and wakefulness — the concept and its potential for the understanding and treatment of insomnia disorder. Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 24(2), pp. 116-120. Springer 10.1007/s11818-020-00245-w

Schneider, Christoph

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Schneider, Christoph; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2020). Reduced tract length of the medial forebrain bundle and the anterior thalamic radiation in bipolar disorder with melancholic depression. Journal of affective disorders, 274, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.008

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Schoretsanitis, Georgios

Singh, Sukhbir; Zuniga-Kennedy, Miranda S.; Mathur, Nandita; Kane, John M.; Malhotra, Anil K.; DeRosse, Pamela; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (21 January 2020). Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor alterations in patients with suicide risk: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (Unpublished)

Augustin, Marc; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Pfeifer, Philippe; Gründer, Gerhard; Liebe, Claus; Paulzen, Michael (2019). Effect of fluvoxamine augmentation and smoking on clozapine serum concentrations. Schizophrenia Research, 210, pp. 143-148. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.05.033

Hasler, Gregor; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Suker, Samir; Mihov, Yoan (2019). Ketamine Improves Negative Attitudes Toward Self in Treatment-Resistant Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44, p. 429. Springer Nature

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Bhugra, Dinesh; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Upon Rejection: Psychiatric Emergencies of Failed Asylum Seekers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071498

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Walther, Sebastian; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis (2018). Psychiatric Emergencies of Asylum Seekers; Descriptive Analysis and Comparison with Immigrants of Warranted Residence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071300

Kuzin, Maxim; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Haen, Ekkehard; Hiemke, Christoph; Stegmann, Benedikt; Gründer, Gerhard (2018). Effects of the proton pump inhibitors omeprazole and pantoprazole on the cytochrome P450 mediated metabolism of venlafaxine. Clinical pharmacokinetics, 57(6), pp. 729-737. Springer 10.1007/s40262-017-0591-8

Paulzen, Michael; Goecke, Tamme; Kuzin, Maxim; Augustin, Marc; Gründer, Gerhard; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2018). Pregnancy exposure to quetiapine - Therapeutic drug monitoring in maternal blood, amniotic fluid and cord blood and obstetrical outcomes. Schizophrenia Research, 195, pp. 252-257. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.09.043

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Paulzen, Michael; Unterecker, Stefan; Schwarz, Markus; Conca, Andreas; Zernig, Gerald; Gründer, Gerhard; Haen, Ekkerhard; Baumann, Pierre; Bergemann, Niels; Clement, Hans Willi; Domschke, Katharina; Eckermann, Gabriel; Egberts, Karin; Gerlach, Manfred; Greiner, Christine; Havemann-Reinecke, Ursula; Hefner, Gudrun; Helmer, Renate; Janssen, Ger; ... (2018). TDM in psychiatry and neurology: A comprehensive summary of the consensus guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring in neuropsychopharmacology, update 2017; a tool for clinicians. The world journal of biological psychiatry, 19(3), pp. 162-174. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/15622975.2018.1439595

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; de Leon, Jose; Haen, Ekkehard; Stegmann, Benedikt; Hiemke, Christoph; Gründer, Gerhard; Paulzen, Michael (2018). Pharmacokinetics of risperidone in different application forms - comparing long-acting injectable and oral formulations. European neuropsychopharmacology, 28(1), pp. 130-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2017.11.009

Paulzen, Michael; Haen, Ekkehard; Hiemke, Christoph; Fay, Bianca; Unholzer, Sandra; Gründer, Gerhard; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2017). Antidepressant polypharmacy and the potential of pharmacokinetic interactions: doxepin but not mirtazapine causes clinically relevant changes in venlafaxine metabolism. Journal of Affective Disorders, 227, pp. 506-511. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2017.11.046

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Kirner-Veselinovic, Andre; Gründer, Gerhard; Paulzen, Michael (2017). Clinically relevant changes in clozapine serum concentrations after breast reduction surgery. Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 51(10), pp. 1059-1060. Sage 10.1177/0004867417726584

Paulzen, Michael; Goecke, Tamme; Stingl, Julia; Janssen, Geer; Stickeler, Elmar; Gründer, Gerhard; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2017). Pregnancy exposure to citalopram – Therapeutic drug monitoring in maternal blood, amniotic fluid and cord blood. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 79(Pt B), pp. 213-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2017.06.030

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Spina, Edoardo; Hiemke, Christoph; de Leon, Jose (2017). A systematic review and combined analysis of therapeutic drug monitoring studies for longacting risperidone. Expert review of clinical pharmacology, 10(9), pp. 965-981. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17512433.2017.1345623

Paulzen, Michael; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Stegmann, Benedikt; Hiemke, Christoph; Gründer, Gerhard; Schruers, Koen R J; Walther, Sebastian; Lammertz, Sarah E; Haen, Ekkehard (2017). Pharmacokinetic considerations in antipsychotic augmentation strategies: How to combine risperidone with low-potency antipsychotics. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 76, pp. 101-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2017.03.002

Paulzen, Michael; Haen, Ekkehard; Hiemke, Christoph; Stegmann, Benedikt; Lammerzt, Sarah; Gründer, Gerhard; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2017). Cytochrome P450-mediated interaction between perazine and risperidone: implications for antipsychotic polypharmacy. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 83(8), pp. 1668-1675. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/bcp.13255

Paulzen, Michael; Goecke, Tamme; Stickeler, Elmar; Gründer, Gerhard; Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2017). Sertraline in pregnancy – Therapeutic drug monitoring in maternal blood, amniotic fluid and cord blood. Journal of Affective Disorders, 212, pp. 1-6. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2017.01.019

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Haen, Ekkehard; Hiemke, Christoph; Gründer, Gerhard; Paulzen, Michael (2017). Pharmacokinetic differences for risperidone between genders. European neuropsychopharmacology, 27, S56-S57. Elsevier 10.1016/S0924-977X(17)30127-X

Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2017). Pharmacokinetics to rediscover psychotropics. The case of risperidone (Unpublished). In: 30th ECNP Congress, Paris, France.

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Kutynia, Alexandra; Stegmayer, K.; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Keep at bay! - Abnormal personal space regulation as marker of paranoia in schizophrenia. European psychiatry, 31, pp. 1-7. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.10.001

Schroth, Gerhard

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Schulte-Vels, Thomas

Thieme, Susan; Schulte-Vels, Thomas (2022). Kritisches Denken: Eine Einladung zum Mitreden und Mitdenken. Psychiatrische Pflege, 7(6), pp. 9-11. Hogrefe 10.1024/2297-6965/a000458

Schultze-Lutter, Frauke

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, Sarah; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, Vincent; Mancini, Valentina; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Koenig, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2024). EEG microstate D as psychosis-specific correlate in adolescents and young adults with clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 49-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.11.014

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Ch; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). EEG Microstates als Biomarker bei Erstpsychosen und Psychoserisikozuständen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Liebrand, Matthias; Katsarakis, Angelos; Josi, Johannes; Diezig, S; Michel, Chantal; Flückiger, Rahel; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Rochas, V; Michel, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; König, Thomas; Kindler, Jochen (May 2022). EEG Microstates bei Psychoserisikozuständen (Unpublished). In: DGKJP 2022. Magdeburg, Deutschland. 18.05.-21.05.2022.

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Hubl, Daniela; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Hauf, Martinus; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Kindler, Jochen (2018). Striatal cerebral blood flow, executive functioning, and fronto-striatal functional connectivity in clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 231-236. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.018

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Hauf, M; Dierks, T; Schimmelmann, BG; Hubl, D (2017). Zerebrale Blutflussmessungen zur Bestimmung des Psychoserisikos bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22. - 25.03.2017.

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Schwab, Simon Gabriel

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Schwab, Simon (2013). Measurement and analysis of eye-head coordination in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). (Dissertation)

Schäppi, Lea

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Schüpbach, Michael

Bargiotas, Panagiotis; Nguyen, Thuy Anh Khoa; Bracht, Tobias; Mürset, Melina; Nowacki, Andreas; Debove, Ines; Müllner, Julia; Michelis, Joan P.; Pollo, Claudio; Schüpbach, W. M. Michael; Lachenmayer, Lenard (2021). Long-Term Outcome and Neuroimaging of Deep Brain Stimulation in Holmes Tremor: A Case Series. Neuromodulation, 24(2), pp. 392-399. Wiley 10.1111/ner.13352

Schürch, Kirstin

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Scutelnic, Adrian

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Seiffge, David Julian

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Semmo, Nasser

Nischalke, Hans Dieter; Lutz, Philipp; Krämer, Benjamin; Söhne, Jennifer; Müller, Tobias; Rosendahl, Jonas; Fischer, Janett; Berg, Thomas; Hittatiya, Kanishka; Fischer, Hans-Peter; Soyka, Michael; Semmo, Nasser; Nattermann, Jacob; Sauerbruch, Tilman; Strassburg, Christian P.; Stickel, Felix; Spengler, Ulrich (2014). A common polymorphism in the NCAN gene is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholic liver disease. Journal of hepatology, 61(5), pp. 1073-1079. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.06.006

Senn, Walter

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Senti, Samira Rafaela

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Serafeim, Loukas

Bühler, Janine; Weber, Samantha; Serafeim, Loukas; Walther, Sebastian; Aybek, Selma (2024). Non-invasive neuromodulation of the right temporoparietal junction using theta-burst stimulation in functional neurological disorder. BMJ neurology open, 6(e000525) British Medical Association 10.1136/bmjno-2023-000525

Siegwart, Valerie

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Simon, Andor

Simon, Andor; Keller, Petra; Cattapan, Katja (2021). Commentary about social avoidance and its significance in adolescents and young adults. Psychiatry research, 297, p. 113718. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.113718

Slavova, Nedelina Bozhidarova

Schürch, Kirstin; Grieder, Matthias; Benzing, Valentin; Siegwart, Valerie; Federspiel, Andrea; Slavova, Nedelina; Kiefer, Claus; Roessler, Jochen; Everts, Regula (2024). Cerebral blood flow and structural connectivity after working memory or physical training in paediatric cancer survivors - Exploratory findings. (In Press). Neuropsychological rehabilitation, pp. 1-27. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2024.2356294

Breiding, Philipe Sebastian; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Grunder, Lorenz; Scutelnic, Adrian; Fischer, Urs; Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Slavova, Nedelina; Gralla, Jan; El-Koussy, Marwan; Denier, Niklaus (2020). Quantification of cerebral veins in patients with acute migraine with aura: A fully automated quantification algorithm using susceptibility-weighted imaging. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233992. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0233992

Slotboom, Johannes

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Habich, Annegret; Slotboom, Johannes; Peter, Jessica; Wiest, Roland; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). No Effect of Anodal tDCS on Verbal Episodic Memory Performance and Neurotransmitter Levels in Young and Elderly Participants. Neural plasticity, 2020, pp. 1-15. Hindawi 10.1155/2020/8896791

Soravia, Leila

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Stein, Maria; Soravia, Leila M; Tschuemperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Jaeger, Joshua; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin; Wiers, Reinout W; Moggi, Franz (2023). Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Drinking Outcome and Working Mechanisms. Addiction, 118(4), pp. 646-657. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.16104

Novak, Lan; Soravia, Leila M; Bünter, Adina; Stöth, Frederike; Wopfner, Alexander; Weinmann, Wolfgang; Pfeifer, Philippe (2023). Alcohol Biomarker Phosphatidylethanol as a Predictor of the Severity of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Alcohol and alcoholism, 58(2), pp. 198-202. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agac071

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Graser, Yolanda; Stutz, Sonja; Rösner, Susanne; Wopfner, Alexander; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M (2022). Different Goals, Different Needs: The Effects of Telephone- and Text Message-Based Continuing Care for Patients with Different Drinking Goals After Residential Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder. Alcohol and alcoholism, 57(6), pp. 734-741. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agac031

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Koenig, Thomas; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Pfeifer, Philippe; Soravia, Leila Maria; Stein, Maria (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), pp. 2031-2044. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acer.14444

Gysin-Maillart, Anja Carolyn; Soravia, Leila; Schwab, Simon (2020). Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program Influences Coping Among Patients with a History of Attempted Suicide. Journal of Affective Disorders, 264, pp. 393-399. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.059

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Stein, Maria; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila (2019). Learning to resist the urge: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating alcohol-specific inhibition training in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder. Trials, 20(1), p. 402. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13063-019-3505-2

Soravia, Leila M.; Wopfner, Alexander; Pfiffner, Luzius; Bétrisey, Sophie; Moggi, Franz (2017). Symptom-triggered detoxification using the Alcohol-Withdrawal-Scale reduces risks and health care costs. Alcohol and alcoholism, 53(1), pp. 71-77. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agx080

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Soravia Bachofner, Leila Maria

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Jäger, Joshua; Osterburg, Lara; Stein, Maria; Germann, Miranda; Lustenberger, Sara A; Wopfner, Alexander; Denier, Niklaus; Bracht, Tobias; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M. (2024). Antidepressants and alcohol use disorder: A multicenter study on the mediating role of depression symptom changes. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research, 48(8), pp. 1577-1585. Wiley 10.1111/acer.15386

Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Denier, Niklaus; Strik, Werner; Soravia, Leila M.; Jehli, Elisabeth (4 May 2024). Human Resting-State Complexity of BOLD fMRI in Ultra-High-Field MRI at 7T: a primer (Unpublished). In: 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Singapur. 04.05.2024 - 09.05.2024.

Soyka, Michael

Nischalke, Hans Dieter; Lutz, Philipp; Krämer, Benjamin; Söhne, Jennifer; Müller, Tobias; Rosendahl, Jonas; Fischer, Janett; Berg, Thomas; Hittatiya, Kanishka; Fischer, Hans-Peter; Soyka, Michael; Semmo, Nasser; Nattermann, Jacob; Sauerbruch, Tilman; Strassburg, Christian P.; Stickel, Felix; Spengler, Ulrich (2014). A common polymorphism in the NCAN gene is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholic liver disease. Journal of hepatology, 61(5), pp. 1073-1079. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.06.006

Srivastava, David Shiva

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Bhugra, Dinesh; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Upon Rejection: Psychiatric Emergencies of Failed Asylum Seekers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071498

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Walther, Sebastian; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis (2018). Psychiatric Emergencies of Asylum Seekers; Descriptive Analysis and Comparison with Immigrants of Warranted Residence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071300

Stahnke, Antje

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Stegmayer, Katharina Deborah Lena

Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Derome, Melodie; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Associations of resting-state perfusion and auditory verbal hallucinations with and without emotional content in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103527

Gangl, Nicole; Conring, Frauke; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Resting-state perfusion in motor and fronto-limbic areas is linked to diminished expression of emotion and speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, 9(1), p. 51. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-023-00384-7

Cetin-Karayumak, Suheyla; Lyall, Amanda E; Di Biase, Maria A; Seitz-Holland, Johanna; Zhang, Fan; Kelly, Sinead; Elad, Doron; Pearlson, Godfrey; Tamminga, Carol A; Sweeney, John A; Clementz, Brett A; Schretlen, David; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian; Lee, Jungsun; Crow, Tim; James, Anthony; Voineskos, Aristotle; Buchanan, Robert W; Szeszko, Philip R; ... (2023). Characterization of the extracellular free water signal in schizophrenia using multi-site diffusion MRI harmonization. Molecular psychiatry, 28(5), pp. 2030-2038. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41380-023-02068-1

Hoepner, Robert; Rodgers, Stephanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Steinemann, Nina; Haag, Christina; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Salmen, Anke; Kesselring, Jürg; Zecca, Chiara; Gobbi, Claudio; Puhan, Milo A; Walther, Sebastian; von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Feelings of loneliness, COVID-19-specific-health anxiety and depressive symptoms during the first COVID-19 wave in Swiss persons with multiple sclerosis. Scientific reports, 12(1), p. 17829. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-022-22445-0

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Bachofner, Hanta; Scherer, Konstantin A; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Validation of the Apraxia Screen TULIA (AST) in Schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 81(4), pp. 311-321. Karger 10.1159/000523778

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Viher, Petra V.; Bachofner, Hanta; Weiss, Florian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Shankman, Stewart A.; Mittal, Vijay A.; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance? Journal of affective disorders, 292, pp. 81-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055

Seitz, Johanna; Cetin-Karayumak, Suheyla; Lyall, Amanda; Pasternak, Ofer; Baxi, Madhura; Vangel, Mark; Pearlson, Godfrey; Tamminga, Carol; Sweeney, John; Clementz, Brett; Schretlen, David; Viher, Petra Verena; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian; Lee, Jungsun; Crow, Tim; James, Anthony; Voineskos, Aristotle; Buchanan, Robert W; Szeszko, Philip R; ... (2021). Investigating Sexual Dimorphism of Human White Matter in a Harmonized, Multisite Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Cerebral cortex, 31(1), pp. 201-212. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhaa220

Walther, Sebastian; van Harten, Peter N; Waddington, John L; Cuesta, Manuel J; Peralta, Victor; Dupin, Lucile; Foucher, Jack R; Sambataro, Fabio; Morrens, Manuel; Kubera, Katharina M; Pieters, Lydia E; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Wolf, R Christian; Hirjak, Dusan (2020). Movement disorder and sensorimotor abnormalities in schizophrenia and other psychoses - European consensus on assessment and perspectives. European neuropsychopharmacology, 38, pp. 25-39. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2020.07.003

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Dutschke, Lars Levi; Stegmayer, Katharina; Ramseyer, Fabian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Gesture impairments in schizophrenia are linked to increased movement and prolonged motor planning and execution. Schizophrenia Research, 200, pp. 42-49. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.012

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2018). Deficient supplementary motor area at rest: Neural basis of limb kinetic deficits in Parkinson's disease. Human brain mapping, 39(9), pp. 3691-3700. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.24204

Viher, Petra Verena; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stegmayer, Katharina; Savadijev, Peter; Kubicki, Marek; Makris, Nikos; Karmacharya, Sarina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (1 April 2018). T177. Structural organization of the praxis network predicts gesture production: evidence from healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(suppl_1), S184-S185. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby016.453

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Specific cerebral perfusion patterns in three schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 190, pp. 96-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.03.018

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Lang, Fabian U; Jäger, Markus; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Comparison of psychopathological dimensions between major depressive disorder and schizophrenia spectrum disorders focusing on language, affectivity and motor behavior. Psychiatry research, 250, pp. 169-176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.084

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Lang, Fabian U; Müller-Stierlin, Annabel S; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Becker, Thomas; Jäger, Markus (2016). Dimensional approaches to schizophrenia: A comparison of the Bern Psychopathology scale and the five-factor model of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Psychiatry research, 239, pp. 284-290. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.03.032

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Kutynia, Alexandra; Stegmayer, K.; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Keep at bay! - Abnormal personal space regulation as marker of paranoia in schizophrenia. European psychiatry, 31, pp. 1-7. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.10.001

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Lang, Fabian U; Stierlin, Annabel S; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian; Becker, Thomas; Jäger, Markus (2015). Factor structure of the Bern Psychopathology Scale in a sample of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. European psychiatry, 30(7), pp. 880-884. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.07.010

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S31-S31. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (25 September 2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (25 September 2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S43-S43. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Longitudinal course of two measures of avolition and expressivity: hypokinesia and gesture impairment. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S44-S45. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (25 September 2015). Longitudinal course of two measures of avolition and expressivity: hypokinesia and gesture impairment (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S80-S80. Springer

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (24 September 2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 24.09.2015.

Lang, F U; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, K.; Anderson-Schmidt, H; Schulze, T G; Becker, T; Jäger, M (2015). Subtyping schizophrenia: A comparison of positive/negative and system-specific approaches. Comprehensive psychiatry, 61, pp. 115-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.05.014

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Rampa, Luca; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2015). The longitudinal course of gross motor activity in schizophrenia - within and between episodes. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6(10), p. 10. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00010

Stegmayer, Katharina; Usher, Juliana; Trost, Sarah; Henseler, Ilona; Tost, Heike; Rietschel, Marcella; Falkai, Peter; Gruber, Oliver (2015). Disturbed cortico–amygdalar functional connectivity as pathophysiological correlate of working memory deficits in bipolar affective disorder. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(4), pp. 303-311. Springer 10.1007/s00406-014-0517-5

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (September 2014). Neural correlates of gesture impairments in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18.09.2014.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 March 2014). Understanding of nonverbal social information is associated with gesture performance and postural knowledge in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2014). Physical activity in schizophrenia is higher in the first episode than in subsequent ones. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, p. 191. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00191

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, We.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17-S18. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, W.; Wiest, R.; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195. Oxford University Press

Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum volume and the paranoid symptom complex: a voxel based morphometry study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195-S196. Oxford University Press

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Laimböck, K.; Bracht, T.; Strik, W.; Müller, T.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system: a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S66-S67. Springer

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Stein, Maria

Jäger, Joshua; Osterburg, Lara; Stein, Maria; Germann, Miranda; Lustenberger, Sara A; Wopfner, Alexander; Denier, Niklaus; Bracht, Tobias; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M. (2024). Antidepressants and alcohol use disorder: A multicenter study on the mediating role of depression symptom changes. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research, 48(8), pp. 1577-1585. Wiley 10.1111/acer.15386

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (14 June 2024). Die implizite emotionale Bewertung des Todes bei Personen mit aktuellem suizidalem Erleben: Ergebnisse neu entwickelter Versionen des Impliziten Assoziationstests für Suizid (Unpublished). In: 3. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress. Berlin, Germany. 14.06.2024.

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (8 May 2024). Exploring the Implicit Emotional Valence of Death in Recent Suicide Attempters with a Novel Personalized Death Implicit Association Test (Unpublished). In: 4. Gemeinsamer Kongress der AGNP und DGBP 2024. Berlin, Germany. 08.05. - 10.05.2024.

Brüdern, Juliane; Spangenberg, Lena; Stein, Maria; Gold, Helena; Forkmann, Thomas; Stengler, Katarina; Glaesmer, Heide (2024). A suicide attentional bias as implicit cognitive marker of suicide vulnerability in a high-risk sample. Frontiers in psychiatry, 15(1406675) Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1406675

Stein, Maria; Soravia, Leila M; Tschuemperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Jaeger, Joshua; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin; Wiers, Reinout W; Moggi, Franz (2023). Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Drinking Outcome and Working Mechanisms. Addiction, 118(4), pp. 646-657. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.16104

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Koenig, Thomas; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Pfeifer, Philippe; Soravia, Leila Maria; Stein, Maria (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), pp. 2031-2044. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acer.14444

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Stein, Maria; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila (2019). Learning to resist the urge: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating alcohol-specific inhibition training in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder. Trials, 20(1), p. 402. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13063-019-3505-2

Steinau, Sarah

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Lang, Fabian U; Jäger, Markus; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Comparison of psychopathological dimensions between major depressive disorder and schizophrenia spectrum disorders focusing on language, affectivity and motor behavior. Psychiatry research, 250, pp. 169-176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.084

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S80-S80. Springer

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (24 September 2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 24.09.2015.

Steinberg, Gerrit

Denier, Niklaus; Steinberg, Gerrit; van Elst, Ludger Tebartz; Bracht, Tobias (2022). The role of head circumference and cerebral volumes to phenotype male adults with autism spectrum disorder. Brain and Behavior, 12(3), e2460. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.2460

Stickel, Felix

Nischalke, Hans Dieter; Lutz, Philipp; Krämer, Benjamin; Söhne, Jennifer; Müller, Tobias; Rosendahl, Jonas; Fischer, Janett; Berg, Thomas; Hittatiya, Kanishka; Fischer, Hans-Peter; Soyka, Michael; Semmo, Nasser; Nattermann, Jacob; Sauerbruch, Tilman; Strassburg, Christian P.; Stickel, Felix; Spengler, Ulrich (2014). A common polymorphism in the NCAN gene is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholic liver disease. Journal of hepatology, 61(5), pp. 1073-1079. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.06.006

Strik, Werner

Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Denier, Niklaus; Strik, Werner; Soravia, Leila M.; Jehli, Elisabeth (4 May 2024). Human Resting-State Complexity of BOLD fMRI in Ultra-High-Field MRI at 7T: a primer (Unpublished). In: 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Singapur. 04.05.2024 - 09.05.2024.

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Introducing a Psychiatry Clerkship Curriculum Based on Entrustable Professional Activities: an Explorative Pilot Study. Academic psychiatry, 45(3), pp. 354-359. Springer 10.1007/s40596-021-01417-y

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Workplace-based assessments of entrustable professional activities in a psychiatry core clerkship: an observational study. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 223. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02637-4

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Huwendiek, Sören; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Working with entrustable professional activities in clinical education in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 172. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02608-9

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Entrustment Decisions and the Clinical Team: A Case Study of Early Clinical Students. Medical education, 55(3), pp. 365-375. Wiley 10.1111/medu.14432

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Curriculum development with the implementation of an Open-source Learning Management System for training early clinical students: An Educational Design Research Study. Advances in medical education and practice, 12, pp. 53-61. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/AMEP.S284974

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Suggestions for Improving the Assessment of a Learning Management System Used for Clinical Curriculum Development [Response to Letter]. Advances in medical education and practice, 12, pp. 285-286. Dove Medical Press 10.2147/AMEP.S311170

Pinilla, Severin; Kyrou, Alexandra; Maissen, Norina; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Perceptions of ad hoc entrustment decisions: A qualitative study of early clinical students. In: AMEE 2021. virtual conference, Dundee. 27. - 30. August 2021.

Walther, Sebastian; van Harten, Peter N; Waddington, John L; Cuesta, Manuel J; Peralta, Victor; Dupin, Lucile; Foucher, Jack R; Sambataro, Fabio; Morrens, Manuel; Kubera, Katharina M; Pieters, Lydia E; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Wolf, R Christian; Hirjak, Dusan (2020). Movement disorder and sensorimotor abnormalities in schizophrenia and other psychoses - European consensus on assessment and perspectives. European neuropsychopharmacology, 38, pp. 25-39. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2020.07.003

Ishida, Takuya; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Morishima, Yosuke (2020). Converging Resting State Networks Unravels Potential Remote Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Major Depression. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11(836), p. 836. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00836

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Strik, Werner; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Entrustable professional activities in psychiatry: a systematic review. Academic psychiatry, 44(1), pp. 37-45. Springer 10.1007/s40596-019-01142-7

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Pinilla, Severin; Cantisani, Andrea; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Strik, Werner (27 September 2019). Auswertung von Evaluationsdaten um anvertraubare professionelle Tätigkeiten (APTs) für das Blockpraktikum in der medizinischen Ausbildung zu identifizieren (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA), des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ) und der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre (CAL). Frankfurt, Deutschland.

Pinilla, Severin; Lenouvel, Eric; Cantisani, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Nissen, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (27 August 2019). A systematic review on entrustable professional activities in clerkships during undergraduate medical education - preliminary results. In: AMEE Conference (p. 1288). Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Federspiel, Andrea; Kunzelmann, Katharina; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Horn, Helge Joachim; Homan, Philipp (2018). Decreased blood flow in the right insula and middle temporal gyrus predicts negative formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 201, pp. 432-434. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.009

Dutschke, Lars Levi; Stegmayer, Katharina; Ramseyer, Fabian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Gesture impairments in schizophrenia are linked to increased movement and prolonged motor planning and execution. Schizophrenia Research, 200, pp. 42-49. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.012

Cavelti, Marialuisa; Kircher, Tilo; Nagels, Arne; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Is formal thought disorder in schizophrenia related to structural and functional aberrations in the language network? A systematic review of neuroimaging findings. Schizophrenia Research, 199, pp. 2-16. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2018.02.051

Viher, Petra Verena; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stegmayer, Katharina; Savadijev, Peter; Kubicki, Marek; Makris, Nikos; Karmacharya, Sarina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (1 April 2018). T177. Structural organization of the praxis network predicts gesture production: evidence from healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(suppl_1), S184-S185. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby016.453

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Specific cerebral perfusion patterns in three schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 190, pp. 96-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.03.018

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Lang, Fabian U; Jäger, Markus; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Comparison of psychopathological dimensions between major depressive disorder and schizophrenia spectrum disorders focusing on language, affectivity and motor behavior. Psychiatry research, 250, pp. 169-176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.084

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Vogel, Tanja; Dom, Geert; van de Glind, Geurt; Studer, Joseph; Gmel, Gerhard; Strik, Werner; Moggi, Franz (2016). Is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among men associated with initiation or escalation of substance use at 15-month follow-up? A longitudinal study involving young Swiss men. Addiction, 111(10), pp. 1867-1878. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.13422

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Kutynia, Alexandra; Stegmayer, K.; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Keep at bay! - Abnormal personal space regulation as marker of paranoia in schizophrenia. European psychiatry, 31, pp. 1-7. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.10.001

Meier, Lea (2015). Exploring the emotional brain: Neural correlates of homeostatic and sensory-evoked emotions and their interaction in emotional rivalry. (Dissertation, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychiatrische Neurophysiologie, Medizinische Fakultät)

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S31-S31. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (25 September 2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (25 September 2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S43-S43. Springer

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S80-S80. Springer

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (24 September 2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 24.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Rampa, Luca; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2015). The longitudinal course of gross motor activity in schizophrenia - within and between episodes. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6(10), p. 10. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00010

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Meyer, Agnes; Wapp, Manuela; Strik, Werner; Moggi, Franz (2014). Association Between Drinking Goal and Alcohol Use One Year After Residential Treatment: A Multicenter Study. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 33(3), pp. 234-242. Routledge 10.1080/10550887.2014.950025

Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (September 2014). Neural correlates of gesture impairments in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18.09.2014.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 March 2014). Understanding of nonverbal social information is associated with gesture performance and postural knowledge in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

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Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2014). Physical activity in schizophrenia is higher in the first episode than in subsequent ones. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, p. 191. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00191

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

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Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Grieder, M.; Kneubühler, B.; Wirth, M.; Horn, H.; Strik, W. K.; Dierks, T. (1 October 2008). The examination of semantic access to abstract and concrete words by means of a priming paradigm. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 258(Suppl4), p. 27. D. Steinkopff-Verlag

Stucki, Reto

Stucki, Reto A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Rampa, Luca; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nef, Tobias (2014). A web-based non-intrusive ambient system to measure and classify activities of daily living. Journal of medical internet research, 16(7), e175. Centre of Global eHealth Innovation 10.2196/jmir.3465

Studler, Mirjam

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R. R.; Koch, Katharina; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (29 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. 29.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (28 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Athen. 28.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (31 March 2022). Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: SSSSC Annaul Meeting, Luzern. Luzern. 31.03.2022.

Sturzenegger, Matthias

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Stöth, Frederike Theresa

Novak, Lan; Soravia, Leila M; Bünter, Adina; Stöth, Frederike; Wopfner, Alexander; Weinmann, Wolfgang; Pfeifer, Philippe (2023). Alcohol Biomarker Phosphatidylethanol as a Predictor of the Severity of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Alcohol and alcoholism, 58(2), pp. 198-202. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agac071

Stüble, Miriam

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2024). Reduced anterior callosal white matter in risk for psychosis associated with processing speed as a fundamental cognitive impairment. Schizophrenia Research, 264, pp. 211-219. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.026

Klaassen, Arndt-Lukas; Michel, Chantal; Stüble, Miriam; Kaess, Michael; Morishima, Yosuke; Kindler, Jochen (2 September 2022). Relating reduced white matter microstructure in patients at clinical risk for psychosis to cognitive performance on a probabilistic reward task (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Zürich, Schweiz. 02.09.2022.

Suker Al-Ghazali, Samir

Suker, Samir; Mihov, Yoan; Wolf, Andreas; Mueller, Stefanie V; Hasler, Gregor (2023). Behavioral Response to Catecholamine Depletion in Individuals With Schizophrenia and Healthy Volunteers. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 4(1), sgad023. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgad023

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Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

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Sutor, Kim

Adamus, Christine; Richter, Dirk; Sutor, Kim; Zürcher, Simeon; Mötteli, Sonja (2024). Preference for Competitive Employment in People with Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Proportions. (In Press). Journal of occupational rehabilitation Springer 10.1007/s10926-024-10192-0

Tarnanas, Ioannis

Tarnanas, Ioannis; Tsolaki, Magda; Nef, Tobias; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Can a novel computerized cognitive screening test provide additional information for early detection of Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's & dementia, 10(6), pp. 790-798. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jalz.2014.01.002

Tarokh, Leila

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Castiglione, Christian David; Schaufler, S; Wild, Salome Johanna Elisabeth; Hamann, Christoph; Tarokh, Leila (June 2023). Sleep Regularity in Healthy Adolescents and its Association with Sleep Quality and Mental Health (Unpublished). In: eSleep ESRS - Virtual Congress. online. 04.-06.10.2023.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R. R.; Koch, Katharina; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (29 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. 29.09.2022.

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (28 September 2022). Local slow-wave activity in regular sleep is associated with individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Athen. 28.09.2022.

Castiglione-Fontanellaz, Chiara E G; Timmers, Tammy T; Lerch, Stefan; Hamann, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (2022). Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents. BMC public health, 22(1), p. 1328. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-022-13657-0

Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena; Koch, Katharina Sophia; Hausfeld, Jan; Tarokh, Leila; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (31 March 2022). Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences (Unpublished). In: SSSSC Annaul Meeting, Luzern. Luzern. 31.03.2022.

Fontanellaz-Castiglione, Chiara Emilia Gaia; Timmers, Tammy Tricia; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (4 September 2019). Schritte zu einer guten Nachtruhe: Auswirkungen von Schlaf und körperlicher Aktivität auf die psychische Gesundheit von Jugendlichen. Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 170(Supplement 8), 53S-53S. EMH Media

Thieme, Susan

Thieme, Susan; Schulte-Vels, Thomas (2022). Kritisches Denken: Eine Einladung zum Mitreden und Mitdenken. Psychiatrische Pflege, 7(6), pp. 9-11. Hogrefe 10.1024/2297-6965/a000458

Timmers, Tammy Tricia

Castiglione-Fontanellaz, Chiara E G; Timmers, Tammy T; Lerch, Stefan; Hamann, Christoph; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (2022). Sleep and physical activity: results from a long-term actigraphy study in adolescents. BMC public health, 22(1), p. 1328. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-022-13657-0

Fontanellaz-Castiglione, Chiara Emilia Gaia; Timmers, Tammy Tricia; Kaess, Michael; Tarokh, Leila (4 September 2019). Schritte zu einer guten Nachtruhe: Auswirkungen von Schlaf und körperlicher Aktivität auf die psychische Gesundheit von Jugendlichen. Swiss archives of neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, 170(Supplement 8), 53S-53S. EMH Media

Tolev, Avram

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Treichel, Fabienne

Müller, M; Curatolo, M; Limacher, A; Neziri, A; Treichel, F; Battaglia, M; Arendt-Nielsen, L; Jüni, P (2019). Predicting transition from acute to chronic low back pain with quantitative sensory tests - a prospective cohort study in the primary care setting. European journal of pain, 23(5), pp. 894-907. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ejp.1356

Trinca, Ersilia

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Johann, Anna F; Nissen, Christoph (2024). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Combined with Bedtime Restriction, versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 93(2), pp. 114-128. Karger 10.1159/000535834

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Wunderlin, Marina; Fehér, Kristoffer; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Augmentation of psychotherapy with neurobiological methods: current state and future directions. Neuropsychobiology, 80(6), pp. 437-453. Karger 10.1159/000514564

Tschacher, Wolfgang

Kykyri, Virpi-Liisa; Nyman-Salonen, Petra; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Tourunen, Anu; Penttonen, Markku; Seikkula, Jaakko (2024). Exploring the role of emotions and conversation content in interpersonal synchrony: A case study of a couple therapy session. (In Press). Psychotherapy research, pp. 1-17. Routledge 10.1080/10503307.2024.2361432

Coutinho, Joana F; Penttonen, Markku; Tourunen, Anu; Seikkula, Jaakko; Peräkylä, Anssi; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Kykyri, Virpi-Liisa (2023). Electrodermal and respiratory synchrony in couple therapy in distinct therapeutic subsystems and reflection periods. (In Press). Psychotherapy research, pp. 1-16. Routledge 10.1080/10503307.2023.2294886

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Greenwood, Steven; Ramakrishnan, Sekhar; Tröndle, Martin; Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie; Seibert, Christoph; Weining, Christian; Meier, Deborah (2023). Audience synchronies in live concerts illustrate the embodiment of music experience. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p. 14843. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-023-41960-2

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Frommer, Angela; Moggi, Franz; Pfammatter, Mario (2023). Growth curves of common factors in psychotherapy: Multilevel growth modelling and outcome analysis. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30(5), pp. 1095-1110. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/cpp.2864

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Haken, Hermann (2023). A Complexity Science Account of Humor. Entropy, 25(2) MDPI 10.3390/e25020341

Andreas, Sylke; Gablonski, Thorsten-Christian; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Gebhardt, Albrecht; Rabung, Sven; Schulz, Holger; Kadur, Jennifer (2023). Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in a face-to-face versus videoconferencing setting: A single case study. Journal of clinical psychology, 79(2), pp. 277-295. Wiley 10.1002/jclp.23411

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Greenwood, Steven; Egermann, Hauke; Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie; Czepiel, Anna; Tröndle, Martin; Meier, Deborah (2023). Physiological synchrony in audiences of live concerts. Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts, 17(2), pp. 152-162. American Psychological Association 10.1037/aca0000431

Schneider, Sandra; Grosse Holtforth, Martin; Wettstein, Alexander; Jenni, Gabriel; Kühne, Fabienne; Tschacher, Wolfgang; La Marca, Roberto (2023). The diurnal course of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase on workdays and leisure days in teachers and the role of social isolation and neuroticism. PLoS ONE, 18(5), e0286475. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0286475

Wettstein, Alexander; Schneider, Sandra; Jenni, Gabriel; grosse Holtforth, Martin; Tschacher, Wolfgang; La Marca, Roberto (2022). Association between workaholism, vital exhaustion, and hair cortisol concentrations among teachers: A longitudinal study testing the moderation effect of neuroticism. Frontiers in psychology, 13 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1046573

Koehler, Jana Christina; Georgescu, Alexandra Livia; Weiske, Johanna; Spangemacher, Moritz; Burghof, Lana; Falkai, Peter; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Vogeley, Kai; Falter-Wagner, Christine M (2022). Brief Report: Specificity of Interpersonal Synchrony Deficits to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Potential for Digitally Assisted Diagnostics. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(8), pp. 3718-3726. Springer 10.1007/s10803-021-05194-3

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Moggi, Franz; Frommer, Angela; Küttel, Lili; Pfammatter, Mario (2022). [Empirical Conceptualization of Common Factors in Psychotherapy: Factor Structure of the WEB]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 49(5), pp. 262-270. Thieme 10.1055/a-1673-3867

Schneider, Sandra; Wettstein, Alexander; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Torchetti, Loredana; Jenni, Gabriel; Kühne, Fabienne; grosse Holtforth, Martin; La Marca, Roberto (2022). Longitudinal Associations Between Core Self-Evaluation, Vital Exhaustion and Hair Cortisol in Teachers and the Mediating Effects of Resignation Tendency. Frontiers in psychology, 13, p. 907056. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.907056

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Meier, Deborah (2022). Embodiment in der therapeutischen Kommunikation. Die Psychotherapie, 68(1), pp. 5-12. Springer 10.1007/s00278-022-00616-8

Altmann, Uwe; Strauss, Bernhard; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). Cross-correlation- and entropy-based measures of movement synchrony: Non-convergence of measures leads to different associations with depressive symptoms. Entropy, 24(9) MDPI 10.3390/e24091307

Michalak, Johannes; Niemeyer, Helen; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Baumann, Nico; Zhang, Xiao Chi; Adolph, Dirk (2022). Subjective and objective measures of activity in depressed and non-depressed individuals in everyday life. Journal of experimental psychopathology, 13(2), p. 204380872210925. Sage 10.1177/20438087221092582

Orsucci, Franco; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). Complexity Science in Human Change: Research, Models, Clinical Applications. Entropy, 24(11) MDPI 10.3390/e24111670

Tröndle, Martin; Greenwood, Steven; Chandrasekhar, Ramakrishnan; Uhde, Folkert; Egermann, Hauke; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). Integrated methods: A call for integrative and interdisciplinary aesthetics research. In: Nadal, Marcos; Vartanian, Oshin (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics (pp. 359-382). Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198824350.013.18

Tröndle, Martin; Weining, Christian; Sailer, Anniken; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). (Non-)visitors in quantitative terms. In: Tröndle, Martin (ed.) Non-Visitor Research. Audience Development for Arts Organisations. Edition WÜRTH Chair of Cultural Production (pp. 47-66). Palgrave Macmillan 10.1007/978-3-658-35181-6_3

Pfammatter, Mario; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). Klinische Psychologie. Klinische Forschung und Psychotherapieforschung [Textbook] . Studienbrief 4 KLP. Hamburg: Hamburger Fern-Hochschule

Tschacher, Wolfgang (2022). Embodiment und Enaktion: Ein neuer Ansatz in den empirischen Humanwissenschaften. inTRAlinea, 24 University of Bologna

Brintzinger, Miriam; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Endtner, Katrin; Bachmann, Kurt; Reicherts, Michael; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Pfammatter, Mario (2021). Patients’ style of emotional processing moderates the impact of common factors in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 58(4), pp. 472-484. American Psychological Association 10.1037/pst0000370

Ciompi, Luc; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). Affect-Logic, Embodiment, Synergetics, and the Free Energy Principle: New Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Schizophrenia. Entropy, 23(12) MDPI https://doi.org/10.3390/e23121619

Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). Beyond dyadic coupling: The method of multivariate Surrogate Synchrony (mv-SUSY). Entropy, 23(11), p. 1385. MDPI 10.3390/e23111385

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Lienhard, Noëmi (2021). Mindfulness is linked with affectivity in daily life: An experience-sampling study with meditators. Mindfulness, 12(6), pp. 1459-1472. Springer 10.1007/s12671-021-01615-7

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Tschacher, Nikolai; Stukenbrock, Anja (2021). Eye Synchrony: A method to capture mutual and joint attention in social eye movements. Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences, 25(3), pp. 309-333. Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences

Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie; Egermann, Hauke; Czepiel, Anna; O’Neill, Katherine; Weining, Christian; Meier, Deborah; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Uhde, Folkert; Toelle, Jutta; Tröndle, Martin (2021). Music listening in classical concerts: Theory, literature review, and research program. Frontiers in psychology, 12 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.638783

Coutinho, Joana; Pereira, Alfredo; Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia; Meier, Deborah; Lourenço, Vladimiro; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). When our hearts beat together: Cardiac synchrony as an entry point to understand dyadic co-regulation in couples. Psychophysiology, 58(3), e13739. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/psyp.13739

Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). Time and embodiment in the process of psychotherapy: A dynamical systems perspective. In: Tewes, Christian; Stanghellini, Giovanni (eds.) Time and Body. Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches (pp. 104-116). Cambridge University Press

Tschacher, Wolfgang (2021). Resonanzprozesse und Synchronie beim Musik-Erleben. In: Erhardt, Ingrid (ed.) Resonanzprozesse zwischen Werk und Biografie. Jahrbuch für Psychoanalyse und Musik: Vol. 5 (pp. 213-230). Psychosozial-Verlag 10.30820/9783837930436-213

Nyman-Salonen, Petra; Kykyri, Virpi-Liisa; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Muotka, Joona S.; Tourunen, Anu; Penttonen, Markku; Seikkula, Jaakko (2021). Nonverbal synchrony in couple therapy linked to clients’ well-being and the therapeutic alliance. Frontiers in psychology, 12 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.718353

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Meier, Deborah (2020). Physiological synchrony in psychotherapy sessions. Psychotherapy research, 30(5), pp. 558-573. Routledge 10.1080/10503307.2019.1612114

Coutinho, J.; Oliveira-Silva, P.; Fernandes, E.; Gonçalves, OF; Correia, D.; Perrone Mc-Govern, K.; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2019). Psychophysiological synchrony during verbal interaction in romantic relationships. Family process, 58(3), pp. 716-733. Wiley 10.1111/famp.12371

Seibert, Christoph; Greb, Fabian; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2019). Nonverbale Synchronie und Musik-Erleben im klassischen Konzert (In Press). Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie, 28 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie e.V. 10.5964/jbdgm.2018v28.18

Tschacher, Wolfgang (2018). Embodiment of social interaction: Our place in the world around us. In: Hauke, G.; Kritikos, Ada (eds.) Embodiment in Psychotherapy (pp. 57-68). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-92889-0_5

Moulder, RG.; Boker, SM; Ramseyer, Fabian; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2018). Determining synchrony between behavioral time series: An application of surrogate data generation for establishing falsifiable null-hypotheses. Psychological methods, 23(4), pp. 757-773. American Psychological Association 10.1037/met0000172

Lozza, Nicla; Spoerri, Corinne; Ehlert, Ulrike; Kesselring, Marion; Hubmann, Priska; Tschacher, Wolfgang; La Marca, Roberto (2018). Nonverbal synchrony and complementarity in unacquainted same-sex dyads: A comparison in a competitive context. Journal of nonverbal behavior, 42(2), pp. 179-197. Springer 10.1007/s10919-018-0273-8

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Kupper, Zeno; Ramseyer, Fabian; Hoffmann, Holger; Tschacher, Wolfgang (2015). Nonverbal synchrony in social interactions of patients with schizophrenia indicates socio-communicative deficits. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0145882. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0145882

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Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (26 November 2014). Die umfassende Erfassung von Achtsamkeit zur Erforschung achtsamkeitsbasierter Interventionen bei psychischen Störungen – Das Comprehensive Inventory of Mindfulness Experiences (CHIME). In: DGPPN Kongress 2014. Berlin. 26.-29.11.2014.

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Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (10 September 2014). Construction and first validation of the comprehensive inventory of mindfulness (CHIME). In: 2014 Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT). Den Haag. 10.-13.09.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Bergomi, Claudia; Tschacher, Wolfgang (10 September 2014). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapie for depression (MBCT) in clinical practice - baseline patient characteristics, process and outcome. In: 2014 Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT). Den Haag. 10.-13.09.2014.

Kupper, Zeno; Ramseyer, Fabian; Hoffmann, Holger; Tschacher, Wolfgang (5 September 2014). Head movement synchrony in social interactions of patients with schizophrenia indicates symptoms, cognition and social functioning. In: 4th Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference. Florenz. 05.-09.04.2014.

Tschacher, Wolfgang; Storch, Maja; Munt, Melanie (2014). Tanz: eine psychotherapeutische Technik? Psychotherapie in Psychiatrie, Psychotherapeutischer Medizin und Klinischer Psychologie, 19(1), pp. 169-181. CIP-Medien

Tschumi, Sibylle

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina

Stein, Maria; Soravia, Leila M; Tschuemperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Jaeger, Joshua; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin; Wiers, Reinout W; Moggi, Franz (2023). Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Training in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining Drinking Outcome and Working Mechanisms. Addiction, 118(4), pp. 646-657. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.16104

Grieder, Matthias; Soravia, Leila M; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M; Batschelet, Hallie M; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Morishima, Yosuke; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria (2022). Right Inferior Frontal Activation During Alcohol-Specific Inhibition Increases With Craving and Predicts Drinking Outcome in Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909992

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Batschelet, Hallie M.; Tschümperlin, Raphaela M.; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila M.; Koenig, Thomas; Pfeifer, Philippe; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Stein, Maria (2021). Neurophysiological correlates of alcohol-specific inhibition in alcohol use disorder and its association with craving and relapse. Clinical neurophysiology, 132(6), pp. 1290-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.02.389

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Koenig, Thomas; Roesner, Susanne; Keller, Anne; Pfeifer, Philippe; Soravia, Leila Maria; Stein, Maria (2020). The Neurophysiology of Implicit Alcohol Associations in Recently Abstinent Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder: An Event‐Related Potential Study Considering Gender Effects. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research, 44(10), pp. 2031-2044. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acer.14444

Tschümperlin, Raphaela Martina; Stein, Maria; Batschelet, Hallie Margareta; Moggi, Franz; Soravia, Leila (2019). Learning to resist the urge: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating alcohol-specific inhibition training in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder. Trials, 20(1), p. 402. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13063-019-3505-2

Umarova, Roza

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Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Urwyler-Harischandra, Prabitha

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Stucki, Reto A.; Urwyler, Prabitha; Rampa, Luca; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nef, Tobias (2014). A web-based non-intrusive ambient system to measure and classify activities of daily living. Journal of medical internet research, 16(7), e175. Centre of Global eHealth Innovation 10.2196/jmir.3465

Vanbellingen, Tim

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Schüpfer, Anne-Catherine; Kiefer, Claus; Zizlsperger, Leopold; Lutz, Kai; Luft, Andreas R.; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2020). Interhemispheric facilitation of gesturing: A combined theta burst stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain stimulation, 13(2), pp. 457-463. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brs.2019.12.013

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2018). Deficient supplementary motor area at rest: Neural basis of limb kinetic deficits in Parkinson's disease. Human brain mapping, 39(9), pp. 3691-3700. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.24204

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 March 2014). Understanding of nonverbal social information is associated with gesture performance and postural knowledge in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Vicedo Cabrera, Ana Maria

Bundo, Marvin; Preisig, Martin; Merikangas, Kathleen; Glaus, Jennifer; Vaucher, Julien; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Müller, Thomas; Franco, Oscar; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria (2023). How ambient temperature affects mood: an ecological momentary assessment study in Switzerland. Environmental health, 22(1), p. 52. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12940-023-01003-9

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Viher, Petra

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Viher, Petra V.; Bachofner, Hanta; Weiss, Florian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Shankman, Stewart A.; Mittal, Vijay A.; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance? Journal of affective disorders, 292, pp. 81-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Viher, Petra Verena; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stegmayer, Katharina; Savadijev, Peter; Kubicki, Marek; Makris, Nikos; Karmacharya, Sarina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (1 April 2018). T177. Structural organization of the praxis network predicts gesture production: evidence from healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(suppl_1), S184-S185. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby016.453

Viher, Petra (2018). Where language meets action: The neural underpinnings of gesture performance in schizophrenia (Unpublished). (Dissertation)

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Vorster, Albrecht Peter Andreas

Schmid, Daniel; Duss, Simone B.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Urech, Antoine; Vorster, Albrecht; Berger, Thomas (2023). SLEEPexpert+: Blending Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with In-Person Psychotherapy—A Feasibility Study in Routine Care. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(3), p. 27. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7030027

Wagnon, Carole Chantal

Orth, Michael; Wagnon, Carole; Neumann-Dunayevska, Elisabeth; Kaller, Christoph Phillipp; Klöppel, Stefan; Meier, Beat; Henke, Katharina; Peter, Jessica (2023). The left prefrontal cortex determines relevance at encoding and governs episodic memory formation. Cerebral cortex, 33(3), pp. 612-621. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhac088

Walther, Sebastian

Moussa-Tooks, Alexandra B; Beermann, Adam; Felix, Karlos Manzanarez; Coleman, Michael; Bouix, Sylvain; Holt, Daphne; Lewandowski, Kathryn E; Öngür, Dost; Breier, Alan; Shenton, Martha E; Heckers, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian; Brady, Roscoe O; Ward, Heather Burrell (2024). Isolation of Distinct Networks Driving Action and Cognition in Psychomotor Processes. Biological psychiatry, 96(5), pp. 390-400. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.02.1013

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Bettschen, David; Annaheim, Pascale; Brogna, Stella; Walther, Sebastian; Waern, Margda; Müller, Martin; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults With Suicide-Related Emergency Department Presentations. (In Press). Journal of aging and health, p. 8982643241261094. Sage 10.1177/08982643241261094

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (14 June 2024). Die implizite emotionale Bewertung des Todes bei Personen mit aktuellem suizidalem Erleben: Ergebnisse neu entwickelter Versionen des Impliziten Assoziationstests für Suizid (Unpublished). In: 3. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress. Berlin, Germany. 14.06.2024.

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Glaesmer, Heide; Brüdern, Juliane; Stein, Maria; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (8 May 2024). Exploring the Implicit Emotional Valence of Death in Recent Suicide Attempters with a Novel Personalized Death Implicit Association Test (Unpublished). In: 4. Gemeinsamer Kongress der AGNP und DGBP 2024. Berlin, Germany. 08.05. - 10.05.2024.

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Damme, Katherine S F; Vargas, Teresa G; Walther, Sebastian; Shankman, Stewart A; Mittal, Vijay A (2024). Physical and mental health in adolescence: novel insights from a transdiagnostic examination of FitBit data in the ABCD study. Translational psychiatry, 14(75) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41398-024-02794-2

Walther, Sebastian (2024). How to embrace transdiagnostic concepts when neurodevelopmental disorders become harbingers of adult psychopathology? European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 274(1), pp. 1-2. Springer 10.1007/s00406-023-01756-x

Walther, Sebastian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie (2024). Structural alterations of the motor cortex and higher order cortical areas suggest early neurodevelopmental origin of catatonia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 263, pp. 131-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.004

Foucher, Jack R; Hirjak, Dusan; Walther, Sebastian; Dormegny-Jeanjean, Ludovic C; Humbert, Ilia; Mainberger, Olivier; de Billy, Clément C; Schorr, Benoit; Vercueil, Laurent; Rogers, Jonathan; Ungvari, Gabor; Waddington, John; Berna, Fabrice (2024). From one to many: Hypertonia in schizophrenia spectrum psychosis an integrative review and adversarial collaboration report. Schizophrenia research, 263, pp. 66-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2023.03.031

Breit, Sigrid; Meyer, Agnes; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Specific Catatonia Symptoms and Predictors of Late Response. Pharmacopsychiatry, 57(1), pp. 13-20. Thieme 10.1055/a-2195-1499

Bühler, Janine; Weber, Samantha; Serafeim, Loukas; Walther, Sebastian; Aybek, Selma (2024). Non-invasive neuromodulation of the right temporoparietal junction using theta-burst stimulation in functional neurological disorder. BMJ neurology open, 6(e000525) British Medical Association 10.1136/bmjno-2023-000525

Heckers, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Catatonia. The New England journal of medicine, 389(19), pp. 1797-1802. Massachusetts Medical Society 10.1056/NEJMra2116304

Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Derome, Melodie; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Associations of resting-state perfusion and auditory verbal hallucinations with and without emotional content in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103527

Aschenbrenner, Lara Marie; Frei, Adriana; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Brüdern, Juliane; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja (20 September 2023). The Implicit Emotional Evaluation of Death versus Life in Persons with Acute Suicidal Thoughts (Unpublished). In: 32nd IASP World Congress. Piran, Slovenia. 19 - 23 September 2023.

Gangl, Nicole; Conring, Frauke; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Resting-state perfusion in motor and fronto-limbic areas is linked to diminished expression of emotion and speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, 9(1), p. 51. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-023-00384-7

Cetin-Karayumak, Suheyla; Lyall, Amanda E; Di Biase, Maria A; Seitz-Holland, Johanna; Zhang, Fan; Kelly, Sinead; Elad, Doron; Pearlson, Godfrey; Tamminga, Carol A; Sweeney, John A; Clementz, Brett A; Schretlen, David; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian; Lee, Jungsun; Crow, Tim; James, Anthony; Voineskos, Aristotle; Buchanan, Robert W; Szeszko, Philip R; ... (2023). Characterization of the extracellular free water signal in schizophrenia using multi-site diffusion MRI harmonization. Molecular psychiatry, 28(5), pp. 2030-2038. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41380-023-02068-1

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Bernard, Jessica A; Mittal, Vijay A; Shankman, Stewart A; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Test-retest reliability of a finger-tapping fMRI task in a healthy population. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 78-90. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15865

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Gorisse, Geoffrey; Banakou, Domna; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Using virtual reality to assess gesture performance deficits in schizophrenia patients. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14(1191601), p. 1191601. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1191601

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, M; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, A; von den Driesch, L; Köck, P; Caccia, I; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, R; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, S; Hiyama, TY; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ (Unpublished). In: 20th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Copenhagen, Denmark. 29.06.-01.07.2023.

Bassetti, Claudio L. A.; Heldner, Mirjam R.; Adorjan, Kristina; Albanese, Emiliano; Allali, Gilles; Arnold, Marcel; Bègue, Indrit; Bochud, Murielle; Chan, Andrew; do Cuénod, Kim Q.; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Draganski, Bogdan; Eshmawey, Mohamed; Felbecker, Ansgar; Fischer, Urs; Frahsa, Annika; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Grossmann, Harald; Guzman, Raphael; Hackenberg, Annette; ... (2023). The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023–2033. Clinical and translational neuroscience, 7(4), p. 38. MDPI 10.3390/ctn7040038

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Chiavi, Deborah; Haag, Christina; Chan, Andrew; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Sieber, Chloé; Stanikić, Mina; Rodgers, Stephanie; Pot, Caroline; Kesselring, Jürg; Salmen, Anke; Rapold, Irene; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Gobbi, Claudio; Zecca, Chiara; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hoepner, Robert; Puhan, Milo and von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Studying Real-World Experiences of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during the first Covid-19 Lockdown: An Application of Natural Language Processing. JMIR medical informatics, 10(11), e37945. JMIR Publications 10.2196/37945

Hoepner, Robert; Rodgers, Stephanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Steinemann, Nina; Haag, Christina; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Salmen, Anke; Kesselring, Jürg; Zecca, Chiara; Gobbi, Claudio; Puhan, Milo A; Walther, Sebastian; von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Feelings of loneliness, COVID-19-specific-health anxiety and depressive symptoms during the first COVID-19 wave in Swiss persons with multiple sclerosis. Scientific reports, 12(1), p. 17829. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-022-22445-0

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Walther, Sebastian (2022). Brain connectivity measures hold promise for informing on the pathobiology of psychosis symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 925-927. Springer 10.1007/s00406-022-01465-x

Letkiewicz, Allison M; Cochran, Amy L; Mittal, Vijay A; Walther, Sebastian; Shankman, Stewart A (2022). Reward-based reinforcement learning is altered among individuals with a history of major depressive disorder and psychomotor retardation symptoms. Journal of psychiatric research, 152, pp. 175-181. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.06.032

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Mueller, Daniel R; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Brain Stimulation and Group Therapy to Improve Gesture and Social Skills in Schizophrenia-The Study Protocol of a Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Three-Arm, Double-Blind Trial. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 909703. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.909703

Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Walther, Sebastian; Brogna, Stella (28 June 2022). Wirksame Kurztherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch zu Hause. Leading opinions - Neurologie & Psychiatrie Universimed

Damme, Katherine S F; Park, Jadyn S; Walther, Sebastian; Vargas, Teresa; Shankman, Stewart A; Mittal, Vijay A (2022). Depression and Psychosis Risk Shared Vulnerability for Motor Signs Across Development, Symptom Dimensions, and Familial Risk. Schizophrenia bulletin, 48(4), pp. 752-762. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbab133

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Chapellier, Victoria; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Using dynamic point light display stimuli to assess gesture deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. Cognition, 28, p. 100240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100240

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Bachofner, Hanta; Scherer, Konstantin A; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Validation of the Apraxia Screen TULIA (AST) in Schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 81(4), pp. 311-321. Karger 10.1159/000523778

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Brogna, Stella; Frei, Adriana; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Walther, Sebastian (March 2022). Hintergründe suizidaler Krisen im Narrativen Interview verstehen. Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, 52(3), pp. 17-20. Psychiatrie Verlag

Chapellier, Victoria; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). The Impact of Poor Nonverbal Social Perception on Functional Capacity in Schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychology, 13 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.804093

Bracht, Tobias; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Lüdi, Karin; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2022). Link between structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle, functional connectivity of the ventral tegmental area, and anhedonia in unipolar depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, p. 102961. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102961

Damme, Katherine S F; Park, Jadyn S; Vargas, Teresa; Walther, Sebastian; Shankman, Stewart A; Mittal, Vijay A (2022). Motor abnormalities, depression risk, and clinical course in adolescence. Biological psychiatry global open science, 2(1), pp. 61-69. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bpsgos.2021.06.011

Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Brogna, Stella (January 2022). Wirksame Kurzzeittherapie nach Suizidversuch neu auch zu Hause. UPDate Newsletter(127), pp. 1-2. Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern

von Känel, Sofie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Despoina; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Measuring catatonia motor behavior with objective instrumentation. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 880747. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.880747

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Viher, Petra V.; Bachofner, Hanta; Weiss, Florian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Shankman, Stewart A.; Mittal, Vijay A.; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance? Journal of affective disorders, 292, pp. 81-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055

Michel, Konrad; Gysin-Maillart, Anja; Breit, Sigrid; Walther, Sebastian; Pavlidou, Anastasia (2021). Psychopharmacological treatment is not associated with reduced suicide ideation and reattempts in an observational follow-up study of suicide attempters. Journal of psychiatric research, 140, pp. 180-186. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.068

Seitz, Johanna; Cetin-Karayumak, Suheyla; Lyall, Amanda; Pasternak, Ofer; Baxi, Madhura; Vangel, Mark; Pearlson, Godfrey; Tamminga, Carol; Sweeney, John; Clementz, Brett; Schretlen, David; Viher, Petra Verena; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian; Lee, Jungsun; Crow, Tim; James, Anthony; Voineskos, Aristotle; Buchanan, Robert W; Szeszko, Philip R; ... (2021). Investigating Sexual Dimorphism of Human White Matter in a Harmonized, Multisite Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Cerebral cortex, 31(1), pp. 201-212. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cercor/bhaa220

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Schneider, Christoph; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2020). Reduced tract length of the medial forebrain bundle and the anterior thalamic radiation in bipolar disorder with melancholic depression. Journal of affective disorders, 274, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.008

Walther, Sebastian; van Harten, Peter N; Waddington, John L; Cuesta, Manuel J; Peralta, Victor; Dupin, Lucile; Foucher, Jack R; Sambataro, Fabio; Morrens, Manuel; Kubera, Katharina M; Pieters, Lydia E; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Wolf, R Christian; Hirjak, Dusan (2020). Movement disorder and sensorimotor abnormalities in schizophrenia and other psychoses - European consensus on assessment and perspectives. European neuropsychopharmacology, 38, pp. 25-39. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2020.07.003

Büetiger, Jessica R.; Hubl, Daniela; Kupferschmid, Stephan; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Federspiel, Andrea; Hauf, Martinus; Walther, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Michel, Chantal; Kindler, Jochen (2020). Trapped in a Glass Bell Jar: Neural Correlates of Depersonalization and Derealization in Subjects at Clinical High-Risk of Psychosis and Depersonalization–Derealization Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.535652

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Berger, Anke; Schenk, Karin; Ging, Ankica; Walther, Sebastian; Cignacco, Eva (2020). Perinatal mental health care from the user and provider perspective: protocol for a qualitative study in Switzerland. Reproductive health, 17(1), p. 26. 10.1186/s12978-020-0882-7

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Schüpfer, Anne-Catherine; Kiefer, Claus; Zizlsperger, Leopold; Lutz, Kai; Luft, Andreas R.; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2020). Interhemispheric facilitation of gesturing: A combined theta burst stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain stimulation, 13(2), pp. 457-463. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brs.2019.12.013

Walther, Sebastian; Morrens, Manuel (2020). What Can Be Learned from Dimensional Perspectives on Psychiatry? Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 249-250. Karger 10.1159/000508762

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Kindler, Jochen; Michel, Chantal; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Felber, Gwendolin; Hauf, Martinus; Schimmelmann, Benno G.; Kaess, Michael; Hubl, Daniela; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 212, pp. 196-203. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2019.07.032

Mittal, Vijay A; Walther, Sebastian (2019). As motor system pathophysiology returns to the forefront of psychosis research, clinical implications should hold center stage. Schizophrenia bulletin, 45(3), pp. 495-497. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby176

Ring, Mariann; Walther, Sebastian; Gysin-Maillart, Anja C. (2019). The Association between Therapeutic Alliance and Individuals’ Wish to Die or Live. Psychology, 10(12), pp. 1711-1725. Scientific Research 10.4236/psych.2019.1012112

Dutschke, Lars Levi; Stegmayer, Katharina; Ramseyer, Fabian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Gesture impairments in schizophrenia are linked to increased movement and prolonged motor planning and execution. Schizophrenia Research, 200, pp. 42-49. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.012

Walther, Sebastian (7 September 2018). Imaging of the motor system in psychosis: on connectivity and behavior (Unpublished). In: Joint BACI Meeting. Pittsburgh.

Walther, Sebastian (6 September 2018). Welche Rolle spielen Stimulationsverfahren in der psychiatrischen Behandlung? (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Bern.

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2018). Deficient supplementary motor area at rest: Neural basis of limb kinetic deficits in Parkinson's disease. Human brain mapping, 39(9), pp. 3691-3700. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.24204

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Bhugra, Dinesh; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Upon Rejection: Psychiatric Emergencies of Failed Asylum Seekers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071498

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Ricklin, Meret; Srivastava, David Shiva; Walther, Sebastian; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis (2018). Psychiatric Emergencies of Asylum Seekers; Descriptive Analysis and Comparison with Immigrants of Warranted Residence. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/ijerph15071300

Walther, Sebastian; Mittal, Vijay; Dean, Derek; Gupta, Tina; Vargas, Theresa; Osborn, Juston (6 April 2018). Motor subtypes and prediction of course in psychosis risk youth (Unpublished). In: Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS). Florenz.

Viher, Petra Verena; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stegmayer, Katharina; Savadijev, Peter; Kubicki, Marek; Makris, Nikos; Karmacharya, Sarina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (1 April 2018). T177. Structural organization of the praxis network predicts gesture production: evidence from healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(suppl_1), S184-S185. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby016.453

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Viher, Petra (2018). Where language meets action: The neural underpinnings of gesture performance in schizophrenia (Unpublished). (Dissertation)

Winkelbeiner, Stephanie; Suker, Samir; Bachofner, Hanta; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Steinau, Sarah; Walther, Sebastian; Federspiel, Andrea; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Homan, Philipp (2018). Targeting obsessive-compulsive symptoms with rTMS and perfusion imaging. American journal of psychiatry, 175(1), pp. 81-83. American Psychiatric Association 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17060634

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Specific cerebral perfusion patterns in three schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 190, pp. 96-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.03.018

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Paulzen, Michael; Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Stegmann, Benedikt; Hiemke, Christoph; Gründer, Gerhard; Schruers, Koen R J; Walther, Sebastian; Lammertz, Sarah E; Haen, Ekkehard (2017). Pharmacokinetic considerations in antipsychotic augmentation strategies: How to combine risperidone with low-potency antipsychotics. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, 76, pp. 101-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2017.03.002

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Lang, Fabian U; Jäger, Markus; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Comparison of psychopathological dimensions between major depressive disorder and schizophrenia spectrum disorders focusing on language, affectivity and motor behavior. Psychiatry research, 250, pp. 169-176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.084

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Stegmayer, Katharina; Bertschi, Manuel; Abela, Eugenio; Kübel, Stefanie; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Walther, Sebastian; Nef, Tobias; Hallett, Mark; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2016). Theta burst stimulation over premotor cortex in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study on manual dexterity. Journal of neural transmission, 123(12), pp. 1387-1393. Springer 10.1007/s00702-016-1614-6

Walther, Sebastian; Eisenhardt, Sarah; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Gesture Performance in Schizophrenia Predicts Functional Outcome After 6 Months. Schizophrenia bulletin, 42(6), sbw124. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw124

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Gesture performance in first- and multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 73(4), pp. 201-208. Karger 10.1159/000446116

Lang, Fabian U; Müller-Stierlin, Annabel S; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Becker, Thomas; Jäger, Markus (2016). Dimensional approaches to schizophrenia: A comparison of the Bern Psychopathology scale and the five-factor model of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Psychiatry research, 239, pp. 284-290. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.03.032

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Schoretsanitis, Georgios; Kutynia, Alexandra; Stegmayer, K.; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Keep at bay! - Abnormal personal space regulation as marker of paranoia in schizophrenia. European psychiatry, 31, pp. 1-7. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.10.001

Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032

Lang, Fabian U; Stierlin, Annabel S; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian; Becker, Thomas; Jäger, Markus (2015). Factor structure of the Bern Psychopathology Scale in a sample of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. European psychiatry, 30(7), pp. 880-884. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.07.010

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S31-S31. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (25 September 2015). The link between impaired performance of hand gestures and poor nonverbal social perception in schizophrenia and first degree relatives. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (25 September 2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian (2015). Structural abnormalities in the ventral striatum and the pathological perception of threat in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S43-S43. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Longitudinal course of two measures of avolition and expressivity: hypokinesia and gesture impairment. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S44-S45. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (25 September 2015). Longitudinal course of two measures of avolition and expressivity: hypokinesia and gesture impairment (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 25.09.2015.

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S80-S80. Springer

Steinau, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (24 September 2015). The bern psychopathology scale: comparison of symptom dimensions in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 24.09.2015.

Lang, F U; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, K.; Anderson-Schmidt, H; Schulze, T G; Becker, T; Jäger, M (2015). Subtyping schizophrenia: A comparison of positive/negative and system-specific approaches. Comprehensive psychiatry, 61, pp. 115-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.05.014

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Benzing, Valentin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Impaired gesture performance as potential endophenotype of schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (19 March 2015). Nonverbal social communication in schizophrenia is linked to gesture performance (Unpublished). In: 59. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 18.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Rampa, Luca; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2015). The longitudinal course of gross motor activity in schizophrenia - within and between episodes. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6(10), p. 10. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00010

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2015). Nonverbal social communication and gesture control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 41(2), pp. 338-345. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbu222

Murck, Harald; Laughren, Thomas; Lamers, Femke; Picard, Rosalind; Walther, Sebastian; Goff, Donald; Sainati, Stephen (2015). Taking personalized medicine seriously: Biomarker approaches in phase IIb/III studies in major depression and schizophrenia. Innovations in clinical neuroscience, 12(3-4), 26S-40S.

Walther, Sebastian (4 December 2014). Langzeitverläufe der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: Herbstsymposium: Langzeitverläufe psychiatrischer Erkrankungen. Bern. 04.12.2014.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Schiebler, Sarah; Tolev, Avram; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Abnorme, unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei jungen Patienten mit Psychoserisiko – eine videobasierte Untersuchung (Unpublished). In: DGPPN 2014. 26.11.-29.11.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner (27 November 2014). Gestörte Gestenproduktion als möglicher Endophänotyp der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Sulzbacher, Jeanne; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (27 November 2014). Progrediente Störung der Gestenproduktion im Verlauf der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Morrens, Manuel; Docx, Lise; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Beyond boundaries: in search of an integrative view on motor symptoms in schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5(145), p. 145. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00145

Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (September 2014). Neural correlates of gesture impairments in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18.09.2014.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 March 2014). Understanding of nonverbal social information is associated with gesture performance and postural knowledge in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Schiebler, Sarah; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Strik, Werner; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Schimmelmann, Benno Karl Edgar; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Subtle motor abnormalities in adolescents at risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Walther, Sebastian (2014). Bewegungsstörungen als Symptomdimension der Schizophrenie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress.

Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Symptomdimensionen von Psychosen und ihre Beziehungen zu Hirnsystemen – Grundlagen und Bedeutung für die Praxis. In: Schimmelmann, Benno Graf; Resch, Franz (eds.) Psychosen in der Adoleszenz: Entwicklungspsychopathologie, Früherkennung und Behandlung (pp. 411-430). Kohlhammer

Walther, Sebastian (2014). Eltern minderjähriger Kinder als Patienten mit affektiven Erkrankungen in der Erwachsenenpsychiatrie. In: Psychisch belastete Eltern und ihre Kinder stärken: Ein Therapiemanual (pp. 37-38). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Razavi, Nadja; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Strik, Werner (2014). Physical activity in schizophrenia is higher in the first episode than in subsequent ones. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, p. 191. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00191

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Schiebler, S.; Tolev, A.; Stegmayer, K.; Hubl, D.; Strik, W.; Schultze-Lutter, F.; Schimmelmann, B.; Walther, S. (2013). Comparison of two video-based assessments for abnormal motor behavior in adolescents at risk for psychosis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S104. Springer

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, We.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17-S18. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, W.; Wiest, R.; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195. Oxford University Press

Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum volume and the paranoid symptom complex: a voxel based morphometry study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195-S196. Oxford University Press

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Laimböck, K.; Bracht, T.; Strik, W.; Müller, T.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system: a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S66-S67. Springer

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Weber, Samantha

Bühler, Janine; Weber, Samantha; Serafeim, Loukas; Walther, Sebastian; Aybek, Selma (2024). Non-invasive neuromodulation of the right temporoparietal junction using theta-burst stimulation in functional neurological disorder. BMJ neurology open, 6(e000525) British Medical Association 10.1136/bmjno-2023-000525

Weder, Bruno

Kübel, Stefanie; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Bertschi, Manuel; Burgunder, Jean-Marc; Abela, Eugenio; Weder, Bruno; Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan (2017). Altered praxis network underlying limb kinetic apraxia in Parkinson's disease - an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, pp. 88-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.007

Weinmann, Wolfgang

Novak, Lan; Soravia, Leila M; Bünter, Adina; Stöth, Frederike; Wopfner, Alexander; Weinmann, Wolfgang; Pfeifer, Philippe (2023). Alcohol Biomarker Phosphatidylethanol as a Predictor of the Severity of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Alcohol and alcoholism, 58(2), pp. 198-202. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agac071

Weiss, Florian

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Viher, Petra V.; Bachofner, Hanta; Weiss, Florian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Shankman, Stewart A.; Mittal, Vijay A.; Walther, Sebastian (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance? Journal of affective disorders, 292, pp. 81-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055

Wenke, Marion

Mikutta, Christian; Wenke, Marion; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Fehér, Kristoffer; Koenig, Julian; Altorfer, Andreas; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph; Feige, Bernd (2022). Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of sleep research, 31(2), e13466. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13466

Westermann, Stefan

Westermann, Stefan; Gantenbein, Vivien; Caspar, Franz; Cavelti, Marialuisa (2018). Maintaining delusional beliefs to satisfy and protect psychological needs. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of psychology, 226(3), pp. 197-203. Hogrefe 10.1027/2151-2604/a000337

Wiest, Roland Gerhard Rudi

Denier, Niklaus; Grieder, Matthias; Jann, Kay; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Soravia, Leila M; Meyer, Agnes; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2024). Analyzing Fractal Dimension in Electroconvulsive Therapy: Unraveling Complexity in Structural and Functional Neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 297, p. 120671. Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120671

Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Derome, Melodie; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Associations of resting-state perfusion and auditory verbal hallucinations with and without emotional content in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103527

Gangl, Nicole; Conring, Frauke; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina (2023). Resting-state perfusion in motor and fronto-limbic areas is linked to diminished expression of emotion and speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, 9(1), p. 51. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-023-00384-7

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila M; Wallimann, Meret; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy induces remodeling of hippocampal co-activation with the default mode network in patients with depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 38, p. 103404. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103404

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Bracht, Tobias; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Mertse, Nicolas; Federspiel, Andrea; Meyer, Agnes; Soravia, Leila; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2023). Distinct and shared patterns of brain plasticity during electroconvulsive therapy and treatment as usual in depression: an observational multimodal MRI-study. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), p. 6. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-022-02304-2

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

Bracht, Tobias; Denier, Niklaus; Wallimann, Meret; Walther, Sebastian; Mertse, Nicolas; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Soravia, Leila (2022). Hippocampal volume and parahippocampal cingulum alterations are associated with avoidant attachment in patients with depression. Journal of affective disorders reports, 10(100435), p. 100435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jadr.2022.100435

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Mertse, Nicolas; Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Breit, Sigrid; Grosskurth, Elmar; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2022). Associations between anterior cingulate thickness, cingulum bundle microstructure, melancholia and depression severity in unipolar depression. Journal of affective disorders, 301, pp. 437-444. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.035

Bracht, Tobias; Mertse, Nicolas; Walther, Sebastian; Lüdi, Karin; Breit, Sigrid; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2022). Link between structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle, functional connectivity of the ventral tegmental area, and anhedonia in unipolar depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, p. 102961. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102961

Bracht, Tobias; Soravia, Leila; Moggi, Franz; Stein, Maria; Grieder, Matthias; Federspiel, Andrea; Tschümperlin, Raphaela; Batschelet, Hallie M; Wiest, Roland; Denier, Niklaus (2021). The role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens for craving in alcohol use disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), p. 267. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41398-021-01384-w

Habich, Annegret; Slotboom, Johannes; Peter, Jessica; Wiest, Roland; Klöppel, Stefan (2020). No Effect of Anodal tDCS on Verbal Episodic Memory Performance and Neurotransmitter Levels in Young and Elderly Participants. Neural plasticity, 2020, pp. 1-15. Hindawi 10.1155/2020/8896791

Denier, Niklaus; Walther, Sebastian; Schneider, Christoph; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bracht, Tobias (2020). Reduced tract length of the medial forebrain bundle and the anterior thalamic radiation in bipolar disorder with melancholic depression. Journal of affective disorders, 274, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.008

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Bracht, Tobias; Viher, Petra V.; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2019). Increased structural connectivity of the medial forebrain bundle in schizophrenia spectrum disorders is associated with delusions of paranoid threat and grandiosity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, p. 102044. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102044

Gaillard, Claudie; Guillod, Matthias; Ernst, Monique; Torrisi, Salvatore; Federspiel, Andrea; Schoebi, Dominik; Recabarren, Romina E; Ouyang, Xinyi; Mueller-Pfeiffer, Christoph; Horsch, Antje; Homan, Philipp; Wiest, Roland; Hasler, Gregor; Martin-Soelch, Chantal (2019). Striatal responsiveness to reward under threat-of-shock and working memory load: A preliminary study. Brain and Behavior, 9(10), e01397. Wiley 10.1002/brb3.1397

Viher, Petra Verena; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stegmayer, Katharina; Savadijev, Peter; Kubicki, Marek; Makris, Nikos; Karmacharya, Sarina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (1 April 2018). T177. Structural organization of the praxis network predicts gesture production: evidence from healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(suppl_1), S184-S185. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sby016.453

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2018). Limbic interference during social action planning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44(2), pp. 359-368. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbx059

Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (2017). Specific cerebral perfusion patterns in three schizophrenia symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 190, pp. 96-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2017.03.018

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Cantisani, Andrea; König, Thomas; Stegmayer, K.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266(8), pp. 755-764. Springer 10.1007/s00406-015-0652-7

Walther, Sebastian; Schäppi, Lea; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (2016). Resting-state hyperperfusion of the supplementary motor area in catatonia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43(5), pp. 972-981. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbw140

Cantisani, Andrea; Stegmayer, K.; Bracht, Tobias; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Horn, Helge Joachim; Müller, Thomas; Schneider, Christoph; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Distinct resting-state perfusion patterns underlie psychomotor retardation in unipolar vs. bipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(4), pp. 329-338. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/acps.12625

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Giezendanner, Stéphanie; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Cerebral white matter structure is associated with DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 93-99. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.06.013

Stegmayer, Katharina; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Moor, Jeanne Yvonne; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2016). Structural brain correlates of defective gesture performance in schizophrenia. Cortex, 78, pp. 125-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.02.014

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Soravia, Leila M.; Nakataki, Masahito; Federspiel, Andrea; Schwab, Simon; Horn, Helge Joachim; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Jann, Kay; Dierks, Thomas; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Rasch, Björn; Heinrichs, Markus; de Quervain, Dominique (2015). The neural correlates of the fear-reducing effects of glucocorticoids in phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, pp. 46-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.516

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S61-S61. Springer

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Bracht, Tobias; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Stegmayer, Katharina (26 September 2015). Structural imaging correlates of motor impairments in schizophrenia – gesture control and motor slowing (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 265(1), S129-S129. Springer

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (26 September 2015). White matter correlates of the DSM-5 schizophrenia symptom dimensions. (Unpublished). In: 5th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin. 26.09.2015.

Walther, Sebastian; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (20 March 2015). Impaired postural knowledge in schizophrenia is associated with structural gray and white matter alterations in the praxis network (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Structural alterations of the praxis network were associated with poor gesture performance in schizophrenia patients (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Benzing, Valentin; Stegmayer, Katharina; Viher, Petra; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Schaub, Nora; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (20 March 2015). Disturbed fine motor performance is associated with altered structure and perfusion of the motor system in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen. 19.03.-21.03.2015.

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Walther, Sebastian (19 March 2015). Deficit actual tool use in schizophrenia is linked to structural alterations in key regions of planning and executing of tool use and connecting fibers (Unpublished). In: 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung. Tübingen, Deutschland. 18.03.-21.03.2015.

Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226

Viher, Petra; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Müri, René Martin; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Walther, Sebastian (28 November 2014). Zusammenhang zwischen nonverbaler Kommunikation und Ultrastruktur der weissen Substanz bei Schizophreniekranken (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Müri, René Martin; Strik, Werner; Bohlhalter, Stephan (27 November 2014). Gestik bei Schizophreniepatienten als Marker nonverbaler Kommunikation und struktureller Hirnveränderungen (Unpublished). In: DGPPN Kongress. Berlin.

Walther, Sebastian; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Stegmayer, Katharina (September 2014). Neural correlates of gesture impairments in schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18.09.2014.

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas J.; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume is associated with psychotic aberrant motor behaviour of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 223(1), pp. 49-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2014.05.002

Stegmayer, Katharina; Vanbellingen, Tim; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Strik, Werner; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (27 March 2014). Total gray matter volume of the left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus is associated with postural knowledge of gestures in patients with schizophrenia (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry (SSBP) 34th Annual Meeting. Solothurn, Switzerland. 27.03.2014.

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver Karl Christofer; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in melancholic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, pp. 186-193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.048

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). White matter pathway organization of the reward system is related to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 153(1-3), pp. 136-142. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.015

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Laimböck, Karin; Strik, Werner; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2014). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic emotional dysregulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, pp. 232-239. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.007

Fisler, Melanie S.; Federspiel, Andrea; Horn, Helge Joachim; Dierks, Thomas; Schmitt, Wolfgang; Wiest, Roland; de Quervain, Dominique J-F; Soravia, Leila M. (2014). Pinpointing regional surface distortions of the amygdala in patients with spider phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Functions, 1(1), p. 2. Herbert Publications 10.7243/2055-3447-1-2

Bracht, T.; Horn, H.; Strik, W.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Stegmayer, K.; Wiest, R.; Dierks, T.; Mueller, T.; Walther, S. (2013). White matter pathways of the salience system are altered in schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S106-S106. Springer 10.1007/s00406-013-0433-0

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, We.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 164(Suppl. 6), S17-S18. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Strik, W.; Wiest, R.; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system. A voxel based morphometry (VBM) study. Schizophrenia bulletin, 39(Suppl. 1), S195. Oxford University Press

Stegmayer, K.; Horn, H.; Federspiel, A.; Razavi, N.; Laimböck, K.; Bracht, T.; Strik, W.; Müller, T.; Wiest, R.; Walther, S. (2013). Supplementary motor area (SMA) volume correlates with psychotic symptoms associated with dysregulation of the motor system: a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(Suppl. 1), S66-S67. Springer

Bracht, Tobias; Horn, Helge Joachim; Strik, Werner; Federspiel, Andrea; Schnell, Susanne; Höfle, Oliver; Stegmayer, Katharina; Wiest, Roland; Dierks, Thomas; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). White matter microstructure alterations of the medial forebrain bundle in major depressive disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E44-E45. Sage

Stegmayer, Katharina; Horn, Helge Joachim; Federspiel, Andrea; Razavi, Nadja; Bracht, Tobias; Wiest, Roland; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Walther, Sebastian (2013). Ventral striatum gray matter density reduction in schizophrenia patients with psychotic emotional dysregulation. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 44(4), E119. Sage

Wild, Salome Johanna Elisabeth

Strumberger, Michael A; Häberling, Isabelle; Emery, Sophie; Albermann, Mona; Baumgartner, Noemi; Pedrett, Catrina; Wild, Salome Johanna Elisabeth; Contin-Waldvogel, Brigitte; Walitza, Susanne; Berger, Gregor; Schmeck, Klaus; Cajochen, Christian (2024). Inverse association between slow-wave sleep and low-grade inflammation in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder. Sleep medicine, 119, pp. 103-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sleep.2024.04.007

Castiglione, Christian David; Schaufler, S; Wild, Salome Johanna Elisabeth; Hamann, Christoph; Tarokh, Leila (June 2023). Sleep Regularity in Healthy Adolescents and its Association with Sleep Quality and Mental Health (Unpublished). In: eSleep ESRS - Virtual Congress. online. 04.-06.10.2023.

Willems, Tom Eric

Piredda, Gian Franco; Caneschi, Samuele; Hilbert, Tom; Bonanno, Gabriele; Arun, Joseph; Egger, Karl; Peter, Jessica; Klöppel, Stefan; Jehli, Elisabeth; Grieder, Matthias; Slotboom, Johannes; Seiffge, David; Goeldlin, Martina; Hoepner, Robert; Willems, Tom; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Venkategowda, Punith B.; Corredor Jerez, Ricardo A.; Maréchal, Bénédicte; ... (2023). Submillimeter T 1 atlas for subject‐specific abnormality detection at 7T. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 89(4), pp. 1601-1616. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.29540

Wirth, Miranka

Grieder, M.; Kneubühler, B.; Wirth, M.; Horn, H.; Strik, W. K.; Dierks, T. (1 October 2008). The examination of semantic access to abstract and concrete words by means of a priming paradigm. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 258(Suppl4), p. 27. D. Steinkopff-Verlag

Witmer, Joëlle

Soravia, Leila M.; Witmer, Joëlle; Schwab, Simon; Nakataki, Masahito; Dierks, Thomas; Wiest, Roland; Henke, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Jann, Kay (2015). Prestimulus default mode activity influences depth of processing and recognition in an emotional memory task. Human brain mapping, 37(3), pp. 924-932. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/hbm.23076

Wolf, Andreas

Suker, Samir; Mihov, Yoan; Wolf, Andreas; Mueller, Stefanie V; Hasler, Gregor (2023). Behavioral Response to Catecholamine Depletion in Individuals With Schizophrenia and Healthy Volunteers. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 4(1), sgad023. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgad023

Hasler, Gregor; Wolf, Andreas (2015). Toward stratified treatments for bipolar disorders. European neuropsychopharmacology, 25(3), pp. 283-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2014.12.006

Wopfner, Alexander

Soravia, Leila M.; Wopfner, Alexander; Pfiffner, Luzius; Bétrisey, Sophie; Moggi, Franz (2017). Symptom-triggered detoxification using the Alcohol-Withdrawal-Scale reduces risks and health care costs. Alcohol and alcoholism, 53(1), pp. 71-77. Oxford University Press 10.1093/alcalc/agx080

Strik, W.; Walther, Sebastian; Wopfner, Alexander; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hubl, Daniela; Horn, Helge; Dierks, Thomas (2013). Dimensions of psychotic symptoms and brain physiology. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 263(1 Suppl.), S16. Springer

Wunderlin, Marina

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Zeller, Céline J; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). The promise of portable remote auditory stimulation tools to enhance slow-wave sleep and prevent cognitive decline. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13818. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13818

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc A.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Modulating overnight memory consolidation by acoustic stimulation during slow wave sleep – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa296

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Wunderlin, Marina; Fehér, Kristoffer; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Augmentation of psychotherapy with neurobiological methods: current state and future directions. Neuropsychobiology, 80(6), pp. 437-453. Karger 10.1159/000514564

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc Alain; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). The role of slow wave sleep in the development of dementia and its potential for preventative interventions. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111178. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111178

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Wyss, Patric

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

Wälchli, Gwendolyn

Bielinski, Laura Luisa; Wälchli, Gwendolyn; Nissen, Christoph; Berger, Thomas; Moggi, Franz (2023). Does an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention Provide Added Value for Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Care? Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR research protocols, 12, e47656. JMIR Publications 10.2196/47656

Wüthrich, Florian

Kyrou, Alexandra; Grünert, Elina; Wüthrich, Florian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2024). Test-retest reliability of resting-state cerebral blood flow quantification using pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) over 3 weeks vs 8 weeks in healthy controls. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 341(111823), p. 111823. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2024.111823

Walther, Sebastian; Alexaki, Danai; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja (2024). Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis and Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA psychiatry, 81(6), pp. 563-571. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0026

Lefebvre, Stephanie; Gehrig, Gwendolyn; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie G; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2024). The pathobiology of psychomotor slowing in psychosis: altered cortical excitability and connectivity. Brain : a journal of neurology, 147(4), pp. 1423-1435. Oxford University Press 10.1093/brain/awad395

Walther, Sebastian; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Nuoffer, Melanie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie (2024). Structural alterations of the motor cortex and higher order cortical areas suggest early neurodevelopmental origin of catatonia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 263, pp. 131-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.004

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2023). The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(2), pp. 507-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac170

Wüthrich, Florian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Bernard, Jessica A; Mittal, Vijay A; Shankman, Stewart A; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Test-retest reliability of a finger-tapping fMRI task in a healthy population. European journal of neuroscience, 57(1), pp. 78-90. Wiley 10.1111/ejn.15865

Nuoffer, Melanie; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Wüthrich, Florian; Kyrou, Alexandra; Kerkeni, Hassen; Kalla, Roger; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis. Schizophrenia, 8(1), p. 116. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41537-022-00324-x

Walther, Sebastian; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Conring, Frauke; Gangl, Nicole; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Rüter, Maximilian; Viher, Petra V; Federspiel, Andrea; Wiest, Roland; Stegmayer, Katharina (2022). Limbic links to paranoia: increased resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala, hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex in schizophrenia patients with paranoia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 272(6), pp. 1021-1032. Springer 10.1007/s00406-021-01337-w

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

Wüthrich, Florian; Viher, Petra V; Stegmayer, Katharina; Federspiel, Andrea; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Vanbellingen, Tim; Wiest, Roland; Walther, Sebastian (2020). Dysbalanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within the Praxis Network Is Linked to Gesture Deficits in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46(4), pp. 905-915. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbaa008

Wüthrich, Patrick Yves

Beilstein, Christian; Meyer, Agnes; Lehmann, Lutz; Wüthrich, Patrick Y. (2023). Comments on "Postanesthesia Recovery Unit Optimization for Patients With Postictal Agitation Secondary to Electroconvulsive Therapy" by Arora et. The journal of ECT, 39(4), pp. 274-275. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000963

Zeller, Céline Jacqueline

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Zeller, Céline J; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). The promise of portable remote auditory stimulation tools to enhance slow-wave sleep and prevent cognitive decline. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13818. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13818

Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (3 November 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: 3rd OHBM ALPINE CHAPTER SYMPOSIUM. 3. - 4.11.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Furger, Stephan; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (9 October 2017). Psychopathology in Motion – Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function in Psychosis (Unpublished). In: WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY XVII. 8. - 12.10.2017.

Stahnke, Antje; Zengaffinen, Francilia Sabrina; Furger, Stephan; Dierks, Thomas; Federspiel, Andrea; Hatzinger, Martin; König, Thomas; König, Thomas; Nick, Beat; Rapp, Charlotte; Stegmayer, Katharina; Strik, Werner; van Harten, Peter; Walther, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Papmeyer, Martina (1 September 2017). Systems Neuroscience of Motor Function on the Continuum from Health to Psychosis (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging. 29.8 - 2.9.2017.

Zito, Giuseppe Angelo

Nef, Tobias; Gruber, Nicole; Zito, Giuseppe; Nyffeler, Thomas; Müri, René Martin; Mosimann, Urs Peter (2014). Development and evaluation of a new instrument to measure visual exploration behavior. Medical engineering & physics, 36(4), pp. 490-495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.09.011

Zito, Giuseppe Angelo; Müri, René; Mosimann, Urs Peter; Nyffeler, Thomas; Nef, Tobias (2014). A new method to measure higher visual functions in an immersive environment. Biomedical engineering online, 13, p. 104. BioMed Central 10.1186/1475-925X-13-104

Znoj, Hans Jörg

Brintzinger, Miriam; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Endtner, Katrin; Bachmann, Kurt; Reicherts, Michael; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Pfammatter, Mario (2021). Patients’ style of emotional processing moderates the impact of common factors in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 58(4), pp. 472-484. American Psychological Association 10.1037/pst0000370

Müller, Anja; Znoj, Hansjörg; Moggi, Franz (2019). How Are Self-Efficacy and Motivation Related to Drinking Five Years after Residential Treatment? A Longitudinal Multicenter Study. European addiction research, 25(5), pp. 213-223. Karger 10.1159/000500520

Pjanic, Irena; Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike; Schade, Volker; Znoj, Hansjörg (12 September 2014). Screening for complex healing processes and psychological intervention in injured individuals (Unpublished). In: 20th conference of the European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security (EUMASS) - Scientific Knowledge and Good Practice in Insurance Medicine and Social Security. Stockholm, Sweden. 11.09.-13.09.2014.

Pjanic, Irena; Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike; Schade, Volker; Znoj, Hansjörg (27 June 2014). Psychological intervention in injured individuals (Unpublished). In: 45th International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). Copenhagen, Denmark. 25.06.-28.06.2014.

Zulliger, Johannes

Zulliger, Johannes (2022). Within and Between Subject Spectral Fingerprints of EEG‐Microstate Parameters. (Dissertation)

Zürcher, Simeon

Deng, Wei H; Zürcher, Simeon J; Schindera, Christina; Jung, Ruedi; Hebestreit, Helge; Bänteli, Iris; Bologna, Katja; von der Weid, Nicolas X; Kriemler, Susi; Rueegg, Corina S (2024). Effect of a 1-year physical activity intervention on quality of life, fatigue, and distress in adult childhood cancer survivors-A randomized controlled trial (SURfit). Cancer, 130(10), pp. 1869-1883. Wiley 10.1002/cncr.35207

Adamus, Christine; Richter, Dirk; Sutor, Kim; Zürcher, Simeon; Mötteli, Sonja (2024). Preference for Competitive Employment in People with Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Proportions. (In Press). Journal of occupational rehabilitation Springer 10.1007/s10926-024-10192-0

Rueegg, Corina S; Zürcher, Simeon J; Schindera, Christina; Jung, Ruedi; Deng, Wei H; Bänteli, Iris; Schaeff, Jonathan; Hebestreit, Helge; von der Weid, Nicolas X; Kriemler, Susi (2023). Effect of a 1-year physical activity intervention on cardiovascular health in long-term childhood cancer survivors-a randomised controlled trial (SURfit). British journal of cancer, 129(8), pp. 1284-1297. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41416-023-02410-y

Adamus, Christine; Zürcher, Simeon Joel; Richter, Dirk (2022). A mirror-image analysis of psychiatric hospitalisations among people with severe mental illness using Independent Supported Housing. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 492. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04133-5

Zürcher, Simeon Joel; Banzer, Céline; Adamus, Christine; Lehmann, Anja I; Richter, Dirk; Kerksieck, Philipp (2022). Post-viral mental health sequelae in infected persons associated with COVID-19 and previous epidemics and pandemics: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence estimates. Journal of infection and public health, 15(5), pp. 599-608. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jiph.2022.04.005

Züst, Marc

Brill, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Falkner, Michael; Peter, Jessica; Henke, Katharina; Züst, Marc; Minkova, Lora Guintcheva; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2022). Can a serious game-based cognitive training attenuate cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's disease? Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), p. 552. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12888-022-04131-7

Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Trinca, Ersilia; Wunderlin, Marina; Schneider, Carlotta L; Züst, Marc A; Fehér, Kristoffer D; Su, Tanja; Straten, Annemieke V; Berger, Thomas; Baglioni, Chiara; Johann, Anna; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Riemann, Dieter; Feige, Bernd; Nissen, Christoph (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in patients with mental disorders and comorbid insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 62, p. 101597. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101597

Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Wunderlin, Marina; Maier, Jonathan G.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Mikutta, Christian; Züst, Marc A.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Shaping the slow waves of sleep: A systematic and integrative review of sleep slow wave modulation in humans using non-invasive brain stimulation. Sleep medicine reviews, 58, p. 101438. Elsevier 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101438

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc A.; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer D.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2021). Modulating overnight memory consolidation by acoustic stimulation during slow wave sleep – a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsaa296

Wunderlin, Marina; Züst, Marc Alain; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). The role of slow wave sleep in the development of dementia and its potential for preventative interventions. Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging, 306, p. 111178. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2020.111178

Geiser, Tim; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Fehér, Kristoffer; Maier, Jonathan G.; Schneider, Carlotta L.; Züst, Marc A.; Wunderlin, Marina; Mikutta, Christian; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2020). Targeting Arousal and Sleep through Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Improve Mental Health. Neuropsychobiology, 79(4-5), pp. 284-292. Karger 10.1159/000507372

Züst, Marc Alain

Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Senti, Samira Rafaela; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Suppiger, Debora; Wyss, Patric; Koenig, Thomas; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan; Züst, Marc Alain (2023). Acoustic stimulation during sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance and beneficial amyloid response in older adults. Age and ageing, 52(12) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afad228

Züst, Marc Alain; Mikutta, Christian; Omlin, Ximena Tamara; DeStefani, Tatjana; Wunderlin, Marina; Zeller, Céline Jacqueline; Fehér, Daniel Kristoffer; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Schneider, Carlotta L; Teunissen, Charlotte Elisabeth; Tarokh, Leila; Klöppel, Stefan; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; Nissen, Christoph (2023). The hierarchy of coupled sleep oscillations reverses with aging in humans. The Journal of neuroscience, 43(36), pp. 6268-6279. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0586-23.2023

Zeller, Céline J; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; Nissen, Christoph; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). The promise of portable remote auditory stimulation tools to enhance slow-wave sleep and prevent cognitive decline. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13818. Wiley 10.1111/jsr.13818

Fehér, Kristoffer D; Omlin, Ximena; Tarokh, Leila; Schneider, Carlotta L; Morishima, Yosuke; Züst, Marc A; Wunderlin, Marina; König, Thomas; Hertenstein, Elisabeth; Ellenberger, Benjamin; Ruch, Simon; Schmidig, Flavio; Mikutta, Christian; Trinca, Ersilia; Senn, Walter; Feige, Bernd; Klöppel, Stefan; Nissen, Christoph (2023). Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of sleep research, 32(4), e13846. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.13846

Krebs, Christine; Brill, Esther; Minkova, Lora; Federspiel, Andrea; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Wyss, Patric; Teunissen, Charlotte E; van Harten, Argonde C; Seydell-Greenwald, Anna; Klink, Katharina; Züst, Marc A; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Klöppel, Stefan (2023). Investigating Compensatory Brain Activity in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 93(1), pp. 107-124. IOS Press 10.3233/JAD-221001

grosse Holtforth, Martin

Wettstein, Alexander; Schneider, Sandra; Jenni, Gabriel; grosse Holtforth, Martin; Tschacher, Wolfgang; La Marca, Roberto (2022). Association between workaholism, vital exhaustion, and hair cortisol concentrations among teachers: A longitudinal study testing the moderation effect of neuroticism. Frontiers in psychology, 13 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1046573

Schneider, Sandra; Wettstein, Alexander; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Torchetti, Loredana; Jenni, Gabriel; Kühne, Fabienne; grosse Holtforth, Martin; La Marca, Roberto (2022). Longitudinal Associations Between Core Self-Evaluation, Vital Exhaustion and Hair Cortisol in Teachers and the Mediating Effects of Resignation Tendency. Frontiers in psychology, 13, p. 907056. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.907056

von Känel, Sofie Amanda

Maderthaner, Lydia; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; von Känel, Sofie; Kyrou, Alexandra; Alexaki, Despoina Danai; Wüthrich, Florian; Weiss, Florian; Baumann-Gama, Daniel; Wiest, Roland; Strik, Werner; Kircher, Tilo; Walther, Sebastian (2023). Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, 49(Suppl. 2), S104-S114. Oxford University Press 10.1093/schbul/sbac120

Pavlidou, Anastasia; Chapellier, Victoria; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Using dynamic point light display stimuli to assess gesture deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. Cognition, 28, p. 100240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100240

Nadesalingam, Niluja; Chapellier, Victoria; Lefebvre, Stephanie; Pavlidou, Anastasia; Stegmayer, Katharina; Alexaki, Danai; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Maderthaner, Lydia; von Känel, Sofie; Wüthrich, Florian; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. Comprehensive psychiatry, 115, p. 152307. Elsevier 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152307

von Känel, Sofie; Nadesalingam, Niluja; Alexaki, Despoina; Baumann Gama, Daniel; Kyrou, Alexandra; Lefebvre, Stéphanie; Walther, Sebastian (2022). Measuring catatonia motor behavior with objective instrumentation. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, p. 880747. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.880747

von den Driesch, Luisa

Liebrand, Matthias; Rebsamen, Michael; Nakamura-Utsunomiya, Akari; von den Driesch, Luisa; Köck, Patrick; Caccia, Julien; Hamann, Christoph; Wiest, Roland; Kaess, Michael; Walther, Sebastian; Tschumi, Sibylle; Hiyama, Takeshi Y; Kindler, Jochen (2023). Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, p. 1206226. Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1206226

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