05 Veterinary Medicine > Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology (DIP) > Institute of Parasitology

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Abril Gaona, Carlos

Vidal, Sara; Brandt, Bernd W.; Dettwiler, Martina; Abril, Carlos; Bressan, Jenny; Greub, Gilbert; Frey, Caroline F.; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina (2018). Limited added value of fungal ITS amplicon sequencing in the study of bovine abortion. Heliyon, 4(11), e00915. Elsevier 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00915

Marreros, Nelson; Hüssy, Daniela; Albini, Sarah; Frey, Caroline; Abril, Carlos; Vogt, Hans-Rudolf; Holzwarth, Nathalie; Wirz-Dittus, Sophie; Friess, Martina; Engels, Monika; Borel, Nicole; Willisch, Christian S; Signer, Claudio; Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2011). Epizootiologic Investigations of Selected Abortive Agents in Free-Ranging Alpine Ibex (Capra Ibex Ibex) in Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 47(3), pp. 530-543. Ames, Iowa: Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-47.3.530

Aeschbacher, Denise

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Aeschbacher, Denise; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10(3), e0004535. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004535

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Profound activity of the anti-cancer drug bortezomib against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes identifies the proteasome as a novel drug target for cestodes. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(12), e3352. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003352

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Activities of fenbendazole in comparison with albendazole against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in vitro and in a murine infection model. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(4), pp. 335-342. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.01.013

Affentranger, Sarah

Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Casanova, Carlo; Schmied, Stéfanie; Affentranger, Sarah; Parvanova, Iana; Kang'a, Simon; Nene, Vishvanath; Katzer, Frank; McKeever, Declan; Müller, Joachim; Bishop, Richard; Pain, Arnab; Dobbelaere, Dirk; Rodrigues, Mauricio Martins (2009). Expression Analysis of the Theileria parva Subtelomere-Encoded Variable Secreted Protein Gene Family. PLoS ONE, 4(3), e4839. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004839

Aguado Martinez, Adriana

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Basto, Afonso P; Tanaka, Shun; Ryser, Lorenz T; Nunes, Telmo P; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Arranz-Solís, David; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Immunization with a cocktail of antigens fused with OprI reduces Neospora caninum vertical transmission and postnatal mortality in mice. Vaccine, 37(3), pp. 473-483. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.11.060

Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Gutiérrez-Expósito, Daniel; Ferrer, Luis Miguel; Arteche-Villasol, Noive; Moreno-Gonzalo, Javier; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Pérez, Valentín; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Benavides, Julio (2019). Virulence in Mice of a Toxoplasma gondii Type II Isolate Does Not Correlate With the Outcome of Experimental Infection in Pregnant Sheep. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 8(436), p. 436. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00436

Anghel, Nicoleta; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Roozbehani, Mona; Pou, Sovitj; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Michael; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Promising Efficacy Against Neospora Caninum in vitro and in Experimentally Infected Pregnant Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 5, p. 285. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2018.00285

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Basto, Afonso P; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Neospora caninum in non-pregnant and pregnant mouse models: cross-talk between infection and immunity. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 723-735. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.09.001

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Laleu, Benoît; Balmer, Vreni; Ritler, Dominic; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). In vitro screening of the open source Pathogen Box identifies novel compounds with profound activities against Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 801-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.06.002

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Moreno-Gonzalo, Javier; Ferre, Ignacio; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; McCloskey, Molly C; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wes; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Development of a murine vertical transmission model for Toxoplasma gondii oocyst infection and studies on the efficacy of bumped kinase inhibitor (BKI)-1294 and the naphthoquinone buparvaquone against congenital toxoplasmosis. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72(8), pp. 2334-2341. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkx134

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Balmer, Vreni; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Two novel calcium-dependent kinase 1-inhibitors interfere with vertical transmission in mice infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(4) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02324-16

Horcajo, P; Regidor-Cerrillo, J; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, L M (2016). Vaccines for bovine neosporosis: current status and key aspects for development. Parasite immunology, 38(12), pp. 709-723. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12342

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). N-terminal fusion of a toll-like receptor 2-ligand to a Neospora caninum chimeric antigen efficiently modifies the properties of the specific immune response. Parasitology, 143(5), pp. 606-616. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000056

Hemphill, Andrew; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim (2016). Approaches for the vaccination and treatment of Neospora caninum infections in mice and ruminant models. Parasitology, 143(3), pp. 245-259. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182015001596

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Repurposing of antiparasitic drugs: the hydroxy-naphthoquinone buparvaquone inhibits vertical transmission in the pregnant neosporosis mouse model. Veterinary research, 47, p. 32. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13567-016-0317-1

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Arranz Solis, David; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Dose-dependent effects of experimental infection with the virulent Neospora caninum Nc-Spain7 isolate in a pregnant mouse model. Veterinary parasitology, 211(3-4), pp. 133-140. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.05.021

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Ajiboye, Jubilee Odunola Racheal

Ajiboye, Jubilee; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2024). Molecular Targets of the 5-Amido-Carboxamide Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 in Cryptosporidium parvum and HCT-8 Host Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(5) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25052707

Akarsu Egger, Hatice

Kuhnert, Peter; Brodard, Isabelle; Bock, Sabine; Hemphill, Andrew; Akarsu Egger, Hatice; Engelhardt, Andreas; Kutzer, Peter (2022). Wielerella bovis gen. nov., sp. nov. a member of the family Neisseriaceae associated with bovine endocarditis. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 72(5) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.005387

Akdesir, Ezgi

Akdesir, Ezgi; Origgi, Francesco; Wimmershoff, Julia; Frey, Joachim; Frey, Caroline; Ryser, Marie Pierre (2018). Causes of mortality and morbidity in free-ranging mustelids in Switzerland: necropsy data from over 50 years of general health surveillance. BMC veterinary research, 14(1), p. 195. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12917-018-1494-0

Alaeddine, Ferial

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Alaeddine, Ferial; Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Guionaud, Christophe (2013). Molecular cloning and characterization of NcROP2Fam-1, a member of the ROP2 family of rhoptry proteins in Neospora caninum that is targeted by antibodies neutralizing host cell invasion in vitro. Parasitology, 140(8), pp. 1033-1050. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182013000383

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Alaeddine, F.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Intraperitoneal and intra-nasal vaccination of mice with three distinct recombinant Neospora caninum antigens results in differential effects with regard to protection against experimental challenge with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology, 137(2), pp. 229-40. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182009991259

Guionaud, C.; Hemphill, A.; Mevissen, M.; Alaeddine, F. (2010). Molecular characterization of Neospora caninum MAG1, a dense granule protein secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole, and associated with the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. Parasitology, 137(11), pp. 1605-19. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182010000442

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Amdouni Ep Ayari, Yosra

Amdouni, Yosra; Hammami, Ines; Farhat, Nadia; Rekik, Mourad; Gharbi, Mohamed (2024). First Molecular and Phylogenetic Identification of Toxoplasma Gondii in Sheep Liver Intended for Human Consumption in Northern Tunisia. Acta parasitologica, 69(3), pp. 1682-1689. Versita 10.1007/s11686-024-00894-z

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Trithiolato-bridged dinuclear ruthenium(II)-arene conjugates tethered with lipophilic units: Synthesis and Toxoplasma gondii antiparasitic activity. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 986, p. 122624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2023.122624

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Păunescu, Emilia; Boubaker, Ghalia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2021). The Quest of the Best – A SAR Study of Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds Presenting Antiparasitic Properties. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 222, p. 113610. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113610

Desiatkina, Oksana; Păunescu, Emilia; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2020). Coumarin‐Tagged Dinuclear Trithiolato‐Bridged Ruthenium(II)⋅Arene Complexes: Photophysical Properties and Antiparasitic Activity. ChemBioChem, 21(19), pp. 2818-2835. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cbic.202000174

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Amphimaque, Bénédicte Alixia Cassandre

Wolfer, L A; Basso, W U; Frey, C F; Schuller, S; Amphimaque, B; Jankovic, J; Howard, J; Peters, L M (2023). Biliary Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a dog under immunomodulatory therapy. Journal of small animal practice, 64(8), pp. 535-538. Wiley 10.1111/jsap.13612

Anghel, Nicoleta

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Beteck, Richard M; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. Pathogens, 12(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens12030447

Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Trithiolato-bridged dinuclear ruthenium(II)-arene conjugates tethered with lipophilic units: Synthesis and Toxoplasma gondii antiparasitic activity. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 986, p. 122624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2023.122624

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Desiatkina, Oksana; Boubaker, Ghalia; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Paunescu, Emilia (2022). Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Evaluation of New Conjugates BODIPY - Dinuclear Trithiolato-Bridged Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes. ChemBioChem, 23(23), e202200536. Wiley 10.1002/cbic.202200536

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Păunescu, Emilia; Boubaker, Ghalia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2021). The Quest of the Best – A SAR Study of Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds Presenting Antiparasitic Properties. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 222, p. 113610. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113610

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Huang, Wenlin; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Betzer, Dana P; Vidadala, Rama S R; Lee, Sangun; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Riggs, Michael W; Fan, Erkang; Kennedy, Thomas J; Tzipori, Saul; Doggett, J Stone; Winzer, Pablo; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; ... (2021). One health therapeutics: Target-Based drug development for cryptosporidiosis and other apicomplexa diseases. Veterinary parasitology, 289, p. 109336. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109336

Desiatkina, Oksana; Johns, Serena K.; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2021). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Conjugates—Organic Drugs Tethered to Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)–Arene Complexes. Inorganics, 9(8), p. 59. MDPI 10.3390/inorganics9080059

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hänggeli, Kai; Beteck, Richard M.; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Sanchez-Sanchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Haynes, Richard K.; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Assessment of the Activity of Decoquinate and Its Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii In Vitro and in Pregnant Mice Infected with T. gondii Oocysts. Molecules, 26(21), p. 6393. MDPI 10.3390/molecules26216393

Desiatkina, Oksana; Păunescu, Emilia; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2020). Coumarin‐Tagged Dinuclear Trithiolato‐Bridged Ruthenium(II)⋅Arene Complexes: Photophysical Properties and Antiparasitic Activity. ChemBioChem, 21(19), pp. 2818-2835. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cbic.202000174

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Lin, Yan; Ong, Yih Ching; Keller, Sarah; Karges, Johannes; Bouchene, Rafika; Manoury, Eric; Blacque, Olivier; Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hemphill, Andrew; Häberli, Cécile; Taki, Aya C; Gasser, Robin B; Cariou, Kevin; Keiser, Jennifer; Gasser, Gilles (2020). Synthesis, characterization and antiparasitic activity of organometallic derivatives of the anthelmintic drug albendazole. Dalton transactions, 49(20), pp. 6616-6626. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/d0dt01107j

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Structure and Fate of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Pathogens, 9(5) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9050382

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

Anghel, Nicoleta; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Roozbehani, Mona; Pou, Sovitj; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Michael; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Promising Efficacy Against Neospora Caninum in vitro and in Experimentally Infected Pregnant Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 5, p. 285. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2018.00285

Ardüser, Flurin

Gliga, Diana S; Basso, Walter; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Schares, Gereon; Zanolari, Patrik; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Switzerland-wide Neospora caninum seroprevalence in female cattle and identification of risk factors for infection. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9(1059697), p. 1059697. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.1059697

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Basso, Walter; Sollberger, Elena; Schares, Gereon; Küker, Ursula; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Zanolari, Patrik (2020). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in South American camelids in Switzerland and assessment of serological tests for diagnosis. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/S13071-020-04128-9

Arranz Solis, David

Arranz Solis, David; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Dose-dependent effects of experimental infection with the virulent Neospora caninum Nc-Spain7 isolate in a pregnant mouse model. Veterinary parasitology, 211(3-4), pp. 133-140. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.05.021

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Arranz Solis, David; Benavides, Julio; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Fuertes, Miguel; Ferre, Ignacio; Ferreras, Maria Del Carmen; Collantes-Fernández, Esther; Hemphill, Andrew; Pérez, Valentín; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel (2015). Influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesional development and parasite distribution in experimental ovine neosporosis. Veterinary research, 46, p. 19. Editions scientifiques Elsevier 10.1186/s13567-014-0139-y

Balmer, Verena

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hänggeli, Kai; Beteck, Richard M.; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Sanchez-Sanchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Haynes, Richard K.; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Assessment of the Activity of Decoquinate and Its Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii In Vitro and in Pregnant Mice Infected with T. gondii Oocysts. Molecules, 26(21), p. 6393. MDPI 10.3390/molecules26216393

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Structure and Fate of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Pathogens, 9(5) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9050382

Eberhard, Naja; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Winter, Rolf; Pou, Soviti; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Mike; Francisco, Samuel; Leitao, Alexandre; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Activities of Endochin-Like Quinolones Against in vitro Cultured Besnoitia besnoiti Tachyzoites. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 96. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.00096

Jelk, Jennifer; Balmer, Vreni; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Bütikofer, Peter; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Anti-parasitic dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes alter the mitochondrial ultrastructure and membrane potential in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. Experimental parasitology, 205, p. 107753. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107753

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

Anghel, Nicoleta; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Roozbehani, Mona; Pou, Sovitj; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Michael; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Promising Efficacy Against Neospora Caninum in vitro and in Experimentally Infected Pregnant Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 5, p. 285. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2018.00285

Jiménez-Meléndez, Alejandro; Rico-San Román, Laura; Hemphill, Andrew; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Álvarez-García, Gema (2018). Repurposing of commercially available anti-coccidials identifies diclazuril and decoquinate as potential therapeutic candidates against Besnoitia besnoiti infection. Veterinary parasitology, 261, pp. 77-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2018.08.015

Jiménez-Meléndez, Alejandro; Ojo, Kayode K; Wallace, Alexandra M; Smith, Tess R; Hemphill, Andrew; Balmer, Vreni; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hehl, Adrian B; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Álvarez-García, Gema (2017). In vitro efficacy of bumped kinase inhibitors against Besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 811-821. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.08.005

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Laleu, Benoît; Balmer, Vreni; Ritler, Dominic; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). In vitro screening of the open source Pathogen Box identifies novel compounds with profound activities against Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 801-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.06.002

Kunz, Stefan; Balmer, Vreni; Sterk, Geert Jan; Pollastri, Michael P; Leurs, Rob; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spycher, Cornelia (2017). The single cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase of the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia represents a potential drug target. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(9), e0005891. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005891

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Hemphill, Andrew; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien (2017). Characterization of the Activities of Dinuclear Thiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes against Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(9), e01031-17. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01031-17

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Balmer, Vreni; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Two novel calcium-dependent kinase 1-inhibitors interfere with vertical transmission in mice infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(4) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02324-16

Leitsch, David; Rout, Samuel; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Balmer, Vreni; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2017). Giardia lamblia: missing evidence for a canonical thioredoxin system. Parasitology open, 3 Cambridge University Press 10.1017/pao.2017.16

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). N-terminal fusion of a toll-like receptor 2-ligand to a Neospora caninum chimeric antigen efficiently modifies the properties of the specific immune response. Parasitology, 143(5), pp. 606-616. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000056

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Rahman, Mahbubur; Manser, Vera; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In vitro effects of new artemisinin derivatives in Neospora caninum-infected human fibroblasts. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(1), pp. 88-93. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.02.020

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Banz Wüthrich, Vanessa

Perrodin, Stéphanie; Walti, Laura; Gottstein, Bruno; Kim-Fuchs, Corina; Candinas, Daniel; Banz, Vanessa (2019). Fasciola hepatica in a country of low incidence: a tricky diagnosis. Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition, 8(6), pp. 597-603. AME Publishing Company 10.21037/hbsn.2019.04.02

Barna, Fabienne

Barna, Fabienne; Debache, Karim; Vock, Carsten A.; Küster, Tatiana; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro effects of novel ruthenium complexes in Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(11), pp. 5747-5754. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02446-12

Kropf, C; Debache, K; Rampa, C; Barna, F; Schorer, M; Stephens, C E; Ismail, M A; Boykin, D W; Hemphill, A (2012). The adaptive potential of a survival artist: characterization of the in vitro interactions of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites with di-cationic compounds in human fibroblast cell cultures. Parasitology, 139(2), pp. 208-20. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011001776

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Kuster, T.; Scholl, S.; Barna, F.; Kropf, C.; Keiser, J.; Boykin, D.W.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro efficacy of dicationic compounds and mefloquine enantiomers against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(10), pp. 4866-72. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00478-11

Bartetzko, Anissa Marina

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Barut, Güliz Tuba

Talker, Stephanie C; Barut, G Tuba; Lischer, Heidi E L; Rufener, Reto; von Münchow, Lilly; Bruggmann, Rémy; Summerfield, Artur (2022). Monocyte biology conserved across species: Functional insights from cattle. Frontiers in immunology, 13, p. 889175. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2022.889175

Basapathi Raghavendra, Jyothi

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Basso, Walter Ubaldo

Dámek, Filip; Basso, Walter; Joeres, Maike; Thoumire, Sandra; Swart, Arno; Silva, Anaëlle da; Gassama, Inés; Škorič, Miša; Smola, Jiří; Schares, Gereon; Blaga, Radu; Koudela, Břetislav (2024). Infection dynamics following experimental challenge of pigs orally dosed with different stages of two archetypal genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii. Veterinary parasitology, 330(110222), p. 110222. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2024.110222

Gos, María Laura; Venturini, María Cecilia; De Felice, Lorena; Dellarupe, Andrea; Rambeaud, Magdalena; Pardini, Lais; Campero, Lucía María; Bernstein, Mariana; Bacigalupe, Diana; Basso, Walter; Moré, Gastón; Unzaga, Juan Manuel (2024). A 20-year serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infection in dogs with neuromuscular disorders from urban areas in Argentina. Veterinary parasitology, 330, p. 110235. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2024.110235

Gliga, Diana S; Kramer, Anne; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Early Detection and Management of Lamanema chavezi infection in a llama (Lama glama) in Switzerland. (In Press). Veterinary research communications Springer 10.1007/s11259-024-10465-2

Meister, Seraina L; Origgi, Francesco C; Wyss, Fabia S; Wenker, Christian; Moré, G; Basso, Walter (2024). Angiostrongylus dujardini infection in a coconut lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) from a zoological garden in Switzerland. Parasitology international, 99, p. 102829. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2023.102829

Cigler, P.; Moré, G.; Bize, P.; Meier, C.M.; Frey, C. F.; Basso, W.; Keller, S. (2024). Trypanosomiasis: An emerging disease in Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) nestlings in Switzerland? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 23, p. 100895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.100895

Santoro, Azzurra; Santolamazza, Federica; Cacciò, Simone M; La Rosa, Giuseppe; Antolová, Daniela; Auer, Herbert; Bagrade, Guna; Bandelj, Petra; Basso, Walter; Beck, Relja; Citterio, Carlo V; Davidson, Rebecca K; Deksne, Gunita; Frey, Caroline F; Fuglei, Eva; Glawischnig, Walter; Gottstein, Bruno; Harna, Jiří; Huus Petersen, Heidi; Karamon, Jacek; ... (2024). Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International journal for parasitology, 54(5), pp. 233-245. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.003

Rubiola, Selene; Moré, Gastón; Civera, Tiziana; Hemphill, Andrew; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter; Colasanto, Irene; Vercellino, Davide; Fidelio, Marta; Lovisone, Mauro; Chiesa, Francesco (2024). Detection of Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis bovifelis, Sarcocystis cruzi, Sarcocystis hirsuta and Sarcocystis sigmoideus sp. nov. in carcasses affected by bovine eosinophilic myositis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 34(e00220) Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2024.e00220

Joeres, M; Maksimov, P; Höper, D; Calvelage, S; Calero-Bernal, R; Fernández-Escobar, M; Koudela, B; Blaga, R; Vrhovec, M Globokar; Stollberg, K; Bier, N; Sotiraki, S; Sroka, J; Piotrowska, W; Kodym, P; Basso, Walter; Conraths, F J; Mercier, A; Galal, L; Dardé, M L; ... (2024). Genotyping of European Toxoplasma gondii strains by a new high-resolution next-generation sequencing-based method. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases, 43(2), pp. 355-371. Springer 10.1007/s10096-023-04721-7

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Toxoplasma Gondii Infection In The Eurasian Beaver (Castor Fiber) In Switzerland: Seroprevalence, Genetic Characterization, And Clinicopathologic Relevance. Journal of wildlife diseases, 60(1), pp. 126-138. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00077

Bentancourt Rossoli, Judith V; Moré, Gastón; Soto-Cabrera, Agustina; Moore, Dadín P; Morrell, Eleonora L; Pedrana, Julieta; Scioli, María V; Campero, Lucía M; Basso, Walter; Hecker, Yanina P; Scioscia, Nathalia P (2023). Identification of Sarcocystis spp. in synanthropic (Muridae) and wild (Cricetidae) rodents from Argentina. Parasitology research, 123(1), p. 31. Springer 10.1007/s00436-023-08036-6

Lüthin, S.; Zollinger, A.; Basso, W.; Bisig, M.; Caspari, N.; Eng, V.; Frey, C. F.; Grimm, F.; Igel, P.; Lüthi, S.; Regli, W.; Roelfstra, L.; Rosskopf, M.; Steiner, B.; Stöckli, M.; Waidyasekera, D.; Waldmeier, P.; Schnyder, M.; Torgerson, P.R. and Hertzberg, H. (2023). Strongyle faecal egg counts in Swiss horses: A retrospective analysis after the introduction of a selective treatment strategy. Veterinary parasitology, 323, p. 110027. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2023.110027

Luginbühl, Carmen; Basso, Walter; Zanolari, Patrik (November 2023). Rentierhaltung und Parasiteninfektionen bei Rentieren in der Schweiz. Forum Kleinwiederkäuer, pp. 6-11. Verlagsgenossenschaft Caprovis

Furtado Jost, Rebecca; Müller, Norbert; Marreros, Nelson; Moré, Gastón; Antoine, Loic; Basso, Walter; Frey, Caroline F (2023). What is the role of Swiss domestic cats in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs? Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), p. 353. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-023-05983-y

Kauter, Johanna; Damek, Filip; Schares, Gereon; Blaga, Radu; Schott, Franziska; Deplazes, Peter; Sidler, Xaver; Basso, Walter (2023). Detection of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibodies in pigs using an oral fluid-based commercial ELISA: advantages and limitations. International journal for parasitology, 53(9), pp. 523-530. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2022.11.003

Wolfer, L A; Basso, W U; Frey, C F; Schuller, S; Amphimaque, B; Jankovic, J; Howard, J; Peters, L M (2023). Biliary Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a dog under immunomodulatory therapy. Journal of small animal practice, 64(8), pp. 535-538. Wiley 10.1111/jsap.13612

Campero, L M; Basso, W; Moré, G; Fiorani, F; Hecker, Y P; Echaide, I; Cantón, G J; Cirone, K M; Campero, C M; Venturini, M C; Moore, D P (2023). Neosporosis in Argentina: Past, present and future perspectives. Veterinary parasitology: Regional studies and reports, 41, p. 100882. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vprsr.2023.100882

Luginbühl, Carmen; Gross, Josef; Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Zanolari, Patrik (2023). Reindeer Husbandry in Switzerland-Management, Feeding, and Endoparasite Infections. Animals, 13(9) MDPI 10.3390/ani13091444

Meister, Seraina L; Wyss, Fabia; Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter U (2023). Avian haemosporidian parasites in captive and free-ranging, wild birds from zoological institutions in Switzerland: Molecular characterization and clinical importance. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 46-55. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.12.005

Pardo Gil, Miguel; Hegglin, Daniel; Briner, Thomas; Ruetten, Maja; Müller, Norbert; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F.; Deplazes, Peter; Basso, Walter (2023). High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 108-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.01.007

Karimi, Saeid; Bahari, Aliasghar; Nourian, Alireza; Azami, Sakineh; Namavari, Mehdi; Basso, Walter Ubaldo; Sazmand, Alireza; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infections in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) in central desert of Iran. Parasitology research, 122(3), pp. 847-852. Springer 10.1007/s00436-023-07783-w

Borel, N; Ciuria, S; Flury, T; Basso, W U; Ruetten, M (2023). Zoonotic potential of guinea pigs: Outbreak of cryptosporidiosis combined with chlamydiosis in a breeding guinea pig herd. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 165(1), pp. 59-63. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00383

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Gliga, Diana S; Basso, Walter; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Schares, Gereon; Zanolari, Patrik; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Switzerland-wide Neospora caninum seroprevalence in female cattle and identification of risk factors for infection. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9(1059697), p. 1059697. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.1059697

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Meister, Seraina L; Wenker, Christian; Wyss, Fabia; Zühlke, Irene; Berenguer Veiga, Inês; Basso, Walter U (2022). Syngamus trachea in free-ranging white stork (Ciconia ciconia) nestlings in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 18, pp. 76-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.04.007

Unterköfler, Maria Sophia; Eipeldauer, Iris; Merz, Sophie; Pantchev, Nikola; Hermann, Josef; Brunthaler, René; Basso, Walter; Hinney, Barbara (2022). Strongyloides stercoralis infection in dogs in Austria: two case reports. Parasites & Vectors, 15(1), p. 168. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-022-05270-2

Schönbächler, Katja; Olias, Philipp; Richard, Olivia K.; Origgi, Francesco B.; Dervas, Eva; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Berenguer Veiga, Inês (2022). Fatal spirorchiidosis in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 17, pp. 144-151. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.004

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Basso, Walter; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35. Parasitology international, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Haninger, T.; Basso, W. U.; Fuehrer, H.-P.; Geyer, A.; Gumpenberger, M.; Hittmair, K.; Joachim, A.; Lederer, K. A.; Ludewig, E.; Degasperi, B. (2022). Alveoläre Echinokokkose bei einem Hund in Österreich. Wiener tierärztliche Monatsschrift, 2022(109) Österreichische Gesellschaft der Tierärzte ÖGT

Rüfli, Isabelle; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U.; Vidondo, Beatriz; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela; Zanolari, Patrik (2021). Causes of Abortions in South American Camelids in Switzerland-Cases and Questionnaire. Animals, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/ani11071956

Meister, Seraina L.; Richard, Olivia K.; Hoby, Stefan; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U. (2021). Fatal avian malaria in captive Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 14, pp. 97-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.12.007

Amin, Omar M; Heckmann, Richard A; Sist, Birgit; Basso, Walter U (2021). A Review of the Parasite Fauna of the Black-Bellied Pangolin, Phataginus tetradactyla LIN. (Manidae), From Central Africa with the Description of Intraproboscis sanghae n. gen., n. sp. (Acanthocephala: Gigantorhynchidae). Journal of parasitology, 107(2), pp. 222-238. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/20-126

Schreiber, Nora; Basso, Walter; Riond, Barbara; Willi, Barbara; Torgerson, Paul Robert; Deplazes, Peter (2021). Antibody kinetics and exposure to Toxoplasma gondii in cats: a seroepidemiological study. International journal for parasitology, 51(4), pp. 291-299. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2020.09.011

Sist, Birgit; Basso, Walter; Hemphill, Andrew; Cassidy, Tamar; Cassidy, Rod; Gudehus, Maja (2021). Case report: Intestinal perforation and secondary peritonitis due to Acanthocephala infection in a black-bellied pangolin (Phataginus tetradactyla). Parasitology international, 80, p. 102182. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2020.102182

Campero, Lucia Maria; Schott, Franziska; Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, Peter; Sidler, Xaver; Basso, Walter (2020). Detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in oral fluid from pigs. International journal for parasitology, 50(5), pp. 349-355. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.11.002

Basso, Walter; Sollberger, Elena; Schares, Gereon; Küker, Ursula; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Zanolari, Patrik (2020). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in South American camelids in Switzerland and assessment of serological tests for diagnosis. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/S13071-020-04128-9

Schares, Gereon; Jutras, Charles; Bärwald, Andrea; Basso, Walter Ubaldo; Maksimov, Aline; Schares, Susann; Tuschy, Mareen; Conraths, Franz J; Brodeur, Vincent (2019). Besnoitia tarandi in Canadian woodland caribou - Isolation, characterization and suitability for serological tests. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 8, pp. 1-9. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2018.11.005

Garrido-Castañé, Ignasi; Romero, Anna Ortuño; Espuny, Joaquim Castellà; Hentrich, Brigitte; Basso, Walter Ubaldo (2019). Besnoitia besnoiti seroprevalence in beef, dairy and bullfighting cattle in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain): A cross-sectional study. Parasitology international, 69, pp. 71-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2018.12.001

Zottler, Eva-Maria; Bieri, Monika; Basso, Walter Ubaldo; Schnyder, Manuela (2019). Intestinal parasites and lungworms in stray, shelter and privately owned cats of Switzerland. Parasitology international, 69, pp. 75-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2018.12.005

Botta, Carolina; Pellegrini, Giovanni; Hässig, Michael; Pesch, Theresa; Prähauser, Barbara; Wunderlin, Sabina; Guscetti, Franco; Schneeberger, Marianne; Schmitt, Sarah; Basso, Walter Ubaldo; Hilbe, Monika; Schuler, Gerhard; Borel, Nicole (2019). Bovine Fetal Placenta During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period. Veterinary pathology, 56(2), pp. 248-258. Sage 10.1177/0300985818806453

Basso, Walter; Grandt, Lisa-Maria; Magnenat, Anne-Laure Juliette; Gottstein, Bruno; Campos, Miguel (2019). Strongyloides stercoralis infection in imported and local dogs in Switzerland: from clinics to molecular genetics. Parasitology research, 118(1), pp. 255-266. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-018-6173-3

Stelzer, S.; Basso, W.; Benavides Silván, J.; Ortega-Mora, L.M.; Maksimov, P.; Gethmann, J.; Conraths, F.J.; Schares, G. (2019). Toxoplasma gondii infection and toxoplasmosis in farm animals: Risk factors and economic impact. Food and waterborne parasitology, 15, e00037. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00037

Kegler Schukovsky, Kristel; Nufer, Ursina; Alic, Amer; Posthaus, Horst; Olias, Philipp Alexander; Basso, Walter Ubaldo (2018). Fatal infection with emerging apicomplexan parasite Hepatozoon silvestris in a domestic cat. Parasites & Vectors, 11(1), p. 428. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-018-2992-4

Basso, Walter Ubaldo; Marti, Hanna; Hilbe, Monika; Sydler, Titus; Stahel, Anina; Bürgi, Esther; Sidler, Xaver (2017). Clinical cystoisosporosis associated to porcine cytomegalovirus (PCMV, Suid herpesvirus 2) infection in fattening pigs. Parasitology international, 66(6), pp. 806-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2017.09.007

Beldi, Guido

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Weingartner, Michael; Stücheli, Simon; Jebbawi, Fadi; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Junhua; Odermatt, Alex (2022). Albendazole reduces hepatic inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum-stress in a mouse model of chronic Echinococcus multilocularis infection. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(1), e0009192. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009192

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Gómez, Cristina; Jebbawi, Fadi; Weingartner, Michael; Wang, Junhua; Stücheli, Simon; Stieger, Bruno; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Odermatt, Alex (2021). Impact on Bile Acid Concentrations by Alveolar Echinococcosis and Treatment with Albendazole in Mice. Metabolites, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/metabo11070442

Wang, Junhua; von Gunten, Stephan; Beldi, Guido; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Gottstein, Bruno (2021). Digest the Sugar, Kill the Parasite: A New Experimental Concept in Treating Alveolar Echinococcosis. Pharmacology, 106(1-2), pp. 3-8. Karger 10.1159/000509355

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Wang, Junhua; Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Beldi, Guido; Millon, Laurence; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Immunotherapy of alveolar echinococcosis via PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade in mice. Parasite immunology, 40(12), e12596. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/pim.12596

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida

Meister, Seraina L; Wenker, Christian; Wyss, Fabia; Zühlke, Irene; Berenguer Veiga, Inês; Basso, Walter U (2022). Syngamus trachea in free-ranging white stork (Ciconia ciconia) nestlings in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 18, pp. 76-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.04.007

Schönbächler, Katja; Olias, Philipp; Richard, Olivia K.; Origgi, Francesco B.; Dervas, Eva; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Berenguer Veiga, Inês (2022). Fatal spirorchiidosis in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 17, pp. 144-151. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.004

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida; Schediwy, Marion; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine (2017). Serratospiculosis in Captive Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Switzerland. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(3), pp. 250-255. Association of Avian Veterinarians 10.1647/2016-204

Berger, Andrea

Berger, Andrea; Bernet, Daniel; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Toxoplasma gondii in Switzerland: a serosurvey based on meat juice analysis of slaughtered pigs, wild boar, sheep and cattle. Zoonoses and public health, 58(7), pp. 472-8. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2011.01395.x

Berger, Andrea; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, Daniel; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in feline faeces (oocysts) and meat from sheep, cattle and pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 177(3-4), pp. 290-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.046

Bernal, Alice Jeanine Felisa

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Bernasconi, Christoph

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Bernet, Daniel

Berger, Andrea; Bernet, Daniel; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Toxoplasma gondii in Switzerland: a serosurvey based on meat juice analysis of slaughtered pigs, wild boar, sheep and cattle. Zoonoses and public health, 58(7), pp. 472-8. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2011.01395.x

Berger, Andrea; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, Daniel; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in feline faeces (oocysts) and meat from sheep, cattle and pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 177(3-4), pp. 290-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.046

Berset, Corina Mihaela

Berset-Istratescu, Corina Mihaela; Glardon, Olivier J.; Magouras, Ioannis; Frey, Caroline; Gobeli, Stefanie; Burgener, I. A. (2014). Follow-up of 100 dogs with acute diarrhoea in a primary care practice. Veterinary journal, 199(1), pp. 188-90. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.10.014

Berzina, Inese

Berzina, Inese; Krudewig, Christiane; Silaghi, Cornelia; Matise, Ilze; Ranka, Renate; Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria (2014). Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA amplified from lesional skin of seropositive dogs. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 5(3), pp. 329-335. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.12.010

Bessell, Emily Melissa

Bessell, Emily; Finlay, Rachel E; James, Louisa K; Ludewig, Burkhard; Harris, Nicola L; Krebs, Philippe; Hepworth, Matthew R; Dubey, Lalit Kumar (2024). Stromal cell and B cell dialogue potentiates IL-33-enriched lymphoid niches to support eosinophil recruitment and function during type 2 immunity. Cell reports, 43(8), p. 114620. Cell Press 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114620

Bluteau, Jasmin Maria

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Bodmer, Michèle

Frey, C; Eicher, R; Raue, K; Strube, C; Bodmer, M; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Marrero, N (2017). Apparent prevalence of and risk factors for infection with Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica and Dictyocaulus viviparus in Swiss dairy herds. Veterinary parasitology, 250, pp. 52-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.12.004

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Borel, Stéphanie

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Boubaker, Ghalia

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Rico-San Román, Laura; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Horcajo, Pilar; Collantes-Fernández, Esther; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Boubaker, Ghalia (2024). TaqMan-quantitative PCR assays applied in Neospora caninum knock-outs generated through CRISPR-Cas9 allow to determine the copy numbers of integrated dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase drug selectable markers. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 14(1419209) Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2024.1419209

Schlange, Carling; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Boubaker, Ghalia; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Single and combination treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections with a bumped kinase inhibitor and artemisone in vitro and with artemiside in experimentally infected mice. Experimental parasitology, 255(108655), p. 108655. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108655

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Beteck, Richard M; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. Pathogens, 12(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens12030447

Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Trithiolato-bridged dinuclear ruthenium(II)-arene conjugates tethered with lipophilic units: Synthesis and Toxoplasma gondii antiparasitic activity. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 986, p. 122624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2023.122624

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Desiatkina, Oksana; Boubaker, Ghalia; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Paunescu, Emilia (2022). Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Evaluation of New Conjugates BODIPY - Dinuclear Trithiolato-Bridged Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes. ChemBioChem, 23(23), e202200536. Wiley 10.1002/cbic.202200536

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Karpstein, Tanja; Chaudhry, Sheena; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Hayoz, Michael; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Kaethner, Marc; Schindler, Isabelle; Aebi, Yolanda; Cunha, Antonio Sa; Largiadèr, Carlo R.; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Maca against Echinococcosis?-A Reverse Approach from Patient to In Vitro Testing. Pathogens, 10(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10101335

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Păunescu, Emilia; Boubaker, Ghalia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2021). The Quest of the Best – A SAR Study of Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds Presenting Antiparasitic Properties. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 222, p. 113610. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113610

Desiatkina, Oksana; Johns, Serena K.; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2021). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Conjugates—Organic Drugs Tethered to Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)–Arene Complexes. Inorganics, 9(8), p. 59. MDPI 10.3390/inorganics9080059

Desiatkina, Oksana; Păunescu, Emilia; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2020). Coumarin‐Tagged Dinuclear Trithiolato‐Bridged Ruthenium(II)⋅Arene Complexes: Photophysical Properties and Antiparasitic Activity. ChemBioChem, 21(19), pp. 2818-2835. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cbic.202000174

Boubaker, Ghalia; Strempel, Sebastian; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Wang, Junhua; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2020). Regulation of hepatic microRNAs in response to early stage Echinococcus multilocularis egg infection in C57BL/6 mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 14(5), e0007640. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007640

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Kochanowski, Maciej; González-Muñoz, Miguel; Gómez-Morales, María Ángeles; Gottstein, Bruno; Dąbrowska, Joanna; Różycki, Mirosław; Cencek, Tomasz; Müller, Norbert; Boubaker, Ghalia (2019). Comparative analysis of excretory-secretory antigens of Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens and Contracaecum osculatum regarding their applicability for specific serodiagnosis of human anisakidosis based on IgG-ELISA. Experimental parasitology, 197, pp. 9-15. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.12.004

Stojkovic, Marija; Adt, Hans-Micha; Rosenberger, Kerstin; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hernandez-Gonzalez, Ana; Junghanss, Thomas; Zwahlen, Marcel; Siles-Lucas, Mar (2017). Follow-up of surgically treated patients with cystic echinococcosis: can novel recombinant antigens compete with imaging? Analysis of a patient cohort. Tropical medicine and international health TM&IH, 22(5), pp. 614-621. Blackwell Science 10.1111/tmi.12859

Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Wang, Junhua; Muhtarov, Marin; Chaligiannis, Ilias; Sotiraki, Smaro; Rainova, Iskra; Gottstein, Bruno; Boubaker, Ghalia (2017). Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from Bulgarian human cystic echinococcosis patients. Parasitology research, 116(3), pp. 1043-1054. Springer 10.1007/s00436-017-5386-1

Dezaki, Ebrahim Saedi; Yaghoubi, Mohammad Mehdi; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Taheri, Elham; Almani, Pooya Ghaseminejad; Tohidi, Farideh; Harandi, Majid Fasihi; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Comparison of ex vivo harvested and in vitro cultured materials from Echinococcus granulosus by measuring expression levels of five genes putatively involved in the development and maturation of adult worms. Parasitology research, 115(11), pp. 4405-4416. Springer 10.1007/s00436-016-5228-6

Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Gori, Francesca; Hizem, Amani; Müller, Norbert; Casulli, Adriano; Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2016). A dual PCR-based sequencing approach for the identification and discrimination of Echinococcus and Taenia taxa. Molecular and cellular probes, 30(4), pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.05.004

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Chaligiannis, I; Maillard, Stephane; Boubaker, Ghalia; Spiliotis, Markus; Saratsis, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sotiraki, S (2015). Echinococcus granulosus infection dynamics in livestock of Greece. Acta tropica, 150, pp. 64-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.06.021

Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Huber, Cristina Olivia; Spiliotis, Markus; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Prevention and Immunotherapy of Secondary Murine Alveolar Echinococcosis Employing Recombinant EmP29 Antigen. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(6), e0003795. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003795

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Boubaker, Ghalia; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Babba, Hamouda; Spiliotis, Markus (2014). Echinococcus P29 antigen: molecular characterization and implication on post-surgery follow-up of CE patients infected with different species of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS ONE, 9(5), e98357. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0098357

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Boubaker, Ghalia; Macchiaroli, Natalia; Prada, Laura; Cucher, Marcela A; Rosenzvit, Mara C; Ziadinov, Iskender; Deplazes, Peter; Saarma, Urmas; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). A multiplex PCR for the simultaneous detection and genotyping of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(1), e2017. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002017

Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Müller, Joachim; Schlange, Carling; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Proteomic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii ME49 derived strains resistant to the artemisinin derivatives artemiside and artemisone implies potential mode of action independent of ROS formation. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 1-12. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.11.005

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Müller, Joachim; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert (2021). Nitroreductase Activites in Giardia lamblia: ORF 17150 Encodes a Quinone Reductase with Nitroreductase Activity. Pathogens, 10(2), p. 129. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10020129

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2020). Comparative proteomics of three Giardia lamblia strains: investigation of antigenic variation in the post-genomic era. Parasitology, 147(9), pp. 1008-1018. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182020000657

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Heller, Manfred; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2020). Transfection With Plasmid Causing Stable Expression of a Foreign Gene Affects General Proteome Pattern in Giardia lamblia Trophozoites. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 10 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2020.602756

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Brcic, Marija

Hamza, Eman; Torsteinsdottir, S.; Eydal, M.; Frey, Caroline; Mirkovitch, Jelena; Brcic, Marija; Wagner, B.; Wilson, A.D.; Jungi, Thomas; Marti, Eliane Isabelle (2010). Increased IL-4 and decreased regulatory cytokine production following relocation of Icelandic horses from a high to low endoparasite environment. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 133(1), pp. 40-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2009.07.002

Breitenmoser, Urs

Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Ryser, Andreas; Bacciarini, Luca N; Angst, Christof; Gottstein, Bruno; Janovsky, Martin; Breitenmoser, Urs (2002). Notoedric and sarcoptic mange in free-ranging lynx from Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 38(1), pp. 228-232. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-38.1.228

Bressan, Jenny Fabienne

Vidal, Sara; Brandt, Bernd W.; Dettwiler, Martina; Abril, Carlos; Bressan, Jenny; Greub, Gilbert; Frey, Caroline F.; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina (2018). Limited added value of fungal ITS amplicon sequencing in the study of bovine abortion. Heliyon, 4(11), e00915. Elsevier 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00915

Brodard, Isabelle

Kuhnert, Peter; Brodard, Isabelle; Bock, Sabine; Hemphill, Andrew; Akarsu Egger, Hatice; Engelhardt, Andreas; Kutzer, Peter (2022). Wielerella bovis gen. nov., sp. nov. a member of the family Neisseriaceae associated with bovine endocarditis. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 72(5) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.005387

Schönecker, Lutz; Schnydrig, Philipp; Brodard, Isabelle; Thomann, Andreas; Hemphill, Andrew; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Perreten, Vincent; Jores, Joerg; Kittl, Sonja (2021). Trueperella pecoris sp. nov. isolated from bovine and porcine specimens. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71(6) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.004848

Schnydrig, Philipp; Vidal Lopez, Sara; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Caroline; Posthaus, Horst; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez, Sabrina (2017). Bacterial, fungal, parasitological and pathological analyses of abortions in small ruminants from 2012-2016. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(12), pp. 647-656. Huber 10.17236/sat00136

Bruggmann, Rémy

Talker, Stephanie C; Barut, G Tuba; Lischer, Heidi E L; Rufener, Reto; von Münchow, Lilly; Bruggmann, Rémy; Summerfield, Artur (2022). Monocyte biology conserved across species: Functional insights from cattle. Frontiers in immunology, 13, p. 889175. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2022.889175

Brunner, Thomas

Sidler, D; Brockmann, A; Mueller, J; Nachbur, U; Corazza, N; Renzulli, P; Hemphill, A; Brunner, T (2012). Thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells is mediated via the Jun kinase-Bim axis and reveals glutathione-S-transferase P1 as Achilles' heel. Oncogene, 31(37), pp. 4095-106. Basingstoke, UK: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/onc.2011.575

Bründler, Patricia

Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Nussbaumer, Päivi; Neuhaus, S.; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Lower shedding of strongylid eggs by Warmblood horses with recurrent airway obstruction compared to unrelated healthy horses. Veterinary journal, 190(2), e12-5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.12.029

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Buchs, Natasha

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Burgener, Iwan

Burgener, I.; Frey, Caroline; Kook, P.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). [Tritrichomonas fetus: a new intestinal parasite in Swiss cats]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(8), pp. 383-9. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.8.383

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

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Burger, Nicole Christine

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Busato, André

Burger, N; Busato, A; Nesvadba, JZ; Gottstein, B (2006). Epidemiologische Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Dicorcoelium dendriticum im Emmental. Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift(119), pp. 324-329. Hannover: Schlütersche

Burger, Nicole Christine; Nesvadba, Jan; Nesvadba, Zdenek; Busato, Andre; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). [The incidence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in Emmental]. Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 119(7-8), pp. 324-9. Hannover: Schlütersche

Bär, Anina

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Bärtschi, Michelle

Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Bühr, Claudia

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

Bütikofer, Peter

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Brand, Michael; Wang, Lei; Agnello, Stefano; Gazzola, Silvia; Gall, Flavio M; Raguž, Luka; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Remo S; Ritschl, Amélie; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäser, Pascal; Bütikofer, Peter; Adams, Michael; Riedl, Rainer (2021). Antiprotozoal Structure-Activity Relationships of Synthetic Leucinostatin Derivatives and Elucidation of their Mode of Action. Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), 60(28), pp. 15613-15621. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/anie.202102153

Serricchio, Mauro; Hierro-Yap, Carolina; Schädeli, David; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Hemphill, Andrew; Graumann, Johannes; Zíková, Alena; Bütikofer, Peter (2021). Depletion of cardiolipin induces major changes in energy metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. FASEB journal, 35(2), e21176. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.202001579RR

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan; Stumpe, Michael; Rauch, Monika; Hemphill, Andrew; Schneiter, Roger; Bütikofer, Peter; Serricchio, Mauro (2020). Mitochondrial sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase is essential for phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis and survival of Trypanosoma brucei. Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 8268. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-020-65248-x

Schädeli, David Lukas; Serricchio, Mauro; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Loffreda, Alessio; Hemphill, Andrew; Beneke, Tom; Gluenz, Eva; Graumann, Johannes; Bütikofer, Peter (2019). Cardiolipin depletion-induced changes in the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. FASEB journal, 33(12), pp. 13161-13175. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.201901184RR

Jelk, Jennifer; Balmer, Vreni; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Bütikofer, Peter; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Anti-parasitic dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes alter the mitochondrial ultrastructure and membrane potential in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. Experimental parasitology, 205, p. 107753. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107753

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Vassella, Erik; Oberle, Michael; Urwyler, Simon; Renggli, Christina Kunz; Studer, Erwin; Hemphill, Andrew; Fragoso, Cristina; Bütikofer, Peter; Brun, Reto; Roditi, Isabel (2009). Major surface glycoproteins of insect forms of Trypanosoma brucei are not essential for cyclical transmission by tsetse. PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4493. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004493

Campero, Lucia Maria

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Campero, Lucia Maria; Schott, Franziska; Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, Peter; Sidler, Xaver; Basso, Walter (2020). Detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in oral fluid from pigs. International journal for parasitology, 50(5), pp. 349-355. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.11.002

Campos, Miguel

Basso, Walter; Grandt, Lisa-Maria; Magnenat, Anne-Laure Juliette; Gottstein, Bruno; Campos, Miguel (2019). Strongyloides stercoralis infection in imported and local dogs in Switzerland: from clinics to molecular genetics. Parasitology research, 118(1), pp. 255-266. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-018-6173-3

Candinas, Daniel

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Perrodin, Stéphanie; Walti, Laura; Gottstein, Bruno; Kim-Fuchs, Corina; Candinas, Daniel; Banz, Vanessa (2019). Fasciola hepatica in a country of low incidence: a tricky diagnosis. Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition, 8(6), pp. 597-603. AME Publishing Company 10.21037/hbsn.2019.04.02

Chaudhry, Sheena

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Karpstein, Tanja; Chaudhry, Sheena; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Hayoz, Michael; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Kaethner, Marc; Schindler, Isabelle; Aebi, Yolanda; Cunha, Antonio Sa; Largiadèr, Carlo R.; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Maca against Echinococcosis?-A Reverse Approach from Patient to In Vitro Testing. Pathogens, 10(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10101335

Cigler, Pia

Cigler, P.; Moré, G.; Bize, P.; Meier, C.M.; Frey, C. F.; Basso, W.; Keller, S. (2024). Trypanosomiasis: An emerging disease in Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) nestlings in Switzerland? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 23, p. 100895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.100895

Corazza, Nadia

Sidler, D; Brockmann, A; Mueller, J; Nachbur, U; Corazza, N; Renzulli, P; Hemphill, A; Brunner, T (2012). Thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells is mediated via the Jun kinase-Bim axis and reveals glutathione-S-transferase P1 as Achilles' heel. Oncogene, 31(37), pp. 4095-106. Basingstoke, UK: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/onc.2011.575

Corsini, Marina

Corsini, Marina; Geissbühler, Urs; Howard, J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Spreng, David; Frey, Caroline (2015). Clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Veterinary record, 177(22), p. 569. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.103470

Cortes, Helder

Cortes, Helder; Leitão, Alexandre; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). A review on bovine besnoitiosis: a disease with economic impact in herd health management, caused by Besnoitia besnoiti (Franco and Borges, 1916). Parasitology, 141(11), pp. 1406-1417. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182014000262

Cusini, Alexia

Parmentier, Laurent Philippe Simon; Cusini, Alexia; Müller, Norbert; Zangger, Haroun; Hartley, Mary-Anne; Desponds, Chantal; Castiglioni, Patrik; Dubach, Patrick; Ronet, Catherine; Beverley, Stephen M; Fasel, Nicolas (2016). Severe Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient Coinfected with Leishmania braziliensis and Its Endosymbiotic Virus. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94(4), pp. 840-843. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0803

Dale, Mariko

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Bütikofer, Peter (2018). TbLpn, a key enzyme in lipid droplet formation and phospholipid metabolism, is essential for mitochondrial integrity and growth of Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular microbiology, 109(1), pp. 105-120. Wiley 10.1111/mmi.13976

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Wang, Junhua; Müller, Joachim; Rupp, Sebastian Dominic Alexander; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Modulation of cis- and trans- Golgi and the Rab9A-GTPase during infection by Besnoitia besnoiti, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Experimental parasitology, 187, pp. 75-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.02.008

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Soares, Helena; Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre (2016). Apicomplexans pulling the strings: manipulation of the host cell cytoskeleton dynamics. Parasitology, 143(8), pp. 957-970. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000524

Debache, Karim

Barna, Fabienne; Debache, Karim; Vock, Carsten A.; Küster, Tatiana; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro effects of novel ruthenium complexes in Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(11), pp. 5747-5754. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02446-12

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Debache, Karim; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Differential effects of intranasal vaccination with recombinant NcPDI in different mouse models of Neospora caninum infection. Parasite immunology, 35(1), pp. 11-20. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/pim.12013

Alaeddine, Ferial; Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Guionaud, Christophe (2013). Molecular cloning and characterization of NcROP2Fam-1, a member of the ROP2 family of rhoptry proteins in Neospora caninum that is targeted by antibodies neutralizing host cell invasion in vitro. Parasitology, 140(8), pp. 1033-1050. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182013000383

Kropf, C; Debache, K; Rampa, C; Barna, F; Schorer, M; Stephens, C E; Ismail, M A; Boykin, D W; Hemphill, A (2012). The adaptive potential of a survival artist: characterization of the in vitro interactions of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites with di-cationic compounds in human fibroblast cell cultures. Parasitology, 139(2), pp. 208-20. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011001776

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Vaccination with the recombinant chimeric antigen recNcMIC3-1-R induces a non-protective Th2-type immune response in the pregnant mouse model for N. caninum infection. Vaccine, 30(46), pp. 6588-94. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.08.024

Debache, Karim; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Effects of miltefosine treatment in fibroblast cell cultures and in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology, 139(7), pp. 934-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182012000066

Monney, Thierry; Rütti, David; Schorer, Michelle; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). RecNcMIC3-1-R is a microneme- and rhoptry-based chimeric antigen that protects against acute neosporosis and limits cerebral parasite load in the mouse model for Neospora caninum infection. Vaccine, 29(40), pp. 6967-6975. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.038

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Kropf, C.; Boykin, D.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Experimental treatment of Neospora caninum-infected mice with the arylimidamide DB750 and the thiazolide nitazoxanide. Experimental parasitology, 129(2), pp. 95-100. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2011.07.010

Debache, K.; Kropf, C.; Schutz, C.A.; Harwood, L.J.; Kauper, P.; Monney, T.; Rossi, N.; Laue, C.; McCullough, K.C.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Vaccination of mice with chitosan nanogel-associated recombinant NcPDI against challenge infection with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasite immunology, 33(2), pp. 81-94. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2010.01255.x

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). Vaccines against a major cause of abortion in cattle, Neospora caninum infection. Animals, 1(3), pp. 306-325. Cambridge: MDPI 10.3390/ani1030306

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Desiatkina, Oksana

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Trithiolato-bridged dinuclear ruthenium(II)-arene conjugates tethered with lipophilic units: Synthesis and Toxoplasma gondii antiparasitic activity. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 986, p. 122624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2023.122624

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Desiatkina, Oksana; Boubaker, Ghalia; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Paunescu, Emilia (2022). Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Evaluation of New Conjugates BODIPY - Dinuclear Trithiolato-Bridged Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes. ChemBioChem, 23(23), e202200536. Wiley 10.1002/cbic.202200536

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Păunescu, Emilia; Boubaker, Ghalia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2021). The Quest of the Best – A SAR Study of Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds Presenting Antiparasitic Properties. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 222, p. 113610. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113610

Desiatkina, Oksana; Johns, Serena K.; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2021). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Conjugates—Organic Drugs Tethered to Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)–Arene Complexes. Inorganics, 9(8), p. 59. MDPI 10.3390/inorganics9080059

Desiatkina, Oksana; Păunescu, Emilia; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2020). Coumarin‐Tagged Dinuclear Trithiolato‐Bridged Ruthenium(II)⋅Arene Complexes: Photophysical Properties and Antiparasitic Activity. ChemBioChem, 21(19), pp. 2818-2835. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cbic.202000174

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Dettwiler, Ines Sarah

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Olias, Philipp Alexander; Dettwiler, Ines Sarah; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, P; Steiner, Adrian; Meylan, Mireille (2018). [The significance of cryptosporidiosis for the health of calves in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(6), pp. 363-374. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00163

Dettwiler, Martina Andrea

Vidal, Sara; Brandt, Bernd W.; Dettwiler, Martina; Abril, Carlos; Bressan, Jenny; Greub, Gilbert; Frey, Caroline F.; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina (2018). Limited added value of fungal ITS amplicon sequencing in the study of bovine abortion. Heliyon, 4(11), e00915. Elsevier 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00915

Dick, Luca Julian

Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Dick, Luca; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Drug Discovery and Development for the Treatment of Echinococcosis, Caused by the Tapeworms Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. In: Swinney, David C.; Pollastri, Michael P. (eds.) Neglected Tropical Diseases: drug discovery and development. Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (pp. 253-287). Wiley 10.1002/9783527808656.ch10

Rufener, Reto; Dick, Luca; D'Ascoli, Laura; Ritler, Dominic; Hizem, Amani; Wells, Timothy N.C.; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Repurposing of an old drug: In vitro and in vivo efficacies of buparvaquone against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(3), pp. 440-450. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.10.011

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Dobbelaere, Dirk,

Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Casanova, Carlo; Schmied, Stéfanie; Affentranger, Sarah; Parvanova, Iana; Kang'a, Simon; Nene, Vishvanath; Katzer, Frank; McKeever, Declan; Müller, Joachim; Bishop, Richard; Pain, Arnab; Dobbelaere, Dirk; Rodrigues, Mauricio Martins (2009). Expression Analysis of the Theileria parva Subtelomere-Encoded Variable Secreted Protein Gene Family. PLoS ONE, 4(3), e4839. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004839

Doherr, Marcus

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Eichhorn, Linus; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Doherr, Marcus; Zeeh, Friederike (2013). [First time detection of lung worms in free range swine in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(4), pp. 159-161. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000324

Frey, Caroline; Berger-Schoch, E. A.; Herrmann, C. D.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, D.; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno (2013). [Incidence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in the muscle of sheep, cattle, pigs as well as in cat feces in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(6), pp. 251-255. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000341

Berger, Andrea; Bernet, Daniel; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Toxoplasma gondii in Switzerland: a serosurvey based on meat juice analysis of slaughtered pigs, wild boar, sheep and cattle. Zoonoses and public health, 58(7), pp. 472-8. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2011.01395.x

Neuhaus, Sabrina; Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Gerber, Vinzenz (2010). Increased parasite resistance and recurrent airway obstruction in horses of a high-prevalence family. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 24(2), pp. 407-413. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0465.x

Sigg, Liv; Gerber, Vinzenz; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Frey, Caroline (2010). Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in the Swiss horse population. Parasitology international, 59(3), pp. 313-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.02.005

Sager, H; Moret, Ch Steiner; Grimm, F; Deplazes, P; Doherr, M G; Gottstein, B (2006). Coprological study on intestinal helminths in Swiss dogs: temporal aspects of anthelminthic treatment. Parasitology research, 98(4), pp. 333-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-005-0093-8

Dolf, Gaudenz

Nussbaumer, Päivi; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Swinburne, J.E.; Dolf, Gaudenz; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Resistance against strongylid nematodes in two high prevalence Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction families has a genetic basis. Pferdeheilkunde, 27(6), pp. 664-669. Baden-Baden: Hippiatrika Verlagsgesellschaft

Dosch, Michel Ernest Jean-Pierre

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Dubach, Patrick

Parmentier, Laurent Philippe Simon; Cusini, Alexia; Müller, Norbert; Zangger, Haroun; Hartley, Mary-Anne; Desponds, Chantal; Castiglioni, Patrik; Dubach, Patrick; Ronet, Catherine; Beverley, Stephen M; Fasel, Nicolas (2016). Severe Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient Coinfected with Leishmania braziliensis and Its Endosymbiotic Virus. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94(4), pp. 840-843. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0803

Dubey, Lalit Kumar

Bessell, Emily; Finlay, Rachel E; James, Louisa K; Ludewig, Burkhard; Harris, Nicola L; Krebs, Philippe; Hepworth, Matthew R; Dubey, Lalit Kumar (2024). Stromal cell and B cell dialogue potentiates IL-33-enriched lymphoid niches to support eosinophil recruitment and function during type 2 immunity. Cell reports, 43(8), p. 114620. Cell Press 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114620

Eberhard, Naja

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Eberhard, Naja; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Winter, Rolf; Pou, Soviti; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Mike; Francisco, Samuel; Leitao, Alexandre; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Activities of Endochin-Like Quinolones Against in vitro Cultured Besnoitia besnoiti Tachyzoites. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 96. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.00096

Eichhorn, Linus

Eichhorn, Linus; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Doherr, Marcus; Zeeh, Friederike (2013). [First time detection of lung worms in free range swine in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(4), pp. 159-161. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000324

Eidam, Verena

Schuppers, M.E.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Graf, Ramona; Eidam, Verena; Wittwer, Christine; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2010). A study to demonstrate freedom of Trichinella spp. in domestic pigs in Switzerland. Zoonoses and public health, 57(7-8), pp. 130-135. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2009.01299.x

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Eidam, Verena; Boujon, P.; Waldvogel, A.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). [Occurrence of Trichinella spp. in wild boar in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(10), pp. 485-489. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.10.485

Epp, Selina

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Ernst, Viona Selina

Haindrich, Alexander C.; Ernst, Viona; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Oliveres, Quentin-Florian; Roditi, Isabel; Rentsch, Doris (2021). Nutrient availability regulates proline/alanine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of biological chemistry, 296, p. 100566. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100566

Esposito, Marco

Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Structure-activity relationships from in vitro efficacies of the thiazolide series against the intracellular apicomplexan protozoan Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 37(2), pp. 183-90. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2006.10.009

Esposito, Marco; Moores, Shelley; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Induction of tachyzoite egress from cells infected with the protozoan Neospora caninum by nitro- and bromo-thiazolides, a class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drugs. International journal for parasitology, 37(10), pp. 1143-52. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2007.03.007

Cortes, H C E; Mueller, N; Esposito, M; Leitão, A; Naguleswaran, A; Hemphill, A (2007). In vitro efficacy of nitro- and bromo-thiazolyl-salicylamide compounds (thiazolides) against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells. Parasitology, 134(Pt 7), pp. 975-85. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007002417

Sager, H; Moret, C Steiner; Müller, N; Staubli, D; Esposito, M; Schares, G; Hässig, M; Stärk, K; Gottstein, B (2006). Incidence of Neospora caninum and other intestinal protozoan parasites in populations of Swiss dogs. Veterinary parasitology, 139(1-3), pp. 84-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.02.021

Hemphill, Andrew; Mueller, Joachim; Esposito, Marco (2006). Nitazoxanide, a broad-spectrum thiazolide anti-infective agent for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, 7(7), pp. 953-64. London: Informa Healthcare 10.1517/14656566.7.7.953

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3), pp. 178-187. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1194-5

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3) Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1083-y

Fadda, Angela

Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Felder, Timo Markus Oskar

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Fernandez Trigo, Nerea

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Arnold, Samuel L M; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Fan, Erkang; Roberto, Sánchez-Sánchez; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Efficacy of the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1708 against the cyst-forming apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25, p. 100553. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100553

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Fey, Hans

Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J; Fey, Hans (1983). Serological differentiation between Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis infections in man. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, 69(3), pp. 347-356. Springer 10.1007/BF00927876

Fey, Hans; Gottstein, Bruno (1979). Cost-effective ELISA reader combined with the TI59 programmable calculator for Texas Instruments. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 121(8), pp. 387-394. Huber

Forster, Ursula

von Allmen, N; Christen, S; Forster, U; Gottstein, B; Welle, M; Müller, N (2006). Acute trichinellosis increases susceptibility to Giardia lamblia infection in the mouse model. Parasitology, 133(Pt 2), pp. 139-49. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000230

Forterre, Franck

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Frei, Elisabeth

Nouir, N Ben; Nuñez, S; Frei, E; Gorcii, M; Müller, N; Gianinazzi, C; Mekki, M; Nouri, A; Babba, H; Gottstein, B (2008). Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Parasitology, 135(Pt 1), pp. 105-14. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003502

Müller, N; Frei, E; Nuñez, S; Gottstein, B (2007). Improved serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis of humans using an in vitro-produced Echinococcus multilocularis antigen. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 1-10. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002083

Frey, Joachim

Akdesir, Ezgi; Origgi, Francesco; Wimmershoff, Julia; Frey, Joachim; Frey, Caroline; Ryser, Marie Pierre (2018). Causes of mortality and morbidity in free-ranging mustelids in Switzerland: necropsy data from over 50 years of general health surveillance. BMC veterinary research, 14(1), p. 195. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12917-018-1494-0

Frey Marreros Canales, Caroline

Fereig, Ragab M; Salama, Dina B; Salem, Fatma K; Rouby, Sherin R; Shaapan, Raafat M; Draz, Sara; Elsawy, Bassma S M; Elgioushy, Magdy M; Altwaim, Sarah A; Aboelhadid, Shawky M; Frey, Caroline F. (2024). Frequency of Besnoitia besnoiti and Neospora caninum antibodies in cattle and small ruminants from greater Cairo and Beni Suef governorates, Egypt. Veterinary parasitology: Regional studies and reports, 53 Elsevier 10.1016/j.vprsr.2024.101078

Gliga, Diana S; Kramer, Anne; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Early Detection and Management of Lamanema chavezi infection in a llama (Lama glama) in Switzerland. (In Press). Veterinary research communications Springer 10.1007/s11259-024-10465-2

Cigler, P.; Moré, G.; Bize, P.; Meier, C.M.; Frey, C. F.; Basso, W.; Keller, S. (2024). Trypanosomiasis: An emerging disease in Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) nestlings in Switzerland? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 23, p. 100895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.100895

Santoro, Azzurra; Santolamazza, Federica; Cacciò, Simone M; La Rosa, Giuseppe; Antolová, Daniela; Auer, Herbert; Bagrade, Guna; Bandelj, Petra; Basso, Walter; Beck, Relja; Citterio, Carlo V; Davidson, Rebecca K; Deksne, Gunita; Frey, Caroline F; Fuglei, Eva; Glawischnig, Walter; Gottstein, Bruno; Harna, Jiří; Huus Petersen, Heidi; Karamon, Jacek; ... (2024). Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International journal for parasitology, 54(5), pp. 233-245. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.003

Galat, Maryna; Moré, Gaston; Frey, Caroline F; Kovalenko, Ganna; Maliuk, Inna; Halka, Ihor; Sytiuk, Mykola; Bezymennyi, Maksym; Galat, Vladyslav; Jokelainen, Pikka (2024). Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in wild boars (Sus scrofa) hunted in Ukraine. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 23 Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.100901

Rubiola, Selene; Moré, Gastón; Civera, Tiziana; Hemphill, Andrew; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter; Colasanto, Irene; Vercellino, Davide; Fidelio, Marta; Lovisone, Mauro; Chiesa, Francesco (2024). Detection of Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis bovifelis, Sarcocystis cruzi, Sarcocystis hirsuta and Sarcocystis sigmoideus sp. nov. in carcasses affected by bovine eosinophilic myositis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 34(e00220) Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2024.e00220

Fereig, Ragab M; Mazeed, Amira M; El Tawab, Ashraf A Abd; El-Diasty, Mohamed; Elsayed, Ahmed; Shaapan, Raafat M; Abdelbaset, Abdelbaset E; Frey, Caroline F.; Alawfi, Bader S; Altwaim, Sarah A; Alharbi, Azzah S; Wareth, Gamal (2024). Exposure to Brucella Species, Coxiella burnetii, and Trichinella Species in Recently Imported Camels from Sudan to Egypt: Possible Threats to Animal and Human Health. Pathogens, 13(2) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens13020179

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Toxoplasma Gondii Infection In The Eurasian Beaver (Castor Fiber) In Switzerland: Seroprevalence, Genetic Characterization, And Clinicopathologic Relevance. Journal of wildlife diseases, 60(1), pp. 126-138. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00077

Stettler, Marion; Lotz, Christian; Probst, Alexandra; Marreros, Nelson; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F; Keiser, Jennifer; Hofer, Andreas; Hoby, Stefan (2024). SAFETY AND PHARMACOKINETICS OF PRAZIQUANTEL IN EUROPEAN POND TURTLES (EMYS ORBICULARIS). Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine, 54(4), pp. 728-737. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 10.1638/2023-0031

Fereig, Ragab M; El-Alfy, El-Sayed; Abdelbaky, Hanan H; Abdel-Hamid, Nour H; Mazeed, Amira M; Menshawy, Ahmed M S; Kelany, Mohamed A; El-Diasty, Mohamed; Alawfi, Bader S; F Frey, Caroline (2023). Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Trichinella spp. in Pigs from Cairo, Egypt. Veterinary sciences, 10(12) MDPI 10.3390/vetsci10120675

Lüthin, S.; Zollinger, A.; Basso, W.; Bisig, M.; Caspari, N.; Eng, V.; Frey, C. F.; Grimm, F.; Igel, P.; Lüthi, S.; Regli, W.; Roelfstra, L.; Rosskopf, M.; Steiner, B.; Stöckli, M.; Waidyasekera, D.; Waldmeier, P.; Schnyder, M.; Torgerson, P.R. and Hertzberg, H. (2023). Strongyle faecal egg counts in Swiss horses: A retrospective analysis after the introduction of a selective treatment strategy. Veterinary parasitology, 323, p. 110027. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2023.110027

Furtado Jost, Rebecca; Müller, Norbert; Marreros, Nelson; Moré, Gastón; Antoine, Loic; Basso, Walter; Frey, Caroline F (2023). What is the role of Swiss domestic cats in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs? Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), p. 353. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-023-05983-y

Jenkins, Emily J; Kolapo, Temitope U; Jarque, Maria P; Ruschkowski, Cecilia; Frey, Caroline (2023). Intestinal infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 261(9), pp. 1-3. American Veterinary Medical Association 10.2460/javma.23.02.0099

Wolfer, L A; Basso, W U; Frey, C F; Schuller, S; Amphimaque, B; Jankovic, J; Howard, J; Peters, L M (2023). Biliary Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a dog under immunomodulatory therapy. Journal of small animal practice, 64(8), pp. 535-538. Wiley 10.1111/jsap.13612

Fereig, Ragab M; Ibrahim, Rawia M; Khalil, Atef M; Frey Marreros Canales, Caroline; Khalifa, Fatma A (2023). Evaluation of Clinical and Biochemical Traits in Egyptian Barki Sheep with Different Growth Performances. Animals, 13(6) MDPI 10.3390/ani13060962

Metwally, Samy; Hamada, Rania; Sobhy, Kamel; Frey, Caroline F; Fereig, Ragab M (2023). Seroprevalence and risk factors analysis of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in cattle of Beheira, Egypt. Frontiers in veterinary science, 10, p. 1122092. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2023.1122092

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Fereig, Ragab M; Jirapattharasate, Charoonluk; Frey, Caroline F (2023). Editorial: Recent trends in infection biology and control of protozoan parasites. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13(1292591), p. 1292591. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1292591

Frey Marreros Canales, Caroline Franziska

Rodenbücher, Anna L; Walkenhorst, Michael; Holinger, Mirjam; Perler, Erika; Amsler-Kepalaite, Zivile; Frey, Caroline F; Mevissen, Meike; Maurer, Veronika (2023). Pumpkin seeds, lemongrass essential oil and ripleaf leaves as feed additives for Ascaridia galli infected laying hens. Veterinary research communications, 47(2), pp. 817-832. Springer 10.1007/s11259-022-10042-5

Pardo Gil, Miguel; Hegglin, Daniel; Briner, Thomas; Ruetten, Maja; Müller, Norbert; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F.; Deplazes, Peter; Basso, Walter (2023). High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 108-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.01.007

Salama, Dina B; Fereig, Ragab M; Abdelbaky, Hanan H; Shahat, Moshera S; Arafa, Waleed M; Aboelhadid, Shawky M; Mohamed, Adel E A; Metwally, Samy; Abas, Osama; Suo, Xun; Gupta, Nishith; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum Antibodies in Dogs and Cats from Egypt and Risk Factor Analysis. Pathogens, 11(12) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens11121464

Fereig, Ragab M; Wareth, Gamal; Abdelbaky, Hanan H; Mazeed, Amira M; El-Diasty, Mohamed; Abdelkhalek, Adel; Mahmoud, Hassan Y A H; Ali, Alsagher O; El-Tayeb, Abdelrahman; Alsayeqh, Abdullah F; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Seroprevalence of Specific Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Brucella spp. in Sheep and Goats in Egypt. Animals, 12(23) MDPI 10.3390/ani12233327

Gliga, Diana S; Basso, Walter; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Schares, Gereon; Zanolari, Patrik; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Switzerland-wide Neospora caninum seroprevalence in female cattle and identification of risk factors for infection. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9(1059697), p. 1059697. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.1059697

Fereig, Ragab M; Abdelbaky, Hanan H; El-Alfy, El-Sayed; El-Diasty, Mohamed; Elsayed, Ahmed; Mahmoud, Hassan Y A H; Ali, Alsagher O; Ahmed, Abdulrahman; Mossaad, Ehab; Alsayeqh, Abdullah F; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in camels recently imported to Egypt from Sudan and a global systematic review. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12(1042279), p. 1042279. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2022.1042279

Fereig, Ragab M; Abdelbaky, Hanan H; Mazeed, Amira M; El-Alfy, El-Sayed; Saleh, Somaya; Omar, Mosaab A; Alsayeqh, Abdullah F; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Prevalence of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies and DNA in Raw Milk of Various Ruminants in Egypt. Pathogens, 11(11) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens11111305

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Basso, Walter; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35. Parasitology international, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Knapp, Jenny; Meyer, Anika; Courquet, Sandra; Millon, Laurence; Raoul, Francis; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2021). Echinococcus multilocularis genetic diversity in Swiss domestic pigs assessed by EmsB microsatellite analyzes. Veterinary parasitology, 293, p. 109429. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2021.109429

Meyer, Anika; Olias, Philipp; Schüpbach, Gertraud; Henzi, Martin; Barmettler, Thomas; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2020). Combined cross-sectional and case-control study on Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology: X, 4, p. 100031. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vpoa.2020.100031

Dąbrowska, Joanna; Keller, Irene; Karamon, Jacek; Kochanowski, Maciej; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline F.; Müller, Norbert (2020). Whole genome sequencing of a feline strain of Tritrichomonas foetus reveals massive genetic differences to bovine and porcine isolates. International journal for parasitology, 50(3), pp. 227-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.12.007

Frey, Caroline F.; Oakley, Jenna R.; Lobanov, Vladislav A.; Marreros, Nelson; Schurer, Janna M.; Lalonde, Laura F. (2019). A novel protocol to isolate, detect and differentiate taeniid eggs in leafy greens and berries using real-time PCR with melting curve analysis. Parasites & Vectors, 12(1), p. 590. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-019-3834-8

Dabrowska, Joanna; Karamon, Jacek; Kochanowski, Maciej; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline F.; Müller, Norbert (2019). Development and comparative evaluation of different LAMP and PCR assays for coprological diagnosis of feline tritrichomonosis. Veterinary parasitology, 273, pp. 17-23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2019.07.014

Frey, Caroline F.; Jenkins, Emily; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Editorial overview: From farms and forests to forks? A review of diagnosis and management of globally important zoonotic Echinococcus spp. cestodes. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00061. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00061

Vidal, Sara; Brandt, Bernd W.; Dettwiler, Martina; Abril, Carlos; Bressan, Jenny; Greub, Gilbert; Frey, Caroline F.; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina (2018). Limited added value of fungal ITS amplicon sequencing in the study of bovine abortion. Heliyon, 4(11), e00915. Elsevier 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00915

Akdesir, Ezgi; Origgi, Francesco; Wimmershoff, Julia; Frey, Joachim; Frey, Caroline; Ryser, Marie Pierre (2018). Causes of mortality and morbidity in free-ranging mustelids in Switzerland: necropsy data from over 50 years of general health surveillance. BMC veterinary research, 14(1), p. 195. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12917-018-1494-0

Schnydrig, Philipp; Vidal Lopez, Sara; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Caroline; Posthaus, Horst; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez, Sabrina (2017). Bacterial, fungal, parasitological and pathological analyses of abortions in small ruminants from 2012-2016. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(12), pp. 647-656. Huber 10.17236/sat00136

Frey, C; Marreros, N; Renneker, S; Schmidt, L; Sager, H; Hentrich, B; Milesi, S; Gottstein, B (2017). Dogs as victims of their own worms: Serodiagnosis of canine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasites & Vectors, 10(1), p. 422. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-017-2369-0

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida; Schediwy, Marion; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine (2017). Serratospiculosis in Captive Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Switzerland. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(3), pp. 250-255. Association of Avian Veterinarians 10.1647/2016-204

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Stäuber, Norbert; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela (2017). Simplicimonas-like DNA in vaginal swabs of cows and heifers cross-reacting in the real-time PCR for T. foetus. Veterinary parasitology, 237, pp. 30-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.024

Frey, C; Eicher, R; Raue, K; Strube, C; Bodmer, M; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Marrero, N (2017). Apparent prevalence of and risk factors for infection with Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica and Dictyocaulus viviparus in Swiss dairy herds. Veterinary parasitology, 250, pp. 52-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.12.004

Casteriano, A; Molini, U; Kandjumbwa, K; Khaiseb, S; Frey, Caroline; Šlapeta, J (2016). Novel genotype of Tritrichomonas foetus from cattle in Southern Africa. Parasitology, 143(14), pp. 1954-1959. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118201600158X

Frey, Caroline; Regidor-Cerrillo, J; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; García-Lunar, P; Gutiérrez-Expósito, D; Schares, G; Dubey, JP; Gentile, A; Jacquiet, P; Shkap, V; Cortes, H; Ortega-Mora, LM; Álvarez-García, G (2016). Besnoitia besnoiti lytic cycle in vitro and differences in invasion and intracellular proliferation among isolates. Parasites & Vectors, 9(1), p. 115. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-016-1405-9

Corsini, Marina; Geissbühler, Urs; Howard, J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Spreng, David; Frey, Caroline (2015). Clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Veterinary record, 177(22), p. 569. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.103470

Müller, Norbert; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Welle, Monika Maria (2015). Quantitative PCR for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded skin sections. Molecular and cellular probes, 29(6), pp. 507-510. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2015.09.008

Chaignat, Valérie; Boujon, Patrick; Frey, Caroline; Hentrich, Brigitte; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). The brown hare (Lepus europaeus) as a novel intermediate host for Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. Parasitology research, 114(8), pp. 3167-3169. Springer 10.1007/s00436-015-4555-3

Gendron, Karine; Göpfert, Christine; Linon, Elisa; Posthaus, Horst; Frey, Caroline (2015). Pulmonary Echinococcus multilocularis metastasis in a dog. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 56(3), pp. 267-271. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Campbell-Palmer, R; Pizzi, R; Barlow, A; Hentrich, Brigitte; Posautz, A; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2014). Immunoblotting for the serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in alive and dead Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Veterinary parasitology, 205(1-2), pp. 113-118. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2014.06.017

Borel, Nicole; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Hilbe, Monika; Pospischil, Andreas; Franzoso, Francesca D; Waldvogel, Andreas (2014). Laboratory diagnosis of ruminant abortion in Europe. Veterinary journal, 200(2), pp. 218-229. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.03.015

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Hertzberg, H.; Schwarzwald, C.C.; Grimm, F.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Gerber, Vinzenz (2014). [Helminth control in the adult horse: the need for a re-orientation]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(2), pp. 61-70. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000552

Berset-Istratescu, Corina Mihaela; Glardon, Olivier J.; Magouras, Ioannis; Frey, Caroline; Gobeli, Stefanie; Burgener, I. A. (2014). Follow-up of 100 dogs with acute diarrhoea in a primary care practice. Veterinary journal, 199(1), pp. 188-90. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.10.014

Frey, Caroline; Gutiérrez-Expósito, D.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Benavides, J.; Marcén, J. M.; Castillo, J. A.; Casasús, I.; Sanz, A.; García-Lunar, P.; Esteban-Gil, A.; Álvarez-García, G. (2013). Chronic bovine besnoitiosis: intra-organ parasite distribution, parasite loads and parasite-associated lesions in subclinical cases. Veterinary parasitology, 197(1-2), pp. 95-103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.04.023

Alvarez-García, Gema; Frey, Caroline; Mora, Luis Miguel Ortega; Schares, Gereon (2013). A century of bovine besnoitiosis: an unknown disease re-emerging in Europe. Trends in parasitology, 29(8), pp. 407-415. Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.pt.2013.06.002

Schaarschmidt, Daniel; Gilli, Urs; Gottstein, Bruno; Marreros Canales, Nelson; Kuhnert, Peter; Daeppen, Jérôme A.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Hirt, Didier; Frey, Caroline (2013). Questing Dermacentor reticulatus harbouring Babesia canis DNA associated with outbreaks of canine babesiosis in the Swiss Midlands. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 4(4), pp. 334-340. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.01.007

García-Lunar, P.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Schares, G.; Gollnick, N. S.; Jacquiet, P.; Grisez, C.; Prevot, F.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Alvarez-García, G. (2013). An inter-laboratory comparative study of serological tools employed in the diagnosis of Besnoitia besnoiti infection in bovines. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 60(1), pp. 59-68. Blackwell 10.1111/j.1865-1682.2012.01318.x

Maksimov, Pavlo; Zerweck, Johannes; Dubey, Jitender P; Pantchev, Nikola; Frey, Caroline; Maksimov, Aline; Reimer, Ulf; Schutkowski, Mike; Hosseininejad, Morteza; Ziller, Mario; Conraths, Franz J; Schares, Gereon (2013). Serotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in cats (Felis domesticus) reveals predominance of type II infections in Germany. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e80213. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0080213

Eichhorn, Linus; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Doherr, Marcus; Zeeh, Friederike (2013). [First time detection of lung worms in free range swine in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(4), pp. 159-161. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000324

Frey, Caroline; Berger-Schoch, E. A.; Herrmann, C. D.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, D.; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno (2013). [Incidence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in the muscle of sheep, cattle, pigs as well as in cat feces in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(6), pp. 251-255. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000341

Slapeta, Jan; Müller, Norbert; Stack, Colin M; Walker, Giselle; Lew-Tabor, Ala; Tachezy, Jan; Frey, Caroline (2012). Comparative analysis of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) cat genotype, T. foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) cattle genotype and Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine, 1875) at 10 DNA loci. International journal for parasitology, 42(13-14), pp. 1143-1149. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.10.004

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert (2012). Tritrichomonas--systematics of an enigmatic genus. Molecular and cellular probes, 26(3), pp. 132-136. Elsevier

Marreros, Nelson; Frey, Caroline; Willisch, Christian S.; Signer, Claudio; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2012). Coprological analyses on apparently healthy Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) from two Swiss colonies. Veterinary parasitology, 186(3-4), pp. 382-389. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.11.009

Lobsiger, L; Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Schweizer, T; Gottstein, Bruno (2012). [Is bovine leishmaniasis spreading in Switzerland?]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(5), pp. 199-207. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000336

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Berger, Andrea; Bernet, Daniel; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Toxoplasma gondii in Switzerland: a serosurvey based on meat juice analysis of slaughtered pigs, wild boar, sheep and cattle. Zoonoses and public health, 58(7), pp. 472-8. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2011.01395.x

Berger, Andrea; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, Daniel; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in feline faeces (oocysts) and meat from sheep, cattle and pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 177(3-4), pp. 290-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.046

Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Nussbaumer, Päivi; Neuhaus, S.; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Lower shedding of strongylid eggs by Warmblood horses with recurrent airway obstruction compared to unrelated healthy horses. Veterinary journal, 190(2), e12-5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.12.029

Nussbaumer, Päivi; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Swinburne, J.E.; Dolf, Gaudenz; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Resistance against strongylid nematodes in two high prevalence Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction families has a genetic basis. Pferdeheilkunde, 27(6), pp. 664-669. Baden-Baden: Hippiatrika Verlagsgesellschaft

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Marreros, Nelson; Hüssy, Daniela; Albini, Sarah; Frey, Caroline; Abril, Carlos; Vogt, Hans-Rudolf; Holzwarth, Nathalie; Wirz-Dittus, Sophie; Friess, Martina; Engels, Monika; Borel, Nicole; Willisch, Christian S; Signer, Claudio; Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2011). Epizootiologic Investigations of Selected Abortive Agents in Free-Ranging Alpine Ibex (Capra Ibex Ibex) in Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 47(3), pp. 530-543. Ames, Iowa: Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-47.3.530

Schuppers, M.E.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Graf, Ramona; Eidam, Verena; Wittwer, Christine; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2010). A study to demonstrate freedom of Trichinella spp. in domestic pigs in Switzerland. Zoonoses and public health, 57(7-8), pp. 130-135. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2009.01299.x

Hamza, Eman; Torsteinsdottir, S.; Eydal, M.; Frey, Caroline; Mirkovitch, Jelena; Brcic, Marija; Wagner, B.; Wilson, A.D.; Jungi, Thomas; Marti, Eliane Isabelle (2010). Increased IL-4 and decreased regulatory cytokine production following relocation of Icelandic horses from a high to low endoparasite environment. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 133(1), pp. 40-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2009.07.002

Frey, Caroline; Regotz, J.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Gottstein, Bruno; Kohler, S. (2010). A survey on intestinal parasites of livestock guardian dogs and herding dogs in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 152(12), pp. 569-573. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000126

Lobsiger, L.; Müller, Norbert; Schweizer, T.; Frey, Caroline; Wiederkehr, D.; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Gottstein, Bruno (2010). An autochthonous case of cutaneous bovine leishmaniasis in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 169(3-4), pp. 408-14. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.01.022

Neuhaus, Sabrina; Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Gerber, Vinzenz (2010). Increased parasite resistance and recurrent airway obstruction in horses of a high-prevalence family. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 24(2), pp. 407-413. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0465.x

Schrey, C.; Weiss, A.T.A.; Olias, P.; Henning, K.; Schein, E.; Frey, Caroline (2010). Trichomonas associated enteritis in a puppy with parvovirosis. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K - Kleintiere, Heimtiere, 38(5), pp. 325-327. Stuttgart: Schattauer

Schuppers, M. E.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Stärk, K. D. C.; Kihm, U.; Regula, Gertraud (2010). Comparing the demonstration of freedom from Trichinella infection of domestic pigs by traditional and risk-based surveillance. Epidemiology and infection, 138(09), pp. 1242-1251. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0950268809991518

Sigg, Liv; Gerber, Vinzenz; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Frey, Caroline (2010). Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in the Swiss horse population. Parasitology international, 59(3), pp. 313-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.02.005

Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria; Lobsiger, Lisbeth; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Kühni, Kathrin; Hilbe, Monika; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Geyer, Claudia; von Bomhard, Wolf (2009). Occurrence of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous lesions of horses in Central Europe. Veterinary parasitology, 166(3-4), pp. 346-351. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.09.001

Burgener, I.; Frey, Caroline; Kook, P.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). [Tritrichomonas fetus: a new intestinal parasite in Swiss cats]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(8), pp. 383-9. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.8.383

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

Frey, Caroline; Buholzer, P.; Beck, R.; Marinculic, A.; Raeber, A.J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Schuppers, M.E. (2009). Evaluation of a new commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of porcine antibodies against Trichinella spp. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 21(5), pp. 692-7. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063870902100516

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Eidam, Verena; Boujon, P.; Waldvogel, A.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). [Occurrence of Trichinella spp. in wild boar in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(10), pp. 485-489. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.10.485

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Müller, Norbert; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Assessment of the prevalence of Trichinella spp. in red foxes and Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 159(3-4), pp. 295-299. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.10.060

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Nockler, K.; Marinculic, A.; Pozio, E.; Kihm, U.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Validation of a Western Blot for the detection of anti-Trichinella spp. antibodies in domestic pigs. Parasitology research, 104(6), pp. 1269-1277. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1321-9

Imhasly, Alexandra; Frey, Caroline; Mathis, A.; Straub, Reto; Gerber, Vinzenz (2009). [Cryptosporidiose (C. parvum) in a foal with diarrhea]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(1), pp. 21-26. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.1.21

Porchet, M J; Sager, H; Muggli, L; Oppliger, A; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno (2007). [A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 149(10), pp. 457-65. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.149.10.457

Frey, Caroline; Bauhofer, Oliver; Ruggli, Nicolas; Summerfield, Artur; Hofmann, Martin A; Tratschin, Jon-Duri (2006). Classical swine fever virus replicon particles lacking the Erns gene: a potential marker vaccine for intradermal application. Veterinary research, 37(5), pp. 655-670. Editions scientifiques Elsevier 10.1051/vetres:2006028

Furrer, Julien

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Trithiolato-bridged dinuclear ruthenium(II)-arene conjugates tethered with lipophilic units: Synthesis and Toxoplasma gondii antiparasitic activity. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 986, p. 122624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2023.122624

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Desiatkina, Oksana; Boubaker, Ghalia; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Paunescu, Emilia (2022). Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Evaluation of New Conjugates BODIPY - Dinuclear Trithiolato-Bridged Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes. ChemBioChem, 23(23), e202200536. Wiley 10.1002/cbic.202200536

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Păunescu, Emilia; Boubaker, Ghalia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2021). The Quest of the Best – A SAR Study of Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds Presenting Antiparasitic Properties. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 222, p. 113610. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113610

Desiatkina, Oksana; Johns, Serena K.; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2021). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Conjugates—Organic Drugs Tethered to Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)–Arene Complexes. Inorganics, 9(8), p. 59. MDPI 10.3390/inorganics9080059

Desiatkina, Oksana; Păunescu, Emilia; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2020). Coumarin‐Tagged Dinuclear Trithiolato‐Bridged Ruthenium(II)⋅Arene Complexes: Photophysical Properties and Antiparasitic Activity. ChemBioChem, 21(19), pp. 2818-2835. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cbic.202000174

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Jelk, Jennifer; Balmer, Vreni; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Bütikofer, Peter; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Anti-parasitic dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes alter the mitochondrial ultrastructure and membrane potential in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. Experimental parasitology, 205, p. 107753. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107753

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

Vermathen, Martina; Müller, Joachim; Furrer, Julien; Müller, Norbert; Vermathen, Peter (2018). 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy to study the metabolome of the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. Talanta, 188, pp. 429-441. Elsevier 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.06.006

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Hemphill, Andrew; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien (2017). Characterization of the Activities of Dinuclear Thiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes against Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(9), e01031-17. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01031-17

Furtado Jost, Rebecca

Furtado Jost, Rebecca; Müller, Norbert; Marreros, Nelson; Moré, Gastón; Antoine, Loic; Basso, Walter; Frey, Caroline F (2023). What is the role of Swiss domestic cats in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs? Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), p. 353. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-023-05983-y

Galat, Maryna

Galat, Maryna; Moré, Gaston; Frey, Caroline F; Kovalenko, Ganna; Maliuk, Inna; Halka, Ihor; Sytiuk, Mykola; Bezymennyi, Maksym; Galat, Vladyslav; Jokelainen, Pikka (2024). Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in wild boars (Sus scrofa) hunted in Ukraine. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 23 Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.100901

Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie Christine

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Gaschen, Véronique

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Geib, Vanessa

Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Gottstein, Bruno; Geib, Vanessa; Keel, Marius; Biral, Ruggero; Mohaupt, Markus; Brügger, Jan (2018). Vertebral alveolar echinococcosis-a case report, systematic analysis, and review of the literature. Lancet infectious diseases, 18(3), e87-e98. Elsevier 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30335-3

Geigy, Caroline

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Geissbühler, Urs

Corsini, Marina; Geissbühler, Urs; Howard, J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Spreng, David; Frey, Caroline (2015). Clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Veterinary record, 177(22), p. 569. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.103470

Gendron, Karine

Gendron, Karine; Göpfert, Christine; Linon, Elisa; Posthaus, Horst; Frey, Caroline (2015). Pulmonary Echinococcus multilocularis metastasis in a dog. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 56(3), pp. 267-271. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Gerber, Vinzenz

Hertzberg, H.; Schwarzwald, C.C.; Grimm, F.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Gerber, Vinzenz (2014). [Helminth control in the adult horse: the need for a re-orientation]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(2), pp. 61-70. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000552

Lanz, Simone; Gerber, Vinzenz; Marti, Eliane Isabelle; Rettmer, Helen; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta; Gottstein, Bruno; Matthews, Jacqueline B.; Pirie, Scott; Hamza, Eman (2013). Effect of hay dust extract and cyathostomin antigen stimulation on cytokine expression by PBMC in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 155(4), pp. 229-237. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2013.07.005

Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Nussbaumer, Päivi; Neuhaus, S.; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Lower shedding of strongylid eggs by Warmblood horses with recurrent airway obstruction compared to unrelated healthy horses. Veterinary journal, 190(2), e12-5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.12.029

Nussbaumer, Päivi; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Swinburne, J.E.; Dolf, Gaudenz; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Resistance against strongylid nematodes in two high prevalence Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction families has a genetic basis. Pferdeheilkunde, 27(6), pp. 664-669. Baden-Baden: Hippiatrika Verlagsgesellschaft

Neuhaus, Sabrina; Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Gerber, Vinzenz (2010). Increased parasite resistance and recurrent airway obstruction in horses of a high-prevalence family. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 24(2), pp. 407-413. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0465.x

Sigg, Liv; Gerber, Vinzenz; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Frey, Caroline (2010). Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in the Swiss horse population. Parasitology international, 59(3), pp. 313-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.02.005

Imhasly, Alexandra; Frey, Caroline; Mathis, A.; Straub, Reto; Gerber, Vinzenz (2009). [Cryptosporidiose (C. parvum) in a foal with diarrhea]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(1), pp. 21-26. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.1.21

Gianinazzi, Christian

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Wuthrich, F.; Müller, Norbert; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from a heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. Experimental parasitology, 121(2), pp. 180-186. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.11.001

Ben Nouir, Nadia; Nunez, Sandra; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gorcii, Mohamed; Müller, Norbert; Nouri, Abdellatif; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). Assessment of Echinococcus granulosus somatic protoscolex antigens for serological follow-up of young patients surgically treated for cystic echinococcosis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 46(5), pp. 1631-1640. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01689-07

Nouir, N Ben; Nuñez, S; Frei, E; Gorcii, M; Müller, N; Gianinazzi, C; Mekki, M; Nouri, A; Babba, H; Gottstein, B (2008). Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Parasitology, 135(Pt 1), pp. 105-14. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003502

Schild, Marc; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2007). PCR-based diagnosis of Naegleria sp. infection in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain sections. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(2), pp. 564-7. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01357-06

Vonlaufen, N; Naguleswaran, A; Gianinazzi, C; Hemphill, A (2007). Characterization of the fetuin-binding fraction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites and its potential involvement in host-parasite interactions. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 805-17. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002186

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Müller, Nicole; Leib, Stephen; Simon, F; Nunez, Sandra; Joss, Philipp; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach for Naegleria fowleri CNS infection in vitro. Parasitology, 131(6), pp. 797-804. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008619

Scheidegger, Alexandra; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2005). Differential effects of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha on Toxoplasma gondii proliferation in organotypic rat brain slice cultures. Journal of parasitology, 91(2), pp. 307-315. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-379R

Gianinazzi, Christian; Grandgirard, Denis; Simon, Franziska; Imboden, Hans; Joss, Philipp; Täuber, Martin G.; Leib, Stephen (2004). Apoptosis of hippocampal neurons in organotypic slice culture models: direct effect of bacteria revisited. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, 63(6), pp. 610-617. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Bifrare, Yoeng-Delphine; Gianinazzi, Christian; Imboden, Hans; Leib, Stephen L; Täuber, Martin G. (2003). Bacterial meningitis causes two distinct forms of cellular damage in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in infant rats. Hippocampus, 13(4), pp. 481-488. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/hipo.10142

Müller, Norbert; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Gianinazzi, Christian; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Application of real-time fluorescent PCR for quantitative assessment of Neospora caninum infections in organotypic slice cultures of rat central nervous system tissue. Journal of clinical microbiology, 40(1), pp. 252-255. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.40.1.252-255.2002

Giannini, Federico

Jelk, Jennifer; Balmer, Vreni; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Bütikofer, Peter; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Anti-parasitic dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes alter the mitochondrial ultrastructure and membrane potential in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. Experimental parasitology, 205, p. 107753. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107753

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Hemphill, Andrew; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien (2017). Characterization of the Activities of Dinuclear Thiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes against Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(9), e01031-17. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01031-17

Glardon, Olivier

Berset-Istratescu, Corina Mihaela; Glardon, Olivier J.; Magouras, Ioannis; Frey, Caroline; Gobeli, Stefanie; Burgener, I. A. (2014). Follow-up of 100 dogs with acute diarrhoea in a primary care practice. Veterinary journal, 199(1), pp. 188-90. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.10.014

Gliga, Diana-Suzana

Gliga, Diana S; Kramer, Anne; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Early Detection and Management of Lamanema chavezi infection in a llama (Lama glama) in Switzerland. (In Press). Veterinary research communications Springer 10.1007/s11259-024-10465-2

Gliga, Diana S; Basso, Walter; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Schares, Gereon; Zanolari, Patrik; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Switzerland-wide Neospora caninum seroprevalence in female cattle and identification of risk factors for infection. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9(1059697), p. 1059697. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.1059697

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Gloor, Severin

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Glowatzki, Marie-Louise

Knapp, J; Bart, J M; Glowatzki, M L; Ito, A; Gerard, S; Maillard, S; Piarroux, R; Gottstein, B (2007). Assessment of use of microsatellite polymorphism analysis for improving spatial distribution tracking of echinococcus multilocularis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(9), pp. 2943-50. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.02107-06

Bart, J M; Knapp, J; Gottstein, B; El-Garch, F; Giraudoux, P; Glowatzki, M L; Berthoud, H; Maillard, S; Piarroux, R (2006). EmsB, a tandem repeated multi-loci microsatellite, new tool to investigate the genetic diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis. Infection, genetics and evolution, 6(5), pp. 390-400. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.meegid.2006.01.006

Gobeli, Stefanie

Berset-Istratescu, Corina Mihaela; Glardon, Olivier J.; Magouras, Ioannis; Frey, Caroline; Gobeli, Stefanie; Burgener, I. A. (2014). Follow-up of 100 dogs with acute diarrhoea in a primary care practice. Veterinary journal, 199(1), pp. 188-90. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.10.014

Gottstein, Bruno

Santoro, Azzurra; Santolamazza, Federica; Cacciò, Simone M; La Rosa, Giuseppe; Antolová, Daniela; Auer, Herbert; Bagrade, Guna; Bandelj, Petra; Basso, Walter; Beck, Relja; Citterio, Carlo V; Davidson, Rebecca K; Deksne, Gunita; Frey, Caroline F; Fuglei, Eva; Glawischnig, Walter; Gottstein, Bruno; Harna, Jiří; Huus Petersen, Heidi; Karamon, Jacek; ... (2024). Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International journal for parasitology, 54(5), pp. 233-245. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.003

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Autier, Brice; Manuel, Christelle; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Girard, Jean-Philippe; Gottstein, Bruno; Gangneux, Jean-Pierre; Samson, Michel; Robert-Gangneux, Florence; Dion, Sarah (2023). Endogenous IL-33 Accelerates Metacestode Growth during Late-Stage Alveolar Echinococcosis. (In Press). Microbiology spectrum, 11(2), e0423922. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/spectrum.04239-22

Kronenberg, Philipp A.; Reinehr, Michael; Eichenberger, Ramon Marc; Hasler, Sina; Laurimäe, Teivi; Weber, Achim; Deibel, Ansgar; Müllhaupt, Beat; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, Peter (2023). Monoclonal antibody-based localization of major diagnostic antigens in metacestode tissue, excretory/secretory products, and extracellular vesicles of Echinococcus species (In Press). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1162530

Weingartner, Michael; Stücheli, Simon; Jebbawi, Fadi; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Junhua; Odermatt, Alex (2022). Albendazole reduces hepatic inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum-stress in a mouse model of chronic Echinococcus multilocularis infection. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(1), e0009192. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009192

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Gómez, Cristina; Jebbawi, Fadi; Weingartner, Michael; Wang, Junhua; Stücheli, Simon; Stieger, Bruno; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Odermatt, Alex (2021). Impact on Bile Acid Concentrations by Alveolar Echinococcosis and Treatment with Albendazole in Mice. Metabolites, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/metabo11070442

Benazzouz, Sara; Amri, Manel; Wang, Junhua; Bouaziz, Samia; Ameur, Fahima; Djebbara, Sara; Achour, Karima; Gottstein, Bruno; Touil-Boukoffa, Chafia (2021). In vitro immunoregulatory activity and anti-inflammatory effect of Echinococcus granulosus laminated layer. Acta tropica, 218, p. 105886. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2021.105886

Knapp, Jenny; Meyer, Anika; Courquet, Sandra; Millon, Laurence; Raoul, Francis; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2021). Echinococcus multilocularis genetic diversity in Swiss domestic pigs assessed by EmsB microsatellite analyzes. Veterinary parasitology, 293, p. 109429. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2021.109429

Wang, Junhua; von Gunten, Stephan; Beldi, Guido; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Gottstein, Bruno (2021). Digest the Sugar, Kill the Parasite: A New Experimental Concept in Treating Alveolar Echinococcosis. Pharmacology, 106(1-2), pp. 3-8. Karger 10.1159/000509355

Meyer, Anika; Olias, Philipp; Schüpbach, Gertraud; Henzi, Martin; Barmettler, Thomas; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2020). Combined cross-sectional and case-control study on Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology: X, 4, p. 100031. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vpoa.2020.100031

Maksimov, Pavlo; Bergmann, Hannes; Wassermann, Marion; Romig, Thomas; Gottstein, Bruno; Casulli, Adriano; Conraths, Franz J (2020). Species Detection within the Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato Complex by Novel Probe-Based Real-Time PCRs. Pathogens, 9(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9100791

Boubaker, Ghalia; Strempel, Sebastian; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Wang, Junhua; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2020). Regulation of hepatic microRNAs in response to early stage Echinococcus multilocularis egg infection in C57BL/6 mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 14(5), e0007640. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007640

Campero, Lucia Maria; Schott, Franziska; Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, Peter; Sidler, Xaver; Basso, Walter (2020). Detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in oral fluid from pigs. International journal for parasitology, 50(5), pp. 349-355. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.11.002

Dąbrowska, Joanna; Keller, Irene; Karamon, Jacek; Kochanowski, Maciej; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline F.; Müller, Norbert (2020). Whole genome sequencing of a feline strain of Tritrichomonas foetus reveals massive genetic differences to bovine and porcine isolates. International journal for parasitology, 50(3), pp. 227-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.12.007

Wang, Junhua; Marreros, Nelson; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2020). Short communication: Efficacy of albendazole in Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice depends on the functional immunity of the host. Experimental parasitology, 219, p. 108013. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2020.108013

Perrodin, Stéphanie; Walti, Laura; Gottstein, Bruno; Kim-Fuchs, Corina; Candinas, Daniel; Banz, Vanessa (2019). Fasciola hepatica in a country of low incidence: a tricky diagnosis. Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition, 8(6), pp. 597-603. AME Publishing Company 10.21037/hbsn.2019.04.02

Pinard, Christopher; Cuq, Benoît; Gibson, Thomas; Brisson, Brigitte; Plattner, Brandon; Lillie, Brandon; Bienzle, Dorothee; Brouwer, Emily; Gottstein, Bruno; Peregrine, Andrew (2019). Alveolar echinococcosis in an Ontario dog resembling an hepatic abscess. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 60(10), pp. 1099-1103. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Pires, Humberto; Martins, Manuel; Matos, Ana Cristina; Cardoso, Luís; Monteiro, Fernando; Roque, Natália; Nunes, Telmo; Gottstein, Bruno; Cortes, Helder (2019). Geospatial analysis applied to seroepidemiological survey of canine leishmaniosis in east-central Portugal. Veterinary parasitology, 274, p. 108930. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2019.108930

Dabrowska, Joanna; Karamon, Jacek; Kochanowski, Maciej; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline F.; Müller, Norbert (2019). Development and comparative evaluation of different LAMP and PCR assays for coprological diagnosis of feline tritrichomonosis. Veterinary parasitology, 273, pp. 17-23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2019.07.014

Massolo, Alessandro; Klein, Claudia; Kowalewska-Grochowska, Kinga; Belga, Sara; MacDonald, Clayton; Vaughan, Stephen; Girgis, Safwat; Giunchi, Dimitri; Bramer, Sarah A; Santa, Maria A; Grant, Danielle M; Mori, Kensuke; Duignan, Padraig; Slater, Owen; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Houston, Stan (2019). European Echinococcus multilocularis Identified in Patients in Canada. The New England journal of medicine, 381(4), pp. 384-385. Massachusetts Medical Society 10.1056/NEJMc1814975

Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Wyss, Fabia; Mengiardi, Bernard; Vögtli, Renate; Posthaus, Horst; Deplazes, Peter; Gottstein, Bruno (2019). ALVEOLAR ECHINOCOCCOSIS IN WESTERN LOWLAND GORILLAS (GORILLA GORILLA GORILLA): ALBENDAZOLE WAS NOT ABLE TO STOP PROGRESSION OF THE DISEASE. Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine, 50(1), pp. 243-253. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 10.1638/2018-0064

Barkati, Sapha; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Sheitoyan-Pesant, Caroline; Metrakos, Peter; Chen, Tianyan; Garceau, Richard; Libman, Michael D; Ndao, Momar; Yansouni, Cedric P (2019). First Human Case of Metacestode Infection Caused by Versteria sp. in a Kidney Transplant Recipient. Clinical infectious diseases, 68(4), pp. 680-683. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cid/ciy602

Kochanowski, Maciej; González-Muñoz, Miguel; Gómez-Morales, María Ángeles; Gottstein, Bruno; Dąbrowska, Joanna; Różycki, Mirosław; Cencek, Tomasz; Müller, Norbert; Boubaker, Ghalia (2019). Comparative analysis of excretory-secretory antigens of Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens and Contracaecum osculatum regarding their applicability for specific serodiagnosis of human anisakidosis based on IgG-ELISA. Experimental parasitology, 197, pp. 9-15. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.12.004

Basso, Walter; Grandt, Lisa-Maria; Magnenat, Anne-Laure Juliette; Gottstein, Bruno; Campos, Miguel (2019). Strongyloides stercoralis infection in imported and local dogs in Switzerland: from clinics to molecular genetics. Parasitology research, 118(1), pp. 255-266. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-018-6173-3

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Wang, Junhua; Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Beldi, Guido; Millon, Laurence; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Immunotherapy of alveolar echinococcosis via PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade in mice. Parasite immunology, 40(12), e12596. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/pim.12596

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

Wang, Junhua; Goepfert, Christine; Mueller, Norbert; Piersigilli, Alessandra; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Vuitton, Dominique A.; Vuitton, Lucine; Müller, Christoph; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Larval Echinococcus multilocularis infection reduces dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis in mice by attenuating T helper type 1/type 17-mediated immune reactions. Immunology, 154(1), pp. 76-88. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/imm.12860

Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Gottstein, Bruno; Geib, Vanessa; Keel, Marius; Biral, Ruggero; Mohaupt, Markus; Brügger, Jan (2018). Vertebral alveolar echinococcosis-a case report, systematic analysis, and review of the literature. Lancet infectious diseases, 18(3), e87-e98. Elsevier 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30335-3

Wang, Junhua; Müller, Stefan Jürg; Lin, Renyong; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2017). Depletion of FoxP3+ Tregs improves control of larval Echinococcus multilocularis infection by promoting co-stimulation and Th1/17 immunity. Immunity, inflammation and disease, 5(4), pp. 435-447. Wiley 10.1002/iid3.181

Knapp, Jenny; Damy, Sylvie; Brillaud, Jonathan; Tissot, Jean-Daniel; Navion, Jérémy; Mélior, Raphael; Afonso, Eve; Hormaz, Vanessa; Gottstein, Bruno; Umhang, Gérald; Casulli, Adriano; Dadeau, Frédéric; Millon, Laurence; Raoul, Francis (2017). EWET: Data collection and interface for the genetic analysis of Echinococcus multilocularis based on EmsB microsatellite. PLoS ONE, 12(10), e0183849. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0183849

Frey, C; Marreros, N; Renneker, S; Schmidt, L; Sager, H; Hentrich, B; Milesi, S; Gottstein, B (2017). Dogs as victims of their own worms: Serodiagnosis of canine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasites & Vectors, 10(1), p. 422. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-017-2369-0

Trotz-Williams, L A; Mercer, N J; Walters, J M; Wallace, D; Gottstein, Bruno; Osterman-Lind, E; Boggild, A K; Peregrine, A S (2017). Public Health Follow-up of Suspected Exposure to Echinococcus multilocularis in Southwestern Ontario. Zoonoses and public health, 64(6), pp. 460-467. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/zph.12326

Valot, Benoît; Rognon, Bénédicte; Prenel, Anais; Baraquin, Alice; Knapp, Jenny; Anelli, Mathilde; Richou, Carine; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Grenouillet, Frederic; Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique Angèle; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence (2017). Screening of antigenic vesicular fluid proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis as potential viability biomarkers to monitor drug response in alveolar echinococcosis patients. Proteomics. Clinical applications, 11(11-12) Wiley 10.1002/prca.201700010

Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Wang, Junhua; Muhtarov, Marin; Chaligiannis, Ilias; Sotiraki, Smaro; Rainova, Iskra; Gottstein, Bruno; Boubaker, Ghalia (2017). Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from Bulgarian human cystic echinococcosis patients. Parasitology research, 116(3), pp. 1043-1054. Springer 10.1007/s00436-017-5386-1

Lampe, K; Gottstein, B; Becker, T; Stahl-Hennig, C; Kaup, F-J; Mätz-Rensing, K (2017). Immunization of rhesus macaques with Echinococcus multilocularis recombinant 14-3-3 antigen leads to specific antibody response. Parasitology research, 116(1), pp. 435-439. Springer 10.1007/s00436-016-5303-z

Frey, C; Eicher, R; Raue, K; Strube, C; Bodmer, M; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Marrero, N (2017). Apparent prevalence of and risk factors for infection with Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica and Dictyocaulus viviparus in Swiss dairy herds. Veterinary parasitology, 250, pp. 52-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.12.004

Gottstein, Bruno; Soboslay, P; Ortona, E; Wang, Junhua; Siracusano, A; Vuitton, D Α (2017). Immunology of Alveolar and Cystic Echinococcosis (AE and CE). Advances in Parasitology, 96, pp. 1-54. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2016.09.005

Dezaki, Ebrahim Saedi; Yaghoubi, Mohammad Mehdi; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Taheri, Elham; Almani, Pooya Ghaseminejad; Tohidi, Farideh; Harandi, Majid Fasihi; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Comparison of ex vivo harvested and in vitro cultured materials from Echinococcus granulosus by measuring expression levels of five genes putatively involved in the development and maturation of adult worms. Parasitology research, 115(11), pp. 4405-4416. Springer 10.1007/s00436-016-5228-6

Dezaki, Ebrahim Saedi; Yaghoobi, Mohammad Mehdi; Taheri, Elham; Almani, Pooya Ghaseminejad; Tohidi, Farideh; Gottstein, Bruno; Harandi, Majid Fasihi (2016). Differential Expression of Hox and Notch Genes in Larval and Adult Stages of Echinococcus granulosus. Korean journal of parasitology, 54(5), pp. 653-658. Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine 10.3347/kjp.2016.54.5.653

Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Gori, Francesca; Hizem, Amani; Müller, Norbert; Casulli, Adriano; Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2016). A dual PCR-based sequencing approach for the identification and discrimination of Echinococcus and Taenia taxa. Molecular and cellular probes, 30(4), pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.05.004

Wang, Junhua; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Immunoregulation in larval Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Parasite immunology, 38(3), pp. 182-192. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/pim.12292

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Aeschbacher, Denise; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10(3), e0004535. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004535

Wang, Junhua; Siffert, Myriam; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Repeated Long-Term DT Application in the DEREG Mouse Induces a Neutralizing Anti-DT Antibody Response. Journal of immunology research, 2016, p. 1450398. Hindawi Publishing Corporation 10.1155/2016/1450398

Corsini, Marina; Geissbühler, Urs; Howard, J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Spreng, David; Frey, Caroline (2015). Clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Veterinary record, 177(22), p. 569. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.103470

Deplazes, Peter; Gottstein, Bruno; Junghanss, Thomas (2015). Alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in Europe: Old burdens and new challenges. Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 73-75. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.08.001

Knapp, Jenny; Gottstein, Bruno; Saarma, Urmas; Millon, Laurence (2015). Taxonomy, phylogeny and molecular epidemiology of Echinococcus multilocularis: From fundamental knowledge to health ecology. Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 85-91. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.030

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Gottstein, Bruno; Stojkovic, Marija; Vuitton, Dominique A; Millon, Laurence; Marcinkute, Audrone; Deplazes, Peter (2015). Threat of alveolar echinococcosis to public health - a challenge for Europe. Trends in parasitology, 31(9), pp. 407-412. Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.pt.2015.06.001

Chaligiannis, I; Maillard, Stephane; Boubaker, Ghalia; Spiliotis, Markus; Saratsis, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sotiraki, S (2015). Echinococcus granulosus infection dynamics in livestock of Greece. Acta tropica, 150, pp. 64-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.06.021

Lopes, Ana Patrícia; Vila-Viçosa, Maria João; Coutinho, Teresa; Cardoso, Luís; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Cortes, Helder C E (2015). Trichinella britovi in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) from Portugal. Veterinary parasitology, 210(3-4), pp. 260-263. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.03.025

Chaignat, Valérie; Boujon, Patrick; Frey, Caroline; Hentrich, Brigitte; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). The brown hare (Lepus europaeus) as a novel intermediate host for Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. Parasitology research, 114(8), pp. 3167-3169. Springer 10.1007/s00436-015-4555-3

Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Huber, Cristina Olivia; Spiliotis, Markus; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Prevention and Immunotherapy of Secondary Murine Alveolar Echinococcosis Employing Recombinant EmP29 Antigen. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(6), e0003795. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003795

Salehi, N; Gottstein, Bruno; Haddadzadeh, H R (2015). Genetic diversity of bovine Neospora caninum determined by microsatellite markers. Parasitology international, 64(5), pp. 357-361. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2015.05.005

Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique A; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spiliotis, Markus; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Shalev, Itay; Levy, Gary; Lu, Xiaomei; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Deletion of Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 (FGL-2), a Novel CD4+ CD25+ Treg Effector Molecule, Leads to Improved Control of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in Mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(5), e0003755. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003755

Campbell-Palmer, Róisín; Del Pozo, Jorge; Gottstein, Bruno; Girling, Simon; Cracknell, John; Schwab, Gerhard; Rosell, Frank; Pizzi, Romain (2015). Echinococcus multilocularis Detection in Live Eurasian Beavers (Castor fiber) Using a Combination of Laparoscopy and Abdominal Ultrasound under Field Conditions. PLoS ONE, 10(7), e0130842. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0130842

Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Campbell-Palmer, R; Pizzi, R; Barlow, A; Hentrich, Brigitte; Posautz, A; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2014). Immunoblotting for the serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in alive and dead Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Veterinary parasitology, 205(1-2), pp. 113-118. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2014.06.017

Koehler, Anson V.; Borel, Stéphanie; Hoby, Stefan; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Gasser, Robin B. (2014). Genetic identification of an oxyurid from a captive, black-handed spider monkey—implications for treatment and control. Parasitology research, 113(9), pp. 3445-3448. Springer 10.1007/s00436-014-4013-7

Pektaş, Bayram; Altintaş, Nazmiye; Akpolat, Nezahat; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Evaluation of the diagnostic value of the ELISA tests developed by using EgHF, Em2 and EmII/3-10 antigens in the serological diagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis. Mikrobiyoloji bülteni, 48(3), pp. 461-468. 10.5578/mb.7742

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Müller, Norbert; Beuret, Christian; Heller, Manfred; Schürch, Nadia; Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias (2014). Genome-wide identification of pathogenicity factors of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. BMC Genomics, 15(1), p. 496. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2164-15-496

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Skelding, Alicia; Brooks, Andrew; Stalker, Margaret; Mercer, Nicola; de Villa, Eileen; Gottstein, Bruno; Peregrine, Andrew S (2014). Hepatic alveolar hydatid disease (Echinococcus multilocularis) in a boxer dog from southern Ontario. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 55(6), pp. 551-553. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Boubaker, Ghalia; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Babba, Hamouda; Spiliotis, Markus (2014). Echinococcus P29 antigen: molecular characterization and implication on post-surgery follow-up of CE patients infected with different species of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS ONE, 9(5), e98357. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0098357

Borel, Nicole; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Hilbe, Monika; Pospischil, Andreas; Franzoso, Francesca D; Waldvogel, Andreas (2014). Laboratory diagnosis of ruminant abortion in Europe. Veterinary journal, 200(2), pp. 218-229. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.03.015

Wang, Junhua; Lin, Renyong; Zhang, Wenbao; Li, Liang; Gottstein, Bruno; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Lü, Guodong; Zhang, Chuangshan; Lu, Xiaomei; Vuitton, Dominique A; Wen, Hao (2014). Transcriptional profiles of cytokine/chemokine factors of immune cell-homing to the parasitic lesions: a comprehensive one-year course study in the liver of E. multilocularis-infected mice. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e91638. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0091638

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Hertzberg, H.; Schwarzwald, C.C.; Grimm, F.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Gerber, Vinzenz (2014). [Helminth control in the adult horse: the need for a re-orientation]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(2), pp. 61-70. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000552

Pastor-Valle, J.; González, L.M.; Martín-Clemente, J.P.; Merino, F.J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Gárate, T. (2014). Molecular diagnosis of diphyllobothriasis in Spain, most presumably acquired via imported fish, or sojourn abroad. New microbes and new infections, 2(1), pp. 1-6. Elsevier 10.1002/2052-2975.28

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grenouillet, Frédéric; Millon, Laurence; Vuitton, Dominique A.; Müller, Norbert (2014). Echinococcus metacestode: in search of viability markers. Parasite, 21, p. 63. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014063

Oscos-Snowball, Astrid; Tan, Emmeline; Peregrine, Andrew S.; Foster, Robert; Bronsoiler, Jessika; Gottstein, Bruno; Jenkins, Emily; Gesy, Karen; Bienzle, Dorothee (2014). What is your diagnosis? Fluid aspirated from an abdominal mass in a dog. Veterinary clinical pathology, 44(1), pp. 167-168. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/vcp.12210

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Cortes, Helder; Leitão, Alexandre; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). A review on bovine besnoitiosis: a disease with economic impact in herd health management, caused by Besnoitia besnoiti (Franco and Borges, 1916). Parasitology, 141(11), pp. 1406-1417. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182014000262

Porot, Clémence; Knapp, Jenny; Wang, Junhua; Germain, Stéphane; Camporese, Davide; Seimbille, Yann; Boulahdour, Hatem; Vuitton, Dominique A; Gottstein, Bruno; Blagosklonov, Oleg (2014). Development of a specific tracer for metabolic imaging of alveolar echinococcosis: A preclinical study. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conference proceedings, 2014, pp. 5587-5590. IEEE Service Center 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6944893

Lanz, Simone; Gerber, Vinzenz; Marti, Eliane Isabelle; Rettmer, Helen; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta; Gottstein, Bruno; Matthews, Jacqueline B.; Pirie, Scott; Hamza, Eman (2013). Effect of hay dust extract and cyathostomin antigen stimulation on cytokine expression by PBMC in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 155(4), pp. 229-237. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2013.07.005

Schaarschmidt, Daniel; Gilli, Urs; Gottstein, Bruno; Marreros Canales, Nelson; Kuhnert, Peter; Daeppen, Jérôme A.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Hirt, Didier; Frey, Caroline (2013). Questing Dermacentor reticulatus harbouring Babesia canis DNA associated with outbreaks of canine babesiosis in the Swiss Midlands. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 4(4), pp. 334-340. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.01.007

García-Lunar, P.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Schares, G.; Gollnick, N. S.; Jacquiet, P.; Grisez, C.; Prevot, F.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Alvarez-García, G. (2013). An inter-laboratory comparative study of serological tools employed in the diagnosis of Besnoitia besnoiti infection in bovines. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 60(1), pp. 59-68. Blackwell 10.1111/j.1865-1682.2012.01318.x

Keutgens, Aurore; Simoni, Paolo; Detrembleur, Nancy; Frippiat, Frédéric; Giot, Jean-Baptiste; Spirlet, François; Aghazarian, Saro; Descy, Julie; Meex, Cécile; Huynen, Pascale; Melin, Pierrette; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Carlier, Yves; Hayette, Marie-Pierre (2013). Fatal alveolar echinococcosis of the lumbar spine. Journal of clinical microbiology, 51(2), pp. 688-691. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01906-12

Boubaker, Ghalia; Macchiaroli, Natalia; Prada, Laura; Cucher, Marcela A; Rosenzvit, Mara C; Ziadinov, Iskender; Deplazes, Peter; Saarma, Urmas; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). A multiplex PCR for the simultaneous detection and genotyping of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(1), e2017. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002017

de Marval, F.; Gottstein, Bruno; Weber, M.; Wicht, B. (2013). Imported diphyllobothriasis in Switzerland: molecular methods to define a clinical case of Diphyllobothrium infection as Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, August 2010. Euro surveillance, 18(3) Institut de Veille Sanitaire

Küster, Tatiana; Hermann, Corina; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). Subcutaneous infection model facilitates treatment assessment of secondary Alveolar echinococcosis in mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(5), e2235. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002235

Eichhorn, Linus; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Doherr, Marcus; Zeeh, Friederike (2013). [First time detection of lung worms in free range swine in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(4), pp. 159-161. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000324

Frey, Caroline; Berger-Schoch, E. A.; Herrmann, C. D.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, D.; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno (2013). [Incidence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in the muscle of sheep, cattle, pigs as well as in cat feces in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(6), pp. 251-255. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000341

Lesser, M; Braun, U; Deplazes, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Hilbe, M; Basso, W (2012). First cases of besnoitiosis in cattle in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(11), pp. 469-474. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000389

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Gottstein, Bruno; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Hemphill, Andrew; Schürch, Nadia; Wittwer, Matthias; Müller, Norbert (2012). Development of a high- versus low-pathogenicity model of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. Microbiology, 158(Pt 10), pp. 2652-2660. Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.059790-0

Peregrine, Andrew S; Jenkins, Emily J; Barnes, Brian; Johnson, Shannon; Polley, Lydden; Barker, Ian K; De Wolf, Bradley; Gottstein, Bruno (2012). Alveolar hydatid disease (Echinococcus multilocularis) in the liver of a Canadian dog in British Columbia, a newly endemic region. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 53(8), pp. 870-874. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Knapp, J; Staebler, S; Bart, J M; Stien, A; Yoccoz, N G; Drögemüller, C; Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P (2012). Echinococcus multilocularis in Svalbard, Norway: microsatellite genotyping to investigate the origin of a highly focal contamination. Infection, genetics and evolution, 12(6), pp. 1270-1274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.meegid.2012.03.008

Barnes, T S; Deplazes, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Jenkins, D J; Mathis, A; Siles-Lucas, M; Torgerson, P R; Ziadinov, I; Heath, D D (2012). Challenges for diagnosis and control of cystic hydatid disease. Acta tropica, 123(1), pp. 1-7. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2012.02.066

Jenkins, Emily J; Peregrine, Andrew S; Hill, Janet E; Somers, Christopher; Gesy, Karen; Barnes, Brian; Gottstein, Bruno; Polley, Lydden (2012). Detection of European strain of Echinococcus multilocularis in North America. Emerging infectious diseases, 18(6), pp. 1010-1012. U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases 10.3201/eid1806.111420

Lobsiger, L; Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Schweizer, T; Gottstein, Bruno (2012). [Is bovine leishmaniasis spreading in Switzerland?]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(5), pp. 199-207. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000336

Küster, Tatiana; Zumkehr, Beatrice; Hermann, Corina; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Voluntary ingestion of antiparasitic drugs emulsified in honey represents an alternative to gavage in mice. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Journal, 51(2), pp. 219-223. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Takumi, K; Hegglin, D; Deplazes, P; Gottstein, B; Teunis, P; van der Giessen, J (2012). Mapping the increasing risk of human alveolar echinococcosis in Limburg, The Netherlands. Epidemiology and infection, 140(5), pp. 867-71. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0950268811001221

Maillard, S; Benchikh-Elfegoun, M C; Kohil, K; Gottstein, Bruno; Piarroux, R (2011). Failure to observe cross-fertilization between the Echinococcus granulosus G1 and G6 strains after an experimental mixed infection of the definitive host. Veterinary parasitology, 175(1-2), pp. 80-83. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.09.014

Margos, M.C.; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Gottstein, Bruno (2011). In vitro induction of lymph node cell proliferation by mouse bone marrow dendritic cells following stimulation with different Echinococcus multilocularis antigens. Journal of helminthology, 85(2), pp. 128-137. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0022149X10000878

Armua-Fernandez, M.T.; Nonaka, N.; Sakurai, T.; Nakamura, S.; Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P.; Phiri, I.G.; Katakura, K.; Oku, Y. (2011). Development of PCR/dot blot assay for specific detection and differentiation of taeniid cestode eggs in canids. Parasitology international, 60(1), pp. 84-9. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.11.005

Barlow, A.M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2011). Echinococcus multilocularis in an imported captive European beaver (Castor fiber) in Great Britain. Veterinary record, 169(13), p. 339. London: British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.d4673

Berger, Andrea; Bernet, Daniel; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Toxoplasma gondii in Switzerland: a serosurvey based on meat juice analysis of slaughtered pigs, wild boar, sheep and cattle. Zoonoses and public health, 58(7), pp. 472-8. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2011.01395.x

Berger, Andrea; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, Daniel; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in feline faeces (oocysts) and meat from sheep, cattle and pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 177(3-4), pp. 290-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.046

Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Nussbaumer, Päivi; Neuhaus, S.; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Lower shedding of strongylid eggs by Warmblood horses with recurrent airway obstruction compared to unrelated healthy horses. Veterinary journal, 190(2), e12-5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.12.029

Nussbaumer, Päivi; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Swinburne, J.E.; Dolf, Gaudenz; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Resistance against strongylid nematodes in two high prevalence Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction families has a genetic basis. Pferdeheilkunde, 27(6), pp. 664-669. Baden-Baden: Hippiatrika Verlagsgesellschaft

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Lienard, E.; Salem, A.; Grisez, C.; Prevot, F.; Bergeaud, J.P.; Franc, M.; Gottstein, B.; Alzieu, J.P.; Lagalisse, Y.; Jacquiet, P. (2011). A longitudinal study of Besnoitia besnoiti infections and seasonal abundance of Stomoxys calcitrans in a dairy cattle farm of southwest France. Veterinary parasitology, 177(1-2), pp. 20-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.030

Mejri, N.; Muller, J.; Gottstein, B. (2011). Intraperitoneal murine Echinococcus multilocularis infection induces differentiation of TGF-beta-expressing DCs that remain immature. Parasite immunology, 33(9), pp. 471-82. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2011.01303.x

Mejri, N.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Gottstein, B. (2011). Intraperitoneal Echinococcus multilocularis infection in mice modulates peritoneal CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory T cell development. Parasitology international, 60(1), pp. 45-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.10.002

Vacirca, D.; Perdicchio, M.; Campisi, E.; Delunardo, F.; Ortona, E.; Margutti, P.; Teggi, A.; Gottstein, B.; Siracusano, A. (2011). Favourable prognostic value of antibodies anti-HSP20 in patients with cystic echinococcosis: a differential immunoproteomic approach. Parasite immunology, 33(3), pp. 193-8. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2010.01264.x

Mizukami, Chiaki; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Yagi, Kinpei; Katakura, Ken; Oku, Yuzaburo (2010). Gene silencing in Echinococcus multilocularis protoscoleces using RNA interference. Parasitology international, 59(4), pp. 647-652. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.08.010

Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias; Schild, Marc; Merli, Michael; Leib, Stephen L.; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim; Jaggi, Rolf (2010). Hepatic gene expression profile in mice perorally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs. PLoS ONE, 5(4), e9779. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0009779

Schuppers, M.E.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Graf, Ramona; Eidam, Verena; Wittwer, Christine; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2010). A study to demonstrate freedom of Trichinella spp. in domestic pigs in Switzerland. Zoonoses and public health, 57(7-8), pp. 130-135. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2009.01299.x

Frey, Caroline; Regotz, J.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Gottstein, Bruno; Kohler, S. (2010). A survey on intestinal parasites of livestock guardian dogs and herding dogs in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 152(12), pp. 569-573. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000126

Gianinazzi, C.; Schild, M.; Zumkehr, B.; Wuthrich, F.; Nuesch, I.; Ryter, R.; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N. (2010). Screening of Swiss hot spring resorts for potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae. Experimental parasitology, 126(1), pp. 45-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2009.12.008

Hemphill, A.; Stadelmann, B.; Scholl, S.; Muller, J.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Siles-Lucas, M. (2010). Echinococcus metacestodes as laboratory models for the screening of drugs against cestodes and trematodes. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 569-87. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118200999117X

Knapp, J.; Bart, J.M.; Maillard, S.; Gottstein, B.; Piarroux, R. (2010). The genomic Echinococcus microsatellite EmsB sequences: from a molecular marker to the epidemiological tool. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 439-49. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182009991612

List, C.; Qi, W.; Maag, E.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N.; Felger, I. (2010). Serodiagnosis of Echinococcus spp. infection: explorative selection of diagnostic antigens by peptide microarray. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 4(8), e771. San Francisco, Calif.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000771

Lobsiger, L.; Müller, Norbert; Schweizer, T.; Frey, Caroline; Wiederkehr, D.; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Gottstein, Bruno (2010). An autochthonous case of cutaneous bovine leishmaniasis in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 169(3-4), pp. 408-14. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.01.022

Margos, M.; Gottstein, B. (2010). Gerbu adjuvant modulates the immune response and thus the course of infection in C56BL/6 mice immunised with Echinococcus multilocularis rec14-3-3 protein. Parasitology research, 107(3), pp. 623-9. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-010-1907-x

Mejri, N.; Hemphill, A.; Gottstein, B. (2010). Triggering and modulation of the host-parasite interplay by Echinococcus multilocularis: a review. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 557-68. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182009991533

Neuhaus, Sabrina; Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Gerber, Vinzenz (2010). Increased parasite resistance and recurrent airway obstruction in horses of a high-prevalence family. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 24(2), pp. 407-413. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0465.x

Schuppers, M. E.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Stärk, K. D. C.; Kihm, U.; Regula, Gertraud (2010). Comparing the demonstration of freedom from Trichinella infection of domestic pigs by traditional and risk-based surveillance. Epidemiology and infection, 138(09), pp. 1242-1251. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0950268809991518

Sigg, Liv; Gerber, Vinzenz; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Frey, Caroline (2010). Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in the Swiss horse population. Parasitology international, 59(3), pp. 313-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.02.005

Spiliotis, M.; Mizukami, C.; Oku, Y.; Kiss, F.; Brehm, K.; Gottstein, B. (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis primary cells: improved isolation, small-scale cultivation and RNA interference. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 174(1), pp. 83-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2010.07.001

Stadelmann, B.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, J.; Scholl, S.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis phosphoglucose isomerase (EmPGI): a glycolytic enzyme involved in metacestode growth and parasite-host cell interactions. International journal for parasitology, 40(13), pp. 1563-74. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2010.05.009

Vuitton, Dominique Angèle; Gottstein, Bruno (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis and its intermediate host: a model of parasite-host interplay. Journal of biomedicine and biotechnology, 2010, p. 923193. Akron, Ohio: Hindawi Pub. Corp. 10.1155/2010/923193

Gottstein, Bruno; Pozio, Edoardo; Nöckler, Karsten (2009). Epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and control of trichinellosis. Clinical microbiology reviews, 22(1), pp. 127-145. American Society for Microbiology ASM 10.1128/CMR.00026-08

Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria; Lobsiger, Lisbeth; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Kühni, Kathrin; Hilbe, Monika; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Geyer, Claudia; von Bomhard, Wolf (2009). Occurrence of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous lesions of horses in Central Europe. Veterinary parasitology, 166(3-4), pp. 346-351. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.09.001

Knapp, J.; Bart, J.M.; Giraudoux, P.; Glowatzki, M.L.; Breyer, I.; Raoul, F.; Deplazes, P.; Duscher, G.; Martinek, K.; Dubinsky, P.; Guislain, M.H.; Cliquet, F.; Romig, T.; Malczewski, A.; Gottstein, B.; Piarroux, R. (2009). Genetic diversity of the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes at a continental scale in Europe. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 3(6), e452. San Francisco, Calif.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000452

Burgener, I.; Frey, Caroline; Kook, P.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). [Tritrichomonas fetus: a new intestinal parasite in Swiss cats]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(8), pp. 383-9. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.8.383

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

Ben Nouir, N.; Gianinazzi, C.; Gorcii, M.; Muller, N; Nouri, A.; Babba, H.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Isolation and molecular characterization of recombinant Echinococcus granulosus P29 protein (recP29) and its assessment for the post-surgical serological follow-up of human cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 103(4), pp. 355-64. Amsterdam: Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.1016/j.trstmh.2008.09.020

Casulli, A.; Bart, J.M.; Knapp, J.; La Rosa, G.; Dusher, G.; Gottstein, B.; Di Cerbo, A.; Manfredi, M.T.; Genchi, C.; Piarroux, R.; Pozio, E. (2009). Multi-locus microsatellite analysis supports the hypothesis of an autochthonous focus of Echinococcus multilocularis in northern Italy. International journal for parasitology, 39(7), pp. 837-42. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2008.12.001

Frey, Caroline; Buholzer, P.; Beck, R.; Marinculic, A.; Raeber, A.J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Schuppers, M.E. (2009). Evaluation of a new commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of porcine antibodies against Trichinella spp. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 21(5), pp. 692-7. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063870902100516

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Eidam, Verena; Boujon, P.; Waldvogel, A.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). [Occurrence of Trichinella spp. in wild boar in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 151(10), pp. 485-489. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.151.10.485

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Müller, Norbert; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Assessment of the prevalence of Trichinella spp. in red foxes and Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 159(3-4), pp. 295-299. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.10.060

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Nockler, K.; Marinculic, A.; Pozio, E.; Kihm, U.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Validation of a Western Blot for the detection of anti-Trichinella spp. antibodies in domestic pigs. Parasitology research, 104(6), pp. 1269-1277. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1321-9

Gianinazzi, C.; Schild, M.; Wuthrich, F.; Ben Nouir, N.; Fuchslin, H.P.; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N. (2009). Screening Swiss water bodies for potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae. Research in microbiology, 160(6), pp. 367-74. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.resmic.2009.06.007

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Wuthrich, F.; Müller, Norbert; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from a heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. Experimental parasitology, 121(2), pp. 180-186. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.11.001

Haag, K.L.; Gottstein, B.; Ayala, F.J. (2009). The EG95 antigen of Echinococcus spp. contains positively selected amino acids, which may influence host specificity and vaccine efficacy. PLoS ONE, 4(4), e5362. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0005362

Maillard, S.; Gottstein, B.; Haag, K.L.; Ma, S.; Colovic, I.; Benchikh-Elfegoun, M.C.; Knapp, J.; Piarroux, R. (2009). The EmsB tandemly repeated multilocus microsatellite: a new tool to investigate genetic diversity of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. Journal of clinical microbiology, 47(11), pp. 3608-16. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.00938-09

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Krebber, R.; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Toltrazuril treatment of congenitally acquired Neospora caninum infection in newborn mice. Parasitology research, 104(6), pp. 1335-43. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-009-1328-x

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Margos, M.; Grandgirard, D.; Leib, Stephen; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Neospora caninum and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells: parasite survival, proliferation, and induction of cytokine expression. Parasite immunology, 31(7), pp. 366-372. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2009.01112.x

Mejri, N.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode metabolites contain a cysteine protease that digests eotaxin, a CC pro-inflammatory chemokine. Parasitology research, 105(5), pp. 1253-1260. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-009-1549-z

Gottstein, Bruno; Piarroux, R (2008). Current trends in tissue-affecting helminths. Parasite : journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie, 15(3), pp. 291-298. PDG Communication 10.1051/parasite/2008153291

Siles-Lucas, Mar; Merli, Michael; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). 14-3-3 proteins in Echinococcus: their role and potential as protective antigens. Experimental parasitology, 119(4), pp. 516-523. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.01.009

Badaraco, J L; Ayala, F J; Bart, J-M; Gottstein, Bruno; Haag, K L (2008). Using mitochondrial and nuclear markers to evaluate the degree of genetic cohesion among Echinococcus populations. Experimental parasitology, 119(4), pp. 453-459. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.02.004

Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). Echinococcus multilocularis: the parasite-host interplay. Experimental parasitology, 119(4), pp. 447-452. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.03.002

Spicher, Martin; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In vitro and in vivo effects of 2-methoxyestradiol, either alone or combined with albendazole, against Echinococcus metacestodes. Experimental parasitology, 119(4), pp. 475-482. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.02.012

Häsler, B; Stärk, K; Gottstein, Bruno; Reist, M (2008). [Epidemiological and financial considerations for the control of Neospora caninum on Swiss dairy farms]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 150(6), pp. 273-280. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.150.6.273

Ben Nouir, Nadia; Nunez, Sandra; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gorcii, Mohamed; Müller, Norbert; Nouri, Abdellatif; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). Assessment of Echinococcus granulosus somatic protoscolex antigens for serological follow-up of young patients surgically treated for cystic echinococcosis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 46(5), pp. 1631-1640. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01689-07

Knapp, J; Guislain, M-H; Bart, J M; Raoul, F; Gottstein, Bruno; Giraudoux, P; Piarroux, R (2008). Genetic diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis on a local scale. Infection, genetics and evolution, 8(3), pp. 367-373. Elsevier 10.1016/j.meegid.2008.02.010

Haag, Karen L; Gottstein, Bruno; Ayala, Francisco J (2008). Taeniid history, natural selection and antigenic diversity: evolutionary theory meets helminthology. Trends in parasitology, 24(2), pp. 96-102. Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.pt.2007.11.004

Wicht, Barbara; de Marval, Floriane; Gottstein, Bruno; Peduzzi, Raffaele (2008). Imported diphyllobothriasis in Switzerland: molecular evidence of Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Nitsch, 1824). Parasitology research, 102(2), pp. 201-4. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00436-007-0745-y

Nouir, N Ben; Nuñez, S; Frei, E; Gorcii, M; Müller, N; Gianinazzi, C; Mekki, M; Nouri, A; Babba, H; Gottstein, B (2008). Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Parasitology, 135(Pt 1), pp. 105-14. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003502

Spicher, Martin; Röthlisberger, Carole; Lany, C.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Keiser, J.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments of Echinococcus Protoscoleces and Metacestodes with Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 52(9), pp. 3447-3450. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00553-08

Strohbusch, Maria; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; , ; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). NcGRA2 as a molecular target to assess the parasiticidal activity of toltrazuril against Neospora caninum. Parasitology, 135(9), pp. 1065-1073. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182008004599

Müller, N; Frei, E; Nuñez, S; Gottstein, B (2007). Improved serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis of humans using an in vitro-produced Echinococcus multilocularis antigen. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 1-10. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002083

Graichen, D A S; Gottstein, B; Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Zanotto, P M A; Ayala, F J; Haag, K L (2007). Expression and diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis AgB genes in secondarily infected mice: evaluating the influence of T-cell immune selection on antigenic variation. Gene, 392(1-2), pp. 98-105. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.gene.2006.11.015

Schild, Marc; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2007). PCR-based diagnosis of Naegleria sp. infection in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain sections. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(2), pp. 564-7. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01357-06

Knapp, J; Bart, J M; Glowatzki, M L; Ito, A; Gerard, S; Maillard, S; Piarroux, R; Gottstein, B (2007). Assessment of use of microsatellite polymorphism analysis for improving spatial distribution tracking of echinococcus multilocularis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(9), pp. 2943-50. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.02107-06

Arsenijevic, D; de Bilbao, F; Vallet, P; Hemphill, A; Gottstein, B; Richard, D; Giannakopoulos, P; Langhans, W (2007). Decreased infarct size after focal cerebral ischemia in mice chronically infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Neuroscience, 150(3), pp. 537-46. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2007.09.080

Hemphill, Andrew; Spicher, Martin; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gottstein, Bruno; Walker, M (2007). Innovative chemotherapeutical treatment options for alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Parasitology, 134(Pt 12), pp. 1657-70. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003198

Cortes, Helder C E; Reis, Yara; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre; Müller, Norbert (2007). Application of conventional and real-time fluorescent ITS1 rDNA PCR for detection of Besnoitia besnoiti infections in bovine skin biopsies. Veterinary parasitology, 146(3-4), pp. 352-6. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2007.03.003

Porchet, M J; Sager, H; Muggli, L; Oppliger, A; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno (2007). [A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 149(10), pp. 457-65. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.149.10.457

Schweiger, Alexander; Ammann, Rudolf W; Candinas, Daniel; Clavien, Pierre-Alain; Eckert, Johannes; Gottstein, Bruno; Halkic, Nerman; Muellhaupt, Beat; Prinz, Bettina Mareike; Reichen, Juerg; Tarr, Philip E; Torgerson, Paul R; Deplazes, Peter (2007). Human alveolar echinococcosis after fox population increase, Switzerland. Emerging infectious diseases, 13(6), pp. 878-882. Atlanta, Ga.: U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases

Maillard, S; Benchikh-Elfegoun, M C; Knapp, J; Bart, J M; Koskei, P; Gottstein, B; Piarroux, R (2007). Taxonomic position and geographical distribution of the common sheep G1 and camel G6 strains of Echinococcus granulosus in three African countries. Parasitology research, 100(3), pp. 495-503. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00436-006-0286-9

Gottstein, Bruno; Schuppers, Manon (2007). Trichinellosis: crossing the Chinese wall. Veterinary journal, 173(2), pp. 243-4. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2005.10.010

Ortega-Mora, LM; Gottstein, B; Conraths, FJ; Buxton, D (2007). Protozoal abortion in farm ruminants - Guidelines for diagnosis and control. Wallingford: CAB International

Alzieu, JP; Dochies, P; Schelcher, F; Gottstein, B (2007). L'extension de la besnoitiose bovine en France. Point vétérinaire(38), pp. 37-43. Maisons-Alfort (F): Editions du Point Vétérinaire

Alzieu, JP; Cortes, H; Gottstein, B; Jacquiet, Ph; Dorchies, Ph; Schelcher, F; L'Hostis, MB (2007). La besnoitiose bovine: actualités épidémiologiques et diagnostiques. Bulletin des GTV(-), pp. 41-49. Paris: Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires

Gottstein, B (2007). Etat actuel des connaissances sur la néosporose bovine. Bulletin des GTV(-), pp. 37-40. Paris: Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires

Sager, H; Moret, Ch Steiner; Grimm, F; Deplazes, P; Doherr, M G; Gottstein, B (2006). Coprological study on intestinal helminths in Swiss dogs: temporal aspects of anthelminthic treatment. Parasitology research, 98(4), pp. 333-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-005-0093-8

Häsler, Barbara; Regula, Gertraud; Stärk, Katharina D C; Sager, Heinz; Gottstein, Bruno; Reist, Martin (2006). Financial analysis of various strategies for the control of Neospora caninum in dairy cattle in Switzerland. Preventive veterinary medicine, 77(3-4), pp. 230-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2006.07.006

Häsler, Barbara; Stärk, Katharina D C; Sager, Heinz; Gottstein, Bruno; Reist, Martin (2006). Simulating the impact of four control strategies on the population dynamics of Neospora caninum infection in Swiss dairy cattle. Preventive veterinary medicine, 77(3-4), pp. 254-83. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2006.07.007

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Spicher, Martin; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Torgerson, Paul; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro metacestodicidal activities of genistein and other isoflavones against Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(11), pp. 3770-8. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00578-06

Mejri, N; Gottstein, B (2006). Intraperitoneal Echinococcus multilocularis infection in C57BL/6 mice affects CD40 and B7 costimulator expression on peritoneal macrophages and impairs peritoneal T cell activation. Parasite immunology, 28(8), pp. 373-85. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2006.00836.x

Haag, K L; Gottstein, B; Müller, N; Schnorr, A; Ayala, F J (2006). Redundancy and recombination in the Echinococcus AgB multigene family: is there any similarity with protozoan contingency genes? Parasitology, 133(Pt 4), pp. 411-9. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000564

Staubli, Daniela; Nunez, Sandra; Sager, Heinz; Schares, Gereon; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum immunoblotting improves serodiagnosis of bovine neosporosis. Parasitology research, 99(6), pp. 648-58. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0207-y

von Allmen, N; Christen, S; Forster, U; Gottstein, B; Welle, M; Müller, N (2006). Acute trichinellosis increases susceptibility to Giardia lamblia infection in the mouse model. Parasitology, 133(Pt 2), pp. 139-49. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000230

Haerdi, Corinne; Haessig, Michael; Sager, Heinz; Greif, Gisela; Staubli, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Humoral immune reaction of newborn calves congenitally infected with Neospora caninum and experimentally treated with toltrazuril. Parasitology research, 99(5), pp. 534-40. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0199-7

Staubli, Daniela; Sager, Heinz; Haerdi, Corinne; Haessig, Michael; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Precolostral serology in calves born from Neospora-seropositive mothers. Parasitology research, 99(4), pp. 398-404. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0170-7

Sager, H; Moret, C Steiner; Müller, N; Staubli, D; Esposito, M; Schares, G; Hässig, M; Stärk, K; Gottstein, B (2006). Incidence of Neospora caninum and other intestinal protozoan parasites in populations of Swiss dogs. Veterinary parasitology, 139(1-3), pp. 84-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.02.021

Bart, J M; Knapp, J; Gottstein, B; El-Garch, F; Giraudoux, P; Glowatzki, M L; Berthoud, H; Maillard, S; Piarroux, R (2006). EmsB, a tandem repeated multi-loci microsatellite, new tool to investigate the genetic diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis. Infection, genetics and evolution, 6(5), pp. 390-400. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.meegid.2006.01.006

Häsler, Barbara; Hernandez, Jorge A; Reist, Martin; Sager, Heinz; Steiner-Moret, Christine; Staubli, Daniela; Stärk, Katharina D C; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum: Serological follow-up in dairy cows during pregnancy. Veterinary parasitology, 137(3-4), pp. 222-30. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.01.007

Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Hemphill, A; Oku, Y; Kamiya, M; Gottstein, B (2006). 14-3-3- and II/3-10-gene expression as molecular markers to address viability and growth activity of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology, 132(Pt 1), pp. 83-94. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008632

Cortes, HC; Nunez, S; Reis, Y; Staubli, D; Vidal, r; Sager, H; Leitao, A; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Improved immunodiagnosis of Besnoitia besnoiti-infection in cattle by the use of ELISA and Westernblot. Veterinary parasitology, 141(3-4), pp. 216-225. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.05.023

Staubli, D; Iten, C; Kneubühler, J; Sager, H; Müller, N; Gottstein, B (2006). [Search for Neospora caninum DNA in bull semen using PCR ]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 483-9. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.483

Burger, N; Busato, A; Nesvadba, JZ; Gottstein, B (2006). Epidemiologische Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Dicorcoelium dendriticum im Emmental. Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift(119), pp. 324-329. Hannover: Schlütersche

Gottstein, Bruno; Haag, Karen; Walker, Mirjam; Matsumoto, Jun; Mejri, Naceur; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Molecular survival strategies of Echinococcus multilocularis in the murine host. Parasitology international, 55 Suppl, S45-S49. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2005.11.006

Müller, N; Sager, H; Schuppers, M; Gottstein, B (2006). [Methods for investigating Trichinella infections in domestic and wild animals]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 463-71. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.463

Deplazes, P; Staebler, S; Gottstein, B (2006). Travel medicine of parasitic diseases in the dog. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 447-461. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.447

Hemphill, A; Gottstein, B (2006). Neospora caninum and neosporosis - recent achievements in host and parasite cell biology and treatment. Acta parasitologica, 51(1), pp. 15-25. Warszawa: Versita 10.2478/s11686-006-0002-z

Gottstein, B; Reichen, J (2006). Hyatid Lung Disease. In: Sharma, OP (ed.) (pp. 327-350). Taylor and Francis

Burger, Nicole Christine; Nesvadba, Jan; Nesvadba, Zdenek; Busato, Andre; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). [The incidence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in Emmental]. Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 119(7-8), pp. 324-9. Hannover: Schlütersche

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Müller, Nicole; Leib, Stephen; Simon, F; Nunez, Sandra; Joss, Philipp; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach for Naegleria fowleri CNS infection in vitro. Parasitology, 131(6), pp. 797-804. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008619

Rehmann, P; Gröne, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sager, Heinz; Müller, Norbert; Völlm, J; Bacciarini, L N (2005). Alveolar echinococcosis in the zoological garden Basle. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 147(11), pp. 498-502. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.147.11.498

Gottstein, Bruno (2005). [Vaccination against echinococcosis (?)]. Therapeutische Umschau, 62(10), pp. 685-693. Huber 10.1024/0040-5930.62.10.685

Sager, Heinz; Hüssy, Daniela; Kuffer, A; Schreve, F; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). [First documentation of a neospora-induced "abortion storm" (exogenous transplacental transmission of neospora caninum) in a Swiss dairy farm]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 147(3), pp. 113-120. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.147.3.113

Rehmann, Patrick; Gröne, Andrea; Gottstein, Bruno; Völlm, Jürg; Sager, Heinz; Janovsky, Martin; Bacciarini, Luca N (2005). Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in a colony of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) using serology and ultrasonography. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 17(2), pp. 183-186. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063870501700215

Bacciarini, L N; Gottstein, Bruno; Wenker, C; Gröne, A (2005). Rapid development of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis in a cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Veterinary record, 156(3), pp. 90-91. British Veterinary Association

Gottstein, Bruno; Razmi, G R; Ammann, P; Sager, Heinz; Müller, Norbert (2005). Toltrazuril treatment to control diaplacental Neospora caninum transmission in experimentally infected pregnant mice. Parasitology, 130(Pt 1), pp. 41-48. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182004006365

Persat, F; Pariset, C; Gottstein, Bruno; Ninet, J; Picot, S (2004). Alveolar echinococcosis in a patient without hepatic disturbance and with unusual humoral immune response. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases, 23(11), pp. 859-860. Springer 10.1007/s10096-004-1227-0

Ammann, Rudolf W; Renner, Elizabeth C; Gottstein, Bruno; Grimm, Felix; Eckert, Johannes; Renner, Eberhard L (2004). Immunosurveillance of alveolar echinococcosis by specific humoral and cellular immune tests: long-term analysis of the Swiss chemotherapy trial (1976-2001). Journal of hepatology, 41(4), pp. 551-559. Elsevier

Zingg, W; Renner-Schneiter, E C; Pauli-Magnus, C; Renner, E L; van Overbeck, J; Schläpfer, E; Weber, M; Weber, R; Opravil, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Speck, R F (2004). Alveolar echinococcosis of the liver in an adult with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 infection. Infection, 32(5), pp. 299-302. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-004-3134-9

Kurdova, R; Müller, Norbert; Tsvetkova, N; Michov, L; Georgieva, D; Ivanova, M; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). Characterisation of Trichinella isolates from Bulgaria by molecular typing and cross-breeding. Veterinary parasitology, 123(3-4), pp. 179-188. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2004.06.021

Nunes, Cláudia Paiva; Zaha, Arnaldo; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Siles-Lucas, María del Mar (2004). 14-3-3 gene characterization and description of a second 14-3-3 isoform in both Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis. Parasitology research, 93(5), pp. 403-409. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1147-z

Dai, Wen Juan; Waldvogel, Andreas; Siles-Lucas, Mar; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). Echinococcus multilocularis proliferation in mice and respective parasite 14-3-3 gene expression is mainly controlled by an alphabeta CD4 T-cell-mediated immune response. Immunology, 112(3), pp. 481-488. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2004.01885.x

Bacciarini, L N; Gottstein, Bruno; Pagan, O; Rehmann, P; Gröne, A (2004). Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Veterinary pathology, 41(3), pp. 229-234. American College of Veterinary Pathologists 10.1354/vp.41-3-229

Andrade, M Amparo; Siles-Lucas, Mar; Espinoza, Elsa; Pérez Arellano, José Luis; Gottstein, Bruno; Muro, Antonio (2004). Echinococcus multilocularis laminated-layer components and the E14t 14-3-3 recombinant protein decrease NO production by activated rat macrophages in vitro. Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry, 10(3), pp. 150-155. Elsevier 10.1016/j.niox.2004.03.002

Stettler, Marianne; Rossignol, Jean François; Fink, Renate; Walker, Mirjam; Gottstein, Bruno; Merli, Michael; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Dricot, Eric; Segers, Rudi; Hemphill, Andrew (2004). Secondary and primary murine alveolar echinococcosis: combined albendazole/nitazoxanide chemotherapy exhibits profound anti-parasitic activity. International journal for parasitology, 34(5), pp. 615-624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2004.01.006

Walker, Mirjam; Baz, Adriana; Dematteis, Sylvia; Stettler, Marianne; Gottstein, Bruno; Schaller, Johann; Hemphill, Andrew (2004). Isolation and characterization of a secretory component of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes potentially involved in modulating the host-parasite interface. Infection and immunity, 72(1), pp. 527-536. American Society for Microbiology

Tsvetkova, Nina; Schild, Mark; Panaiotov, Stefan; Kurdova-Mintcheva, Rossitza; Gottstein, Bruno; Walochnik, Julia; Aspöck, Horst; Lucas, Mar Siles; Müller, Norbert (2004). The identification of free-living environmental isolates of amoebae from Bulgaria. Parasitology research, 92(5), pp. 405-413. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-003-1052-x

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3), pp. 178-187. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1194-5

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3) Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1083-y

Breyer, Isabel; Georgieva, Dimitrina; Kurdova, Rossitza; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). Echinococcus granulosus strain typing in Bulgaria: the G1 genotype is predominant in intermediate and definitive wild hosts. Parasitology research, 93(2), pp. 127-130. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1116-6

Siles-Lucas, María del Mar; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). The 14-3-3 protein: a key molecule in parasites as in other organisms. Trends in parasitology, 19(12), pp. 575-581. Elsevier Current Trends

Hässig, M; Sager, Heinz; Reitt, K; Ziegler, D; Strabel, D; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). Neospora caninum in sheep: a herd case report. Veterinary parasitology, 117(3), pp. 213-220. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2003.07.029

Xiao, Ning; Mamuti, Wulamu; Yamasaki, Hiroshi; Sako, Yasuhito; Nakao, Minoru; Nakaya, Kazuhiro; Gottstein, Bruno; Schantz, Peter M; Lightowlers, Marshall W; Craig, Philip S; Ito, Akira (2003). Evaluation of use of recombinant Em18 and affinity-purified Em18 for serological differentiation of alveolar echinococcosis from cystic echinococcosis and other parasitic infections. Journal of clinical microbiology, 41(7), pp. 3351-3353. American Society for Microbiology

Rehmann, P; Gröne, A; Lawrenz, A; Pagan, O; Gottstein, Bruno; Bacciarini, L N (2003). Echinococcus multilocularis in two lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla). Journal of comparative pathology, 129(1), pp. 85-88. Elsevier

Müller, Norbert; Zimmermann, V; Forster, U; Bienz, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Welle, M (2003). PCR-based detection of canine Leishmania infections in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded skin biopsies: elaboration of a protocol for quality assessment of the diagnostic amplification reaction. Veterinary parasitology, 114(3), pp. 223-229. Elsevier

Cannas, A; Naguleswaran, A; Müller, Norbert; Eperon, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). Vaccination of mice against experimental Neospora caninum infection using NcSAG1- and NcSRS2-based recombinant antigens and DNA vaccines. Parasitology, 126(04), pp. 303-312. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182002002895

Bienz, Marianne; Dai, Wen Juan; Welle, Monika Maria; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2003). Interleukin-6-deficient mice are highly susceptible to Giardia lamblia infection but exhibit normal intestinal immunoglobulin A responses against the parasite. Infection and immunity, 71(3), pp. 1569-1573. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.71.3.1569-1573.2003

Fischer, I; Furrer, K; Audigé, L; Fritsche, A; Giger, T; Gottstein, Bruno; Sager, H (2003). [The importance of bovine neosporosis for abortion in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 145(3), pp. 114-123. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.145.3.114

Sager, Heinz; Gloor, Marianne; Björkman, Camilla; Kritzner, Sandra; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). Assessment of antibody avidity in aborting cattle by a somatic Neospora caninum tachyzoite antigen IgG avidity ELISA. Veterinary parasitology, 112(1-2), pp. 1-10. Elsevier

Stettler, Marianne; Fink, Renate; Walker, Mirjam; Gottstein, Bruno; Geary, Timothy G; Rossignol, Jean François; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). In vitro parasiticidal effect of Nitazoxanide against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 47(2), pp. 467-474. American Society for Microbiology

Dai, Wen J; Waldvogel, Andreas; Jungi, Thomas; Stettler, Marianne; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). Inducible nitric oxide synthase deficiency in mice increases resistance to chronic infection with Echinococcus multilocularis. Immunology, 108(2), pp. 238-244. Wiley-Blackwell

Hemphill, Andrew; Stettler, Marianne; Walker, Mirjam; Siles-Lucas, Mar; Fink, Renate; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). In vitro culture of Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus vogeli metacestodes: studies on the host-parasite interface. Acta tropica, 85(2), pp. 145-155. Elsevier

Cannas, Angela; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). Reduced cerebral infection of Neospora caninum-infected mice after vaccination with recombinant microneme protein NcMIC3 and ribi adjuvant. Journal of parasitology, 89(1), pp. 44-50. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/0022-3395(2003)089[0044:RCIONC]2.0.CO;2

Siles-Lucas, M; Merli, M; Mackenstedt, U; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). The Echinococcus multilocularis 14-3-3 protein protects mice against primary but not secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Vaccine, 21(5-6), pp. 431-439. Elsevier

Sager, Heinz; Gloor, Marianne; Tenter, Astrid; Maley, Stephen; Hässig, Michael; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). Immunodiagnosis of primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep by the use of a P30 IgG avidity ELISA. Parasitology research, 91(2), pp. 171-174. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-003-0964-9

Kritzner, Sandra; Sager, Heinz; Blum, Jürg; Krebber, Ralph; Greif, Gisela; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). An explorative study to assess the efficacy of toltrazuril-sulfone (ponazuril) in calves experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials, 1, p. 4. Biomed Central 10.1186/1476-0711-1-4

Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J (2002). Various approaches of teaching veterinary parasitology. Veterinary parasitology, 108(4), pp. 267-272. Elsevier

Hemphill, Andrew; Stettler, Marianne; Walker, Mirjam; Siles-Lucas, Mar; Fink, Renate; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). Culture of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes: an alternative to animal use. Trends in parasitology, 18(10), pp. 445-451. Elsevier Current Trends

Gottstein, Bruno; Dai, Wen Juan; Walker, Mirjam; Stettler, Marianne; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). An intact laminated layer is important for the establishment of secondary Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Parasitology research, 88(9), pp. 822-828. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-002-0659-7

Sako, Yasuhito; Nakao, Minoru; Nakaya, Kazuhiro; Yamasaki, Hiroshi; Gottstein, Bruno; Lightowers, Marshall W; Schantz, Peter M; Ito, Akira (2002). Alveolar echinococcosis: characterization of diagnostic antigen Em18 and serological evaluation of recombinant Em18. Journal of clinical microbiology, 40(8), pp. 2760-2765. American Society for Microbiology

Dubey, J P; Barr, B C; Barta, J R; Bjerkås, I; Björkman, C; Blagburn, B L; Bowman, D D; Buxton, D; Ellis, J T; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Hill, D E; Howe, D K; Jenkins, M C; Kobayashi, Y; Koudela, B; Marsh, A E; Mattsson, J G; McAllister, M M; Modrý, D; ... (2002). Redescription of Neospora caninum and its differentiation from related coccidia. International journal for parasitology, 32(8), pp. 929-946. Elsevier

Janovsky, Martin; Bacciarini, Luca; Sager, Heinz; Gröne, Andrea; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). Echinococcus multilocularis in a European beaver from Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 38(3), pp. 618-620. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-38.3.618

Gottstein, Bruno; Reichen, Jürg (2002). Hydatid lung disease (echinococcosis/hydatidosis). Clinics in chest medicine, 23(2), 397-408, ix. Elsevier

Hässig, M; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). Epidemiological investigations of abortions due to Neospora caninum on Swiss dairy farms. Veterinary record, 150(17), pp. 538-542. British Veterinary Association

Knopf, L; Komoin-Oka, C; Betschart, B; Jongejan, F; Gottstein, Bruno; Zinsstag, J (2002). Seasonal epidemiology of ticks and aspects of cowdriosis in N'Dama village cattle in the Central Guinea savannah of Côte d'Ivoire. Preventive veterinary medicine, 53(1-2), pp. 21-30. Elsevier

Fatzer, R; Vandevelde, Marc; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). Cerebral taeniid oncospheral lesions in two BSE suspects. Veterinary record, 150(2), pp. 46-47. British Veterinary Association

Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Ryser, Andreas; Bacciarini, Luca N; Angst, Christof; Gottstein, Bruno; Janovsky, Martin; Breitenmoser, Urs (2002). Notoedric and sarcoptic mange in free-ranging lynx from Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 38(1), pp. 228-232. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-38.1.228

Sager, Heinz; Fischer, I; Furrer, K; Strasser, M; Waldvogel, A; Boerlin, P; Audigé, L; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). A Swiss case-control study to assess Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortions by PCR, histopathology and serology. Veterinary parasitology, 102(1-2), pp. 1-15. Elsevier

Dai, W J; Hemphill, Andrew; Waldvogel, A; Ingold, K; Deplazes, P; Mossmann, H; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Major carbohydrate antigen of Echinococcus multilocularis induces an immunoglobulin G response independent of alphabeta+ CD4+ T cells. Infection and immunity, 69(10), pp. 6074-6083. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.69.10.6074-6083.2001

Müller, Norbert; Sager, Heinz; Hemphill, Andrew; Mehlhorn, H; Heydorn, A O; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Comparative molecular investigation of Nc5-PCR amplicons from Neospora caninum NC-1 and Hammondia heydorni-Berlin-1996. Parasitology research, 87(10), pp. 883-885. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360100463

Stettler, M; Siles-Lucas, M; Sarciron, E; Lawton, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2001). Echinococcus multilocularis alkaline phosphatase as a marker for metacestode damage induced by in vitro drug treatment with albendazole sulfoxide and albendazole sulfone. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 45(8), pp. 2256-2262. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.45.8.2256-2262.2001

Gottstein, Bruno; Saucy, F; Deplazes, P; Reichen, J; Demierre, G; Busato, A; Zuercher, C; Pugin, P (2001). Is high prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in wild and domestic animals associated with disease incidence in humans? Emerging infectious diseases, 7(3), pp. 408-412. U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases 10.3201/eid0703.010307

Siles-Lucas, M M; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Molecular tools for the diagnosis of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis. Tropical medicine and international health TM&IH, 6(6), pp. 463-475. Blackwell Science

Ribière, T; Gottstein, Bruno; Huber, E; Welle, M; Forster, J L; Grosclaude, P (2001). [A case of canine angiostrongylosis]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 143(6), pp. 313-318. Huber

Pfister, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Kretschmer, Robert; Cerny, T; Cerny, A (2001). Elevated carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) in patients with Echinococcus infection. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 39(6), pp. 527-530. Walter de Gruyter 10.1515/CCLM.2001.088

Haerer, G; Nicolet, J; Bacciarini, L; Gottstein, Bruno; Giacometti, M (2001). [Causes of death, zoonoses, and reproduction in the European brown hare in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 143(4), pp. 193-201. Huber

Ingold, K; Dai, W; Rausch, R L; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2001). Characterization of the laminated layer of in vitro cultivated Echinococcus vogeli metacestodes. Journal of parasitology, 87(1), pp. 55-64. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/0022-3395(2001)087[0055:COTLLO]2.0.CO;2

Felleisen, R S; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). A novel EF-hand calcium-binding protein in the flagellum of the protozoan Tritrichomonas suis. Parasitology, 122(02), pp. 125-132. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182001007168

Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Animal models in parasitology. Contributions to microbiology, 9, pp. 31-44. Karger

Godot, V; Harraga, S; Beurton, I; Deschaseaux, M; Sarciron, E; Gottstein, Bruno; Vuitton, D A (2000). Resistance/susceptibility to Echinococcus multilocularis infection and cytokine profile in humans. I. Comparison of patients with progressive and abortive lesions. Clinical and experimental immunology, 121(3), pp. 484-490. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Godot, V; Harraga, S; Beurton, I; Tiberghien, P; Sarciron, E; Gottstein, Bruno; Vuitton, D A (2000). Resistance/susceptibility to Echinococcus multilocularis infection and cytokine profile in humans. II. Influence of the HLA B8, DR3, DQ2 haplotype. Clinical and experimental immunology, 121(3), pp. 491-498. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). A European perspective on Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 30(8), pp. 877-924. Elsevier

van der Logt, P B; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). Unidentified parasitic cysts in cattle. Veterinary record, 146(21), pp. 610-612. British Veterinary Association

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, N; Sager, H; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). [Neospora caninum and neosporosis--basic science at the Institute of Parasitology and possible implications]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 142(5), pp. 257-261. Huber

Sonda, S; Fuchs, N; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2000). Molecular characterization of a novel microneme antigen in Neospora caninum. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 108(1), pp. 39-51. Elsevier

Felleisen, R S; Hemphill, A; Ingold, K; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). Conservation of calnexin in the early branching protozoan Tritrichomonas suis. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 108(1), pp. 109-117. Elsevier

Macpherson, C N; Gottstein, Bruno; Geerts, S (2000). Parasitic food-borne and water-borne zoonoses. Revue scientifique et technique, 19(1), pp. 240-258. International Office of Epizootics 10.20506/rst.19.1.1218

Wyss, R; Sager, H; Müller, Norbert; Inderbitzin, F; König, M; Audigé, L; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). [The occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum as regards meat hygiene]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 142(3), pp. 95-108. Huber

Hildreth, M B; Sriram, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Wilson, M; Schantz, P M (2000). Failure to identify alveolar echinococcosis in trappers from South Dakota in spite of high prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in wild canids. Journal of parasitology, 86(1), pp. 75-77. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/0022-3395(2000)086[0075:FTIAEI]2.0.CO;2

Ingold, K; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2000). High molecular mass glycans are major structural elements associated with the laminated layer of in vitro cultivated Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. International journal for parasitology, 30(2), pp. 207-214. Elsevier

Gottstein, Bruno (2000). [Epidemiology and systematics of cystic and alveolar hydatid disease]. Chirurg, 71(1), pp. 1-8. Springer-Medizin-Verlag

Kuratli, S; Lindh, J G; Gottstein, Bruno; Smith, D F; Connolly, B (1999). Trichinella spp.: differential expression of two genes in the muscle larva of encapsulating and nonencapsulating species. Experimental parasitology, 93(3), pp. 153-159. Elsevier 10.1006/expr.1999.4443

Romig, T; Kratzer, W; Kimmig, P; Frosch, M; Gaus, W; Flegel, W A; Gottstein, Bruno; Lucius, R; Beckh, K; Kern, P (1999). An epidemiologic survey of human alveolar echinococcosis in southwestern Germany. Römerstein Study Group. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 61(4), pp. 566-573. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Dreweck, C M; Soboslay, P T; Schulz-Key, H; Gottstein, Bruno; Kern, P (1999). Cytokine and chemokine secretion by human peripheral blood cells in response to viable Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode vesicles. Parasite immunology, 21(8), pp. 433-438. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Lentze, T; Hofer, D; Gottstein, Bruno; Gaillard, C; Busato, A (1999). [Prevalence and importance of endoparasites in calves raised in Swiss cow-calf farms]. DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 106(7), pp. 275-281. Verlag M. & H. Schaper

Ingold, K; Bigler, P; Thormann, W; Cavaliero, T; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (1999). Efficacies of albendazole sulfoxide and albendazole sulfone against In vitro-cultivated Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 43(5), pp. 1052-1061. American Society for Microbiology

Eperon, S; Brönnimann, K; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (1999). Susceptibility of B-cell deficient C57BL/6 (microMT) mice to Neospora caninum infection. Parasite immunology, 21(5), pp. 225-236. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Dai, W J; Gottstein, Bruno (1999). Nitric oxide-mediated immunosuppression following murine Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Immunology, 97(1), pp. 107-116. Wiley-Blackwell

Hagemann, G; Gottstein, Bruno; Witte, O W (1999). Isolated Echinococcus granulosus hydatid cyst in the CNS with severe reaction to treatment. Neurology, 52(5), pp. 1100-1101. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Ito, A; Ma, L; Schantz, P M; Gottstein, Bruno; Liu, Y H; Chai, J J; Abdel-Hafez, S K; Altintas, N; Joshi, D D; Lightowlers, M W; Pawlowski, Z S (1999). Differential serodiagnosis for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis using fractions of Echinococcus granulosus cyst fluid (antigen B) and E. multilocularis protoscolex (EM18). The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 60(2), pp. 188-192. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Poretti, D; Felleisen, E; Grimm, F; Pfister, M; Teuscher, F; Zuercher, C; Reichen, J; Gottstein, Bruno (1999). Differential immunodiagnosis between cystic hydatid disease and other cross-reactive pathologies. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 60(2), pp. 193-198. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Hotz, M A; Gottstein, Bruno (1999). Cystic echinococcosis of the parapharyngeal space: case report with a 20-year follow-up. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 57(1), pp. 80-83. Elsevier

Haag, K L; Araújo, A M; Gottstein, Bruno; Siles-Lucas, M; Thompson, R C; Zaha, A (1999). Breeding systems in Echinococcus granulosus (Cestoda; Taeniidae): selfing or outcrossing? Parasitology, 118(01), pp. 63-71. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182098003485

Gottstein, Bruno; Hentrich, B; Wyss, R; Thür, B; Bruckner, L; Müller, N; Kaufmann, H; Waldvogel, A (1999). [Molecular and immunodiagnostic studies of bovine neosporosis in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 141(2), pp. 59-68. Huber

Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (1998). Antigenic variation and the murine immune response to Giardia lamblia. International journal for parasitology, 28(12), pp. 1829-1839. Elsevier

Sonda, S; Fuchs, N; Connolly, B; Fernandez, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, A (1998). The major 36 kDa Neospora caninum tachyzoite surface protein is closely related to the major Toxoplasma gondii surface antigen. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 97(1-2), pp. 97-108. Elsevier

Siles-Lucas, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Felleisen, R S (1998). Identification of a differentially expressed Echinococcus multilocularis protein Em6 potentially related to antigen 5 of Echinococcus granulosus. Parasite immunology, 20(10), pp. 473-481. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Fuchs, N; Sonda, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, A (1998). Differential expression of cell surface- and dense granule-associated Neospora caninum proteins in tachyzoites and bradyzoites. Journal of parasitology, 84(4), pp. 753-758. American Society of Parasitologists

Eiermann, T H; Bettens, F; Tiberghien, P; Schmitz, K; Beurton, I; Bresson-Hadni, S; Ammann, R W; Goldmann, S F; Vuitton, D A; Gottstein, Bruno; Kern, P (1998). HLA and alveolar echinococcosis. Tissue antigens, 52(2), pp. 124-129. Wiley-Blackwell

Benitez, L; Harrison, L J; Parkhouse, R M; Gonzalez, L M; Gottstein, Bruno; Garate, T (1998). Sequence and immunogenicity of the Taenia saginata homologue of the major surface antigen of Echinococcus spp. Parasitology research, 84(5), pp. 426-431. Springer-Verlag

Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Sager, H; Jungi, T W; Müller, N (1998). Influence of antibodies in mother's milk on antigenic variation of Giardia lamblia in the murine mother-offspring model of infection. Infection and immunity, 66(4), pp. 1287-1292. American Society for Microbiology

Ingold, K; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, A (1998). Identification of a laminated layer-associated protein in Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology, 116(04), pp. 363-372. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182098002406

Gottstein, Bruno; Hentrich, B; Wyss, R; Thür, B; Busato, A; Stärk, K D; Müller, N (1998). Molecular and immunodiagnostic investigations on bovine neosporosis in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology, 28(4), pp. 679-691. Elsevier

Siles-Lucas, M; Felleisen, R S; Hemphill, A; Wilson, W; Gottstein, Bruno (1998). Stage-specific expression of the 14-3-3 gene in Echinococcus multilocularis. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 91(2), pp. 281-293. Elsevier

Hemphill, Andrew; Gajendran, N; Sonda, S; Fuchs, N; Gottstein, Bruno; Hentrich, B; Jenkins, M (1998). Identification and characterisation of a dense granule-associated protein in Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 28(3), pp. 429-438. Elsevier

Felleisen, R S; Lambelet, N; Bachmann, P; Nicolet, J; Müller, N; Gottstein, Bruno (1998). Detection of Tritrichomonas foetus by PCR and DNA enzyme immunoassay based on rRNA gene unit sequences. Journal of clinical microbiology, 36(2), pp. 513-519. American Society for Microbiology

Godot, V; Harraga, S; Deschaseaux, M; Bresson-Hadni, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Emilie, D; Vuitton, D A (1997). Increased basal production of interleukin-10 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in human alveolar echinococcosis. European cytokine network, 8(4), pp. 401-408. Libbey

Hemphill, A; Felleisen, R; Connolly, B; Gottstein, Bruno; Hentrich, B; Müller, N (1997). Characterization of a cDNA-clone encoding Nc-p43, a major Neospora caninum tachyzoite surface protein. Parasitology, 115(06), pp. 581-590. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182097001650

Frossard, J L; Armenian, B; Gottstein, Bruno; Diebold-Berger, S; Khan, H; Vine, R; Hadengue, A (1997). A case of alveolar echinococcosis restricted to the pancreas. American journal of gastroenterology, 92(11), pp. 2117-2119. Nature

Haag, K L; Zaha, A; Araújo, A M; Gottstein, Bruno (1997). Reduced genetic variability within coding and non-coding regions of the Echinococcus multilocularis genome. Parasitology, 115(05), pp. 521-529. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182097001649

Lawton, P; Hemphill, A; Deplazes, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Sarciron, M E (1997). Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes: immunological and immunocytochemical analysis of the relationships between alkaline phosphatase and the Em2 antigen. Experimental parasitology, 87(2), pp. 142-149. Elsevier 10.1006/expr.1997.4190

Hemphill, A; Fuchs, N; Sonda, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Hentrich, B (1997). Identification and partial characterization of a 36 kDa surface protein on Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology, 115(04), pp. 371-380. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182097001455

Gottstein, Bruno; Pozio, E; Connolly, B; Gamble, H R; Eckert, J; Jakob, H P (1997). Epidemiological investigation of trichinellosis in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 72(2), pp. 201-207. Elsevier

Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (1997). Systemic and local antibody response in mice induced by a recombinant peptide fragment from Giardia lamblia variant surface protein (VSP) H7 produced by a Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain. International journal for parasitology, 27(8), pp. 965-971. Elsevier

Busato, A; Steiner, L; Gottstein, Bruno; Gaillard, C (1997). [Frequency and etiology of calf losses and calf diseases in cow-calf farms. III. seroprevalence of selected diseases and prevalence of endoparasites and weaning age]. DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 104(6), pp. 191-195. Verlag M. & H. Schaper

Stäger, S; Felleisen, R; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, N (1997). Giardia lamblia variant surface protein H7 stimulates a heterogeneous repertoire of antibodies displaying differential cytological effects on the parasite. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 85(1), pp. 113-124. Elsevier

Sailer, M; Soelder, B; Allerberger, F; Zaknun, D; Feichtinger, H; Gottstein, Bruno (1997). Alveolar echinococcosis of the liver in a six-year-old girl with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Journal of pediatrics, 130(2), pp. 320-323. Elsevier

Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (1997). Immunopathology of echinococcosis. Chemical immunology, 66, pp. 177-208. Karger

Stärk, K D; Frei-Stäheli, C; Frei, P P; Pfeiffer, D U; Danuser, J; Audigé, L; Nicolet, J; Strasser, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Kihm, U (1997). [Frequency and cost of health problems in Swiss dairy cows and their calves (1993-1994)]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 139(8), pp. 343-353. Huber

Schmitt, M; Saucy, F; Wyborn, S; Gottstein, Bruno (1997). [Infestation of water voles (Arvicola terrestris) with metacestodes of Echinococcus multilocularis in the canton Freiburg (Switzerland)]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 139(2), pp. 84-93. Huber

Diebold-Berger, S; Khan, H; Gottstein, Bruno; Puget, E; Frossard, J L; Remadi, S (1997). Cytologic diagnosis of isolated pancreatic alveolar hydatid disease with immunologic and PCR analyses. A case report. Acta cytologica, 41(4 Suppl), pp. 1381-1386. Karger

Haag, K L; Araújo, A M; Gottstein, Bruno; Zaha, A (1997). Selection, recombination and history in a parasitic flatworm (Echinococcus) inferred from nucleotide sequences. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 93(5), pp. 695-702. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Müller, Norbert; Zimmermann, V; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Diagnosis of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infection by PCR and DNA hybridization immunoassay. Journal of clinical microbiology, 34(11), pp. 2850-2852. American Society for Microbiology

Kaufmann, H; Yamage, M; Roditi, I; Dobbelaere, D; Dubey, J P; Holmdahl, O J; Trees, A; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Discrimination of Neospora caninum from Toxoplasma gondii and other apicomplexan parasites by hybridization and PCR. Molecular and cellular probes, 10(4), pp. 289-297. Elsevier

Gottstein, Bruno; Saucy, F; Wyss, C; Siegenthaler, M; Jacquier, P; Schmitt, M; Brossard, M; Demierre, G (1996). Investigations on a Swiss area highly endemic for Echinococcus multilocularis. Applied parasitology, 37(2), pp. 129-136. G. Fischer

Yamage, M; Flechtner, O; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Neospora caninum: specific oligonucleotide primers for the detection of brain "cyst" DNA of experimentally infected nude mice by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Journal of parasitology, 82(2), pp. 272-279. American Society of Parasitologists

Müller, N; Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Serological analysis of antigenic heterogeneity of Giardia lamblia variant surface proteins. Infection and immunity, 64(4), pp. 1385-1390. American Society for Microbiology

Felleisen, R; Zimmermann, V; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, N (1996). Use of a 96-well format for the affinity purification of maltose-binding protein (MBP) fusion proteins. BioTechniques, 20(4), pp. 616-620. Informa Life Sciences Publ.

Hemphill, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Kaufmann, H (1996). Adhesion and invasion of bovine endothelial cells by Neospora caninum. Parasitology, 112(02), pp. 183-197. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000084754

Gottstein, Bruno; Bettens, F; Parkinson, A J; Wilson, F (1996). Immunological parameters associated with susceptibility or resistance to alveolar hydatid disease in Yupiks/Inupiats. Arctic medical research, 55(1), pp. 14-19. Nordic Council for Arctic Medical Research

Felleisen, R; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). ["Arbitrarily primed PCR". Or: chance in the service of science]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 138(3), pp. 139-143. Huber

Felleisen, R; Müller, Norbert; Yamage, M; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). [Diagnostic PCR in veterinary parasitology: tritrichomonosis, neosporosis/toxoplasmosis echinococcosis/cysticercosis]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 138(3), pp. 144-151. Huber

Hemphill, Andrew; Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (1996). Electron microscopical investigation of surface alterations on Giardia lamblia trophozoites after exposure to a cytotoxic monoclonal antibody. Parasitology research, 82(3), pp. 206-210. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360050096

Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Identification of a major surface protein on Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology research, 82(6), pp. 497-504. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360050152

Guisantes, J A; Eraso, E; Felleisen, R; Martinez, J; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Application of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to the study of mites related to allergic diseases. Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology, 6(1), pp. 65-68. Esmon Publicidad

Gottstein, Bruno; D'Alessandro, A; Rausch, R L (1995). Immunodiagnosis of polycystic hydatid disease/polycystic echinococcosis due to Echinococcus vogeli. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 53(5), pp. 558-563. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.1995.53.558

Gottstein, Bruno; Felleisen, R (1995). Protective immune mechanisms against the metacestode of Echinococcus multilocularis. Parasitology today, 11(9), pp. 320-326. Elsevier 10.1016/0169-4758(95)80184-7

Gottstein, Bruno (1995). [Cyst-forming Coccidia: Toxoplasma, Neospora, Sarcocystis]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 125(18), pp. 890-898. B. Schwabe & Co.

Sturm, D; Menzel, J; Gottstein, Bruno; Kern, P (1995). Interleukin-5 is the predominant cytokine produced by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in alveolar echinococcosis. Infection and immunity, 63(5), pp. 1688-1697. American Society for Microbiology

Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (1995). Immunology and morphology studies on the proliferation of in vitro cultivated Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology research, 81(7), pp. 605-614. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00932028

Jacquier, P; Deplazes, P; Heimann, P; Gottstein, Bruno (1995). [Parasitology and human medical preventive importance of Toxoplasma gondii]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift - Supplementum, 65, 10S-18S. EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Gottstein, Bruno (1995). [Toxoplasma gondii: perspectives for a vaccine]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift - Supplementum, 65, 89S-95S. EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Gottstein, Bruno; Bresson-Hadni, S (1995). [Intestinal immunology in digestive parasitoses]. Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique, 19(5 Pt 2), B85-90. Elsevier

Bresson-Hadni, S; Laplante, J J; Lenys, D; Rohmer, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Jacquier, P; Mercet, P; Meyer, J P; Miguet, J P; Vuitton, D A (1994). Seroepidemiologic screening of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in a European area endemic for alveolar echinococcosis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 51(6), pp. 837-846. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.1994.51.837

Deplazes, P; Jimenez-Palacios, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Skaggs, J; Eckert, J (1994). Detection of Echinococcus coproantigens in stray dogs of northern Spain. Applied parasitology, 35(4), pp. 297-301. G. Fischer

Nicod, L; Bresson-Hadni, S; Vuitton, D A; Emery, I; Gottstein, Bruno; Auer, H; Lenys, D (1994). Specific cellular and humoral immune responses induced by different antigen preparations of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in patients with alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite : journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie, 1(3), pp. 261-270. PDG Communication 10.1051/parasite/1994013261

Felleisen, R; Gottstein, Bruno (1994). Comparative analysis of full-length antigen II/3 from Echinococcus multilocularis and E. granulosus. Parasitology, 109(02), pp. 223-232. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000076344

Siles-Lucas, M; Felleisen, R; Cuesta-Bandera, C; Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J (1994). Comparative genetic analysis of Swiss and Spanish isolates of Echinococcus granulosus by southern hybridization and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA technique. Applied parasitology, 35(2), pp. 107-117. G. Fischer

Gottstein, Bruno; Bettens, F (1994). Association between HLA-DR13 and susceptibility to alveolar echinococcosis. Journal of infectious diseases, 169(6), pp. 1416-1417. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/169.6.1416

Gottstein, Bruno; Wunderlin, E; Tanner, I (1994). Echinococcus multilocularis: parasite-specific humoral and cellular immune response subsets in mouse strains susceptible (AKR, C57B1/6J) or 'resistant' (C57B1/10) to secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Clinical and experimental immunology, 96(2), pp. 245-252. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2249.1994.tb06549.x

Jakob, H P; Eckert, J; Jemmi, T; Gottstein, Bruno (1994). [Trichinellosis in slaughtered and wild animals in Switzerland using a digestion method and a serologic method (E/S-ELISA)]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 136(9), pp. 298-308. Huber

Huber, E; Kaufmann, H; Gottstein, Bruno (1994). [What is your diagnosis? Babesiosis in a dog]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 136(6-7), pp. 248-250. Huber

Podoprigora, G I; Starkova, T V; Eckert, J; Gottstein, Bruno (1994). [The comparative efficacy of commercial tests (of Russian and Swiss manufacture) for immunoenzyme analysis in echinococcosis]. Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezni(3), pp. 51-52. Moskva : S.Info

Smith, N C; Bucklar, H; Muggli, E; Hoop, R K; Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J (1993). Use of IgG- and IgM-specific ELISAs for the assessment of exposure status of chickens to Eimeria species. Veterinary parasitology, 51(1-2), pp. 13-25. Elsevier 10.1016/0304-4017(93)90191-O

Felleisen, R; Gottstein, Bruno (1993). Echinococcus multilocularis: molecular and immunochemical characterization of diagnostic antigen II/3-10. Parasitology, 107(03), pp. 335-342. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000079300

Gottstein, Bruno; Jacquier, P; Bresson-Hadni, S; Eckert, J (1993). Improved primary immunodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in humans by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the Em2plus antigen. Journal of clinical microbiology, 31(2), pp. 373-376. American Society for Microbiology

Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P; Tanner, I (1993). In vitro synthesized immunoglobulin A from nu/+ and reconstituted nu/nu mice against a dominant surface antigen of Giardia lamblia. Parasitology research, 79(8), pp. 644-648. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00932506

Eckert, J; Thompson, R C; Lymbery, A J; Pawlowski, Z S; Gottstein, Bruno; Morgan, U M (1993). Further evidence for the occurrence of a distinct strain of Echinococcus granulosus in European pigs. Parasitology research, 79(1), pp. 42-48. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00931216

Ewald, D; Eckert, J; Gottstein, Bruno; Straub, M; Nigg, H (1992). Parasitological and serological studies on the prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart, 1863 in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758) in Switzerland. Revue scientifique et technique, 11(4), pp. 1057-1061. International Office of Epizootics 10.20506/rst.11.4.640

Craig, P S; Deshan, L; MacPherson, C N; Dazhong, S; Reynolds, D; Barnish, G; Gottstein, Bruno; Zhirong, W (1992). A large focus of alveolar echinococcosis in central China. Lancet, 340(8823), pp. 826-831. Elsevier 10.1016/0140-6736(92)92693-A

Gottstein, Bruno (1992). Molecular and immunological diagnosis of echinococcosis. Clinical microbiology reviews, 5(3), pp. 248-261. American Society for Microbiology ASM 10.1128/CMR.5.3.248

Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P; Aubert, M (1992). Echinococcus multilocularis: immunological study on the "Em2-positive" laminated layer during in vitro and in vivo post-oncospheral and larval development. Parasitology research, 78(4), pp. 291-297. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00937086

Deplazes, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J; Jenkins, D J; Ewald, D; Jimenez-Palacios, S (1992). Detection of Echinococcus coproantigens by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in dogs, dingoes and foxes. Parasitology research, 78(4), pp. 303-308. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00937088

Gottstein, Bruno (1992). Echinococcus multilocularis infection: immunology and immunodiagnosis. Advances in Parasitology, 31, pp. 321-380. Elsevier 10.1016/S0065-308X(08)60024-X

Gottstein, Bruno; Mesarina, B; Tanner, I; Ammann, R W; Wilson, J F; Eckert, J; Lanier, A (1991). Specific cellular and humoral immune responses in patients with different long-term courses of alveolar echinococcosis (infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 45(6), pp. 734-742. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.1991.45.734

Gottstein, Bruno; Nash, T E (1991). Antigenic variation in Giardia lamblia: infection of congenitally athymic nude and scid mice. Parasite immunology, 13(6), pp. 649-659. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.1991.tb00560.x

Jacquier, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Stingelin, Y; Eckert, J (1991). Immunodiagnosis of toxocarosis in humans: evaluation of a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Journal of clinical microbiology, 29(9), pp. 1831-1835. American Society for Microbiology

Deplazes, P; Gottstein, Bruno (1991). A monoclonal antibody against Echinococcus multilocularis Em2 antigen. Parasitology, 103(01), pp. 41-49. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000059278

Gottstein, Bruno; Ising, S; Stoye, M (1991). [Parasitologic, clinical, hematologic and serologic findings in puppies after lactogenic infection with Ancylostoma caninum ERCOLANI 1859 (Ancylostomidae)]. Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B - infectious diseases, immunobiology, food hygiene, public health, 38(2), pp. 111-122. Blackwell

Sydler, T; Pospischil, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J (1991). Immunohistochemical labeling of Giardia trophozoites spp. in formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues. Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B - infectious diseases, immunobiology, food hygiene, public health, 38(2), pp. 135-141. Blackwell

Gottstein, Bruno; Mowatt, M R (1991). Sequencing and characterization of an Echinococcus multilocularis DNA probe and its use in the polymerase chain reaction. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 44(2), pp. 183-193. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(91)90004-P

Gottstein, Bruno (1991). Echinococcus multilocularis: antigenic variance between different parasite isolates. Parasitology research, 77(4), pp. 359-361. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00930916

Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P; Tanner, I; Skaggs, J S (1991). Diagnostic identification of Taenia saginata with the polymerase chain reaction. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 85(2), pp. 248-249. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Deplazes, P; Eckert, J; Pawlowski, Z S; Machowska, L; Gottstein, Bruno (1991). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for diagnostic detection of Taenia saginata copro-antigens in humans. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 85(3), pp. 391-396. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.1016/0035-9203(91)90302-F

Gottstein, Bruno; Stocks, N I; Shearer, G M; Nash, T E (1991). Human cellular immune response to Giardia lamblia. Infection, 19(6), pp. 421-426. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/BF01726454

Vogel, Monique; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Flury, K; Eckert, J; Seebeck, Thomas (1990). Echinococcus multilocularis: characterization of a DNA probe. Acta tropica, 48(2), pp. 109-116. Elsevier 10.1016/0001-706X(90)90050-A

Gottstein, Bruno; Harriman, G R; Conrad, J T; Nash, T E (1990). Antigenic variation in Giardia lamblia: cellular and humoral immune response in a mouse model. Parasite immunology, 12(6), pp. 659-673. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.1990.tb00995.x

Deplazes, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Stingelin, Y; Eckert, J (1990). Detection of Taenia hydatigena copro-antigens by ELISA in dogs. Veterinary parasitology, 36(1-2), pp. 91-103. Elsevier 10.1016/0304-4017(90)90097-U

Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Cryz, S J; Vogel, Monique; Tanner, I; Seebeck, Thomas (1990). Humoral and cellular immune response in mice and dogs induced by a recombinant Echinococcus multilocularis antigen produced by a Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain. Parasite immunology, 12(2), pp. 163-174. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.1990.tb00945.x

Fritzsche, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Wigglesworth, M C; Eckert, J (1990). Serological survey of human cysticercosis in Irianese refugee camps in Papua New Guinea. Acta tropica, 47(2), pp. 69-77. Elsevier 10.1016/0001-706X(90)90069-C

Stürchler, D; Schubarth, P; Gualzata, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Oettli, A (1989). Thiabendazole vs. albendazole in treatment of toxocariasis: a clinical trial. Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology, 83(5), pp. 473-478. Maney 10.1080/00034983.1989.11812374

Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Vogel, Monique; Flury, Karin; Seebeck, Thomas (1989). Application of a recombinant Echinococcus multilocularis antigen in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for immunodiagnosis of human alveolar echinococcosis. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 36(2), pp. 151-159. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(89)90187-4

Müller, N; Vogel, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Scholle, A; Seebeck, T (1989). Plasmid vector for overproduction and export of recombinant protein in Escherichia coli: efficient one-step purification of a recombinant antigen from Echinococcus multilocularis (Cestoda). Gene, 75(2), pp. 329-334. Elsevier

Gottstein, Bruno (1989). [Immunodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis]. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 109(2), pp. 93-94. Impr. Réunis

Taminelli, V; Eckert, J; Sydler, T; Gottstein, Bruno; Corboz, L; Hofmann, M (1989). [Experimental infection of calves and sheep with bovine Giardia isolates]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 131(9), pp. 551-564. Huber

Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P (1989). [Indirect detection of the infectious agents of selected parasitic diseases in animals by immunologic and molecular biological methods]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 131(8), pp. 465-477. Huber

Gottstein, Bruno; Tschudi, K; Eckert, J; Ammann, R (1989). Em2-ELISA for the follow-up of alveolar echinococcosis after complete surgical resection of liver lesions. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 83(3), pp. 389-393. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Vogel, Monique; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Seebeck, Thomas (1988). Production of a recombinant antigen of Echinococcus multilocularis with high immunodiagnostic sensitivity and specificity. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 31(2), pp. 117-125. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(88)90162-4

Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P; Arnold, P; Mehlitz, D; Reiter, I; Eckert, J (1988). [Immunodiagnosis of leishmaniasis in dogs by ELISA and mini-Western blot]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 130(5), pp. 249-262. Huber

Lanier, A P; Trujillo, D E; Schantz, P M; Wilson, J P; Gottstein, Bruno; McMahon, B J (1988). An ELISA test for diagnosis and screening of echinococcus multilocularis in a high-risk Inupiat Eskimo population. Arctic medical research, 47(Suppl 1), pp. 691-692. Nordic Council for Arctic Medical Research

Gottstein, Bruno; Zini, D; Schantz, P M (1987). Species-specific immunodiagnosis of Taenia solium cysticercosis by ELISA and immunoblotting. Tropical medicine and parasitology, 38(4), pp. 299-303. Georg Thieme

Lanier, A P; Trujillo, D E; Schantz, P M; Wilson, J F; Gottstein, Bruno; McMahon, B J (1987). Comparison of serologic tests for the diagnosis and follow-up of alveolar hydatid disease. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 37(3), pp. 609-615. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Glickman, L T; Magnaval, J F; Domanski, L M; Shofer, F S; Lauria, S S; Gottstein, Bruno; Brochier, B (1987). Visceral larva migrans in French adults: a new disease syndrome? American journal of epidemiology, 125(6), pp. 1019-1034. Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a114618

Baumann, D; Gottstein, Bruno (1987). A double-antibody sandwich ELISA for the detection of Entamoeba histolytica antigen in stool samples of humans. Tropical medicine and parasitology, 38(2), pp. 81-85. Georg Thieme

Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J; Michael, S A; Thompson, R C (1987). Echinococcus granulosus antigens: immunoelectrophoretic and Western blot analysis of hydatid cyst fluids. Parasitology research, 73(2), pp. 186-189. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00536480

Ramp, T; Eckert, J; Gottstein, Bruno (1987). Cryopreservation and long-term in vitro maintenance of second-stage larvae of Toxocara canis. Parasitology research, 73(2), pp. 165-170. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00536474

Gottstein, Bruno; Witassek, F; Eckert, J (1986). New findings on echinococcosis. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 116(24), pp. 810-817. B. Schwabe & Co.

Gottstein, Bruno; Tsang, V C; Schantz, P M (1986). Demonstration of species-specific and cross-reactive components of Taenia solium metacestode antigens. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 35(2), pp. 308-313. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Gottstein, Bruno; Schantz, P M; Todorov, T; Saimot, A G; Jacquier, P (1986). An international study on the serological differential diagnosis of human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 64(1), pp. 101-105. World Health Organization

Gottstein, Bruno; Schantz, P M; Wilson, J F (1985). Serological screening for Echinococcus multilocularis infections with ELISA. Lancet, 1(8437), pp. 1097-1098. Elsevier 10.1016/S0140-6736(85)92394-3

Gottstein, Bruno (1985). Purification and characterization of a specific antigen from Echinococcus multilocularis. Parasite immunology, 7(3), pp. 201-212. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Gottstein, Bruno; Hemmeler, E (1985). Egg yolk immunoglobulin Y as an alternative antibody in the serology of echinococcosis. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, 71(2), pp. 273-276. Springer

Speiser, F; Gottstein, Bruno (1984). A collaborative study on larval excretory/secretory antigens of Toxocara canis for the immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis with ELISA. Acta tropica, 41(4), pp. 361-372. Elsevier

Gottstein, Bruno (1984). An immunoassay for the detection of circulating antigens in human echinococcosis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 33(6), pp. 1185-1191. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J; Woodtli, W (1984). Determination of parasite-specific immunoglobulins using the ELISA in patients with echinococcosis treated with mebendazole. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, 70(3), pp. 385-389. Springer

Gottstein, Bruno; Eckert, J; Fey, Hans (1983). Serological differentiation between Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis infections in man. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, 69(3), pp. 347-356. Springer 10.1007/BF00927876

Fey, Hans; Gottstein, Bruno (1979). Cost-effective ELISA reader combined with the TI59 programmable calculator for Texas Instruments. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 121(8), pp. 387-394. Huber

Graf, Ramona

Schuppers, M.E.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Graf, Ramona; Eidam, Verena; Wittwer, Christine; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2010). A study to demonstrate freedom of Trichinella spp. in domestic pigs in Switzerland. Zoonoses and public health, 57(7-8), pp. 130-135. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2009.01299.x

Grandgirard, Denis

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Wang, Junhua; von Gunten, Stephan; Beldi, Guido; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Gottstein, Bruno (2021). Digest the Sugar, Kill the Parasite: A New Experimental Concept in Treating Alveolar Echinococcosis. Pharmacology, 106(1-2), pp. 3-8. Karger 10.1159/000509355

Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique A; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spiliotis, Markus; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Shalev, Itay; Levy, Gary; Lu, Xiaomei; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Deletion of Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 (FGL-2), a Novel CD4+ CD25+ Treg Effector Molecule, Leads to Improved Control of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in Mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(5), e0003755. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003755

Monney, Thierry; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Use of a Th1 Stimulator Adjuvant for Vaccination against Neospora caninum Infection in the Pregnant Mouse Model. Pathogens, 2(2), pp. 193-208. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens2020193

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Vaccination with the recombinant chimeric antigen recNcMIC3-1-R induces a non-protective Th2-type immune response in the pregnant mouse model for N. caninum infection. Vaccine, 30(46), pp. 6588-94. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.08.024

Monney, Thierry; Rütti, David; Schorer, Michelle; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). RecNcMIC3-1-R is a microneme- and rhoptry-based chimeric antigen that protects against acute neosporosis and limits cerebral parasite load in the mouse model for Neospora caninum infection. Vaccine, 29(40), pp. 6967-6975. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.038

Margos, M.C.; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Gottstein, Bruno (2011). In vitro induction of lymph node cell proliferation by mouse bone marrow dendritic cells following stimulation with different Echinococcus multilocularis antigens. Journal of helminthology, 85(2), pp. 128-137. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0022149X10000878

Gianinazzi, Christian; Grandgirard, Denis; Simon, Franziska; Imboden, Hans; Joss, Philipp; Täuber, Martin G.; Leib, Stephen (2004). Apoptosis of hippocampal neurons in organotypic slice culture models: direct effect of bacteria revisited. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, 63(6), pp. 610-617. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Grandt, Lisa-Maria

Basso, Walter; Grandt, Lisa-Maria; Magnenat, Anne-Laure Juliette; Gottstein, Bruno; Campos, Miguel (2019). Strongyloides stercoralis infection in imported and local dogs in Switzerland: from clinics to molecular genetics. Parasitology research, 118(1), pp. 255-266. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-018-6173-3

Gross, Josef Johann

Luginbühl, Carmen; Gross, Josef; Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Zanolari, Patrik (2023). Reindeer Husbandry in Switzerland-Management, Feeding, and Endoparasite Infections. Animals, 13(9) MDPI 10.3390/ani13091444

Grossenbacher, Philipp

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Guionaud, Christophe

Alaeddine, Ferial; Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Guionaud, Christophe (2013). Molecular cloning and characterization of NcROP2Fam-1, a member of the ROP2 family of rhoptry proteins in Neospora caninum that is targeted by antibodies neutralizing host cell invasion in vitro. Parasitology, 140(8), pp. 1033-1050. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182013000383

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Kropf, C.; Boykin, D.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Experimental treatment of Neospora caninum-infected mice with the arylimidamide DB750 and the thiazolide nitazoxanide. Experimental parasitology, 129(2), pp. 95-100. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2011.07.010

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Alaeddine, F.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Intraperitoneal and intra-nasal vaccination of mice with three distinct recombinant Neospora caninum antigens results in differential effects with regard to protection against experimental challenge with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology, 137(2), pp. 229-40. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182009991259

Guionaud, C.; Hemphill, A.; Mevissen, M.; Alaeddine, F. (2010). Molecular characterization of Neospora caninum MAG1, a dense granule protein secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole, and associated with the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. Parasitology, 137(11), pp. 1605-19. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182010000442

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Gunasekera, Kapila

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Gurtner, Corinne

Rüfli, Isabelle; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U.; Vidondo, Beatriz; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela; Zanolari, Patrik (2021). Causes of Abortions in South American Camelids in Switzerland-Cases and Questionnaire. Animals, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/ani11071956

Meister, Seraina L.; Richard, Olivia K.; Hoby, Stefan; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U. (2021). Fatal avian malaria in captive Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 14, pp. 97-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.12.007

Guthruf, Susanne Carla

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Göpfert, Christine

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Gendron, Karine; Göpfert, Christine; Linon, Elisa; Posthaus, Horst; Frey, Caroline (2015). Pulmonary Echinococcus multilocularis metastasis in a dog. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 56(3), pp. 267-271. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Haindrich, Alexander Christoph

Haindrich, Alexander C.; Ernst, Viona; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Oliveres, Quentin-Florian; Roditi, Isabel; Rentsch, Doris (2021). Nutrient availability regulates proline/alanine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of biological chemistry, 296, p. 100566. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100566

Hamza, Eman

Lanz, Simone; Gerber, Vinzenz; Marti, Eliane Isabelle; Rettmer, Helen; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta; Gottstein, Bruno; Matthews, Jacqueline B.; Pirie, Scott; Hamza, Eman (2013). Effect of hay dust extract and cyathostomin antigen stimulation on cytokine expression by PBMC in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 155(4), pp. 229-237. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2013.07.005

Hamza, Eman; Torsteinsdottir, S.; Eydal, M.; Frey, Caroline; Mirkovitch, Jelena; Brcic, Marija; Wagner, B.; Wilson, A.D.; Jungi, Thomas; Marti, Eliane Isabelle (2010). Increased IL-4 and decreased regulatory cytokine production following relocation of Icelandic horses from a high to low endoparasite environment. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 133(1), pp. 40-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2009.07.002

Haudenschild, Noé Marc

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Heller, Manfred

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Ajiboye, Jubilee; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2024). Molecular Targets of the 5-Amido-Carboxamide Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 in Cryptosporidium parvum and HCT-8 Host Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(5) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25052707

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Müller, Joachim; Schlange, Carling; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Proteomic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii ME49 derived strains resistant to the artemisinin derivatives artemiside and artemisone implies potential mode of action independent of ROS formation. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 1-12. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.11.005

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Müller, Joachim; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert (2021). Nitroreductase Activites in Giardia lamblia: ORF 17150 Encodes a Quinone Reductase with Nitroreductase Activity. Pathogens, 10(2), p. 129. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10020129

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2020). Comparative proteomics of three Giardia lamblia strains: investigation of antigenic variation in the post-genomic era. Parasitology, 147(9), pp. 1008-1018. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182020000657

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Heller, Manfred; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2020). Transfection With Plasmid Causing Stable Expression of a Foreign Gene Affects General Proteome Pattern in Giardia lamblia Trophozoites. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 10 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2020.602756

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2019). Resistance formation to nitro drugs in Giardia lamblia: No common markers identified by comparative proteomics. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 9, pp. 112-119. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2019.03.002

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Müller, Norbert; Beuret, Christian; Heller, Manfred; Schürch, Nadia; Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias (2014). Genome-wide identification of pathogenicity factors of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. BMC Genomics, 15(1), p. 496. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2164-15-496

Hemphill, Andrew

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Arnold, Samuel L M; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Fan, Erkang; Roberto, Sánchez-Sánchez; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Efficacy of the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1708 against the cyst-forming apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25, p. 100553. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100553

Arthiyan, Sivasingham; Eswaramohan, Thampoe; Hemphill, Andrew; Surendran, Sinnathamby Noble (2024). Predatory Potential of Nymphal Odonates on Aedes aegypti Developing in Freshwater and Brackish Water Habitats. Insects, 15(7) MDPI 10.3390/insects15070547

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Rubiola, Selene; Moré, Gastón; Civera, Tiziana; Hemphill, Andrew; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter; Colasanto, Irene; Vercellino, Davide; Fidelio, Marta; Lovisone, Mauro; Chiesa, Francesco (2024). Detection of Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis bovifelis, Sarcocystis cruzi, Sarcocystis hirsuta and Sarcocystis sigmoideus sp. nov. in carcasses affected by bovine eosinophilic myositis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 34(e00220) Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2024.e00220

Ajiboye, Jubilee; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2024). Molecular Targets of the 5-Amido-Carboxamide Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 in Cryptosporidium parvum and HCT-8 Host Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(5) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25052707

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro screening technologies for the discovery and development of novel drugs against Toxoplasma gondii. Expert opinion on drug discovery, 19(1), pp. 97-109. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17460441.2023.2276349

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Rico-San Román, Laura; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Horcajo, Pilar; Collantes-Fernández, Esther; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Boubaker, Ghalia (2024). TaqMan-quantitative PCR assays applied in Neospora caninum knock-outs generated through CRISPR-Cas9 allow to determine the copy numbers of integrated dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase drug selectable markers. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 14(1419209) Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2024.1419209

Kaethner, Marc; Rennar, Georg; Gallinger, Tom; Kämpfer, Tobias; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäder, Patrick; Luque-Gómez, Ana; Schlitzer, Martin; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2023). In Vitro Activities of Dithiocarbamate Derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis Metacestode Vesicles. Tropical medicine and infectious disease, 8(12) MDPI 10.3390/tropicalmed8120517

Schlange, Carling; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Boubaker, Ghalia; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Single and combination treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections with a bumped kinase inhibitor and artemisone in vitro and with artemiside in experimentally infected mice. Experimental parasitology, 255(108655), p. 108655. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108655

Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Cooke, Brian M (2023). ApicoWplexa 2022: 6th international meeting on apicomplexan parasites in farm animals. International journal for parasitology, 53(9), pp. 459-461. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2023.05.003

Kaethner, Marc; Preza, Matías; Kaempfer, Tobias; Zumstein, Pascal; Tamponi, Claudia; Varcasia, Antonio; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Establishment and application of unbiased in vitro drug screening assays for the identification of compounds against Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 17(8), e0011343. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011343

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2023). Toxoplasma gondii infection: Novel emerging therapeutic targets. Expert opinion on therapeutic targets, 27(4-5), pp. 293-304. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/14728222.2023.2217353

Sivabalakrishnan, Kokila; Thanihaichelvan, Murugathas; Tharsan, Annathurai; Eswaramohan, Thamboe; Ravirajan, Punniamoorthy; Hemphill, Andrew; Ramasamy, Ranjan; Surendran, Sinnathamby N (2023). Resistance to the larvicide temephos and altered egg and larval surfaces characterize salinity-tolerant Aedes aegypti. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p. 8160. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-023-35128-1

Müller, Joachim; Schlange, Carling; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Proteomic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii ME49 derived strains resistant to the artemisinin derivatives artemiside and artemisone implies potential mode of action independent of ROS formation. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 1-12. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.11.005

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Beteck, Richard M; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. Pathogens, 12(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens12030447

Karimi, Saeid; Bahari, Aliasghar; Nourian, Alireza; Azami, Sakineh; Namavari, Mehdi; Basso, Walter Ubaldo; Sazmand, Alireza; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infections in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) in central desert of Iran. Parasitology research, 122(3), pp. 847-852. Springer 10.1007/s00436-023-07783-w

Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Trithiolato-bridged dinuclear ruthenium(II)-arene conjugates tethered with lipophilic units: Synthesis and Toxoplasma gondii antiparasitic activity. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 986, p. 122624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2023.122624

Khordadmehr, Monireh; Sazmand, Alireza; Almasi, Pardis; Shahbazi, Parisa; Ranjbar, Vahidreza; Otranto, Domenico; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Natural infection with Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis species in domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Iran. Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases, 93, p. 101946. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cimid.2023.101946

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Kronenberg, Philipp A.; Reinehr, Michael; Eichenberger, Ramon Marc; Hasler, Sina; Laurimäe, Teivi; Weber, Achim; Deibel, Ansgar; Müllhaupt, Beat; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, Peter (2023). Monoclonal antibody-based localization of major diagnostic antigens in metacestode tissue, excretory/secretory products, and extracellular vesicles of Echinococcus species (In Press). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1162530

Desiatkina, Oksana; Boubaker, Ghalia; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Paunescu, Emilia (2022). Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Evaluation of New Conjugates BODIPY - Dinuclear Trithiolato-Bridged Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes. ChemBioChem, 23(23), e202200536. Wiley 10.1002/cbic.202200536

Ramakrishnan, Chandra; Krishnan, Aarti; Francisco, Samuel; Schmid, Marc W; Russo, Giancarlo; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew; Soldati-Favre, Dominique; Hehl, Adrian B (2022). Dissection of Besnoitia besnoiti intermediate host life cycle stages: From morphology to gene expression. PLoS pathogens, 18(11), e1010955. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010955

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Nasuhidehnavi, Azadeh; Zhao, Yanlin; Punetha, Ankita; Hemphill, Andrew; Li, Hong; Bechtel, Tyler J; Rager, Theresa; Xiong, Bingcong; Petrou, Vasileios I; Gubbels, Marc-Jan; Weerapana, Eranthie; Yap, George S (2022). A Role for Basigin in Toxoplasma gondii Infection. Infection and immunity, 90(8), e0020522. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/iai.00205-22

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Schlange, Carling; Monney, Camille; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 901056. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.901056

Zheng, Yang; Müller, Joachim; Kunz, Stefan; Siderius, Marco; Maes, Louis; Caljon, Guy; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Sterk, Geert Jan; Leurs, Rob (2022). 3-nitroimidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine as a novel scaffold for antiparasitics with sub-nanomolar anti-Giardia lamblia activity. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 19, pp. 47-55. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.05.004

Kuhnert, Peter; Brodard, Isabelle; Bock, Sabine; Hemphill, Andrew; Akarsu Egger, Hatice; Engelhardt, Andreas; Kutzer, Peter (2022). Wielerella bovis gen. nov., sp. nov. a member of the family Neisseriaceae associated with bovine endocarditis. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 72(5) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.005387

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Badirzadeh, Alireza; Najm, Mehdi; Hemphill, Andrew; Alipour, Maryam; Hasanpour, Hamid; Masoori, Leila; Karimi, Poorya (2022). Effects of negative air ions (NAIs) on Leishmania major: A novel tool for treatment of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL). PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0274124. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0274124

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Re, Michela; Pérez-Arroyo, Bárbara; Cleofé-Resta, Darío; García, Victor Herrero; Díaz, Manuel Pizarro; Ferrer, Luis Miguel; Ruiz, Hector; Vallejo-García, Raquel; Benavides, Julio; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Whitman, Grant R; Hemphill, Andrew; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel (2021). A short-term treatment with BKI-1294 does not protect foetuses from sheep experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites during pregnancy. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 176-185. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.10.001

Lightowlers, Marshall W; Gasser, Robin B; Hemphill, Andrew; Romig, Thomas; Tamarozzi, Francesca; Deplazes, Peter; Torgerson, Paul R; Garcia, Hector H; Kern, Peter (2021). Advances in the treatment, diagnosis, control and scientific understanding of taeniid cestode parasite infections over the past 50 years. International journal for parasitology, 51(13-14), pp. 1167-1192. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2021.10.003

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Monney, Camille; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). A Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Formulation Reduces Vertical Transmission and Leads to Enhanced Pup Survival in a Pregnant Neosporosis Mouse Model. Vaccines, 9(12) MDPI 10.3390/vaccines9121400

Karpstein, Tanja; Chaudhry, Sheena; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Hayoz, Michael; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Kaethner, Marc; Schindler, Isabelle; Aebi, Yolanda; Cunha, Antonio Sa; Largiadèr, Carlo R.; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Maca against Echinococcosis?-A Reverse Approach from Patient to In Vitro Testing. Pathogens, 10(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10101335

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Echinococcus - the model cestode parasite. Parasitology, 148(12), pp. 1401-1405. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118202100113X

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Brand, Michael; Wang, Lei; Agnello, Stefano; Gazzola, Silvia; Gall, Flavio M; Raguž, Luka; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Remo S; Ritschl, Amélie; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäser, Pascal; Bütikofer, Peter; Adams, Michael; Riedl, Rainer (2021). Antiprotozoal Structure-Activity Relationships of Synthetic Leucinostatin Derivatives and Elucidation of their Mode of Action. Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), 60(28), pp. 15613-15621. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/anie.202102153

Păunescu, Emilia; Boubaker, Ghalia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2021). The Quest of the Best – A SAR Study of Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds Presenting Antiparasitic Properties. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 222, p. 113610. Elsevier Masson SAS 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113610

Schönecker, Lutz; Schnydrig, Philipp; Brodard, Isabelle; Thomann, Andreas; Hemphill, Andrew; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Perreten, Vincent; Jores, Joerg; Kittl, Sonja (2021). Trueperella pecoris sp. nov. isolated from bovine and porcine specimens. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71(6) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.004848

Serricchio, Mauro; Hierro-Yap, Carolina; Schädeli, David; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Hemphill, Andrew; Graumann, Johannes; Zíková, Alena; Bütikofer, Peter (2021). Depletion of cardiolipin induces major changes in energy metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. FASEB journal, 35(2), e21176. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.202001579RR

Mohammadi, Mohsen; Dehghani, Parva; Mohseninia, Atefeh; Roozbehani, Mona; Hemphill, Andrew; Hesamizadeh, Khashayar (2021). Incorporation of the Tat cell-penetrating peptide into nanofibers improves the respective antitumor immune response. Journal of cellular physiology, 236(2), pp. 1401-1417. Wiley 10.1002/jcp.29946

Sist, Birgit; Basso, Walter; Hemphill, Andrew; Cassidy, Tamar; Cassidy, Rod; Gudehus, Maja (2021). Case report: Intestinal perforation and secondary peritonitis due to Acanthocephala infection in a black-bellied pangolin (Phataginus tetradactyla). Parasitology international, 80, p. 102182. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2020.102182

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Huang, Wenlin; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Betzer, Dana P; Vidadala, Rama S R; Lee, Sangun; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Riggs, Michael W; Fan, Erkang; Kennedy, Thomas J; Tzipori, Saul; Doggett, J Stone; Winzer, Pablo; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; ... (2021). One health therapeutics: Target-Based drug development for cryptosporidiosis and other apicomplexa diseases. Veterinary parasitology, 289, p. 109336. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109336

Desiatkina, Oksana; Johns, Serena K.; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2021). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Conjugates—Organic Drugs Tethered to Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)–Arene Complexes. Inorganics, 9(8), p. 59. MDPI 10.3390/inorganics9080059

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hänggeli, Kai; Beteck, Richard M.; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Sanchez-Sanchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Haynes, Richard K.; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Assessment of the Activity of Decoquinate and Its Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii In Vitro and in Pregnant Mice Infected with T. gondii Oocysts. Molecules, 26(21), p. 6393. MDPI 10.3390/molecules26216393

Vural, G.; Yardimci, M.; Kocak, M.; Yasar, T. Ö.; Kurt, A.; Harem, I. S.; Carradori, S.; Sciamanna, I.; Siles-Lucas, M.; Fabiani, M.; Hemphill, A.; Lundström-Stadelmann, B.; Cirilli, R.; Casulli, A. (2020). Efficacy of novel albendazole salt formulations against secondary cystic echinococcosis in experimentally infected mice. Parasitology, 147(13), pp. 1425-1432. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/s0031182020001225

Desiatkina, Oksana; Păunescu, Emilia; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien (2020). Coumarin‐Tagged Dinuclear Trithiolato‐Bridged Ruthenium(II)⋅Arene Complexes: Photophysical Properties and Antiparasitic Activity. ChemBioChem, 21(19), pp. 2818-2835. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cbic.202000174

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Lin, Yan; Ong, Yih Ching; Keller, Sarah; Karges, Johannes; Bouchene, Rafika; Manoury, Eric; Blacque, Olivier; Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hemphill, Andrew; Häberli, Cécile; Taki, Aya C; Gasser, Robin B; Cariou, Kevin; Keiser, Jennifer; Gasser, Gilles (2020). Synthesis, characterization and antiparasitic activity of organometallic derivatives of the anthelmintic drug albendazole. Dalton transactions, 49(20), pp. 6616-6626. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/d0dt01107j

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan; Stumpe, Michael; Rauch, Monika; Hemphill, Andrew; Schneiter, Roger; Bütikofer, Peter; Serricchio, Mauro (2020). Mitochondrial sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase is essential for phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis and survival of Trypanosoma brucei. Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 8268. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-020-65248-x

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Structure and Fate of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Pathogens, 9(5) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9050382

Boubaker, Ghalia; Strempel, Sebastian; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Wang, Junhua; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2020). Regulation of hepatic microRNAs in response to early stage Echinococcus multilocularis egg infection in C57BL/6 mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 14(5), e0007640. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007640

Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Huang, Wenlin; Vidadala, Rama S R; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Lynn K; Schaefer, Deborah A; Betzer, Dana P; Riggs, Michael W; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; McCloskey, Molly C; Arnold, Samuel L M; Hackman, Robert C; Marsh, Kennan C; Lynch, James J; Freiberg, Gail M; Leroy, Bruce E; Kempf, Dale J; ... (2020). Bumped Kinase Inhibitors as therapy for apicomplexan parasitic diseases: lessons learned. International journal for parasitology, 50(5), pp. 413-422. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2020.01.006

Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo A.; Samby, Kirandeep; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). In Vitro Activities of MMV Malaria Box Compounds against the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum, the Causative Agent of Neosporosis in Animals. Molecules, 25(6) MDPI 10.3390/molecules25061460

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Wang, Junhua; Marreros, Nelson; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2020). Short communication: Efficacy of albendazole in Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice depends on the functional immunity of the host. Experimental parasitology, 219, p. 108013. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2020.108013

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Drug repurposing applied: Activity of the anti-malarial mefloquine against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 13, pp. 121-129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2020.06.002

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Eberhard, Naja; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Winter, Rolf; Pou, Soviti; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Mike; Francisco, Samuel; Leitao, Alexandre; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Activities of Endochin-Like Quinolones Against in vitro Cultured Besnoitia besnoiti Tachyzoites. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 96. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.00096

Silva, Marta Filipa; Pereira, Gonçalo; Carneiro, Carla; Hemphill, Andrew; Mateus, Luísa; Lopes-da-Costa, Luís; Silva, Elisabete (2020). Campylobacter portucalensis sp. nov., a new species of Campylobacter isolated from the preputial mucosa of bulls. PLoS ONE, 15(1), e0227500. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0227500

Schädeli, David Lukas; Serricchio, Mauro; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Loffreda, Alessio; Hemphill, Andrew; Beneke, Tom; Gluenz, Eva; Graumann, Johannes; Bütikofer, Peter (2019). Cardiolipin depletion-induced changes in the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. FASEB journal, 33(12), pp. 13161-13175. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.201901184RR

Jelk, Jennifer; Balmer, Vreni; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Bütikofer, Peter; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Anti-parasitic dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes alter the mitochondrial ultrastructure and membrane potential in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. Experimental parasitology, 205, p. 107753. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107753

Shrestha, Aruna; Ojo, Kayode K; Koston, Florian; Ruttkowski, Bärbel; Vidadala, Rama S R; Dorr, Carlie S; Navaluna, Edelmar D; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Kayleigh F; Barrett, Lynn K; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Michaels, Samantha A; Maly, Dustin J; Hemphill, Andrew; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Joachim, Anja (2019). Bumped kinase inhibitor 1369 is effective against Cystoisospora suis in vivo and in vitro. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 10, pp. 9-19. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2019.03.004

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2019). Comparative Pathobiology of the Intestinal Protozoan Parasites Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium parvum. Pathogens, 8(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens8030116

Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Re, Michela; Ramos, Juan José; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; González-Huecas, Marta; Tabanera, Enrique; Benavides, Julio; Hemphill, Andrew; Hulverson, Matthew A; Barrett, Lynn K; Choi, Ryan; Whitman, Grant R; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel (2019). Treatment with Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 Is Safe and Leads to Significant Protection against Abortion and Vertical Transmission in Sheep Experimentally Infected with Toxoplasma gondii during Pregnancy. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 63(7) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02527-18

Hizem, Amani; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; M'rad, Selim; Souiai, Sawssen; Ben Jannet, Hichem; Flamini, Guido; Ascrizzi, Roberta; Ghedira, Kamel; Babba, Hamouda; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Activity of Thymus capitatus essential oil components against in vitro cultured Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes and germinal layer cells. Parasitology, 146(7), pp. 956-967. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182019000295

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zurbriggen, Raphael Peter; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). The importance of being parasiticidal… an update on drug development for the treatment of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 15, e00040. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00040

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

García-Lunar, P; Schares, G; Sanz-Fernández, A; Jiménez-Meléndez, A; García-Soto, I; Regidor-Cerrillo, J; Pastor-Fernández, I; Hemphill, Andrew; Fernández-Álvarez, M; Ortega-Mora, L M; Álvarez-García, G (2019). Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against Besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites. Parasitology, 146(2), pp. 187-196. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182018001336

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Basto, Afonso P; Tanaka, Shun; Ryser, Lorenz T; Nunes, Telmo P; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Arranz-Solís, David; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Immunization with a cocktail of antigens fused with OprI reduces Neospora caninum vertical transmission and postnatal mortality in mice. Vaccine, 37(3), pp. 473-483. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.11.060

Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Gutiérrez-Expósito, Daniel; Ferrer, Luis Miguel; Arteche-Villasol, Noive; Moreno-Gonzalo, Javier; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Pérez, Valentín; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Benavides, Julio (2019). Virulence in Mice of a Toxoplasma gondii Type II Isolate Does Not Correlate With the Outcome of Experimental Infection in Pregnant Sheep. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 8(436), p. 436. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00436

Müller, Joachim; Manser, Vera; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). In vitro treatment of Besnoitia besnoiti with the naphto-quinone buparvaquone results in marked inhibition of tachyzoite proliferation, mitochondrial alterations and rapid adaptation of tachyzoites to increased drug concentrations. Parasitology, 146(1), pp. 112-120. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182018000975

Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Dick, Luca; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Drug Discovery and Development for the Treatment of Echinococcosis, Caused by the Tapeworms Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. In: Swinney, David C.; Pollastri, Michael P. (eds.) Neglected Tropical Diseases: drug discovery and development. Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (pp. 253-287). Wiley 10.1002/9783527808656.ch10

Masoori, Leila; Meamar, Ahmad Reza; Bandehpour, Mojgan; Hemphill, Andrew; Razmjou, Elham; Mokhtarian, Kobra; Roozbehani, Mona; Badirzadeh, Alireza; Jalallou, Nahid; Akhlaghi, Lame; Falak, Reza (2019). Fatty acid and retinol-binding protein: A novel antigen for immunodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0218895. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0218895

Anghel, Nicoleta; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Roozbehani, Mona; Pou, Sovitj; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Michael; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Promising Efficacy Against Neospora Caninum in vitro and in Experimentally Infected Pregnant Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 5, p. 285. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2018.00285

Roozbehani, Mona; Falak, Reza; Mohammadi, Mohsen; Hemphill, Andrew; Razmjou, Elham; Meamar, Ahmad Reza; Masoori, Leila; Khoshmirsafa, Majid; Moradi, Maryam; Gharavi, Mohammad Javad (2018). Characterization of a multi-epitope peptide with selective MHC-binding capabilities encapsulated in PLGA nanoparticles as a novel vaccine candidate against Toxoplasma gondii infection. Vaccine, 36(41), pp. 6124-6132. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.08.068

Jiménez-Meléndez, Alejandro; Rico-San Román, Laura; Hemphill, Andrew; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Álvarez-García, Gema (2018). Repurposing of commercially available anti-coccidials identifies diclazuril and decoquinate as potential therapeutic candidates against Besnoitia besnoiti infection. Veterinary parasitology, 261, pp. 77-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2018.08.015

Olias, Philipp Alexander; Dettwiler, Ines Sarah; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, P; Steiner, Adrian; Meylan, Mireille (2018). [The significance of cryptosporidiosis for the health of calves in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(6), pp. 363-374. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00163

Joekel, Deborah E.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müllhaupt, Beat; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, Peter (2018). Evaluation of kinase-inhibitors nilotinib and everolimus against alveolar echinococcosis in vitro and in a mouse model. Experimental parasitology, 188, pp. 65-72. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.04.002

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Bütikofer, Peter (2018). TbLpn, a key enzyme in lipid droplet formation and phospholipid metabolism, is essential for mitochondrial integrity and growth of Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular microbiology, 109(1), pp. 105-120. Wiley 10.1111/mmi.13976

Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Re, Michela; Vázquez, Patricia; Ferrer, Luis Miguel; Blanco-Murcia, Javier; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Pizarro Díaz, Manuel; González-Huecas, Marta; Tabanera, Enrique; García-Lunar, Paula; Benavides, Julio; Castaño, Pablo; Hemphill, Andrew; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Rivas, Kasey L; Choi, Ryan; Ojo, Kayode K; Barrett, Lynn K; ... (2018). Safety and efficacy of the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1553 in pregnant sheep experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(1), pp. 112-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.02.003

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Wang, Junhua; Müller, Joachim; Rupp, Sebastian Dominic Alexander; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Modulation of cis- and trans- Golgi and the Rab9A-GTPase during infection by Besnoitia besnoiti, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Experimental parasitology, 187, pp. 75-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.02.008

Rufener, Reto; Dick, Luca; D'Ascoli, Laura; Ritler, Dominic; Hizem, Amani; Wells, Timothy N.C.; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Repurposing of an old drug: In vitro and in vivo efficacies of buparvaquone against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(3), pp. 440-450. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.10.011

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2018). Physiological aspects of nitro drug resistance in Giardia lamblia. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 271-277. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.04.008

Harmse, Rozanne; Wong, Ho Ning; Smit, Frans J; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; N'Da, David D; Haynes, Richard K (2017). Activities of 11-Azaartemisinin and N-Sulfonyl Derivatives against Neospora caninum and Comparative Cytotoxicities. ChemMedChem, 12(24), pp. 2094-2098. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cmdc.201700600

Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Cooke, Brian M (2017). ApiCOWplexa 2017 - 4th International Meeting on Apicomplexan Parasites in Farm Animals. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 697-699. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.09.002

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Basto, Afonso P; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Neospora caninum in non-pregnant and pregnant mouse models: cross-talk between infection and immunity. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 723-735. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.09.001

Jiménez-Meléndez, Alejandro; Ojo, Kayode K; Wallace, Alexandra M; Smith, Tess R; Hemphill, Andrew; Balmer, Vreni; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hehl, Adrian B; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Álvarez-García, Gema (2017). In vitro efficacy of bumped kinase inhibitors against Besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 811-821. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.08.005

Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Hemphill, Andrew; McCloskey, Molly C; Betzer, Dana P; Müller, Joachim; Vidadala, Rama S R; Whitman, Grant R; Rivas, Kasey L; Barrett, Lynn K; Hackman, Robert C; Love, Melissa S; McNamara, Case W; Shaughnessy, Thomas K; Kondratiuk, Alison; Kurnick, Matthew; Banfor, Patricia N; Lynch, James J; ... (2017). Advances in bumped kinase inhibitors for human and animal therapy for cryptosporidiosis. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 753-763. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.08.006

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Laleu, Benoît; Balmer, Vreni; Ritler, Dominic; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). In vitro screening of the open source Pathogen Box identifies novel compounds with profound activities against Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 801-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.06.002

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Parsons, Marilyn; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Arnold, Samuel; Riggs, Michael W; Hemphill, Andrew; Howe, Daniel K; Mealey, Robert H; Lau, Audrey O T; Merritt, Ethan A; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Ojo, Kayode K (2017). Extended-spectrum antiprotozoal bumped kinase inhibitors: A review. Experimental parasitology, 180, pp. 71-83. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2017.01.001

Kunz, Stefan; Balmer, Vreni; Sterk, Geert Jan; Pollastri, Michael P; Leurs, Rob; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spycher, Cornelia (2017). The single cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase of the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia represents a potential drug target. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(9), e0005891. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005891

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Moreno-Gonzalo, Javier; Ferre, Ignacio; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; McCloskey, Molly C; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wes; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Development of a murine vertical transmission model for Toxoplasma gondii oocyst infection and studies on the efficacy of bumped kinase inhibitor (BKI)-1294 and the naphthoquinone buparvaquone against congenital toxoplasmosis. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72(8), pp. 2334-2341. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkx134

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Hemphill, Andrew; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien (2017). Characterization of the Activities of Dinuclear Thiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes against Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(9), e01031-17. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01031-17

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Balmer, Vreni; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Two novel calcium-dependent kinase 1-inhibitors interfere with vertical transmission in mice infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(4) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02324-16

Ruppen, Corinne; Hemphill, Andrew; Sendi, Parham (2017). In vitro activity of gentamicin as an adjunct to penicillin against biofilm group B Streptococcus. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72(2), pp. 444-447. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkw447

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Sager, Heinz; Bouvier, Jacques; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). Development of a movement-based in vitro screening assay for the identification of new anti-cestodal compounds. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(5), e0005618. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005618

Gorgas, Daniela; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). To see or not to see: non-invasive imaging for improved readout of drug treatment trials in the murine model of secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Parasitology, 144(07), pp. 937-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182017000051

Leineweber, Margret; Spekker-Bosker, Katrin; Ince, Vanessa; Schares, Gereon; Hemphill, Andrew; Eller, Silvia K; Däubener, Walter (2017). First Characterization of the Neospora caninum Dense Granule Protein GRA9. BioMed research international, 2017, p. 6746437. Hindawi Publishing Corporation 10.1155/2017/6746437

Dubey, Jitender; Hemphill, Andrew; Calero-Bernal, Rafael; Schares, Gereon (2017). Neosporosis in animals [Textbook] . Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press

Horcajo, P; Regidor-Cerrillo, J; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, L M (2016). Vaccines for bovine neosporosis: current status and key aspects for development. Parasite immunology, 38(12), pp. 709-723. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12342

Silva, Luciana Damacena; Arrúa, Eva Carolina; Pereira, Dayanne Amaral; Fraga, Carolina Miguel; Costa, Tatiane Luiza da; Hemphill, Andrew; Salomon, Claudio Javier; Vinaud, Marina Clare (2016). Elucidating the influence of praziquantel nanosuspensions on the in vivo metabolism of Taenia crassiceps cysticerci. Acta tropica, 161, pp. 100-105. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2016.06.002

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Drug target identification in protozoan parasites. Expert opinion on drug discovery, 11(8), pp. 815-824. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17460441.2016.1195945

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Adams, John H; Adelfio, Roberto; Ahyong, Vida; Akabas, Myles H; Alano, Pietro; Alday, Aintzane; Alemán Resto, Yesmalie; Alsibaee, Aishah; Alzualde, Ainhoa; Andrews, Katherine T; Avery, Simon V; Avery, Vicky M; Ayong, Lawrence; Baker, Mark; Baker, Stephen; Ben Mamoun, Choukri; Bhatia, Sangeeta; Bickle, Quentin; Bounaadja, Lotfi; ... (2016). Open Source Drug Discovery with the Malaria Box Compound Collection for Neglected Diseases and Beyond. PLoS pathogens, 12(7), e1005763. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005763

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Soares, Helena; Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre (2016). Apicomplexans pulling the strings: manipulation of the host cell cytoskeleton dynamics. Parasitology, 143(8), pp. 957-970. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000524

Pastor-Fernández, Iván; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Álvarez-García, Gema; Marugán-Hernández, Virginia; García-Lunar, Paula; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis M (2016). The tandemly repeated NTPase (NTPDase) from Neospora caninum is a canonical dense granule protein whose RNA expression, protein secretion and phosphorylation coincides with the tachyzoite egress. Parasites & Vectors, 9(1), p. 352. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-016-1620-4

Hostettler, Isabel; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). In Vitro Screening of the Open-Source Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box Reveals Novel Compounds with Profound Activities against Theileria annulata Schizonts. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 60(6), pp. 3301-3308. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02801-15

Imhof, Simon; Fragoso, Cristina; Hemphill, Andrew; Von Schubert, Conrad; Li, Dong; Legant, Wesley; Betzig, Erik; Roditi, Isabel (2016). Flagellar membrane fusion and protein exchange in trypanosomes; a new form of cell-cell communication? F1000Research, 5(682), p. 682. F1000 Research Ltd 10.12688/f1000research.8249.1

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). N-terminal fusion of a toll-like receptor 2-ligand to a Neospora caninum chimeric antigen efficiently modifies the properties of the specific immune response. Parasitology, 143(5), pp. 606-616. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000056

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Aeschbacher, Denise; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10(3), e0004535. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004535

Hemphill, Andrew; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim (2016). Approaches for the vaccination and treatment of Neospora caninum infections in mice and ruminant models. Parasitology, 143(3), pp. 245-259. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182015001596

Pastor-Fernández, Iván; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Jiménez-Ruiz, Elena; Álvarez-García, Gema; Marugán-Hernández, Virginia; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis M (2016). Characterization of the Neospora caninum NcROP40 and NcROP2Fam-1 rhoptry proteins during the tachyzoite lytic cycle. Parasitology, 143(1), pp. 97-113. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182015001511

Arranz-Solis, David; Benavides, Julio; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Horcajo, Pilar; Castaño, Pablo; del Carmen Ferreras, María; Jiménez-Pelayo, Laura; Collantes-Fernández, Esther; Ferre, Ignacio; Hemphill, Andrew; Pérez, Valentín; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel (2016). Systemic and local immune responses in sheep after Neospora caninum experimental infection at early, mid and late gestation. Veterinary research, 47, p. 2. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13567-015-0290-0

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Repurposing of antiparasitic drugs: the hydroxy-naphthoquinone buparvaquone inhibits vertical transmission in the pregnant neosporosis mouse model. Veterinary research, 47, p. 32. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13567-016-0317-1

Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Risch, Corina; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Oral treatments of Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice with the antimalarial drug mefloquine that potentially interacts with parasite ferritin and cystatin. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(5), pp. 546-551. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.07.016

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Arranz Solis, David; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Dose-dependent effects of experimental infection with the virulent Neospora caninum Nc-Spain7 isolate in a pregnant mouse model. Veterinary parasitology, 211(3-4), pp. 133-140. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.05.021

Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Rahman, Mahbubur; Manser, Vera; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In vitro effects of new artemisinin derivatives in Neospora caninum-infected human fibroblasts. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(1), pp. 88-93. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.02.020

Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Huber, Cristina Olivia; Spiliotis, Markus; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Prevention and Immunotherapy of Secondary Murine Alveolar Echinococcosis Employing Recombinant EmP29 Antigen. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(6), e0003795. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003795

Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique A; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spiliotis, Markus; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Shalev, Itay; Levy, Gary; Lu, Xiaomei; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Deletion of Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 (FGL-2), a Novel CD4+ CD25+ Treg Effector Molecule, Leads to Improved Control of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in Mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(5), e0003755. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003755

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Reichel, Michael P; Moore, Dadín P; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Dubey, J P; Ellis, John T (2015). A live vaccine against Neospora caninum abortions in cattle. Vaccine, 33(11), pp. 1299-1301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.01.064

Arranz Solis, David; Benavides, Julio; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Fuertes, Miguel; Ferre, Ignacio; Ferreras, Maria Del Carmen; Collantes-Fernández, Esther; Hemphill, Andrew; Pérez, Valentín; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel (2015). Influence of the gestational stage on the clinical course, lesional development and parasite distribution in experimental ovine neosporosis. Veterinary research, 46, p. 19. Editions scientifiques Elsevier 10.1186/s13567-014-0139-y

Pastor-Fernández, Iván; Arranz-Solís, David; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Álvarez-García, Gema; Hemphill, Andrew; García-Culebras, Alicia; Cuevas-Martín, Carmen; Ortega-Mora, Luis M (2015). A vaccine formulation combining rhoptry proteins NcROP40 and NcROP2 improves pup survival in a pregnant mouse model of neosporosis. Veterinary parasitology, 207(3-4), pp. 203-215. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2014.12.009

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Hostettler, Isabel; Müller, Joachim; Stephens, Chad E; Haynes, Richard; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). A quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR assay for the assessment of drug activities against intracellular Theileria annulata schizonts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 4(3), pp. 201-209. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2014.09.003

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Profound activity of the anti-cancer drug bortezomib against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes identifies the proteasome as a novel drug target for cestodes. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(12), e3352. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003352

Boubaker, Ghalia; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Babba, Hamouda; Spiliotis, Markus (2014). Echinococcus P29 antigen: molecular characterization and implication on post-surgery follow-up of CE patients infected with different species of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS ONE, 9(5), e98357. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0098357

Monney, Thierry; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Vaccines against neosporosis: what can we learn from the past studies? Experimental parasitology, 140, pp. 52-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2014.02.015

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Activities of fenbendazole in comparison with albendazole against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in vitro and in a murine infection model. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(4), pp. 335-342. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.01.013

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Xiaofang; Dong, Yuxiang; Vennerstrom, Jonathan L; Keiser, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Amino ozonides exhibit in vitro activity against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(1), pp. 40-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2013.09.012

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Cortes, Helder; Leitão, Alexandre; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). A review on bovine besnoitiosis: a disease with economic impact in herd health management, caused by Besnoitia besnoiti (Franco and Borges, 1916). Parasitology, 141(11), pp. 1406-1417. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182014000262

Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre (2014). ApiCOWplexa 2013--2nd International Meeting on Apicomplexan Parasites in Farm Animals. Parasitology, 141(11), pp. 1355-1358. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182014001164

Ojo, Kayode K; Reid, Molly C; Kallur Siddaramaiah, Latha; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Zhang, Zhongsheng; Keyloun, Katelyn R; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Merritt, Ethan A; Hol, Wim G J; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Neospora caninum calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 is an effective drug target for neosporosis therapy. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e92929. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0092929

Hemer, Sarah; Konrad, Christian; Spiliotis, Markus; Koziol, Uriel; Schaack, Dominik; Förster, Sabine; Gelmedin, Verena; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Dandekar, Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus (2014). Host insulin stimulates Echinococcus multilocularis insulin signalling pathways and larval development. BMC biology, 12, p. 5. BioMed Central 10.1186/1741-7007-12-5

Barna, Fabienne; Debache, Karim; Vock, Carsten A.; Küster, Tatiana; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro effects of novel ruthenium complexes in Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(11), pp. 5747-5754. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02446-12

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Boykin, David W.; Stephens, Chad E.; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro and in vivo activities of dicationic diguanidino compounds against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(8), pp. 3829-3835. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02569-12

Spekker, K.; Leineweber, M.; Degrandi, D.; Ince, V.; Brunder, S.; Schmidt, S. K.; Stuhlsatz, S.; Howard, J. C.; Schares, G.; Degistirici, O.; Meisel, R.; Sorg, R. V.; Seissler, J.; Hemphill, Andrew; Pfeffer, K.; Däubener, W. (2013). Antimicrobial effects of murine mesenchymal stromal cells directed against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum: role of immunity-related GTPases (IRGs) and guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs). Medical microbiology and immunology, 202(3), pp. 197-206. Springer 10.1007/s00430-012-0281-y

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Debache, Karim; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Differential effects of intranasal vaccination with recombinant NcPDI in different mouse models of Neospora caninum infection. Parasite immunology, 35(1), pp. 11-20. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/pim.12013

Alaeddine, Ferial; Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Guionaud, Christophe (2013). Molecular cloning and characterization of NcROP2Fam-1, a member of the ROP2 family of rhoptry proteins in Neospora caninum that is targeted by antibodies neutralizing host cell invasion in vitro. Parasitology, 140(8), pp. 1033-1050. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182013000383

Küster, Tatiana; Hermann, Corina; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). Subcutaneous infection model facilitates treatment assessment of secondary Alveolar echinococcosis in mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(5), e2235. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002235

Mols-Vorstermans, Tanja; Hemphill, Andrew; Monney, Thierry; Schaap, Dick; Boerhout, Eveline (2013). Differential Effects on Survival, Humoral Immune Responses and Brain Lesions in Inbred BALB/C, CBA/CA, and C57BL/6 Mice Experimentally Infected with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. ISRN Parasitology, 2013, pp. 1-11. Hindawi 10.5402/2013/830980

Monney, Thierry; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Use of a Th1 Stimulator Adjuvant for Vaccination against Neospora caninum Infection in the Pregnant Mouse Model. Pathogens, 2(2), pp. 193-208. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens2020193

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Thiazolides, a Novel Class of Anti-Infective Drugs, Effective Against Viruses, Bacteria, Intracellular and Extracellular Protozoan Parasites and Proliferating Mammalian Cells. Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry, 11(1), pp. 22-30. Bentham Science 10.2174/22113626130103

Soeiro, M. N. C.; Werbovetz, K.; Boykin, D. W.; Wilson, W. D.; Wang, M. Z.; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Novel amidines and analogues as promising agents against intracellular parasites: a systematic review. Parasitology, 140(8), pp. 929-951. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182013000292

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Gottstein, Bruno; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Hemphill, Andrew; Schürch, Nadia; Wittwer, Matthias; Müller, Norbert (2012). Development of a high- versus low-pathogenicity model of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. Microbiology, 158(Pt 10), pp. 2652-2660. Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.059790-0

Küster, Tatiana; Zumkehr, Beatrice; Hermann, Corina; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Voluntary ingestion of antiparasitic drugs emulsified in honey represents an alternative to gavage in mice. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Journal, 51(2), pp. 219-223. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

Sidler, D; Brockmann, A; Mueller, J; Nachbur, U; Corazza, N; Renzulli, P; Hemphill, A; Brunner, T (2012). Thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells is mediated via the Jun kinase-Bim axis and reveals glutathione-S-transferase P1 as Achilles' heel. Oncogene, 31(37), pp. 4095-106. Basingstoke, UK: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/onc.2011.575

Kropf, C; Debache, K; Rampa, C; Barna, F; Schorer, M; Stephens, C E; Ismail, M A; Boykin, D W; Hemphill, A (2012). The adaptive potential of a survival artist: characterization of the in vitro interactions of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites with di-cationic compounds in human fibroblast cell cultures. Parasitology, 139(2), pp. 208-20. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011001776

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Vaccination with the recombinant chimeric antigen recNcMIC3-1-R induces a non-protective Th2-type immune response in the pregnant mouse model for N. caninum infection. Vaccine, 30(46), pp. 6588-94. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.08.024

Debache, Karim; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Effects of miltefosine treatment in fibroblast cell cultures and in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology, 139(7), pp. 934-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182012000066

Monney, Thierry; Rütti, David; Schorer, Michelle; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). RecNcMIC3-1-R is a microneme- and rhoptry-based chimeric antigen that protects against acute neosporosis and limits cerebral parasite load in the mouse model for Neospora caninum infection. Vaccine, 29(40), pp. 6967-6975. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.038

Cortes, H.C.; Muller, N.; Boykin, D.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro effects of arylimidamides against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells. Parasitology, 138(5), pp. 583-92. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011000114

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Kropf, C.; Boykin, D.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Experimental treatment of Neospora caninum-infected mice with the arylimidamide DB750 and the thiazolide nitazoxanide. Experimental parasitology, 129(2), pp. 95-100. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2011.07.010

Debache, K.; Kropf, C.; Schutz, C.A.; Harwood, L.J.; Kauper, P.; Monney, T.; Rossi, N.; Laue, C.; McCullough, K.C.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Vaccination of mice with chitosan nanogel-associated recombinant NcPDI against challenge infection with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasite immunology, 33(2), pp. 81-94. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2010.01255.x

Kuster, T.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Hermann, C.; Scholl, S.; Keiser, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro and in vivo efficacies of mefloquine-based treatment against alveolar echinococcosis. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(2), pp. 713-21. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01392-10

Marcelino, E.; Martins, T.M.; Morais, J.B.; Nolasco, S.; Cortes, H.; Hemphill, A.; Leitao, A.; Novo, C. (2011). Besnoitia besnoiti protein disulfide isomerase (BbPDI): molecular characterization, expression and in silico modelling. Experimental parasitology, 129(2), pp. 164-74. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2011.06.012

Marugan-Hernandez, V.; Alvarez-Garcia, G.; Tomley, F.; Hemphill, A.; Regidor-Cerrillo, J.; Ortega-Mora, L.M. (2011). Identification of novel rhoptry proteins in Neospora caninum by LC/MS-MS analysis of subcellular fractions. Journal of proteomics, 74(5), pp. 629-42. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jprot.2011.02.004

Mejri, N.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Gottstein, B. (2011). Intraperitoneal Echinococcus multilocularis infection in mice modulates peritoneal CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory T cell development. Parasitology international, 60(1), pp. 45-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.10.002

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). Vaccines against a major cause of abortion in cattle, Neospora caninum infection. Animals, 1(3), pp. 306-325. Cambridge: MDPI 10.3390/ani1030306

Müller, J.; Müller, N.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Drugs and drug targets in Neospora caninum and related apicomplexans. In: Becker, Katja (ed.) Apicomplexan Parasites. Drug discovery in Infectious Diseases: Vol. 2 (pp. 359-371). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons

Müller, J.; Hemphill, A.; Müller, N. (2011). Treatment of giardiasis and drug resistance. In: Lujan, Hugo D.; Svärd, Staffan (eds.) Giardia - a model organism. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Identification of a host cell target for the thiazolide class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drugs. Experimental parasitology, 128(2), pp. 145-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2011.02.007

Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Drug target identification in intracellular and extracellular protozoan parasites. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 11(16), pp. 2029-38. Hilversum: Bentham Science Publishers 10.2174/156802611796575876

Pohle, S.; Ernst, R.; MacKenzie, C.; Spicher, M.; Romig, T.; Hemphill, A.; Gripp, S. (2011). Echinococcus multilocularis: the impact of ionizing radiation on metacestodes. Experimental parasitology, 127(1), pp. 127-34. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2010.07.006

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Kuster, T.; Scholl, S.; Barna, F.; Kropf, C.; Keiser, J.; Boykin, D.W.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro efficacy of dicationic compounds and mefloquine enantiomers against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(10), pp. 4866-72. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00478-11

Pachlatko, E.; Rusch, S.; Müller, A.; Hemphill, A.; Tilley, L.; Hanssen, E.; Beck, H.P. (2010). MAHRP2, an exported protein of Plasmodium falciparum, is an essential component of Maurer's cleft tethers. Molecular microbiology, 77(5), pp. 1136-1152. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07278.x

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Alaeddine, F.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Intraperitoneal and intra-nasal vaccination of mice with three distinct recombinant Neospora caninum antigens results in differential effects with regard to protection against experimental challenge with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology, 137(2), pp. 229-40. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182009991259

Guionaud, C.; Hemphill, A.; Mevissen, M.; Alaeddine, F. (2010). Molecular characterization of Neospora caninum MAG1, a dense granule protein secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole, and associated with the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. Parasitology, 137(11), pp. 1605-19. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182010000442

Hemphill, A. (2010). Development and applications of cestode and trematode laboratory models. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 329-33. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182010000132

Hemphill, A.; Stadelmann, B.; Scholl, S.; Muller, J.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Siles-Lucas, M. (2010). Echinococcus metacestodes as laboratory models for the screening of drugs against cestodes and trematodes. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 569-87. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118200999117X

Mejri, N.; Hemphill, A.; Gottstein, B. (2010). Triggering and modulation of the host-parasite interplay by Echinococcus multilocularis: a review. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 557-68. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182009991533

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Scholl, Sabrina; Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Application of an in vitro drug screening assay based on the release of phosphoglucose isomerase to determine the structure-activity relationship of thiazolides against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 65(3), pp. 512-9. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp490

Stadelmann, B.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, J.; Scholl, S.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis phosphoglucose isomerase (EmPGI): a glycolytic enzyme involved in metacestode growth and parasite-host cell interactions. International journal for parasitology, 40(13), pp. 1563-74. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2010.05.009

Vassella, Erik; Oberle, Michael; Urwyler, Simon; Renggli, Christina Kunz; Studer, Erwin; Hemphill, Andrew; Fragoso, Cristina; Bütikofer, Peter; Brun, Reto; Roditi, Isabel (2009). Major surface glycoproteins of insect forms of Trypanosoma brucei are not essential for cyclical transmission by tsetse. PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4493. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004493

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

Hemphill, Andrew; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Golaz, Julia L; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Infection of primary canine duodenal epithelial cell cultures with Neospora caninum. Journal of parasitology, 95(2), pp. 372-80. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-1812.1

Gris, P.; Tighe, A.; Thawer, S.; Hemphill, A.; Oatway, M.; Weaver, L.; Dekaban, G.A.; Brown, A. (2009). Gene expression profiling in anti-CD11d mAb-treated spinal cord-injured rats. Journal of neuroimmunology, 209(1-2), pp. 104-13. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2009.02.002

Hemphill, A.; Muller, J. (2009). Alveolar and cystic echinococcosis: towards novel chemotherapeutical treatment options. Journal of helminthology, 83(2), pp. 99-111. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0022149X0928936X

Hemphill, A.W.; Akkari, Y.; Newell, A.H.; Schultz, R.A.; Grompe, M.; North, P.S.; Hickson, I.D.; Jakobs, P.M.; Rennie, S.; Pauw, D.; Hejna, J.; Olson, S.B.; Moses, R.E. (2009). Topo IIIalpha and BLM act within the Fanconi anemia pathway in response to DNA-crosslinking agents. Cytogenetic and genome research, 125(3), pp. 165-75. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000230001

Muller, J.; Limban, C.; Stadelmann, B.; Missir, A.V.; Chirita, I.C.; Chifiriuc, M.C.; Nitulescu, G.M.; Hemphill, A. (2009). Thioureides of 2-(phenoxymethyl)benzoic acid 4-R substituted: a novel class of anti-parasitic compounds. Parasitology international, 58(2), pp. 128-35. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2008.12.003

Müller, Joachim; Nillius, Dorothea; Hehl, A.; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2009). Stable expression of Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase A (GusA) in Giardia lamblia: application to high-throughput drug susceptibility testing. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 64(6), pp. 1187-1191. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp363

Schnyder, M.; Kohler, L.; Hemphill, A.; Deplazes, P. (2009). Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of nitazoxanide against Cryptosporidium parvum in experimentally challenged neonatal calves. Veterinary parasitology, 160(1-2), pp. 149-54. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.10.094

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Krebber, R.; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Toltrazuril treatment of congenitally acquired Neospora caninum infection in newborn mice. Parasitology research, 104(6), pp. 1335-43. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-009-1328-x

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Margos, M.; Grandgirard, D.; Leib, Stephen; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Neospora caninum and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells: parasite survival, proliferation, and induction of cytokine expression. Parasite immunology, 31(7), pp. 366-372. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2009.01112.x

Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). Echinococcus multilocularis: the parasite-host interplay. Experimental parasitology, 119(4), pp. 447-452. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.03.002

Spicher, Martin; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In vitro and in vivo effects of 2-methoxyestradiol, either alone or combined with albendazole, against Echinococcus metacestodes. Experimental parasitology, 119(4), pp. 475-482. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.02.012

Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). Neospora caninum: functional inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase by the broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Experimental parasitology, 118(1), pp. 80-8. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2007.06.008

Spicher, Martin; Röthlisberger, Carole; Lany, C.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Keiser, J.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments of Echinococcus Protoscoleces and Metacestodes with Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 52(9), pp. 3447-3450. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00553-08

Müller, Joachim; Ley, Serej; Felger, Ingrid; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2008). Identification of differentially expressed genes in a Giardia lamblia WB C6 clone resistant to nitazoxanide and metronidazole. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 62(1), pp. 72-82. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkn142

Strohbusch, Maria; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; , ; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). NcGRA2 as a molecular target to assess the parasiticidal activity of toltrazuril against Neospora caninum. Parasitology, 135(9), pp. 1065-1073. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182008004599

Oberholzer, Michael; Marti, Gabriela; Baresic, Mario; Kunz, Stefan; Hemphill, Andrew; Seebeck, Thomas (2007). The Trypanosoma brucei cAMP phosphodiesterases TbrPDEB1 and TbrPDEB2: flagellar enzymes that are essential for parasite virulence. FASEB journal, 21(3), pp. 720-731. Bethesda, Md.: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.06-6818com

Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Structure-activity relationships from in vitro efficacies of the thiazolide series against the intracellular apicomplexan protozoan Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 37(2), pp. 183-90. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2006.10.009

Hemphill, A (2007). Response to Innes and Mattsson: Neospora caninum emerges from the shadow of Toxoplasma gondii. Trends in parasitology, 2(23), pp. 44-5. Oxford: Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.pt.2006.12.007

Sterk, Maaike; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2007). Characterization of a Giardia lamblia WB C6 clone resistant to the isoflavone formononetin. Microbiology, 153(Pt 12), pp. 4150-8. Reading, UK: Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.2007/010041-0

Arsenijevic, D; de Bilbao, F; Vallet, P; Hemphill, A; Gottstein, B; Richard, D; Giannakopoulos, P; Langhans, W (2007). Decreased infarct size after focal cerebral ischemia in mice chronically infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Neuroscience, 150(3), pp. 537-46. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2007.09.080

Hemphill, Andrew; Spicher, Martin; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gottstein, Bruno; Walker, M (2007). Innovative chemotherapeutical treatment options for alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Parasitology, 134(Pt 12), pp. 1657-70. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003198

Golaz, Julia L; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Burgener, Iwan A (2007). Establishment and characterization of a primary canine duodenal epithelial cell culture. In vitro cellular & developmental biology - animal, 43(5-6), pp. 176-85. Columbia, Md.: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s11626-007-9034-4

Kaiser, Marcel; Wittlin, Sergio; Nehrbass-Stuedli, Angela; Dong, Yuxiang; Wang, Xiaofang; Hemphill, Andrew; Matile, Hugues; Brun, Reto; Vennerstrom, Jonathan L (2007). Peroxide bond-dependent antiplasmodial specificity of artemisinin and OZ277 (RBx11160). Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 51(8), pp. 2991-3. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00225-07

Müller, Joachim; Sterk, Maaike; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2007). Characterization of Giardia lamblia WB C6 clones resistant to nitazoxanide and to metronidazole. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 60(2), pp. 280-7. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkm205

Esposito, Marco; Moores, Shelley; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Induction of tachyzoite egress from cells infected with the protozoan Neospora caninum by nitro- and bromo-thiazolides, a class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drugs. International journal for parasitology, 37(10), pp. 1143-52. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2007.03.007

Müller, Joachim; Wastling, Jonathan; Sanderson, Sanya; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). A novel Giardia lamblia nitroreductase, GlNR1, interacts with nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 51(6), pp. 1979-86. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01548-06

Cortes, Helder C E; Reis, Yara; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre; Müller, Norbert (2007). Application of conventional and real-time fluorescent ITS1 rDNA PCR for detection of Besnoitia besnoiti infections in bovine skin biopsies. Veterinary parasitology, 146(3-4), pp. 352-6. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2007.03.003

Risco-Castillo, V; Fernández-García, A; Zaballos, A; Aguado-Martínez, A; Hemphill, A; Rodríguez-Bertos, A; Alvarez-García, G; Ortega-Mora, L M (2007). Molecular characterisation of BSR4, a novel bradyzoite-specific gene from Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 37(8-9), pp. 887-96. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2007.02.003

Cortes, H C E; Mueller, N; Esposito, M; Leitão, A; Naguleswaran, A; Hemphill, A (2007). In vitro efficacy of nitro- and bromo-thiazolyl-salicylamide compounds (thiazolides) against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells. Parasitology, 134(Pt 7), pp. 975-85. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007002417

Vonlaufen, N; Naguleswaran, A; Gianinazzi, C; Hemphill, A (2007). Characterization of the fetuin-binding fraction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites and its potential involvement in host-parasite interactions. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 805-17. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002186

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Mueller, Joachim; Suana, Angela; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Vaccination with microneme protein NcMIC4 increases mortality in mice inoculated with Neospora caninum. Journal of parasitology, 93(5), pp. 1046-55. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-1181R1.1

Hemphill, A; Müller, N; Müller, J (2007). Structure-funktion relationship of thiazolides, a novel class of antiparasitic drugs, investigated in intracellular protozoan parasites and larvalstage cestodes. Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry(6), pp. 273-282. Sharjah: Bentham Science

Hemphill, A (2007). Generation of parasite cysts in cultured cells instead of living animals. ALTEX - Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten, 24(Spec. Issue), pp. 29-31. London: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Spicher, Martin; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Torgerson, Paul; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro metacestodicidal activities of genistein and other isoflavones against Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(11), pp. 3770-8. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00578-06

Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Hemphill, A; Oku, Y; Kamiya, M; Gottstein, B (2006). 14-3-3- and II/3-10-gene expression as molecular markers to address viability and growth activity of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology, 132(Pt 1), pp. 83-94. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008632

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Baszler, Timothy; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Leepin, Angela; Sanderson, Sanya J; Wastling, Jonathan M; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Monoclonal antibody directed against Neospora caninum tachyzoite carbohydrate epitope reacts specifically with apical complex-associated sialylated beta tubulin. Journal of parasitology, 92(6), pp. 1235-43. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-889R.1

Cortes, H C E; Reis, Y; Waap, H; Vidal, R; Soares, H; Marques, I; Pereira da Fonseca, I; Fazendeiro, I; Ferreira, M L; Caeiro, V; Shkap, V; Hemphill, A; Leitão, A (2006). Isolation of Besnoitia besnoiti from infected cattle in Portugal. Veterinary parasitology, 141(3-4), pp. 226-33. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.05.022

Müller, Joachim; Rühle, Géraldine; Müller, Norbert; Rossignol, Jean-François; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro effects of thiazolides on Giardia lamblia WB clone C6 cultured axenically and in coculture with Caco2 cells. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(1), pp. 162-70. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.50.1.162-170.2006

Gottstein, Bruno; Haag, Karen; Walker, Mirjam; Matsumoto, Jun; Mejri, Naceur; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Molecular survival strategies of Echinococcus multilocularis in the murine host. Parasitology international, 55 Suppl, S45-S49. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2005.11.006

Hemphill, Andrew; Mueller, Joachim; Esposito, Marco (2006). Nitazoxanide, a broad-spectrum thiazolide anti-infective agent for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, 7(7), pp. 953-64. London: Informa Healthcare 10.1517/14656566.7.7.953

Hehl, A B; Hemphill, A (2006). The use of light- and electron microscopy for studies on the cell- and molecular biology of parasites and parasitic diseases. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 473-81. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.473

Hemphill, A; Vonlaufen, N; Naguleswaran, A (2006). Cellular and immunological basis of the host-parasite relationship during infection with Neospora caninum. Parasitology, 133(Pt 3), pp. 261-78. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000485

Hemphill, A; Gottstein, B (2006). Neospora caninum and neosporosis - recent achievements in host and parasite cell biology and treatment. Acta parasitologica, 51(1), pp. 15-25. Warszawa: Versita 10.2478/s11686-006-0002-z

Scheidegger, Alexandra; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2005). Differential effects of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha on Toxoplasma gondii proliferation in organotypic rat brain slice cultures. Journal of parasitology, 91(2), pp. 307-315. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-379R

von Allmen, N; Bienz, M; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2005). Quantitative assessment of sense and antisense transcripts from genes involved in antigenic variation (vsp genes) and encystation (cwp 1 gene) of Giardia lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7. Parasitology, 130(Pt 4), pp. 389-396. Cambridge University Press

von Allmen, N; Bienz, M; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2004). Experimental infections of neonatal mice with cysts of Giardia lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 are associated with an antigenic reset of the parasite. Infection and immunity, 72(8), pp. 4763-4771. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.72.8.4763-4771.2004

Stettler, Marianne; Rossignol, Jean François; Fink, Renate; Walker, Mirjam; Gottstein, Bruno; Merli, Michael; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Dricot, Eric; Segers, Rudi; Hemphill, Andrew (2004). Secondary and primary murine alveolar echinococcosis: combined albendazole/nitazoxanide chemotherapy exhibits profound anti-parasitic activity. International journal for parasitology, 34(5), pp. 615-624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2004.01.006

Walker, Mirjam; Baz, Adriana; Dematteis, Sylvia; Stettler, Marianne; Gottstein, Bruno; Schaller, Johann; Hemphill, Andrew (2004). Isolation and characterization of a secretory component of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes potentially involved in modulating the host-parasite interface. Infection and immunity, 72(1), pp. 527-536. American Society for Microbiology

Walker, Mirjam; Rossignol, Jean François; Torgerson, Paul; Hemphill, Andrew (2004). In vitro effects of nitazoxanide on Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces and metacestodes. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 54(3), pp. 609-616. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkh386

Cannas, A; Naguleswaran, A; Müller, Norbert; Eperon, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). Vaccination of mice against experimental Neospora caninum infection using NcSAG1- and NcSRS2-based recombinant antigens and DNA vaccines. Parasitology, 126(04), pp. 303-312. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182002002895

Stettler, Marianne; Fink, Renate; Walker, Mirjam; Gottstein, Bruno; Geary, Timothy G; Rossignol, Jean François; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). In vitro parasiticidal effect of Nitazoxanide against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 47(2), pp. 467-474. American Society for Microbiology

Hemphill, Andrew; Stettler, Marianne; Walker, Mirjam; Siles-Lucas, Mar; Fink, Renate; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). In vitro culture of Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus vogeli metacestodes: studies on the host-parasite interface. Acta tropica, 85(2), pp. 145-155. Elsevier

Cannas, Angela; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). Reduced cerebral infection of Neospora caninum-infected mice after vaccination with recombinant microneme protein NcMIC3 and ribi adjuvant. Journal of parasitology, 89(1), pp. 44-50. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/0022-3395(2003)089[0044:RCIONC]2.0.CO;2

Hemphill, Andrew; Stettler, Marianne; Walker, Mirjam; Siles-Lucas, Mar; Fink, Renate; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). Culture of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes: an alternative to animal use. Trends in parasitology, 18(10), pp. 445-451. Elsevier Current Trends

Gottstein, Bruno; Dai, Wen Juan; Walker, Mirjam; Stettler, Marianne; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). An intact laminated layer is important for the establishment of secondary Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Parasitology research, 88(9), pp. 822-828. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-002-0659-7

Dubey, J P; Barr, B C; Barta, J R; Bjerkås, I; Björkman, C; Blagburn, B L; Bowman, D D; Buxton, D; Ellis, J T; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Hill, D E; Howe, D K; Jenkins, M C; Kobayashi, Y; Koudela, B; Marsh, A E; Mattsson, J G; McAllister, M M; Modrý, D; ... (2002). Redescription of Neospora caninum and its differentiation from related coccidia. International journal for parasitology, 32(8), pp. 929-946. Elsevier

Dai, W J; Hemphill, Andrew; Waldvogel, A; Ingold, K; Deplazes, P; Mossmann, H; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Major carbohydrate antigen of Echinococcus multilocularis induces an immunoglobulin G response independent of alphabeta+ CD4+ T cells. Infection and immunity, 69(10), pp. 6074-6083. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.69.10.6074-6083.2001

Müller, Norbert; Sager, Heinz; Hemphill, Andrew; Mehlhorn, H; Heydorn, A O; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Comparative molecular investigation of Nc5-PCR amplicons from Neospora caninum NC-1 and Hammondia heydorni-Berlin-1996. Parasitology research, 87(10), pp. 883-885. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360100463

Stettler, M; Siles-Lucas, M; Sarciron, E; Lawton, P; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2001). Echinococcus multilocularis alkaline phosphatase as a marker for metacestode damage induced by in vitro drug treatment with albendazole sulfoxide and albendazole sulfone. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 45(8), pp. 2256-2262. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.45.8.2256-2262.2001

Ingold, K; Dai, W; Rausch, R L; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2001). Characterization of the laminated layer of in vitro cultivated Echinococcus vogeli metacestodes. Journal of parasitology, 87(1), pp. 55-64. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/0022-3395(2001)087[0055:COTLLO]2.0.CO;2

Felleisen, R S; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). A novel EF-hand calcium-binding protein in the flagellum of the protozoan Tritrichomonas suis. Parasitology, 122(02), pp. 125-132. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182001007168

Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). A European perspective on Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 30(8), pp. 877-924. Elsevier

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, N; Sager, H; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). [Neospora caninum and neosporosis--basic science at the Institute of Parasitology and possible implications]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 142(5), pp. 257-261. Huber

Sonda, S; Fuchs, N; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2000). Molecular characterization of a novel microneme antigen in Neospora caninum. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 108(1), pp. 39-51. Elsevier

Ingold, K; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2000). High molecular mass glycans are major structural elements associated with the laminated layer of in vitro cultivated Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. International journal for parasitology, 30(2), pp. 207-214. Elsevier

Ingold, K; Bigler, P; Thormann, W; Cavaliero, T; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (1999). Efficacies of albendazole sulfoxide and albendazole sulfone against In vitro-cultivated Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 43(5), pp. 1052-1061. American Society for Microbiology

Eperon, S; Brönnimann, K; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (1999). Susceptibility of B-cell deficient C57BL/6 (microMT) mice to Neospora caninum infection. Parasite immunology, 21(5), pp. 225-236. Blackwell Scientific Publications

Hemphill, Andrew; Gajendran, N; Sonda, S; Fuchs, N; Gottstein, Bruno; Hentrich, B; Jenkins, M (1998). Identification and characterisation of a dense granule-associated protein in Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 28(3), pp. 429-438. Elsevier

Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (1997). Immunopathology of echinococcosis. Chemical immunology, 66, pp. 177-208. Karger

Hemphill, Andrew; Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (1996). Electron microscopical investigation of surface alterations on Giardia lamblia trophozoites after exposure to a cytotoxic monoclonal antibody. Parasitology research, 82(3), pp. 206-210. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360050096

Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Identification of a major surface protein on Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasitology research, 82(6), pp. 497-504. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360050152

Imboden, M.; Müller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Mattioli, R.; Seebeck, T. (1995). Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens. Parasitology, 110(3), pp. 249-258. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000080835

Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno (1995). Immunology and morphology studies on the proliferation of in vitro cultivated Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology research, 81(7), pp. 605-614. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00932028

Hemphill, A.; Frame, I.; Ross, C. A. (1994). The interaction of Trypanosoma congolense with endothelial cells. Parasitology, 109(5), pp. 631-641. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000076514

Hentrich, Brigitte

Meyer, Anika; Olias, Philipp; Schüpbach, Gertraud; Henzi, Martin; Barmettler, Thomas; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2020). Combined cross-sectional and case-control study on Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology: X, 4, p. 100031. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vpoa.2020.100031

Garrido-Castañé, Ignasi; Romero, Anna Ortuño; Espuny, Joaquim Castellà; Hentrich, Brigitte; Basso, Walter Ubaldo (2019). Besnoitia besnoiti seroprevalence in beef, dairy and bullfighting cattle in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain): A cross-sectional study. Parasitology international, 69, pp. 71-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2018.12.001

König, Maya Laura; Howard, Judith; Schmidhalter, Marta; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hettlich, Bianca (2019). Leishmaniasis manifesting as osteomyelitis and monoarthritis in a dog and outcome following treatment with mitefosine and allopurinol. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7(1), e000793. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vetreccr-2018-000793

Frey, C; Marreros, N; Renneker, S; Schmidt, L; Sager, H; Hentrich, B; Milesi, S; Gottstein, B (2017). Dogs as victims of their own worms: Serodiagnosis of canine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasites & Vectors, 10(1), p. 422. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-017-2369-0

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida; Schediwy, Marion; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine (2017). Serratospiculosis in Captive Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Switzerland. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(3), pp. 250-255. Association of Avian Veterinarians 10.1647/2016-204

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Stäuber, Norbert; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela (2017). Simplicimonas-like DNA in vaginal swabs of cows and heifers cross-reacting in the real-time PCR for T. foetus. Veterinary parasitology, 237, pp. 30-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.024

Frey, C; Eicher, R; Raue, K; Strube, C; Bodmer, M; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Marrero, N (2017). Apparent prevalence of and risk factors for infection with Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica and Dictyocaulus viviparus in Swiss dairy herds. Veterinary parasitology, 250, pp. 52-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.12.004

Müller, Norbert; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Welle, Monika Maria (2015). Quantitative PCR for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded skin sections. Molecular and cellular probes, 29(6), pp. 507-510. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2015.09.008

Chaignat, Valérie; Boujon, Patrick; Frey, Caroline; Hentrich, Brigitte; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). The brown hare (Lepus europaeus) as a novel intermediate host for Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. Parasitology research, 114(8), pp. 3167-3169. Springer 10.1007/s00436-015-4555-3

Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Campbell-Palmer, R; Pizzi, R; Barlow, A; Hentrich, Brigitte; Posautz, A; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2014). Immunoblotting for the serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in alive and dead Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Veterinary parasitology, 205(1-2), pp. 113-118. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2014.06.017

Koehler, Anson V.; Borel, Stéphanie; Hoby, Stefan; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Gasser, Robin B. (2014). Genetic identification of an oxyurid from a captive, black-handed spider monkey—implications for treatment and control. Parasitology research, 113(9), pp. 3445-3448. Springer 10.1007/s00436-014-4013-7

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Hermann, Corina

Küster, Tatiana; Hermann, Corina; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). Subcutaneous infection model facilitates treatment assessment of secondary Alveolar echinococcosis in mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(5), e2235. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002235

Küster, Tatiana; Zumkehr, Beatrice; Hermann, Corina; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Voluntary ingestion of antiparasitic drugs emulsified in honey represents an alternative to gavage in mice. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Journal, 51(2), pp. 219-223. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

Kuster, T.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Hermann, C.; Scholl, S.; Keiser, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro and in vivo efficacies of mefloquine-based treatment against alveolar echinococcosis. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(2), pp. 713-21. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01392-10

Hettlich, Bianca Felicitas

König, Maya Laura; Howard, Judith; Schmidhalter, Marta; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hettlich, Bianca (2019). Leishmaniasis manifesting as osteomyelitis and monoarthritis in a dog and outcome following treatment with mitefosine and allopurinol. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7(1), e000793. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vetreccr-2018-000793

Heverhagen, Johannes

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Hirsbrunner, Gabriela

Rüfli, Isabelle; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U.; Vidondo, Beatriz; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela; Zanolari, Patrik (2021). Causes of Abortions in South American Camelids in Switzerland-Cases and Questionnaire. Animals, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/ani11071956

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Stäuber, Norbert; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela (2017). Simplicimonas-like DNA in vaginal swabs of cows and heifers cross-reacting in the real-time PCR for T. foetus. Veterinary parasitology, 237, pp. 30-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.024

Hirt, Didier

Schaarschmidt, Daniel; Gilli, Urs; Gottstein, Bruno; Marreros Canales, Nelson; Kuhnert, Peter; Daeppen, Jérôme A.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Hirt, Didier; Frey, Caroline (2013). Questing Dermacentor reticulatus harbouring Babesia canis DNA associated with outbreaks of canine babesiosis in the Swiss Midlands. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 4(4), pp. 334-340. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.01.007

Hizem, Amani

Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Gori, Francesca; Hizem, Amani; Müller, Norbert; Casulli, Adriano; Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2016). A dual PCR-based sequencing approach for the identification and discrimination of Echinococcus and Taenia taxa. Molecular and cellular probes, 30(4), pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.05.004

Hofmann, Larissa

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Basso, Walter; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35. Parasitology international, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Stäuber, Norbert; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela (2017). Simplicimonas-like DNA in vaginal swabs of cows and heifers cross-reacting in the real-time PCR for T. foetus. Veterinary parasitology, 237, pp. 30-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.024

Holenweger, Fabienne

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Holzer, Isabelle

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Hostettler, Isabel

Hostettler, Isabel; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). In Vitro Screening of the Open-Source Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box Reveals Novel Compounds with Profound Activities against Theileria annulata Schizonts. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 60(6), pp. 3301-3308. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02801-15

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Hostettler, Isabel; Müller, Joachim; Stephens, Chad E; Haynes, Richard; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). A quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR assay for the assessment of drug activities against intracellular Theileria annulata schizonts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 4(3), pp. 201-209. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2014.09.003

Howard, Judith

Wolfer, L A; Basso, W U; Frey, C F; Schuller, S; Amphimaque, B; Jankovic, J; Howard, J; Peters, L M (2023). Biliary Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a dog under immunomodulatory therapy. Journal of small animal practice, 64(8), pp. 535-538. Wiley 10.1111/jsap.13612

König, Maya Laura; Howard, Judith; Schmidhalter, Marta; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hettlich, Bianca (2019). Leishmaniasis manifesting as osteomyelitis and monoarthritis in a dog and outcome following treatment with mitefosine and allopurinol. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7(1), e000793. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vetreccr-2018-000793

Corsini, Marina; Geissbühler, Urs; Howard, J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Spreng, David; Frey, Caroline (2015). Clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Veterinary record, 177(22), p. 569. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.103470

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Huber, Cristina

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Profound activity of the anti-cancer drug bortezomib against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes identifies the proteasome as a novel drug target for cestodes. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(12), e3352. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003352

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Huber, Sandra

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Hungerbühler, Martin Nils

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Arnold, Samuel L M; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Fan, Erkang; Roberto, Sánchez-Sánchez; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Efficacy of the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1708 against the cyst-forming apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25, p. 100553. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100553

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Rico-San Román, Laura; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Horcajo, Pilar; Collantes-Fernández, Esther; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Boubaker, Ghalia (2024). TaqMan-quantitative PCR assays applied in Neospora caninum knock-outs generated through CRISPR-Cas9 allow to determine the copy numbers of integrated dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase drug selectable markers. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 14(1419209) Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2024.1419209

Schlange, Carling; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Boubaker, Ghalia; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Single and combination treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections with a bumped kinase inhibitor and artemisone in vitro and with artemiside in experimentally infected mice. Experimental parasitology, 255(108655), p. 108655. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108655

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Beteck, Richard M; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. Pathogens, 12(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens12030447

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hänggeli, Kai; Beteck, Richard M.; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Sanchez-Sanchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Haynes, Richard K.; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Assessment of the Activity of Decoquinate and Its Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii In Vitro and in Pregnant Mice Infected with T. gondii Oocysts. Molecules, 26(21), p. 6393. MDPI 10.3390/molecules26216393

Hüssy, Daniela

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Imhof, Dennis

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Arnold, Samuel L M; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Fan, Erkang; Roberto, Sánchez-Sánchez; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Efficacy of the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1708 against the cyst-forming apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25, p. 100553. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100553

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Schlange, Carling; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Boubaker, Ghalia; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Single and combination treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections with a bumped kinase inhibitor and artemisone in vitro and with artemiside in experimentally infected mice. Experimental parasitology, 255(108655), p. 108655. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108655

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Beteck, Richard M; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. Pathogens, 12(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens12030447

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Schlange, Carling; Monney, Camille; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 901056. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.901056

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Monney, Camille; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). A Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Formulation Reduces Vertical Transmission and Leads to Enhanced Pup Survival in a Pregnant Neosporosis Mouse Model. Vaccines, 9(12) MDPI 10.3390/vaccines9121400

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Huang, Wenlin; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Betzer, Dana P; Vidadala, Rama S R; Lee, Sangun; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Riggs, Michael W; Fan, Erkang; Kennedy, Thomas J; Tzipori, Saul; Doggett, J Stone; Winzer, Pablo; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; ... (2021). One health therapeutics: Target-Based drug development for cryptosporidiosis and other apicomplexa diseases. Veterinary parasitology, 289, p. 109336. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109336

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hänggeli, Kai; Beteck, Richard M.; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Sanchez-Sanchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Haynes, Richard K.; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Assessment of the Activity of Decoquinate and Its Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii In Vitro and in Pregnant Mice Infected with T. gondii Oocysts. Molecules, 26(21), p. 6393. MDPI 10.3390/molecules26216393

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Structure and Fate of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Pathogens, 9(5) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9050382

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Imhof, Simon

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Jaggi, Rolf

Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias; Schild, Marc; Merli, Michael; Leib, Stephen L.; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim; Jaggi, Rolf (2010). Hepatic gene expression profile in mice perorally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs. PLoS ONE, 5(4), e9779. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0009779

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Jebbawi, Fadi

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Jelk, Jennifer

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Brand, Michael; Wang, Lei; Agnello, Stefano; Gazzola, Silvia; Gall, Flavio M; Raguž, Luka; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Remo S; Ritschl, Amélie; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäser, Pascal; Bütikofer, Peter; Adams, Michael; Riedl, Rainer (2021). Antiprotozoal Structure-Activity Relationships of Synthetic Leucinostatin Derivatives and Elucidation of their Mode of Action. Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), 60(28), pp. 15613-15621. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/anie.202102153

Jelk, Jennifer; Balmer, Vreni; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Bütikofer, Peter; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Anti-parasitic dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes alter the mitochondrial ultrastructure and membrane potential in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. Experimental parasitology, 205, p. 107753. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107753

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Johns, Serena Kudzai

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

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Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

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Knapp, J; Bart, J M; Glowatzki, M L; Ito, A; Gerard, S; Maillard, S; Piarroux, R; Gottstein, B (2007). Assessment of use of microsatellite polymorphism analysis for improving spatial distribution tracking of echinococcus multilocularis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(9), pp. 2943-50. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.02107-06

Maillard, S; Benchikh-Elfegoun, M C; Knapp, J; Bart, J M; Koskei, P; Gottstein, B; Piarroux, R (2007). Taxonomic position and geographical distribution of the common sheep G1 and camel G6 strains of Echinococcus granulosus in three African countries. Parasitology research, 100(3), pp. 495-503. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00436-006-0286-9

Bart, J M; Knapp, J; Gottstein, B; El-Garch, F; Giraudoux, P; Glowatzki, M L; Berthoud, H; Maillard, S; Piarroux, R (2006). EmsB, a tandem repeated multi-loci microsatellite, new tool to investigate the genetic diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis. Infection, genetics and evolution, 6(5), pp. 390-400. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.meegid.2006.01.006

Krebs, Philippe

Bessell, Emily; Finlay, Rachel E; James, Louisa K; Ludewig, Burkhard; Harris, Nicola L; Krebs, Philippe; Hepworth, Matthew R; Dubey, Lalit Kumar (2024). Stromal cell and B cell dialogue potentiates IL-33-enriched lymphoid niches to support eosinophil recruitment and function during type 2 immunity. Cell reports, 43(8), p. 114620. Cell Press 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114620

Kretschmer, Robert

Pfister, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Kretschmer, Robert; Cerny, T; Cerny, A (2001). Elevated carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) in patients with Echinococcus infection. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 39(6), pp. 527-530. Walter de Gruyter 10.1515/CCLM.2001.088

Kriegel, Nadja

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Xiaofang; Dong, Yuxiang; Vennerstrom, Jonathan L; Keiser, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Amino ozonides exhibit in vitro activity against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(1), pp. 40-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2013.09.012

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Boykin, David W.; Stephens, Chad E.; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro and in vivo activities of dicationic diguanidino compounds against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(8), pp. 3829-3835. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02569-12

Kropf, Christian

Kropf, C; Debache, K; Rampa, C; Barna, F; Schorer, M; Stephens, C E; Ismail, M A; Boykin, D W; Hemphill, A (2012). The adaptive potential of a survival artist: characterization of the in vitro interactions of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites with di-cationic compounds in human fibroblast cell cultures. Parasitology, 139(2), pp. 208-20. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011001776

Debache, K.; Guionaud, C.; Kropf, C.; Boykin, D.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Experimental treatment of Neospora caninum-infected mice with the arylimidamide DB750 and the thiazolide nitazoxanide. Experimental parasitology, 129(2), pp. 95-100. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2011.07.010

Debache, K.; Kropf, C.; Schutz, C.A.; Harwood, L.J.; Kauper, P.; Monney, T.; Rossi, N.; Laue, C.; McCullough, K.C.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Vaccination of mice with chitosan nanogel-associated recombinant NcPDI against challenge infection with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasite immunology, 33(2), pp. 81-94. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2010.01255.x

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Kuster, T.; Scholl, S.; Barna, F.; Kropf, C.; Keiser, J.; Boykin, D.W.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro efficacy of dicationic compounds and mefloquine enantiomers against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(10), pp. 4866-72. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00478-11

Krudewig, Christiane

Berzina, Inese; Krudewig, Christiane; Silaghi, Cornelia; Matise, Ilze; Ranka, Renate; Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria (2014). Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA amplified from lesional skin of seropositive dogs. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 5(3), pp. 329-335. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.12.010

Kuhnert, Peter

Kuhnert, Peter; Brodard, Isabelle; Bock, Sabine; Hemphill, Andrew; Akarsu Egger, Hatice; Engelhardt, Andreas; Kutzer, Peter (2022). Wielerella bovis gen. nov., sp. nov. a member of the family Neisseriaceae associated with bovine endocarditis. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 72(5) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.005387

Schaarschmidt, Daniel; Gilli, Urs; Gottstein, Bruno; Marreros Canales, Nelson; Kuhnert, Peter; Daeppen, Jérôme A.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Hirt, Didier; Frey, Caroline (2013). Questing Dermacentor reticulatus harbouring Babesia canis DNA associated with outbreaks of canine babesiosis in the Swiss Midlands. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 4(4), pp. 334-340. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.01.007

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Kunz, Stefan

Kunz, Stefan; Balmer, Vreni; Sterk, Geert Jan; Pollastri, Michael P; Leurs, Rob; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spycher, Cornelia (2017). The single cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase of the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia represents a potential drug target. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(9), e0005891. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005891

Kurath, Ursula

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel

Kaethner, Marc; Rennar, Georg; Gallinger, Tom; Kämpfer, Tobias; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäder, Patrick; Luque-Gómez, Ana; Schlitzer, Martin; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2023). In Vitro Activities of Dithiocarbamate Derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis Metacestode Vesicles. Tropical medicine and infectious disease, 8(12) MDPI 10.3390/tropicalmed8120517

Kaethner, Marc; Preza, Matías; Kaempfer, Tobias; Zumstein, Pascal; Tamponi, Claudia; Varcasia, Antonio; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Establishment and application of unbiased in vitro drug screening assays for the identification of compounds against Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 17(8), e0011343. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011343

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Kämpfer, Urs

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

König, Maya Laura

König, Maya Laura; Howard, Judith; Schmidhalter, Marta; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hettlich, Bianca (2019). Leishmaniasis manifesting as osteomyelitis and monoarthritis in a dog and outcome following treatment with mitefosine and allopurinol. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7(1), e000793. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vetreccr-2018-000793

Kühni, Kathrin

Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria; Lobsiger, Lisbeth; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Kühni, Kathrin; Hilbe, Monika; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Geyer, Claudia; von Bomhard, Wolf (2009). Occurrence of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous lesions of horses in Central Europe. Veterinary parasitology, 166(3-4), pp. 346-351. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.09.001

Küker, Ursula Susanne

Basso, Walter; Sollberger, Elena; Schares, Gereon; Küker, Ursula; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Zanolari, Patrik (2020). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in South American camelids in Switzerland and assessment of serological tests for diagnosis. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/S13071-020-04128-9

Küster, Tatiana

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Risch, Corina; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Oral treatments of Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice with the antimalarial drug mefloquine that potentially interacts with parasite ferritin and cystatin. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(5), pp. 546-551. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.07.016

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Activities of fenbendazole in comparison with albendazole against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in vitro and in a murine infection model. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(4), pp. 335-342. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.01.013

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Xiaofang; Dong, Yuxiang; Vennerstrom, Jonathan L; Keiser, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Amino ozonides exhibit in vitro activity against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(1), pp. 40-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2013.09.012

Barna, Fabienne; Debache, Karim; Vock, Carsten A.; Küster, Tatiana; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro effects of novel ruthenium complexes in Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(11), pp. 5747-5754. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02446-12

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Boykin, David W.; Stephens, Chad E.; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). In vitro and in vivo activities of dicationic diguanidino compounds against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(8), pp. 3829-3835. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02569-12

Küster, Tatiana; Hermann, Corina; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). Subcutaneous infection model facilitates treatment assessment of secondary Alveolar echinococcosis in mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(5), e2235. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002235

Küster, Tatiana; Zumkehr, Beatrice; Hermann, Corina; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Voluntary ingestion of antiparasitic drugs emulsified in honey represents an alternative to gavage in mice. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Journal, 51(2), pp. 219-223. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

Kuster, T.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Hermann, C.; Scholl, S.; Keiser, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro and in vivo efficacies of mefloquine-based treatment against alveolar echinococcosis. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(2), pp. 713-21. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01392-10

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Kuster, T.; Scholl, S.; Barna, F.; Kropf, C.; Keiser, J.; Boykin, D.W.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro efficacy of dicationic compounds and mefloquine enantiomers against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(10), pp. 4866-72. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00478-11

Lachenmayer, Anja

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Langa Oliva, Javier

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Lanz, Simone Nicole

Lanz, Simone; Gerber, Vinzenz; Marti, Eliane Isabelle; Rettmer, Helen; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta; Gottstein, Bruno; Matthews, Jacqueline B.; Pirie, Scott; Hamza, Eman (2013). Effect of hay dust extract and cyathostomin antigen stimulation on cytokine expression by PBMC in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 155(4), pp. 229-237. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2013.07.005

Largiadèr, Carlo Rodolfo

Karpstein, Tanja; Chaudhry, Sheena; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Hayoz, Michael; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Kaethner, Marc; Schindler, Isabelle; Aebi, Yolanda; Cunha, Antonio Sa; Largiadèr, Carlo R.; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Maca against Echinococcosis?-A Reverse Approach from Patient to In Vitro Testing. Pathogens, 10(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10101335

Leepin, Angela

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Baszler, Timothy; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Leepin, Angela; Sanderson, Sanya J; Wastling, Jonathan M; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Monoclonal antibody directed against Neospora caninum tachyzoite carbohydrate epitope reacts specifically with apical complex-associated sialylated beta tubulin. Journal of parasitology, 92(6), pp. 1235-43. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-889R.1

Leib, Stephen

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Wang, Junhua; von Gunten, Stephan; Beldi, Guido; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Gottstein, Bruno (2021). Digest the Sugar, Kill the Parasite: A New Experimental Concept in Treating Alveolar Echinococcosis. Pharmacology, 106(1-2), pp. 3-8. Karger 10.1159/000509355

Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique A; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spiliotis, Markus; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Shalev, Itay; Levy, Gary; Lu, Xiaomei; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Deletion of Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 (FGL-2), a Novel CD4+ CD25+ Treg Effector Molecule, Leads to Improved Control of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in Mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(5), e0003755. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003755

Monney, Thierry; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Use of a Th1 Stimulator Adjuvant for Vaccination against Neospora caninum Infection in the Pregnant Mouse Model. Pathogens, 2(2), pp. 193-208. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens2020193

Zysset-Burri, Denise C.; Bellac, Caroline L; Leib, Stephen L.; Wittwer, Matthias (2013). Vitamin B6 reduces hippocampal apoptosis in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. BMC infectious diseases, 13, p. 393. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-13-393

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Vaccination with the recombinant chimeric antigen recNcMIC3-1-R induces a non-protective Th2-type immune response in the pregnant mouse model for N. caninum infection. Vaccine, 30(46), pp. 6588-94. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.08.024

Monney, Thierry; Rütti, David; Schorer, Michelle; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). RecNcMIC3-1-R is a microneme- and rhoptry-based chimeric antigen that protects against acute neosporosis and limits cerebral parasite load in the mouse model for Neospora caninum infection. Vaccine, 29(40), pp. 6967-6975. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.038

Margos, M.C.; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Gottstein, Bruno (2011). In vitro induction of lymph node cell proliferation by mouse bone marrow dendritic cells following stimulation with different Echinococcus multilocularis antigens. Journal of helminthology, 85(2), pp. 128-137. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0022149X10000878

Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias; Schild, Marc; Merli, Michael; Leib, Stephen L.; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim; Jaggi, Rolf (2010). Hepatic gene expression profile in mice perorally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs. PLoS ONE, 5(4), e9779. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0009779

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Margos, M.; Grandgirard, D.; Leib, Stephen; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Neospora caninum and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells: parasite survival, proliferation, and induction of cytokine expression. Parasite immunology, 31(7), pp. 366-372. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2009.01112.x

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Müller, Nicole; Leib, Stephen; Simon, F; Nunez, Sandra; Joss, Philipp; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach for Naegleria fowleri CNS infection in vitro. Parasitology, 131(6), pp. 797-804. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008619

Scheidegger, Alexandra; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2005). Differential effects of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha on Toxoplasma gondii proliferation in organotypic rat brain slice cultures. Journal of parasitology, 91(2), pp. 307-315. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-379R

Gianinazzi, Christian; Grandgirard, Denis; Simon, Franziska; Imboden, Hans; Joss, Philipp; Täuber, Martin G.; Leib, Stephen (2004). Apoptosis of hippocampal neurons in organotypic slice culture models: direct effect of bacteria revisited. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, 63(6), pp. 610-617. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Bifrare, Yoeng-Delphine; Gianinazzi, Christian; Imboden, Hans; Leib, Stephen L; Täuber, Martin G. (2003). Bacterial meningitis causes two distinct forms of cellular damage in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in infant rats. Hippocampus, 13(4), pp. 481-488. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/hipo.10142

Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Simon, Franziska; Björkman, Camilla; Jungi, Thomas W.; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Infection of organotypic slice cultures from rat central nervous tissue with Neospora caninum: an alternative approach to study host-parasite interactions. International journal for parasitology, 32(5), pp. 533-542. Elsevier 10.1016/S0020-7519(01)00351-4

Müller, Norbert; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Gianinazzi, Christian; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Application of real-time fluorescent PCR for quantitative assessment of Neospora caninum infections in organotypic slice cultures of rat central nervous system tissue. Journal of clinical microbiology, 40(1), pp. 252-255. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.40.1.252-255.2002

Leitsch, David

Leitsch, David; Rout, Samuel; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Balmer, Vreni; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2017). Giardia lamblia: missing evidence for a canonical thioredoxin system. Parasitology open, 3 Cambridge University Press 10.1017/pao.2017.16

Leitsch, David; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2016). Evaluation of Giardia lamblia thioredoxin reductase as drug activating enzyme and as drug target. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 6(3), pp. 148-153. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2016.07.003

Müller, Joachim; Rout, Samuel; Leitsch, David; Vaithilingam, Jathana; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2015). Comparative characterisation of two nitroreductases from Giardia lamblia as potential activators of nitro compounds. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(2), pp. 37-43. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.03.001

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Linon, Elisa

Gendron, Karine; Göpfert, Christine; Linon, Elisa; Posthaus, Horst; Frey, Caroline (2015). Pulmonary Echinococcus multilocularis metastasis in a dog. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 56(3), pp. 267-271. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Lochner, Martin

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Loffreda, Alessio

Schädeli, David Lukas; Serricchio, Mauro; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Loffreda, Alessio; Hemphill, Andrew; Beneke, Tom; Gluenz, Eva; Graumann, Johannes; Bütikofer, Peter (2019). Cardiolipin depletion-induced changes in the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. FASEB journal, 33(12), pp. 13161-13175. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.201901184RR

Luginbühl, Carmen

Luginbühl, Carmen; Basso, Walter; Zanolari, Patrik (November 2023). Rentierhaltung und Parasiteninfektionen bei Rentieren in der Schweiz. Forum Kleinwiederkäuer, pp. 6-11. Verlagsgenossenschaft Caprovis

Lundström Stadelmann, Britta

Autier, Brice; Verger, Alexis; Plaisse, Charleen; Manuel, Christelle; Chollet-Krugler, Marylène; Preza, Matias; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Amela-Cortes, Marian; Aninat, Caroline; Samson, Michel; Brandhonneur, Nolwenn; Dion, Sarah (2024). PLGA-PEG-COOH nanoparticles are efficient systems for delivery of mefloquine to Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Experimental parasitology, 265, p. 108811. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2024.108811

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Santoro, Azzurra; Santolamazza, Federica; Cacciò, Simone M; La Rosa, Giuseppe; Antolová, Daniela; Auer, Herbert; Bagrade, Guna; Bandelj, Petra; Basso, Walter; Beck, Relja; Citterio, Carlo V; Davidson, Rebecca K; Deksne, Gunita; Frey, Caroline F; Fuglei, Eva; Glawischnig, Walter; Gottstein, Bruno; Harna, Jiří; Huus Petersen, Heidi; Karamon, Jacek; ... (2024). Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International journal for parasitology, 54(5), pp. 233-245. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.003

Stettler, Marion; Lotz, Christian; Probst, Alexandra; Marreros, Nelson; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F; Keiser, Jennifer; Hofer, Andreas; Hoby, Stefan (2024). SAFETY AND PHARMACOKINETICS OF PRAZIQUANTEL IN EUROPEAN POND TURTLES (EMYS ORBICULARIS). Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine, 54(4), pp. 728-737. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 10.1638/2023-0031

Kaethner, Marc; Rennar, Georg; Gallinger, Tom; Kämpfer, Tobias; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäder, Patrick; Luque-Gómez, Ana; Schlitzer, Martin; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2023). In Vitro Activities of Dithiocarbamate Derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis Metacestode Vesicles. Tropical medicine and infectious disease, 8(12) MDPI 10.3390/tropicalmed8120517

Sprague, Daniel J; Kaethner, Marc; Park, Sang-Kyu; Rohr, Claudia M; Harris, Jade L; Maillard, David; Spangenberg, Thomas; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Marchant, Jonathan S (2023). The Anthelmintic Activity of Praziquantel Analogs Correlates with Structure-Activity Relationships at TRPMPZQ Orthologs. ACS medicinal chemistry letters, 14(11), pp. 1537-1543. American Chemical Society 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.3c00350

Kaethner, Marc; Preza, Matías; Kaempfer, Tobias; Zumstein, Pascal; Tamponi, Claudia; Varcasia, Antonio; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Establishment and application of unbiased in vitro drug screening assays for the identification of compounds against Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 17(8), e0011343. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011343

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Autier, Brice; Manuel, Christelle; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Girard, Jean-Philippe; Gottstein, Bruno; Gangneux, Jean-Pierre; Samson, Michel; Robert-Gangneux, Florence; Dion, Sarah (2023). Endogenous IL-33 Accelerates Metacestode Growth during Late-Stage Alveolar Echinococcosis. (In Press). Microbiology spectrum, 11(2), e0423922. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/spectrum.04239-22

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

Basso, Walter; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35. Parasitology international, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Ilic, Natasa; Bojic-Trbojevic, Zanka; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Cujic, Danica; Mitic, Ivana; Gruden-Movsesijan, Alisa (2022). Immunomodulatory components of Trichinella spiralis excretory-secretory products with lactose-binding specificity. EXCLI journal, 21, pp. 793-813. 10.17179/excli2022-4954

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Karpstein, Tanja; Chaudhry, Sheena; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Hayoz, Michael; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Kaethner, Marc; Schindler, Isabelle; Aebi, Yolanda; Cunha, Antonio Sa; Largiadèr, Carlo R.; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Maca against Echinococcosis?-A Reverse Approach from Patient to In Vitro Testing. Pathogens, 10(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10101335

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Echinococcus - the model cestode parasite. Parasitology, 148(12), pp. 1401-1405. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118202100113X

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Gómez, Cristina; Jebbawi, Fadi; Weingartner, Michael; Wang, Junhua; Stücheli, Simon; Stieger, Bruno; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Odermatt, Alex (2021). Impact on Bile Acid Concentrations by Alveolar Echinococcosis and Treatment with Albendazole in Mice. Metabolites, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/metabo11070442

Vural, G.; Yardimci, M.; Kocak, M.; Yasar, T. Ö.; Kurt, A.; Harem, I. S.; Carradori, S.; Sciamanna, I.; Siles-Lucas, M.; Fabiani, M.; Hemphill, A.; Lundström-Stadelmann, B.; Cirilli, R.; Casulli, A. (2020). Efficacy of novel albendazole salt formulations against secondary cystic echinococcosis in experimentally infected mice. Parasitology, 147(13), pp. 1425-1432. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/s0031182020001225

Wang, Junhua; Marreros, Nelson; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2020). Short communication: Efficacy of albendazole in Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice depends on the functional immunity of the host. Experimental parasitology, 219, p. 108013. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2020.108013

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Drug repurposing applied: Activity of the anti-malarial mefloquine against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 13, pp. 121-129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2020.06.002

Frey, Caroline F.; Jenkins, Emily; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Editorial overview: From farms and forests to forks? A review of diagnosis and management of globally important zoonotic Echinococcus spp. cestodes. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00061. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00061

Hizem, Amani; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; M'rad, Selim; Souiai, Sawssen; Ben Jannet, Hichem; Flamini, Guido; Ascrizzi, Roberta; Ghedira, Kamel; Babba, Hamouda; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Activity of Thymus capitatus essential oil components against in vitro cultured Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes and germinal layer cells. Parasitology, 146(7), pp. 956-967. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182019000295

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zurbriggen, Raphael Peter; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). The importance of being parasiticidal… an update on drug development for the treatment of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 15, e00040. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00040

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Dick, Luca; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Drug Discovery and Development for the Treatment of Echinococcosis, Caused by the Tapeworms Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. In: Swinney, David C.; Pollastri, Michael P. (eds.) Neglected Tropical Diseases: drug discovery and development. Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (pp. 253-287). Wiley 10.1002/9783527808656.ch10

Stadelmann, Britta (2019). “To be or not to be” the importance and applications of EmPGI in alveolar echinococcosis (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut für Parasitologie IPA, Vetsuisse)

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

Joekel, Deborah E.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müllhaupt, Beat; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, Peter (2018). Evaluation of kinase-inhibitors nilotinib and everolimus against alveolar echinococcosis in vitro and in a mouse model. Experimental parasitology, 188, pp. 65-72. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.04.002

Rufener, Reto; Dick, Luca; D'Ascoli, Laura; Ritler, Dominic; Hizem, Amani; Wells, Timothy N.C.; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Repurposing of an old drug: In vitro and in vivo efficacies of buparvaquone against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(3), pp. 440-450. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.10.011

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Liu, Jingyi; Ma'ayeh, Showgy; Peirasmaki, Dimitra; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Hellman, Lars; Svärd, Staffan G. (2018). Secreted Giardia intestinalis cysteine proteases disrupt intestinal epithelial cell junctional complexes and degrade chemokines. Virulence, 9(1), pp. 879-894. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/21505594.2018.1451284

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Sager, Heinz; Bouvier, Jacques; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). Development of a movement-based in vitro screening assay for the identification of new anti-cestodal compounds. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(5), e0005618. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005618

Gorgas, Daniela; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). To see or not to see: non-invasive imaging for improved readout of drug treatment trials in the murine model of secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Parasitology, 144(07), pp. 937-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182017000051

Leitsch, David; Rout, Samuel; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Balmer, Vreni; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2017). Giardia lamblia: missing evidence for a canonical thioredoxin system. Parasitology open, 3 Cambridge University Press 10.1017/pao.2017.16

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). Strategies for the identification of novel treatment options against parasitic diseases (Unpublished). (Habilitation, Institut für Parasitologie IPA, Vetsuisse)

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Aeschbacher, Denise; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10(3), e0004535. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004535

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Risch, Corina; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Oral treatments of Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice with the antimalarial drug mefloquine that potentially interacts with parasite ferritin and cystatin. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(5), pp. 546-551. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.07.016

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Profound activity of the anti-cancer drug bortezomib against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes identifies the proteasome as a novel drug target for cestodes. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(12), e3352. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003352

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Activities of fenbendazole in comparison with albendazole against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in vitro and in a murine infection model. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(4), pp. 335-342. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.01.013

Küster, Tatiana; Kriegel, Nadja; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Xiaofang; Dong, Yuxiang; Vennerstrom, Jonathan L; Keiser, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Amino ozonides exhibit in vitro activity against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 43(1), pp. 40-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2013.09.012

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Hemer, Sarah; Konrad, Christian; Spiliotis, Markus; Koziol, Uriel; Schaack, Dominik; Förster, Sabine; Gelmedin, Verena; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Dandekar, Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus (2014). Host insulin stimulates Echinococcus multilocularis insulin signalling pathways and larval development. BMC biology, 12, p. 5. BioMed Central 10.1186/1741-7007-12-5

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Hanevik, Kurt; Andersson, Mattias K; Bruserud, Oystein; Svärd, Staffan G (2013). The role of arginine and arginine-metabolizing enzymes during Giardia - host cell interactions in vitro. BMC microbiology, 13(256), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2180-13-256

Kuster, T.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Hermann, C.; Scholl, S.; Keiser, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro and in vivo efficacies of mefloquine-based treatment against alveolar echinococcosis. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(2), pp. 713-21. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01392-10

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Kuster, T.; Scholl, S.; Barna, F.; Kropf, C.; Keiser, J.; Boykin, D.W.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro efficacy of dicationic compounds and mefloquine enantiomers against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 55(10), pp. 4866-72. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00478-11

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Scholl, Sabrina; Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Application of an in vitro drug screening assay based on the release of phosphoglucose isomerase to determine the structure-activity relationship of thiazolides against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 65(3), pp. 512-9. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp490

Spicher, Martin; Röthlisberger, Carole; Lany, C.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Keiser, J.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments of Echinococcus Protoscoleces and Metacestodes with Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 52(9), pp. 3447-3450. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00553-08

Hemphill, Andrew; Spicher, Martin; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gottstein, Bruno; Walker, M (2007). Innovative chemotherapeutical treatment options for alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Parasitology, 134(Pt 12), pp. 1657-70. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003198

Magnenat, Anne-Laure Juliette

Basso, Walter; Grandt, Lisa-Maria; Magnenat, Anne-Laure Juliette; Gottstein, Bruno; Campos, Miguel (2019). Strongyloides stercoralis infection in imported and local dogs in Switzerland: from clinics to molecular genetics. Parasitology research, 118(1), pp. 255-266. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-018-6173-3

Magouras, Ioannis

Berset-Istratescu, Corina Mihaela; Glardon, Olivier J.; Magouras, Ioannis; Frey, Caroline; Gobeli, Stefanie; Burgener, I. A. (2014). Follow-up of 100 dogs with acute diarrhoea in a primary care practice. Veterinary journal, 199(1), pp. 188-90. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.10.014

Maillard, Stephane

Chaligiannis, I; Maillard, Stephane; Boubaker, Ghalia; Spiliotis, Markus; Saratsis, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sotiraki, S (2015). Echinococcus granulosus infection dynamics in livestock of Greece. Acta tropica, 150, pp. 64-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.06.021

Maillard, S.; Gottstein, B.; Haag, K.L.; Ma, S.; Colovic, I.; Benchikh-Elfegoun, M.C.; Knapp, J.; Piarroux, R. (2009). The EmsB tandemly repeated multilocus microsatellite: a new tool to investigate genetic diversity of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. Journal of clinical microbiology, 47(11), pp. 3608-16. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.00938-09

Manser, Vera

Müller, Joachim; Manser, Vera; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). In vitro treatment of Besnoitia besnoiti with the naphto-quinone buparvaquone results in marked inhibition of tachyzoite proliferation, mitochondrial alterations and rapid adaptation of tachyzoites to increased drug concentrations. Parasitology, 146(1), pp. 112-120. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182018000975

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). N-terminal fusion of a toll-like receptor 2-ligand to a Neospora caninum chimeric antigen efficiently modifies the properties of the specific immune response. Parasitology, 143(5), pp. 606-616. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000056

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Repurposing of antiparasitic drugs: the hydroxy-naphthoquinone buparvaquone inhibits vertical transmission in the pregnant neosporosis mouse model. Veterinary research, 47, p. 32. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13567-016-0317-1

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Rahman, Mahbubur; Manser, Vera; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In vitro effects of new artemisinin derivatives in Neospora caninum-infected human fibroblasts. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(1), pp. 88-93. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.02.020

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Marcu, Irene Cristina

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Marinova, Irina

Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Wang, Junhua; Muhtarov, Marin; Chaligiannis, Ilias; Sotiraki, Smaro; Rainova, Iskra; Gottstein, Bruno; Boubaker, Ghalia (2017). Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from Bulgarian human cystic echinococcosis patients. Parasitology research, 116(3), pp. 1043-1054. Springer 10.1007/s00436-017-5386-1

Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Gori, Francesca; Hizem, Amani; Müller, Norbert; Casulli, Adriano; Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2016). A dual PCR-based sequencing approach for the identification and discrimination of Echinococcus and Taenia taxa. Molecular and cellular probes, 30(4), pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.05.004

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio

Basso, Walter; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35. Parasitology international, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida; Schediwy, Marion; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine (2017). Serratospiculosis in Captive Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Switzerland. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(3), pp. 250-255. Association of Avian Veterinarians 10.1647/2016-204

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Stäuber, Norbert; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela (2017). Simplicimonas-like DNA in vaginal swabs of cows and heifers cross-reacting in the real-time PCR for T. foetus. Veterinary parasitology, 237, pp. 30-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.024

Gorgas, Daniela; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). To see or not to see: non-invasive imaging for improved readout of drug treatment trials in the murine model of secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Parasitology, 144(07), pp. 937-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182017000051

Frey, C; Eicher, R; Raue, K; Strube, C; Bodmer, M; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Marrero, N (2017). Apparent prevalence of and risk factors for infection with Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica and Dictyocaulus viviparus in Swiss dairy herds. Veterinary parasitology, 250, pp. 52-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.12.004

Frey, Caroline; Regidor-Cerrillo, J; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; García-Lunar, P; Gutiérrez-Expósito, D; Schares, G; Dubey, JP; Gentile, A; Jacquiet, P; Shkap, V; Cortes, H; Ortega-Mora, LM; Álvarez-García, G (2016). Besnoitia besnoiti lytic cycle in vitro and differences in invasion and intracellular proliferation among isolates. Parasites & Vectors, 9(1), p. 115. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-016-1405-9

Schaarschmidt, Daniel; Gilli, Urs; Gottstein, Bruno; Marreros Canales, Nelson; Kuhnert, Peter; Daeppen, Jérôme A.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Hirt, Didier; Frey, Caroline (2013). Questing Dermacentor reticulatus harbouring Babesia canis DNA associated with outbreaks of canine babesiosis in the Swiss Midlands. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 4(4), pp. 334-340. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.01.007

Marreros, Nelson; Frey, Caroline; Willisch, Christian S.; Signer, Claudio; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2012). Coprological analyses on apparently healthy Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) from two Swiss colonies. Veterinary parasitology, 186(3-4), pp. 382-389. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.11.009

Marreros, Nelson; Hüssy, Daniela; Albini, Sarah; Frey, Caroline; Abril, Carlos; Vogt, Hans-Rudolf; Holzwarth, Nathalie; Wirz-Dittus, Sophie; Friess, Martina; Engels, Monika; Borel, Nicole; Willisch, Christian S; Signer, Claudio; Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2011). Epizootiologic Investigations of Selected Abortive Agents in Free-Ranging Alpine Ibex (Capra Ibex Ibex) in Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 47(3), pp. 530-543. Ames, Iowa: Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-47.3.530

Marti, Eliane Isabelle

Lanz, Simone; Gerber, Vinzenz; Marti, Eliane Isabelle; Rettmer, Helen; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta; Gottstein, Bruno; Matthews, Jacqueline B.; Pirie, Scott; Hamza, Eman (2013). Effect of hay dust extract and cyathostomin antigen stimulation on cytokine expression by PBMC in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 155(4), pp. 229-237. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2013.07.005

Hamza, Eman; Torsteinsdottir, S.; Eydal, M.; Frey, Caroline; Mirkovitch, Jelena; Brcic, Marija; Wagner, B.; Wilson, A.D.; Jungi, Thomas; Marti, Eliane Isabelle (2010). Increased IL-4 and decreased regulatory cytokine production following relocation of Icelandic horses from a high to low endoparasite environment. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 133(1), pp. 40-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2009.07.002

Marti, Iris Andrea

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Matsumoto, Jun

Graichen, D A S; Gottstein, B; Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Zanotto, P M A; Ayala, F J; Haag, K L (2007). Expression and diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis AgB genes in secondarily infected mice: evaluating the influence of T-cell immune selection on antigenic variation. Gene, 392(1-2), pp. 98-105. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.gene.2006.11.015

Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Hemphill, A; Oku, Y; Kamiya, M; Gottstein, B (2006). 14-3-3- and II/3-10-gene expression as molecular markers to address viability and growth activity of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology, 132(Pt 1), pp. 83-94. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008632

Gottstein, Bruno; Haag, Karen; Walker, Mirjam; Matsumoto, Jun; Mejri, Naceur; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Molecular survival strategies of Echinococcus multilocularis in the murine host. Parasitology international, 55 Suppl, S45-S49. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2005.11.006

Maurer, Martin

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Meister, Seraina Luzia

Meister, Seraina L; Origgi, Francesco C; Wyss, Fabia S; Wenker, Christian; Moré, G; Basso, Walter (2024). Angiostrongylus dujardini infection in a coconut lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) from a zoological garden in Switzerland. Parasitology international, 99, p. 102829. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2023.102829

Meister, Seraina L; Wyss, Fabia; Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter U (2023). Avian haemosporidian parasites in captive and free-ranging, wild birds from zoological institutions in Switzerland: Molecular characterization and clinical importance. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 46-55. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.12.005

Meister, Seraina L; Wenker, Christian; Wyss, Fabia; Zühlke, Irene; Berenguer Veiga, Inês; Basso, Walter U (2022). Syngamus trachea in free-ranging white stork (Ciconia ciconia) nestlings in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 18, pp. 76-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.04.007

Meister, Seraina L.; Richard, Olivia K.; Hoby, Stefan; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U. (2021). Fatal avian malaria in captive Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 14, pp. 97-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.12.007

Mejri, Naceur Ben Brahim

Mejri, N.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode metabolites contain a cysteine protease that digests eotaxin, a CC pro-inflammatory chemokine. Parasitology research, 105(5), pp. 1253-1260. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-009-1549-z

Mejri, N; Gottstein, B (2006). Intraperitoneal Echinococcus multilocularis infection in C57BL/6 mice affects CD40 and B7 costimulator expression on peritoneal macrophages and impairs peritoneal T cell activation. Parasite immunology, 28(8), pp. 373-85. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2006.00836.x

Gottstein, Bruno; Haag, Karen; Walker, Mirjam; Matsumoto, Jun; Mejri, Naceur; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Molecular survival strategies of Echinococcus multilocularis in the murine host. Parasitology international, 55 Suppl, S45-S49. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2005.11.006

Memedovski, Roman

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Merkle, Bernadette

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Mevissen, Meike

Rodenbücher, Anna L; Walkenhorst, Michael; Holinger, Mirjam; Perler, Erika; Amsler-Kepalaite, Zivile; Frey, Caroline F; Mevissen, Meike; Maurer, Veronika (2023). Pumpkin seeds, lemongrass essential oil and ripleaf leaves as feed additives for Ascaridia galli infected laying hens. Veterinary research communications, 47(2), pp. 817-832. Springer 10.1007/s11259-022-10042-5

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Guionaud, C.; Hemphill, A.; Mevissen, M.; Alaeddine, F. (2010). Molecular characterization of Neospora caninum MAG1, a dense granule protein secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole, and associated with the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. Parasitology, 137(11), pp. 1605-19. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182010000442

Meyer-Schülke, Anika

Meyer, Anika; Olias, Philipp; Schüpbach, Gertraud; Henzi, Martin; Barmettler, Thomas; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2020). Combined cross-sectional and case-control study on Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology: X, 4, p. 100031. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vpoa.2020.100031

Meylan, Mireille

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Olias, Philipp Alexander; Dettwiler, Ines Sarah; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, P; Steiner, Adrian; Meylan, Mireille (2018). [The significance of cryptosporidiosis for the health of calves in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(6), pp. 363-374. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00163

Mirkovitch, Jelena

Hamza, Eman; Torsteinsdottir, S.; Eydal, M.; Frey, Caroline; Mirkovitch, Jelena; Brcic, Marija; Wagner, B.; Wilson, A.D.; Jungi, Thomas; Marti, Eliane Isabelle (2010). Increased IL-4 and decreased regulatory cytokine production following relocation of Icelandic horses from a high to low endoparasite environment. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 133(1), pp. 40-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2009.07.002

Mogel-Allemann, Helga Maria

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Mohaupt, Markus

Meinel, Thomas Raphael; Gottstein, Bruno; Geib, Vanessa; Keel, Marius; Biral, Ruggero; Mohaupt, Markus; Brügger, Jan (2018). Vertebral alveolar echinococcosis-a case report, systematic analysis, and review of the literature. Lancet infectious diseases, 18(3), e87-e98. Elsevier 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30335-3

Monney, Camille

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Schlange, Carling; Monney, Camille; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 901056. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.901056

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Monney, Camille; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). A Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Formulation Reduces Vertical Transmission and Leads to Enhanced Pup Survival in a Pregnant Neosporosis Mouse Model. Vaccines, 9(12) MDPI 10.3390/vaccines9121400

Monney, Thierry

Monney, Thierry; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Vaccines against neosporosis: what can we learn from the past studies? Experimental parasitology, 140, pp. 52-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2014.02.015

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Mols-Vorstermans, Tanja; Hemphill, Andrew; Monney, Thierry; Schaap, Dick; Boerhout, Eveline (2013). Differential Effects on Survival, Humoral Immune Responses and Brain Lesions in Inbred BALB/C, CBA/CA, and C57BL/6 Mice Experimentally Infected with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. ISRN Parasitology, 2013, pp. 1-11. Hindawi 10.5402/2013/830980

Monney, Thierry; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2013). Use of a Th1 Stimulator Adjuvant for Vaccination against Neospora caninum Infection in the Pregnant Mouse Model. Pathogens, 2(2), pp. 193-208. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens2020193

Monney, Thierry; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Vaccination with the recombinant chimeric antigen recNcMIC3-1-R induces a non-protective Th2-type immune response in the pregnant mouse model for N. caninum infection. Vaccine, 30(46), pp. 6588-94. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.08.024

Monney, Thierry; Rütti, David; Schorer, Michelle; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). RecNcMIC3-1-R is a microneme- and rhoptry-based chimeric antigen that protects against acute neosporosis and limits cerebral parasite load in the mouse model for Neospora caninum infection. Vaccine, 29(40), pp. 6967-6975. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.038

Debache, K.; Kropf, C.; Schutz, C.A.; Harwood, L.J.; Kauper, P.; Monney, T.; Rossi, N.; Laue, C.; McCullough, K.C.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Vaccination of mice with chitosan nanogel-associated recombinant NcPDI against challenge infection with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Parasite immunology, 33(2), pp. 81-94. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2010.01255.x

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Moore-Jones, Gaia Alessandra

Gliga, Diana S; Basso, Walter; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Schares, Gereon; Zanolari, Patrik; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Switzerland-wide Neospora caninum seroprevalence in female cattle and identification of risk factors for infection. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9(1059697), p. 1059697. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.1059697

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Basso, Walter; Sollberger, Elena; Schares, Gereon; Küker, Ursula; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Zanolari, Patrik (2020). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in South American camelids in Switzerland and assessment of serological tests for diagnosis. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/S13071-020-04128-9

Moré, Gastón Andrés

Panei, Carlos Javier; Fuentealba, Nadia Analía; Bravi, María Emilia; Moré, Gastón; Brasso, Natalia (2024). Nested PCR effective to detect low viral loads of SARS-CoV-2 in animal samples. Preventive veterinary medicine, 231, p. 106303. Elsevier 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106303

Gos, María Laura; Venturini, María Cecilia; De Felice, Lorena; Dellarupe, Andrea; Rambeaud, Magdalena; Pardini, Lais; Campero, Lucía María; Bernstein, Mariana; Bacigalupe, Diana; Basso, Walter; Moré, Gastón; Unzaga, Juan Manuel (2024). A 20-year serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infection in dogs with neuromuscular disorders from urban areas in Argentina. Veterinary parasitology, 330, p. 110235. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2024.110235

Gliga, Diana S; Kramer, Anne; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Early Detection and Management of Lamanema chavezi infection in a llama (Lama glama) in Switzerland. (In Press). Veterinary research communications Springer 10.1007/s11259-024-10465-2

Helman, Elisa; Dellarupe, Andrea; Steffen, Kevin Denis; Bernstein, Mariana; Moré, Gastón (2024). Morphological and molecular characterization of Sarcocystis spp. in pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) from Argentina. Parasitology international, 100 Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2024.102859

Meister, Seraina L; Origgi, Francesco C; Wyss, Fabia S; Wenker, Christian; Moré, G; Basso, Walter (2024). Angiostrongylus dujardini infection in a coconut lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) from a zoological garden in Switzerland. Parasitology international, 99, p. 102829. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2023.102829

Cigler, P.; Moré, G.; Bize, P.; Meier, C.M.; Frey, C. F.; Basso, W.; Keller, S. (2024). Trypanosomiasis: An emerging disease in Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) nestlings in Switzerland? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 23, p. 100895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.100895

Rubiola, Selene; Moré, Gastón; Civera, Tiziana; Hemphill, Andrew; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter; Colasanto, Irene; Vercellino, Davide; Fidelio, Marta; Lovisone, Mauro; Chiesa, Francesco (2024). Detection of Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis bovifelis, Sarcocystis cruzi, Sarcocystis hirsuta and Sarcocystis sigmoideus sp. nov. in carcasses affected by bovine eosinophilic myositis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 34(e00220) Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2024.e00220

Steffen, K D; Gos, M L; Unzaga, J M; Venturini, M C; Arias, R O; Moré, G (2024). Dynamics of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and seroconversion during pregnancy and lactation in naturally infected goats. Parasitology international, 98, p. 102828. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2023.102828

Steffen, Kevin Denis; Basset, Carina; Arias, Rubén Omar; Moré, Gastón; Robles, María del Rosario; Unzaga, Juan Manuel (2024). Zoonotic nematode in the city of La Plata, Argentina: Report of a case of Calodium hepaticum in Rattus rattus. Veterinary parasitology: Regional studies and reports, 47, p. 100954. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vprsr.2023.100954

Bernstein, Mariana; Rudzinski, Marcelo; Schneider, Vanesa; Messina, Matías; Gos, María Laura; Helman, Elisa; Dellarupe, Andrea; Unzaga, Juan Manuel; Venturini, María Cecilia; Moré, Gastón; Pardini, Lais (2024). Genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii from human and chicken isolates from Argentina. Parasitology research, 123(2) Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-024-08142-z

Bentancourt Rossoli, Judith V; Moré, Gastón; Soto-Cabrera, Agustina; Moore, Dadín P; Morrell, Eleonora L; Pedrana, Julieta; Scioli, María V; Campero, Lucía M; Basso, Walter; Hecker, Yanina P; Scioscia, Nathalia P (2023). Identification of Sarcocystis spp. in synanthropic (Muridae) and wild (Cricetidae) rodents from Argentina. Parasitology research, 123(1), p. 31. Springer 10.1007/s00436-023-08036-6

Furtado Jost, Rebecca; Müller, Norbert; Marreros, Nelson; Moré, Gastón; Antoine, Loic; Basso, Walter; Frey, Caroline F (2023). What is the role of Swiss domestic cats in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs? Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), p. 353. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-023-05983-y

Campero, L M; Basso, W; Moré, G; Fiorani, F; Hecker, Y P; Echaide, I; Cantón, G J; Cirone, K M; Campero, C M; Venturini, M C; Moore, D P (2023). Neosporosis in Argentina: Past, present and future perspectives. Veterinary parasitology: Regional studies and reports, 41, p. 100882. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vprsr.2023.100882

Pardo Gil, Miguel; Hegglin, Daniel; Briner, Thomas; Ruetten, Maja; Müller, Norbert; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F.; Deplazes, Peter; Basso, Walter (2023). High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 108-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.01.007

Quintero Rodríguez, Luis E.; Domínguez, Germán; Alvarado Pinedo, María F.; Travería, Gabriel E.; Moré, Gastón; Campero, Lucía M.; de la Sota, R. Luzbel; Madoz, Laura V.; Giuliodori, Mauricio J. (2022). Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine herpesvirus 1, and Neospora caninum with late embryonic losses in highly supplemented grazing dairy cows. Theriogenology, 194, pp. 126-132. Elsevier 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2022.10.002

Muggli, Laura

Porchet, M J; Sager, H; Muggli, L; Oppliger, A; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno (2007). [A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 149(10), pp. 457-65. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.149.10.457

Mühlethaler, Konrad

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Müller, Christoph

Wang, Junhua; Goepfert, Christine; Mueller, Norbert; Piersigilli, Alessandra; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Vuitton, Dominique A.; Vuitton, Lucine; Müller, Christoph; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Larval Echinococcus multilocularis infection reduces dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis in mice by attenuating T helper type 1/type 17-mediated immune reactions. Immunology, 154(1), pp. 76-88. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/imm.12860

Müller, Heinz Joachim

Müller, Joachim; Schlange, Carling; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Proteomic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii ME49 derived strains resistant to the artemisinin derivatives artemiside and artemisone implies potential mode of action independent of ROS formation. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 1-12. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.11.005

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Haudenschild, Noé; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Differential Affinity Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry: A Suitable Tool to Identify Common Binding Proteins of a Broad-Range Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Leucinostatin. Biomedicines, 10(11) MDPI 10.3390/biomedicines10112675

Zheng, Yang; Müller, Joachim; Kunz, Stefan; Siderius, Marco; Maes, Louis; Caljon, Guy; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Sterk, Geert Jan; Leurs, Rob (2022). 3-nitroimidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine as a novel scaffold for antiparasitics with sub-nanomolar anti-Giardia lamblia activity. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 19, pp. 47-55. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.05.004

Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Müller, Joachim; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert (2021). Nitroreductase Activites in Giardia lamblia: ORF 17150 Encodes a Quinone Reductase with Nitroreductase Activity. Pathogens, 10(2), p. 129. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10020129

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Huang, Wenlin; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Betzer, Dana P; Vidadala, Rama S R; Lee, Sangun; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Riggs, Michael W; Fan, Erkang; Kennedy, Thomas J; Tzipori, Saul; Doggett, J Stone; Winzer, Pablo; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; ... (2021). One health therapeutics: Target-Based drug development for cryptosporidiosis and other apicomplexa diseases. Veterinary parasitology, 289, p. 109336. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109336

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2020). Comparative proteomics of three Giardia lamblia strains: investigation of antigenic variation in the post-genomic era. Parasitology, 147(9), pp. 1008-1018. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182020000657

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Lin, Yan; Ong, Yih Ching; Keller, Sarah; Karges, Johannes; Bouchene, Rafika; Manoury, Eric; Blacque, Olivier; Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hemphill, Andrew; Häberli, Cécile; Taki, Aya C; Gasser, Robin B; Cariou, Kevin; Keiser, Jennifer; Gasser, Gilles (2020). Synthesis, characterization and antiparasitic activity of organometallic derivatives of the anthelmintic drug albendazole. Dalton transactions, 49(20), pp. 6616-6626. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/d0dt01107j

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Structure and Fate of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Pathogens, 9(5) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9050382

Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo A.; Samby, Kirandeep; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). In Vitro Activities of MMV Malaria Box Compounds against the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum, the Causative Agent of Neosporosis in Animals. Molecules, 25(6) MDPI 10.3390/molecules25061460

Müller, Joachim; Vermathen, Martina; Leitsch, David; Vermathen, Peter; Müller, Norbert (2020). Metabolomic Profiling of Wildtype and Transgenic Giardia lamblia Strains by 1H HR-MAS NMR Spectroscopy. Metabolites, 10(2) MDPI 10.3390/metabo10020053

Heller, Manfred; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2020). Transfection With Plasmid Causing Stable Expression of a Foreign Gene Affects General Proteome Pattern in Giardia lamblia Trophozoites. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 10 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2020.602756

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Eberhard, Naja; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Winter, Rolf; Pou, Soviti; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Mike; Francisco, Samuel; Leitao, Alexandre; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Activities of Endochin-Like Quinolones Against in vitro Cultured Besnoitia besnoiti Tachyzoites. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 96. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.00096

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2019). Comparative Pathobiology of the Intestinal Protozoan Parasites Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium parvum. Pathogens, 8(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens8030116

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2019). Resistance formation to nitro drugs in Giardia lamblia: No common markers identified by comparative proteomics. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 9, pp. 112-119. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2019.03.002

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Gutiérrez-Expósito, Daniel; Ferrer, Luis Miguel; Arteche-Villasol, Noive; Moreno-Gonzalo, Javier; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Pérez, Valentín; Hemphill, Andrew; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Benavides, Julio (2019). Virulence in Mice of a Toxoplasma gondii Type II Isolate Does Not Correlate With the Outcome of Experimental Infection in Pregnant Sheep. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 8(436), p. 436. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00436

Müller, Joachim; Manser, Vera; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). In vitro treatment of Besnoitia besnoiti with the naphto-quinone buparvaquone results in marked inhibition of tachyzoite proliferation, mitochondrial alterations and rapid adaptation of tachyzoites to increased drug concentrations. Parasitology, 146(1), pp. 112-120. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182018000975

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2019). Nitroreductases of bacterial origin in Giardia lamblia : Potential role in detoxification of xenobiotics. MicrobiologyOpen, 8(10), pp. 1-9. Wiley 10.1002/mbo3.904

Anghel, Nicoleta; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Roozbehani, Mona; Pou, Sovitj; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Michael; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Promising Efficacy Against Neospora Caninum in vitro and in Experimentally Infected Pregnant Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 5, p. 285. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2018.00285

Vermathen, Martina; Müller, Joachim; Furrer, Julien; Müller, Norbert; Vermathen, Peter (2018). 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy to study the metabolome of the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. Talanta, 188, pp. 429-441. Elsevier 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.06.006

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Wang, Junhua; Müller, Joachim; Rupp, Sebastian Dominic Alexander; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Modulation of cis- and trans- Golgi and the Rab9A-GTPase during infection by Besnoitia besnoiti, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Experimental parasitology, 187, pp. 75-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.02.008

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2018). Physiological aspects of nitro drug resistance in Giardia lamblia. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 271-277. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.04.008

Harmse, Rozanne; Wong, Ho Ning; Smit, Frans J; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; N'Da, David D; Haynes, Richard K (2017). Activities of 11-Azaartemisinin and N-Sulfonyl Derivatives against Neospora caninum and Comparative Cytotoxicities. ChemMedChem, 12(24), pp. 2094-2098. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/cmdc.201700600

Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Hemphill, Andrew; McCloskey, Molly C; Betzer, Dana P; Müller, Joachim; Vidadala, Rama S R; Whitman, Grant R; Rivas, Kasey L; Barrett, Lynn K; Hackman, Robert C; Love, Melissa S; McNamara, Case W; Shaughnessy, Thomas K; Kondratiuk, Alison; Kurnick, Matthew; Banfor, Patricia N; Lynch, James J; ... (2017). Advances in bumped kinase inhibitors for human and animal therapy for cryptosporidiosis. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 753-763. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.08.006

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Laleu, Benoît; Balmer, Vreni; Ritler, Dominic; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). In vitro screening of the open source Pathogen Box identifies novel compounds with profound activities against Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 801-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.06.002

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Moreno-Gonzalo, Javier; Ferre, Ignacio; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; McCloskey, Molly C; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wes; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Development of a murine vertical transmission model for Toxoplasma gondii oocyst infection and studies on the efficacy of bumped kinase inhibitor (BKI)-1294 and the naphthoquinone buparvaquone against congenital toxoplasmosis. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72(8), pp. 2334-2341. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkx134

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Hemphill, Andrew; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien (2017). Characterization of the Activities of Dinuclear Thiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes against Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(9), e01031-17. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01031-17

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Balmer, Vreni; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). Two novel calcium-dependent kinase 1-inhibitors interfere with vertical transmission in mice infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(4) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02324-16

Serra, Fabienne Heirangi; Müller, Joachim; Gray, John; Lüthi, Ramona; Dudas, Sandor; Czub, Stefanie; Seuberlich, Torsten (2017). PrP-C1 fragment in cattle brains reveals features of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy associated PrP(sc). Brain research, 1659, pp. 19-28. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainres.2017.01.015

Leitsch, David; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2016). Evaluation of Giardia lamblia thioredoxin reductase as drug activating enzyme and as drug target. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 6(3), pp. 148-153. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2016.07.003

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Drug target identification in protozoan parasites. Expert opinion on drug discovery, 11(8), pp. 815-824. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17460441.2016.1195945

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Adams, John H; Adelfio, Roberto; Ahyong, Vida; Akabas, Myles H; Alano, Pietro; Alday, Aintzane; Alemán Resto, Yesmalie; Alsibaee, Aishah; Alzualde, Ainhoa; Andrews, Katherine T; Avery, Simon V; Avery, Vicky M; Ayong, Lawrence; Baker, Mark; Baker, Stephen; Ben Mamoun, Choukri; Bhatia, Sangeeta; Bickle, Quentin; Bounaadja, Lotfi; ... (2016). Open Source Drug Discovery with the Malaria Box Compound Collection for Neglected Diseases and Beyond. PLoS pathogens, 12(7), e1005763. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005763

Hostettler, Isabel; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). In Vitro Screening of the Open-Source Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box Reveals Novel Compounds with Profound Activities against Theileria annulata Schizonts. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 60(6), pp. 3301-3308. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.02801-15

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). N-terminal fusion of a toll-like receptor 2-ligand to a Neospora caninum chimeric antigen efficiently modifies the properties of the specific immune response. Parasitology, 143(5), pp. 606-616. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000056

Hemphill, Andrew; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim (2016). Approaches for the vaccination and treatment of Neospora caninum infections in mice and ruminant models. Parasitology, 143(3), pp. 245-259. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182015001596

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Repurposing of antiparasitic drugs: the hydroxy-naphthoquinone buparvaquone inhibits vertical transmission in the pregnant neosporosis mouse model. Veterinary research, 47, p. 32. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13567-016-0317-1

Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2016). Giardia. In: Walochnik, Julia; Duchêne, Michael (eds.) Molecular Parasitology (pp. 93-114). Wien: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-7091-1416-2_4

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Risch, Corina; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Oral treatments of Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice with the antimalarial drug mefloquine that potentially interacts with parasite ferritin and cystatin. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(5), pp. 546-551. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.07.016

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Müller, Joachim; Rout, Samuel; Leitsch, David; Vaithilingam, Jathana; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2015). Comparative characterisation of two nitroreductases from Giardia lamblia as potential activators of nitro compounds. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(2), pp. 37-43. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.03.001

Arranz Solis, David; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Müller, Joachim; Regidor-Cerrillo, Javier; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Dose-dependent effects of experimental infection with the virulent Neospora caninum Nc-Spain7 isolate in a pregnant mouse model. Veterinary parasitology, 211(3-4), pp. 133-140. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.05.021

Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Rahman, Mahbubur; Manser, Vera; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In vitro effects of new artemisinin derivatives in Neospora caninum-infected human fibroblasts. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(1), pp. 88-93. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.02.020

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Hostettler, Isabel; Müller, Joachim; Stephens, Chad E; Haynes, Richard; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). A quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR assay for the assessment of drug activities against intracellular Theileria annulata schizonts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 4(3), pp. 201-209. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2014.09.003

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Profound activity of the anti-cancer drug bortezomib against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes identifies the proteasome as a novel drug target for cestodes. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(12), e3352. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003352

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Müller, Joachim; Vaithilingam, Jathana; Rosner, Judah Lee; Müller, Norbert (2014). Escherichia coli are susceptible to thiazolides if the tolc efflux system is inhibited. Journal of Developing Drugs, 3(2), p. 1000124. OMICS Group 10.4172/2329-6631.1000124

Ojo, Kayode K; Reid, Molly C; Kallur Siddaramaiah, Latha; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Zhang, Zhongsheng; Keyloun, Katelyn R; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Merritt, Ethan A; Hol, Wim G J; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Neospora caninum calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 is an effective drug target for neosporosis therapy. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e92929. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0092929

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Müller, Joachim; Schildknecht, Patricia; Müller, Norbert (2013). Metabolism of nitro drugs metronidazole and nitazoxanide in Giardia lamblia: characterization of a novel nitroreductase (GlNR2). Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 68(8), pp. 1781-1789. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkt106

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Thiazolides, a Novel Class of Anti-Infective Drugs, Effective Against Viruses, Bacteria, Intracellular and Extracellular Protozoan Parasites and Proliferating Mammalian Cells. Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry, 11(1), pp. 22-30. Bentham Science 10.2174/22113626130103

Sidler, D; Brockmann, A; Mueller, J; Nachbur, U; Corazza, N; Renzulli, P; Hemphill, A; Brunner, T (2012). Thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells is mediated via the Jun kinase-Bim axis and reveals glutathione-S-transferase P1 as Achilles' heel. Oncogene, 31(37), pp. 4095-106. Basingstoke, UK: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/onc.2011.575

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Manneck, Theresia; Keiser, Jennifer; Müller, Joachim (2012). Mefloquine interferes with glycolysis in schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni via inhibition of enolase. Parasitology, 139(4), pp. 497-505. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011002204

Mejri, N.; Muller, J.; Gottstein, B. (2011). Intraperitoneal murine Echinococcus multilocularis infection induces differentiation of TGF-beta-expressing DCs that remain immature. Parasite immunology, 33(9), pp. 471-82. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2011.01303.x

Müller, J.; Müller, N.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Drugs and drug targets in Neospora caninum and related apicomplexans. In: Becker, Katja (ed.) Apicomplexan Parasites. Drug discovery in Infectious Diseases: Vol. 2 (pp. 359-371). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons

Müller, J.; Hemphill, A.; Müller, N. (2011). Treatment of giardiasis and drug resistance. In: Lujan, Hugo D.; Svärd, Staffan (eds.) Giardia - a model organism. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Drug target identification in intracellular and extracellular protozoan parasites. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 11(16), pp. 2029-38. Hilversum: Bentham Science Publishers 10.2174/156802611796575876

Nillius, Dorothea; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2011). Nitroreductase (GlNR1) increases susceptibility of Giardia lamblia and Escherichia coli to nitro drugs. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 66(5), pp. 1029-35. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkr029

Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias; Schild, Marc; Merli, Michael; Leib, Stephen L.; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim; Jaggi, Rolf (2010). Hepatic gene expression profile in mice perorally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs. PLoS ONE, 5(4), e9779. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0009779

Hemphill, A.; Stadelmann, B.; Scholl, S.; Muller, J.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Siles-Lucas, M. (2010). Echinococcus metacestodes as laboratory models for the screening of drugs against cestodes and trematodes. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 569-87. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118200999117X

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Scholl, Sabrina; Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Application of an in vitro drug screening assay based on the release of phosphoglucose isomerase to determine the structure-activity relationship of thiazolides against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 65(3), pp. 512-9. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp490

Stadelmann, B.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, J.; Scholl, S.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis phosphoglucose isomerase (EmPGI): a glycolytic enzyme involved in metacestode growth and parasite-host cell interactions. International journal for parasitology, 40(13), pp. 1563-74. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2010.05.009

Debache, Karim; Alaeddine, Ferial; Guionaud, Christophe; Monney, Thierry; Müller, Joachim; Strohbusch, Maria; Leib, Stephen L.; Grandgirard, Denis; Hemphill, Andrew (2009). Vaccination with recombinant NcROP2 combined with recombinant NcMIC1 and NcMIC3 reduces cerebral infection and vertical transmission in mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. International journal for parasitology, 39(12), pp. 1373-1384. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2009.04.006

Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Casanova, Carlo; Schmied, Stéfanie; Affentranger, Sarah; Parvanova, Iana; Kang'a, Simon; Nene, Vishvanath; Katzer, Frank; McKeever, Declan; Müller, Joachim; Bishop, Richard; Pain, Arnab; Dobbelaere, Dirk; Rodrigues, Mauricio Martins (2009). Expression Analysis of the Theileria parva Subtelomere-Encoded Variable Secreted Protein Gene Family. PLoS ONE, 4(3), e4839. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004839

Hemphill, A.; Muller, J. (2009). Alveolar and cystic echinococcosis: towards novel chemotherapeutical treatment options. Journal of helminthology, 83(2), pp. 99-111. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0022149X0928936X

Muller, J.; Limban, C.; Stadelmann, B.; Missir, A.V.; Chirita, I.C.; Chifiriuc, M.C.; Nitulescu, G.M.; Hemphill, A. (2009). Thioureides of 2-(phenoxymethyl)benzoic acid 4-R substituted: a novel class of anti-parasitic compounds. Parasitology international, 58(2), pp. 128-35. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2008.12.003

Müller, Joachim; Nillius, Dorothea; Hehl, A.; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2009). Stable expression of Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase A (GusA) in Giardia lamblia: application to high-throughput drug susceptibility testing. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 64(6), pp. 1187-1191. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp363

Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). Neospora caninum: functional inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase by the broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Experimental parasitology, 118(1), pp. 80-8. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2007.06.008

Müller, Joachim; Ley, Serej; Felger, Ingrid; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2008). Identification of differentially expressed genes in a Giardia lamblia WB C6 clone resistant to nitazoxanide and metronidazole. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 62(1), pp. 72-82. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkn142

Sterk, Maaike; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2007). Characterization of a Giardia lamblia WB C6 clone resistant to the isoflavone formononetin. Microbiology, 153(Pt 12), pp. 4150-8. Reading, UK: Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.2007/010041-0

Hemphill, Andrew; Spicher, Martin; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gottstein, Bruno; Walker, M (2007). Innovative chemotherapeutical treatment options for alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Parasitology, 134(Pt 12), pp. 1657-70. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003198

Müller, Joachim; Sterk, Maaike; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2007). Characterization of Giardia lamblia WB C6 clones resistant to nitazoxanide and to metronidazole. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 60(2), pp. 280-7. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkm205

Esposito, Marco; Moores, Shelley; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Induction of tachyzoite egress from cells infected with the protozoan Neospora caninum by nitro- and bromo-thiazolides, a class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drugs. International journal for parasitology, 37(10), pp. 1143-52. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2007.03.007

Müller, Joachim; Wastling, Jonathan; Sanderson, Sanya; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). A novel Giardia lamblia nitroreductase, GlNR1, interacts with nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 51(6), pp. 1979-86. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01548-06

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Mueller, Joachim; Suana, Angela; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Vaccination with microneme protein NcMIC4 increases mortality in mice inoculated with Neospora caninum. Journal of parasitology, 93(5), pp. 1046-55. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-1181R1.1

Hemphill, A; Müller, N; Müller, J (2007). Structure-funktion relationship of thiazolides, a novel class of antiparasitic drugs, investigated in intracellular protozoan parasites and larvalstage cestodes. Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry(6), pp. 273-282. Sharjah: Bentham Science

Müller, Joachim; Rühle, Géraldine; Müller, Norbert; Rossignol, Jean-François; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro effects of thiazolides on Giardia lamblia WB clone C6 cultured axenically and in coculture with Caco2 cells. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(1), pp. 162-70. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.50.1.162-170.2006

Hemphill, Andrew; Mueller, Joachim; Esposito, Marco (2006). Nitazoxanide, a broad-spectrum thiazolide anti-infective agent for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, 7(7), pp. 953-64. London: Informa Healthcare 10.1517/14656566.7.7.953

Müller, Joachim

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Ajiboye, Jubilee; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2024). Molecular Targets of the 5-Amido-Carboxamide Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 in Cryptosporidium parvum and HCT-8 Host Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(5) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25052707

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro screening technologies for the discovery and development of novel drugs against Toxoplasma gondii. Expert opinion on drug discovery, 19(1), pp. 97-109. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17460441.2023.2276349

Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Hofmann, Larissa; Amdouni, Yosra; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Working towards the development of vaccines and chemotherapeutics against neosporosis—With all of its ups and downs—Looking ahead. Advances in Parasitology, 124, pp. 91-154. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2024.01.001

Schlange, Carling; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Boubaker, Ghalia; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Single and combination treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections with a bumped kinase inhibitor and artemisone in vitro and with artemiside in experimentally infected mice. Experimental parasitology, 255(108655), p. 108655. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108655

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2023). Toxoplasma gondii infection: Novel emerging therapeutic targets. Expert opinion on therapeutic targets, 27(4-5), pp. 293-304. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/14728222.2023.2217353

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

Müller, Nicole

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Müller, Nicole; Leib, Stephen; Simon, F; Nunez, Sandra; Joss, Philipp; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach for Naegleria fowleri CNS infection in vitro. Parasitology, 131(6), pp. 797-804. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008619

Müller, Norbert

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Furtado Jost, Rebecca; Müller, Norbert; Marreros, Nelson; Moré, Gastón; Antoine, Loic; Basso, Walter; Frey, Caroline F (2023). What is the role of Swiss domestic cats in environmental contamination with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs? Parasites & Vectors, 16(1), p. 353. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-023-05983-y

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Pardo Gil, Miguel; Hegglin, Daniel; Briner, Thomas; Ruetten, Maja; Müller, Norbert; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F.; Deplazes, Peter; Basso, Walter (2023). High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 108-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.01.007

Kronenberg, Philipp A.; Reinehr, Michael; Eichenberger, Ramon Marc; Hasler, Sina; Laurimäe, Teivi; Weber, Achim; Deibel, Ansgar; Müllhaupt, Beat; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, Peter (2023). Monoclonal antibody-based localization of major diagnostic antigens in metacestode tissue, excretory/secretory products, and extracellular vesicles of Echinococcus species (In Press). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1162530

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Zheng, Yang; Müller, Joachim; Kunz, Stefan; Siderius, Marco; Maes, Louis; Caljon, Guy; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Sterk, Geert Jan; Leurs, Rob (2022). 3-nitroimidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine as a novel scaffold for antiparasitics with sub-nanomolar anti-Giardia lamblia activity. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 19, pp. 47-55. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.05.004

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Herman, Emily K; Greninger, Alex; van der Giezen, Mark; Ginger, Michael L; Ramirez-Macias, Inmaculada; Miller, Haylea C; Morgan, Matthew J; Tsaousis, Anastasios D; Velle, Katrina; Vargová, Romana; Záhonová, Kristína; Najle, Sebastian Rodrigo; MacIntyre, Georgina; Muller, Norbert; Wittwer, Mattias; Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Eliáš, Marek; Slamovits, Claudio H; Weirauch, Matthew T; Fritz-Laylin, Lillian; ... (2021). Genomics and transcriptomics yields a system-level view of the biology of the pathogen Naegleria fowleri. BMC biology, 19(1), p. 142. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12915-021-01078-1

Müller, Joachim; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert (2021). Nitroreductase Activites in Giardia lamblia: ORF 17150 Encodes a Quinone Reductase with Nitroreductase Activity. Pathogens, 10(2), p. 129. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10020129

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2020). Comparative proteomics of three Giardia lamblia strains: investigation of antigenic variation in the post-genomic era. Parasitology, 147(9), pp. 1008-1018. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182020000657

Köhsler, Martina; Leitsch, David; Müller, Norbert; Walochnik, Julia (2020). Validation of reference genes for the normalization of RT-qPCR gene expression in Acanthamoeba spp. Scientific Reports, 10(1), p. 10362. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-020-67035-0

Boubaker, Ghalia; Strempel, Sebastian; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Wang, Junhua; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2020). Regulation of hepatic microRNAs in response to early stage Echinococcus multilocularis egg infection in C57BL/6 mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 14(5), e0007640. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007640

Dąbrowska, Joanna; Keller, Irene; Karamon, Jacek; Kochanowski, Maciej; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline F.; Müller, Norbert (2020). Whole genome sequencing of a feline strain of Tritrichomonas foetus reveals massive genetic differences to bovine and porcine isolates. International journal for parasitology, 50(3), pp. 227-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.12.007

Müller, Joachim; Vermathen, Martina; Leitsch, David; Vermathen, Peter; Müller, Norbert (2020). Metabolomic Profiling of Wildtype and Transgenic Giardia lamblia Strains by 1H HR-MAS NMR Spectroscopy. Metabolites, 10(2) MDPI 10.3390/metabo10020053

Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Núñez Fernández, Fidel A.; Fraga, Jorge; Rivero, Lázara Rojas; Millán, Iraís Atencio; Valdés, Lucía Ayllón; Silva, Isabel Martínez; Müller, Norbert; Robertson, Lucy J. (2020). Concordance of Giardia duodenalis assemblages determined by different PCR methodologies in three observational studies in Cuba. Experimental parasitology, 209, p. 107814. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.107814

Heller, Manfred; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2020). Transfection With Plasmid Causing Stable Expression of a Foreign Gene Affects General Proteome Pattern in Giardia lamblia Trophozoites. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 10 Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2020.602756

Eberhard, Naja; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Winter, Rolf; Pou, Soviti; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Mike; Francisco, Samuel; Leitao, Alexandre; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Activities of Endochin-Like Quinolones Against in vitro Cultured Besnoitia besnoiti Tachyzoites. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 96. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.00096

Dabrowska, Joanna; Karamon, Jacek; Kochanowski, Maciej; Gottstein, Bruno; Cencek, Tomasz; Frey, Caroline F.; Müller, Norbert (2019). Development and comparative evaluation of different LAMP and PCR assays for coprological diagnosis of feline tritrichomonosis. Veterinary parasitology, 273, pp. 17-23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2019.07.014

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2019). Comparative Pathobiology of the Intestinal Protozoan Parasites Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium parvum. Pathogens, 8(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens8030116

Massolo, Alessandro; Klein, Claudia; Kowalewska-Grochowska, Kinga; Belga, Sara; MacDonald, Clayton; Vaughan, Stephen; Girgis, Safwat; Giunchi, Dimitri; Bramer, Sarah A; Santa, Maria A; Grant, Danielle M; Mori, Kensuke; Duignan, Padraig; Slater, Owen; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Houston, Stan (2019). European Echinococcus multilocularis Identified in Patients in Canada. The New England journal of medicine, 381(4), pp. 384-385. Massachusetts Medical Society 10.1056/NEJMc1814975

Müller, Joachim; Braga, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Müller, Norbert (2019). Resistance formation to nitro drugs in Giardia lamblia: No common markers identified by comparative proteomics. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 9, pp. 112-119. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2019.03.002

Barkati, Sapha; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Sheitoyan-Pesant, Caroline; Metrakos, Peter; Chen, Tianyan; Garceau, Richard; Libman, Michael D; Ndao, Momar; Yansouni, Cedric P (2019). First Human Case of Metacestode Infection Caused by Versteria sp. in a Kidney Transplant Recipient. Clinical infectious diseases, 68(4), pp. 680-683. Oxford University Press 10.1093/cid/ciy602

Kochanowski, Maciej; González-Muñoz, Miguel; Gómez-Morales, María Ángeles; Gottstein, Bruno; Dąbrowska, Joanna; Różycki, Mirosław; Cencek, Tomasz; Müller, Norbert; Boubaker, Ghalia (2019). Comparative analysis of excretory-secretory antigens of Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens and Contracaecum osculatum regarding their applicability for specific serodiagnosis of human anisakidosis based on IgG-ELISA. Experimental parasitology, 197, pp. 9-15. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.12.004

Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2019). Nitroreductases of bacterial origin in Giardia lamblia : Potential role in detoxification of xenobiotics. MicrobiologyOpen, 8(10), pp. 1-9. Wiley 10.1002/mbo3.904

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Vermathen, Martina; Müller, Joachim; Furrer, Julien; Müller, Norbert; Vermathen, Peter (2018). 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy to study the metabolome of the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. Talanta, 188, pp. 429-441. Elsevier 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.06.006

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2018). Physiological aspects of nitro drug resistance in Giardia lamblia. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 271-277. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.04.008

Kunz, Stefan; Balmer, Vreni; Sterk, Geert Jan; Pollastri, Michael P; Leurs, Rob; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spycher, Cornelia (2017). The single cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase of the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia represents a potential drug target. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(9), e0005891. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005891

Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Núñez, Fidel A; Santos, Lissette Pérez; Rivero, Lázara Rojas; Silva, Isabel Martínez; Valdés, Lucía Ayllón; Millán, Iraís Atencio; Müller, Norbert (2017). Molecular analysis of isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic children from La Habana, Cuba. Parasite epidemiology and control, 2(3), pp. 105-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parepi.2017.05.003

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Stäuber, Norbert; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela (2017). Simplicimonas-like DNA in vaginal swabs of cows and heifers cross-reacting in the real-time PCR for T. foetus. Veterinary parasitology, 237, pp. 30-36. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.024

Siles-Lucas, M; Casulli, A; Conraths, F J; Müller, Norbert (2017). Laboratory Diagnosis of Echinococcus spp. in Human Patients and Infected Animals. Advances in Parasitology, 96, pp. 159-257. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2016.09.003

Puebla, Luis Enrique Jerez; Núñez, Fidel A.; Rivero, Lázara Rojas; Hernández, Yordan Robau; Millán, Iraís Atencio; Müller, Norbert (2017). Prevalence of intestinal parasites and molecular characterization of Giardia duodenalis from dogs in La Habana, Cuba. Veterinary parasitology: Regional studies and reports, 8, pp. 107-112. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vprsr.2017.01.011

Leitsch, David; Rout, Samuel; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Balmer, Vreni; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2017). Giardia lamblia: missing evidence for a canonical thioredoxin system. Parasitology open, 3 Cambridge University Press 10.1017/pao.2017.16

Leitsch, David; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2016). Evaluation of Giardia lamblia thioredoxin reductase as drug activating enzyme and as drug target. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 6(3), pp. 148-153. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2016.07.003

Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Gori, Francesca; Hizem, Amani; Müller, Norbert; Casulli, Adriano; Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2016). A dual PCR-based sequencing approach for the identification and discrimination of Echinococcus and Taenia taxa. Molecular and cellular probes, 30(4), pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.05.004

Parmentier, Laurent Philippe Simon; Cusini, Alexia; Müller, Norbert; Zangger, Haroun; Hartley, Mary-Anne; Desponds, Chantal; Castiglioni, Patrik; Dubach, Patrick; Ronet, Catherine; Beverley, Stephen M; Fasel, Nicolas (2016). Severe Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient Coinfected with Leishmania braziliensis and Its Endosymbiotic Virus. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94(4), pp. 840-843. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0803

Puebla, Luis; Núñez, Fidel; Rivero, Lázara; Silva, Isabel; Valdés, Lucia; Millán, Iraís; Müller, Norbert (2016). Distribution of Giardia duodenalis Assemblages by PCR-RFLP of β-Giardin Gene in Cuban Children. Journal of pediatric infectious diseases, 11(01), 006-012. Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055/s-0036-1586212

Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2016). Giardia. In: Walochnik, Julia; Duchêne, Michael (eds.) Molecular Parasitology (pp. 93-114). Wien: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-7091-1416-2_4

Müller, Norbert; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Welle, Monika Maria (2015). Quantitative PCR for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded skin sections. Molecular and cellular probes, 29(6), pp. 507-510. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2015.09.008

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Núñez, Fidel A.; Martínez Silva, Isabel; Rojas Rivero, Lázara; Martínez González, Marta; Méndez Sutil, Yuliet; Ayllón Valdés, Lucía; Atencio Millán, Iraís; Müller, Norbert (2015). Molecular Characterization and Risk Factors of Giardia duodenalis among School Children from La Habana, Cuba. Journal of Parasitology Research, 2015, p. 378643. 10.1155/2015/378643

Müller, Joachim; Rout, Samuel; Leitsch, David; Vaithilingam, Jathana; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2015). Comparative characterisation of two nitroreductases from Giardia lamblia as potential activators of nitro compounds. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(2), pp. 37-43. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.03.001

Lopes, Ana Patrícia; Vila-Viçosa, Maria João; Coutinho, Teresa; Cardoso, Luís; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Cortes, Helder C E (2015). Trichinella britovi in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) from Portugal. Veterinary parasitology, 210(3-4), pp. 260-263. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.03.025

Chaignat, Valérie; Boujon, Patrick; Frey, Caroline; Hentrich, Brigitte; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). The brown hare (Lepus europaeus) as a novel intermediate host for Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. Parasitology research, 114(8), pp. 3167-3169. Springer 10.1007/s00436-015-4555-3

Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique A; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spiliotis, Markus; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen; Shalev, Itay; Levy, Gary; Lu, Xiaomei; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Deletion of Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 (FGL-2), a Novel CD4+ CD25+ Treg Effector Molecule, Leads to Improved Control of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in Mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(5), e0003755. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003755

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Müller, Norbert; Beuret, Christian; Heller, Manfred; Schürch, Nadia; Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias (2014). Genome-wide identification of pathogenicity factors of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. BMC Genomics, 15(1), p. 496. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2164-15-496

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Berzina, Inese; Krudewig, Christiane; Silaghi, Cornelia; Matise, Ilze; Ranka, Renate; Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria (2014). Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA amplified from lesional skin of seropositive dogs. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 5(3), pp. 329-335. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.12.010

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grenouillet, Frédéric; Millon, Laurence; Vuitton, Dominique A.; Müller, Norbert (2014). Echinococcus metacestode: in search of viability markers. Parasite, 21, p. 63. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014063

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Müller, Joachim; Vaithilingam, Jathana; Rosner, Judah Lee; Müller, Norbert (2014). Escherichia coli are susceptible to thiazolides if the tolc efflux system is inhibited. Journal of Developing Drugs, 3(2), p. 1000124. OMICS Group 10.4172/2329-6631.1000124

Keutgens, Aurore; Simoni, Paolo; Detrembleur, Nancy; Frippiat, Frédéric; Giot, Jean-Baptiste; Spirlet, François; Aghazarian, Saro; Descy, Julie; Meex, Cécile; Huynen, Pascale; Melin, Pierrette; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Carlier, Yves; Hayette, Marie-Pierre (2013). Fatal alveolar echinococcosis of the lumbar spine. Journal of clinical microbiology, 51(2), pp. 688-691. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01906-12

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Müller, Joachim; Schildknecht, Patricia; Müller, Norbert (2013). Metabolism of nitro drugs metronidazole and nitazoxanide in Giardia lamblia: characterization of a novel nitroreductase (GlNR2). Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 68(8), pp. 1781-1789. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkt106

Zangger, Haroun; Ronet, Catherine; Desponds, Chantal; Kuhlmann, F Matthew; Robinson, John; Hartley, Mary-Anne; Prevel, Florence; Castiglioni, Patrik; Pratlong, Francine; Bastien, Patrick; Müller, Norbert; Parmentier, Laurent; Saravia, Nancy Gore; Beverley, Stephen M; Fasel, Nicolas (2013). Detection of Leishmania RNA virus in Leishmania parasites. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(1), e2006. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002006

Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Thiazolides, a Novel Class of Anti-Infective Drugs, Effective Against Viruses, Bacteria, Intracellular and Extracellular Protozoan Parasites and Proliferating Mammalian Cells. Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry, 11(1), pp. 22-30. Bentham Science 10.2174/22113626130103

Frey, Caroline; Berger-Schoch, E. A.; Herrmann, C. D.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, D.; Doherr, Marcus; Gottstein, Bruno (2013). [Incidence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in the muscle of sheep, cattle, pigs as well as in cat feces in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(6), pp. 251-255. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000341

Slapeta, Jan; Müller, Norbert; Stack, Colin M; Walker, Giselle; Lew-Tabor, Ala; Tachezy, Jan; Frey, Caroline (2012). Comparative analysis of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) cat genotype, T. foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) cattle genotype and Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine, 1875) at 10 DNA loci. International journal for parasitology, 42(13-14), pp. 1143-1149. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.10.004

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Gottstein, Bruno; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Hemphill, Andrew; Schürch, Nadia; Wittwer, Matthias; Müller, Norbert (2012). Development of a high- versus low-pathogenicity model of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. Microbiology, 158(Pt 10), pp. 2652-2660. Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.059790-0

Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert (2012). Tritrichomonas--systematics of an enigmatic genus. Molecular and cellular probes, 26(3), pp. 132-136. Elsevier

Lobsiger, L; Frey, Caroline; Müller, Norbert; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Schweizer, T; Gottstein, Bruno (2012). [Is bovine leishmaniasis spreading in Switzerland?]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(5), pp. 199-207. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000336

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Schweiger, A.; Grimm, F.; Tanner, I.; Müllhaupt, B.; Bertogg, K.; Müller, Norbert; Deplazes, P. (2012). Serological diagnosis of echinococcosis: the diagnostic potential of native antigens. Infection, 40(2), pp. 139-152. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-011-0205-6

Barlow, A.M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2011). Echinococcus multilocularis in an imported captive European beaver (Castor fiber) in Great Britain. Veterinary record, 169(13), p. 339. London: British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.d4673

Berger, Andrea; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Müller, Norbert; Bernet, Daniel; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2011). Prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii in feline faeces (oocysts) and meat from sheep, cattle and pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 177(3-4), pp. 290-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.11.046

Cortes, H.C.; Muller, N.; Boykin, D.; Stephens, C.E.; Hemphill, A. (2011). In vitro effects of arylimidamides against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells. Parasitology, 138(5), pp. 583-92. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182011000114

Mejri, N.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Gottstein, B. (2011). Intraperitoneal Echinococcus multilocularis infection in mice modulates peritoneal CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory T cell development. Parasitology international, 60(1), pp. 45-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.10.002

Müller, J.; Müller, N.; Hemphill, A. (2011). Drugs and drug targets in Neospora caninum and related apicomplexans. In: Becker, Katja (ed.) Apicomplexan Parasites. Drug discovery in Infectious Diseases: Vol. 2 (pp. 359-371). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons

Müller, J.; Hemphill, A.; Müller, N. (2011). Treatment of giardiasis and drug resistance. In: Lujan, Hugo D.; Svärd, Staffan (eds.) Giardia - a model organism. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Nillius, Dorothea; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2011). Nitroreductase (GlNR1) increases susceptibility of Giardia lamblia and Escherichia coli to nitro drugs. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 66(5), pp. 1029-35. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkr029

Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias; Schild, Marc; Merli, Michael; Leib, Stephen L.; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim; Jaggi, Rolf (2010). Hepatic gene expression profile in mice perorally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis eggs. PLoS ONE, 5(4), e9779. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0009779

Gianinazzi, C.; Schild, M.; Zumkehr, B.; Wuthrich, F.; Nuesch, I.; Ryter, R.; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N. (2010). Screening of Swiss hot spring resorts for potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae. Experimental parasitology, 126(1), pp. 45-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2009.12.008

Hemphill, A.; Stadelmann, B.; Scholl, S.; Muller, J.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Siles-Lucas, M. (2010). Echinococcus metacestodes as laboratory models for the screening of drugs against cestodes and trematodes. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 569-87. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118200999117X

List, C.; Qi, W.; Maag, E.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N.; Felger, I. (2010). Serodiagnosis of Echinococcus spp. infection: explorative selection of diagnostic antigens by peptide microarray. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 4(8), e771. San Francisco, Calif.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000771

Lobsiger, L.; Müller, Norbert; Schweizer, T.; Frey, Caroline; Wiederkehr, D.; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Gottstein, Bruno (2010). An autochthonous case of cutaneous bovine leishmaniasis in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 169(3-4), pp. 408-14. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.01.022

Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria; Lobsiger, Lisbeth; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Kühni, Kathrin; Hilbe, Monika; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Geyer, Claudia; von Bomhard, Wolf (2009). Occurrence of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous lesions of horses in Central Europe. Veterinary parasitology, 166(3-4), pp. 346-351. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.09.001

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

Ben Nouir, N.; Gianinazzi, C.; Gorcii, M.; Muller, N; Nouri, A.; Babba, H.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Isolation and molecular characterization of recombinant Echinococcus granulosus P29 protein (recP29) and its assessment for the post-surgical serological follow-up of human cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 103(4), pp. 355-64. Amsterdam: Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.1016/j.trstmh.2008.09.020

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Müller, Norbert; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Assessment of the prevalence of Trichinella spp. in red foxes and Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 159(3-4), pp. 295-299. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.10.060

Gianinazzi, C.; Schild, M.; Wuthrich, F.; Ben Nouir, N.; Fuchslin, H.P.; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N. (2009). Screening Swiss water bodies for potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae. Research in microbiology, 160(6), pp. 367-74. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.resmic.2009.06.007

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Wuthrich, F.; Müller, Norbert; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from a heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. Experimental parasitology, 121(2), pp. 180-186. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.11.001

Müller, Joachim; Nillius, Dorothea; Hehl, A.; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2009). Stable expression of Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase A (GusA) in Giardia lamblia: application to high-throughput drug susceptibility testing. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 64(6), pp. 1187-1191. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp363

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Krebber, R.; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Toltrazuril treatment of congenitally acquired Neospora caninum infection in newborn mice. Parasitology research, 104(6), pp. 1335-43. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-009-1328-x

Strohbusch, M.; Muller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Margos, M.; Grandgirard, D.; Leib, Stephen; Greif, G.; Gottstein, B. (2009). Neospora caninum and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells: parasite survival, proliferation, and induction of cytokine expression. Parasite immunology, 31(7), pp. 366-372. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2009.01112.x

Ben Nouir, Nadia; Nunez, Sandra; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gorcii, Mohamed; Müller, Norbert; Nouri, Abdellatif; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). Assessment of Echinococcus granulosus somatic protoscolex antigens for serological follow-up of young patients surgically treated for cystic echinococcosis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 46(5), pp. 1631-1640. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01689-07

Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). Neospora caninum: functional inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase by the broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Experimental parasitology, 118(1), pp. 80-8. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2007.06.008

Nouir, N Ben; Nuñez, S; Frei, E; Gorcii, M; Müller, N; Gianinazzi, C; Mekki, M; Nouri, A; Babba, H; Gottstein, B (2008). Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Parasitology, 135(Pt 1), pp. 105-14. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003502

Müller, Joachim; Ley, Serej; Felger, Ingrid; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2008). Identification of differentially expressed genes in a Giardia lamblia WB C6 clone resistant to nitazoxanide and metronidazole. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 62(1), pp. 72-82. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkn142

Strohbusch, Maria; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; , ; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). NcGRA2 as a molecular target to assess the parasiticidal activity of toltrazuril against Neospora caninum. Parasitology, 135(9), pp. 1065-1073. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182008004599

Müller, N; Frei, E; Nuñez, S; Gottstein, B (2007). Improved serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis of humans using an in vitro-produced Echinococcus multilocularis antigen. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 1-10. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002083

Graichen, D A S; Gottstein, B; Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Zanotto, P M A; Ayala, F J; Haag, K L (2007). Expression and diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis AgB genes in secondarily infected mice: evaluating the influence of T-cell immune selection on antigenic variation. Gene, 392(1-2), pp. 98-105. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.gene.2006.11.015

Schild, Marc; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2007). PCR-based diagnosis of Naegleria sp. infection in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain sections. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(2), pp. 564-7. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01357-06

Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Structure-activity relationships from in vitro efficacies of the thiazolide series against the intracellular apicomplexan protozoan Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 37(2), pp. 183-90. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2006.10.009

Sterk, Maaike; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2007). Characterization of a Giardia lamblia WB C6 clone resistant to the isoflavone formononetin. Microbiology, 153(Pt 12), pp. 4150-8. Reading, UK: Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.2007/010041-0

Müller, Joachim; Sterk, Maaike; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2007). Characterization of Giardia lamblia WB C6 clones resistant to nitazoxanide and to metronidazole. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 60(2), pp. 280-7. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkm205

Müller, Joachim; Wastling, Jonathan; Sanderson, Sanya; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). A novel Giardia lamblia nitroreductase, GlNR1, interacts with nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 51(6), pp. 1979-86. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01548-06

Cortes, Helder C E; Reis, Yara; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Leitão, Alexandre; Müller, Norbert (2007). Application of conventional and real-time fluorescent ITS1 rDNA PCR for detection of Besnoitia besnoiti infections in bovine skin biopsies. Veterinary parasitology, 146(3-4), pp. 352-6. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2007.03.003

Cortes, H C E; Mueller, N; Esposito, M; Leitão, A; Naguleswaran, A; Hemphill, A (2007). In vitro efficacy of nitro- and bromo-thiazolyl-salicylamide compounds (thiazolides) against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells. Parasitology, 134(Pt 7), pp. 975-85. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007002417

Porchet, M J; Sager, H; Muggli, L; Oppliger, A; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno (2007). [A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 149(10), pp. 457-65. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.149.10.457

Mattson, J; Müller, N (2007). Neosporosis: Polymerase Chain Reaction. In: Ortega-Mora LM, Gottstein B (ed.) (pp. 59-63). Wallingford: CAB International

Hemphill, A; Müller, N; Müller, J (2007). Structure-funktion relationship of thiazolides, a novel class of antiparasitic drugs, investigated in intracellular protozoan parasites and larvalstage cestodes. Anti-infective agents in medicinal chemistry(6), pp. 273-282. Sharjah: Bentham Science

Haag, K L; Gottstein, B; Müller, N; Schnorr, A; Ayala, F J (2006). Redundancy and recombination in the Echinococcus AgB multigene family: is there any similarity with protozoan contingency genes? Parasitology, 133(Pt 4), pp. 411-9. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000564

von Allmen, N; Christen, S; Forster, U; Gottstein, B; Welle, M; Müller, N (2006). Acute trichinellosis increases susceptibility to Giardia lamblia infection in the mouse model. Parasitology, 133(Pt 2), pp. 139-49. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000230

Sager, H; Moret, C Steiner; Müller, N; Staubli, D; Esposito, M; Schares, G; Hässig, M; Stärk, K; Gottstein, B (2006). Incidence of Neospora caninum and other intestinal protozoan parasites in populations of Swiss dogs. Veterinary parasitology, 139(1-3), pp. 84-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.02.021

Matsumoto, J; Müller, N; Hemphill, A; Oku, Y; Kamiya, M; Gottstein, B (2006). 14-3-3- and II/3-10-gene expression as molecular markers to address viability and growth activity of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology, 132(Pt 1), pp. 83-94. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008632

Müller, Joachim; Rühle, Géraldine; Müller, Norbert; Rossignol, Jean-François; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro effects of thiazolides on Giardia lamblia WB clone C6 cultured axenically and in coculture with Caco2 cells. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(1), pp. 162-70. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.50.1.162-170.2006

Staubli, D; Iten, C; Kneubühler, J; Sager, H; Müller, N; Gottstein, B (2006). [Search for Neospora caninum DNA in bull semen using PCR ]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 483-9. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.483

Müller, N; Sager, H; Schuppers, M; Gottstein, B (2006). [Methods for investigating Trichinella infections in domestic and wild animals]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 463-71. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.463

Müller, Norbert; von Allmen, N (2005). Recent insights into the mucosal reactions associated with Giardia lamblia infections. International journal for parasitology, 35(13), pp. 1339-1347. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2005.07.008

Rehmann, P; Gröne, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sager, Heinz; Müller, Norbert; Völlm, J; Bacciarini, L N (2005). Alveolar echinococcosis in the zoological garden Basle. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 147(11), pp. 498-502. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.147.11.498

Scheidegger, Alexandra; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2005). Differential effects of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha on Toxoplasma gondii proliferation in organotypic rat brain slice cultures. Journal of parasitology, 91(2), pp. 307-315. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-379R

von Allmen, N; Bienz, M; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2005). Quantitative assessment of sense and antisense transcripts from genes involved in antigenic variation (vsp genes) and encystation (cwp 1 gene) of Giardia lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7. Parasitology, 130(Pt 4), pp. 389-396. Cambridge University Press

Gottstein, Bruno; Razmi, G R; Ammann, P; Sager, Heinz; Müller, Norbert (2005). Toltrazuril treatment to control diaplacental Neospora caninum transmission in experimentally infected pregnant mice. Parasitology, 130(Pt 1), pp. 41-48. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182004006365

Kurdova, R; Müller, Norbert; Tsvetkova, N; Michov, L; Georgieva, D; Ivanova, M; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). Characterisation of Trichinella isolates from Bulgaria by molecular typing and cross-breeding. Veterinary parasitology, 123(3-4), pp. 179-188. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2004.06.021

von Allmen, N; Bienz, M; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2004). Experimental infections of neonatal mice with cysts of Giardia lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 are associated with an antigenic reset of the parasite. Infection and immunity, 72(8), pp. 4763-4771. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.72.8.4763-4771.2004

Nunes, Cláudia Paiva; Zaha, Arnaldo; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Siles-Lucas, María del Mar (2004). 14-3-3 gene characterization and description of a second 14-3-3 isoform in both Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis. Parasitology research, 93(5), pp. 403-409. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1147-z

Tsvetkova, Nina; Schild, Mark; Panaiotov, Stefan; Kurdova-Mintcheva, Rossitza; Gottstein, Bruno; Walochnik, Julia; Aspöck, Horst; Lucas, Mar Siles; Müller, Norbert (2004). The identification of free-living environmental isolates of amoebae from Bulgaria. Parasitology research, 92(5), pp. 405-413. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-003-1052-x

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3), pp. 178-187. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1194-5

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3) Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1083-y

Müller, Norbert; Zimmermann, V; Forster, U; Bienz, M; Gottstein, Bruno; Welle, M (2003). PCR-based detection of canine Leishmania infections in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded skin biopsies: elaboration of a protocol for quality assessment of the diagnostic amplification reaction. Veterinary parasitology, 114(3), pp. 223-229. Elsevier

Cannas, A; Naguleswaran, A; Müller, Norbert; Eperon, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). Vaccination of mice against experimental Neospora caninum infection using NcSAG1- and NcSRS2-based recombinant antigens and DNA vaccines. Parasitology, 126(04), pp. 303-312. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182002002895

Bienz, Marianne; Dai, Wen Juan; Welle, Monika Maria; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2003). Interleukin-6-deficient mice are highly susceptible to Giardia lamblia infection but exhibit normal intestinal immunoglobulin A responses against the parasite. Infection and immunity, 71(3), pp. 1569-1573. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.71.3.1569-1573.2003

Cannas, Angela; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2003). Reduced cerebral infection of Neospora caninum-infected mice after vaccination with recombinant microneme protein NcMIC3 and ribi adjuvant. Journal of parasitology, 89(1), pp. 44-50. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/0022-3395(2003)089[0044:RCIONC]2.0.CO;2

Gottstein, Bruno; Dai, Wen Juan; Walker, Mirjam; Stettler, Marianne; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). An intact laminated layer is important for the establishment of secondary Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Parasitology research, 88(9), pp. 822-828. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-002-0659-7

Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Simon, Franziska; Björkman, Camilla; Jungi, Thomas W.; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Infection of organotypic slice cultures from rat central nervous tissue with Neospora caninum: an alternative approach to study host-parasite interactions. International journal for parasitology, 32(5), pp. 533-542. Elsevier 10.1016/S0020-7519(01)00351-4

Müller, Norbert; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Gianinazzi, Christian; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Application of real-time fluorescent PCR for quantitative assessment of Neospora caninum infections in organotypic slice cultures of rat central nervous system tissue. Journal of clinical microbiology, 40(1), pp. 252-255. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.40.1.252-255.2002

Bienz, M; Siles-Lucas, M; Müller, Norbert (2001). Use of a novel DNA melting profile assay for the identification of PCR-amplified genomic sequences encoding for variant-specific surface proteins from the clonal GS/M-83-H7 line of Giardia lamblia. Parasitology research, 87(12), pp. 1011-1015. Springer 10.1007/s004360100490

Müller, Norbert; Sager, Heinz; Hemphill, Andrew; Mehlhorn, H; Heydorn, A O; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Comparative molecular investigation of Nc5-PCR amplicons from Neospora caninum NC-1 and Hammondia heydorni-Berlin-1996. Parasitology research, 87(10), pp. 883-885. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360100463

Bienz, M; Wittwer, P; Zimmermann, V; Müller, Norbert (2001). Molecular characterisation of a predominant antigenic region of Giardia lamblia variant surface protein H7. International journal for parasitology, 31(8), pp. 827-832. Elsevier

Wyss, R; Sager, H; Müller, Norbert; Inderbitzin, F; König, M; Audigé, L; Gottstein, Bruno (2000). [The occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum as regards meat hygiene]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 142(3), pp. 95-108. Huber

Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (1998). Antigenic variation and the murine immune response to Giardia lamblia. International journal for parasitology, 28(12), pp. 1829-1839. Elsevier

Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (1997). Systemic and local antibody response in mice induced by a recombinant peptide fragment from Giardia lamblia variant surface protein (VSP) H7 produced by a Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain. International journal for parasitology, 27(8), pp. 965-971. Elsevier

Müller, Norbert; Zimmermann, V; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). Diagnosis of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infection by PCR and DNA hybridization immunoassay. Journal of clinical microbiology, 34(11), pp. 2850-2852. American Society for Microbiology

Felleisen, R; Müller, Norbert; Yamage, M; Gottstein, Bruno (1996). [Diagnostic PCR in veterinary parasitology: tritrichomonosis, neosporosis/toxoplasmosis echinococcosis/cysticercosis]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 138(3), pp. 144-151. Huber

Hemphill, Andrew; Stäger, S; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (1996). Electron microscopical investigation of surface alterations on Giardia lamblia trophozoites after exposure to a cytotoxic monoclonal antibody. Parasitology research, 82(3), pp. 206-210. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360050096

Imboden, M.; Müller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Mattioli, R.; Seebeck, T. (1995). Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens. Parasitology, 110(3), pp. 249-258. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000080835

Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Cryz, S J; Vogel, Monique; Tanner, I; Seebeck, Thomas (1990). Humoral and cellular immune response in mice and dogs induced by a recombinant Echinococcus multilocularis antigen produced by a Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain. Parasite immunology, 12(2), pp. 163-174. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.1990.tb00945.x

Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Vogel, Monique; Flury, Karin; Seebeck, Thomas (1989). Application of a recombinant Echinococcus multilocularis antigen in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for immunodiagnosis of human alveolar echinococcosis. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 36(2), pp. 151-159. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(89)90187-4

Vogel, Monique; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Seebeck, Thomas (1988). Production of a recombinant antigen of Echinococcus multilocularis with high immunodiagnostic sensitivity and specificity. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 31(2), pp. 117-125. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(88)90162-4

Müller, Stefan Jürg

Wang, Junhua; Müller, Stefan Jürg; Lin, Renyong; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2017). Depletion of FoxP3+ Tregs improves control of larval Echinococcus multilocularis infection by promoting co-stimulation and Th1/17 immunity. Immunity, inflammation and disease, 5(4), pp. 435-447. Wiley 10.1002/iid3.181

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam

Ajiboye, Jubilee; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2024). Molecular Targets of the 5-Amido-Carboxamide Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 in Cryptosporidium parvum and HCT-8 Host Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(5) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25052707

Haindrich, Alexander C.; Ernst, Viona; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Oliveres, Quentin-Florian; Roditi, Isabel; Rentsch, Doris (2021). Nutrient availability regulates proline/alanine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of biological chemistry, 296, p. 100566. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100566

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). Neospora caninum: functional inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase by the broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug nitazoxanide and other thiazolides. Experimental parasitology, 118(1), pp. 80-8. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2007.06.008

Hemphill, Andrew; Spicher, Martin; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gottstein, Bruno; Walker, M (2007). Innovative chemotherapeutical treatment options for alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Parasitology, 134(Pt 12), pp. 1657-70. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003198

Esposito, Marco; Moores, Shelley; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Induction of tachyzoite egress from cells infected with the protozoan Neospora caninum by nitro- and bromo-thiazolides, a class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drugs. International journal for parasitology, 37(10), pp. 1143-52. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2007.03.007

Cortes, H C E; Mueller, N; Esposito, M; Leitão, A; Naguleswaran, A; Hemphill, A (2007). In vitro efficacy of nitro- and bromo-thiazolyl-salicylamide compounds (thiazolides) against Besnoitia besnoiti infection in Vero cells. Parasitology, 134(Pt 7), pp. 975-85. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007002417

Vonlaufen, N; Naguleswaran, A; Gianinazzi, C; Hemphill, A (2007). Characterization of the fetuin-binding fraction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites and its potential involvement in host-parasite interactions. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 805-17. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002186

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Spicher, Martin; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Torgerson, Paul; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro metacestodicidal activities of genistein and other isoflavones against Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(11), pp. 3770-8. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00578-06

Hemphill, A; Vonlaufen, N; Naguleswaran, A (2006). Cellular and immunological basis of the host-parasite relationship during infection with Neospora caninum. Parasitology, 133(Pt 3), pp. 261-78. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000485

Scheidegger, Alexandra; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2005). Differential effects of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha on Toxoplasma gondii proliferation in organotypic rat brain slice cultures. Journal of parasitology, 91(2), pp. 307-315. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-379R

Neuhaus, Sabrina

Neuhaus, Sabrina; Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Gerber, Vinzenz (2010). Increased parasite resistance and recurrent airway obstruction in horses of a high-prevalence family. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 24(2), pp. 407-413. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0465.x

Nillius, Dorothea

Nillius, Dorothea; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert (2011). Nitroreductase (GlNR1) increases susceptibility of Giardia lamblia and Escherichia coli to nitro drugs. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 66(5), pp. 1029-35. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkr029

Müller, Joachim; Nillius, Dorothea; Hehl, A.; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert (2009). Stable expression of Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase A (GusA) in Giardia lamblia: application to high-throughput drug susceptibility testing. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 64(6), pp. 1187-1191. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp363

Novak, Janja

Novak, Janja; Jaric, Ivana; Rosso, Marianna; Rufener, Reto; Touma, Chadi; Würbel, Hanno (2022). Handling method affects measures of anxiety, but not chronic stress in mice. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 20938. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-022-25090-9

Nunez, Sandra

Ben Nouir, Nadia; Nunez, Sandra; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gorcii, Mohamed; Müller, Norbert; Nouri, Abdellatif; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2008). Assessment of Echinococcus granulosus somatic protoscolex antigens for serological follow-up of young patients surgically treated for cystic echinococcosis. Journal of clinical microbiology, 46(5), pp. 1631-1640. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01689-07

Nouir, N Ben; Nuñez, S; Frei, E; Gorcii, M; Müller, N; Gianinazzi, C; Mekki, M; Nouri, A; Babba, H; Gottstein, B (2008). Post-surgical follow-up (by ELISA and immunoblotting) of cured versus non-cured cystic echinococcosis in young patients. Parasitology, 135(Pt 1), pp. 105-14. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003502

Müller, N; Frei, E; Nuñez, S; Gottstein, B (2007). Improved serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis of humans using an in vitro-produced Echinococcus multilocularis antigen. Parasitology, 134(Pt 6), pp. 1-10. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006002083

Staubli, Daniela; Nunez, Sandra; Sager, Heinz; Schares, Gereon; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum immunoblotting improves serodiagnosis of bovine neosporosis. Parasitology research, 99(6), pp. 648-58. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0207-y

Cortes, HC; Nunez, S; Reis, Y; Staubli, D; Vidal, r; Sager, H; Leitao, A; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Improved immunodiagnosis of Besnoitia besnoiti-infection in cattle by the use of ELISA and Westernblot. Veterinary parasitology, 141(3-4), pp. 216-225. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.05.023

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Müller, Nicole; Leib, Stephen; Simon, F; Nunez, Sandra; Joss, Philipp; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach for Naegleria fowleri CNS infection in vitro. Parasitology, 131(6), pp. 797-804. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008619

Nussbaumer, Päivi

Bründler, Patricia; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Nussbaumer, Päivi; Neuhaus, S.; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Lower shedding of strongylid eggs by Warmblood horses with recurrent airway obstruction compared to unrelated healthy horses. Veterinary journal, 190(2), e12-5. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.12.029

Nussbaumer, Päivi; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Swinburne, J.E.; Dolf, Gaudenz; Gerber, Vinzenz (2011). Resistance against strongylid nematodes in two high prevalence Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction families has a genetic basis. Pferdeheilkunde, 27(6), pp. 664-669. Baden-Baden: Hippiatrika Verlagsgesellschaft

Oberli, Alexander Oliver

Gloor, Severin; Jiang, Wanjie; Maurer, Martin H; Gottstein, Bruno; Oberli, Alexander Oliver; Hagemann, Jürgen B; Hotz, Julian F; Candinas, Daniel; Lachenmayer, Anja; Grüner, Beate; Beldi, Guido (2024). The trajectory of anti-recEm18 antibody levels determines follow-up after curative resection of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 26(2), pp. 224-233. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hpb.2023.10.007

Ochsenreiter, Torsten

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Oevermann, Anna

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Schlange, Carling; Monney, Camille; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 901056. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.901056

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Monney, Camille; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). A Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Formulation Reduces Vertical Transmission and Leads to Enhanced Pup Survival in a Pregnant Neosporosis Mouse Model. Vaccines, 9(12) MDPI 10.3390/vaccines9121400

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Olias, Philipp Alexander

Schönbächler, Katja; Olias, Philipp; Richard, Olivia K.; Origgi, Francesco B.; Dervas, Eva; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Berenguer Veiga, Inês (2022). Fatal spirorchiidosis in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 17, pp. 144-151. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.004

Dettwiler, Ines; Troell, Karin; Robinson, Guy; Chalmers, Rachel M; Basso, Walter; Rentería-Solís, Zaida Melina; Daugschies, Arwid; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Dale, Mariko I; Basapathi, Jyothi; Ruf, Marie-Thérèse; Poppert, Sven; Meylan, Mireille; Olias, Philipp (2022). TIDE analysis of Cryptosporidium infections by gp60 typing reveals obscured mixed infections. The journal of infectious diseases, 225(4), pp. 686-695. Oxford University Press 10.1093/infdis/jiab417

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Meyer, Anika; Olias, Philipp; Schüpbach, Gertraud; Henzi, Martin; Barmettler, Thomas; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2020). Combined cross-sectional and case-control study on Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology: X, 4, p. 100031. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vpoa.2020.100031

Kegler Schukovsky, Kristel; Nufer, Ursina; Alic, Amer; Posthaus, Horst; Olias, Philipp Alexander; Basso, Walter Ubaldo (2018). Fatal infection with emerging apicomplexan parasite Hepatozoon silvestris in a domestic cat. Parasites & Vectors, 11(1), p. 428. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-018-2992-4

Olias, Philipp Alexander; Dettwiler, Ines Sarah; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, P; Steiner, Adrian; Meylan, Mireille (2018). [The significance of cryptosporidiosis for the health of calves in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(6), pp. 363-374. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00163

Oliveres, Quentin-Florian Pierre

Haindrich, Alexander C.; Ernst, Viona; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Oliveres, Quentin-Florian; Roditi, Isabel; Rentsch, Doris (2021). Nutrient availability regulates proline/alanine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of biological chemistry, 296, p. 100566. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100566

Oppliger, Alexa

Porchet, M J; Sager, H; Muggli, L; Oppliger, A; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno (2007). [A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 149(10), pp. 457-65. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.149.10.457

Origgi, Francesco

Meister, Seraina L; Origgi, Francesco C; Wyss, Fabia S; Wenker, Christian; Moré, G; Basso, Walter (2024). Angiostrongylus dujardini infection in a coconut lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) from a zoological garden in Switzerland. Parasitology international, 99, p. 102829. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2023.102829

Santoro, Azzurra; Santolamazza, Federica; Cacciò, Simone M; La Rosa, Giuseppe; Antolová, Daniela; Auer, Herbert; Bagrade, Guna; Bandelj, Petra; Basso, Walter; Beck, Relja; Citterio, Carlo V; Davidson, Rebecca K; Deksne, Gunita; Frey, Caroline F; Fuglei, Eva; Glawischnig, Walter; Gottstein, Bruno; Harna, Jiří; Huus Petersen, Heidi; Karamon, Jacek; ... (2024). Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International journal for parasitology, 54(5), pp. 233-245. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.003

Schönbächler, Katja; Olias, Philipp; Richard, Olivia K.; Origgi, Francesco B.; Dervas, Eva; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Berenguer Veiga, Inês (2022). Fatal spirorchiidosis in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 17, pp. 144-151. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.004

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Akdesir, Ezgi; Origgi, Francesco; Wimmershoff, Julia; Frey, Joachim; Frey, Caroline; Ryser, Marie Pierre (2018). Causes of mortality and morbidity in free-ranging mustelids in Switzerland: necropsy data from over 50 years of general health surveillance. BMC veterinary research, 14(1), p. 195. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12917-018-1494-0

Pardo Gil, Miguel

Pardo Gil, Miguel; Hegglin, Daniel; Briner, Thomas; Ruetten, Maja; Müller, Norbert; Moré, Gastón; Frey, Caroline F.; Deplazes, Peter; Basso, Walter (2023). High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment? International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 20, pp. 108-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.01.007

Parmentier, Laurent Philippe Simon

Parmentier, Laurent Philippe Simon; Cusini, Alexia; Müller, Norbert; Zangger, Haroun; Hartley, Mary-Anne; Desponds, Chantal; Castiglioni, Patrik; Dubach, Patrick; Ronet, Catherine; Beverley, Stephen M; Fasel, Nicolas (2016). Severe Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient Coinfected with Leishmania braziliensis and Its Endosymbiotic Virus. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94(4), pp. 840-843. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0803

Paunescu, Emilia

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

Holzer, Isabelle; Desiatkina, Oksana; Anghel, Nicoleta; Johns, Serena K; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2023). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-arene-carbohydrate Conjugates. Molecules, 28(2) MDPI 10.3390/molecules28020902

Desiatkina, Oksana; Boubaker, Ghalia; Anghel, Nicoleta; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Paunescu, Emilia (2022). Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Evaluation of New Conjugates BODIPY - Dinuclear Trithiolato-Bridged Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes. ChemBioChem, 23(23), e202200536. Wiley 10.1002/cbic.202200536

Desiatkina, Oksana; Mösching, Martin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2022). New Nucleic Base-Tethered Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Compounds: Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity. Molecules, 27(23), p. 8173. MDPI 10.3390/molecules27238173

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Desiatkina, Oksana; Johns, Serena K.; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2021). Synthesis and Antiparasitic Activity of New Conjugates—Organic Drugs Tethered to Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)–Arene Complexes. Inorganics, 9(8), p. 59. MDPI 10.3390/inorganics9080059

Perreten, Vincent

Schönecker, Lutz; Schnydrig, Philipp; Brodard, Isabelle; Thomann, Andreas; Hemphill, Andrew; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Perreten, Vincent; Jores, Joerg; Kittl, Sonja (2021). Trueperella pecoris sp. nov. isolated from bovine and porcine specimens. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71(6) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.004848

Vidal, Sara; Brandt, Bernd W.; Dettwiler, Martina; Abril, Carlos; Bressan, Jenny; Greub, Gilbert; Frey, Caroline F.; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina (2018). Limited added value of fungal ITS amplicon sequencing in the study of bovine abortion. Heliyon, 4(11), e00915. Elsevier 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00915

Schnydrig, Philipp; Vidal Lopez, Sara; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Caroline; Posthaus, Horst; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez, Sabrina (2017). Bacterial, fungal, parasitological and pathological analyses of abortions in small ruminants from 2012-2016. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(12), pp. 647-656. Huber 10.17236/sat00136

Perrodin, Stéphanie Fabienne

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Peters, Laureen Michèle

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Plattet, Philippe

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Posthaus, Horst

Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Wyss, Fabia; Mengiardi, Bernard; Vögtli, Renate; Posthaus, Horst; Deplazes, Peter; Gottstein, Bruno (2019). ALVEOLAR ECHINOCOCCOSIS IN WESTERN LOWLAND GORILLAS (GORILLA GORILLA GORILLA): ALBENDAZOLE WAS NOT ABLE TO STOP PROGRESSION OF THE DISEASE. Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine, 50(1), pp. 243-253. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 10.1638/2018-0064

Kegler Schukovsky, Kristel; Nufer, Ursina; Alic, Amer; Posthaus, Horst; Olias, Philipp Alexander; Basso, Walter Ubaldo (2018). Fatal infection with emerging apicomplexan parasite Hepatozoon silvestris in a domestic cat. Parasites & Vectors, 11(1), p. 428. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13071-018-2992-4

Schnydrig, Philipp; Vidal Lopez, Sara; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Caroline; Posthaus, Horst; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez, Sabrina (2017). Bacterial, fungal, parasitological and pathological analyses of abortions in small ruminants from 2012-2016. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(12), pp. 647-656. Huber 10.17236/sat00136

Gendron, Karine; Göpfert, Christine; Linon, Elisa; Posthaus, Horst; Frey, Caroline (2015). Pulmonary Echinococcus multilocularis metastasis in a dog. Canadian veterinary journal - Revue vétérinaire canadienne, 56(3), pp. 267-271. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

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Pownall, William Robert

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Monney, Camille; Rico-San Román, Laura; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Forterre, Franck; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Immunization with a Multivalent Listeria monocytogenes Vaccine Leads to a Strong Reduction in Vertical Transmission and Cerebral Parasite Burden in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice Infected with Neospora caninum. Vaccines, 11(1), p. 156. MDPI 10.3390/vaccines11010156

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Schlange, Carling; Monney, Camille; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 901056. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.901056

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Monney, Camille; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). A Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Formulation Reduces Vertical Transmission and Leads to Enhanced Pup Survival in a Pregnant Neosporosis Mouse Model. Vaccines, 9(12) MDPI 10.3390/vaccines9121400

Pownall, William Robert; Imhof, Dennis; Fernandez Trigo, Nerea; Ganal-Vonarburg, Stephanie C.; Plattet, Philippe; Monney, Camille; Forterre, Franck; Hemphill, Andrew; Oevermann, Anna (2021). Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1). Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 11(675219), p. 675219. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2021.675219

Preza Perez, Matias Facundo

Autier, Brice; Verger, Alexis; Plaisse, Charleen; Manuel, Christelle; Chollet-Krugler, Marylène; Preza, Matias; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Amela-Cortes, Marian; Aninat, Caroline; Samson, Michel; Brandhonneur, Nolwenn; Dion, Sarah (2024). PLGA-PEG-COOH nanoparticles are efficient systems for delivery of mefloquine to Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Experimental parasitology, 265, p. 108811. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2024.108811

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Kaethner, Marc; Preza, Matías; Kaempfer, Tobias; Zumstein, Pascal; Tamponi, Claudia; Varcasia, Antonio; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Establishment and application of unbiased in vitro drug screening assays for the identification of compounds against Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 17(8), e0011343. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011343

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Rahman, Mahbubur

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Rahman, Mahbubur; Manser, Vera; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In vitro effects of new artemisinin derivatives in Neospora caninum-infected human fibroblasts. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(1), pp. 88-93. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.02.020

Ramseier, Jessica

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Anghel, Nicoleta; Boubaker, Ghalia; Beteck, Richard M; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). In Vitro versus in Mice: Efficacy and Safety of Decoquinate and Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Experimental Infection with Neospora caninum Tachyzoites. Pathogens, 12(3) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens12030447

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Ramseier, Jessica; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Hänggeli, Kai; Beteck, Richard M.; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Sanchez-Sanchez, Roberto; Ferre, Ignacio; Haynes, Richard K.; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Assessment of the Activity of Decoquinate and Its Quinoline-O-Carbamate Derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii In Vitro and in Pregnant Mice Infected with T. gondii Oocysts. Molecules, 26(21), p. 6393. MDPI 10.3390/molecules26216393

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Reichen, Jürg

Schweiger, Alexander; Ammann, Rudolf W; Candinas, Daniel; Clavien, Pierre-Alain; Eckert, Johannes; Gottstein, Bruno; Halkic, Nerman; Muellhaupt, Beat; Prinz, Bettina Mareike; Reichen, Juerg; Tarr, Philip E; Torgerson, Paul R; Deplazes, Peter (2007). Human alveolar echinococcosis after fox population increase, Switzerland. Emerging infectious diseases, 13(6), pp. 878-882. Atlanta, Ga.: U.S. National Center for Infectious Diseases

Reinmann, Karin

Reinmann, Karin; Müller, Norbert; Kuhnert, Peter; Campero, Carlos M.; Leitsch, David; Hess, M; Henning, K; Fort, M; Müller, Joachim; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2012). Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from cats and cattle show minor genetic differences in unrelated loci ITS-2 and EF-1alpha. Veterinary parasitology, 185(2-4), pp. 138-44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.09.032

Rentsch, Doris

Haindrich, Alexander C.; Ernst, Viona; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Oliveres, Quentin-Florian; Roditi, Isabel; Rentsch, Doris (2021). Nutrient availability regulates proline/alanine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of biological chemistry, 296, p. 100566. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100566

Rettmer, Helen

Lanz, Simone; Gerber, Vinzenz; Marti, Eliane Isabelle; Rettmer, Helen; Klukowska-Rötzler, Jolanta; Gottstein, Bruno; Matthews, Jacqueline B.; Pirie, Scott; Hamza, Eman (2013). Effect of hay dust extract and cyathostomin antigen stimulation on cytokine expression by PBMC in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 155(4), pp. 229-237. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetimm.2013.07.005

Richard, Olivia

Schönbächler, Katja; Olias, Philipp; Richard, Olivia K.; Origgi, Francesco B.; Dervas, Eva; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Berenguer Veiga, Inês (2022). Fatal spirorchiidosis in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 17, pp. 144-151. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.004

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Rieder, Jessica Marie

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Ritler, Dominic

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Ritler, Dominic (2020). New ways to target the deadly parasite Echinococcus multilocularis (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut für Parasitologie IPA, Vetsuisse)

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zurbriggen, Raphael Peter; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). The importance of being parasiticidal… an update on drug development for the treatment of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 15, e00040. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00040

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Dick, Luca; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Drug Discovery and Development for the Treatment of Echinococcosis, Caused by the Tapeworms Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. In: Swinney, David C.; Pollastri, Michael P. (eds.) Neglected Tropical Diseases: drug discovery and development. Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (pp. 253-287). Wiley 10.1002/9783527808656.ch10

Rufener, Reto; Dick, Luca; D'Ascoli, Laura; Ritler, Dominic; Hizem, Amani; Wells, Timothy N.C.; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Repurposing of an old drug: In vitro and in vivo efficacies of buparvaquone against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(3), pp. 440-450. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.10.011

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Laleu, Benoît; Balmer, Vreni; Ritler, Dominic; Hemphill, Andrew (2017). In vitro screening of the open source Pathogen Box identifies novel compounds with profound activities against Neospora caninum. International journal for parasitology, 47(12), pp. 801-809. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.06.002

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Sager, Heinz; Bouvier, Jacques; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). Development of a movement-based in vitro screening assay for the identification of new anti-cestodal compounds. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(5), e0005618. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005618

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Roditi, Isabel

Haindrich, Alexander C.; Ernst, Viona; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Oliveres, Quentin-Florian; Roditi, Isabel; Rentsch, Doris (2021). Nutrient availability regulates proline/alanine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei. Journal of biological chemistry, 296, p. 100566. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100566

Imhof, Simon; Fragoso, Cristina; Hemphill, Andrew; Von Schubert, Conrad; Li, Dong; Legant, Wesley; Betzig, Erik; Roditi, Isabel (2016). Flagellar membrane fusion and protein exchange in trypanosomes; a new form of cell-cell communication? F1000Research, 5(682), p. 682. F1000 Research Ltd 10.12688/f1000research.8249.1

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Vassella, Erik; Oberle, Michael; Urwyler, Simon; Renggli, Christina Kunz; Studer, Erwin; Hemphill, Andrew; Fragoso, Cristina; Bütikofer, Peter; Brun, Reto; Roditi, Isabel (2009). Major surface glycoproteins of insect forms of Trypanosoma brucei are not essential for cyclical transmission by tsetse. PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4493. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004493

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Schnydrig, Philipp; Vidal Lopez, Sara; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Caroline; Posthaus, Horst; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez, Sabrina (2017). Bacterial, fungal, parasitological and pathological analyses of abortions in small ruminants from 2012-2016. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(12), pp. 647-656. Huber 10.17236/sat00136

Rosenberg, Gertrud

Schaarschmidt, Daniel; Gilli, Urs; Gottstein, Bruno; Marreros Canales, Nelson; Kuhnert, Peter; Daeppen, Jérôme A.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Hirt, Didier; Frey, Caroline (2013). Questing Dermacentor reticulatus harbouring Babesia canis DNA associated with outbreaks of canine babesiosis in the Swiss Midlands. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 4(4), pp. 334-340. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.01.007

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Rosso, Marianna

Novak, Janja; Jaric, Ivana; Rosso, Marianna; Rufener, Reto; Touma, Chadi; Würbel, Hanno (2022). Handling method affects measures of anxiety, but not chronic stress in mice. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 20938. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-022-25090-9

Rout, Samuel

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Rufener, Reto

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

Novak, Janja; Jaric, Ivana; Rosso, Marianna; Rufener, Reto; Touma, Chadi; Würbel, Hanno (2022). Handling method affects measures of anxiety, but not chronic stress in mice. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 20938. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-022-25090-9

Talker, Stephanie C; Barut, G Tuba; Lischer, Heidi E L; Rufener, Reto; von Münchow, Lilly; Bruggmann, Rémy; Summerfield, Artur (2022). Monocyte biology conserved across species: Functional insights from cattle. Frontiers in immunology, 13, p. 889175. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2022.889175

Karpstein, Tanja; Chaudhry, Sheena; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Hayoz, Michael; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Kaethner, Marc; Schindler, Isabelle; Aebi, Yolanda; Cunha, Antonio Sa; Largiadèr, Carlo R.; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2021). Maca against Echinococcosis?-A Reverse Approach from Patient to In Vitro Testing. Pathogens, 10(10) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10101335

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Wang, Junhua; Marreros, Nelson; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2020). Short communication: Efficacy of albendazole in Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice depends on the functional immunity of the host. Experimental parasitology, 219, p. 108013. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2020.108013

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Drug repurposing applied: Activity of the anti-malarial mefloquine against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 13, pp. 121-129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2020.06.002

Rufener, Reto (2020). New drugs against Echinococcus multilocularis targeting the energy metabolism (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Institut für Parasitologie IPA, Vetsuisse)

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zurbriggen, Raphael Peter; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). The importance of being parasiticidal… an update on drug development for the treatment of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 15, e00040. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00040

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

Hemphill, Andrew; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Dick, Luca; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). Drug Discovery and Development for the Treatment of Echinococcosis, Caused by the Tapeworms Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. In: Swinney, David C.; Pollastri, Michael P. (eds.) Neglected Tropical Diseases: drug discovery and development. Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (pp. 253-287). Wiley 10.1002/9783527808656.ch10

Rufener, Reto; Dick, Luca; D'Ascoli, Laura; Ritler, Dominic; Hizem, Amani; Wells, Timothy N.C.; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Repurposing of an old drug: In vitro and in vivo efficacies of buparvaquone against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(3), pp. 440-450. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.10.011

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Sager, Heinz; Bouvier, Jacques; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). Development of a movement-based in vitro screening assay for the identification of new anti-cestodal compounds. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(5), e0005618. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005618

Gorgas, Daniela; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). To see or not to see: non-invasive imaging for improved readout of drug treatment trials in the murine model of secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Parasitology, 144(07), pp. 937-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182017000051

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Aeschbacher, Denise; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10(3), e0004535. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004535

Küster, Tatiana; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Risch, Corina; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Oral treatments of Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice with the antimalarial drug mefloquine that potentially interacts with parasite ferritin and cystatin. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(5), pp. 546-551. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.07.016

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Ruggli, Nicolas

Frey, Caroline; Bauhofer, Oliver; Ruggli, Nicolas; Summerfield, Artur; Hofmann, Martin A; Tratschin, Jon-Duri (2006). Classical swine fever virus replicon particles lacking the Erns gene: a potential marker vaccine for intradermal application. Veterinary research, 37(5), pp. 655-670. Editions scientifiques Elsevier 10.1051/vetres:2006028

Rupp, Sebastian Dominic Alexander

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Wang, Junhua; Müller, Joachim; Rupp, Sebastian Dominic Alexander; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Modulation of cis- and trans- Golgi and the Rab9A-GTPase during infection by Besnoitia besnoiti, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Experimental parasitology, 187, pp. 75-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.02.008

Ruppen, Corinne

Ruppen, Corinne; Hemphill, Andrew; Sendi, Parham (2017). In vitro activity of gentamicin as an adjunct to penicillin against biofilm group B Streptococcus. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72(2), pp. 444-447. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkw447

Ruprecht, Nico

Studer, Valentin; Anghel, Nicoleta; Desiatkina, Oksana; Felder, Timo; Boubaker, Ghalia; Amdouni, Yosra; Ramseier, Jessica; Hungerbühler, Martin; Kempf, Christoph; Heverhagen, Johannes Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Ruprecht, Nico; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia (2020). Conjugates Containing Two and Three Trithiolato-Bridged Dinuclear Ruthenium(II)-Arene Units as In Vitro Antiparasitic and Anticancer Agents. Pharmaceuticals, 13(12), p. 471. MDPI 10.3390/ph13120471

Ryser, Marie Pierre

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Toxoplasma Gondii Infection In The Eurasian Beaver (Castor Fiber) In Switzerland: Seroprevalence, Genetic Characterization, And Clinicopathologic Relevance. Journal of wildlife diseases, 60(1), pp. 126-138. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00077

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

Akdesir, Ezgi; Origgi, Francesco; Wimmershoff, Julia; Frey, Joachim; Frey, Caroline; Ryser, Marie Pierre (2018). Causes of mortality and morbidity in free-ranging mustelids in Switzerland: necropsy data from over 50 years of general health surveillance. BMC veterinary research, 14(1), p. 195. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12917-018-1494-0

Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Campbell-Palmer, R; Pizzi, R; Barlow, A; Hentrich, Brigitte; Posautz, A; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2014). Immunoblotting for the serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in alive and dead Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Veterinary parasitology, 205(1-2), pp. 113-118. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2014.06.017

Marreros, Nelson; Frey, Caroline; Willisch, Christian S.; Signer, Claudio; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2012). Coprological analyses on apparently healthy Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) from two Swiss colonies. Veterinary parasitology, 186(3-4), pp. 382-389. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.11.009

Marreros, Nelson; Hüssy, Daniela; Albini, Sarah; Frey, Caroline; Abril, Carlos; Vogt, Hans-Rudolf; Holzwarth, Nathalie; Wirz-Dittus, Sophie; Friess, Martina; Engels, Monika; Borel, Nicole; Willisch, Christian S; Signer, Claudio; Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2011). Epizootiologic Investigations of Selected Abortive Agents in Free-Ranging Alpine Ibex (Capra Ibex Ibex) in Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 47(3), pp. 530-543. Ames, Iowa: Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-47.3.530

Frey, Caroline; Schuppers, M.E.; Müller, Norbert; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Assessment of the prevalence of Trichinella spp. in red foxes and Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 159(3-4), pp. 295-299. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.10.060

Röthlisberger, Carole

Spicher, Martin; Röthlisberger, Carole; Lany, C.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Keiser, J.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments of Echinococcus Protoscoleces and Metacestodes with Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 52(9), pp. 3447-3450. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00553-08

Rüfli, Isabelle Christina

Rüfli, Isabelle; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U.; Vidondo, Beatriz; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela; Zanolari, Patrik (2021). Causes of Abortions in South American Camelids in Switzerland-Cases and Questionnaire. Animals, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/ani11071956

Sager, Heinz

Porchet, M J; Sager, H; Muggli, L; Oppliger, A; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno (2007). [A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 149(10), pp. 457-65. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.149.10.457

Sager, H; Moret, Ch Steiner; Grimm, F; Deplazes, P; Doherr, M G; Gottstein, B (2006). Coprological study on intestinal helminths in Swiss dogs: temporal aspects of anthelminthic treatment. Parasitology research, 98(4), pp. 333-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-005-0093-8

Häsler, Barbara; Regula, Gertraud; Stärk, Katharina D C; Sager, Heinz; Gottstein, Bruno; Reist, Martin (2006). Financial analysis of various strategies for the control of Neospora caninum in dairy cattle in Switzerland. Preventive veterinary medicine, 77(3-4), pp. 230-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2006.07.006

Häsler, Barbara; Stärk, Katharina D C; Sager, Heinz; Gottstein, Bruno; Reist, Martin (2006). Simulating the impact of four control strategies on the population dynamics of Neospora caninum infection in Swiss dairy cattle. Preventive veterinary medicine, 77(3-4), pp. 254-83. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2006.07.007

Staubli, Daniela; Nunez, Sandra; Sager, Heinz; Schares, Gereon; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum immunoblotting improves serodiagnosis of bovine neosporosis. Parasitology research, 99(6), pp. 648-58. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0207-y

Haerdi, Corinne; Haessig, Michael; Sager, Heinz; Greif, Gisela; Staubli, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Humoral immune reaction of newborn calves congenitally infected with Neospora caninum and experimentally treated with toltrazuril. Parasitology research, 99(5), pp. 534-40. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0199-7

Staubli, Daniela; Sager, Heinz; Haerdi, Corinne; Haessig, Michael; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Precolostral serology in calves born from Neospora-seropositive mothers. Parasitology research, 99(4), pp. 398-404. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0170-7

Sager, H; Moret, C Steiner; Müller, N; Staubli, D; Esposito, M; Schares, G; Hässig, M; Stärk, K; Gottstein, B (2006). Incidence of Neospora caninum and other intestinal protozoan parasites in populations of Swiss dogs. Veterinary parasitology, 139(1-3), pp. 84-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.02.021

Häsler, Barbara; Hernandez, Jorge A; Reist, Martin; Sager, Heinz; Steiner-Moret, Christine; Staubli, Daniela; Stärk, Katharina D C; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum: Serological follow-up in dairy cows during pregnancy. Veterinary parasitology, 137(3-4), pp. 222-30. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.01.007

Cortes, HC; Nunez, S; Reis, Y; Staubli, D; Vidal, r; Sager, H; Leitao, A; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Improved immunodiagnosis of Besnoitia besnoiti-infection in cattle by the use of ELISA and Westernblot. Veterinary parasitology, 141(3-4), pp. 216-225. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.05.023

Staubli, D; Iten, C; Kneubühler, J; Sager, H; Müller, N; Gottstein, B (2006). [Search for Neospora caninum DNA in bull semen using PCR ]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 483-9. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.483

Casati, Simona; Sager, Heinz; Gern, Lise; Piffaretti, Jean-Claude (2006). Presence of potentially pathogenic Babesia sp. for human in Ixodes ricinus in Switzerland. AAEM. Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine, 13(1), pp. 65-70. Lublin, Poland: Institute of Agricultural Medicine

Björkman, C; Alvarez-Garcia, G; Conraths, F J; Mattsson, J G; Ortega-Mora, L M; Sager, H; Schares, G (2006). Neospora caninum IgG avidity tests: an interlaboratory comparison. Veterinary parasitology, 140(3-4), pp. 273-80. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.04.030

McInnes, Linda M; Ryan, Una M; O'Handley, Ryan; Sager, Heinz; Forshaw, David; Palmer, Dieter G (2006). Diagnostic significance of Neospora caninum DNA detected by PCR in cattle serum. Veterinary parasitology, 142(3-4), pp. 207-13. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.07.013

Hertzberg, H; Sager, H (2006). [Overview of helminth problems in domestic ruminants in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 511-21. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.511

Müller, N; Sager, H; Schuppers, M; Gottstein, B (2006). [Methods for investigating Trichinella infections in domestic and wild animals]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 148(9), pp. 463-71. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.148.9.463

Rehmann, P; Gröne, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sager, Heinz; Müller, Norbert; Völlm, J; Bacciarini, L N (2005). Alveolar echinococcosis in the zoological garden Basle. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 147(11), pp. 498-502. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.147.11.498

Sager, Heinz; Hüssy, Daniela; Kuffer, A; Schreve, F; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). [First documentation of a neospora-induced "abortion storm" (exogenous transplacental transmission of neospora caninum) in a Swiss dairy farm]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 147(3), pp. 113-120. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281.147.3.113

Rehmann, Patrick; Gröne, Andrea; Gottstein, Bruno; Völlm, Jürg; Sager, Heinz; Janovsky, Martin; Bacciarini, Luca N (2005). Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in a colony of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) using serology and ultrasonography. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 17(2), pp. 183-186. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063870501700215

Gottstein, Bruno; Razmi, G R; Ammann, P; Sager, Heinz; Müller, Norbert (2005). Toltrazuril treatment to control diaplacental Neospora caninum transmission in experimentally infected pregnant mice. Parasitology, 130(Pt 1), pp. 41-48. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182004006365

Sager, Heinz; Konjević, Dean; Grubešić, Marijan; Janicki, Zdravko; Severin, Krešimir; Beck, Relja (2005). Stichorchis subtriquetrus in European beaver from Croatia: first report. European journal of wildlife research, 51(1), pp. 63-64. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s10344-004-0076-6

Hässig, M; Sager, Heinz; Reitt, K; Ziegler, D; Strabel, D; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). Neospora caninum in sheep: a herd case report. Veterinary parasitology, 117(3), pp. 213-220. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2003.07.029

Sager, Heinz; Gloor, Marianne; Tenter, Astrid; Maley, Stephen; Hässig, Michael; Gottstein, Bruno (2003). Immunodiagnosis of primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep by the use of a P30 IgG avidity ELISA. Parasitology research, 91(2), pp. 171-174. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-003-0964-9

Kritzner, Sandra; Sager, Heinz; Blum, Jürg; Krebber, Ralph; Greif, Gisela; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). An explorative study to assess the efficacy of toltrazuril-sulfone (ponazuril) in calves experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials, 1, p. 4. Biomed Central 10.1186/1476-0711-1-4

Janovsky, Martin; Bacciarini, Luca; Sager, Heinz; Gröne, Andrea; Gottstein, Bruno (2002). Echinococcus multilocularis in a European beaver from Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 38(3), pp. 618-620. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-38.3.618

Sager, Heinz; Fischer, I; Furrer, K; Strasser, M; Waldvogel, A; Boerlin, P; Audigé, L; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). A Swiss case-control study to assess Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortions by PCR, histopathology and serology. Veterinary parasitology, 102(1-2), pp. 1-15. Elsevier

Müller, Norbert; Sager, Heinz; Hemphill, Andrew; Mehlhorn, H; Heydorn, A O; Gottstein, Bruno (2001). Comparative molecular investigation of Nc5-PCR amplicons from Neospora caninum NC-1 and Hammondia heydorni-Berlin-1996. Parasitology research, 87(10), pp. 883-885. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s004360100463

Salvisberg, Christine

Basso, Walter; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Hofmann, Larissa; Salvisberg, Christine; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Frey, Caroline F. (2022). Evaluation of the PrioCHECK™ Trichinella AAD kit to detect Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi, and T. pseudospiralis larvae in pork using the automated digestion method Trichomatic-35. Parasitology international, 86, p. 102449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2021.102449

Schediwy, Marion

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida; Schediwy, Marion; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine (2017). Serratospiculosis in Captive Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Switzerland. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(3), pp. 250-255. Association of Avian Veterinarians 10.1647/2016-204

Scherrer, Patrick Markus

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Frey, Caroline F; Basso, Walter (2024). Toxoplasma Gondii Infection In The Eurasian Beaver (Castor Fiber) In Switzerland: Seroprevalence, Genetic Characterization, And Clinicopathologic Relevance. Journal of wildlife diseases, 60(1), pp. 126-138. Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00077

Scherrer, Patrick; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre; Marti, Iris A.; Borel, Stéphanie; Frey, Caroline F.; Mueller, Norbert; Ruetten, Maja; Basso, Walter (2023). Exploring the epidemiological role of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 21, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.03.005

Schild, Marc

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Wuthrich, F.; Müller, Norbert; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, Bruno (2009). Potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from a heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. Experimental parasitology, 121(2), pp. 180-186. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2008.11.001

Schild, Marc; Gianinazzi, Christian; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2007). PCR-based diagnosis of Naegleria sp. infection in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain sections. Journal of clinical microbiology, 45(2), pp. 564-7. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.01357-06

Gianinazzi, Christian; Schild, Marc; Müller, Nicole; Leib, Stephen; Simon, F; Nunez, Sandra; Joss, Philipp; Gottstein, Bruno (2005). Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach for Naegleria fowleri CNS infection in vitro. Parasitology, 131(6), pp. 797-804. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182005008619

Schimanski, Bernd

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Schimanski, Bernd; Olias, Philipp; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2022). Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9. PLoS ONE, 17(9), e0271011. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0271011

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gunasekera, Kapila; Schimanski, Bernd; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew; Ochsenreiter, Torsten; Roditi, Isabel (2015). Trypanosoma brucei RRM1 is a nuclear RNA-binding protein and modulator of chromatin structure. mBio, 6(2), e00114. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mBio.00114-15

Schlange, Carling Louisa

Schlange, Carling; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Boubaker, Ghalia; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Wong, Ho Ning; Haynes, Richard K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Single and combination treatment of Toxoplasma gondii infections with a bumped kinase inhibitor and artemisone in vitro and with artemiside in experimentally infected mice. Experimental parasitology, 255(108655), p. 108655. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2023.108655

Müller, Joachim; Schlange, Carling; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Proteomic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii ME49 derived strains resistant to the artemisinin derivatives artemiside and artemisone implies potential mode of action independent of ROS formation. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 1-12. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.11.005

Imhof, Dennis; Pownall, William Robert; Schlange, Carling; Monney, Camille; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Oevermann, Anna; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 901056. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.901056

Schmidhalter, Marta

König, Maya Laura; Howard, Judith; Schmidhalter, Marta; Hentrich, Brigitte; Hettlich, Bianca (2019). Leishmaniasis manifesting as osteomyelitis and monoarthritis in a dog and outcome following treatment with mitefosine and allopurinol. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7(1), e000793. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vetreccr-2018-000793

Schmuckli, Jacqueline

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Casanova, Carlo; Schmied, Stéfanie; Affentranger, Sarah; Parvanova, Iana; Kang'a, Simon; Nene, Vishvanath; Katzer, Frank; McKeever, Declan; Müller, Joachim; Bishop, Richard; Pain, Arnab; Dobbelaere, Dirk; Rodrigues, Mauricio Martins (2009). Expression Analysis of the Theileria parva Subtelomere-Encoded Variable Secreted Protein Gene Family. PLoS ONE, 4(3), e4839. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0004839

Schneeberger, Marianne

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Schnydrig, Philipp

Schnydrig, Philipp; Vidal Lopez, Sara; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Caroline; Posthaus, Horst; Perreten, Vincent; Rodriguez, Sabrina (2017). Bacterial, fungal, parasitological and pathological analyses of abortions in small ruminants from 2012-2016. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(12), pp. 647-656. Huber 10.17236/sat00136

Scholl, Sabrina

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Scholl, Sabrina; Muller, J.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Application of an in vitro drug screening assay based on the release of phosphoglucose isomerase to determine the structure-activity relationship of thiazolides against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 65(3), pp. 512-9. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkp490

Schorer, Michelle

Hemphill, Andrew; Debache, Karim; Monney, Thierry; Schorer, Michelle; Gouinaud, Christophe; Alaeddine, Ferial; Müller, Norbert; Müller, Joachim (2013). Proteins mediating the Neospora caninum-host cell interaction as targets for vaccination. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 5(1), pp. 23-36. Frontiers in Bioscience

Schorer, Michelle; Vögtlin, Andrea; Hilbe, M.; Thür, Barbara; Posthaus, Horst; Braam, P.; Hadorn, D.; Schwermer, H. (2012). Überwachung des Schmallenberg-Virus in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(12), pp. 543-547. 10.1024/0036-7281/a000404

Monney, Thierry; Rütti, David; Schorer, Michelle; Debache, Karim; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2011). RecNcMIC3-1-R is a microneme- and rhoptry-based chimeric antigen that protects against acute neosporosis and limits cerebral parasite load in the mouse model for Neospora caninum infection. Vaccine, 29(40), pp. 6967-6975. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.038

Schuller, Simone

Wolfer, L A; Basso, W U; Frey, C F; Schuller, S; Amphimaque, B; Jankovic, J; Howard, J; Peters, L M (2023). Biliary Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a dog under immunomodulatory therapy. Journal of small animal practice, 64(8), pp. 535-538. Wiley 10.1111/jsap.13612

Schweizer, Daniela Esther

Gorgas, Daniela; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2017). To see or not to see: non-invasive imaging for improved readout of drug treatment trials in the murine model of secondary alveolar echinococcosis. Parasitology, 144(07), pp. 937-944. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182017000051

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Schädeli, David Lukas

Serricchio, Mauro; Hierro-Yap, Carolina; Schädeli, David; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Hemphill, Andrew; Graumann, Johannes; Zíková, Alena; Bütikofer, Peter (2021). Depletion of cardiolipin induces major changes in energy metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. FASEB journal, 35(2), e21176. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.202001579RR

Schädeli, David Lukas; Serricchio, Mauro; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Loffreda, Alessio; Hemphill, Andrew; Beneke, Tom; Gluenz, Eva; Graumann, Johannes; Bütikofer, Peter (2019). Cardiolipin depletion-induced changes in the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. FASEB journal, 33(12), pp. 13161-13175. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.201901184RR

Schönecker, Lutz

Schönecker, Lutz; Schnydrig, Philipp; Brodard, Isabelle; Thomann, Andreas; Hemphill, Andrew; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Perreten, Vincent; Jores, Joerg; Kittl, Sonja (2021). Trueperella pecoris sp. nov. isolated from bovine and porcine specimens. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71(6) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.004848

Schüpbach-Regula, Gertraud Irene

Meyer, Anika; Olias, Philipp; Schüpbach, Gertraud; Henzi, Martin; Barmettler, Thomas; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline F. (2020). Combined cross-sectional and case-control study on Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology: X, 4, p. 100031. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vpoa.2020.100031

Schuppers, M. E.; Frey, Caroline; Gottstein, Bruno; Stärk, K. D. C.; Kihm, U.; Regula, Gertraud (2010). Comparing the demonstration of freedom from Trichinella infection of domestic pigs by traditional and risk-based surveillance. Epidemiology and infection, 138(09), pp. 1242-1251. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0950268809991518

Schürch, Stefan

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Ritler, Dominic; Rufener, Reto; Li, Jia V.; Kämpfer, Urs; Müller, Joachim; Bühr, Claudia; Schürch, Stefan; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (2019). In vitro metabolomic footprint of the Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode. Scientific reports, 9(1), p. 19438. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-56073-y

Scorrano, Nathalie

Santoro, Azzurra; Santolamazza, Federica; Cacciò, Simone M; La Rosa, Giuseppe; Antolová, Daniela; Auer, Herbert; Bagrade, Guna; Bandelj, Petra; Basso, Walter; Beck, Relja; Citterio, Carlo V; Davidson, Rebecca K; Deksne, Gunita; Frey, Caroline F; Fuglei, Eva; Glawischnig, Walter; Gottstein, Bruno; Harna, Jiří; Huus Petersen, Heidi; Karamon, Jacek; ... (2024). Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International journal for parasitology, 54(5), pp. 233-245. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.003

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Seebeck, Thomas

Oberholzer, Michael; Marti, Gabriela; Baresic, Mario; Kunz, Stefan; Hemphill, Andrew; Seebeck, Thomas (2007). The Trypanosoma brucei cAMP phosphodiesterases TbrPDEB1 and TbrPDEB2: flagellar enzymes that are essential for parasite virulence. FASEB journal, 21(3), pp. 720-731. Bethesda, Md.: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.06-6818com

Imboden, M.; Müller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Mattioli, R.; Seebeck, T. (1995). Repetitive proteins from the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes are diagnostically useful antigens. Parasitology, 110(3), pp. 249-258. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000080835

Müller, N.; Imboden, M.; Detmer, E.; Mansfield, J. M.; Seebeck, T. (1993). Cytoskeleton-associated antigens from African trypanosomes are recognized by self-reactive antibodies of uninfected mice. Parasitology, 107(4), pp. 411-417. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000067767

Müller, N.; Hemphill, A.; Imboden, M.; Duvallet, G.; Dwinger, R. H.; Seebeck, T. (1992). Identification and characterization of two repetitive non-variable antigens from African trypanosomes which are recognized early during infection. Parasitology, 104(1), pp. 111-120. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182000060856

Vogel, Monique; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Flury, K; Eckert, J; Seebeck, Thomas (1990). Echinococcus multilocularis: characterization of a DNA probe. Acta tropica, 48(2), pp. 109-116. Elsevier 10.1016/0001-706X(90)90050-A

Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Cryz, S J; Vogel, Monique; Tanner, I; Seebeck, Thomas (1990). Humoral and cellular immune response in mice and dogs induced by a recombinant Echinococcus multilocularis antigen produced by a Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain. Parasite immunology, 12(2), pp. 163-174. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3024.1990.tb00945.x

Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Vogel, Monique; Flury, Karin; Seebeck, Thomas (1989). Application of a recombinant Echinococcus multilocularis antigen in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for immunodiagnosis of human alveolar echinococcosis. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 36(2), pp. 151-159. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(89)90187-4

Vogel, Monique; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Seebeck, Thomas (1988). Production of a recombinant antigen of Echinococcus multilocularis with high immunodiagnostic sensitivity and specificity. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 31(2), pp. 117-125. Elsevier 10.1016/0166-6851(88)90162-4

Sendi, Parham

Ruppen, Corinne; Hemphill, Andrew; Sendi, Parham (2017). In vitro activity of gentamicin as an adjunct to penicillin against biofilm group B Streptococcus. Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72(2), pp. 444-447. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jac/dkw447

Serra, Fabienne Heirangi

Serra, Fabienne Heirangi; Müller, Joachim; Gray, John; Lüthi, Ramona; Dudas, Sandor; Czub, Stefanie; Seuberlich, Torsten (2017). PrP-C1 fragment in cattle brains reveals features of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy associated PrP(sc). Brain research, 1659, pp. 19-28. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainres.2017.01.015

Serricchio, Mauro

Anghel, Nicoleta; Müller, Joachim; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Bütikofer, Peter; Boubaker, Ghalia; Imhof, Dennis; Ramseier, Jessica; Desiatkina, Oksana; Paunescu, Emilia; Braga, Sophie Marie-Pierre; Heller, Manfred; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Cellular and Molecular Targets of Nucleotide-Tagged Trithiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes in the Protozoan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma brucei. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(19) MDPI 10.3390/ijms221910787

Serricchio, Mauro; Hierro-Yap, Carolina; Schädeli, David; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Hemphill, Andrew; Graumann, Johannes; Zíková, Alena; Bütikofer, Peter (2021). Depletion of cardiolipin induces major changes in energy metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms. FASEB journal, 35(2), e21176. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.202001579RR

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan; Stumpe, Michael; Rauch, Monika; Hemphill, Andrew; Schneiter, Roger; Bütikofer, Peter; Serricchio, Mauro (2020). Mitochondrial sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase is essential for phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis and survival of Trypanosoma brucei. Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 8268. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-020-65248-x

Schädeli, David Lukas; Serricchio, Mauro; Ben Hamidane, Hisham; Loffreda, Alessio; Hemphill, Andrew; Beneke, Tom; Gluenz, Eva; Graumann, Johannes; Bütikofer, Peter (2019). Cardiolipin depletion-induced changes in the Trypanosoma brucei proteome. FASEB journal, 33(12), pp. 13161-13175. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10.1096/fj.201901184RR

Dawoody Nejad, Ladan; Serricchio, Mauro; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Bütikofer, Peter (2018). TbLpn, a key enzyme in lipid droplet formation and phospholipid metabolism, is essential for mitochondrial integrity and growth of Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular microbiology, 109(1), pp. 105-120. Wiley 10.1111/mmi.13976

Seuberlich, Torsten

Serra, Fabienne Heirangi; Müller, Joachim; Gray, John; Lüthi, Ramona; Dudas, Sandor; Czub, Stefanie; Seuberlich, Torsten (2017). PrP-C1 fragment in cattle brains reveals features of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy associated PrP(sc). Brain research, 1659, pp. 19-28. Elsevier 10.1016/j.brainres.2017.01.015

Sidler, Daniel

Sidler, D; Brockmann, A; Mueller, J; Nachbur, U; Corazza, N; Renzulli, P; Hemphill, A; Brunner, T (2012). Thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells is mediated via the Jun kinase-Bim axis and reveals glutathione-S-transferase P1 as Achilles' heel. Oncogene, 31(37), pp. 4095-106. Basingstoke, UK: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/onc.2011.575

Siffert, Myriam

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

Wang, Junhua; Siffert, Myriam; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Repeated Long-Term DT Application in the DEREG Mouse Induces a Neutralizing Anti-DT Antibody Response. Journal of immunology research, 2016, p. 1450398. Hindawi Publishing Corporation 10.1155/2016/1450398

Sigg, Liv

Sigg, Liv; Gerber, Vinzenz; Gottstein, Bruno; Doherr, Marcus; Frey, Caroline (2010). Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in the Swiss horse population. Parasitology international, 59(3), pp. 313-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.02.005

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Anghel, Nicoleta; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Müller, Joachim; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Targeting of the mitochondrion by dinuclear thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes in cancer cells and in the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum. Metallomics, 11(2), pp. 462-474. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/C8MT00307F

Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Rubbiani, Riccardo; Stibal, David; Giannini, Federico; Süss-Fink, Georg; Balmer, Vreni; Hemphill, Andrew; Gasser, Gilles; Furrer, Julien (2017). Characterization of the Activities of Dinuclear Thiolato-Bridged Arene Ruthenium Complexes against Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61(9), e01031-17. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01031-17

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Silva Pinto Basto, Afonso; Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). N-terminal fusion of a toll-like receptor 2-ligand to a Neospora caninum chimeric antigen efficiently modifies the properties of the specific immune response. Parasitology, 143(5), pp. 606-616. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182016000056

Simon, Franziska

Gianinazzi, Christian; Grandgirard, Denis; Simon, Franziska; Imboden, Hans; Joss, Philipp; Täuber, Martin G.; Leib, Stephen (2004). Apoptosis of hippocampal neurons in organotypic slice culture models: direct effect of bacteria revisited. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, 63(6), pp. 610-617. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Simon, Franziska; Björkman, Camilla; Jungi, Thomas W.; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Infection of organotypic slice cultures from rat central nervous tissue with Neospora caninum: an alternative approach to study host-parasite interactions. International journal for parasitology, 32(5), pp. 533-542. Elsevier 10.1016/S0020-7519(01)00351-4

Sollberger, Elena Veronica

Basso, Walter; Sollberger, Elena; Schares, Gereon; Küker, Ursula; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Zanolari, Patrik (2020). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in South American camelids in Switzerland and assessment of serological tests for diagnosis. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/S13071-020-04128-9

Spicher, Martin

Spicher, Martin; Röthlisberger, Carole; Lany, C.; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Keiser, J.; Ortega-Mora, L. M.; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2008). In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments of Echinococcus Protoscoleces and Metacestodes with Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 52(9), pp. 3447-3450. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00553-08

Hemphill, Andrew; Spicher, Martin; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Müller, Joachim; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gottstein, Bruno; Walker, M (2007). Innovative chemotherapeutical treatment options for alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Parasitology, 134(Pt 12), pp. 1657-70. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182007003198

Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Spicher, Martin; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Torgerson, Paul; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro metacestodicidal activities of genistein and other isoflavones against Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(11), pp. 3770-8. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00578-06

Spiliotis, Markus

Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Wang, Junhua; Muhtarov, Marin; Chaligiannis, Ilias; Sotiraki, Smaro; Rainova, Iskra; Gottstein, Bruno; Boubaker, Ghalia (2017). Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from Bulgarian human cystic echinococcosis patients. Parasitology research, 116(3), pp. 1043-1054. Springer 10.1007/s00436-017-5386-1

Dezaki, Ebrahim Saedi; Yaghoubi, Mohammad Mehdi; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Taheri, Elham; Almani, Pooya Ghaseminejad; Tohidi, Farideh; Harandi, Majid Fasihi; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Comparison of ex vivo harvested and in vitro cultured materials from Echinococcus granulosus by measuring expression levels of five genes putatively involved in the development and maturation of adult worms. Parasitology research, 115(11), pp. 4405-4416. Springer 10.1007/s00436-016-5228-6

Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Gori, Francesca; Hizem, Amani; Müller, Norbert; Casulli, Adriano; Jerez Puebla, Luis Enrique; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2016). A dual PCR-based sequencing approach for the identification and discrimination of Echinococcus and Taenia taxa. Molecular and cellular probes, 30(4), pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.05.004

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Aeschbacher, Denise; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2016). Screening of the Open Source Malaria Box Reveals an Early Lead Compound for the Treatment of Alveolar Echinococcosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10(3), e0004535. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004535

Wang, Junhua; Siffert, Myriam; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Repeated Long-Term DT Application in the DEREG Mouse Induces a Neutralizing Anti-DT Antibody Response. Journal of immunology research, 2016, p. 1450398. Hindawi Publishing Corporation 10.1155/2016/1450398

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Chaligiannis, I; Maillard, Stephane; Boubaker, Ghalia; Spiliotis, Markus; Saratsis, A; Gottstein, Bruno; Sotiraki, S (2015). Echinococcus granulosus infection dynamics in livestock of Greece. Acta tropica, 150, pp. 64-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.06.021

Boubaker, Ghalia; Hemphill, Andrew; Huber, Cristina Olivia; Spiliotis, Markus; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno (2015). Prevention and Immunotherapy of Secondary Murine Alveolar Echinococcosis Employing Recombinant EmP29 Antigen. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 9(6), e0003795. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003795

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Aeschbacher, Denise; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Profound activity of the anti-cancer drug bortezomib against Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes identifies the proteasome as a novel drug target for cestodes. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(12), e3352. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003352

Gottstein, Bruno; Schneeberger, Marianne; Boubaker, Ghalia; Merkle, Bernadette; Huber, Cristina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Garate, Teresa; Doherr, Marcus (2014). Comparative assessment of ELISAs using recombinant saposin-like protein 2 and recombinant cathepsin L-1 from Fasciola hepatica for the serodiagnosis of human Fasciolosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 8(6), e2860. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002860

Boubaker, Ghalia; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew; Babba, Hamouda; Spiliotis, Markus (2014). Echinococcus P29 antigen: molecular characterization and implication on post-surgery follow-up of CE patients infected with different species of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS ONE, 9(5), e98357. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0098357

Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Spiliotis, Markus; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Joachim; Müller, Norbert; Gorgas, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2014). Treatment of echinococcosis: albendazole and mebendazole - what else? Parasite, 21, p. 70. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014073

Hemer, Sarah; Konrad, Christian; Spiliotis, Markus; Koziol, Uriel; Schaack, Dominik; Förster, Sabine; Gelmedin, Verena; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Dandekar, Thomas; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus (2014). Host insulin stimulates Echinococcus multilocularis insulin signalling pathways and larval development. BMC biology, 12, p. 5. BioMed Central 10.1186/1741-7007-12-5

Boubaker, Ghalia; Macchiaroli, Natalia; Prada, Laura; Cucher, Marcela A; Rosenzvit, Mara C; Ziadinov, Iskender; Deplazes, Peter; Saarma, Urmas; Babba, Hamouda; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). A multiplex PCR for the simultaneous detection and genotyping of the Echinococcus granulosus complex. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(1), e2017. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002017

Küster, Tatiana; Hermann, Corina; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2013). Subcutaneous infection model facilitates treatment assessment of secondary Alveolar echinococcosis in mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 7(5), e2235. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002235

Spiliotis, Markus (2012). Inverse fusion PCR cloning. PLoS ONE, 7(4), e35407. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0035407

Mizukami, Chiaki; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno; Yagi, Kinpei; Katakura, Ken; Oku, Yuzaburo (2010). Gene silencing in Echinococcus multilocularis protoscoleces using RNA interference. Parasitology international, 59(4), pp. 647-652. Elsevier 10.1016/j.parint.2010.08.010

Hemphill, A.; Stadelmann, B.; Scholl, S.; Muller, J.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Siles-Lucas, M. (2010). Echinococcus metacestodes as laboratory models for the screening of drugs against cestodes and trematodes. Parasitology, 137(3), pp. 569-87. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S003118200999117X

Spiliotis, M.; Mizukami, C.; Oku, Y.; Kiss, F.; Brehm, K.; Gottstein, B. (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis primary cells: improved isolation, small-scale cultivation and RNA interference. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 174(1), pp. 83-7. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2010.07.001

Stadelmann, B.; Spiliotis, M.; Muller, J.; Scholl, S.; Muller, N.; Gottstein, B.; Hemphill, A. (2010). Echinococcus multilocularis phosphoglucose isomerase (EmPGI): a glycolytic enzyme involved in metacestode growth and parasite-host cell interactions. International journal for parasitology, 40(13), pp. 1563-74. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2010.05.009

Spreng, David Emmanuel

Corsini, Marina; Geissbühler, Urs; Howard, J.; Gottstein, Bruno; Spreng, David; Frey, Caroline (2015). Clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Veterinary record, 177(22), p. 569. British Veterinary Association 10.1136/vr.103470

Spycher, Andrea

Spycher, A.; Geigy, C.; Howard, J.; Posthaus, Horst; Gendron, Karine; Gottstein, Bruno; Debache, K.; Herrmann, D.C.; Schares, G.; Frey, Caroline (2011). Isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii causing fatal systemic toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent 10-year-old cat. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, 23(1), pp. 104-8. Columbia, Mo.: American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians AAVLD 10.1177/104063871102300117

Spycher, Cornelia

Kunz, Stefan; Balmer, Vreni; Sterk, Geert Jan; Pollastri, Michael P; Leurs, Rob; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew; Spycher, Cornelia (2017). The single cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase of the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia represents a potential drug target. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(9), e0005891. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005891

Bernasconi, Christoph; Bodmer, Michèle; Doherr, M.G.; Janett, F.; Thomann, Andreas; Spycher, Cornelia; Iten, C.; Hentrich, Brigitte; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert; Frey, Caroline (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 200(3-4), pp. 289-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.12.029

Srinivasan, Sangeetha

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Mueller, Joachim; Suana, Angela; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Vaccination with microneme protein NcMIC4 increases mortality in mice inoculated with Neospora caninum. Journal of parasitology, 93(5), pp. 1046-55. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-1181R1.1

Staubli, Daniela

Staubli, Daniela; Nunez, Sandra; Sager, Heinz; Schares, Gereon; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum immunoblotting improves serodiagnosis of bovine neosporosis. Parasitology research, 99(6), pp. 648-58. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0207-y

Haerdi, Corinne; Haessig, Michael; Sager, Heinz; Greif, Gisela; Staubli, Daniela; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Humoral immune reaction of newborn calves congenitally infected with Neospora caninum and experimentally treated with toltrazuril. Parasitology research, 99(5), pp. 534-40. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0199-7

Staubli, Daniela; Sager, Heinz; Haerdi, Corinne; Haessig, Michael; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Precolostral serology in calves born from Neospora-seropositive mothers. Parasitology research, 99(4), pp. 398-404. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-006-0170-7

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Häsler, Barbara; Hernandez, Jorge A; Reist, Martin; Sager, Heinz; Steiner-Moret, Christine; Staubli, Daniela; Stärk, Katharina D C; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum: Serological follow-up in dairy cows during pregnancy. Veterinary parasitology, 137(3-4), pp. 222-30. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.01.007

Cortes, HC; Nunez, S; Reis, Y; Staubli, D; Vidal, r; Sager, H; Leitao, A; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Improved immunodiagnosis of Besnoitia besnoiti-infection in cattle by the use of ELISA and Westernblot. Veterinary parasitology, 141(3-4), pp. 216-225. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.05.023

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Steiner, Adrian

Olias, Philipp Alexander; Dettwiler, Ines Sarah; Hemphill, Andrew; Deplazes, P; Steiner, Adrian; Meylan, Mireille (2018). [The significance of cryptosporidiosis for the health of calves in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(6), pp. 363-374. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00163

Steiner-Moret, Christine

Sager, H; Moret, C Steiner; Müller, N; Staubli, D; Esposito, M; Schares, G; Hässig, M; Stärk, K; Gottstein, B (2006). Incidence of Neospora caninum and other intestinal protozoan parasites in populations of Swiss dogs. Veterinary parasitology, 139(1-3), pp. 84-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.02.021

Häsler, Barbara; Hernandez, Jorge A; Reist, Martin; Sager, Heinz; Steiner-Moret, Christine; Staubli, Daniela; Stärk, Katharina D C; Gottstein, Bruno (2006). Neospora caninum: Serological follow-up in dairy cows during pregnancy. Veterinary parasitology, 137(3-4), pp. 222-30. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2006.01.007

Stoffel, Michael Hubert

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria; Lobsiger, Lisbeth; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Kühni, Kathrin; Hilbe, Monika; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Geyer, Claudia; von Bomhard, Wolf (2009). Occurrence of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous lesions of horses in Central Europe. Veterinary parasitology, 166(3-4), pp. 346-351. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.09.001

Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine

Berenguer Veiga, Inês Margarida; Schediwy, Marion; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Marreros Canales, Nelson Antonio; Stokar von Neuforn, Nadine (2017). Serratospiculosis in Captive Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) in Switzerland. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 31(3), pp. 250-255. Association of Avian Veterinarians 10.1647/2016-204

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Strohbusch, Maria

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Studer, Valentin

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Stärk, Katharina

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Stünzi, Philipp

Frey, Caroline; Schild, Marc; Hemphill, Andrew; Stünzi, Philipp; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno; Burgener, Iwan (2009). Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR. Parasitology research, 104(4), pp. 783-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-008-1255-2

Suana, Angela

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Mueller, Joachim; Suana, Angela; Hemphill, Andrew (2007). Vaccination with microneme protein NcMIC4 increases mortality in mice inoculated with Neospora caninum. Journal of parasitology, 93(5), pp. 1046-55. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-1181R1.1

Summerfield, Artur

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Talker, Stephanie

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Tanaka, Shun

Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Basto, Afonso P; Tanaka, Shun; Ryser, Lorenz T; Nunes, Telmo P; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Arranz-Solís, David; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). Immunization with a cocktail of antigens fused with OprI reduces Neospora caninum vertical transmission and postnatal mortality in mice. Vaccine, 37(3), pp. 473-483. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.11.060

Theurillat, Regula

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Thomann, Andreas

Schönecker, Lutz; Schnydrig, Philipp; Brodard, Isabelle; Thomann, Andreas; Hemphill, Andrew; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Perreten, Vincent; Jores, Joerg; Kittl, Sonja (2021). Trueperella pecoris sp. nov. isolated from bovine and porcine specimens. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71(6) Society for General Microbiology SGM 10.1099/ijsem.0.004848

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Thormann, Wolfgang

Küster, Tatiana; Zumkehr, Beatrice; Hermann, Corina; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2012). Voluntary ingestion of antiparasitic drugs emulsified in honey represents an alternative to gavage in mice. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Journal, 51(2), pp. 219-223. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

Stettler, Marianne; Rossignol, Jean François; Fink, Renate; Walker, Mirjam; Gottstein, Bruno; Merli, Michael; Theurillat, Regula; Thormann, Wolfgang; Dricot, Eric; Segers, Rudi; Hemphill, Andrew (2004). Secondary and primary murine alveolar echinococcosis: combined albendazole/nitazoxanide chemotherapy exhibits profound anti-parasitic activity. International journal for parasitology, 34(5), pp. 615-624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpara.2004.01.006

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Talker, Stephanie C; Barut, G Tuba; Lischer, Heidi E L; Rufener, Reto; von Münchow, Lilly; Bruggmann, Rémy; Summerfield, Artur (2022). Monocyte biology conserved across species: Functional insights from cattle. Frontiers in immunology, 13, p. 889175. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2022.889175

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Uldry, Anne-Christine

Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Müller, Norbert; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). Investigating Antiprotozoal Chemotherapies with Novel Proteomic Tools-Chances and Limitations: A Critical Review. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25136903

Ajiboye, Jubilee; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Joachim (2024). Molecular Targets of the 5-Amido-Carboxamide Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 in Cryptosporidium parvum and HCT-8 Host Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(5) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25052707

Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia (2023). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii RH Wild-Type and Four SRS29B (SAG1) Knock-Out Clones Reveals Significant Differences between Individual Strains. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(13) MDPI 10.3390/ijms241310454

Müller, Joachim; Schlange, Carling; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2023). Proteomic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii ME49 derived strains resistant to the artemisinin derivatives artemiside and artemisone implies potential mode of action independent of ROS formation. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 1-12. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.11.005

Memedovski, Roman; Preza, Matías; Müller, Joachim; Kämpfer, Tobias Emmanuel; Rufener, Reto; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; de Andrade, Gabriel Fernandes; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Buchs, Natasha; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Investigation of the mechanism of action of mefloquine and derivatives against the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 21, pp. 114-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2023.03.002

Müller, Joachim; Preza, Matías; Kaethner, Marc; Rufener, Reto; Braga, Sophie; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Heller, Manfred; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Targeted and non-targeted proteomics to characterize the parasite proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, p. 1170763. Frontiers 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1170763

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Müller, Joachim; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Hänggeli, Kai; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2022). Common Molecular Targets of a Quinolone Based Bumped Kinase Inhibitor in Neospora caninum and Danio rerio. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms23042381

Müller, Joachim; Heller, Manfred; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga, Sophie; Müller, Norbert (2021). Nitroreductase Activites in Giardia lamblia: ORF 17150 Encodes a Quinone Reductase with Nitroreductase Activity. Pathogens, 10(2), p. 129. MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens10020129

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Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Vaithilingam, Jathana

Müller, Joachim; Rout, Samuel; Leitsch, David; Vaithilingam, Jathana; Hehl, Adrian; Müller, Norbert (2015). Comparative characterisation of two nitroreductases from Giardia lamblia as potential activators of nitro compounds. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(2), pp. 37-43. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.03.001

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Vassella, Erik

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Vermathen, Martina

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Vermathen, Peter

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Vidal Lopez, Sara

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Vidondo Curras, Beatriz Teresa

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Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Vigneswaran, Anitha

Boubaker, Ghalia; Bernal, Alice; Vigneswaran, Anitha; Imhof, Dennis; Ferreira de Sousa, Maria Cristina; Hänggeli, Kai Pascal Alexander; Haudenschild, Noé; Furrer, Julien; Păunescu, Emilia; Desiatkina, Oksana; Hemphill, Andrew (2024). In vitro and in vivo activities of a trithiolato-diRuthenium complex conjugated with sulfadoxine against the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 25(100544), p. 100544. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2024.100544

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Vogt, Hans-Rudolf

Marreros, Nelson; Hüssy, Daniela; Albini, Sarah; Frey, Caroline; Abril, Carlos; Vogt, Hans-Rudolf; Holzwarth, Nathalie; Wirz-Dittus, Sophie; Friess, Martina; Engels, Monika; Borel, Nicole; Willisch, Christian S; Signer, Claudio; Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre (2011). Epizootiologic Investigations of Selected Abortive Agents in Free-Ranging Alpine Ibex (Capra Ibex Ibex) in Switzerland. Journal of wildlife diseases, 47(3), pp. 530-543. Ames, Iowa: Wildlife Disease Association 10.7589/0090-3558-47.3.530

Von Schubert, Conrad

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Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Spicher, Martin; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Torgerson, Paul; Gottstein, Bruno; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). In vitro metacestodicidal activities of genistein and other isoflavones against Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(11), pp. 3770-8. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.00578-06

Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Baszler, Timothy; Vonlaufen, Nathalie; Leepin, Angela; Sanderson, Sanya J; Wastling, Jonathan M; Hemphill, Andrew (2006). Monoclonal antibody directed against Neospora caninum tachyzoite carbohydrate epitope reacts specifically with apical complex-associated sialylated beta tubulin. Journal of parasitology, 92(6), pp. 1235-43. Lawrence, Kans.: American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-889R.1

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Scheidegger, Alexandra; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Gianinazzi, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Leib, Stephen; Hemphill, Andrew (2005). Differential effects of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha on Toxoplasma gondii proliferation in organotypic rat brain slice cultures. Journal of parasitology, 91(2), pp. 307-315. American Society of Parasitologists 10.1645/GE-379R

Müller, Norbert; Vonlaufen, Nathalie Françoise F.; Gianinazzi, Christian; Leib, Stephen L.; Hemphill, Andrew (2002). Application of real-time fluorescent PCR for quantitative assessment of Neospora caninum infections in organotypic slice cultures of rat central nervous system tissue. Journal of clinical microbiology, 40(1), pp. 252-255. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/JCM.40.1.252-255.2002

Vu, Xuan Lan

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Vögtlin, Andrea

Schorer, Michelle; Vögtlin, Andrea; Hilbe, M.; Thür, Barbara; Posthaus, Horst; Braam, P.; Hadorn, D.; Schwermer, H. (2012). Überwachung des Schmallenberg-Virus in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(12), pp. 543-547. 10.1024/0036-7281/a000404

Waldvogel, Andreas

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3), pp. 178-187. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1194-5

Ammann, Petra; Waldvogel, Andreas; Breyer, Isabel; Esposito, Marco; Müller, Norbert; Gottstein, Bruno (2004). The role of B- and T-cell immunity in toltrazuril-treated C57BL/6 WT, µMT and nude mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum. Parasitology research, 93(3) Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00436-004-1083-y

Walti, Laura Naëmi

Perrodin, Stéphanie; Walti, Laura; Gottstein, Bruno; Kim-Fuchs, Corina; Candinas, Daniel; Banz, Vanessa (2019). Fasciola hepatica in a country of low incidence: a tricky diagnosis. Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition, 8(6), pp. 597-603. AME Publishing Company 10.21037/hbsn.2019.04.02

Wang, Junhua

Weingartner, Michael; Stücheli, Simon; Jebbawi, Fadi; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Wang, Junhua; Odermatt, Alex (2022). Albendazole reduces hepatic inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum-stress in a mouse model of chronic Echinococcus multilocularis infection. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 16(1), e0009192. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009192

Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Dosch, Michel; Goepfert, Christine; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua (2021). Innate and adaptive immune responses following PD-L1 blockade in treating chronic murine alveolar echinococcosis. Parasite immunology, 43(8), e12834. Wiley 10.1111/pim.12834

Gómez, Cristina; Jebbawi, Fadi; Weingartner, Michael; Wang, Junhua; Stücheli, Simon; Stieger, Bruno; Gottstein, Bruno; Beldi, Guido; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Odermatt, Alex (2021). Impact on Bile Acid Concentrations by Alveolar Echinococcosis and Treatment with Albendazole in Mice. Metabolites, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/metabo11070442

Benazzouz, Sara; Amri, Manel; Wang, Junhua; Bouaziz, Samia; Ameur, Fahima; Djebbara, Sara; Achour, Karima; Gottstein, Bruno; Touil-Boukoffa, Chafia (2021). In vitro immunoregulatory activity and anti-inflammatory effect of Echinococcus granulosus laminated layer. Acta tropica, 218, p. 105886. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actatropica.2021.105886

Wang, Junhua; von Gunten, Stephan; Beldi, Guido; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Gottstein, Bruno (2021). Digest the Sugar, Kill the Parasite: A New Experimental Concept in Treating Alveolar Echinococcosis. Pharmacology, 106(1-2), pp. 3-8. Karger 10.1159/000509355

Boubaker, Ghalia; Strempel, Sebastian; Hemphill, Andrew; Müller, Norbert; Wang, Junhua; Gottstein, Bruno; Spiliotis, Markus (2020). Regulation of hepatic microRNAs in response to early stage Echinococcus multilocularis egg infection in C57BL/6 mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 14(5), e0007640. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007640

Wang, Junhua; Marreros, Nelson; Rufener, Reto; Hemphill, Andrew; Gottstein, Bruno; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2020). Short communication: Efficacy of albendazole in Echinococcus multilocularis-infected mice depends on the functional immunity of the host. Experimental parasitology, 219, p. 108013. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2020.108013

Gottstein, Bruno; Lachenmayer, Anja; Beldi, Guido; Wang, Junhua; Merkle, Bernadette; Vu, Xuan Lan; Kurath, Ursula; Müller, Norbert (2019). Diagnostic and follow-up performance of serological tests for different forms/courses of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 16, e00055. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00055

Wang, Junhua; Jebbawi, Fadi; Bellanger, Anne-Pauline; Beldi, Guido; Millon, Laurence; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Immunotherapy of alveolar echinococcosis via PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade in mice. Parasite immunology, 40(12), e12596. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/pim.12596

Wang, Junhua; Cardoso, Rita; Marreros, Nelson; Müller, Norbert; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta; Siffert, Myriam; Vuitton, Dominique A; Boué, Franck; Lin, Renyong; Wen, Hao; Gottstein, Bruno (2018). Foxp3 T Regulatory Cells as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy against Primary Infection with Echinococcus multilocularis Eggs. Infection and immunity, 86(10) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.00542-18

De Amorim Cardoso, Rita Isabel; Wang, Junhua; Müller, Joachim; Rupp, Sebastian Dominic Alexander; Leitão, Alexandre; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Modulation of cis- and trans- Golgi and the Rab9A-GTPase during infection by Besnoitia besnoiti, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Experimental parasitology, 187, pp. 75-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2018.02.008

Valot, Benoît; Rognon, Bénédicte; Prenel, Anais; Baraquin, Alice; Knapp, Jenny; Anelli, Mathilde; Richou, Carine; Bresson-Hadni, Solange; Grenouillet, Frederic; Wang, Junhua; Vuitton, Dominique Angèle; Gottstein, Bruno; Millon, Laurence (2017). Screening of antigenic vesicular fluid proteins of Echinococcus multilocularis as potential viability biomarkers to monitor drug response in alveolar echinococcosis patients. Proteomics. Clinical applications, 11(11-12) Wiley 10.1002/prca.201700010

Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Wang, Junhua; Muhtarov, Marin; Chaligiannis, Ilias; Sotiraki, Smaro; Rainova, Iskra; Gottstein, Bruno; Boubaker, Ghalia (2017). Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from Bulgarian human cystic echinococcosis patients. Parasitology research, 116(3), pp. 1043-1054. Springer 10.1007/s00436-017-5386-1

Gottstein, Bruno; Soboslay, P; Ortona, E; Wang, Junhua; Siracusano, A; Vuitton, D Α (2017). Immunology of Alveolar and Cystic Echinococcosis (AE and CE). Advances in Parasitology, 96, pp. 1-54. Elsevier 10.1016/bs.apar.2016.09.005

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Wang, Junhua; Siffert, Myriam; Spiliotis, Markus; Gottstein, Bruno (2016). Repeated Long-Term DT Application in the DEREG Mouse Induces a Neutralizing Anti-DT Antibody Response. Journal of immunology research, 2016, p. 1450398. Hindawi Publishing Corporation 10.1155/2016/1450398

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Boubaker, Ghalia; Marinova, Irina; Spiliotis, Markus; Müller, Norbert; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Susceptibility versus resistance in alveolar echinococcosis (larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis). Veterinary parasitology, 213(3-4), pp. 103-109. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2015.07.029

Wang, Junhua; Lin, Renyong; Zhang, Wenbao; Li, Liang; Gottstein, Bruno; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Lü, Guodong; Zhang, Chuangshan; Lu, Xiaomei; Vuitton, Dominique A; Wen, Hao (2014). Transcriptional profiles of cytokine/chemokine factors of immune cell-homing to the parasitic lesions: a comprehensive one-year course study in the liver of E. multilocularis-infected mice. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e91638. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0091638

Gottstein, Bruno; Wang, Junhua; Blagosklonov, Oleg; Grenouillet, Frédéric; Millon, Laurence; Vuitton, Dominique A.; Müller, Norbert (2014). Echinococcus metacestode: in search of viability markers. Parasite, 21, p. 63. Princeps Editions 10.1051/parasite/2014063

Porot, Clémence; Knapp, Jenny; Wang, Junhua; Germain, Stéphane; Camporese, Davide; Seimbille, Yann; Boulahdour, Hatem; Vuitton, Dominique A; Gottstein, Bruno; Blagosklonov, Oleg (2014). Development of a specific tracer for metabolic imaging of alveolar echinococcosis: A preclinical study. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conference proceedings, 2014, pp. 5587-5590. IEEE Service Center 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6944893

Wang, Lei

Brand, Michael; Wang, Lei; Agnello, Stefano; Gazzola, Silvia; Gall, Flavio M; Raguž, Luka; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Remo S; Ritschl, Amélie; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäser, Pascal; Bütikofer, Peter; Adams, Michael; Riedl, Rainer (2021). Antiprotozoal Structure-Activity Relationships of Synthetic Leucinostatin Derivatives and Elucidation of their Mode of Action. Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), 60(28), pp. 15613-15621. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/anie.202102153

Welle, Monika Maria

Müller, Norbert; Hentrich, Brigitte; Frey, Caroline; Welle, Monika Maria (2015). Quantitative PCR for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded skin sections. Molecular and cellular probes, 29(6), pp. 507-510. Elsevier 10.1016/j.mcp.2015.09.008

Berzina, Inese; Krudewig, Christiane; Silaghi, Cornelia; Matise, Ilze; Ranka, Renate; Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria (2014). Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA amplified from lesional skin of seropositive dogs. Ticks and tick-borne diseases, 5(3), pp. 329-335. Urban und Fischer 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.12.010

Müller, Norbert; Welle, Monika Maria; Lobsiger, Lisbeth; Stoffel, Michael Hubert; Kühni, Kathrin; Hilbe, Monika; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Geyer, Claudia; von Bomhard, Wolf (2009). Occurrence of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous lesions of horses in Central Europe. Veterinary parasitology, 166(3-4), pp. 346-351. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.09.001

von Allmen, N; Christen, S; Forster, U; Gottstein, B; Welle, M; Müller, N (2006). Acute trichinellosis increases susceptibility to Giardia lamblia infection in the mouse model. Parasitology, 133(Pt 2), pp. 139-49. London: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0031182006000230

Bienz, Marianne; Dai, Wen Juan; Welle, Monika Maria; Gottstein, Bruno; Müller, Norbert (2003). Interleukin-6-deficient mice are highly susceptible to Giardia lamblia infection but exhibit normal intestinal immunoglobulin A responses against the parasite. Infection and immunity, 71(3), pp. 1569-1573. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/IAI.71.3.1569-1573.2003

Widmer, Hans Rudolf

Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Wimmershoff, Julia

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Winzer, Pablo Arnold

Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Haenggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 17, pp. 92-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.08.007

Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo; Balmer, Vreni; Ramseier, Jessica; Hänggeli, Kai; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Matthew A; Whitman, Grant R; Arnold, Samuel L M; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Doggett, J Stone; Ortega-Mora, Luis M; Hemphill, Andrew (2021). In vitro activity, safety and in vivo efficacy of the novel bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 in non-pregnant and pregnant mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites and Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 16, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.05.001

Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hulverson, Matthew A; Choi, Ryan; Huang, Wenlin; Arnold, Samuel L M; Schaefer, Deborah A; Betzer, Dana P; Vidadala, Rama S R; Lee, Sangun; Whitman, Grant R; Barrett, Lynn K; Maly, Dustin J; Riggs, Michael W; Fan, Erkang; Kennedy, Thomas J; Tzipori, Saul; Doggett, J Stone; Winzer, Pablo; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; ... (2021). One health therapeutics: Target-Based drug development for cryptosporidiosis and other apicomplexa diseases. Veterinary parasitology, 289, p. 109336. Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109336

Anghel, Nicoleta; Winzer, Pablo A.; Imhof, Dennis; Müller, Joachim; Langa, Javier; Rieder, Jessica; Barrett, Lynn K.; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Huang, Wenlin; Choi, Ryan; Hulverson, Mathew A.; Whitman, Grant R.; Arnold, Samuel L.; Van Voorhis, Wesley C.; Ojo, Kayode K.; Maly, Dustin J.; Fan, Erkang; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Comparative assessment of the effects of bumped kinase inhibitorson early zebrafish embryo development and pregnancy in mice. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 56(3), p. 106099. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106099

Winzer, Pablo; Müller, Joachim; Imhof, Dennis; Ritler, Dominic; Uldry, Anne-Christine; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Heller, Manfred; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Differential Proteome of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Microorganisms, 8(6) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms8060801

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Anghel, Nicoleta; Imhof, Dennis; Balmer, Vreni; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Müller, Joachim; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). Neospora caninum: Structure and Fate of Multinucleated Complexes Induced by the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1294. Pathogens, 9(5) MDPI AG 10.3390/pathogens9050382

Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo A.; Samby, Kirandeep; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). In Vitro Activities of MMV Malaria Box Compounds against the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum, the Causative Agent of Neosporosis in Animals. Molecules, 25(6) MDPI 10.3390/molecules25061460

Winzer, Pablo; Imhof, Dennis; Anghel, Nicoleta; Ritler, Dominic; Müller, Joachim; Boubaker, Ghalia; Aguado-Martinez, Adriana; Ortega-Mora, Luis-Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; VanVoorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2020). The Impact of BKI-1294 Therapy in Mice Infected With the Apicomplexan Parasite Neospora caninum and Re-infected During Pregnancy. Frontiers in veterinary science, 7, p. 587570. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2020.587570

Anghel, Nicoleta; Balmer, Vreni; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Roozbehani, Mona; Pou, Sovitj; Nilsen, Aaron; Riscoe, Michael; Doggett, J Stone; Hemphill, Andrew (2018). Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Promising Efficacy Against Neospora Caninum in vitro and in Experimentally Infected Pregnant Mice. Frontiers in veterinary science, 5, p. 285. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2018.00285

Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Balmer, Vreni; Manser, Vera; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Ojo, Kayode K; Fan, Erkang; Maly, Dustin J; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 in the Related Cyst-Forming Apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 59(10), pp. 6361-6374. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AAC.01236-15

Müller, Joachim; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Rahman, Mahbubur; Manser, Vera; Haynes, Richard K; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). In vitro effects of new artemisinin derivatives in Neospora caninum-infected human fibroblasts. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 46(1), pp. 88-93. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2015.02.020

Müller, Joachim; Aguado Martinez, Adriana; Manser, Vera; Balmer, Vreni; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Ritler, Dominic; Hostettler, Isabel; Arranz Solis, David; Ortega-Mora, Luis; Hemphill, Andrew (2015). Buparvaquone is active against Neospora caninum in vitro and in experimentally infected mice. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 5(1), pp. 16-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.02.001

Ojo, Kayode K; Reid, Molly C; Kallur Siddaramaiah, Latha; Müller, Joachim; Winzer, Pablo Arnold; Zhang, Zhongsheng; Keyloun, Katelyn R; Vidadala, Rama Subba Rao; Merritt, Ethan A; Hol, Wim G J; Maly, Dustin J; Fan, Erkang; Van Voorhis, Wesley C; Hemphill, Andrew (2014). Neospora caninum calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 is an effective drug target for neosporosis therapy. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e92929. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0092929

Wittwer, Christine

Schuppers, M.E.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Graf, Ramona; Eidam, Verena; Wittwer, Christine; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2010). A study to demonstrate freedom of Trichinella spp. in domestic pigs in Switzerland. Zoonoses and public health, 57(7-8), pp. 130-135. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2009.01299.x

Wittwer, Matthias

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Müller, Norbert; Beuret, Christian; Heller, Manfred; Schürch, Nadia; Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias (2014). Genome-wide identification of pathogenicity factors of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. BMC Genomics, 15(1), p. 496. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2164-15-496

Zysset-Burri, Denise C.; Bellac, Caroline L; Leib, Stephen L.; Wittwer, Matthias (2013). Vitamin B6 reduces hippocampal apoptosis in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. BMC infectious diseases, 13, p. 393. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-13-393

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Gottstein, Bruno; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Hemphill, Andrew; Schürch, Nadia; Wittwer, Matthias; Müller, Norbert (2012). Development of a high- versus low-pathogenicity model of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. Microbiology, 158(Pt 10), pp. 2652-2660. Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.059790-0

Wolfer, Lina Aymée

Wolfer, L A; Basso, W U; Frey, C F; Schuller, S; Amphimaque, B; Jankovic, J; Howard, J; Peters, L M (2023). Biliary Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in a dog under immunomodulatory therapy. Journal of small animal practice, 64(8), pp. 535-538. Wiley 10.1111/jsap.13612

Woods, Kerry

Huber, Sandra; Bär, Anina; Epp, Selina; Schmuckli-Maurer, Jacqueline; Eberhard, Naja; Humbel, Bruno M; Hemphill, Andrew; Woods, Kerry (2020). Recruitment of Host Nuclear Pore Components to the Vicinity of Theileria Schizonts. mSphere, 5(1) American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00709-19

Würbel, Hanno

Novak, Janja; Jaric, Ivana; Rosso, Marianna; Rufener, Reto; Touma, Chadi; Würbel, Hanno (2022). Handling method affects measures of anxiety, but not chronic stress in mice. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p. 20938. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-022-25090-9

Yerly, Anaïs Elodie

Marcu, Irene C.; Eberhard, Naja; Yerly, Anaïs; Balmer, Verena; Hemphill, Andrew; Mogel, Helga; Gaschen, Véronique; Stoffel, Michael H.; Bluteau, Jasmin (2020). Isolation of Human Small Extracellular Vesicles and Tracking of their Uptake by Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells In Vitro. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(11), pp. 1-19. MDPI 10.3390/ijms21113799

Zanolari, Patrik

Luginbühl, Carmen; Basso, Walter; Zanolari, Patrik (November 2023). Rentierhaltung und Parasiteninfektionen bei Rentieren in der Schweiz. Forum Kleinwiederkäuer, pp. 6-11. Verlagsgenossenschaft Caprovis

Luginbühl, Carmen; Gross, Josef; Wenker, Christian; Hoby, Stefan; Basso, Walter; Zanolari, Patrik (2023). Reindeer Husbandry in Switzerland-Management, Feeding, and Endoparasite Infections. Animals, 13(9) MDPI 10.3390/ani13091444

Gliga, Diana S; Basso, Walter; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Schares, Gereon; Zanolari, Patrik; Frey, Caroline F (2022). Switzerland-wide Neospora caninum seroprevalence in female cattle and identification of risk factors for infection. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9(1059697), p. 1059697. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.1059697

Basso, Walter; Holenweger, Fabienne; Schares, Gereon; Müller, Norbert; Campero, Lucia M; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Frey, Caroline F; Zanolari, Patrik (2022). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in sheep and goats in Switzerland: Seroprevalence and occurrence in aborted foetuses. Food and waterborne parasitology, 28(e00176), e00176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Rüfli, Isabelle; Gurtner, Corinne; Basso, Walter U.; Vidondo, Beatriz; Hirsbrunner, Gabriela; Zanolari, Patrik (2021). Causes of Abortions in South American Camelids in Switzerland-Cases and Questionnaire. Animals, 11(7) MDPI 10.3390/ani11071956

Basso, Walter; Sollberger, Elena; Schares, Gereon; Küker, Ursula; Ardüser, Flurin; Moore-Jones, Gaia; Zanolari, Patrik (2020). Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in South American camelids in Switzerland and assessment of serological tests for diagnosis. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1), p. 256. BioMed Central 10.1186/S13071-020-04128-9

Zeeh, Friederike

Eichhorn, Linus; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Doherr, Marcus; Zeeh, Friederike (2013). [First time detection of lung worms in free range swine in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(4), pp. 159-161. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000324

Zielinski, Jana

Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zielinski, Jana; Dick, Luca; da Silva, Emerson Teixeira; da Silva Araujo, Adriele; Joekel, Deborah Elisabeth; Czock, David; Göpfert, Christine; Moraes, Adriana Marques; de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Nora; Müller, Joachim; Mevissen, Meike; Hemphill, Andrew; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2018). Activity of mefloquine and mefloquine derivatives against Echinococcus multilocularis. International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance, 8(2), pp. 331-340. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2018.06.004

Zimmermann, Werner

Eichhorn, Linus; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline; Doherr, Marcus; Zeeh, Friederike (2013). [First time detection of lung worms in free range swine in Switzerland]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(4), pp. 159-161. Huber 10.1024/0036-7281/a000324

Schuppers, M.E.; Rosenberg, Gertrud; Graf, Ramona; Eidam, Verena; Wittwer, Christine; Zimmermann, Werner; Gottstein, Bruno; Frey, Caroline (2010). A study to demonstrate freedom of Trichinella spp. in domestic pigs in Switzerland. Zoonoses and public health, 57(7-8), pp. 130-135. Berlin: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2009.01299.x

Zumkehr, Béatrice

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Gottstein, Bruno; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Hemphill, Andrew; Schürch, Nadia; Wittwer, Matthias; Müller, Norbert (2012). Development of a high- versus low-pathogenicity model of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. Microbiology, 158(Pt 10), pp. 2652-2660. Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.059790-0

Gianinazzi, C.; Schild, M.; Zumkehr, B.; Wuthrich, F.; Nuesch, I.; Ryter, R.; Schurch, N.; Gottstein, B.; Muller, N. (2010). Screening of Swiss hot spring resorts for potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae. Experimental parasitology, 126(1), pp. 45-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.exppara.2009.12.008

Lobsiger, L.; Müller, Norbert; Schweizer, T.; Frey, Caroline; Wiederkehr, D.; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Gottstein, Bruno (2010). An autochthonous case of cutaneous bovine leishmaniasis in Switzerland. Veterinary parasitology, 169(3-4), pp. 408-14. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.vetpar.2010.01.022

Zumstein, Pascal

Kaethner, Marc; Zumstein, Pascal; Preza, Matías; Grossenbacher, Philipp; Bartetzko, Anissa; Lochner, Martin; Schürch, Stefan; Regnault, Clement; Villalobos Ramirez, Daniel; Lundström Stadelmann, Britta (27 July 2024). Investigation of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis: the threonine dehydrogenase as a potential drug target in alveolar echinococcosis (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.27.605433

Kaethner, Marc; Preza, Matías; Kaempfer, Tobias; Zumstein, Pascal; Tamponi, Claudia; Varcasia, Antonio; Hemphill, Andrew; Brehm, Klaus; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2023). Establishment and application of unbiased in vitro drug screening assays for the identification of compounds against Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 17(8), e0011343. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011343

Zurbriggen, Andreas

Fadda, Angela; Bärtschi, Michelle; Hemphill, Andrew; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Zurbriggen, Andreas; Perona, P; Vidondo Curras, Beatriz; Oevermann, Anna (2016). Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtered Calves. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168228. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168228

Zurbriggen, Raphael Peter

Chaudhry, Sheena; Zurbriggen, Raphael; Preza, Matías; Kämpfer, Tobias; Kaethner, Marc; Memedovski, Roman; Scorrano, Nathalie; Hemphill, Andrew; Doggett, Joseph Stone; Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta (2022). Dual inhibition of the Echinococcus multilocularis energy metabolism. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9, p. 981664. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fvets.2022.981664

Lundström-Stadelmann, Britta; Rufener, Reto; Ritler, Dominic; Zurbriggen, Raphael Peter; Hemphill, Andrew (2019). The importance of being parasiticidal… an update on drug development for the treatment of alveolar echinococcosis. Food and waterborne parasitology, 15, e00040. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fawpar.2019.e00040

Zwahlen, Marcel

Stojkovic, Marija; Adt, Hans-Micha; Rosenberger, Kerstin; Boubaker, Ghalia; Hernandez-Gonzalez, Ana; Junghanss, Thomas; Zwahlen, Marcel; Siles-Lucas, Mar (2017). Follow-up of surgically treated patients with cystic echinococcosis: can novel recombinant antigens compete with imaging? Analysis of a patient cohort. Tropical medicine and international health TM&IH, 22(5), pp. 614-621. Blackwell Science 10.1111/tmi.12859

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne

Herman, Emily K; Greninger, Alex; van der Giezen, Mark; Ginger, Michael L; Ramirez-Macias, Inmaculada; Miller, Haylea C; Morgan, Matthew J; Tsaousis, Anastasios D; Velle, Katrina; Vargová, Romana; Záhonová, Kristína; Najle, Sebastian Rodrigo; MacIntyre, Georgina; Muller, Norbert; Wittwer, Mattias; Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Eliáš, Marek; Slamovits, Claudio H; Weirauch, Matthew T; Fritz-Laylin, Lillian; ... (2021). Genomics and transcriptomics yields a system-level view of the biology of the pathogen Naegleria fowleri. BMC biology, 19(1), p. 142. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12915-021-01078-1

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Müller, Norbert; Beuret, Christian; Heller, Manfred; Schürch, Nadia; Gottstein, Bruno; Wittwer, Matthias (2014). Genome-wide identification of pathogenicity factors of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. BMC Genomics, 15(1), p. 496. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2164-15-496

Zysset-Burri, Denise C.; Bellac, Caroline L; Leib, Stephen L.; Wittwer, Matthias (2013). Vitamin B6 reduces hippocampal apoptosis in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. BMC infectious diseases, 13, p. 393. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-13-393

Zysset-Burri, Denise Corinne; Gottstein, Bruno; Zumkehr, Béatrice; Hemphill, Andrew; Schürch, Nadia; Wittwer, Matthias; Müller, Norbert (2012). Development of a high- versus low-pathogenicity model of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri. Microbiology, 158(Pt 10), pp. 2652-2660. Society for General Microbiology 10.1099/mic.0.059790-0

Zühlke, Irene Sophie

Meister, Seraina L; Wenker, Christian; Wyss, Fabia; Zühlke, Irene; Berenguer Veiga, Inês; Basso, Walter U (2022). Syngamus trachea in free-ranging white stork (Ciconia ciconia) nestlings in Switzerland. International journal for parasitology. Parasites and wildlife, 18, pp. 76-81. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.04.007

Zürcher, Samoa Micheline

Frey, Caroline F; Basso, W U; Zürcher-Giovannini, S; Marti, I; Borel, S; Guthruf, S; Gliga, D; Lundström Stadelmann, B; Origgi, F C; Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P (2022). The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1), pp. 71-78. Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte 10.17236/sat00338

von Gunten, Stephan

Wang, Junhua; von Gunten, Stephan; Beldi, Guido; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Gottstein, Bruno (2021). Digest the Sugar, Kill the Parasite: A New Experimental Concept in Treating Alveolar Echinococcosis. Pharmacology, 106(1-2), pp. 3-8. Karger 10.1159/000509355

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